- . .' J- vmmr&B SSptA H :-fT - J jTrTTt ?!. i,::-"---' :' : -- -'- " -: ' ; the franklin times TmsTnrxs b tlie onlv publiihed la Franklin county, , and its c ovulation extends tH ovee ercry sor vHrP Bate a-;.:.. Oxe Year '-'. -7t r mm i wu mi at. joining counties, . Tcrtisers ehoull tmlm a cote hcrr, Six iloxTiis - J. A. THOMAS; Editor and Proprietor. ' with MAUCE TOWAttD NO.vewitii ohaexty FOli ALL. ; VniCCLBOPEttAniH UlnAdvanco The Eilter wH tot l'rrrtmtw.n.L. for the views of cycrep ; wden rs. . . - To Clubs of 5 Tins TiatES will; be .wuuiuwioos irocn a.i 60O tiorts uosi earnest v atAiL vV . furnished at $1.40. ; . LOTJISBURa, N. O. APRIL 5. 1889. items of an r nature wQ- 1j flantn,'! NO, 9. I . " - - - - . "V. Pure CURiNS OF THE STALK- :THI3 XMPOBASTT SnBJECT JXXELLI- . EXPERT. . - (Southern ToMcco JournaLj . . . Absolutely This p'w.lereTet YariesAmftrTer of 5' urity, atrenjth aad -':vkle8omenefc8. fore eco'if6raicl tliatf the 'ordinary kifids, ; al eanntit be. sol4 la eorapetition : with . the multitude ot low. te!v vlort . weight: aluni or p hosphate powders. feOLi, ON Lx of this piedmont ection will discontinue the stalk cure at an early dar,. every idea of economy cries' out- against the practice, philosophy testifies against it, tiaturc gives her emphatic no, C common pense plainly points in the opposite ; di rection while chemistry sits and wonders at the folly, r ' ; v ; ;; ; " Ylt is the judgment of:' practical men TMrOPAUMERS, ; Their Methods of Making PBOFEBSION AIj cards; "j B; B.HASSEXBUIIG, fc'fS ; i, ATtOIlN KY AT LAW-;:; ; O fioe in the lourt Ilouce. - - -- All Wii si.a put i n my.h and s will fdiieivc; prompt attctionSfej ALTE an IJOtl NSEtLOTt at LAV. to ens b ixita jriiAy KLisr Co. ; c:il 11 attend the - Courts of "Nash, Frank inV-(r Wale v - tourt of Xor th Carolina, and the U ' 'f Cireuit and District Courts. " 5T."-s:" D S. JE if ALO 0 3ce; 2 do rvrs be at once and forever' abandonedr ; that themethod is' excessively wasteful (froin neeessitv.1 is not the "only - reason al though this will weighchie-fly;i with .the Dlanier as her. irrows .' tobacco for the money he jean make out of it.:. s-i-H- 5 Yet there are sanitary .reasons why persons using tobacco in ' any form shoUkl never use tobacco cured ion; the stalk. A well set and well ; cared to Ijacco plant will' grow find mature - be twecriay.and October twenty average siao leaves. ; Of this number, not - m6re than five loaves can be found on the plant at one time in tlie just tight .00 ditaon to be cured a" lemon "yellow. It. is obyiouB then that if the stalk cure is adhered to Hie remaining fifteen leaves must be saciificcd in whole or. in part." Just hereis where the over "ripe start and the green tips come from i that ; we see "so abundant on all', "niarkets. But saj8 the farmer Ido not , allbw?twenty leaves to grow on my plants, stop them At to leaves. ? This is'jbften.tbo'true,1 but the plant -has been : set ; in 'good ground, has the.-roofs andrchemicals and the calculation all made for; twenty leaver linless you can prevail on - the roots to impartially suspend business tliey are likelyj to inject jnore J safh-into the tan leaves than, they can1 take care i oL' 3ow look ".out -foiUjetemaj big fibers builices and foy eye and an endless and persistent crop of suckers and in the end about -tcts. per pound on j tho inmr- r But the planter, has one tlung to con- .sble limVhe can - cut these bully :- big KpTaw cpiirman A. 1 e u ac one uiuu iuui jihiijj uieiii y ad j oinin Dr. O; L m "ttle log hat and cjjre vtlan .With UAQf : 1111 Vll.. ,l,A- (1 oun-.ies iilso .the3't"ttpi erne been- sold during the. last -ten years to have paid the State, debt: principal and interest. The waste is inseperabfe from the. stalk eure. The man donative that caff fave and curd one-half , the good waxy leaves that will grow on a good thrifty tobacco plant if he mus t use the sfedk to cure them on; -- The medium fiza normal leaves are Hie delight of the buyer. . - The mild bright , stock