1 HE FRANKUIM?! EST KIT 31Tli.K J1JO THE,FRANKLIN TIMES 1 -;ti 1. . -.- -TP . ,11 R lM 1 11 Mill I ft II T II a tT-Sl Tj'! : .1 .., , I I H . ' t'. 4 f i UBLISHED .EVERT "1 JTRIpAY, B7 JAMES A; THOMAS, 4 Editor aneTProprietorC Rates. One Yeab fe. Jf ( ) Six Months To Clubs of 5 The furnished at $1.40. Times will be on Absolutely Pure. This powderever varies. A marvel of purity, strength &ndl wholesomenese. M.re economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition faith the. multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders; SOMJ ONLYl is caws. uoYAi, Baei ng Powder Co. 606 Wall Bt; Ni Y. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. -H- iBMASSEN'jjuTl(, B ATTORNEY AT LAW- LOCTISBURG.N. C. Office in the CburtHouse. AU business put in my hands witl receiyo prompt atteation. O M.COUKE. aTTTati l COUNSELLOR at LA"W. toinsBuaa, fuanklin co.Vn. c. Vll attend the Courts of Nash, Frank in, Gr mville, Warren, and Wake Goun ies also the Suynenie totirt of Nor th Carolina, and the U- . Circuit and Distiuct Courts, t . D S. J. E M ALONE. ' Ofl'W 2 doors lielowr5 Furmnn wO )k's Drug 3tareJ n,Ujoidiii Dr.'O. L. Ellis.1 . ? ' , E. W -T IM B E li I A KE , " ATTORNEY AT LAW LOUISHURG, N, ;. Ofice W he Court Houe p AUL JONES Attorney aniConasellor at iiw, LOUIS UU KG N. C. ' Will practice in the courts of -Franklin. Warren, Wake, Vance nnd Nash, and iu tlie Supreme court o' the Stale. TO SC HOOL TEACHERS. T Superintendent of Public Schools of Franklin county will bel in Louisburg on the second Thurs day of February, April July, Sept. October and December, and remain Tor three days, if necessary, for the purpose of examining applicants to teach in the Public Schools. of;. this County. I will also be' in Louisbuof on .urdaxf each ekl lit via vs. iu aiicnu iu Hiiy uusiness Cfmrtofted withfiftiv ofiirif IK t.f Ttios: wnjEK, ft I ATTORNEY AT LAW.-, LOUlSBUltO, N . . . Office S. SPBUILL. l f aw jb AttorntAt Lw, r J a. LOUISBUR&, N. C. Will attend tlie courts of Franklin, .Vance, Granville, Warreu, Na8W, 'aDdJ 'Federal iud Supreme Court. Prompt attention given to collections, &c. rH )in(I NOTICE- j All persons having claims again i )t estata pr 1a C W;e$terwUI(.pferj AYCOCKE & AiTTELS, rC.' d'r3AHlEL,s x AYCOCK & DANIELS DANIELS ' Aiiorneys Ai Aaw, w wtlsonIvg. yJL . U , Any business entrusted to uswUL be. promptly attended to, .LV.-1 yt ' ' ' " on Mam SU,- one doof ; ilowAlw Eagle HoteLJ.U penainein to we l Pfice., t . p n-i W.TiCoxMtfaiAam'J I L -II U n t i ' fl .7ZfViV!ll II i 13 I -i I II II III l r 5 I II III I 1 A II H 1 I 1 i 4d fL4 1 I n I I I I yCX II II III II jr -ii ii ii I r- ii s vr iSr i.i. ia ii ir w n n n . , !. - - o ; ) -1 5.7 THOMAS, Editor and VOL. XVIII TOOMUCHiNRUENCE. HOW CHEATHAM (COL.) BEAT "MAR'S 8IMM0X3" FOB COXOSES3. New York Sun. The election of Cheatham (colored) over Mr. F. M. Simmons to Congress brOjUght abQUjtf in a very funny , m inner, and was praQcally settled ui half an liomv. i Opposite New Berne is the town called1 James City;- It is settled almost' entirely' bv' tbc blacks, and Mr. bimmons knew that' he had to get thi3 eniire ypte-tp; be-re-elected. His fiiends went over? arid called a public meeting and stated Avhal Simmons had done for fhe:dlstkct and the colored people," and as he really had proved himsell a bene factor the colored people were ready to