TTtt t .nir. I ill ST'll 1 1 xr..f ejeV ;Fbiay, .Pili.i t-rt .m J AMFtfAfTHOMA$. The Times is the only newernper , Tumor and FfoT&etdE- 'it'll UJHrtJ 'fl lai publi&holiu Fronklia county, aad iU i ircwlU exlcads il over 'every teo .1 Q-.ii. nri n ertiscrs should make a cote Lxrc ' Bate OifB Year Six Months 7TT- X A. THOMAS, cUto ru h.A kit y : fo r-a ll.! RICB $t5b' FEB AljJiT ill In Advanco Thg'rAXf wiil nil be responsible for the riewa of wcrp'puafrxila.f. Brief coinmuukf ticwi fru:n all eo tiouB mist cruiu tl r ' Jw'-kl tt"" ' Neva itemi-bfan)' LaLIL'3 'iVLl "be thaakfuL'f r ejeived. s n -tyj t m ; noduo' t.H ill LL. VOL. XVIII it 1 10 a HEBRAIC 1 and prfctbiJ BwUTUfciAijiiibYoD SEvri jyy.-jj j. MA V A .1! ' ... v-. . Absolute jver V? -Uor eemrtticf ni oTirrbSLry-fcii5Tl?7n alum or phosphate powders. l X CAXS. Royai, Bxki JG PtMQofin 7fTlTnyr'KrYfoW w a ATTORNEY AT LAW- LOUIS? miGux. In Ti!i3iaes3 natin mv handAjvuLL iiT'aa i Counsellor at LAyW-,! LOUISBUUO, FRANKLIN CO., Nj- "V 11 attend the fSUti m M . . . A k Wake Oouuries also Jthe .iMHeiue twars oLixor, tn iiarouna, anu.uie u A : . Circuit ajid. District uuurt&v D ill. J. E MALONK. "O See 2 doors belowFurmai n.7rPrs'JrasUve, adjoining Dr. u. Ellis. ' lie uuui t Louse TDAUL JONES 'fAttjpe-yptOMiisellf at liw, J Ti LOUIS liUlJGNfO. II ' ': WiBj pr$ticJ In tl coul of iiunfegji. .W'irrin, wlke, Xncu and Nasi), and in the Supreme court of the Stale. 2TAS 033!: m TO SCHOOL TEACHERS. T e Superintendent of Public in L'luisburfj on the sifond Thurs clay of febr-uary. AjwUt Sejitember, 1 )ctouer'ahaJ)etnBin6eriud''reutanr V for three days, if necessary, for the purpose pf.ejca mining applicants to t tartr i h tli Vhbhe Milu'Ai bf m County. ' .yiM-jviv jioiyud I will also be in Louisburg "on Sa.urday of each week,' and rtl!pub lie days, to attend to; noy business connocted wrtrf rhyOflJc.- 1 " . . T TT tf iriTii, fnrif low the EaglerUotel. pawprin Will attend tlie courts of Franklin,' Vance. Grauville, Warreu, Nah, and Fteileral uil Supreme CottrU . PiJeialpit attention giyeu to collections, &c. All persons having: claims against the estata of 1. C. Wester will pre- ;s-r ....... ; . ' 1 i. Xtf K ? LAW ti rA UTfiTJ TTIiVtfA T TsflfVi ti I kH3 V iJiJBE aaoiLHiLFeiu; one umvrv Attorji AIUUUA UArtlijldS JJATilfiM .ana ueea e signal nanger. . J LiSrapt as anyMig jii alrf orypp - A ttAFnATtt A i. -1 iHTV. 5 - notSiimijv1 !nt mir -flmtf' is n r J. mor.kerw. and -honest xueu larcbesin- tt n TT l Tl 1TTTI T CI r -.rjtf - T A rrnVT : S T im ntlv attended to. i - WIEpTT SULK tT- 10W Scot ,u as asriculthre" its'Hiat aill iprospemy must am . cone froie s8ar the kvation of the poh sliould cRisn tor one vear 1, JI,M I. On J JQUnUiaJUtJ .ii'XVOy the fllefefits J''1 Li andYCBts tfiiSiflJof 'giS&te- i4lM44YWM?fMai of ti 1 t . . erftHf KM m lion, and of4spcial lnippm-ament. iiic 1 tion of the far I4id ;hte in ity whan- allowed TIG esiguuig iig jnea do uoW get 11 and r? eiit. ore auj uuia uiusc 01 ieupie,; were never uc.fcysed and so well- organiaed as tliey are now by means 01 . the Far mers Alliance;' 'Of the eixty'-ftve thou sand menibersin this State; ilearlv al are tarmers and tarm laborers. There areaboiit fifteen hundred sub-allLxudes .catered all over this State. . Never ' were the farmers so united and so po- - Lt-nt lor good a? thev are now. But the potency pf the alliance 6N5od ren- ders it equally potent for eJ, ift fails has done a vast deal of good. But this and is passmg through a trying orddal of criticitfn. VI It I ri m II a a -I ! A-erl klarge iaml- the fi.esfc mASof til State If iiffilgif?: li i-atcw birr ftonest, and aftfious fearV th; 11 may be managed to the damage of its iaie unless tlie nueuigen aud.khi fntfpfyjf its rake to the dangers that 1 aw pathway of Droaxess. 3olitical events iA'ourSbite Wra'jPyr, Ld focts per-' tainius: to efforts made at Raleizh - bers of the legislature, arc of record to - sHoW HialrletSJilberY"ofvoidiii2 iinpnanrVchurch and state, than thetc . i i . is of demanliug a severance of the alii- i . -- ! ..J ance and party-politick. ?cnss!0qTleis--, ssV0 thectastfaa nf sMCQMrs, asmeil aKte L'sli ja tg jegislatlhe txiUwitliten L 1 i i I If tHe AmvwwprisW and don.frrv1dpn farrrl 7 u- . s-t , ... . I. '?SiBU. .tf d iiu ptuuxr n ana improve; sake-of ti$ Curni mselves and 4'mui Bsefuwaftd r sefuWB crrmsr organization.? iyjfeeiGiesyaqag metyjt oi it and give pouucians ana omce-seeKers every wnere tn nnlArafarid tVint tVi TToi-mora 4 US' nr i iaice sliall not be used for their advancfe- mnfL""r for' the selfish nominsition nnl mostern rjvt!?rcss: tnfrTTirnrDioirTl nfr - . aima aiiii .u iu its infancy hi our State. True, life"' eh t tie ipj4 ttiLdJaia tb tvf thp mi ; -tflO-nWe sarltsranriaate hr mrtiiian ofc'l1 ? tticlWoa'taiTeS. r1.. J finAsXftr .rJiIonorr Tia ftrfmni - n. j ti .. ' ,t JUTinir.imia mprt p-ftT.i.mqr imr. our ranHRT' . . 'r . -r- - t-t1 r's'j " and seeking to use the institution . . T. , . - . And nuvksaioda that ma eunilrlli iiin the . orooer aaner?J44'"JU TOJMv for "prejudice I against ? thenj. r jney are necessary laexors in vuen uiump, auu e uiuuniMWD w i.ioaa wr marift nr t.iif . nrorr mptani -tu'iir!v,fTi4rT'--r -rT ciety. Ivetto ry 01 out mianiyaiupwe this STateSSk mtiubuw cease their opposition to Jrfw-V W Jkhil alliance will go down if it seeks to feet ' up its vitality aw ir er fcv' a PT 'V II-) 'yew axi meriaHts,- rjrt Ifsa tueyre alliance nen. Therpnaet just, and rogressivej andy. niugj; be. DroM-gQagecl'aiid elevatecf ' in our' view land eJRjrts if f e eiffect td u-f J ce-3c aliancUviC'l "U ir4& I Carolina iust what its sixty-ft sand members mat?. Tt politicians, office-ee,j)); sisminat men to lead it, or to pervert ita down. BUC1 gyyE J fiLL-JLJL--G3iJJLLL ,WJL If llieoest salve in the world tor cuts, 'it'f,,f !ftE piielympW, JoV'nS required. It is guuranjaef tg perfect satisfaciion, or mtmayf 'Jjl rT. cd. Price 25 ceuts per box. For sale Wy. J.iB-iUtoq..