' ' " Jt ' . .. : . ., : , T-.-T ' ' ' ' ' - THE-FPuVNraIMES. r7 r--,:ir,U ; 1 m w w t w THE-FItaKICUriTIMES- PUBUSHED EVEBY FBIOAY, BV j , 5 it fl J. .'5 ti ' fit! J 5 fi i V li Titx Tnrxs is tii ' only-newfrawa i I.'.!:: t jii UiH'X ft poUIibed ia-Frtrira gcuntyt-aad-l --'. ' mmmmmmmmtommm -mtm-- "JbbbbV .IV 7 j n a f J - - circuauoQ exieixis aa over fvery les tion of this and aiVihii 'tnmticA ' cAi '.1. 'jUJ UiH')1 T . t r-. IT J 1 .:' ' V - ..-.' I : r . i' -irMi'Vi f'M- J.-1 : ii lliT I . . , ... I ... If L.. ,.U . t ! " J . - . . 1 1 . T I !.,-! f ''f . . . r-.. T -4. . . .-. . it,.: 'I 4T .-1 i Six Uoxths 1.00; J. A. T3IOIIA0, Editor and Proprietor. To Clutia of 2 The Tndj wni urniihod at L40. V' - H priotor. ;r itu malice tovthd NONEyiwrrifcnAnrr fodfr v thp nrTUmi L II In AflTsaco -VOL. XS -t lLi01l'-Y'iV-'.ii"'. 1 n't . t i !( ii v i ISBURGMg. MARCH ft 1389.- 77 7f -'' 1 . NO. 5: WbyJ-ook Back? a BY CABIKE. v Alon the track of Tears gone by, lWby look withead' and tear-dim-. " " medeye. . " " . And moaning o'er a misspent day ' : .-IZcglectto guard Ihft present 4&y jj -fTTcre letter leHT to '-j&Ieep 'entombed. , I Wita dreams tnat oace our iivesr.u- iyi V.il 1 J . VXAl i $ itemed.' 1 1 u.'-i P ' :M were; ' -.; w-.:-v",;:: h- ' For even now, some chance may -: be ' From every contrite soul Ha epota, If J L J . U i.V. l .-a 11 4 r", 1 i ix u uruat we ecu uie wiuik I ) 3 I f I Which flows for us from qalvary's M r---. - I . iuDncaii&ecoraer. -rfn i iQ"nJ l)r7nrl L aomaad bearl'a my. ., i?ihaid in feixyJjJots roi7Ti fiii it 1 j nil 1 , Thl. piwde.r varii. A-vl of "7EAR THESE FC3 IM SAKE " ad ea4 k ld' lnmptioa U ltit4e f If wHrM Wt wti lnm rjkM1iat owd-w. SOLD ONLY IK CAXS. EOTA BAK1KO POWDBR , CO. , 106 all 8.N Y NDEBOF A YWWQ CF" sTllASSJENBUBG, AN BXSIKO DIPLOMAT AT . . - WrASHIXGTOX. . . . t Froiu Gray 6 Gay. A cluster of ten grates .attracta, the J-'-' f eye of every yard at These ayes and . the .ledgen.bove !- i;,ty O'.ii'W ! 8TATfiNEWaiH '. : : i A leifi JrmUdelDbia the other d.av Tm I .... PrvTon-rt t V ;OT?WftpasanSerwluliad-U;nota ' yll .reb'y. J8S9. v rrerjr one wnoa.viSMS.KtM ,.ratre. I rrrrr- -7t e gates in the:,depqt by,pm-, r Samuch hrw-4-d-W-th Ar!:v ' VX vrf r;;, J It "I r,rrtTS .fta t station, .but do Of Gold Mine, perhaps a hia- I. f v-,,c :v. 1 lie intended to cet to.Aew York. As T 1 torvof hia KfXnTwTmtfiTnaW Af. r- - ' ! Tta TZlzt w3 tot tTC7c&!a: fttefcmofcomapotxkata. " ,--f 1 ' 1 ISricf eomnmnkalioca froo 3 teo-; -Uona) most, ,earneUly aoiidtetL, 4 - ) : s-;:r r:t 7 1 7 k-i.l.i -t,.:jll - . 1 IJawaxenimUTwuweaensor riu- The rrcsbytehan church at 'States-' took ip his ticket potted hixiot, ,a jtorest to the rca-lcrr of the TmE8,to I Hnor. j :tAt tie' heads ot fre V five larger yille Ja; lifted by eiectrHty;" : ' ! 