go for him to a man. The talk was all for Simmons, and Cheatham was repu diated and insultod. No one thought nd had-a ghost of d show, but he- was 'Vrik htstimerrThd niht before the eleconTCiealham himself appeared and called a meeting in James City. The crowd opposed his speaking, and one of the leaders enquired : "Iidn't Mars' Simmons git dat 'pro g riationjfur de'Aew josj j? i j ""Yes, he dial'''"' i " "DkJu't he git dat 'propriation for a stone road to the .solders' cemetery?" "Yes, he did." "Didn't he git' dat 'propriation fur to buPd a ebonuecutteer for dis yer dee strict?""" ' "Yes he did." 4'Well. tlien, what you talkin"bout? What'e de matter wid Mars' Sim mons?" . "Dat's jist de trouble, gem'len," re plied Cheatham, as he got his opening 'Mars' Simmons got too much influ ence, lie goes down dar to Washing ton And says: Missur Cleveland, I want dat new pos' offis down to New , BerneLii Att' Missur Cleveland he says : 'All right, Missur Simmons, take all the m i-. eyou -want. An' iMarB' gtmrncn-i ges bakkir -party" soon' an' says : Missur Clevclmd, I want stone road 33oii dar hi N"ew Bemc' An' lilissur tUfivelaaiheiays: .'All right, Missur Simmons, I give you $20,000 to make stone road, An' Mars' Simmons goes back in two weeks agin an' says: 'Mis sur Cleveland I want revenue cutter down dar. in New .Berne.' An' Missur Cleveland he says: - 'All right, Missur Simmpua, J send you one.' Now gem leD, waen.-Mars' Simmons gees down to Wash"ngtoii"d;s whiter an' says: 'Mis sur Cleveland, I waut you to take all 3em ng'ers!in Janies City an' put 'em back Lito slavery vagin,' what Missur Cleveland gwyne tir reply ? He likes Mars Kinmons,- Mars' Simmons got a heap of iufluence ober him. So he will say: 'All right; Missur' Simmons, I'll dd it wid de utmos' pleasure.' Dat's what he's gwine ter say, and whar will you ' 'The alarm. epi'ead like wild-fire, and the more it was talked the more it was believed, and the next day every single negro vote in the town 'went for. Cheat- ?lic Salt Conspiracy. the salt rrust is Dooming, it is ; a giant Octopus but it is very innocent, crdihgtSMt' Burt, the PresLlent. alalaw8Syiittti;vnficxatch. There is no purpose on the part of those cqn trolling all the salt product of this coul- to mt up prices.' VOb, no ! the mem mber of tp Trust r public benefactors. Trfty ai"it iookmg-to self, but they working and scheming merely for the people's good. But two remarks are necessary. First the controlling of man's chief necessary of life--salt by aioppjpany of conspirators, would not be pslbyin the United States if there was no High Protective Tariff. The man who thinks otherwise, is either ignorant self-deluded. Second, fJ()r.JWil -o l fccinshutdrS be1 allow- W tgWpogeas'iori of mme aitlcle of A necessity upon: which the public .health and comtort so much - depends h is it hot possible for .such abwl 'and danger ous1 cymblhafiort'tobe destroyed -eithex jtaje tor Feder.al legislation ?r. If. not, then indeed are the people at the mercy of temenjwho traffic in a nations ne 'cesitvana in defiance of the neoDle's -L-healthand eniovment. The only cure f jSl Xi A it,, : ox pro tec lion ana inase it a crime tor men to speculate in bread , and salti-4 r oli Parous placer S?Jd at by lir i m I W4 y it r - - Prorietof W hat a Hailayuxcrintendent tV..