brings the most money the coarse heavy to bacco is always cheap tobacco.' Put yoilr plants in good . ground, ; take the button off when it appears and instead of spending your time in picking . suc cors and curin bull-face tobacco all the v summer spend it in picking just ripe to bacco leaves that everybody - will be anxious to buy. The product per acre can be fully doubled if the staUc cure is abandoned with the present - mode . of culture. If the farmers will learn to grow tobacco' with a view of curing and .handling in the best way I ani couvinc ed that the increase will be more . than double? -There is no defence to -make in the stalk culture it neither makes more nor-better tobacco,,; but less and poorer, neither, does it lessen i the ex-' pense on a pound in saving what it does get, the only excuse is that it is fur old custom." .It was a . custom one' day to trundle a hogshead of tobacco 200 miles off to market, now the hogshead goes on the cars and the price of one pound will carry 100 pounds 500 miles.' ? ; - 1 . W. II. Snow. . - High Point, March . 12th '80. ARNICA SALVE . ks DcBg.Sore, ad j o inin Dr O. m his httle log hu t and cjjre.;tlem wUh L.' Ellis. tJjt- - wr - " ' no less than two cords of wood, ' which W-TIMBEllLAKE, r ATTORNEY AT LAW : 0(Se9..ihe -Court .fjputt-';r'""v A.UL JOES: 'fr Aftarny anf Counsellor at "Lav, - . .. LOUIS liUHQ N.t). . I & ym m praet icl n t ht ciurta i of i?rauicuii. warren, Whk e. Ya nee auti Nnsii, and in ilie Supreme court v' -TOC HOOL TEACHERS.; . " Tho Superintendent- f "Public tiiiChooIS f Franklin county .will tier . In Loutsbunf; on theecond Thurs ; ciny tf February, April; September, V October and December, aud remaiu Jy for, three days, if t.ecessary, fo f the ;- V; purpose of examining applicants to. ? teacn in twe Jfuoiic cnois oiv tins v I will also be": in -IiOuisburg on . Sa.rday of each week, and ail pub- "lie day.-, tor attetuLtb any bqsiueHS Gonnocted with my.offlee. V-"-v J.-N. Harris, Supt."'" ATTOEHEYATLAW: "i Office on Main St."si one door.: - ... - low the' Eagle UoteL ? worth about as much as hiy vtobacco will bring after it is cured, but he has done as his daddy did mid has cot' dis honored thejold man .by adopting r any new fangled way .that tlie old man knew nothing about;. If he gets, as much as d iddy he has. kept the family : repula .tion.' V' :: ; .;; '-- . ' J--. Another vei-y strong reason why, the stalk Cure should be abandoned ;;; is the large increase in . weight which equals 20. per cent on every leaf when "broken from the talk before curing;, over the same leaves when cured on. the stalk.' In wire cured tobacco the pores "of the stem is filled with wax nearly solid,whflc; the stalk cured stems are light and ' porous. 1 can put 200 pounds more tobacco cur ed on the wires into a common " hogs head with the same pressure : than "T cxa. with the stalk cured leaf. '; It is a law of nature -, growers, ooth' the animal and tnel vegetable kingdom, froni which tobacco has ho exemption, that at the time of dissolution the body draws sustenance from its extremeties While the stalk with tlie leaves attach ed, is heavy in the barn nndergoiug the ordeal of having the sap stewed " . out of it, being the larger and stronger . body,. the organic matter in the form of mat ted waxor oil of tobacco is passing from the fibro to the stem out ; through the tem to the stalk until his jjower to ab- soro nas ccaseoaua inas - is - wnen ;tne. BUCKLEN'S The best salve in the world for cuts," brui-esSsire. - ulcer'';" salt rheum, fever " sores. tetter; chapped hand-. .ehilhlainp, fonts and all skin eruj'tions and positively cure piles," of" no pay required. ; ft Js gUMrantoed to' jjive perfect satisfaction, or mony . refund cu. -I'ricH 25 cent s per box. For sale by J. B. . Clifton. SaS Vancei GranviUWaiTeuirNashv and f - Federal HnlSuprnye. CoiitWi Prompt ttenti-n given. to cd!ectxons, &e. - .',," All persons having clalmsgainst; - V th estata of L. C. Wester will pre-' r send them to tne at once.: : " , E. W, TiMBEKtAKE -Attv.fir. Q ; -r; , r 'UV: ?';,.-;W.-T.-Collins Adm;.: ' sAYCOCKEAPASflELS, :': ' ; Gxldsboro; K. jC. : i DANIELS, "Viison, N. i. .. ". . . . . -... . ' . . . . ...... ' ' 'i l Any business entfusted to us,wilt be 1: Dromntlv attended to.'- '.'-- - ".-''.- - :j- t talk is dead and bohe fcy. That the stalk robs the leaf f of ;' its . weight and virtue is not the only mischief that is going on at this partrcular time;. The. tobacco stalk is one of the most - poison ous' filthy things known to th ' Vegetal ble family the actiea of the heat to W ton weight of them in a: curing barn the from the salt of amonia; load the leaf with " a- Eubstance tliat v compels ? the ' manufac turer to hold h".s stock" two' full ; years. before he dares to put it on the market,1 or any manipulation of it in" his .mouth or pipe, while the wire cure "is ready for use in six months after curing. llf. any nian doubts 'it let him- come'to High Point md I will show him tlie best '- to bacco he ever saw .both chewing and smoking, .which nine months ' ago - was -in the seed. bed. Mr. Editor, it is im- ppssible i'td-inore that hint at the points. "under discussion iu a j two "column ar ticle. : Old customs are hard to- root out, men. like to foilow a :'- beaten path ratnor tnan to cu c " a new. roau ; even when tlie new road shortens tlie dis tance, vr 'j . t'.i ; .'. ' v': We are convinced that the planters THE PEN1TENT1AKY. . Pittsboro Kecord. , The new directors of our State peni tentiary held ; -their,, first : meeting last week. . According: to an act of the - late Legislature thcnmberDirectorswas reduced from nine to five, and the annu al appropriation for the support of the penitentiary was -reduced to $75,000. which will be a saving of - about . $50. 000 a year. In order to support . the penitentiary with this reduced appro priation, it will be necessary for the di-. rectors to practice the most rigid econo my. This they began by at once redu cing th& salaries and wages." of all: the officers and employees, and in tins man ner will save the sum of $7,500 a year. Tax payers will think this a pretty good beginning.--; ." i: 7-- -i;'-y: ' -.". ' The directors also made a contract to hire a large number of convicts to ".the Wetmore Shoe and - Leather Company of Raleigh. This action will no doubt be censured by ., some persons , on the ground that it makes Convict labor com pete with tree labor, but tne great--body of tax pavers will " approve it : because they think that the convicts should be .made to work and thereby '' enable. the penitentiary to be self supporting instead ot being ar neavy expense to tne- Mate. The Legislature ot ew' lorfc last yeir passed a law, in consequenceof a clamor of labor unions, to forbid tho - convicts of that State from doing any work - and 'since that time those convicts have been supported in idleness. This has -Ijcen not onlv a heavy burden upon- the- tax payers of New, York, but it - has been cruel to the convicts because unpnson- nienm. Idleness is worse punishment than imprisonment with ial-or. -It is said that that already two ot ew x orks convicts have become insane On:' account of this kind of imprisonment. - ; ; : I -. :' - The first selects bis best land for cotton.- Depends oncoinmercial fertilizers Buys his meat, bread, hay, fertilizers, and everything on a cspdlt aU ruinous profits, isdriven fromlhe first of Jan uary to the last day of the year by his cotton crop, to the neglect of' the- im provement of his esock, houses, fences. ecc, : lie is in debt, mterest is accumu lating and he feels that he must be able to count so many dollars In greenbacks as tho proceed of his crop. His idea of good and successful fanning is to see at the end of! the year a certain amount of money in actual cash as the result of his labor. lie does not calculate ' the Tuinous'cost at which .. this money is .maae. . lie aoes not see tnat lor every dollar he has thus received, he has pakt one hundred and fifty cents.- .. But . he sits aown at we end or tne year . in a cheerless home wearied ; and dispirited and surrounded by ignorant children and complains 10 ms laithiui and over- frorked wife that the merchants . have uined him, that the seasons have beon against him and that he is livinsin the poorest State in the Union. He has worked hard, bis - family - has '. worked hard and they have lived hard,-but his money is all gone and he is still , unable to lift the all-devouring mortgage. That man and his family are slaves. - Tho second starts out by fixing in his mind the determination to keep out of debt and raise his -own supplies. -.Ue does not believe that a farmer can get rich in one, or five, or ten .; years. He does believe that he can gain ' and im prove every year. 'I He knows that man kind must have son thing besides coU ton.?' He believes that if his - land and stock and houses, orchards aud other comforts of home are improved every year, that he is accumulating wealth iu its most solid and useful fornv ..whether he ever produces a single bale of cotton or not. If he makes his own fertilizers, raises his own meat, T bread, hay and stock and multiplies the little comforts which go to make a home of pleas uro and hapiines8 and finds at the cud of the year that his property has doubled in value, lie has done well, although du ring that time he has not liad at any one time as much as one hundred, dol lars in actual. caslu"j He -has time to sow grass and clover, wheat, oats and rye. He has time to look after his cat tle, hogs and sheep. ". He . has' : time, "to make manure and improve his lands, . He has time fcrkeep his buildings, shel ters &c, in repair and to add to. them. He has time to look after nis . orchard and other fruits. His wife, dear devo ted woman, instead of wearying Out her , life in cooking for lot of negroes to work cotton, has time to look after the adornment and beautifying of her home, to attend to her milk and butter, eggs, garden, bees, chickens and other poul try, and with all this they have a little tune eo bhltb socuuiy wiui uujut . uuit- bors and go to church. ' Such a man. h a freeman. He is an honor to his can ing: His life and methods eleva.e and dignify the vocation. He , has demon-' strated to his boys that farming la not necessarily a life of drudgery and slav ery. He thus educates his : girls . that the bronzed check of. the farmer-boy sweetheart is not a badgo of dishonor. Here is a picture of two classes of farm ers. To which, .eai reader, do you be long? Progressive Farmer.: " ' X further piling up", the costs , on the county, by sending the prisoners to jail, and after clothing them veil and fatten ing them up, allow them to swear out in thirty or sixty days, as the case may wd. w bat is the benefit to the coan it where for a small fine a - party is sen tenced to thirty days In jail and, pay ment of coats 1 -An immediate repeti tion of the offence Shows it effects not the person. An expense of $25 or $50' to the county, with no return shows it does not benefit the county. Then, what should be doner . Give us the best men for justices of the "peace. Give them final jurisdiction In minor offences, re quire good bonds for appearance, at court, and for" costs when an appeal is taken, or it Is beyond the justice's juris diction. . In cases where no costs can be collected out of the parties convict ed the law. should make it imperative. that they should be hired out when pos sible, or worked on the public roads at reasonable wages 'till their penalty is paidlafuu. ,: " :. : - A dead expense on the county to keep comfortable In every respect' those to whom comfort heretofore has been a stranger, may be plulantluHJpical, but Is poor punishment, to say the least. And the lawyer who hinders justice by con tinuing, appealing, getting new trials or any of their numerqus methodr of shield ing their guilty clients, but adding to the taxes of the people, though they re ceive a paltry sum in pnyment of the same, care little for the welfare of their country; but they do desetve some cred it for their perseverance. - 7; The moral responsibility hi stealing a trifle Is as great as hi larger things, bnt the taw docs not inflict the same pun ishment. This is no reason that costs of conviction should be as much In small cases as in more important ones, : ItumedLata Results. There are times when lmmeate re sults must follow or disaster inevitable. "Help: help r sounding out on the n wueu air, man nave - immeoiate re sponse, and the cry of . fire ! ' fire ! de mands that men fly lo the rescue. , . ; But In business affairs gaily'lnv mediate results do not follow tho - beat laid plans. Fortune are acquired usu- I any aiier years of labor and frugality". - r . . uxu arc ouen too ' impaucnt - or re sults. - An enterprise Is projected. , It promises valuable results, . and men rush In In hope of gokleu harvests. Biit because good is delayed they abandon hope, and pronounce tlie light that led them on a wrecker's torch. They for get that there most be a seed lime aud harvest. They fail to realize that there must be the bud and flower tbefore the fruit.. .. -; . Las tern 2orth Carolina has s waken- w vs we oonsoousness or. its powers. But they are latent powers; - Time is necessary to their development; but no timejmust be lost In calling attention to her marrelous resources, and bring ing to their development the efforts of her people. V -. A boom that exhausts itself in lusty cheering is an Injury to any communi ty.' But a steady going forward, with a resolution that nothing can . daunt, will Inevitably result in success. ' - .! Let no man be -discouraged because immediato results do not fulfill his hopes. "He who having put his hands to the plow and lookelh bock - is not ' fit for the kingdom," are the words of in spiration, and they are applicable to tem poral s well as spiritual concerns. Ex. A newspaper cannot - Rrd : to ay niBch to admlalstrators,'execu-, -tors, de la the way C advice to' obeerre the Uw atilctly la the rnat- ( lertf legal adrcrtbin?, lest II lay itself lUhU to the chafer itylng lo ''work" I-bcaIneas Tor Itself, Nevertheless ft recent decision of the Bupreme .Cuort 1 Ileal r Lawrence) shows bow Important it la to rollqw the Utter of the law la ach matters. :. It U as fbllows t Tb notice to creditors required by aectlocs;iUl and 153 ot the Code In a special proceeding to compel an administrator to an ac count or his administration and to pay creditors most be duly made la strict conformity with tne statutey otherwbje thejudxmect lendered In the caose will be without aathonty.' An administrator, eva If fruilty of " tii, muji except . u - mo proper notice has not been given, aa he has the right to be protected by the Judgment aftlnst suits of other a editors and other creditors are not bound .unless legally noti fied." . v - ,.vv,; The fees allowed by the Leglsla. tnre for legal - advertising' are very low and nothing short' of a sleepless dilltgeoce- will saves publisher fYom losln ir at least half or them afler they,, have beesilearned. ; candidly and as a matter of fact, observance of the lews requiring legal publication is of more eonsequance to the public i nan it is or value to tno press. - . , POISONED BY A CALF. J In 18C0,' nenry Goethe, of Beaufort, S. C wrote Dr.'Shallenbcrger:"- '7 t ; I regaixt your Antidotea specific for chills and fever. 4 It was used on the Charleston and Savannah R. Road last summer and autum hi the most sickly region, and under the most trying . cir cumstances. Out of one nans: of nejrro operaUre, fifty were stricken down with chillsand fever, and every one recover ed by the timely use of Shallenberger's Antidote, You possess the greatest medicine in the world. " -'J--: Deservedly popular. -We mean Lax- ador, for everybody has derived benefit from its use. Physicians recommend it. Sold everywhere. " , v - ' If you want your, baby to look bright do not put it to aleep with laudanum when restless, but use Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. 25 cents a bottle. The Value of Cotton Seed. Training np Child &c. Tarboro Baatier. y .- ; - ' f '; - No wondet the man of this day and age Is so poorly developed, so weekly constituted, so riven to disease and at liut msr cuvil uiw, nucu w a uwn, they are allowed to go wherever ' they please, at the age of five, six and on up. as would really not be indent lor a grown man to do. -We say that it - is no wonder we have such poorly devel oped men around us, . when . from .. the cradle ther are allowed so many dam aging habits. - : r-- 1 ;We were shocked, the other right as What Is the value of cotton seed pee bushel of 32 lbs. compared . with com mercial fertilizers? What Is the best method of using it? . I have used tlie whole seed in a drill to good advantage. N.B.E.A."- V V V '; 1. The valuable ingredients of com mercial fertilizers have a value which, fluctuates with the demand, supply,' lo cation and several other causes. For example, take about the average values Nitrogen 5c, pnosphoric acid Cc and potash 5c. . The report of the North" Carolina experiment station for "18S7 says thai the manuria! elements , in a bushel of cotton seed of 22 Ibs are worth 27 ic ' A bushel of seed will pro duce one half of its weight 'in meal, v but S of this meal is oil, which has no ma nurial value. The 12.8 lbs. of meal is worth, using the same computation 1 as the above, about lCJc " Since oil mills give 1 lb. of meal for 2 lbs. of seed, the farmer gains by the transaction 2.1 lbs of meal, or from every bushel exchanged he gains a little more than 4c 2. The My little boy broke out with ul cers and sores, the result or the sa- ' Uva from a calPs mouth coming In contact with a cut finger; The ul cers were deep and very : painful, and showed no Inclination to heal. I osed qude a number of remedies, with no benefit, bait got 8wIftV Specific and he improved with the first few does4md in n short tlniej was smmd and. well cf the "poison, and his general health much Im proved. ; . ;- - ... . Joibr.T. ITsabo.' AODurn, Ato Feb. 15, 1 883, In 18S3 I contracted blood pols- -on of bad type, and was treated -with mercury, potash and sarsa pe ril hv mixtures, growing worse all the time. I took seren small bot- ties ors. 8. 8. which cured roo en-' ' tirely and no sign or this dreadful disease has returned. ' . C Nakce. nobbyvlll, Iod Jan.' 10, 1889. - - Swift s Specific Is entirely vege table and cures blood " poison by forcing the taint oat through pores ' i .w eaia. - dctki ior irsatise os blood andskla diseases, mallei fres.- - r ' " ,r. ' The 8wift Specific Co. - "t .'. l-t Drawer, 3 AtlaaUGi. tlic'U Alter WW. this Rich aunt Why do yon , bring grasxeramyr -Tommy Because I want you to bite I- - . JT ; - i - .But why do yoo want me .to. bite ; "Becauss t heard pa say that .when'' you bite the grass we'll get $40,00. lexairiiung. . , . . we were going up the street, lo see two , t fcnrrnvM mMW ,lnr t UbUO uujo, jcd nuuut utc niu bu, i . walking along unconcerned, puffin; ' EUPEPSY. . This is what you ought to bare. In fact, you must have it, t- fully enjoy life - i'housands are-searchini: for it daily, aud inourniug'beeanse they find it not, 1 housauds upon thousands ot dollars are spent cniMtally by our peo ple in ihe hope, that may c obtain this poon. tJUiu yet may ue nan oy, au. Wo guarantee that Electric .Bitters ii used according to directions use . per sisted in will-bring" vou good dijjestioi. and the demon dyspesi. will install instead" enpepsv.r ; We recommend Electrie Bitters for Dispeijsia and ail diseases of Liver. Stomach and .Kid nsvs. - zwia at joc- ana iser ooiiik -by W. H. Funii.iuJr. Druggist. . A SCRAP OF PAPER SANES HER - - . LIFE: , . " : It was last an ordinary scrsn , of wrapping paper; bu. it saved her life. She war in the - last staica of con-" Bumption, told by physicians she was incurable and could only lire but a sliort true; she weighed less than acvt enty iwunds; On a piece of wrapping paper sh rend or iDr, Hmg s .New i co very, and got a sample bottle; it h-.lptd her. she boughi a -large bottle it kelpvd , her mor-t bought . another Snd grew better tasi, coutnueu its use and is nor.strong,healty, rsy.plunap, wftighaag 140 pounds. or lutler par ticulars seud I stamp to -W. 1L Cult, Druggist, Fort Smith.; Trial bottks jf tlii wonderful Diftovery free i.' W. 1L Furman's Drug JSiore. - . away at the horrid little cigarette as if they "were men of forty. - " -1 " Of course they were Innocent of the harm that they .were bringing upon their frames, but they were trying to imitate "other men," and at such a price. ' ' , This is but one case; there are others equally as bad. Parents, m tlie name, of humanity, persuade , your children, the men of the rising generation, to re frain from this ' foolish '.and damaging habit of smoking; .Keep your children at home at night, and finally, try to "never do anything yourselves that yoa would not bo willing for your ' children to imitate. Think of these things. seed Is to exchange It for meaL and then 1 feed the meal to stock.' ' Iu this way stock 'value The aprJj Expensive "Justice. Tarboro' Banner.1 ,?'' "'Tr : -: X The casual observer in attendance at our courts cannot but be struck with the enormous expense that usually re sults from-trying trivial matters. Then, often the parties though known to . be guilty, through some little technicality go free, but perhaps this is better than Daintly little globules, - - r ' - Fine,' and white, and sweet, jr " : Easy to. be sowedp.- .V - -v'-In their work, complete.' -; No discoWort ."wakings- y 't Inner gripes and aching. 'Ki ; .i What are Z they f "l"hyv r'JIcrces. Pleasaot Purgative Peircts-Uie "perf tioa of laxatives- Con tain iTol an at oro oi mineral powon: are.eppeLUiiy appre ciated by those whose ta3te revolt1! from, the coarse-vlolcut piUs, whkh tear their way through the system tke slaant cars actually doing harm instead of good. . Of druggists, 'i . ;-- -:.-'.-. '" ; Dr. ; Pierce's Favorite iYescription cun '-female wen.kiiossb" and kindred ailmeuts. - . - one not only gets a valuable food," but nearly the entire of pie meal In .stable manure, next best aaethod is to grind and the crushed seed with a drCL It Is not a complete manure, as the ammonia is too great in proportion to the phospho ric acid, and it should be used in con nection with add phosphate. ProfL 1L B. Battle, Director North Carolina Ex periment Station, in Farm and Home.' -rl . He T7 anted to Know. " Miss Hand he eakl, "I have come In this evening to ask yoa ' a quest lo a, ani have -brought a rlnz with tae. 5fow," before you try It cn, I want to tell yoa that if yoa reel incnoed to be a sister to me I will have to take It back, as my father objects to my s Liter's wearing such largo ; diamonds." and Zland Bald she would keep the ring.-Jeweler'a Weekly. . - Enll'a Haby Cyrup - "Does your mother know yoa are .out," d boy to his little brother. "ITes; she does,' was the ans wer, for one bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough " Syrup has knocked my cold Into a cocked hat, you bet.' - -.; - .' , ' c t : . ; . . A few applications of Salvation ; 051 will instantly relieve stilTueck or joints. 25 cents.. - v - ' ' ' - out lwcfm, ty 'I iwlm. Try Xl f Taking Advice linxlls. .; Andres (in the street) ni ! August I August Wliat do you want, Andres? I am in a hurry. ' ' . Andres What dSTyoo give yonr cow tne other cuy when she was taken ill F August A- quart of tunuthie. OYaiksou). The next diy Andres me? bis frlct A again, and said to him: Why, Au gust, that was bad advice yyu gave me." "How's tiutr' : . - uWcll, I gave my cow a quart of tur pentine and khe died. . bo cu name," rexued Augul ilosaik. - ; i 'ill j 5V- i w . ..... ' Courh " Iiro'acLil'.3, -v and ior t-a rcL CoTar: 7 tlTB pernors.- ' Atdrr-t'jt. 13 eta. I Per tb terser II:irs.-.e5S,- As'.LA, v . . , , , r----i:w elf m ' 1 J 111 i . LXJCXS C!i C.iAttTUt for Cf r lurk. friliCi. At d arjA. 1 it