'V bady,' and aa not sniped ; to find J many of whom be'wai welTknown. He ( fgravessUndplam marble JsUba,-each ''tI- kxteen" mnUnW iboard wbmheVhad . inssed: his I was a half terrier -and whv a,'!nn21 I y 1 1 T j . . . jTrTTTi -77; jrT i t- i w flv rhfldren thin vMrW I -- """"r1- cuecK I VI ua oiaomesB, no was named S. I rt Alcolorrf Treacher : toit -n IlbS the cteth and anvon, mX ea, .and being a present from their nacle,- ; : Boston Uncle- Cxwz, da yyou ou think; my pbotoaphj dq.mejaatx-efi -ji r9 Uncle Gawge (uitxaJIj) Yw. ,Em-f ' liaa,luiUce wiiWmwy.'V ' ' ' 1 - - " 5A . This- remedy U becorsJns " weir11 : knru aad ao popular & to seed our special menUoa. . AU who ,hTS oed f t'ectrio UlUem sins the aame tons of praised-A fvrcr medicine dues not'11 ' exiataa&it is sosranleei t doaU1 -1 thstlscMiuttd, ' Electric Bitters 'Will . .o curekUidlseasea of the liver and. &id ;.,7ti. neyi will remove pimplea boils, salt . rbeum, arid other aft ctions'caused by " ' ' lasptre blood. Win drive - malaria ' " J from! the sysUra and pre vent as wall. . as ctra all malarial fevrrs. .For cva. rr ot haadache, ontUpalion and iodises- , -. t tkm try Electrio Uitters-itUra , sal- , 5 i i . r J.I' no naa Uie same t onmca 4 uw ? n estero jxctih Ate,, voa - elcrevman r ' , I askid. over them an I varouna i&anroaaf was saiica last-1 week I "Yes sir." - r n i l r .. I . - j-.. ' t aw aenominanon rv i i. he seemed to fully understand the' play, aud Kould either1 hide ror 'seek' at a word from them." : In many other things a t W J -a . , - "mT k us manuesiea so raacn msancv i u ' n called)' I could not but call It sensed If one of my children or "myself ; went T to drife! a cow, borseor hog 'anywhers) he Ufsdioa guaranteed ot money reAmoV-k ed.-iFrka0 cUiand $1 ver UuW at ' W. EL rcmitts, Jr Drusstorck According to the New York " Herald crMpoodenl i& WaRhonisriit- mance andiiusaaventure which nas just U ace w lb oan ttooa I Vaked oat. f Mf . George Barclay of Op receive prompt attention. m liiUijtig of Miss Leiter. the beauti ful western heiress, who has turned all hn)msfmf ..iVWl 'toi . hW: I 'i:A.coloTed preacher - la -am applicant USrl-r u- , I v. 1, . " T .7 I r r- ; . drt.Ti,U'i .j; "Vi -,EW j, uau joe , misior i ,me omuratr uoame very mnc& aiucncu nmr-.u.mj. tt 1 for the IJuicomtoa TiostcSM and m ' nr. I ' r !. ' ;..... . ... i . --- . . T!rT . I ,w? t? "-r'- l Bmetoioeemy purse to tTuladelpbia I to Bck,' made quite a pet of him.:-In turn liy.tnesjooieacnmoUierBJeepa l r-T.fr - n. - I have friends in the citv and will nar I manv of 'theirblava he winlJ. tak?a. ' - , . i Tou unjuKruw. i rieam nTa mm vnur mu. ana wnm nunnc nm iiu'imv. pa ? .i ,j , j,;, ;,,, i vw.