- . .... i ii The Superintendent of ayjailwaj-(i this counyiYnlVn6. Jefsjrrthreri hn ndrl ul WK XitLKi iJ.ll W diar2L D i .i ..n.;n.,r y-vp i w.i . . 1 natinn anri n niruiii. xL 1 1 iron r. nilfiStlnnS I siodal niAiilfl' the mmTrbFtinr doors looking after the physical condi- . . . , . i.. j. cernrngrthe repair drirepe faQU . xxrill hovo f iviqq inii(rmAnt Ho mnof r knowmtimately evetflroofJ j 5 f ;fiJ and in cases of ancnk 7Sa? know just what resources he can (TepenaT10 upon,' and how to make ibomnxwrniwir 1 'mediatelv msefiM hops an J round-houses frequently; Jaud" will know the construction and daily condition of every locomofive; :: every - TvueaaS&m He fill consultfhWMMcf btni(?,HrndH nuMn..Wkxn- r pno-m a shall and which shall not be taken in for IreMrHeMH ize the work of every yardpjerv. twtW(WW9Iw1 tion. He must know tlie dty or i-eaolJ employee on his pay rolls, and instruct all new men, or see thai it; lis : properly ! done. He-must-keep, incessant andyig. liant watciHon. uie moveoMnt trains, noting the slightest variations from the schedules which' he na'sJ 'pr'c-1 pared, and looking areAilly ntp rtha cause therefbrfo as o avoid 1ttlvTrA- cuirencdt' Tlie first tiling" itf tlte rWfft. ing he is greeted with the report giving the situation of bu'sinesson the road;! the events of the night,, movements Jbf trains, aid location and volume.. of freight to be handled. The last thing at night he gets a filial report of tUe lo catioiL.and . moygnient of JmpQi-tant trains; and he never closes his eyes nht-hmit. t.hinkinei tJiat ierhniis thp. 1p!r- nhone will ring i and call mn - 4etere dawn. Dunni! tlie day In lu oiipe he has reports to make out- requisitions to aourove. k Varied 1 x:orreispondence, not always agi-eeable, to auswefTronr "The Freight-car Service,'' by Thed- dore Voorhees, in the MavrScrfbnec's.C -.- f A nasal injector free witli eaeli bottle 1 of Shi lull's catarrh redely. Price 50 cts. Sold by Furman, i -' . 1 . '; ABOUT PUBLIC ItO, A1.S.- d r-n . v ADVANTAGES OF WELL KEPT BOAlSt Never put a stone upon fa, ? roadJfog repairing purposes that will jnot ,pas freely in every direction JthroiMi atjvgd two-inch ring, and retnefaber !that ill n smaller stones should be usedjfor pmfch- ing and for slight repairs. lioadslTm provement Assbciatiodi A AH The wav to have good roJds iste4 levy a' Slight general tax ahd teepeal llw old cow-path law which pernfits people to work out their road tax. auch Ivbrkl simolv consists in keening Iniucr rocks out of the gutters upon, jthe roa5 bed. wmch by tar Jiaa.i)etter sheen uadone.'ew Yp.'Teet ;1 TerelTh,o"'Tmilltfy 111 the world, wherein the people ai-e equally wealthy and intelligent thM hasu -aJKfiiiaa- the United States, especially in the Western States. One reason is we have so much greater mileage to construct; hut the fgRfj ml brains and practical skill are not app to the bush)e& 68 rdjrrilrSag. Chica go inter-Oceah. 1 r j rSttpposingf tliafe lb jJhfeM Vfh alternate section .line be well made I of gravel or. other equally good materialjat acostofsay2,)00iper uiflejiiand tnat this cost be equally .divided Tbetweeh! tlie sections joining the improved highways, the annual interest to be paid ''by eaih section of land at 6 pet-xxntA' will: Jbe $124, or 19J cents per acre per year, Insurance" Journal. - : u. - A number, of experiments made by f. J.W. Sanborn, of eMT iAgfiij lUltdal CollegebAwthat on aX moi4J lirt toad a force equaf to H8?'"ti6tjdds vas nftcpissarv to move a 'Tnail rF 'Sliftf A number of experiments made rrot: ci dirt was necessary to move a 'load ti"9i pounds'' dr 5T petf cenf more 'than needed, td mbvethe' '-sime -load "e the fori.e 'riiflr1id J'tfras -milv fourth as mucH aV o ' the dirt.?tnsur lance Journals ;"! 