- - j " 1 j X How is that Aien and' -wo5 men too, ace oftenet aahanid of vhat . is best in tnandiare icAolSI RDilput & wklAlie witlUappsonkl ibf Uiii4 tliscreditable to thiir humanity. One 6tarts sometimes with heiror fd see-the p f teatittfutaiid traeYecHessly ' thrust hi thela6kgrfnd;Hhdeforiuity may be decked and garlanded, and, t paraded u . its ppcer ySF't "IT oaS Teontmuance Li wr&iiS?rigour better nature, can the istml's tiruuyilni; toicethtrs ije'stlenredr only by long chosen association with thoVii fv)to hay e Ihgniselves succeeded ill dqmjjtjoe it'grow'fainfer'a'ud fainter' to""beIieaixl never ajnvin till the soul P rouses jteelf horrer-e truck at tlid mis-' penfr:past; J.aud. the ; hopeless future: Few there are, among men or women, ! who can boldly assert . themselvES at . those moments when they ato . nearest 4thavn, ift thetacftfK3iseeutT or-.kiditi fereuce,; pr . j rklicnl9..; To. . often; ' our , good augel coveis Jui .Jacefwiu, retires, that a. mocking heuu may ,clap:.n&,1 ap- pvingly.oii.the back.. j,... ...,f treatment of blood. 1 a ui i' with' r&i'ua ikabl e s tic J.'WilfiYOtflLLIAN, M. D.- ; --KH!Uy , B. C. I havoiised b. o. b. Lor some lime in the tWiUArtnVt f ' 01(odH pUstui, MHhoift MsHpdhttinetti- IPhysir .vrjmHviH bfc coinpeliud tr?iHttiiwf cidgjjiitroenlts. i L. N. Galloway, M, I) j Monroe, Ga. I have tfjsCV8 Ptcinc ui - very bad cttJ66t B16bd Disease, and t a kti.gte.a treasure sayius t w M-jierJ wuccess psouciutr , c.on- jini ; y the, icases,? i U)' !KPo4..r,e- 4.f3uUB - j tT'l I :?.' -i' j tdt" ?'. If I :i iiiii -B f i i : I JiKvojUfted fiwiftV, Spkifie. iu, n y ir act k:e fUir, nuuie, 1 1 uyv. u d. . 4 1 !i a" JvpprietpftulawM , lor -IViUl vnV .ii4KWi Arifr 1 I have takpn 'ift'8.g&eKificfoj& seccnoary uioou lainx, anu ueriveu grent'benefit; Itaetainuch better uawa remT thauaiavv tleeJH.; 1 15. J? . INGFIELD, J1. I Uiuhniond ,Vr. - WMMtti n3(lntlVe1rb- i tauje alK curea t,y rorclng out tlie xar thou &Jllow ut wr tiK,Lanucla WlttiHi Jthftpkinw fieAd 6f,j..frbovkiu blodffludsldttU4seasb3 11 4i - a j tBuea' tv, hm-iuu . yy. wilKl Vord4 '- ilijl4 tDH- .1 OA T A learned contemoorv Wiusi'that I ft rtha oaasaire of dhe.. JJorlch '.election ArjllTenaeseee has placed itsetflLto, ilte kittened to finaXpla;enUpoa. tii8r statute i, nfirtniftOLine. uniiea- ataiea arejuuv - J.,Hre5idwiuaICiimmini. liie ni nb J ar mockery. aM-hqnest.Aiiea are.begia- JnMririJ?W.- Aegradiog T5taterfi, je. oiougnc-aufl sfuuv w wees i(ftuu pairiouaiu ui inu cuuuuj. I . . . .. 1 t : srYSr! Laf hotel, wiPark llow-'-rcatlied' tbatt a iiotel. on rark liow.'-reathed " that ' nouse at an cariy nour yesterday niorn wEal waTcinwLea a uokernn coU amis! strteTHringVas Tfemovod fi-9ni p vrP4?8 iumt, CWef j- Clerk Quick nearly fainted, for nndr th t, blinket Jvafe t.lHWifcul of a middle- v - - - ' " " ngea negro. urr emu 'ana upper Up jmm.Mcfkmmith a heavy growth of jjmriil thifece of the'strauge bundle Mny mmttractive one. Below the r-J fri rffI IfiWr of the. .strajg iqdjyjduai yvouVl' cot. measure ihsefrfeetiu UiigtW, and -wiih Mthe ex ception, presumaoly of the organs wlucli' U'lcepfiimalive, the man is completely jByified. His legs and arms, wliich are - ir - iDt mutn larger