1 HE fFKANKUN 1IN1ES. THE FllAN KLIN TI IES PUBLiSHEjiti :eebi? Friday, , ) AMES AiTTHOM AS, BY '.hZi?M Editor and Proreto;S TnCTiMrais the ouly ncvr?ir UT pabUshcdiu FrarJ-lin county, mx its circulation extcixls a. qycc erery fwc .. . : ': li Jl't'e s.: V v; One Tear - -Six Months r uoa of tut raiu(J-ou:irg corcitios, td- - tcrtisers bLouldnille a" tcte barf; " S- T .- ,1. A. T ilDHI AS. Editor andPronrinl nr : MIICE $1.50 PEK ANIIt II : In Advance - The Editor wll net be rcrt-rnfiLIe . To Ouba ;of 55iiEs'lffl?lS: fix the views of effrc? jorxc-nts. .V t i , Unci commuiiKfttioLS c-ora all terw tlota incst carrwt'y no?k.LcK . Items of any naturv.will L thankfully 1 i 1 fcOpISBUBGiK; 0-APRIIil2; 1889; 'T rocciveu. Mi! IS ill I I 1 .v. ievFv. " r I"'?;e-r&.l,?,r::,RaUlingaU she -said,?!:; 1 ?riieaf !iluslieUriua4 I wus.4ioico wwcouec-iae ixqxua f rmml WnWrn U 4 Hl f !;:Hf;:TO is a new Tl 1 , " wmt ae . third of- i'FARf.li;OTES.r, 1 1 ju; .'1- : Uicse the She "told jnc all-ihe verr.word rJ iasl s yjarwui ayetag of 53 bdsheles. MThatl mostwishcd to hear ,F6a pounds of wheat yner sera 'an! -21 ft 1 Saaall eaters make poor- ddrr-cows-l ers wjllraat-io know-the a.nvt nP-liis I -AJse tnat tand or fitler for stables and L . - yOj i4f4Haf 8tol;a-Ir)ftiJief liqifidthroatf: is KeifetiefidToWs ftjiv 'ste w: need shoeing. However, their feet need tr i An 1;iq a ; .i.,ti.i - it l m mm in ft Ann rwnnrr w- . , ?Eor playing with her hair- nx) Sualmer:Tjlow,,'T saw thee"not ..iUeave'..t)fthec Eicev'TiX! aTaJilM1,0CiS ;P?tato cropi is slmplj J VEviarmer ought " to. grow "small eutqf wheat . peculiar m all his straw and clover- mulching his wheat. - This 1-3 f N 1 - But saw light in her soft eyes ; r i f "tne uses 3 I - -i Tfioii cans'ttibt sheL I weeU;C -i'Juuuigs for ; Utl IuWyatherfeetj ; . Q Z i.!. a strawberry bed, t care be- at bo wheai : 4s v Smother "Do . turbera ; which xemain, 1 in t ground after their vines.' are- dead' crease in growth t f The question Is un- "io NesrrocH Need Apply. U WilmLagtoa Mcssenser.; J t", V;' , iTKUent IXamsoil and lusumut banish the colored' brother and ' sister llouAe. The news that wlutsvants of all cok?rcd employees departure, and it takes note, under a llel pi;blican administration. - The privilege of filling the comfortable serving places in the presidential mansion is denied the colored race, for the first time, bj an ad ministration which they have 4 thought to Shovt them extraordinary iaTor, Why Polly Thcmffht lie ' Stof t; I Tbo Song of tl Voar.j Absolutely uretBS fW.T.Dumas." .. ?.tMrifi-th' and. wntsonteaeb8i-. J- ! M-Te"eeonomicl tkan the ordinary kinds, ft..- multUade ttf low-tet, ahorteight 1- -i,.. ... uDi.-it Bowdera. - SOI.D OKI.T odieredT yet that all the surface is coveted paven- iy-J, lie was led to adopt ": this , method frombbsemrig that after Tie' had mulch- if ompiervinpf pnas aite ne baa mulch- ,,f edthe thuiest and. most exrbsed lioftrt Bemembcr your live-stock animals. horses, cos, sheept or hojs ." appreciate Comfort and good treatment as well as vou dot ; "The most profitable results are se cured by feeding fuch"" materials as are U LHprptect i from B iiioFi:?sioiij-jiBM re t- K Ki be cured of bis vicious, habit by " prepar fag an egg foriiira with a liberal admix- f yi-ifikk pra hrra,rMfeif ld fbrlhav and Vthen otr pd.'; : Rnt I ture of cafmne pepfwfi' wt' A-et''?t:rf 1 3&aemineCa3arge fiuHber hrtelal Ma yearha,;raade no-b It more profi- gent ana progressive . iaxmers Among J k3 ioio ciuver raiuge naa oeconia so i uunu ; uih o u . 