1 "'i .H 1 iii I BUCKLEN'S , AltNlCA SAUVtE 1 I-?; .fodr 1 a Thebestye iti the -world foficuts. .bruises,' stite ulCersT,"" ealtAieum, 'fever sores, tettef.-.cbapp6y4iab 1-, ehilhlains'gbrnsatid UskiterUyti( us and positively ure pfles 'of1ii ay 'required. fc 'is guaraiitoed'J to gve gravel road paving' a 'grade tif cone foot ii twenty-eKt:' , Odi' leVil -graf el road th'e fores 'niflrlid J'tfris -Knlf nriA- cd: ' Price1 23eents fpii bdx;-fc Ur j -.yorBalii-tirj?Jcillltt-l m: -o.n - WW' -r OLD HOMES ARE BEST. Oicif Liown to hun Jie nntfeyreryTew of jtyjears owyivmg in uieuouses-r JerefCctnt . (ptfilVenty-j t)uut more tuali. fitty'em ajo' y .nouses J ' J r I my an j-J their fathers occupied before them. J HJ . f -J. f T, : , J Sjfovel and ngmflcant featnreDf Amarican society. In its el iSSL&JEnX .r.L u-t'-"" - f-f- , rr-. r-r.V rJ- r , 7 F aiotreceiifd the attention it aaacrvfta HaoaaiVvts-hich. mve bougb,t about this state of things are obvious. 'Thejritof equality, and the practicef, bfify ln regard to tne idstribution property that have resulted trom it; ibe general change in the standards f uvmS arising from the enormous dev- the rapid settlement oi our immense territory, and th astonishing growth of our oiu as wen as oi our new cities, .haVAjemalateAblea tlifti existence -rrerl!rrWW(e -w "I ThcrJ in scarcely a town iu the lon- settled mrts of the Northern StatM rftomJkYhich aSoiiidi-aale portion of its M laTj'oujMi of the past fifty years to seek residence Elsewhere. :..Attaphnjcntthe y?iatite oil,- affection fef the home of Tone's 3'buth, the claims of klntlfed, the ;bonds Of social duty, have riot proved str6ng enough to resist tlie allurements of hope, the fair promise of bettering for tune, and the love of adventure. The mi;itaLsiu tsuao inu me vast extension of means of .communication between - uaerept parts oi te couury,nave ' pro- lave "to notedlthe m4vemnt dflhe tiApulaflon. Fromf'The trtckfcf lljiies io Ameri ca, -"ity rrof..i;narie8 not Jfcoi-ioQ ui HheMay Scribner's. i I For dyspepsia and liver complaint you ha'- a printed guarantee on every bottle of $hil oil's Vitulizer. It never fai.s to cure. Sold by Furmnn. How to Live Well. To live well? economy is necessary. Nos nVattcr if persons are ricTi or liave lare incomes, they should be ecouomi cal if they kuew how, but the practice of fi-onomy is au art. Many people us expensive articles of food and dress when cheaper Ques wjoujd.be iu, every wa- better and more serviceabld. ' Es-" illy in regulating table expenses is thAre a creat want of economy. , A. lit tleiuseful information concerning the qualities of food, tlie amount of nutritive mnjter they eentain, the wants jof, the human system, and the best way of co4King, would olten save lully one-. third, and, hi many instances, half the extiense. A wise ecouomy in table ex? peases is favorable to health, and tlAis prevents doctor's biHs,-arid-eodces 1 strebgthaird'bkppfte8s.hr N , - 1 ..., .' -j - 1 ; TI1EIK BUSINESS BOOiTrfCr. : to has caused such a geueral