than a walkinc-sticki have the appear.ince and give out the uck, of .tone or .eul.: V torval lira a slave in Virginia in 184.' ..... . ' ' r . am it n l.u 1 1 . - V -i ajui juuo uj nj;c ilia icit lug LKXJiWA tiossify and.twojjeai-s Later tlie strange disease too'k posessfon of his risht foot. ljiSGVlPa riitjhand ancl ferm became oteryroTtc rrre"ucxr 3-ear his left Uirm wa affected and in 18G7 his nck j'sey as, and since that miAl&ttyM, Hei4iisTLigood appetite and appears to lwj a person of a most genial and sunny temperament. ll& ha? nevei been on: public 5 exhibi tion srna'iiisays, 'come Uftiiis city pto give1 flie niedical profession a" chance to study his strange case. "Thai IwiAtNf i uaj;h enii T)e'"si quickly cured ly Shiloh's cure. Wo cunrnntee hitr' lorjilext'iunuaii't urug-moriJ XViifu'nlrerWiihMyjnieilA'hnd liv er cdkitiKilatt 4 Khiloiiv Vitrtlxer is guarpeu $o oyr you. Kr sal tr Fur- arug.stcu ( , 81eeples nights, made nvinerablc by that ttrrrihW .U!ihl. tsliil'Ii' cure. i the ruiedy fyi; it. , 1; ur sale at Furuiau'a druj r CnUirrb curt-xl.JieaUh acd sWect Li jrtath secure!, "tv Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector ffee.r For tsle xt t tirnmiri Urug store. ' Crop whopping cough and Bronchitis innnedite relieved bv ."Shiloh's cure. Fr. saTe uT Furuiau'n drug store. VlLMl . fr-H- - ii-Hi- --f WA- hyis-ny wifo. so irecious : in my Is'it because Her ,'eyes af e "srlwaya iTAnd.CTAce. and.uodcsty. Me in. her rtir. : rt-;i.( i .. ,' '. ' 'NeitHen'Walievei hW, though she 1 le-say&raud. says. ita'itli anarws .-diction: . .. fio-i -it ion,1 ' ,. - l -.'.f.i . t 'i I Siiijje Forttiije spnt me to Favorite; t 'Fre3CiipUon, . 1 . Dr. Piefce's fampus Jreniedy.-of ;that njamis'iefperfect .4pecui for' "femaW weakrtewe8,r,ud kiudred ail ments. By druggisfs. , CJeatse jth'e livert" stomach, bowels and whole system by Dr. Pierce's Pel-' lets, - . .' 1 1 r . . lb Piysiciasoiifess. All honest, conscientious physicians who give B. B. B. ( Botanic Ulobd, JBalnKR maK irffUfiy -'P'J Us supe-4 ridviiYl0vfriiinutt l ftUJneOicines. Dr. VV. J. Adair, Rockmart, Ga.; ; writes: "I regard B. B B. as one to the beat blood iiiedvines," Dr. A. H. Robcoe, Nashville,' Tenn,' writes: 'All report8 of B B. are fa yorableatMlitd-Bpaadjcacliou is. truly Ufai watsosi I eon fens HPrB. is' the best and quickest medicine for', rheumatism I have ever trind." ' j JJC. O cmiiiu, vii"iviunriuv l ua writes: "i cneenaiia recom mend b. B. B. as a One tonic alters-. live. Its use cured an excreso- uce the neck after other remedies effected., erepuisegopr.''A ci - A i la4 CVCJ7yl Jslclren ville,, writes: -My mother ihi, sis ted on getting b. b. b. for her rheu- matism, as her case stubbornly, re-j aisled the usual remedies, evie exipJ rieoced immi mate reuei an a iter un wondorij A prominent physician who wihfs- bis name not given says: A patient of mine whose case of tertiary syphilis was surely killing him, and which n i, treatment eeemed to check, was eo- t rrej.y.tvjrtid, wii,h abou t welvi bolt Jea, ot B. B. B. . up was-iau-jy luaa.! up oi skin and bobi 4n KrrUe UliJcfJ.;' -i 'ni'MaAj f oof farmerB try'lovcnUiyat . wu uiuiu liuu. aim: niiu ciiuuiu pt3 uvh U),piani aarge.proH tiiJBUia,,f uui4 to j)fcntland tJiai .i - well "prtrportrir d. we fertile; "with the view bf-ralrihg X good crop, 6tt wtat Is plan ted. Vash xngtonj'rogress. .. t , . j " ' I jet a few thousand negroos go and it Wil force' the white man ( to cultivate hisowu land and learu ecouotuy. i It .may ; prove ableseingto NorthjCarofua Dy soHing nie negro proDiem ;and give the wlute men ' control of the negro counties. Shelby Aurora. , ! -There is an1 attempt ' Ui discard old'blue back ppelllnff book from the RiCIa of Nordi Carolina. With lall duel respect to th geutleaien engaged in th' movement, we unhesitatingly de clare that they have not found a better to take itsiplaec,--rNew Bern Jou nal .Thenkft of ft Republican party in Alabama -wtthout the negro, is an Rl- eurtUt' and the negroes kuow-iC "?fcey .liave. rebdied against thek white broth. rert-And liave fcent a delejatiAn t 'In'ii io enmr Laxs.Beui, what jfur" you, (ta dat r;!t the Alabama role yin! .be played elserhere, bnt whenew it! is put on the boards it will be hlsei. from the Etage. The South is ready for prog ress aTTalons tile line, but she will ad- Wiocfe" 1 tmder"' lier " 'o'vrn' ' leaders New Bern Journal. Jolm Wananiaker, with all his wealth and gratified anibitiou. reclines uoon gratified anibitiou, reclines anything but a downy pillow. a I laving put himself in a position to be criticised, he Is a target for every shaft, and his record U hiade to" present a not ajways welcome picture. -N hue leinovins the pleasure of position lie U. paying the usual penalty. Oxford Orpha u ' s Friend. THE VEBD'CT UNANIMOUS. W. D. Salt, Bippm. Ind , testifief : 'I can rcc miiueud Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every b-'ttle sold has given relief in every case. One man to-k six bottles an 1 w.s cuied of rhcumatisiu vflO years stand- i ... l Il .1 k.ii ville, Oido. alDr.ifs: "Thu best selling uied.cine I ver handled in uiy tweuty ve.irs exnetieiiet is KletLiic Hitlprt-'' T ou8:inds of -others have added their testimony, cotlut the verd'u t U uuan imou llial Ll"ctr c Bitters do cure all disease-, of the liver, kidneys or bloo l. Unly a half dollar a bottle at W. II J urnia.i.Jr, h Diu-; Stoie. iteport had gone forth 'that President Harrison was looking out for a jnan to represent the tountrt at the Court of 'St. James who should be 'a man of cul 'ture and Ktiaryjibility of Air. Motley aiul Air. Loweu.4 a tate?mon toe equal of Chnrles Francis Adams; a good law yer, and of futrwierufwealtft to be able lo Culeitaiu with sleudor.'' Accord limr to our wind we think it would bc. looVing in vain to 'find an ' individual to 'fitt this high standard among living men kl tlie United States ; but we were not prepared to; accept Mr. Robert Lincoln as an illustmton of President Ilan icon's ideal diplomat' to' fill a jWsilibn to which uis grantuainer uau appomteu uie scnoi- .arly, dignitiad, graceful and courteous 1 Edward Everett. Danbury ' Ueportcr. ,:' ."'X WOiA'N'S PlSCUVEItY', i Auotiier wonueriui aiscovery - naf t. ; been made and that., two by. a lady in tlws . counbjv,, Disease, lasjwued Its .-clutches vpoi her atxl lyr. seven years i sjie wilutodjts aeveos t .tests,, but iiep "vital 'organs were uudermiued and 1Vp Ji se'oieU " xmmiuouC For three mdnUisJsIr c'fiughe'! incessdntlf aiid could not sleep. . She nought f ,'usi a bottle of Dr. Kiug's New Discuyeri . jlor.pououiupiionnit a-i,sj mucn re i.tvfys ou.taklrii the tirst dose that' sli'e sleiitall nis-iit and with one bottle has been maracu ously tured. Her i Jfii thje, saU.way t juail serrice negro ieleirajireeuperoe(Kug she whites. ' As long w the ileniblian ttrty tries ' to "'rkni'lneT liegrb'doyrn Uie tliroali'j of ,tbe fnthra whites the .South -WUL .remain '8oh(Lr - That the negro' would - ret aome oyer ajeopie,voea uwa, goal ,a s rikce and delays the eomhw: wf that time wbeti therfe stklf be hdfeein-v1 tetween heJstfo'nsTar j "Pldi"h'Housuupiion cure, is sold by as 'titgauhsut(e.' 'It rureS -eonsunptioa. FvMkfiitrl''urnuUis tfrtl rwrev' ' fiilbhWftinaer' "Ja WliVt TAa.'nteJ .for rtMuitiuatton.-loM v d 'ppe(rte, dixiiires, klid.4llliu(4utf mT uj-bi.v ps,. trice 10 suiu 7o rtrtit per bo.t..-: jt al. atliur iii.m's drujg wre. . wriia W, CVnamrick & Co.; of, Shelby, tree' trjul 1 btUe, at : W. 11 fnuat) Jf'srvdru'4 Store.; ; of the Teoal orjlces every hue xpect 'eaC'but tbue Co" ofleimvcly.. thriisi -tiini HET'T.aE.BIT- LEADSTHEU'AL lllf.. -! ft J. ... t -THE SLPHIoDlEy It ! - CHEAPEST! BR1GHEST 1 BtST 1 THE MOJT COMPLETE PAl'EU -PUDHlSlIED PENNSYLVANIA. NEWS IN' '' F-ug.ngemonU alrcacy . made, .with writers und artitls ciubraue lliQj tol lOwini. naiDos: '' " ' Elwafd Evrrct Hale, U'ilT Carle ton, Joaquin Miller, Bret I lurte,. Mar ion Ilaibo.d, BUxely -Grace Greeuwood, Anna Ka' hfriuo Gr en, Olive Lo2u, Fredenck Schwatka. Atiit a; J Damm'.nis, Dr. tillihth 'A' lUmmoud, Hi hop tox Uc Griliun, KhH BliaJ, E-iilio Ca-v..ela,liose Klij abvth Cleveland, "The Duciie" Wn- ly, Etelk.i, Laura C. lloliowav, Jutia Jsckiotj,' (JonUesSo Lie Jaconmas- ay,' Gaston .loinvet, Cnra-Lanii, F re II"aeititlie JiOyaoo, . Floreuce Marryalt, Lonra N. ilj:affc, Ai'Oie uness Miller, AllreU aqu)t, lien ry iormn, imoiiore l. bumau. John Swiu ton, Au?uU Vitu, E I 'ar Wakeuiau, Thomas. WharUu, Bab, Fiaiikliu File, Eiuile. De Latelote THE TIMES Is the mb'st extensively circulated and widely read news paper published io Pennsylvania. Irs discussion of rublic ineu nnt public measures is in )he inlcres - of tub)kj ialerityv1 bouest gov ernment and prusiperou'i industry, and U knows m p trty or perooai allegiance in trcuiiug public is sues. It is ia the bioadot kud lett sense a family aud gcueral news pfP?n TUENE'VSOF THE WOULD. 'I'hrTimm has all the facilities cf advaued journalism f.r gatli-eiiu- news from all quarters .of the glrthe, in addition io that of the Assocat cd lre4s, uow cover ing the whole world in its oore, mdking it the perlec ion of a newtpapcr. with cveryluiu care fully .edited to occupy ttc 8 nail !8t space. JOUUNALtOF SOCIETY Tbe full aud accurate -record of jsocUI moveiueuts and eut- rta nmeiit, the doings of inrlueulial people and the current Kpics ofdraw;q ' room couVcratkn H a Tea acd " fi-ature. Tlirouglvut the sooi-il si-aou event f iuiporUinre aie reports d ii!y and the "Journal ot Ho irtj" in tte rjunday edi- r . f tiou iwd; .cloioleded .iucrest ana aulhoi ity. OUU BOYS ANUGIRI No other newspaiKr aives t'.ie same carefa atteution to the need n"od.U3Ce, ofyouo4 re iders. The raja; de- voted epcclall to thm com maiids the services' of the best writers mid is edited trilh sctopti lous care, .with the a'uu of making it entertaining aul mUuUvu and helpful to the souuJ educa tion as well as to the pure amuse ment of both big and little boys and girls . THE TniES-airna to have largest circulation by deserving it, and c)hns liiial It is unsurpassed in all the essen Hals or a great metropolitan newspa per, ii- ; i SPECIMEN CQriESaf any edition ill be seut tree to any one sending their adilre'ss'."'. " , - ' . r TEltMS Dallr. 81 per annum; $1 (of foae months' 30 cent8 nilss; delivered by barriers. .0 cents . Week; Sunday edition -sixteen JaJie uanusume p kcs izs cuimus. eie- (Tiutly illustrated. 12 atr aunuirf. t tent per copy. ' Daily - and 'JSUpdky Pt-c auuuui; .icents .iwr iuumth. iy cekly ediiion 1 per aupuj, ,SM? I Address. all Jetlers to TILET1ME8. PhUudetphia i r 31r. Hewitt's advice te ':Coaio South ''"lij . j. ;Tjie ling atd It. depends , upon . conditioaa. undeveloped agricultural, , miUhig mining resources of he. $ outh t-partk: ularly of .North . Cajrolina-are, .ricltt .and'oreatef ,yiau piav be found, io . aqy otlicr pnr.of the woroi tbe.fuue ,tr jritory, IS a young man has sorue cadh JU1 and capacuy he ., can . Hid golden fields fbrniveetiucutia the South. 11 he. hoe no capital the very beet thj lg. he can do etay rjghL wbctt;..hfw .jJQfrgy jnuioatf capiw. viu..ito', truithil under, the conditio a whica !i,M.twou.d;.u ditiona which he may ;fiud fcv)ierf AitT Becuxin cajHlal, the Sou'Jx, is Jils great vnntas ZCoixziL ViUl neoot- . ' " PHD TUK 1 1 ' 1 r-' POST ! it it A paper fo!t Tntr-rr.isEi. 'Utt Puar.nrrrn it tit. National Capital, Tux xcwn caMtke WAiilN3T0N"WEKlYi PJST - Isa.lar eihtng p t.lllej to tlifl l.n.n wil't tin y,jry Utcst and most buporlauL news ui.Ute; .All of its deptitincnts are In ch-trge of. co:a jieteiit ineu,ThJ bo-pna-bf 'etpense are ajnred Wtuki the. VrK!T a model nwspner ub scriptiou prite of the W kxklv Post 51 I-er year, payable etric iii ad v..uoe.i Bend fr eampie cptrs.''. THE VAHHINGT3M DAiLV-PtlST I the uiily m.uiiM'umptr iHiblished at the apital wbiclt vaistittir Oie fj- ulities for (pitbepri ojad. punier tlie jiewa oi the uy. a nil our, l crps of reporters an d i'pi-t-Lif writers wjt are enabled t prshice the mi rltlabla paper: ever.irutted! Ifs-JN'isahinfioa. The importauvif V4siUi4gtnwa fir the next few mm'ths slio-d. ba ap-. parent o al And : there I'l no be'ter rr.eVJiutrl thrmrh which "to1 ol tain it ihaa the Daily ftt. UTuo subsctipt'iou, price is aaioilo Dailyujjj.leiieji yr C 00 Daily, Sunday included. 