" HE . FRANKLIN 11MES. t . Published Every I Friday, BY JAMES A. AJ5, " I f 77.77 77 -.i. ,: V Editor and Proprietor. R A T? E S. OXE YeAB"AVv iSix Months :;r77:-r:; - :1.00.. A.';THOASEcUtor an FOR ALL. RICZ: $1.50 PES ANN U 11 In Advanco t I The Editor wL'l not htt rwpocullla lor the views of corro-pocdenis. . liricf coraruunicAtioua frrxn . all icf ' To Clubs of 5 The TiMEs" wfll te VOLVXVIim LOTJISBITRG, N. C MARCH 29. 1889. Uons tutl cnrueUy oiated- , Xewj furaished at 1.43.';, JsTO. Q Utcma ofanynatur wiU U r--? J -i :s:MT .- : - . franklin times : feft-ppi-p ; TH:! AS.-' ? -s -t? i , Ir-CJ, ,1 -li-ji , - '' : - 1 ' Ai .7 KTin ." rl FranUia countyaodi 'r-t:-- : T-T'-'. 3i-7 -77 T-:?;'J:M-" ' T- -T, ; ,. ..." ",7: J .... ' - " - , - NV WO -1 ''.,-..- circuit extends all over every T-tWi '7. - "'. ' - ' ' 1 - - Uonft.-lAailJomin counties, - . Si A I 5 L r-k it KXoyer Ligbtened. - - Is .c ? t - -.r-'-- f - -v "J - A . , v Die eUvep daysogoldoa days,' , V T The days or Bunny weatliar, WilB ambeou the mountain line -" And violet on the heather, Are but remem'ered days, love, . -v . 'h: ; Faif fled frofflf lb.ee and hie; i The lost dehght is -out bf;8ighjb,x i i -. : t And lorn and' lone are wfc. ' t"i Yet the gay days the dreary days, r; . i n; With gusty stwms blow hither, '' . And cloud racks smitten to the blast . : .'And driven a y wither v .. ? Through sobs and moans and anguish -These days of muftAed gloom i Their coronal ofglory wear, ;f'i : V hicn deathless star ulume it "For in the min?led brightness K-t)f other years atether " And befcter; pain with thee, love, ;. ; With thee, true heart to heart, Thap piVthe vanished , surishine,, AM ttoii; and I apart. V;- it is but a temporary need my' allow- ance cdmeS in tomorrow,' but Vyou see how it is today is a period f of neccssi- j "But," faltered Cora, turnirig white ahd red,, "your brother-n-Iaw, Mr. Mai- i ilHe will not listen to a ' word. lie says and I cannot blame liim much that he is tired or lending' to me and my sister is just as bad l" i: K ' - " ffSurelyyour ftiead9: ?:,;.-j'i'-' . lie contemplated ner vrith a mocking laugh. " v j: '.-1 - ,-." v y .: ;: t "I liayejap friend 1 - Yes, you ; inay look amazed, CoraS but It is tlie meian-;; truth. v Sometimes,?' t he added. with bitterem'phasis, tft-soems: to: ' me f thai it would bo fetter taini the .whole farc of life at pnee 7 "rvrrjo '"'Captain jWayne you slid , not ; mean This niwdererer varies.' ".A marvel 91 n-xrlbr: trTisth and v vrhle8onienes8.1 JJt? ecoaomical than the Qrdiiury ; : ni cannot be sold sq competition win i " " t he rauUitade df Jow test, , short weight i alum orpaospnnie powaem. ovnw I 45; IT CANS. qYi BAriPOWDBACO PBOFErSlONAL. , CAHDS. ; it x 1 1 1 i a1 a slender forefinger, ' catching tins reflection of the! afternoon B.MASSENBU11G,: - like a drop of dew it sparkled on Co ra Vane1 the slan suhshihej' fia if every s'&iibearaved to Huger within the crystal-hearted jewels as the y ouiig girl sat . there, 1 her fair head drooped like a. lily - bell and 1 the ner nusneu I do CoMuJJothing bis gone righi ith: me' iji thlsKvdrJdancl 1 ',swear to youVoreiigiIteaYen, that'uuVss T' can. somewhere raise. the .mCfesWay, hi will blow-my brains out.t iu- , j J Bus eyes glittered Trith a fearee 1 light and a deadly ' whiteness xaxae 4rouud his 1 "But, Captain-? Wayne rhow can I 1 lieip youyl nave no money y,' He sueered J)ittexlx ATTORNEY, ATX A WvifS- Tff,v .r -c 'J C--4v'"V lashes hanguig'lowi over Ofioe in theTTourt House. . . cnecK-r.