revival of trade at y n H. Furman Jr's Drug Store as thif, giving away to; Uieir custodiers pa. many Iroe trial bottles of Dr. Kn's,! rril.: . l i . mpiy enormous iu liub cuuuusiuu wry wuum uuiiroie iuc OTclelom riiefactf 'bWSf te'4orf.Hey;lwee Sfrng, this very val'u ible that it curS audMnaver disappoints, Coughs, cold--, "asthma, bronchitis:1 croup, and all throat and lung diseas es quickiy cured. Ycu can '.est it he H foreyfittg,rtfctt4TMati -trial bottle" free Mrg eVli EtetyM)ottle xvi ranted. ! We never place much contidence n the promises of cross-roads politicians, but when the Presidential candidate of a (1. great party a man noted for integrity , . . , , , . a! Hhinf f ftf as ; jboou as: frtrrnTTrrn Pirt.1 1 j ' I l i ' EPOCIL The transition from long, .t lingeri lag treasured in the memory ad ti.e agency whereby tbe "good -health has been attained is gratefully bleS'idi. Hence ii is that so much is beard jiy praise of Electric Bitters. So mailt' feel they . pwe lhaif , flestom tiou jt. health o HeetrtiTef iryou Ljf liver or stomach, of long or bIiVt 1 .standipg you wilt surely find relief jbj hMirot Electric Bitters;' i'TSoW at 50c, and $1 pr botile at W. II. Furmiiu JxDra5 r3ofi(;-JJ rh rSfthAlCJf fftet u.sw ,r tvtr ukU M.m ruU tir w!j iu'iiIXAj i I'lfv, - . , r. wioi;2 J hi Siirvi mU Jiti l n C? :,::!-;.,; : V j;,at . ... ", 1.- lald for Ills llnner. vorsotaogajrui s mieccfttei in owlnglrue sibfy: "A tidy was. ;yijtngfjeud..Rt thK.Reasi4e,, wherej 1 4hereraevfine dog, whpa m or t was m the habit of riving Um money -every' tfiV tJVihmeat fbr-rusniifef from'ihe uidaQmci' mieJVg'en'aiuiuai,' ,'catlod. lumto tpr..hAt at.roauast (Jand. fed aCn ftom -tier plate: T Tfa -dor-, at once went to) liis-niaster, abd" standing oil his hirlegy,"duwtid' ' and ' yratcbod, imp eimA a oreas-DCeu b jy ijni- sue mastec aifea tq nqnentiapu, auu, or dcrd Mm-orTy but, ;the-creature' pcrast it:. ' " wants ; .' iAYelh l'do1 Wieve he 'his I t -T . !,J , 7 ninnpv ' ' money. SWrWiK)! .trot- iting PPio.bJrier)dlyviv.'deppfited It in her lap. Kith A was of hisitskil and a : lookwhkb; seemed to say, ' ' 4T always pay the batcher, ind why l,'IIaekto'et'cW," & lasthw1 and trazunt ptrfoiie. JTrictlB kfifd SO Furman. o.!t t Sohl by eve I O 111 c About tliellouse. Matting may not be the best floor coveriiig for a hallhere " the constant tramping back and forth) Is apt to break the straw and wear it in spots. Nor can it be receimnended for use ; in the dhiing-roohi unresVpretected under the table by rug or drugget. - The pushing back of (he heavy chairs soon leaves its mak even en the stoutest carpet, and matting cannot stand such rough usage. "But in parlors, sitting-rooms, and espe cially in sleepalf-apartocnts, it is far preferable to a carpet. In the bed cliamber small rugs laid by the bed, bureau and wash-stand, are all that are really needed, even for the delicate peo ple who dread to have their feet come in contact .with "the cold surface. In the other rooms larger rugs may bo placed where it seems -best by tlte fireside,' sofa or 'sewing-ehflfir. Matting is m thorough harmony, with the present style ofQsrdeiysMa;'! It is in keeping with scrim and Madras draper ies, wicker and Fayal chairs, bamloo easels and screens and the many other light' and easily moved articles that are superceding elepliantine upholstered furniture tliat was once thought "the thing." Students, of household science are beginning to perceive that elegance and economy are not inconsistent . and that it does not require a fortune to reader a Lome cosy and pretty, but even artistic. a I cure will give immediate relief. Price 1( 10 cts., 59 cts., and f). Sold by Fnrtnan. 