it smsmsms kthe franklin! times; THE FRANKLlM. TIMES 1 ra.W K" PUBLISHED JSVEBY. X ttllAA , J AMES A. TIIOM AS, : ,v - ' Editor and Proprietor. ; TheTijies is the only uewpaper published in Franklin county, aud , its.' circulatioa extends all over 'every teo U kLAUJl ilOl-Xv nou or una ana Mjocning- counties, " & Tertiser should make a note- here. .. - .Bales,-' -J - $1,50 1.00 j. A. THOSE AS, Editor and Proprietor, wlTH ii ALICE TOWAUD NONE ; with CHARrry for all. ' VRICE $1.50 PER ANNlUlnAdv Th Editor will -not b rceponsibU Six Months - vanco for the Yiew of correoodcat?. - ; Una coiuiuuaicatious irom ru - tioaa most earnestly. oIidtl. ICewa VOL: XVIII LQUISBURG-; N. C MARCH 22. 1889. items ol any caturo will be Uuu.Lluuy received." . "' '-- ' i '' - no.; 7, XiEAKNING TO WALK. PRESIDENT CLEVELAND. Why dou't Women Have Pocli- rpi .-' .. ....... ...-'.-..... . , ; ,f- ii ill! 1. Maes. Girls. To My Sainted AVife in Heaven, " , etsr - ' ' A Few Recipes. ' RICE AND MEAT CEOQtTETTE3. r'-t!fiSToCW Le furnished at $1.43. " ' i , 4 raSi IT Absolutely This powderever varies- marvel of ath and : whole8omene. .-More economical than the ordinary kinds, I nannnf h Bold COJllDetitiott With the raultitude of low t-dt, Hbojrt -weight ninm. or ohosohate powders. SOLD 05LT; r w n vb ROYX BAXJNO POWDER Co. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. I often take a rocking chair " . 4 And 'watch him while beplavs; -. He has such lolv poly legs - f '- And epntHiig little ways; , The earnestness with which he crawls ' -ilia Ktrange attempts to-talk : Bat most of all it pleases me 5 ;. W hens baby tries tu walk. f 'j - - , , : . . ' ;0 ?' '., -'-Hi - C'y 1 - ' First dawns the Iisrht of the resolre, ? . .; Within his roanded eyes, abu u-cai witji pnuuag euoris-come His vaiii attempt to rise;, , k ;l Jitt him q.aickly from the floor r . fr . ?' v And leare him waiting there '. One moment till beckoir him."""' " ;;' .Toward the rocking-chair. yJ?-:?. ' . Unsteadily, on. dimpled feet,"J -'j ; All wavering he stands; : .And most intreatingJy to me ' ivH v Puts out his pudgy'hands; :. ?;" . A little totteiiug, tiny step, i -J; ' ' A. moment of alarms, . - . . .. -', - A Bwift advance almost a fall -; - Then safe iu mother's arms : . v : y.' Dear dainty feet through babyland : - Fall trusting they eo, ' e - But how through ; stony futire paths ' ' ! m uunuer may oai itaowj -1 - -y- 4 And yet for aye my heart shall hear t -1 - His mystic babytalk, - v A "Si And memory treasure up the day ..; .,f;; When baby learned to ' walk. Earnest McGaffoy. in Chicago Mail. Tlie Voice of the Press Upon bis v'.;;:Ketlyement;'': Cleveland Boston Post t 'President lias deserved the praiseof . his ; country men in more respects than one. -v Boeton Giobe : e President Cleveland has been more vfle!y slondered than any man that ever, sat in, . the-Preeidents chair. .. : , s-s?:-i:.S-: -.- Pittsburg Leader :" ' President Glev .Listen Boys. : ATTORNEY AT LAW ; J .' iaursBiruo.N. Cv 4 c OAce in the Court Hodnel k lijniness pntinmy hdrjd&Vu t3ceivo prompt attention. 0 . T C V ani vOUNSETiLOTt at lAW. Louissuasfc franklin cq.,n. 6 vr 11 attend the" Uosirt3 Q.f "Nash, Fraii: in, (Jw-nville,: Warren,, ana Vak.e fJoun.tes also the fufneme sourt of "N"or tU Gftrolina, ad the U . Circuit and District Courts. D '1. J. E MALOSE. O I:e 2 doors llow FUTman t & 'Jo )!;vs D-i-jij Stare, adjoinraig Dri O. r. Wilis. . ; 7; ATTORNEY. AT LAtV: 0 5 ce i he Court Hott?e S p AUL JONES 'r 'Sy;:y's;. ' LOUIS liUHO X. 0..:. '. Will pr-VL'tice In the cobrts'r'"f4 Fran k I i u . Warren. Wa ke. f Vance ; mm ivusii ana m the bupre rue court of the State. j ' -' ' t TO SC OOQL TBACIU?RS; . i'The Superintendent of j Public dchool Jf Fraukli county will be i n L uisburr uw the second iThurs hy of February, April. September, " ' October ami Deceinber,andirejnain .T fif ,,fr " for three days, tiecesaary.lf or the -HyTO.our, purpose of exa '.nihlna: appiieimts to ions of life. 