-. " vu. wo tuK,m. i oarne and address. . ut aaia tne reason kind of tombstone placed was hi strict aenae of im UU UVw OIU1 WW .Ml UK. -IV MO I . Jt. lUUTlRf I JUfTI mT1B.Ul WSUI ' Irl TTATl I KQTIIf TJ - . i ; i Dyve passenger tram oa we ,iolma r f "tsnce whedr'. i nif - ; . f sH . P WKa1 Cenfiral, Baaroad,ear E)ckmgham last I In uFor fifteen years? tit." v wish to show any partJality w the , mat- J Satorday night-He1 waa walkmg: on ! s ' uBeing a BapjftB you, must' ibelieve would attempt to a'and'aeemaa to m ' .f-IWT, 'iirtlilGkJsWa to SUSohnfer' ltand Vhai was Wtod. )n one iiaaw are sa arranged j.carfoohe.-w .lying ,1a my wife'a! X noat rcsrtfullv cfiet ey acr- -"r.T- v,"i,, .""Ti.vr'i. v" i,t;;wBT,,kA.roBranion rinumr ami" . -. i room, ana ane saw some caivca m. toe i tkci io us ivoik ia comes.the heads .remarked ;;t. WTes i r ) EYE RYT?ATT't!!T CF ' r.Tv"rT.::r-i!..vT2' i Aue mecucme venucr wno gives away I verae 01 tne uraj, caapier ot joau. - .wgn w w utpi w. to oe jwu, wu 1 .a JMjm: 'I ti 1 jr.' - " . - w . pi r mX - vrnrfwiaaw arirn rM vnAnikiviA m nw rm. TCI ' ' ' ' . : " ' '' ' .t'r -1 LOUt SB J yf 11 attend the" Oourta of Nash, J backing himself to dye jUkUm -.Bruas-i u 1 1 wick Hotel, dress for dinner and rttiirn w aae court . Circuit anilXflTBiOT0pj0T this feat mside of seven min ute Itjlndoubtedly owing to this nervous haste abnormally developed in -at otfrirse. vbal slow. Ifatwrm that; Mr. Barclay has now to accept bis pres- tiodr- :r St. Js5 MALONK. O flee 2 doora below : Fiirman A wKke Drug"St(Jlfe7"adTJlflrn2 X3T.' ens morunca Ofiee 1 h Court House AUL JONES boXpfdses to be sent to his lodgings. Late for dinner, as usual, he rushed home, dashed off a pretty note to Miss Leiter, saying: 44 Wear these this even- AttarneTaii CmsEllir it La. Hiy"1 the -note LOUIS HUKG N. C. ' : I and the box conmining the woolen goods Will practice In the courts : of I to his servant, while the bok of roses Franklin. Warren, Wake. -Vance rmQ;nMi nnn rr tww. u mI lkTftt a m4 IvA Ci,uaavsA 4sas4 I akaV fanTnTinH- UT. . rrl ,t: '8frr face flushed with pleasure as she The Superintendent of Public ... richooh of Franklin coonty will be "May I hope that you will wear i 11 Loulsburz on the second Tbure- these for my sake f; fc With eager hands day of February. April. September. I she untied the fastenings of the box and October and December, nd fetnahr-f ltofihVlinVwhen lo. to her astonished for three days, if neceasarjv for the was revealed,- not , the expected rrJKT :.ro..tr;:,":T;,7,:,: flowers, but a complete set of men's Tun- i" Havmf raturned to Iouisbof, for ; v..; 't.r IW, I kjentlv did Steiesrilli Wn ? it ing legend and moral,: fmi -J , d hk wt WJl twi n. - inrir. r-."--.:! -I,--1 Saartry.;Itarham, bTre: Lth .his ,;.;h it m 1 throa I could mention quite a number I College ,nof,JpETAL, SUUGJSBY., (Mv wife-JTaa. asredSl. vd UT.il 1r:AM-bifl2 ieTdMl i,4My;wifo aged 27!. h ,'1. it if ruttle Birme.' .Jfifj iMaraged k 'Vf. ;- f cuttle smth." x e ;,:prtsy,a-ed .g?ti?S -.-.i mi Uttle Hope.?'!. 