'thw&a?ffeneinannJ 000 te&eiral as io 'rof-llieoif Velover I the pork and .seU;asrbacon, rather -.r5?3rA-.-c i.-. 3 sr. - f -r wv.u ktxi--ti 1 than tA sail la fa k n m k- ' gratifjkig hdillove jicbacluded tkat,he 'wonld i acrince 1 pw fnowW never te allowed to run ly ks much to bring up poor stock as to keep the well fatted la good " condition; AH bisvttiutift IV0 prorapFaitca wi.t l 55 TWrd Trade! add v- .?ft-v .--"V 7 "?- T " " t. j ..i-'- ? ; j ot country iiieon-JLong island m seiiia i ;naj crop iormuicn. ine; iastj aeaon I wliatcpuld it before iany tbloom )Tpparel"- &m fYP r fou pf Ong tJsut:sn.:-The eggs- of tiiis pest are laid in : the c!oj.: thecatoytedin cntr and -lught -f feed pnf the forming :seed.; To check s' i arrtoTiisrsiBfei L O a IS B URO , ' F U ANKLIK. 'V' 11 attend the Courts of Nashi acres Jofland atH per acreIIerje 1 niat isheconcludc4 thait was well Fr a ak in ? Sv nv ille ? Warren ;5in4 hjiemears been; t qui- J for biik. not to; have any clover. ; bios- w axe u .rin ses aiso r i.n , 1 jetly jecreating in-developing a piece sf . 1 so:ns a w places during . the period CULULU VK V. V vl It is not what may be secured in a short time (by extra heavy feeding) that is the real test of valve with a cow. but rather what can bo secured' during the .y".:-;. : t'- : r It is claimed that soft food for a : r 1 - m a. 1 . n. i ii ; i iMrL whipK ti t!v. ,Anmcm fhinAP iWl whnn th"nQiriwA lava hpr pororo Sri lift 1 xt la ciHiiueu uiai soil 100Q ior cauie . Circuit and PjSTUict oou f; Hwccn ,TSavton' and 4 CTmcinnaa would ! cutlisdover before any bloom appear-' better than dry food, and ihat : in the Trvrt W'Kr I 64 left 'it a it fell before f the mow- dairy .is no trouble, with plenty of ensi- Tj er; so "sii no clover wasmothere6 J The. iaje, to keep a sammec flojrof milk all ' O 3e : aJd'i6ea'He3b'f-Fm was his clover seed.wereready to 1 the year, i ; i r-.A ? 'J ' liM-ATTD ttN A Tit A Wi'ii i.;t-'V--t liU IOBU ... J'-::-7;:Aii.:-'A-. wlucli,. wuh. his garden and wchard, 6& cupyihg eleven aeres?leaves twenty-one acres in pnfr field. iot cultivation. Diag onally through this is a 'depression, so as to leave about half of the Will cTtiiii Uiei courts of Htid Nasrti and in the Supreme court tvf the 8tftle.". f MS .i : fi.O.V cat a month earlier, ' and ho 5 had this year five, bushels and a peck; per acre, . wnere mj neigiiDprs uaa jaone., . lie says heis satisfied1 to" make the seed and utilize the other mowing as : a .Rea4 the foibjwiug; Mr, C II "Mor ris. Newark, Ark., sayn " " ; ; wWs down with nbscess of lung, into the northeast and the f.othcr lialf I mulch and fextihzer.'i Tliis lass point of -ue n incurable consumptive, egan tothewumwestnotthe niost :destra- t cutting clover Dew-eit blooms to-xnacai tak ns lr.Kin2's New Discovery - tor the ravages of the clove-midge is a new. 1 fenutthem vlong denied rights and many prjvuegef hitherto withheld. c It was not so under the recent Dem cratfc adnunis&aiion,' for Mr, Cleveland retained colored servants lhat were em ployed as Ikr.! back as- Mr. Lincoln's timL - A Southern Democrat' in the Vhite House would be pretty sure to want none but colored people around Lbimsas ;ervantst But President Ilam- son and lamuy are pro-Enghsh in their tastes and 8tyleSltbey"cri6rTear the sight of colored '. skins la their bbuschbld. v They must have-the white dbmrsticsj to which they have been a customeh . in , their private Indiana All this is of coursea matter or ; per sonal .taste, and a. privileged, private af fair and would -excite no remark or comment but for the attitude of the col ored people toward the BepubUcan - and Democratic