1 " leach in the Public Schoda f this County. ;..r,;-' iV.; , I wiU also be in Iiouisbnfg on . Sa.'irdiiy of each week, and all pub: , Mc ilayw, to attend to any . butiiuesa onnocteU wilh my office. - .Every tree is judged by the fruit it bears... Every man. is ; judged 7by his conduct." Boys make men when . thy mature properly, but some , boys mako Nothings.? v There are many waj's by. wincn a ooy can uecome a useie3 exis tence in society. ; There is but one way ,that boys can make men worthy o. the appelation. ,r One of the iirit anl chief reason, why we have so many boys that are wrecklejs and without character, ia because of disooedience to puents. If you will stop for a few miauies and meditate upon the worthless ana trifling boys even of our own town and taiie a retrospective view 'of their lives from their infancy until they approach man" hood you will find in every instance they have been disobedient at home arid, - in the school roorriv - Then the firs t requi site for the foi-nmtion of a good charac ter is otedieice. Secondly , along this line you see a . vast ' iiamber of .boys ;ruind by wicked assocLxtioas.! Ifaa is so constitutKl that he canbe iuflnenced by his companions either for good or eviLi-;:.IJj-'..tiioughtlss boy : nas spent his time in the company of : those he would be ashamed to own before la ther or mother or even a sister and - yet he sees no danger in his patl way. . i A priceless character is not only t6oT Often ; sacrificed, to" gratify onr evil nature but our. happiness in this k world and still : more . important. hCHhe eternal world. ; Boys; stop and think where you are drifting. S Have-yon started ; out on life's billowy sea with no port :, in view Do you want to live i to ; no i purpose ?, Have yba no aim, lusher than ibat " of a vagabond? iifyoa do set your standard high and don't 'move it. Only hones tj-, mdustry, integrity and perseverence can' the ; r responsible ; av oca- ou cannot buy charac ter bu5 you can sell it." ; It i vmade by your own deeds- of kindness to your ; fel- , Try to lead lives worthy of imitation. ; Have enough backbone and resolution about you when tempted to land, strong -even in defeat, r cannot be entirely a polilical corpse and this fact his enemies would do well to ' consider when setting upihe pins for l892. 'Sc Fort Wortli Gazette Cleveland will leave the Presidency with, tbe respect of every man whose respect is worth hav- ,ing. The worst that can be said of him is that hswas more of a patriot than a partisan.--- V..;-' Chicago Times : Fairness yields praise to Cleveland and in the main suc cessiully, and during-wliose Administra tion the Republice not only suffered no detriment, but made substantial prog ress. : ' . .- :S'- y'f)-:; ''Baltimore Sun : , Mr: CleveIandTs ad ministration as a whole will I be looked back vpon as one that alwaj-s had in view the welfare of all the people of the United States rather than that of party, "and in all of its departments" it was non estly and ecoubmicaHy managed. ? . Pittsburg Post: . Redundant . reve nues and war taxation in time of, peace were bravely assailed by tbe outgouig Administration in the interest of the common people. The stream is still . there and the new horse ia floundering already, before the cabinet is complet- ed. : . . . ".; Harper's Weekly ; Xo Democrat for a half century has done sp much to re deem the Democratic name and fpi-tane as Mr. Cleveland, and he" retires with. the cordial respect of a vast body of his ttountrymea foe his 'patriotic purpose, his Integrity and his courage. V :S, . : . ,: S Brooklyn Eagle : President Cleve 1 iid is quitting oifice with dignity and lionor.; The American people are like ly soon to realize that they have made a mistake in . not re-electing Mm,, for .they, will - have ?