'r;'.;'"Ji .;-:? He has buried the "little hope"; he had after being f 'consoled" he began envuir- ing among' the neighbors "if they knew lotte and other places : methods are the same distributes nickels handful, attracts a . s m. I Ivsaid vr.u )it, .;r w: ft !ii of such tbinss. but the above are suS-,1 with m ctlve exDerienca ofKineteHft'" TOMtwu V;ryVkl ian'tait ine orcenttrl 1 m deat fih TAirpowEkai you'j'wffl I t dd not hesitate to Guarautcflr; 1 . i ;.biioord,r Char- DOU.a W Ieg,7 .1 p5wuy aee.iT.ADouswo yearaagon 4 UT, ...... . . " m the-'State. im I TP weeks latter I found iMn,;an 1 was caught under a tree (I bad eat for I .iVtt l ITAlVAlVUlxnUW '.r ; everywhere y:He tay train agaawt H hadi a : through-1 f ana ..narrowly escaped i mKO?J rui ""Vf "r1, ; crowd; gathers ip-ip.hk ticket I wked.;. i f81? w,cl, wkl J.rregulateif 4a accordance wlfii the , Vr . ,iren:;tW?;yew, to. mxwte: About to. W 6f JT fj, j ( gMjjIjl fif HCUEIv1, . -: "H?? fettlad 8ta?'?r ABXJFICIAL..- -TEETH a 1 - - t . 1 X. a?. " . nf 4h. T. T.at waft. mm I , U-u: A RPF.nT A T .TY. I Ui'i. fi ; Ita money on the proposition to 1 give ' a I you bottle of medicine and 2 for . II. then, t day r having gathered in all the money in the I T, eir ha' laughed,- Ht is : - A I the time for the last year with my crowd, puts wwp tonw horses and I kkm ana nis money are soon pariea." i "v wi vuwm l Natural teeth extracted and ArtlaV.ri UULedOaniarrviiHrma'aal i v a i i i2 a i ii . i v.v a... . Mr. u . a;, r-ii. j.ii t inmnn? trt ran t wmun ma mim in i imm iiui nrv. . ; tjle wa. a. good fight- TITi. v of a desirable woman who wanted -to I daresaid: The Republican execmtlye fiaarrv." Atlanta frfal JonrnaL f - Charlotte Chronicle of a recent Tjj CONSUMf TlON IXCattAB LE f DESPERATE TETrEK i&stfr date saw: rrne Kepublican jexeemtive '.viJ't- .-y.' fn", .u . v.v 5 committee of Mecklenburg ,county ot - Bat the following: Mr C. H. Mor- 'whichj. WGordon, colored, i Jchah Iti: "' V, t . - ' . . ,7 .ij . ,i Was down with abscess; of lanes,-4 . y man, held a meeting last Saturday in mmis a hrm . La TtMnilihiLnn tTnJir: nirrf I Cn ttSllty llVdl t. D b. 18'" trH f v-V., t- 4V: ' ' I ...yjjr-j l,l,vw mMHioiuA1 that ' I ; vr -U4'' "vuac m , M""", me an lucuraoio consurapuve. negan thr "pf li'.A- w-i-.m :LnbJrmTr S.Ve'"P1tp,irclrasf f4w,f,hos ihewirl!l:s it od ; desperate Ui.rutM watine of boslneu, the 5.?", " VJJ doaKaaifother-tf. to1d..nian8. which withetooUf all: otlier treat- Butherferdton, for coUecter of Internal ever made." "i j' . nrV! f ' rl1ieaajiwaft)an ia Ufioent, and 'was so painful .l" Could 1 Wvonn TtrarkhaH r 'tnt lnf Rit- I Jmm Milnw.rt Btnr nhm Wit tarau a tin a9 oliAna 1 " ,,: ', ' J. Brooks. J 1 . Dw8on;Oo.i- Sept.' 2C,; 18881 ".' vine, for district aid, of Charlotte, of several hours. cr nd fought every dog X think that he saw on, my .premises ;orlh i ttore7i for years, rarely, if ever,4 meefini 1 one he mm a . 