-- , : . All business pot in my hands will krr Y and OTJSSELLOB; atLAW.. ,OUfS BJ RQV Fit COi Ct': v-vf 11 attend the - Courts of ash Pra:int?QrrtyilViyaen'i an1 Wake 0 ouu ies also v the Mipienie tourt dl Kor th Carolina, and the U -? Circuit and District OouvU. ; iQ Scs 2 doors : below Furman . & "Oo'ika'ji Drug Store; adiolnina: Dr. O. is 'easy for; you -to i say; no with that jewel spklihgon your, forefinger; , but I tmderstand-i-Tou' are like all the EVpipnem, auc; lurnea away irom me poor forsaken outcasts - ? ;ilr V ;r don't mind mentioning it,.: hurried on tke terrified Mr. Sparkle.. 4It was Cap tain Bruce Wayne.-' , r - tlBrnce Wayne 1' .''.-, . Mr. Carlesford Btood silent for a min ute or two, while every feature . of his lace seemed to settle and ktow . rLnd. as if it had been carved in marble. JlThank you..- That will do. I ' will not look at the - emerald's this after noon.'? . ": .A'rj.''--:; ; What a storm of contending passiors shook Alban Carlesford's breast as " he walked along with niechauicf A, footstep, scarcely hstening whither , he t went. DoceiYed, slighted, betrayed, , his very betrothal gift gone to swell' the purse of a mere ' spcndthiift like.1 Eruce ' iyayne. , ' h 1 vU-V .'"' f 77 r i "I have been a fool a lovesick I" he muttered between his ; clenched , teethj vand I am fittMgly-repald.7- ; ' When Cora Vane returned from 'the 3 r " . l J . . . i aays rouaa oi music lessons, weary, yet happy (for had not the' conciousness of a rood man's love gone With her on her tedious way?),' she found a note lying on her table, a note : directed ; ia i Alban Carlesfbrd's liand." ;- : -.-i . ; She took it up and broke 'the 'seal With a' soft crimaon giving over ' her face; but as her' eyes glanced . ove the contents a deadly hue usurped the ' dell- nateflrmmeJ''Ii rend thusr W-..-''.-- Basely UnsratefuU- :l - . "It's so strange that he loves me,' ithought her scarlet lips'half Apart, agad tje Aweetest dreaikershadpwof, .asrtule hovered ;abouherinnth.: ifH so.w&uiuf.jsoxusa TWii? f 1 can-1 dor ;" How can I , j vr; aristocratic circles, where poor ; httle 1 itf loitteoiiedCbrarl'solenuv Jiave never been admitted. 1 snouid al most fancy the whole, thing tp be a dream if it were not for this precious : stone SDarldinsf bh mv finser." " 7 5 A taea Cota v ane leaned ner cheefi pn Her hand and drifted off once more into": the delicious revcriesi'ihat come to those 1 'Miss Yane: I return ' your troths Capt. Wayne is welcome to the dia mond ring a well as your: ;h"art. I L.nt i J a-.....: - . 7 4 J ' A. C. ,iV C1MUEKL.AKK, aiATTjOIlNEYrAT: 0'.nce ifhe Court House; 7 t7 JAELr JONES " 7 Attorney M Umm Law M Will 'irnct ice r 1 n 4 fhe . courts of, t Fraiiklln. Watren, Wake, 7 Vance and Nasiij and Lu the Supreme court ottiK -Stale f :f1 7'7'? 77 7 : 7TXC pdOliTEAUHEitS. p 77 rJchooW f FranWiu cbuiity ' will be 77 i ti Lou isburz on t tie second Thurs- 'ZdayOrFfruary; AprjrpltMBer, t Octo'be? 'ih I December; ajiotygfiiatn 7 s 7 for three days, i t" necessary or the . iiurtxise of examining anplieantfttp I ..leacu in me i'uouc ocnoois 01 iins IT Comix ty . C -7 - v-V7- 7.' 77-77-v-; . T VI will al.d ? bel n i Kiouistfu rgnfRi S.vVirday of each vceek.and all pub r lie ttays, to attend to any business -;'v:"7'-' v-v J, K. tf arris, Supt. y. 7 HIHOS.: B, WMXEli, t -r. Office op Min Sl4" owe 1 dooeji - - i;. low tlie EaIe HoteLrM who have set foot within ; the mystic emnleoriovei?r!a? It did seem not unlike " Uie7 phantas mal outlines of a dream whea oua came to look at it from- ftsober, every-day point of yiew. nete was littie7hard I workjnglf dailyj : governess, , jearnhigja modes t-Iivelihood by 'constant toit--oow could it be