4 "Shfloh's Catarrh Reined; j-rgpJSSi edy a positive and canker I rm , r- A Yonnjr ,3Jau Tries farming. Almost every one has heard the i sto ry Mark Twtf"rJ tells about ilenry T-.l 5 Aard Bcechei when the latter first in dulgdjdh!utur bt aJiir imyL.TLa.gr eat rreacher nought farm-S' for JBvdojlari' fed'Jt with ten doUars. douacfy la j4sjd.ie: thflpigbut--"loKj;on"thfx)rm bAIaiinilas -exmrlence 'bifelHwoW mV ftMs 'Wlitf 'came' lo1 fuai wntftpietttj-otibusisoss ,qq, band and ctmld npfl oik tba gardoDligrcrwlepl thiwlvcrTKe otlie v 'Me of vlhcrd ' niuta S&le'raenttxpeiises k?gains .ingexpermientsr, Ue discovered tliat. he ha.i paid-ightdollarn for fertilizers TTTleetf Hrr : labof , Md ewera nrel-hun- fdfed times afrW-Aeigabcfrs'ncftlckeris:' ' ySml ri5yitrHv?Jr.A'! An ?'fiU'Wmsrint' jnohbed fat Jacking xjpg out pf hj , to nsUoes wuardozau- eacs of cord ;and a PrstoBrteOthW Deck-oof t4fttDes.f; 1 After vb& itrVounfhena wirtplatit Iilaland; ui ktu Lion, auu aucuu uiaavv ... , . . - 1. a nr.. 1 ') fdeg -s The Bev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Boorbn; Ind aays: loth fittafAilijjrtfeti out QskR fey rr1in. I , arrjsottfcjaiaking . history,,, and so W Ji baa . uttorlj: ftukd . to approach Clenstand In givmgjfca jjouth recogni tion. poklsboro Argusf - ' -' - lJ I'liili!: j ':.. ., - .1.1. . ., i.i l .n.lFF f?1 niiserabler.iiiUisestion, eoiiHtipation, diu'uea. of appetite. yrtlMrWkh'r kiiiuIi'Vitalis r ia a poii- ; vcmi. :,-SdpJ1D)- I'uruwH. I'.IT" ' .--.:.-. L.;,-K.J. .i .V i I "... , . . '.W'j v',',' I 'I i WO:1 13 Ftshtlos Mosquitoes, " " ) v. t i i : : ; !: .: ,. - j .,.: , People who camp out . ibr racaliou amusement may find a raluable Wnt in the experience of a campalgri party on Lake. iN lnrnpiseogee, thus told in uuottl Uwer. . Th littki post iwarmod upoii fjollnS of love and veneration for his fn tiouds.' Bleep Trfcs- impoable,aad Alma Mater, and he should allow nstb Ve devolf I to flgdoVurnCiputlaa rd- S9 rcnt Ida stteiidance at the T.e reanes.,,, e arnoteu, uniii. w c , pou w . m. oona oi me Uni scarcely breathe k tha stifling air. -This vcrailJi P to tliia reunion, and show ' to tley mU1,1o Mis' AjvH barred 4lnd. JbewdrI3 thnt Joo prood of the op akung alf the more,' mcrrflf Jbr hfWe T"Wniry of dolnr- honor to old- Ctnpd sewted puelvejs &zwiti '4-. .-Xrioite Chronicle, seoce of IjieprjermliiW 'With;!)easiit. We have' more Uian once eiTr'e-sed ftnd carMlw-atid hkfc ploasea them our ck oi confidence m the accounts to !io Vejl' tha tbe myrfetds Iniode' the 'tjent which the newspaixa-s ox-asional j treat .callej, uponVoth? rjpada1 oufJe'' to too public, of some persons having at- coma iu ana neip inem enjoy: iw A .rue situation was growisg desperate. "' But , Bt 'last I bpthooghl Tne of ohe morejex-. pautrjucbie but whiuli I hftj'hjiti8n. I searchel. tiioy&Mfi&ATMA.hxjkykT out sv piog&tgum camphor A picje aboutthe.size.f a waluuti. placed it on a tin plate and" set' fire (p it. 