-to accomplish under- awkward auspices the reforms which he wf.s admirably -'fitted to complete. X.Y. Star.. ' v- - . - . : ::. ! Wliy don't : women have jx)ckets ? ' They carry their purses intheir hand- tercheifs in the!r bodices, ; and they car ry a little bag about as big ;as - a - pint cup on-their arms, the ' exact use of which has never been defined ll ..There is a liberal wholesalenessabod the way inin provides in the construction of bis dress for his wahta and that, is , actually rea-cshing in comparison with, the way women inconvenience themselves. , A man has plenty of pocketa. Ee can carry keys, -A woman is always i wondering where she left or hid hers, when the exigencies-of the weather cause b'ni .to have recourse to his "wipe", i he puts a hand into his breast pocket ; and hauls out.a uncrai square ot camDric. wo man under ;"( like ' cirgumstances sniifs, and continues to snilf. ; .'. 1 When a man sits down - iri a street car be wails till , the cenie vof ; the bell puuch and register stands in front of him, then he puts his thumb and fore finger in a tiny pocket in his ' overcoat and hauls out his ticket or '; bis" ruckle. says a Chicago - Journal, writer. The woman'begins to get her change ready when the conductor is at the other , eud of the car.' She pulls her bag off her arm, draws it open, takes but her purse, pulls off her silk, mitten, ; opens her parscunclasps an inner compartment tikes out a nickel, puts it between her lipsfaugh ! "snaps the compartment, shuts her purse, opens her bag and puts away the purse; and pulls on her mitten again ." And this is a fair sample of jlhe way women hamper taemselves . in " all the Uttle things and life is made up of them and then' complain of the disad vantages of the sex. There is nothing on earth to prevent any individual wo man from enjoving - innumerable pock ets, loose sleeves, bifurieatod underskirt, short hair, etc and all fie other A mod ern feminine improvements- . , - One cupful of boiled rice, one cupful of .finely chopped cooked , meat auy kind one teaspoonful of salt, a htlle popper, two tablespocKifuls of butter, half a cupful of miik, one egg. Put the mils on to boil, and add the meat, rice and seasoning. Ticn this Ions', aid the egg well beaten, stir.. one minuti. Alter coonng, shape dip . in eggs ajd crumbs, and fry as bfeibre directed. : v 1 "RIPE TOJtATO, 15CKLES ' - . " To'seveu pounds of ripe tomatoes add three pounds sugar, one quart vinegar; boil them together fifteen minutes, skim out the tomatoes and boil the syrup a tew minutes longer,-, Spice to . suit the taste with cloves and cinnamonr. " 1 S. . SPLENDID ''OMELET. ' . ' , but eggs., whites and yolks beaten separately, half pint milk, six teaspoons corn starch, one teaspoon bakiner tow- der, and a Uttle salt; add the whites, 1 a a . . e . . . - ' ooitca to a suu noin, last; coos in a little butter. . . ; - ' r FLAKE PIE CRTTST. ' Take one-half cup of lard to a Dint of uour, ruo weu togetner; taKe water sut ficieut to make a dough (not too stiff). roll out and spread with butter, fold over evenly, and make a second fold - in the opposite direction; roll out acain. being careful not to squeeze the butter OUt. - - . , ' - ; . , COTTAGE PUDDINO. One cup of suet, one e two table- Bpoonfuls of melted butter, one enn eweet milk, two cps of flour, one tea- Spoonful cream tartar, half.- tableepoon- lul ol soda. Bake one-half hour . Fa.f with hot sauce. .- STJET PUDDING. One pint of milk, one pinf, of syrup, half pouud of raisins, half pound of cur- rants,, nail pound of suet; add prepared nour as sun as pound cake. Spx-e to suit taste - : - ' 'A lovely girl Ella Gant. A fighliig girl Hattle Mcgin. " A sweet ghl jCarrie McL A good girl to posess Sal Vatkai. .An oft mentioned girl Helen Bla- ' :: Ackn-micg ga-l--Jenniellosity. A skk girSallie Vate. - . -'. . : A smooth girl Arivlia nation. a . A 8ClV mrl COTa AndirJ . VA clear case of girl E. Lucy Date. . ' .; A musical girl Sarah Nade. I V A profound girl Meta Physics. ; V A star girl Meta Oric. , ... ; ' A clinging girl Jasso Mine. A nervous girl Herter IcaL A muscular girl -Callie Stenics. -. . A lively girl Anna Mation. ',.'.. An uncertain girl Eua Nescent. A sad girl Ella F. - ' : -' ? A" serene girl Molly Fy. A warlike girl Millio Terry. , A. very large fdrl Ella Phant. , A wealthy girl El Donulo. ' A talkative girl Ella Cution. A historical girl-njennie Ology. A sailor girl Mary er, An actress Mary Onettie. - A bible girl Jenne S:s. A high minded girl ElLi Vate.' A botanical girl Mary Gold. .. A beautiful girl Ola Ander. A tiireatening girl Minnie Tory. Strange, strange, for tlieo and me, , badly afar. .- ' Thou safe bcyoud, above,. Lneatii the star; Thou where flowers deathless: spring, ..I where they Ldo; Thou in God's paradise, . , . , - , I 'and the shade . 4 Thoa where each gale breathes balm,' ' I tempest tossed; : , Thou where true joy Is found," h - . - - f I where 'tia lost; ; Thou counting ages thine, , - ,: - ,? . . I not the morrow; Thou learning more of bliss, ,' " . . I more of sorrow. . . THE VEBDtCT UNANIMOUS. VV. li. Rnit. IVranm. Ind. . .testincs! ' " w T -- r - can vec'unmend Electric Bittar as the ver? "best reuicdy. Every b 'ttle sold has- given relief va every case. One man to-k six bottles and ws cured of rheumatism of 10 3 eais stand ins. Ahr?ham Uare, drugmst. Bell ville, Ohio, aflirins: The best selhng med.cme I Ter bandied m my twenty vers expeiieuce ls'ElPctuc Hittert Thousands of other have added their t'estnuonv. so that the vermt t is uun- imou that Electric Bitters do cure all disease of the -liver kidneys or blood. Unly a half dollar a bottle at-W. H. Furmau Jr. Druij Stoie. " . -Eminent physicians recommend Lax- ador as the most effectual specific for dyspepsia or indigestion. Price only 25 cents a package. ' ; Large sales indica te the merits of good articie3. Druggists sell more of DrBulrs Baby Syrup than of all other remedies tor the cure of baby disorders. Tbe New JbUectiou Law. BIJCLKEN'S AUXICA SALVE " The best safve in the world for cuts. bruUes, srre, ulcers, . salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hand,. ehillil isns, corns :and all skin eruptions and positively-cure pih-s, or. no pav required. ' It . is guaranteed to uive peilectsatistaclion. or tnony refund ed. Pricv 2- cents per4oj. : . For sale by J. B. Clifton. The Woiuaa VViio Lansrlis. J.(N4iAB.RI3,, SupC OUU STATJE CONTH31l01iA- itlES. 1'',.. ' .. ' ' While nf.ariy every paper in this State and many in Virginia, Ken tucky and otlver tobacco States have lauded Col. Cowles and his bill to repeal tlie tobacco tax we have si lently watched and inwardly hoped it would not pass. We have advo cated and still favor the entire re peal of the whole internal revenue system, but we cannot see our way around the settled Democratic poli cy of taxing luxuries and ielievins the necessaries of life, and favor removing the tax - from tobacco. cigars ana cicarettes, - while the The election law adopted by the Leg islature and now in force makes the fol lowing changes. : , The Board of County Commissioners are required Jtb appoint po 1 holders Jand registrara on the first Monday iu Sep tember preceediug each election. No registration shall be valid, unless it specifies the age, occupation, place of birth and place of residence of the voter as. well as the township or the county from whence he has removed if he has removed and full name by which the voter is known; all of which shall be re corded by the registrar. . . If any person appointed a poll holder shall fall toiatteud another shall be ap- Hyour face is marked with? blotches, ' And eruptions mar your skin," ..J. You may bet your bottom dollar i Thore ij something wrong within. - Tis the blood. To purify it " There is nothing half so good, ' . As the" G. M. D. is try it ! , To be clearly understood. "S I will explain that the : G. MV D. means Golden Medical Discovery, . the popular, remedy for debility, lung troub les, and weak impoverished blood, which like scrofula, shows its- prescrce in tbe- system in blotches, eruptions and pim ples. - . -; , ,, " Perfection is attained in ' Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. .' Thou ia eternal peaca, , ' . . . - ;- I mid earth't strife; . Thou where care hath no name, s r l: ' I where tifl life; Thou without need of hope. , , . . t 1 : I where 'tis rain; . n : . Thou with wings dropping lights , ; , , ' , .- I with time's chain. ."'''. ,.' -. Strange, strange, for thee and me. Loved, loving ever; . v . Thou by life's deathless fount, I near death's river; . . . ) Thou winning wisdom's lorar , ' . . I strength to trust; (I ;f Thou mid the serapliim, . ; I in the durst.. " ' Mr. Watts Kef uses to JUesiffn.' v." A 'l'inicly snittgcstiou Detrlot Free Press. .While waiting at Decatur for the train to Huntsville a constable camo in front the country with a negro. It was late at night and they had a long walk. The officer wanted something to eat be fore walking his prisoner over to the lock-up, and he hand-cuffed the man to a baggage truck, he then went over to the hotel, seeming to feel that all was safe and secure. The negro was asked In reply to a request for his resigna tion, the Hon. C. C Watts, United States district attorney for West" Vir ginia, on Saturday kst telegraphed : Attorney-General Miller as follows: Your telegram of this date, request-.' ing my resignation of the office, of attorney-general for the district of West Vlr- , ginia, has been received. I know of no act of rnine, either official or otherwise;' L which, In the absence cause being as signed, would justify ": me In tendering my resignation. I therefore respectfully decline to make such resignation, and ' if the Presidentwanta me to ' vacate the oaScc of United States altorncy Jwithout cause being assigned, let him a-sert his ' prerogative.' " ' ' A dispatch from Charleston, W. Va,, ' says: 4 "The Federal Court meets on March 14. Over 200 indictments, im--plicating the most prominent Republi cans in the State are to be tried. Cow den, the man whom report bays Is to succeed Watts, is connected with one of these coses. No act of the kind for years has awakened such general indig nation as this demand for; Watfs , re moval at this time." - . ' - do wrong to withstand , the temptation Fom good- everyday : household CiSiar.s ana. ciKareues, ,wmie un and in this way you wul have' the' con- ansel : give U3 . the. weman who (luor ,nus' perpetuate the liut aOS.B.:WiDEK,:. :TT0RirE7AT LOUlSli UKU, N.'. i: ' Office on Main SLv on e - i' tioojf v'J fidencc aud . v -v- inss and id respect of men and the bless- J.laughs; Her blseui'ts- riiay 1 fayecs of God; J 'KISSES. i; f: S. SPRCIIX. Attorney At Law, : f;xbmsBudGNjcii " - ViJi VUV jJM Jk- 4UnilU Vance. (jrrauviljBv.warreu.NaHh, and jLUdvMtMBapreme OosirtSlpronipt; All persohs'havlnz clarrns against the estate of LtC. ;WterWilKprei: i;t,n'ilWm'tormeat:once;''' E. Wk TraiSEnLjtKE Atfy.'for , IS ASvs:-s's-i"' ; X.- Collins; Admv acksmlthing; 1 desire to return 'my,. tnan-s! tot m laaay prttreas who have gtven- me there. .'I patronase for l888,,vAnd earnestly ask' a coati 11 uatioa of tht same for. 18891 ( !.; am- ., wire 1 will oe ,aoie to do ' letter in the . . future, ; rhe times are- hird ! and ': priceM ''.-. very low Those who have horst-8 to be J I shod call ou me. I will guarantee - satis- ' ! fastion in eycr"y particular. " Prices low. ;il yau havs a horse tha' over-reachca, cuts S his auklest'.rrables, ha8 corns or the.nnr--"i-'rr heels, call and vsae . m e, and .. ' -will guiiraatee satisfaction Do ; , not. forgfet that l am prepared to repair guns, and ' art9 sneh asi hammers, tu&es Jctfully, Si i i'KjiT Anthony T. Neal.: ' s The careless, mat ler-bf-fact - lips salutation of our every i day : exis tence vanish fro m in ei no ry t scare e leaving a bace of t heir existence: but riotsoith fthat kiss in !j which see m s 'co n d en sed ail the tenderness of a lifetime aud M which can no mo re' perish t han can lJt.e suul . by, which i t is t reasiired . Th is; is not the 1 ''btissof 6hadoVfkisalng,.but au ever present consciousness, that tender sympathizing kisses' have been showered . -upon : us by 7 one whose soul i? akin to ) ours." The way may be long and ; gray, and; life's Darrow pathway hedged with thornsi but by and by, v if this be one of the beatt it tides of 'our God- throned home, w;e shall - feel their raptuOus thrill once $ tnofe5;'yViiile -that kiss ;eften makes .us pa Jder men aud waraen it. rarely fails to make us better, and inore "worthy of the God-given iifeby unseating u r fi uer, 'na iuns a nd f creat Ing 1 ,x thai r am' IS: not be occa- - ' V sionally burn her bread and .forget to-replace dislocated' buttons, -but for solid comfort alt every day she is the very paragon. Home is not t a ; battle-field : nor ii f e o ne 1 oil g unendir;g. row Ti le trick of always seeinjr the ? height side, or if the, matter has no bright Side of shining up the dark one," is a very important faculty; one; of the things that no woman should bs without; . We are not all born .With the 'sunshine in V our - hearts, as the Irish 'prettily phases 1 it i but we'cab'cultrvate a cheerful seuse ol humor if Ave only try. . A WO.MANVS DISCOVERY. within us an intense yearn i ter , for that "great 'ipiie off which our strong. f,st earthly love j& but the vfaintesf l, preUmination.---Wilson Mirror - y 'Anotber wonderful discovery har been made and that two by a luAy in .'tJiiH'.-country.'.'.VDisease lastened - its clutches "upon ber and for seven years she-withstood its severest tests, but, her vital organs "-.were uudenuincd and . de fch se.nied i itumiuent. -Eor f, threes "months'she couched incessantly 7 auh couid not sleep. .' She bought of us - a bottle of Dr Kings Ne.w . Discuverj for conouinption fnd vas so much "re lieved on taking the 'first' dose tlsa . sue. slept all n'tuhi and with on e bottl has ; been maraca oasly Ured. Her I name is- Mrs. J .uthcr Lutz. - Thus ;'ArttHV. C Haimick & Co., of Shelby S -N. C-tT.:t a tree trial ottle' at W. 'K :;4t 11.' Fui'iuan Jr's-, drug Store. .. x (" : ; ; dens and aggravations of the inter nal revenue laws upon the people.. The removal of the tobacco tax would benefit no one but the manu facturers and wjuld lesson the de- mands and hopes of a total repeal ot' the 8ystem.Hickory Caroline an 'yS.:fZsSl'':S -s". ':-'s . ; . The firs V non-eectional, noipartt sn AdministraUon that has exist el since. the -war : stepped "down and out' last Monday. "Mr. Cleve- lands adminiatratien will bex re menabered" by" he people of the South " with cpeeuHar gratitude. Not that he has shown them special favors, but because he ha Tecog nized loyal American citi zens and made them feel that they were a, part and parcel of I lie Va Ion a people who had as great a claim upon the Government as' did those ot any other section;. -Mr Cleveland's ;'s administration -,, has bye1!! clean, ; able and patriutlc R-ockingham Rocket. i-Xl pointed in liis place y the registrar, but S- TJTt 7 T " I a nnn!nfM ia 4 ,'5 P1 tliat he had dnvea borne and 1 ' -j. - .v. vr v. , , ., 1 ,i - ?,t.1- whose place he fills. Upon the request of any elector any person presenting himself to register shall prove bis right to 'vote by such tes timony under oath as may be satisfacto- ry to the registrar. Each box must be appropriatiy label ed in Roman letters and a space may be railed otf if the poll holders choose" with an opening at either end for the ' ingress andegress of the voters. Only one shall go in this space at one time and no .one except the poll holders shall be allowed to epcak -to lam, while casting his vote. wiucn snail be put in the boxes by him self or by the poll holhers at the request of the voter. A similar : place," In the discretion of the poll holders, may be ar ranged for the election - of members of Congress and Presidential electors at a proper distance from the polling place of State and County omcers. But if these provisions are not