parties respectively. They- adhere with such loyaltyo the Kepub licans, and manifest such 'unreasonable and enduring hbsality'toward the Dem ocrats, that it is well to point them to this circumstance as confirming the fact, so often illustrated in -other ways, that the Republicans at the 3Jorth have no use .whatever for the colored people but to use them at the polls. -, v , ... " ; ' ' TWENTY PIElJS.OF:nnoE. .A "pleasing story, of , Deacon. Staples parrot Is being told in Boston nowadays: One day when the deacon's wile was tkr. ing up pickles, the Tarxot, wbea her beck was taroed, stolejk pickle fwxn the Cislu Mrs. Staples turned la . time to see the thief; and drew a knif atlhe parrot with' such, force and '.aauracjv that it took all the feathers smoothly off the bird's hcad. Tor days the bird was disconsolate at the ices of' his topknot, but recovered la course of": time. ? Soon after; a clergyman came to t spend .Sun day at Deacon Staples' and the parrot waa la the dining room wbeo the guest came in to breakfast.- The parson, was bakL bis head was as smooth, as a door .knob. .-, The parrot looked at. him : .with interest, and then, said, as. heads were bowed while the minister sU grace, the bird screamed ..with., distinctness : uAhl you oU scampi; Been atealia' picklear-) .-- v: i v. -The lilacs are pui . i. The-thrmhli rXout ' :The"fri!tor'fl:cye.r-" : Uove's'swcct, asd Love's here! ; On thorns that re trc'.v ; The rose is n-srov . . T Tlove's sweet and "Love's here,. I .um heart of the year! it.- 1 ji'i'U ATrwiBiic.; 1 . - ' vtfheu' you doot feel "well and .hard ly kuowa what all you, cite li. W B. (DoUnlu Blood Balia)a LlaL It is a floe tonic . t n. - -T, Jtiliahan, Charlotte N., write: Is. U. B. Is a fine tunic, and nas done me great good. ; li W. Thorn paotf. Damaacua.' Ga.. Vrites; ."I believe. B- B, ?B, U, U, bet blootl tuxiQer made. It lias great ly im proted my gr-n era! beiLllli.'' ' " A,tr old gentleman writes: B. B. TI V.'J ia CONaU AltTl ON INCUU AB TO CHOOTi TEJkOHEKSl iThe'-SuerlntendeHtHfPubHtf ..' : 3clioAl9;6fcFra"u be' iaLuisburg"6ntbethidl d ay of FehruaryjApri I Sepl ember, ' X)ctot)er sind Dece.tnber, and remain J for three daysifrnecesairy, for the pu r pose of examining a ppi icants t : teach in the PubliclBchol8 of ;this t Cou nty.jgM-f if ::AMvf? ;l will also oe in iiouisourg on ?8aurday ofacn vreekrartd all pub' lie dayst to attend to any "business . counocted with my office. ble slopes for profitable 1 fiirming. ; The soil U a clay, very retentive of moisture In some places it has a quicksand , sub- soiL that the entire field has been benefitted by tile-draining. Some of his neighbors thought he , was extravagant nl his use of tilerain. . .v I -After this had heen done to his satis- -i" 2'. y iiit itl " t Jill '. C " . i laenon ne secureq an iue parn . tuauure from the village for a Jew, years, - until his soil was brought up to the point for he ready growth? of;- clover. 3 Foe the; 1 put any manure or ''v'mmexciai .fertilK; " The great ,dimculty about common sense is that it is so tremendiously f. : j6! . i F, . 3. - -0.1 gcarce that it isn't common, S the fclover-sod has been harvoste4He:- j - lL T, .... ierimiTiber fieWe-keepa.twoJioisles' I ploughs thus early ki the ifell' 'oecanse LCTB1C- BlTTEBS.- ; andia jcow I ana puts tne manure irom i aiwf iue HHiijwcaiuiuui we wm u tf" a wwuuhj.bw " these oil his gardea and about Ms trees, daced to 40 or below thy process or nuu w ee.i u "r ..v9": -Ta "."rAi 1 j- v. v , r. ' I special mention.-All who-haveuused ' Office ou Main St.; oil e j 6 jr law the Ea?! Hotel. 'AM I..'-- s. spbuill; Altorncyi : ; louisbubg,u, 0. - ravages tiling and promises to be of great value" in the '.battle to the enemy via the clover-seed. - ': ' The lesson from our visit to his farm, andf careful? inquiry ? was about thisi This man has first studied his soil and the heeds of his crops. We found "' he understood thsthsory 'of X hutriSeation and -was aiming by hismulchingof clo ver jo i facilitate the. process. ; with this , theory he ploughs his clover-sod in August, after onsuuiption," am uovr on my third bo i If. and able to oversee the work on iuy farm. It is the finest medicine '-evennade. . j Jese Middle wart, Decatur, Ohio, ays: Had itnot been for Dr King' r ew Discovery " fo? Uonsumptiou L .would have died - of lunz troubles.: Vas given op by doctorpC . cAdi now hi the best of health." Try it. Sam- ;plebottles free at .W. II. Furuiaa Jr's .Diug6tore. " '-- ' " w: .lie claims that tnis uuipsou is marye - tmjiuicawua-iec- awjw wu- i W(&tri Uaters iinjf the same sbnatof ill only 'Handle it 1 est .aavocaie ot taui piougiung yuurv ; . My little niece, left m , by" her mother, had one of the worst cases of white swelling I ever aaw. More than twenty pieced of bona came cutof her leg, one piece., being about the size of the small , end of a walking cane and nearly three inches longi i The hole left by tak ing these ple.es out wa as large as. a wwlnut. She was - not - able- to walk a steo for eizht months, and was afterwards rompelie!to ue crutches for nearly a year The doctors said there was no cure and advised amputation of the limb. This I would not consent to and put her to taklug Sift Spedfie,, lea ving off all olher treatment, . has cured her sound and welt, and I shall never grow ''wear of spiaki '. : , , ; Mrs. Annie Qresling. 0)lambas, Ga. Feb 11,3 t ; - i. . THE WOULD OUGHT TO ' gives me new life aud new atrenxth. If tbore ia aoytntng that will make an old man. young it la 3 b b. P.. A. rlwpar aotTilk Va- writca; f pepeod on u B B t-.r the preaerralion Ni my healtrw I have had it, in iny ,amily nearly two pears, and ,, in all that tunc have not had to have a doc tor" Thos7'Paul5c. AlaphaGa. writes; I . SulTcrcd ternbly. with drapepaia." The ue of b k b has 'made me feel like, a new man v I woald not take a thoaaaud dollar' foe the good. it has, writes: I had a IAn spell of. typttold fever, which at 1 st scmed to selt'e in my ler wuicn swelled up eno 1 1", j -Xo b!rd In the air, ! K ? I -3o Lough Tut ia iire ; i -M. t sli ( a va. awiu: 1 . " ! ! 'Love's ewect. Love's hcra ! ;the worVthatiskC "''' ; t The ftdecs filling fist-?: , ; 8 . ,ljves ?wccf. Lome's hcre " ; 'Tbeendcfthc'jear! '' ,-1LizeUeT.ese.In Wide Awake. r The Clover Fever.' A 4 This XeWca Eufcrpvize. ' f Clover la the ,jrO'd mine of the fardiers, and Catawba farmers are getting the fever a4heua4u-arn- eeL' ThU spring there - has- been rriore clover tieed planted thart la -any doreo sprlbgs before. Firrners . no longer cbme to Newton to' bo " clover seed In packages of a few pou;id3i but they"get1t by the bags fulf and some by wagon loads. "IV ." enricheslhoiandl makes' the best'0".' or pastore and hay, mid Hpruflfable ' : In tltW'Ifld of seeI.' 'Good land, n ; t gootl stuck and good crops; Inevlt- c. w blyjcom to the fnTrntr who freta f his hand well-set. In .tlu'vcjr-Jhe,' ' seed can be planted Ja the spring : or Cdl with equal success, and it is s V -still time fox U who have not al- "'. ready donoao to plant (heir seed. " Mapy of those who hrtve been sac cesifur with clover claim that' the -first half of April .Is the bet time . in tha whole ymr to pi Ant the seed.. mOus!y. An ulcer also appeared lucb discharged a cuplull ot matter a day. I then gave B But trial aud it cured me " , . 