1 yenr .. 7 50 Dally. Sand.rj eTcp-tMl, I month 50 Daily, Sunday Jic-udod, 4 inout! 7) Suuday, one year . tl 50 ThuScxday Koirioxof the. POiT Is replete wi:h iuUrcst n-f, features, and its. uewa uimuvasi'td by any jt-c-i).il in the UnHeJ.Utca. Address all conminuleatlons tl' Washington D. f There is anotli?r view of this exodus. Tlie nsr?a flockhi? South rarina more cotton. They enn Tinke fire bales in the South to their one berH ' So,TFonly two hundred UioumuuI laborers Teavo North Carolina, VirnU and Tecncs ece and go SouUi, it nicnns a million of bales of cotton added to the present crop. Notonly this, lut there are thousands of white' men from aB f arts of the-UtWM, who are yearly flocking to 1 exas and ether , outhcrik .State. This mcaua still more coUa for ... tills ia the South' ooa staple crop, Ac'U the Soath'a population Is nptdly . an.1 naturally. iareaaing, aad thk ! means atill more coUrj. .'Aud. docs no all this laeoa bieri coUu, crops -very year, and Userefore.a lass prure . frj b he sUai)!erWaohiugtQa GaaxU. ti - -Fixed", Calt;U. It is curious to o'jaerve tliat tlie 'only relics of the great Jto.iuJi Eiupire wluch Z-V tiHl.ty aroon-jnea 1 are the Roman, ra.a.od,, tie Bojnan Liwj Uio one, which was couLructoJ to open the way tor .oqitujt,. rejuaa au open way kr can n.Tca; uu ,tbja re mains at the fouinioa of . our cir4 or- gauizy.ion; all ee has mruiiacd.i except Iloman hterAture and art. , Of all t the forms i of capital wbidb at ibc ' wrc?ent day are spriuguit; Pto txisteace rccjiaps lens will remain cveci a ccitury. locnce than now remains of the caiiital or pro duct "oTTEeTtoiuoTlmrira, if we ex- ccpttiie.epidgbf 'Lai1 ways, The tcreJcapital'f i sotueiinkSC used , to" tlistinutU the lea peribbabUtdbrms of capUaUr- thtxse wltkS are bafxise- fulouly (V? ihe dy;4jytth3rei tmA- as 1 . ax B s m. - ng Qxeu uui ui3 taw oi cnmgew incre are factories ia cxisULxe w hich . ftirport IoJjO fifty year.o!U bolt wilhhr itbat time the nvtiro posrot add all (Ikyana chinery Las channel OooCy r t wktJ ot thricts whetd tLluJi eaa tie?kI tnn ecouomy unyroow.cansise La rUkmj dowik the buiUing of. five six' feSarics piled ouc upou another; nod in recon structing tlie mill on'y onrod:tira.3to (ies above the ground. Who'taa tell wb&J tlie n4xt LiVrnjOT will appear ho ail destroy aU the.rollmg-stbvk. of u the railways? :W2kLi tMlbow loa-pao-pIn.winbe-aatinoJ . with ' lbs 'present czaide and unaeicutilfnetliaia iS.'Coa atr acting dwelling boitvM t- :What:per aiancut improvdiHCDt Jiaro wa madi on the Jace C the land evcts ; lti4iMa irimik tr4iiodenva Ji'Is. excrpLur? in lerei k& lulbs picrxin nwucUt kixl bryt ;g down, the iwQi of oootnrtcef ; j- And a. .... 11 ma IVkYU VMHA Ui9 wa?, Ukl .Tt.e I Wfc.VkFV"S rMJo.fg, ,ute .a- - il c """l n J"- yM WMci vw . .l.wuh Can.rxiUiajd Akoy tor-.i.-i;ki, j n-ojrp, utkult u comIj ;L- iniwt 1 01 ,Kslv.v 1 ihe tuniiem Urro : jti Ule UKiy-.Ul:.s? Foru.o. u aoiUiiu i it. i D II It 11 0 0