'mm wtl . and incnas ana pnjsuisns pronounced I failed to whip.)- On Sunday, he was at home, and lay down quietly before the fire, and the family all sitting aroandV and we had no idea he ' was mad, u He showed iio. disposition whatever to snap or bite any parson at all, but I think on Friday or Saturday th 11th or 12Uj,TI A part of your patronage la respect fully solicited 1 .,'.; '',. .-' -- '- . . .1 : 'Hi -f;?I j ' 1 hare opened Blacksmith Shop on Nash&U, down by the - branch , and am prepared to do AIjU, kin as s. ' if-n.. I avs; fT.d it not Wn f.,r I E:n'i xrJ w wiuj T!Z!S L Tew discovery (a- Consumption I' 1 J nun after two of mycowa id drive ofwork In that Uoe. Howe Bhoe- , I -would havtf 'died 'of lun ' : trouhlea.1 them to the pen-1 pen or lot, : and he obeyed Ing k apedalty; All Inda of Iroa ; ;ir tbi Charlotte assay omeVAnd J. W. I Was given arp by doctorpv-i iiAmmow I mi. bat bit both of? them ialwot the 1 repairing ' ddua) ' tl ihort notloeV whiclv would yield to no: freatment i charlotte.. ii Wv,-V- Y ' V- tf boUleafree at.W. 1 Furman' J?'a ? f ,JT until! took too bottles of 8,8. 1.Tl 1 ' "u ' lrutore:;Jur -S 'L'V ;'J "n" ttwdofmy muleaandyearlinga,- 8. hichprompy -cure, j LJ, ..J.J ? jAat,xof Mr. W, X Kml?'aoi tnere nas Dean no sign ot return- i Wi.nL ," .. :. mu" linrt f!I rarv?.;'i" rv i 'Jjuke Tavlor "a, aa weU a8-AJrctua a thiSi Was lnl886 t.rr.i orf'l Vol .mi- H'C.i;' i j!ffMhn:i7:ir!"H.a.. 7 -r'iH-wllolrrfrfiiii.iilln .i!:!! Kr-W th : ISA. - Rnm 'f i .... ...... -n. n . . ..i tn!- . . . " i - . r - "-j . a..f it t ' I, i i.i r i . I aay and . County. . 1 . ; I will also J-eJn aisbureyein 8a.urda.v of eewt riefekLdnd nil dab-. lie days, toatteiaCto any buatfiea 4:onnocted with my afice.. : J. N. Habbis, Supt. , derwear f ' Explanationi as to the ; sto- pidltyof thealef. m changing the boxes NewtonV N. C.v. lidv. 23,: 1888. I Sicker fersana .often mendit:7r .vj.i.'o';BoiLs.ii ' ' I Ten1 lAUiiKVlLLK, 8.XJ.TOct;20, 31'?ur&kber j.jwas a vicnnrcTiDr rnTenpn aix i ... zLtts yeah of the'wom bbils t&all Sr4r XV?J 1d f to I P . - - r Z s 5?- a. L -? B IMLI.. -ra - W TV 3 cure. I beganS.,B;8.. iandj tttfcjn 1 awi.,. ana hjto. x .-i-jj short time the poison was driven i . Those uui.w iuyFw!ui,a.ntuv a m.t ical JJiacoTerv"ijr. nerce'stnegrem i .-; ' - I ,T ; " ... . .. of boils or any other blood trouble buflnJ iurifrfnand'disease 'ex; I :n,ipfJ canaol afibrd to take the risk; and while kAi a I avwrnrf tmnnl W M - .,.,.....-.(. U. JMtlfl iVAmTApr bu. aVnil In aa . Uttar tra J T tnA hAtaMy-h vm an thtnr aT khn' f 1 1 i T i ' i Til w ;w4w. v Mi . av tmm i mmjmwm im a auivw auav w saiaivu j w vat 1 Hr-Vi-'J 1 lir.'J.T. PahiJc rftlatlvAtothakU-Mun 1 T iMnlt'vrai W Wfr kiU or hm.Ti Idnm Don't hawk, hawk, blew,- apit- and of'the. Xorth ColinarVVetarana sent i kffled. for ifhe should be mad and bite or any one else, yon would be gttatly troubled about , Ik , 0He aaid, MKHri UU lieepectfttUy.tr ij , iA::,,X !s . i ..um, n.iiOawAx.. I Lbuiatmrg, is. v- 1 Horse .t- I .. t "m tWvi4 i:.-Ji.-..r I AftU f Uri .lALt. a toghrenp, wheayonte.oeadJ l:rTvT...-. I" JT! r.Trrr. wl7 .11 tU dUetlaf r.aWUwUhlai ,r v blood ybuheedVi lMrt!n,"',,ww,,ri' nouuca ne fla wa' m I hklf mile pi Jown M IaUberf. , It... , v and tone Vohr "avstem We? 1 rlw,ww BUWif 1 wraArai luou fc ,4p " 1 TTl.nlA ZIaZ-VJ-Z; , . . visi and heed-T tl ' nUs 1 " eleptlrf - KpuT' To?, it . . . 1 . ndGotoM erviDr.- Pierce'.),: the great m &W?'ttk W ad 'btttfcotV Othiri think is tnad. 11 he ia and we has'returned. r I recottiuind S." 8. ybody3 rU K r 8. to every I : Jt G. Edwaiw, veg- only nriHos. ttnLDEK feJtfEetyavaiJ ?Jeuedjd I Swifts Specific Is entirely a i nownTand the i&nlomaL duMmso- I etable medicine, and bi the late and forlorn, has been dropped from ;Jtf,fof whi "Vlf&VEft w.i5.i-fH- blood i4lspn atToNra,- blP0dtf 1 .-. -e,----.- .w . morHnd Kindred diaeasen. bend formerly he was made welcome, f tbrour booki on t'itofti rW skin ,3i3ea.ses, .nailid free Ofice on Main SU one door I 4t J 7, J.. i Popinjaynever uses slang, but " I Mheksune-Tervnrear itrtae otaerr oayj plied : - UIX you multiply wh H FrM1W WHI I riU! ( The Swift Spemfio Co. . t i.-:' -unwnr.'s aiisiiu low the Eagle Hotel TJ 8. bPRCHX. JL Attorney At Law. tf f iHli I WUlitteiil54Jpf she icamcTery -near itrtbs ' other: dayj ! --ri I class 'lie rtnUed : "Ifyou mulUply I whia ahe found her chambermaid sitting the number otjacobiraona by the num- I at eaaa4,in the parlor; .an4 - exclaimcfj; ber of times which the Israelites conv I . S W passed Jerlco, and add to" the product J BUCLKES'S ) AUXICX ;:MVlf& .thaaiuniberafmeaswfMjiiafieyr . . i i to Ratal Oviia lisl toy J i a a ne nest sa ivem sue worii.or ciiu, of Htmau's sol F iuilniiiof aihllii llli.imjly f" J "O. . pelTing remedy of Cae age." 1 h tr ThoM wULUvUbavara trfetredto ivr. : ri Jotfc jrfie,41oa tir ,.. ,.fl ( NIKA W.ttUFTIir J 'i Dee, Up 18S44 T,.U'r,Z ) urr - .mulr ilnr.V. - .. , , . M . . . . - iK I 1 . msguw evervDoay wnn your 1 hlmi he writesriiJ kU uvTi .b- one of us ryJ. na cihi i w r . t :;,f . t. j coiYg the i-ocatka for God's i ' bleswhg. T WU,I. Vj M I vkec power contamcd' la1 a ' deed of tmat txecnted to me by Bv F.':- -m t r Ckrtladooruilmistmrg,oa.ji-f Jod! Wishto asc'crtam Vthe wit-! gun caUed tordn andtJlack came to I day the tZX day of March &S'J. at pub- nesses are au nere. na win inerore reaa i v 4 i-eroras jm?j wrtucsui; ptooa( aan, nun anorrcarea upon sis; warn juui uhkmi m vmu. ua hwwuii. y- out the KsLri Those thai art present say the aooa ofno State shed inire than' did remarked,! hate to kiU-hkn,; but wHl WJW JS? 