1 Itather Prejudiced, 1 i - 'Jennings is no J ad jre of' beauty, said Jones. - - - s:r - ' V ' "I don't know ! about that ' said hla friend. ' 7 --i1"''--".; - 'Well, I do. returned Jones; He is going to marry that girl who Jilt ed me.' Tn are pleaded to see oar Scotland ' Kpck fncnds'rh6mg as they are."' . "A".' ' cotton fkctory is sail to te "an asstxred' enterprise for that town:- The" "subject has .been "canvaseciToniya sriori whOe and already stock has been taken within ' ' : a few thousand dollars of the amount, wanted. That ar- busiceaa - and -shows : what manner -of txxiplo . the business men of Scotland Neck are. The Times will rejoice with them when the busy ' hum of machinery is he&:d In their new " cotton factory. - ;- , ' . - I ' , . . .. ' - ' -m. The strike of, the laborers., at Fa l , Elver has collapsed, and all have return- , ed to work at their ' old wcges. , Th's ' atrike Is a fit iHastraaon . and proof of ; the fact that the high protective - tariA does not protect the laborer but is far, , the benefit of the manufacturer, just w4 tall by the dernocrais during tlui 5 late campaign. ' " lously fertile if we will pirtpi;riy:r fti His conception of whatps vmeant ttj "haaidling it woperly" may be" fnferred from what he is doing and has done with ,tfc After tileHdraiaiag,clearing offs roots and stones, and establis' praise. A purer medicine does not correspondent and on the same grounds. -1 exis, and it " is guaran teed to do all that isclal:ued. Klectric liittera will-l-r . - a a m a a 1 1 1 1 11 a- - ' n Miia nil maanaaa tw run iiav and ar i 1 t 1 - Tj-j V "-4 v4afc."l a. tiovuOw VV u& fiitl jjaua kva 1 ov 1 y :wm remove pimples ; boils, salt ariy Bm&i5mypjte. Sl Wieumand oUet aflectiona Caused by uiRiarur- KNOW IT. C f- tit" ,-, 1 We value everything in this world by comparison. Water and airhars Tiom- trintdc valued and Jetf Ja Gould famish ing in the desert,- Would " give all his wealth for a pint of the former, and think U cheap; hence, life and health are" the standard of all values. ' Iiyoot System is fu'l of nialaria, yon wH be tery " nils erable; a'few 'doses of ShaIlenDergcr"s Antidote will make yoa well and happy.' Is one Collar a price too high to pay t BREXB . - Thft Tailing yumn asi. E-QLuOlIE Price 25 Cti U a DrasElaial Cvm UotrCcmelclat, trtlons, i'.iii'nnM . gnigjlstt. 5. catfle-to in ear) i tumns i to keep stock oflLcntirely ?Hs rbelieves f impure Wood. Will drlve hln a Vfc cronaha 'f lroutheysiem and" event atlwell n The world ought' to. "know, wliat, o. p. o. nas aone ior me in; ine cureTof inallgniant' -.cancer, whl c h. wns so m. w r"- - t . j ; .. . s . . - - 71i: 1 -hi Wn- m'vft it vure all malarial rev r. For cure curable oy ine pnysiciaus 01 nica- 1 of educatioa la "Ka Prtmmnn niif"f fill i.iih i i i l i r-i icuk. lit' i.t t i- I aud oquii Kuit t. .u wtuwuv r' i mam riw h im-t ii Kttritn .in r aar. i cmaea mat; ne ;naa ; . experience enougj with his soii tdecMedpon?aiV rotation. suitabletoit lt should be potatoes; Will attend the coutsof Franklin, ; .V ancevTirauviirer w arrenjN asn,-ana Federal and Supreme Court. Promp ttentfon "given to c-nl?ectUns, &C - All persons having claims against; - t h estate of L. C. yj?sterTwiU preC send them to me af xmcev t. t J ". ; " E. W. TmBERiiAKE Att'y. for . W; TV Coixiks Adm. 