'J It, turned MYeadUyks pi'tcl'w'a'Drigbt clear flame and 'apweblrycW'smoke. ButitAeted Hhe .ik .ieharm: w In. two jniautfs not, one, pfouff singed persecu- tons rernamgd within the walls , of .our tent. Then, making even thina tt:n J fortable,'ahd caVefully covering btir ' oue whvdowWlth ' the I mosqaitoe'' bar, we went to bed and slept the sleepof the just, with neve? a"bite"oTa" hum fro ai our odious foes. ' : : " . ! t 7 . , r..- ... 1 ,1 1 . i All honest, oonscieutious physician who hre B.- B.- B(otnuic Blood Balm, a trial; fianklv adiait its supe riority overall other tlod medicines. Dr. vv. j. Adair, Rockuisrt, Ga., writeA: "I regard B. B B. as one of the best blood uedidue," Dr. A H. Rubcof, Nasliville, Tenn. write: "All reports of B B. tire fa Vfiablo. and its speedy ucliou it truly wouderful." Dr.'J. W. Rhodes, Cra w Tor Js vile, Ga.. writes: AI confess n b. "n; is Ue beat sod quickest inedieine for rheumatism 1 have ever trtal." Dr. S J. Parmer. Crawfordsvillc' Ga.. writes: I cbeerfalla rmom mend B. b. b. as a fine tonic altera tive. Its use cured an excrescence of the neck after other remedies effected no perceptible goou.'.' Dr. C. II. MonL.omorv. Jackson ville, Ala., writes 'My 'mother in sisted on getting B. B. a. for her rheu matism, as ber case stab born lv re sisted tlie usual remedies. She expe rienced immrdiate relief and her im provement has been truly wonder ful.' A prominent physician who wUhes bis name uot giveu says: "A patient of miue whose esse of tertiary sjphilis was surely killing him, and which u- treatment emed to ekeckr, was en t rely cured with about twelve bottles of b, B. b. lie was fairly made up of skin aod bones and terrble ulcer.,' .! ' Wealth In Ores. Manufacturers Record. The wealth of North Caroling in Bes semer ores is far greater than is known ' i ' , I .11.1 to , the world 4n general. ITiere is enough high .grada Beai4yner ore in tliat sectuu triua every. Bessemer fur- imace ini Amoriealoi As stroa .as this statement JsHhe . Manufacturers Rec Ord ajfcwereeRt is IpeaMbg.' It also knows; that Engliih ' arid'Northeru stee) makers have boen. case&irl v iaTesti galing tbtearn through;. -thor j enti- r'neerswndthatrthareare-' gOodi tros- pocis of developments m.trwneariuture. rnftwwiii orjT3e Uitt; .aoegnntrv. ,ThLbeU tf:land,nmug1tireugUr WstA :ern.iorta Caroia) isf Tnnesse& v. -.- .J r .1 V 1 -Y"AreM,s 4ufcyt.MHa .1:1- oania uas numeral l eaunTU unoream. 'fa ofi,Weteni Nortli, Caroliiaat is one f2,;r most remasa.Die couutrtes a, me wpr"CC ..wfe' ayaqtAge Vf Latmv, ife'aSltystAt itself, mincr WcAlfh'amTft'beTond' de al"anil furfher1 hr)fipUbn.atklf'wnriAVfVw-ymrsr be the scferieVvastiuatrstrial t3evelmear; ; m m 1 1 'Vto'bjeI oii xcr'fo'BErl' " 2 fi Sojjjpquicd, te.melancholj Dane. A sea of UmbIeoi)iQseJ.v IIq shrank be forere them; ambition lay dead.. '-Iifea he1 viewed It,1 nested 'nnder ;a '.yellew cloud, tiirged with' CTCeh; " ( 't Itaralct,' -to :mjt$?