carried'out the. elec tion shall be conducted as provided by the laws in force befoie the passage of this act. ' - " . '- - ' ' The Board of County Canvassers is. iven power and authority to judicially pass upon all the tacts relative to : the true result of the same, and they &hall also have power to send for papers and persons, and examine the. latter upon oath.' . - ; v - , . - These are the ptincrpal features of the bill passed by the Ijegislature as a. sub stitute for the caucus bill. - S - any colored man was liable to make in a country where the hogs were so much alike, and he asserted that his conscience was resting perfectly quiet under legal accusation. He was homesick, howev er, and sighed for the bosom of his fam ily. '. '''. V, .; - '-:;"' 'Then why don't you. go' home?" Asked the Colonel. . ) . "s . r S was the reply. .. ; , , ' . i VGant you carry the truck on ' your shoulder?". " ; ' " "' ."; ;,;'; ; : 4Say, boss l" said the man, as he leaned forward, "dean talk to me .'bout de black man gittin' ahead ' I'd hcv sot here a hull week and nebber thought of tint trick r v . ; , ; ; He shoulderd the truck ; and- disap eeared in thedarkness. . - - - Every one who has once ; used . Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup invariably resort to it for colds. . 's-X SS"SSS - s- When vice prevails and impidu3 ' men" bear sway., - When ,cuts, sprains - and Lrulses torment all . the day; : Then easdfrom.pain from care, and' hurt' is seat, by great; Salvation Oil; ' the stand ard wnimsat,.-.'-.Y 'S' ..!v " " ' . : Hacket, Ark; Aug. 10, '37. Dr. A. T. Shallenbei-ger, , ' v : : Rochester, Pa. Dear Sir: Iwish you to eend mo k bottle of your Antidote tor malaiia, which I eea adver tised in the Mctliodisfc Advocate, Chat taaooga, Teiin and which I cannot gel here ; Fiitecn years ago ' when my motiier luul tluid' uiiy chills, and - after trying the dov-wrs aiid other - remedies wjuhoufc" relief, .a friend riinmcaled your Anvdote, she . tried . it, and one dose eiftk-tad a permanent cure." - - . . 'iruly Yours, S ' ' ... - i ; J.s. edwardp . ' ' . 1 aster M, 1.. ... wiiBetupiim o i ejem nriui 'DiCjVjnofj 'asrpsanetjj caoijoj 'wiwii iui.i. i m. . i ,ijjt J mm i-i m -iS a - rrf f y , FINUE1W CAME OFF. , f ... , - My little son, five year? old, was afflicted with a disease for whicU -the doctori had no name. The nail" came off his fingers, and the finger came ofL his hands up to th middle Joint. Fr three years be has eat fered dreadfully, and has taken . quantities of medicine. He Is now Kettlnjj-. well uuder- treatment' of Swift's Rpeciflcv 1 v ' V ' ;- ' - ' JOHX DllHL. ' -Peru; Ind.fVan" 12, lSSO ' r ; ' BEMAP.KABLE CASE, .. For two; years I had rheumatism bo bad that it disabled me for work and confined me to my bed for ' :t whole year, daring ' which - time I could not even raise my hinds rny head, and for three month: . coald not raise myself in bed; was reduced in flesh from 192 to SG Ji; was treated by best phyiciaus oi. ly to grow worse. Finally I took -Swifl'.Sieciflcftnd began to itu prsve. " ; Alter a white was "at my work, and for the past five months - have tM-eq as well as I ever was ii my life all from ; lho elfects of. Swift's Specific. . ; . ; . v - Jonx Ray, ' ' n. Wayne, lud., Jan 8, 166'J. Swift's Specific Is entirely a veg etable luediciue," and is the only, uiedicine- which " lm ever -cure I bltKAl poison, scrofula, ; blood hu mor aud - kindred., d ureases. Send , lor our book ,on DlooJ aurt i(iu disea-e, culled free. , - ; , ( Tue Swift Specific Co. ,'". ' Drawer, 3 Allauta G i. titiSSnjpur BSaia Jtt f ;o3 ayr,n..r-gcrx BLACKSMITH. 1 noirts to iutoiuj the ubilc that I have moved to the li0(', at the of the rivtr bridge. oa lh KtAl ide Mam Street, where 1 am ptAptvft-d to do a 1 kind of Bksoiiih woir Hoise -shot-in g a ncimiy. , ' DCKtLX Davi f . Luoii'Lti N SSS:?'SS'V-SSSK S!i xS'l t Sc i ?;;';?-ii - S '-S l "'' 'St '

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