'Z; ;;Vilson,N."C.1 GoldsborOf NQ. ;ATCOCE! & D AUIELS ;& DiHlELS . - Attorneys At Law, " - Any business entrusted, to us will be qpromntly attended to. i:: -; wheat, and clover. He preparel seven' i -A-, iy. f -j&v-v. -iV :i acres ior poiaioes, oy suDsoinng . iwch e indies, leaving the surface soil on ; top.; This wa then thoroughly worked -with thelbdw.) cutiyitoH hefore.ti po tatoes were , planted. The potatoes rwer worked aft eyerrauyery 4flerithe potatoes Were takenff the ground was thoroughly : harrowed and worked for wheats but not fcroKen witu the plow. Clover was sown on the wheat : Thus he made three crops and oushed hisTand hut! once .. in three years. . ne plants ana aigs ms pou.wt with 'machines, hires all the work done on these three crops "..allows himself six per cent, on his "estimated.value of $200, per acre, ; ana. ,tne. crops 01 -poia wheat - and1 clover pay over' 75 cent. . . .- . . . . ' , - He has raised 56 bushels of wheat per :acre,?4i6 bushel3 6V potatoes, -and shf bushels of clover seed. lie claims that farmers generally ought o raise on this j Ohio soil S-Jfcushels of wheat : or- 200 bushels of potatoes to the acre as : their average crop.. His ideal is high, as .the " actual average on such crops made .on The) secret is simply intelligeatf; manip- uJaiion of the.soiIAi- lfJ:l-!iIi,-K ' ite hires all his wwk done, pays $2.50 per' day for man and team, has jnati wh9 is to come whenever notified the night before, and his ."pay is$1.50- .per - Here we have a strikingillustiaUoni in favor of few acres and better culture.; Hia income from these three crops from oes tirtti try Electric Bitters. Entire sat isfaction guaranteed or money, reiuod edl Price 60 cts. and )l per botlU?, at Wr H. Furmans, Jr's Drugstore. . Oil lady (rushing into drug ' storey kJfvj UAlObU X. VVAUW OVUIV p"W .Obliging. fence?" ftW Clerk "Yea'm. . Face or Tixe State Board of .Education, held a" meeting at Raleigh Tuesday and vot- maugnaiH. cancer, , wuicn. 1 rf blae4)ack' ppng .book;,out of badas to be considered la- the1 public schools of tSe State, " This is North Carol; ui so far as the public schools are concern ed. They can introduce , narringtoa'i SPSS I A n 1 w KA n I I .-.I I I Iff ill u .1 WIS 'JtV 7' ' ' ! BUCKLEN'S. AltN ICA ; S Aly E twenty-one acres diaveiayeraged bruUes,.-sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever 8ores, tetter, chapped baud-, ehtlitlains, corns and all skin eruptious and positively cure pu,. or uo par per; annum for f5xe,years v - Secket ABlTBlalae astonished lan" of- 1 ficoeeker from 'Baltimore. . He. was ' fa4 yorably impressed Jby taa applicant, but ,1, required. , It Is guarantoed to give calledlat'tealioii folhe icr thaTHs f pa' t ferlect sausuictiort, or.monoy reiuaq. ""Sw v : - .r price 25-centa rer box. ; per? had few sigrmtures- of . poUUcat ., , For 83ie by j. B. Clifton.- prominence." . : -.l ,P v-- Y- ----- ' ' - ''Don't you know some of the mem - Used upBalloons. ' . - - ; ber of Congress from your State ? The'artisi 'who puts' nptt'lgns'inay SeCTetarydaquirech. r? , , w be-rnuch of a correspondent, but he The hospital. surgeons gave me up, gaylng they could do'' uothlnr for me. . One of my neighbors sent me a copy of; an advertse-iienlj cut from a paper In regard to Swlft'S ' Sp-eclflc, and X uegan gating , x got relief, from .thefirat few; doses, t . . . i the poison was graauauy urivcu ciut of my system ''ft-id I wa s oit annuel and well. . It is now ten months filnce l Quit taking 8, 8, 8 nrl I hava had m slgn of the " re turn of life dreadful disease:'; "T Au Sable, Mich.,' Dec C3, '83.: ffteud for book on blood dlst asei" and cancers mauea ire?. , , , Ths Swift Specific Co.. ; . . . Drawer. 3 Atlauta Ga. speller and elementary reader combia- f ' , , , ' ' edn if they want to, and as the .2ews- ZZ. r-f7t,,.T'V- Pt't-?i Observer gays they wd; but. a fState , .'n: Bm,:m:LumhBa2aiaiBt: ' .1 iiCantiayLta4p.U : i jDoa' t you know Mr. Gorman Vjt ft 4Great; heavens ! , does ' Gormav Tun this Administratiort, too f "f; i ; V ? 'Never mind about that, "sail illr.'' Blaine; ydu'get a lctter.fi.-om Senator Gorman and come back here." Ex. " ; i turiis but soma LiilliantJetters.- fyienha t red The Emperor of 'Aus-' tria.r; :.:"-: " . A favorite toast in Algiers The Dey we( celebrate.- r - " ' "7 'r.'.l'-i ........ -'.. Are vou bilious? - Do yoa feel Srowsy? tHavegotthe bluesl' i t '.':e L;iix'idur. 'I .Prica 23 cents." All .,... - - aruiigists keep it. ; ' ilf your baby r is rest It ss while" rVethlng, get Dr. Bull 's Daby Sy r Sp,'a dose will " relieve, the little .utTerer at oncc Ouly 5 . cents a bottle - Board of Education which doesn't know that Webster's, blue-back and .a, limb from, a persimmon tree are necessary ad- juncta lor the education of a -North car- ouna boy has set us tiznu too nun . tor the game. StatesrlKc Landmark. r.- 'Htadiche. Tcothashs, Soros, Curr. Ctrt si Scalds', Dzcltrche, IVoands, &s. CHZ17 uiofJ-frte Id Cu. At ad 4rmet!tf j Tle Oue lloss SIi-y -r h -Bl-ACIISMITIIING. . '1 i delr to return .rar tba- Tto n r aaaaT rtcoas who hava c'tcO . thr Of Dr. Holracs, b full of ; the genial I EuntioB of the tame for lEii? I ,. - Author's exuberant humor. - Its fun ia. euperficial and -obvious but more is mean than meets the ear or eye.TThe- 'A city full of watxJUitieur-Ueneva. 'AboVe all other animalsthe glrsiTe. . Ich'op sticks' Axe hAndles1. f ' ? v Ut roiiitary outleak-anip feTer. . 4- i He savl; "ily love I am sorry dis apToiat you about the picnic, but Vmy . tmtter. has. a lame foot.','. . .That's nolh- ln"I.. We'Ye gos plenty., ot baiyauon. OiU. ..'."'. 1 m ..... ; k : , Thq Detroit Free J"r ess .Fiend has been pumiing on Dr. Bull's Cou-i Syr up..' JLs ia Only gralitadA for all tLink id ' moa know its wents. (Exch.) vehicle which ran for a hundred years and a ay without a break,,- typiSea; a-: heakby human, body, and represents the Mturalterm of its service. , IIV- howev er a T-nanlias .catarrhal,, troaclual, or asUimatic, orpuloaary., ('Jscjues, he cannot live out lialf his diys, uulefs 5 1ms eradicates tho tcrofalous humcrs. whoso presen-e causes . tnese lovil. troublca. The great blood clcnnainj 'alterative, Dr Pierce' s known ai 4iGoUtu HeI'cal L)L covery,t rids the blood of Scro.ralous lutioniranvl.'bTP'W uig "the" "u trP tion, gives vigor to tlie- detillated" y-' tern, and cures these diseases. ; .-. ' Uneiualled Dr. Safe's : Catarrh BenibdJ - ' - ' --;"'.' Nre I will be ablp to do betif r-ia- tb fatorv 7 e " r"" bird, and l-rir -rjr lw' Thoaa ba bare hbrfei to l e bed cauoa bh. i. ?w K-uarmme is: - LittloA u evert, r-articuk-r. -,1'neti lo. If Tim liva a bore tba'ortsr reaches, cut 4ki ankle, itwiuble. aaorna or tha b-t- ror kcl, oll a !! ut, n4. , . atirMt itif action. Do not fort-I tat 1 o prep'd !""' Tlr goni. gr t bTCiailr-drU Gch a riJumer, tul - 'j u r. 1 i. kMi.. MACilHiEfiY. '"-:'-" ... -FD "UHAIE ' ! " .The u'.iJt-r-lrnol Kis ! r..i'e a jtH six horse fow.T er.iue,' o ' wxn i.L.- . AW a Coltoa tToi, Feeder, end cu-1 el-i.scr(xKW.) . ' ,,. , , '-, 1 He; of lumber, nchis wervth- er-lXiuig, fi .i:iT. f'ciiJ'.t.iv'.i 'tec I illvll iuc ntitbiiHTy at a 1 i-ria. ' . . ' . " ' J. P. 'TliCilLXLAKr, ' " ; . " LouL-lurz, X. C "

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