'iSSS,? r;" AyeTbecontraryj yo. vh t tn ..a tfQy it,;ahot hirnt, Whether U was SSeafSrtaScsf BAOH, XC4Fb-2Wh libUM genome case of madnesa not, I cannot which U sTroatcd tbe.CoUege building, a , 1JA. T. 6halienbereri !jt J -J;i - aJ'ery fjne prth,Cjarour say; but tla I know that seven, 'of the four story" lUaln,' with pirlcraVa 1 t 1- v.ii v- vt j 1 j 1 uc cuaoei. reenauon rooms, anu ajoep 1 BocnttterlWlW Slu-I wish f wya be.ready to aay,tGod :bless Jeffer to sava word ibehatfof Vour woner-J attention bruUes. svre. ulcerft'' Salt rlieutn. 4...' MAMAS . A . n 1. A M . 1 1 rein 1 aui ,t nw ptnu , uouu Vaaee; Granville; Warren, Nahi and" l' W 3! Frderal ad Supreme Court. Prompt ".rr- vTl - rtTii P 1 Elijah after he was token to Heaven, 1 1?. lFfirj - . -- I nira t. UV J.lA.,l,iUlOUif "! ii-n time he atood before Pharoah, and the ' i n t i'.."' . " l . tfeblaefiAviJ'iuJ frkeiB j A book-keeper keeps this warning u,t'4t haitginspm his idesk: -,-tNevcr: address yoHrconvewatoipenaddirtg-xa. of furlonga tliat Bethauy was distant Jc0xitn of.n-ures. There is nothinlso , ' All perom having claims against me esiaui uJJtvfjjLAV'sut'f pr :. ru tlterrrPTTTre-hi ,E. W. TrjfBEnLAKE Att'y. f'r . . W...T. CoEXlNS Adm. Hnl frourjaxusalein, divide by the number i de,tf& an Wider. nwl'VyU ful chill and fever pills.; ome . mentha i ago afriendV-who knew1 my - 3 wife : bad been afSicted for months, snt- me a package of your pnia.;U gave them! .-tat her. and they curedberfat ,once.: v,A heighbor, MrPerry, had Buffered with chiB fbf mote' than- a year, and ' had taken' Quinine until " his hesiring" was" greauy iujureoL: ,j seeing , jaie itcure wrduhtin inv Wife's case.: hei procured a bottle of pills and was speedily res 'j stored to perfera5a3th:'ITeerTTiat this I.fc AStri UnO i" - U JH: J Ol V.I' Yery,trulyf-Mr ; : . "'j REyJJ D. Davis. of anchors cast out when Paul was jLij.-avAA,oxaa a ansi-v i ghipwrecked, subtract tbe number of .iawjoriieverau8es nauscT, gripms I aesireWttfiAy &Qi ttr a4W rehiarn or f r. ke0- r hriS JlSfl I der will be the answers . - - MvenU;f :Priceuon, coBtinaatiaa of ta saaie for 1S89. mm I will b able to do better fntara. ba tinea are hard and mr Uw. ThoM who bttve hore abod all oa tae. I will caarautee f actio a la every partiealar. FreeS. lrZ :rhT I Court Svrun. the old reliable. Prce aaaw. aaaaaaa mwiwiiv-i - - ru hcela. eall aad see ; lae. aad . will guaraatee atisfaetioa. Do not forget ibat I aa prepare -repahr Sfs, and ba YetaUpertoVuetf a hanimeni; tubes fM. Beetfolly, 1 a - - -. - . I lv 9Bi Minfa aa v orv . . v s 4 . . . . r . in the 1 The people's remedy for the Cursor 1 t.-v, 4i?Xh-jh to bel ' i be guaraed xrom xne atcacKs , or ,, couc, satia-1 chiUs, croup, mnuenza, wnoorangcougn, rocL WTirAnamaBabTw- llncipient consumption is Dr. Bull's , i'wtleV; fn ii ' ' l ' 1 . i Av I tiny Customer; (impatientiy): Helk) there! What's sugar tois.. morning ? Grocer 25 cents. " ;VtAoiuFUjr.uu (hurnlnjfrom tt Cellar absent-mincU rheumatism or neuralgia ase caiviiuon 1 yy. s t glucose and OSL Pcce 2 cents. . .'sand. son Davis IV III! not onethat-has been sick has. tveov, I ttiTZZir 'irr:mZ 77C ' " 1. i - J . ... ' ... - - - .... . . 1 WBSWW -.-..AiM-l , ijj t'-1 11 ' . ,' erea,, inneaiin, rne, waa.s, wttanu building araUclass school .lor young . '44 ' wil y' tMK IHendanrfonecthe flrst.to.wel ladies,;. "' r"V.1, " ' Z FmcmtoH TltiVf" ,Tt-7 WWa sktoeeal-cantoW JT A"" J K" '? mrugtuu. og ul atOM IA0 Commit I least S300 worth and perhaps 400. . of tttock, the strange part of it is 1 1 cannot :r mfA34MJiS'. i' ritut tut arTr sa 1 H fatlem . Try B t VMuember a siarrle act of hia . Litinir b I. ;hk;h he might not baveinstinctivcly j.,. , ,tea. trying, to aiame TOj my .certain r.t He, ,Va; If at ofl Gently. '.f.-!-.r, f,is f-r.J i fit- J.;li it I Yei there are plenty pf dead beats ; still trying to travel on their ehape," re- i-' utu mu um wuuuuvvut nucu mv , r . .. 5 (n ) .'.iMNii wmw .w y p' III ,Uu.vlcde, Mr,- Editor, . he;bUacven 01 g and I think many others about th4 : . ( iil e tune he Lit the stock, and as yet, f ? v. " f i m:.. . i:w .1 v ; . 1 t'l I UP" uuwuuug 10 uu Hiem.- ' a; f ,:i a dog has been atrected, and tneir . rr f" wnilen so . ' .. .. 1 3. i : C i ; 4 mocn to n snow inai;j..-i i - r . ui-li " r coukl.be mora, at- ! Zi it-w-li f we naa rum -Kuiea wnen r r. r i f . - him mad. ' Now the L f JSa ralir1-i'v.T -i tknow that he .was, and I - Z FI : ., he bit their dogs. My ; ; 3. W B'i Hi , aawaawapw""wa""a"aBeeaaaMiaB ia . . ... a. n oest5m'the other, day, "but thauum- ;. I n ('.I COTghs,Colds,Croa ber is nothing compared to ten -.years , , ij LaL-vt ) Poaraeneas; Asthma 4Wtotl.oriterS T UUentr a' f Iiamvi fptf wliQ f ia iol1abr1 fha i preacUcrdod .For instance when ZEiScZ: ly any fknul; U hi to a dog . .k aija yet 3 did not believe . . :fi htars must , hey know that eart fills and overflows with gratitude A t- -- . Lt 1 V . . . ' ur uieixvuKiiou won a rcuect a nar ' -ow escape we ' made, ' and 1 - Ircmfile .rhm I Utink of the danger: to : which hey and others are subjected while the 4 ;.ikl dogs re allowed to go at large.. If ot too much trouble. pleae puNnshibe. iiiw on the subject,. It "wvery 'severe. . xcuse longevity, said don't feel under , ligations to publish this but ' call ' at ' 'iauon to the tacts. ' ' Yours Truly; T ; P. ii, Alston, Jb. r -lis? BimCIISLZ "!et rtestre talarcioi tbt pytlic' tin 1 ' have' moved tb'the.ioiJw'at'.lba Toot'"',; of thertvtr.lrlde.on lha west side of. Main turret, where I aa prtj.ared te da s i xtnes or ii&ckmU2i work MVi-vMi4.p fV-v 1111,, 'jJCkJCtXDAtiB J Amisburg, X.

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