tliat Alban Carlesford,:: the courted favorite of fortune ; and fksliion, should have learned to love her hould ihltve-won her promise to .be , his wife. And she liad told him so frankly and freely the story of her humble life,' even to the brief strange episode of Bruce ffomao IftWiifuvI- 'nvnACil 1 I.Bruceiwne l"43iCarlesfbrhad tepeatedjj "yotf do not&eaa he Bruce Wayne who was m the Seventh .Kcjri- mcnt at one fime.; Whjvl know him X-CoraTushln Captaia Wayne. He sakl he loved me, hUth'ftWasjid aifirt ahSsiwjate that I f as afraid of . him. Oh, . Alban, I iueyipr epukl .havp ilt toward fifcnaa I do oowara you r.;:S'H:ft:5:;rs: Aidlxv Carlesford forgot the incipi ent pang of jealousy wtuch had-ia:ready hand- firuce HVaytteJanahe felt hajpy in IheuBdoubt- w swear to you that by, this JLime ; to- iporrow you shall have the, t. money. sf I. will go mtbiybu to a jeweler's: 'he will dvance the money pn'this' ring, to meet all my prcseut needs.- Cora. wifl you save a fal ksn follow, creature's soul i .by" one daj''s Eaci'ifice of your - vanity, :: or: will you -drive fae to a suicide's grave T' 1 "BuVCaplv Wynne ' 77 ' '-; 7 As she stood there pale and , startled, a knock came to the door. ; It was " re peated and then the door was opened as ji ia dispair for an answer, , and Bruce Wayne stood there1 eager and .smilP: bg, 7. - v..- - - ' UI have brought 'you your ring Cora,' and it has saved me. My Heaven bless you as truly as I shall' ever do.' 7;-" It Is too late," said Cora, in a strange bard voice. " "Read that." : t . An old fellow s it Jn a rail fence. TTa hat lay on the ground; his long hah" was tangled and hi face wore a revengeful expression. A traveler, noticing the old fellow's hardness . of countenanoa. stoppal and thu addressed him: . 44 1 ou seem to be worried." r uAm."-,' . . ., - d j t :;: 4 What's tlie matter i - 'T. "Clot aduty to perform." ' 7. 'It must be an unpleasant one." wNo the duty is pleasant enoush. 'but the waiting is tiresome." v- . SWhydoyonwait? , ; 44See that house up yonder f :'Yes." . -'- - 7 - ; ' . ' 'Well, there's a feUow in Uiere that I ara-going to lurrup as soon as he , comes out?7' -.- - - ... , t- uUehasd6ne you an injury, I sup- . He has." ' ' -: - i luituiu ue uor . ' - j - y eu, x u leu you. r lie came into this naghbtr ooi about six montha ago and began to practice medicine, t have been a practicing physician, in this com munity tor thirty years, vet I treated the upatart kindly. How nid he repay me? With the basest infcratitue sir. I'll tell you how itr wasr : About two weeks affo Old Peter Nolan ; was taken ick. THe was as sick a man as ,1," ever aw in my life. Why, he had swamp fever, rheumatism; pleurisy, and a num ber pf other diseases. I 'was called in. As soon as I looked at him I saw he had no show, and I told him it would not be honest for me to give him , medi jcine and take his money when I knew that I could noti do him any cood.'" ! VThai was surely : commendable," said the traveler. s . ;-, Of course, but mark, the duTcrence, ftChat young snipe was called in. What dkl he do? Act with'coiresponding hon esty f No, sir, he pitched in and gave old Pete a lot of medicine.'? ; t 'J "And.kiiled him, ehrv . -1 " u Well, no; the scoundrel has about jeured him." " " - it - - " Yes",but that proves him to be a good pnysician,'1 v. - ...--- A good physician 1 the old ' fellow .WASHINGTON LtETTElt,' From Our Itesrular Correspond. cnt...-... :-. . - ' . j , Wasiiisoton, Mch-, 25," '80. It is not the purpose of the writer, In touching matters political, to do more tlu.n state what he sees." He mean to give the lacts and permit the reader to draw his inference to suit himself. So with thL preliminary tmderatood he will proceed. For the past fix tnL;ht politics have beea to the fore. To the right and oa the left they have' been ToU'ed and thundered. - If an acqurunt- ance slops to speak with you on the street he Is sure taAaysomethlug touch ing o Sices and the hungry Democrati ! Why, tha Democratic visitation was not onp-fourth as fierce and wolf-like as hai which" bears down upon President Harrison from every - quarter of the Country.- It was six weeks before Cleveland began to"- make changes at all. Harrison was in five 2aje, when he had to throw something to the hun gry mass that beset him, as r el entire as death. ' "I'm glad toT cc a ' man whose pockets arc not bulged out 'with tapers sakl the President one of those lovely ays last week, as he held out both hands to ' a Democratic Senator, with whom he maintained very- kindly relations while he Limtelf was a "Sena tor from . Irxliana. Hi4 conversation ith the Democrat, was, of course, con- cotial, but it is enough to say that n never dreamed of whai he had l March 10, 1S53; the United iate ' Navy was the most powerful aaJ for-. mklable aSoat. But somehow the i avy was not kept up.' The country : &d cot'fcem, to'tindenlanJ the peccsal- -ty of keeping abreast la this matter cf naval defenses and fighting power with ' -ither na bus. -And thca the spirit of plunder but it U usele&s now to enter bto the reasons why the Nary declined, till Its oClccra were ashamed of the tiijp ; they ccumandod, and ia which . they . had to maintain the honor of their coun try and fog. Bat at last there change. The narrow escape we LoJ ' from a war with Spain,' from a fU with Chili, from half a dozen other Utile tUSculries taught the sense' ef the country that It would net do - to let things go on in-thia way7 And with the incoming of the Cleveland adminls-' tralion there was brought to the lerv- ice of th natiau the best Secretary Ma ' Nary has had ki peace times fbc Lty" years. -1 s -'.: , : Afternoon Te." 7 . ,s . x Said Mrs. G. to Mrs.il. . - - ,( (Twas o'er a cup of fine Bobea): ,f " Our pretty hotess yonder,' 7 Has gained in looks surprjiuigly;' ' v ' She seems as well as well can be I ' ' . hat is the cause, I wonder. - 1 -1 J Cora 'exclauned. .4t Why blast him; he knew that I had said old Pete couldn't live. ! He knew that my. professional reputa tion was at stake. Why didnt he let the old fool die ? Why did ha -w ant , to 'cure .him and ruin me 1 It was an un professional act, sir, and just as soon as Bruce Wayne glanced over the note. turnedpale and scarlet and he- ' aaid earnestly, fcSE 'going liated; how could slie tell him,T her te- - . .--. iusulted ill mv okl ace. and above all. . I jeeted lover of the past, 'that the ; dia- I C""" - 7 " .77-. j am not going to allow ayoung popinjay. mood was-the;"bettoaial:rof -AllMW I uJrvJfuil "n.toruin the profession. Wait till he n i: :-H:;:.: 1L 7f UKiMrh nv-'iSk tJTAirtii 7 LoxfisBuria,:N. c.; i:::'y- Will ttend the courts ; of Franklin, entered- his heart, conccraiui this w ,...-iy-... f 'f--ti -i-s crv t some, reckless, young captain, Carlesford ? ;1 . 7 ' -..' . -':." -7: - 7:; ; ;; 4It is enough," he said huskily,turning away; as little Bessie's footstep sounded in.the jthe haU; 44I haye asked, . and have asked hx'vain. Tke ofi'euse never shah be renealed.t r .-i. . ' -. eger. r; WheusC human soul trembled in the batocfe; howold he: 4stop to weigh, the 'proVand cons' of orthodox, et iquette f. J ' - -; ; "i ,..- : Take it,".she ; moxmureuV , arawing , off there wh icb Alban5 Carlesford had placed, pu .lier finger; 'ln jfemember, it is butfora day A'W v ; ;t I His muThiured blessing hardly reached bet car,' so bewildered wan she with the Conflict ot enwtSons1 within hpy heart;1 p uba nexs momeuceoe was aioae uv- 0 room tod-Bead's' 'y.'aanl on the oor-Knoo. 1?;; ,.v;v -it. i 4;WeiOJKleiBracerlisped4 child; "I couldn't anywhere fkulrjiia gold eye-l'xss, andanammsaid it , was haugiug on his TcVriUhQa.' iiig certainty - that X.Cpr'wallt yhj , own. 775 VauceJ Gra ! i Fvder-.il HRfVuprvfue Coortr' Froupt .:aitena-Vii little Bessie Maiden's: piand cbuutmg time fox- thexhild's unnised fMsrs aV tney fSLrayedeguianyotver oiei ivory? keysy for 'Corhad insisted on duly H'ul fiili lig alTher eugageinen is for lne"quar-4 ter, before she would consent to fix-.' the marriage: day," whon , the schoolroom door opened, and'CaptJ Wayne lounged "rr:'-i''i'y-H - c:t -'1 S-' - ' -5: aiyHt:j..4irHiMii:-s' see him myse'f." 7 K7 "It will be no use,' dd Cora,T"he is steru oua adamant and1 r . : iIt viU be of use, Cora.; . 'a , lie : ' . -. m. . ' 1 ' C put nan.:ui uour 1 . . ... - . t And Bruce Wayne hurried off. " ; -"Mr.-Carlesford was particularly jgagodi h could see '.ho one. i. .At 'lasti that was the answer vprought to the; door byliis servant, ft; .7 7',' 7 4iI must see him," said Bruce Wayne; t4stand aside, man I"c ,u . - '- ,-;t : ! -j , An4 he pusliad tb deternxined ' way. directly l- into r the presence - of , Alban 1 P Captain Wayne PV. ' : 77 'Ij ". f But Bruce was not to be disheartened by he frigil kreasm of the stcra' voice. 44Caresford listenl!V; he criod "Mypu' must listed tome while I teU you what a true and noble-hearted girl, you . have i5i77;7 4'--f v And he told the whole story . of the diamoTid'ring.. ,1 j& S r. - ' . 7 44It was to save me from a sclf-iuflic-: ted deathi not from any personal feel- comes out of that house and you'll hear something drop." Arkansaw Traveler; preciated did the authors put therm' the re The great mass of readers, ask " for passion ainl lmagiaation and care not that the , rhetoric la; which it is ' dressed be correct so long as it la ' cor- grous, It is a curious plan, followed by" Home parents; that of keeping a strict watch over their childrcu :, assode and yet allowing than , to read what . books they choose; of keeping a girl, . among pure, innocent prls, and Rinnfr her such companions as CamilleT and "The Quick or the Dead! in book. The best sal vein theVorld for cuts. bruises,' sores; ulcers, ' salt rheum fever 'sores,' tetter; chapped hand-, ehillthiins, corns and. all skiu eru-itiotis and positively cure . pih s, or no pay required.- ft is guaranteed - to give perfect satisfaction, or mony refund ed." Price 25 cents per box. ': : JFor sale by J. B. Clifton. Boys Must Not Suaok. Great mistakes are often made in try ing to economise. ' It is a safe ' rule to fbiiow that the best is always the cheaj est. A cheap physician may cost your life., H.you have nalaria la your sys tem, you will not only be mietaUe,but unfit to work. Lost time Is money lost One 'dollar spent for Shallenberger'a Antidote will cure you ia , twenty four hours. Sold by druggists.. , Messrs. Stone" & Sparke's elegant era- oorium-of iewelrv was crowded, as . Mr. raYxine was: secrctlyl iMnMngon Carlesford sauntered down .. the marble 5 enextrWas fhSat f byi Ved room; but.: Mr.,f Sparkle - himself ,1 AH persons having claims against the estate of L C. Wester vil pre' ineui 10 me at once. -.. . - . E. W. TiMBERJLiKE Att'y. for 7 7- -- . -r. - W.-T. Collins Adm. eu B Ij A CKS R I I T If f kg; '1- 1 ' m&ay pacrous rno nve gvveu .inetnere ' ' patvoiiug for 183,' earnestly hsk ia t,;7i7 continuation of tliesanre for;l889. I, am . ; sar5'I will be able ta ldu ..better Ta the .7'772rat',re 1 7ie times hrd Jiard v andOprices' ,!:--; ery low. xnose who nave, horses. t9 be ' I"' , shod call 6 jne. t I -will feiiariintee' atis- factioa ia every particular. Prices low. If you havs a horse that over-reaches, cuts His auKie, stumbles, baa corn or the nar row heels, call and see. we. .and . will guarantee satisfaction. - Do not forget mat i ym preparea 10 ; repuir gaasj and haVetallarjia-stieh as j hamnisrs iubes. p. . - - , . ivecuuiiy, - - "i- r:7 - - . Antiioxv T.. 2eai .1 -1; "runand get myj. cold ej'e-glasses, that's a, little gem of a girl. - Tbey'xe 7in, the parlor or unddc my. dressing table, or in your, mamma's "worK-oaset,.or some where 7 ; , " ... , ; . : : : 7 - J And Bessie, glad, to be released from thethrauldom of the pinoforte, - slipped ujSwn ntpnyhelf seafand tottered merrily Bruce Wayne sat down beside :the daily governess, with a darkening' look of care upoh hlsbrowjili 'ITI' rfr fil ;tCora'ieisajd,-ahTiost7 fiercely,! an? in trpuble,-an there js no-cd e to .help- meve you,;?' nif 7 7 yv - , IIclp, you t I?tain Vayne, what 7uCora, I must have a hundred dollars between this, and 'sundown, or t shall be a ruineddisgraced man. I - can't tell yon how it happened you - need- not 'ri i-lopk tjmejQjruriitglx. r.MorodyQ5 came eagerly forward to nieet the Pew customer.- & '. 4'Wliat can we dy for you,,;sir ?' ques tioned Mr. Sparkle, rubbing ;his " plump white hands smilingly togelherr--4'mT' erald, fir ? certainly please -step this way. 7 There's a very, choice .set just sWt in-7-old Mr. Bal aplaiis, sir tliat used to be setting a little old-fashioned,- to he sure, but thi s tones-much choicer - tiian you gee now--days. We could re set thcm lor fGO and 7; rT. J Mr. Sparkle openeda little private drawer a special: -sanctum -5 wherehe kept choice jewels,, rare "cameos and priceless antiques. As he sought about for the set ef emeralds; Mr. Carlcsford's eye was caught by the glitter of a large solitaire diamond, set round with tiny Why 1 no ejaculated . 4that' the ing, that she intrusted ;the ring . to me for one single day. - Cariesford, she is a ' rem of the purest ray, and although she . may never shine for ntej I can but ren der my humble tribute o her noble na ture. . That was a cruel letter, whkh jowrote to-day. Go and contradict it in person, but first shake hands with me as a sign tliat you have forgiven my folly and rashness.' t, , V f u!o7 " Carlesford pressed Wayne's hand so fervently that he absolutely winced with the pain and. hurried away without a very ring !'-; v,. y? f f 4Thatvwe sold you List, week. 'Ex actly so." chimed in Mr. Sparkle 4lIt is here only on deposit to raise a- little money temporarily.4 7 We are often call- Hartford, March 14, 1839. A re minder of Ooniietijcut's blue lawd ia found in a bill passed in the .Legis lature this afternoon to prevent the I use of tobacco by . boyV.' klt. 13 a 'sharp and severe measure, striking' alike at tho tobacco stores and the nrchlivs.7 It provides that, na per son shall sell, glvo or deliver-to a:iv. minor under sixteen, tobacco inanv lorm under DenaiiV-Oi acne the maximum of which la fixed" nt. $50. The next eeciioti imposes ' a fine not exceeding $7 on any minor unber - sixteen;- who shall ' have, smoke or iVi any way use tobacco in any' for n whatsoever In any ; public placed street or resort. 7 TIe original tntent of the bill h-Jis lbtrikw at cigarette smoking by the boys, but tha . Legislative coiiiuiittee "Who &usiclered ' the matter concluded to extend it to all forma 01' tob.icco. :The bill went through the benate.the other day and pussed the House to-day with out a division. ' -:1-.' - ' - -- Smith Good for ; your wife, 7 Jones! '.'I noticed that ah 0 toolc oS her hat at the Iheairoi last eve- . : - 4u .4 J ... . f . ., .' ' nItlr't.-- 7. ' ;: Jonoa Yea; U waa an old hat Free Press. , - . i single word ! ErociL,. ''Well, really, : - - tie '4 k sir, we don't . usually 7 i. .-'.'-. 7 'I insist upon inowing thunf ed the yo'unar man, furiouslv.'" A -"'But to you,') Eli',-, iu ;ccIeru:e,I X ry "Cora, my darling--iny treasure !" ' I She sat alone with her head drooping on nor -lianas, winie uss tender voice thrilled through the silence. : - . 44ph, Alban I you never ;couldj have meant i2-rwhat you "wrotrf me-in that harsh little note !"-'- Die folded herJOTderlytohk heart, .! thiiik I was mad for the moment, dear.t. ph, jCora, how near I came to the shipwreck of all happiness !' t But the guardian spirit ;. of ; tul) true lovers had watched over . &&m ia' the hour of periL and the golden cliaia1 of affection glowed brighter than ever I : Nor was it tho las t of Cora's happiness ,wheu ehe was Alban Carlesfbrd's , dear ly-beloved wife, Ciat Brace Yi'ayne was dating a new and better life - from the day whea the diamond ring ?tol be-' tweca linn ana a suicide a crave. .New "Yck 2s ews. Tbe transition from lon, llngerins 'and paiutul sickness to rohost - keltli marku an cpocli in tlw lire of the mdi-vidua.1..-Such a remarkabld event Is troasured in the memory aod-ti.e ngency whereby the" good health hat 1 been atla-ned is iratefuily - blessed. Hence" it is that so much i heard iu praise ot ElecUic B-iter. So many feel they : owo tU-ir retOraiiou ta health to Uectno Bitters. ; If you aie troubled with any disease of ki Ineys, liver or. stomach,, or. long or sliort standing yoi will aureiy find relief by us crt Electric Hitlers. Suki at and $1 pr botile at AVi- II- Fumiao ,Jra Dru Store-- - A coal kind's heiress, Anna Pren, '' ' llr Iver did ubusfj. . 7- 7 On hearing i."un tji ve utt'rance to JSotnt Bocialistic views. lie passed 'his arm her waist around ? Bhe did not lonrwiit ',And eoim the little ma'tJeii found I Herself tu Anna ki.-ned. ' - x ' ' Free Prew. Said Mrs. D. to Mrs. 7 ' , 7 . pShe's clcinged indeed, but then yba ce ' r -r : ? She put Aside objection, I And tried that famous remedy, t- Which did so much for yon arI me, r Herce's Favorite Prcscriptinn. 1 to endure when he came into the , Presi-1 ' ;Fori bffiousnesf, tick headache, ; bdr dency.VOne expression so exactly Jits gestipn, and constipation there ia no- thecaae,that ltrustlmaybe rroon remedy equal to Pierce's Little Fellxta , I'resident, that every man. who voted ; - - - for me thinks he ought to be pro-idcd : A lote'of common honesty and arrr- with a living without working for it." creuce for common truth are not very That epitomizes5 the status. The Be- common m the books of thia day.and 7 l T . , , , one reason for It thewould not be ap- For four years they have had . an easy time, for they could always say to an. office-seeker, "Why, I have no political Influence with thus ' administration," - at the same Cme getting pretty much . all they really wanted.' :, t , 7; 7 ' 7 5-.There are two classee of people desir ous of drawing Government salaries 'who will find this . Administration, a cold and heartless one. ''; V ery few of them resigned, " and . Kcpublican testi mony is on file touching the"" difference between the pobmincut officials uodcr Cleveland (all of whom sendcred their resignations) and the men who held the sameplaces under Arthur when Cleve land came in. How they - kicked ' and squirmed t How it hurt . them to let go I And now they are here in legiona 4o ret bock mv old place," Most of them have bad their term. The policy of thii Adnunistxation is to give some member of the party who has never had chance to pull ai the Public Treasury rather than return to bflfce' men who have lived by bfSce &H their H?e Members of the Cabmet are very abort in dealing with .such cases. rouve had your turn; let some one else have a chance," said Secretary Windom to ope pf thi class, who was importunate and he expresses the general attitude of the whole Administration.' The other claaa consists of those clerks, who, professing to be llepublicaas, were .Yery glad . to hold on under a Democratic. President, but now, fearing they will have to go, "are talking of what they had to " endure for the sake of. their ' principle under Democratic rule. To hear the stories some of them tell woukl remind bue . 6f the persecutions of the early Christians. "And you tell me you Lad to stand all this? said a staunch Bepublican Con gressmen to a clerk from his own State, who acas trying to make his calling and election sure. . "Yes, and even worse replied the other, thinking he had found a sympathizing souh' j4 Well, all I have to say Is that any man who would en dure what you say you did and not get out ia a mi-ierable sueok7,i'oboJy wade. you stay, did they r and the wilted one vaniih(xLfecIlng that thUia a coIJ,hcart leaa and uniseliag worlu. ' ''- If there U any epecbi feature of Mr, Cicveland's atlminbtratioa which meets thc full approval of. the whole " iutiou, without regard to political , iveduvxtious It is tha manner ia which the 2avy Department was managed. '"TLU De partment and iu aduainLgtratioii has been a source of iallaite shame and cI jv gria to Uiat vrry krgs cLus, cf Ucr-l'i-cans who love their coiintry and wiih to sao thcVJi of U13 nation honesty juinlnLncral .-Witli r.rarly one Lualred milUons of collu-s a-prcrUted anJ ex-p-- loily Ci2 jvJiy.hi pcr.Tcr from ISCi to li i; there li but VJlJa to f'uow jbr The annoyance occa4kxei by the continual crying of the baby, at pace ceases when the cause is xenored f by using Dr. BuiTe Baby Syrup. The most beautiful complexion caa - only be had where, there is pure blood. Loxador will renovate the blood, and remove Impuiitioi.. -. , ; ., , 7ky 3XarrlaeU n Fttllao. 4 ..The followlog clipping from tha Sonny South, in in our . estimatica . la the best answer to the 'articles, going the ronntU of pxess hccJ, Why Marriage la ft. nrilarer' it aaya : 's-'f-', ;' ;' " 'She mecta hlrri In povr J:r, -palnU, pufTi, padd?( ft'so hair and artlQciaUj; lie tuc-eta ter: la d.-.zb, perfUioe, high xILar . and - trclh made fjr the occasion. She amilcs, he whine, and mamma - r'.cs lxve, marriage, divorce.-" . What we need Is' more nolle mea and women, . whose 'evtry action has for ita motive Bocae good; tni lea of tho dodca anil dudincs of to clety, who po the manners and cua toma uf other countries. 7 " "TIlEIlt BUrfl-h'iBOOiili'a. . : 'ProtaUr no cn Vir.-f' ts cuiied such a gQcr! rerirJ vl traJ at XTm U. Furuita Jr's Dreg Store, as . t!e.r giving way to ttic J cu.-'oir.-rs aj inaur free trial Ujitles vl JJr. 'IZtz't Ne Dicotrj rur cu.:.; i;.u. Their uu.le u : '.u!j 'y euJruic jj IUU Tcry TaiaL'jTarucla Lzzi lis fct mat it i.u en uj l!V'." c CojU, coii, . f t.'.r.:t. I: IT up, and U U'.rat la.. i- iuici cured. Yx.a c&u it L faictUjiU' ty s:ett:::x a tr'u' LvtUs t :.:; 1.1c 4 1.