&4& t.lThejopd tt-. eased, parked UiWMgh,.etAiatjuRaI( jptea jtnd alleys of tbe body, .magnifiod. in a toifold egrse'his-other ttb; Purify the blodd, ve new life Ifrid actlod : - .1 6 1 the , sysfcnl taEe tfri hcr 'GoIdeir'Med- al; Discovery, ;i&3iw! - $rk lack of appetite, chj tioua,., low skMyb-bretitWiU all det, ithomorniag rsjstaiediipled t-y flie'nn-lUa i.ewg a--r vice is un;uroa9- rising sun. "4"'a j ujj -unial mxlie Uuite-I Ulea. The Times fc the only pibtaMia FnuJJiu ctnintj, aod its circoUtionfxeods all ortr errry m tioa of this and adjoining counties, ad Ycrisers ahouk! make a note hero. -l '1 "ttnwukatiou from item tjf auy bature win be thankftdlr OUU STATE CONTUMPO. The mere tlwujht of her long, uscruL Th lionorable career should make the heart of every Alumnus throb ih "e age 01 a nuudrea years. In h cases almost without excepUon, te ltement is 'made concerning some on;T whose ae there is no record what- . cvef of au authentic land. But in' ihe tance or Chcvreul, the 'dtin-uUhed . chemistj we' have au a'utheutic example of a man having entered upon hundred and second year, still vigor- j and cheerful, and who B coutiiiues" to devote lumsclf to m ,mJllti)le hbri and to fulfia his' of53cjd fuuefions. Danbury Iteportcr, " . , We are indebted to the Wilraiaton Star for ihe above fc mm fa uue ui i5eaorj"s Alagaziae ou The Decline of tlie Farmer." Every- word is true. The farmer are growing poorer every day and consequently are drop ping oJ from that prominent position they formerly occupied ia the manage ment of the allkirs of -our Stale and na tion. What U the cause of tlua t Why are they poorer? Their land arc just as good as formerly; tliey know how to farm as well as their fathers or grand fathers. Tha last paragraph quoted above tolls the whole story. It ex plains all. And yet the farmers of the country throw their political strength, for the party whkli is, by the practice of iU fundamental principles, sapping them of their very existence. Durham Plant. Tlie whole bribing power of this ad minislration wUl be exerted on the horuW states, and while, we mast confess this disposition has not matcrializjd to any great extent as yet, it is undoubtedly the policy outlined, and we believe it will begin to be filled In before long. It remains to be seen what proportion of .our people will be seduced from the ut most present importance to the South by the glitter of gold and the glare of assured prominence gained at the ex pense of self-respect and the respect of one's fellow citizens at home. It re mains to he seen how many white mea will prove Tecreant to their race and the civilization which they should be proud to represent News-Observer. TOE WASHINGTON POST! A PAPER FOR THE MASSES. Published at .the National Capital, th. xews csxtee of the couxtry. ' I ' i WAiH NGTOH WEEKIY POST is a large eijht-page papr, filled to the brim witli thi rer latest 'knd r most imporunt news matte-.-' Alf of its deat tinenU are in charge f coio petent men, uud no pains or expense are'spired to make the WkxklyA'pst a 'model family uewspaper.. The ssb scriptiou price f the Wekklt "Post i 1 ir year, payable strictly in aJ-vjuce- Send fr saoile copies. THE WASHINGTON DAILY POST It tbe ouly tuuruiug paper publishes! at the capital which possesses ihe . f tt Hies far cathering aod priotnij Ue news of the day. With our la'ge crps of reporters snd spatial writers we sra euabled to rduce the uiwi , readable paper over printed In Washington. j t-x the next few months should bcn- pareot o all, and there wi'l -bene better ir.eliuui lliruuh whkh tp..o' rafu it ibau the Daily Po3t.' The sui.s-rlpU..h prtcels a folloa: D;y, Sunday txieptcA 1 yvr: $C0s) Da U, .Suudy imdudnd, I year . . J 5 Dtll k. .Hl.dltl k'V:. 1.1 I i,.intk . - - !&? LiniSa imi.T. nihut nc-Odetl. 4 iiiuuth ?j y.r 1 &, day EuinoK of4be posr I... 1. h: