J, jr...?; ... ; -. .. iv;r . i 4 THE FItA.NKLIN-f TIMES ' Pn . LISHED - JciVKBY ' 1 KlDAY, BV , JAMES A.THOMA ; - Itfitcr JPropAetor. Rates. ' , nvt! Year-'-7-.:. - . fi.50. ' The Editor will not b revpcnsiLU lor the vkw of corrwpcudaiN. . Brief cctnmcakationf nom all m tkms nxt carocBdj solicit od. Xrwt iiiofanTnatitr.wUl be thanliullr To Clubs of 5: The furnished at $1.40' Times will le LOUISBURG-, N.-C. MAY 17:189. V :xvin NO. 15 receive lllillil ini 7,:-'--. , ' j - " '.: :.'.' - :-- vevtiatr shock! make a note bcro. - - - ; : ' '' ' 1 1 . - - , I: - i.5 - The Gplden Gate. 1 ; ; ; " ;;:BY BAM BOOM. " V . : .''.V - Tbe day is slowly 'dying,;.-' V . ;. - The Sun has sunk to reat," , X 3'TheV(6ning breeze is sighing ,f;:V;i r- ? Acro89 tbe ocean's breast. - X, . Tuegnlls are londly screaming, j-J' - ": X.i tftch to its feathery niate, " i; -t . ' "And the radiant 8 onset streaniiag . ' - . Through the beautiful Golden Uate. . " lhe ships of every nation - v. ; - Are saihnir to and iro. . ' ' 5 ' Some to a foreigu nation,' v. r '' VVbile some in the harbor go. ' - And. anxious friends are waiting i- ', i- Unon th a : nparincr Rt.rund . ' "' , vTo give.them lovely greeting As they-enter the Golden La 3nd. Absolutely Pure. This powderever varies. A marvel or ?urity, strength and" wholesomenebs. Lre economical than the ordinary kinds, aud caoaot be sold ia competition, with the multitude of low test,' "short" weight alum or phosphate powders. SOLD ONLY in cans. Koyaij Baking Powder Co. 60QWail St.N. Y.-; J'ltOFESSlONAL "CAIID -j' .-Iitte's journey is almosi over, -v . t- ' vAnd over tfeia h arbor bar r ? ; The Beautifnl gates ajar;' f t - ,.'..rADo we seem to hear tne singing ' Of the. shining ones that wait, .' " t ' Their joyous -welcome ringing, . ... . t As we nter the Golden "Qate. r v . FARM ECONOMY. t . B B.MASSENBCTKG, ATTORNEY AT LAW- . ' LOUISBUltG.N. C.'r"' ' ; ' ; Office m tbe3ourt House. All business put in my hands wn receivo prompt attention. 0 t M.COUKK. "We frequently hear it asserted, "there is no money in .Tarming,''- but 4I have yet to see tie tanner, who -. produces bis . supplies uponjthe farm, who is not mak ing money, and 1 nave -yet to see the firmer, who conducts his farm uon a cash basis, i. e., pays cash for .what he buvsv who is not succeeding. V"' The secret of success in farming is the same as - in any other business : or vocation. The same energy -and perse-l yerance, and strict economy xa all the small details of life; are as heeessaryto bring success in farming as in any other business, and when these are practiced and strictly observed, you generally find the parties succeeding. . ' . " or true economy, the' demand for" these things Js imperative to thorough - and successful farming. Is not esonomy in all natural law a principle? Mature, bounMil to prodigality, is still economi cal with her forces and "nothing in all her realm is -wasted or neglectc4.!. , It has. been -truly said that economy is wealth,; but is it not more ? - !- Economy is necessary to success in every relation of life. "'.On the farm, it' enforces neat ness and order; and"' counts no time as wasted that is given to those adornments which make the home attractive to the paser-bj ha well as to those who? dwell iErerjjr.eO coTducta4 farm,' becomes a centre of attraction and inflaence, the light of which -radiates tlall who" sit around hi darkness of prejudicev not - jtb say pf ignorance.r'iiHbw readily we all commend nim wno has order, and ar rangement, and everything in "keeping on his farm. Let us treasureup the lessons of the past and honor and revere those who havetaught them to us. and try to have "our lives and our works to be more helpful to those who shall come after us. John Robinson in Bul letin. . TW011EGR0 MOVEMENTS. r "Hackmetack," a lasting antl; perfume. Price. 25 and SO cents. Furman. ' . frag tint Sold by Law Sou tli and North. a fT' Y and :0UNSELL0R at LAW. LOtflSBURG, FRANKLIN CO..N. C. ; "VJ1 attend the Courts of Nash, Frank in, xrnville, Warren, and; Wake Goulities - also the uplenie tourt of Nor th Carolina, and the tJ- : Circuit and District Court. D R. J. E M ALONE. O flee 2 doors below Fufman wo ke's Drug Store, adjoining Dr L. Ellis. : ;: 0. E W TIMBERLAKE.C ATTORNEY AT LAW LOUISBUROr K, C. 03Bce iKe Court House IATJL JOXES Attorney M toraiellorit lav.-" v LOUIS liUliG N. O- 1 Will practice ; In: the courts of Franklin. Warren , Wake, Vance and Nasti; and in the Supreme court of the State. 1 v" " TO SCHOOL TEACHERS. T Superintendent, of. Public ric h Is of Franklin county will be in Louisburg on the second . Thurs day of February, April. July,; Sept. October '"''antt Decein ber, and remain for thre,e days, if necessary, for tlje purpose of examining applicants to teach in the Public Schools "of this County. .-" ' I w i 11 also be i n - Lou isbu rg on Saturday of each week, -and all pub lic days, to attend to any business connocted with ray office.;; - -. -r "; J.'K. Hakbis, Snpt. , IJ1UOS. B. , WJLDElt, ATTORNEY AT LOUISBUKG; Umce on Mam bu, one Thinkmg mon are looking more and more into the derails of farm work, and never before hale these interests re ceived the attention "as at the present time i Intelligent and learned agricul turistlnd men of science and research, recogniz.hg -as they do the great impor tance to the human race and the world, are giving, not only - their .time, but their means,- to the - investisaliori and . development and advancement "of agri culture in all its various tranches. Hence, it is generally otserved that the farmers of -bur State have.advanced very' notably within the past few years, as is instanced by the great ; incref.se in acre age in tdover and the grasses and all the forage crops. Stock raising in all its branches has'advanced very much, but more especially has the interest in daifyingtmd dairy products increased than any other, agricultural interest Yet there is one interest of the farmer which in my travels over the State I have observed to be very " much nesr- iected, I refer to farm buildings, and more especially to residences, ' their grounds and surroundings. We -should make our homes uot only neat and comfortable but we should improve the grounds around and near, our dwellings, look tveli after the shade trees, and by no means allow them to. be neglected; plow up the ground - and pulverize ; it thbroughl-; if not rich enough to grow the grasses, fertilize them' until they are, and sow in grass. I prefer the blue grass to any other lawn grass, but if you should not be in favor with ' the blue grass,' sow, one of ; the many, lawn srasses bv all means, sow grass.' Our public and private, roads T find frequently very, much neglected. Often they dp not deserve the name of roads, so washed, rough - and unsightly. . A" smodth.firm road is bestj simply on the In every Northern StatetheBoodlerS hod it ail their own sweet way and to this day the guilty onea-.have received no punishment at law or even .public -condemnation. The greatest of Boodlers is in the ' Cabinet chosen to the "high and responsible o2ice . of Po itmaster General by the man who wr.s the recip ient of tl:e favors of Boodledorn and through which he obtained the Presi dency although not elected ;n Teto by a majority of the votes the ptjbch as ed votes included. - ; It is well known that the "blocks of five' were openly bought and vottd by .theJJepublicahs in Indiana under - the advice and authority of Dudley and Quay, .he men who manipukted the '.'blocks of five" and were the go-betweens have to this hour" escaped jus tice.. -The Indianapolis Sentinel of but- three days asjo states it as a fact that of 150 defendants uponjthe charge of boo dle all were acquitted but one--and he was a .Democrat, and was made, so drunk , that ho was made to vote for Harrison by the Republicans in the af ternoon, although he had in the fore noon voted for Cleveland. The Sentinel says that "over 1300 alleged offenders evaded, trial through most vdisCTaceful partisan rulings ever' promulgated by any court in this country. With the courts in the North run to shield guilty boodlers and to buildup the Republicans justice has fled to brutish beasts," and the principles of honor and right are trodden under foot and public confidence destroyed. Now turn to the painful story of the conviction hi the United States Federal Court at little Rock, Ark.," of Charles G. Reid '-with interfering with the elec tion." Popular, brilliant,' well born,, he is convicted and wili be sect to the pen itentiary as well as " fined for violating the election law, while fens of thous ands - all through the North ' who are. more guilty-of debauching the ballot andof intimidating voters will read the sentence and say well done. ' Such jb law as now executed - in this ' country. The North with, its 'eternal ' Paul Pry T ,Ashevule Citii3n, C The Raleigh colored; emigration convention and the spirit of restless impatience and unavailing," com plaint to!which it gave HpxpresfloiV is in marked coutrast to a: meeting held about the same time by. th colored people of Unioa 'county Soutli Carolina; While the . Ndrth Carolina Negroes are worrying and fretting over alleged political- and Industrial grievances jand devising 'wild schemes of colooUsAtioti and eniIgjiitfou,"th'e precedents ofw 'hich' have uniformlly proved dlsasterous to thenitrthe Union county colored people have entered iuto an organ ization to Veleyate the colored peo. pie of America, by teaching, theni to love their country and "their homes, to care more for their help less and destitute, and "to labor more earnestly for the education of .themselves and their children, ea . pecially to Improve themselves in agricultural pursuiU, to become better fanners and laborers," and less wasteful in their ' methods of living; to be more obedient ; to civil and criminal law, and to withdraw their attention from political " par-, tisanship, to beeome better citi zens ami 'truer husbands and wives.", c - . It Is an organization cf farmers and is called the Colored Farmer! Alliance and Co operative Union. It declares war against the, trusts ana combinations of capital which oppress the far mer, especially the jute and fertilizer trusts, and is a tnost important step in the right direction, seeking to divert the negroe'a attention fro.n the unprof itable politicsofthe past to practi cal considerations for the future. The organizer, John D. Norris. said : "It is bv no means a ooliti al organization The condition of things and our preserrt situation satisfy u3 that our luiDDlness ad fortune afe not in parities. We have beenrso often deceived by d; Jit leal tricksters until out. hope- In politics is lost. Welmve , been looked upon as political prey 'long ' - If T ... . enougu. e expect, tlirougn tno alllauce, to let all parties know that our race is no longer,a jnisslon held lor politics. .We expect to confine ourselves to the interest of that which will build up our homes. and make our homes make our fire sides more Measant. It is not working against Jlie interest of the white man, becaus anything that .is against the interest of the white farmer would be against -our inter est, and we have white 1 aimers in this country as well as black farm ers. l tie aeviiisn trusts and com binations mean destruction to the farmers, East,. West; North; and South.. We are pot against the common fair merchaut. 'Wo are only ringing the bells for the trusts and combinations to come to break fast. We will rine for .d'uuer m&nhood to champion them actively hi a section that U largely ' Dernocxatk, SLtd therefore the more or less " preju diced, as is always the case where "the membership of any party largely pre dominates. V : ' - For his Cabinet jUr. 1arrisoa has chosen members all from the North and W est, "except one, Mr. Koble that - fa, if you can. count an Ohio man living in Missouri as a Southern . man'. ' Mr. Cleveland called ; three of his Cabinet officers from toe Southern States Bay ard, Lamar and Garlandj-and two of them were fronaJthc old--Confaderate Statea.r''"' - ' -1 ;..-. .?-"--.-. -y -1 - la a brief but pointed comparison, of. Cleveland and Harrison's RxbninLrtra- tion8 the Richmond State' shows that, "under Cleveland's . administration the four first-class v foreign "missiona were filled with two Southern men,-McLane, of Maryland, at Paris, and Lawton,' of Georgia, at St. ; Petersburg,- and' one Western man, Pendleton at Berlin, and one Northern man, Phelps, at London. Afterwards, Lawton, not being con firmed on account of his disabilities not having been . removed, resigned, and Lorthrop, Of Michigan, succeeded him. Lawton was then sent to Austria, to which Kelley had been accredited. , The Ministers to Austria, Italy, Belgium, China and Spain and Japan, stand in the next rank. Of these six the South filled three, and if Kelley had gone to Italy, the South would have had ,four, Lawton, of Georgia, as we have seen, being at Vienna, Curry, of Virginia, at Madrid, and Hubbard, of Texas, at Tokio. Most of the South American missions, moreover, were given to Southern men. Now let us compare Cleveland's poli icy towards the South with Harrison's.. Of these legislations there are tweuty- nine. The heads of these legislationa were distributed as follows by Cleve land: South 14: North 7f West 8. Twenty-two of these twenty-nine heads of legations have been chosen by Harri son. They were distributed as follows. North 10; West 9; South 3.- Do not these facts show who is better able to find worth and talent in the South and give . them recognition, Cleveland or Harrison.- " ; - What is Harrison's position is a di lemma that Southern Republicans must decide. Harrison did either one of two things.. Ether be was aware of ability among Southern Republicans, but re fused to recognize it; or he did not be lieve there was much ability among them and so called few to places of honor and trust. , ' - Harrison is making history, and so far he has utterly tailed to approach Cleveland in giving the South recogni- DEBT-PAYIH3 - BEUE10H- Re-published by request. rtrrlral ofdcbtrpayicj religSouV I T ery rrdrallct prajcr biuftde tiJ the new conrerti may have graca to pay up" 4"old debts" and not contract new ' ones Tiie following sensible article written without a good , probabillfy of paying by Rev. D. H.Tuttie, in (he Methodist Advance, strikes the nail spuare on the head. - If our financial ability would al loir It, a copyof this week's paper would be sent to -every household in this State.. Read what he says : ., uJust al this time oar country needs them. Let the mirdster enOce this du ty pabfidy and privaldy (with discre tion) and grmt good can. be ccornpILh ed. : HprAchra would loek afW this -matter of debt-paying among their' con- gregationa their own debts might be more probtpdy paid ckickenj torn a religion that will make a man payj his I borne to foost, but preachers need to be debts. : Shouting dont settle old. notes or accounts with God or man cash up. We want to pounce right on - fellow and put him r'ght out of the ' church if he goes to a ball, or theater,' or - goes on a drunk, but never say. a word to the rious scamp who never pays v his debts. Preacher and people who -do" not fay their debts are doing the ' church more harm than dancers and drunkards- there are more of them in the. church.. Reader,' am I getting .doss to . jou t Then lay down the paper ' and go and pay up and yon can read" on at ease. And don't you stop paying because the statute of limitation." excuses the opsa account you made for. your bread and meat God's law knows no statute. You pay it in cash or God will make yoa pay it in fire and brimstone. God knows no such excuse from paying - as "homestead exemption." 'You rai&e that excuse to keep from paying your debts and you can stop singing, "When I can read my titles clear to mansions in the skies." You've got none up there. You may say, I wouU pay if I could. How hard have you tried? If dying at this moment could yoa say, I've done all in my power t Have you tried to save a little each week or month for your debts t Are you spending no money for things to eat and wear that you can do without? How. much do yon spend per year for cigars and tobao-; co? Make the calculation. Put that amount to your debts. Do you eat dainties and luxuries ? Plainer diet would keep you from making dolor's bills that you wouldn't pay, and leave more careful, prayerful and payful along this line, The greatest necessity- of the time b confidence, among the people. Let the church cornmai.d atd demand ber inenibcnhip to lire up to their from- j lacs andTontracts and soon the present ' ' financial darkness wCl give away to a'v brighU morn of prosperity In all busi ness circlet. Keep the Amen ' cornet and front seats dear of men who " won't pay their debts (the pulpit too) and the word preached will reach sinners, - May -God gig Increase to these words which are written for the promotion of his kingdom in the practical dealing' of men " with men. - f 1000 REWARD. . , One thousand dollar will be paid to any chemist who will find on . aualsla ofS. 8.8. (Swiri' Specific) one particle of mercury. Iodine of potash, or any poisonovs substance. In 1873 I contracted Mood poison which soon developed Into Its sec ondary form, wlU- blotches and ogly sores all orer my body, which . totally dlriirblod me for more than -a year. The doctors treated me all the time without benefit. The dis ease steadily growing worse and worse, I wsa unable to work for more than a year; finally was per loaded to take 8wias Specific. After taking seven bottles I was sound and well, and have not' felt a symptom of the disease since Tula was sixteen years ago. Jbz VAuank. -Forsyth, Gji., Jan. 23, 1839. . I have taken Swift's Specific for secondary blood txiison. and da- your money to bring up back occounts. ri ved great benefit. It acts much Do you strut about with an umbrella better than potash, or any remedy tion. Golds boro Argus. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sore, ulcers, salt rheum, CauaW (aKa. AAAnftAt) Vk . M 4 j 1C TCI . BVIC9. IClKIl VUHMIAiU HO U U , ehilhlains", corns and all skin eruptious and positively cure piles, or no pay required, .ft is guaranteed to give. perfect satisfaction, or money refund cq. Price 2o cen's per box. For sale by J. B. Chiton. later." Jurisdiction of Magistrates. door 4w the Eagle Hotel. A score 6f economy. It has been said that V proclivities will denounce thf shortcbn ,SSPRUILL:y, LOUISBURG, .N. C. C; ; Will attend the cburtsof -Frahklini ; Vance, Granville: Warren, Nash,' and Ftdernl and Supreme Court. . . Prompt attention given to collections &c. - - K0TICE- All Derson9 having claims again the estata-of L. Cv "Wester will pre ''E .' W."TimberIjAKE' A tt'yi for ; :'y J, ? .W..T, Collins Adm. AY COCKE & DANIEliS, r C. C, DNIBI.S l GoldsboreK. Qf yi V?. AYCOCK & DAKIEES A DAHIEtS Attorney s At law ; ' :'iwrLsdNi.:;c the force, of traction required to move a four-wheeled veMcle weighing, ! with its load 1,000 pounds, on a hard, dry road, is 30.pounds; the same load over loose, sandv roads requires 204 pounds. - You will readitysee that-.it. requires" V nearly seven times as much lorce to. move a load on a poor road as it does on a firm, good road, which, clearly mdicates the great advantage in keepmg roads , m good repair, to say nothmg of the en hanced pleasure to be derived from ' the use of tiiemJiLi-T i- J Some niay ask; .why all -this; to1 do about beautifying our homes, ood roads, etc ? r It is not for the - sake - of adornment and mere love of show,: but as an essential to all'thorough farming. I will venture the assertiori that ; thor oughness is one of the prime? conditions of success in agr iculture as in any other profession. vj.Wha.tevere attempt :tp do must be done tnorougmy. now ao suriJ, And what a humiliating contrastrr; finely filled fields, untidy and . unkempt homes and surroundings. I think all .will agree" - that with Well-tilled fields our homes and- surroundings must be neat and. tidy, and our roads must be in ings in the South of Southern- whites, and with genuine PharisaisrA will . rpll np the watery : eyes and with "nasal twang oft heard in vconven ticles," . will thank God " we are not as the Southern people are' .while '-practicing -offences that cry out to Heaven for jyengeance upon" -their unrighteousnesss '. and "tba t would send tens of thousands of them to the penitentiafieslf even-handed jus tice should commend tlie right-; ingredi- ents to ineir nypocrmcai , ana : sianaer- bearing lips. WiLStar. : . " -- FLEtrritlO B11TEUS. This retnedr is beconHiisr so - well knwn and so-popular as to need no t m f special meutiou. ivu wno nave usea E'ectris Bitters sing-the' same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is "uarad Leed to do all that is c!aixed. Electric Bittern will cure all diseases of the liver and kid ney, will remove pimples , boils, salt rheum, and other affections caused by uhpure blood. Will drive .malaria I from the system and prevent as well as cure ail. malarial fevtr. For cure of headache, cou 8 lipaticn and iudiges- tion try Electric Bitters. Eutire; sat isfaction guaranteed or money refund ed Price 50 cts. and 91 per bottle at vfi IL Furinaus, Jrs Drugstore. - 'Have They No .'Patriotism? IS CONSUMPTION INCURABLE Read the following Mr C H. Mor ris. Newark, Aj. says : . - -i - 'Was down with abscess of lung?,. and friends andpbysLians pronounced me an incurable cod sump tive. Began taking Dr. King's - New Discbvery ior Consumption, am now cn my third 'botllrr and able to' oversee IheW work on my faim. lt is the finest medicine ever made.,f; jt a! :-j vt r v Jesse t.Middlowart. Decatur, Ohio,- says: Had it not been for. Dr King's New Discovery foe NConsumntion I would Tiave.' died of lung.; troubles". Was giveb up by doctorp. . Am now in the best of health." - Try it.CSam- plebottles free at W II Furman Jr s A Kii'smiioil nntnistwl tn IIS wlilbe I ' .t Lt J cn.- TV-. 1 . " ".-.;..7s,-..--;:.:z Keermis; wim au. ee. - uiwu. wic .bcuoj i Drugstore - t 1 ' "Have Southern: Republicans no patri otism or local pride ? The. Argus has but recently. Id its Fourth Anniversary Issue, renewed ' the South's record of great men-Hetatesmen, 'politicians. and ratriots--showing that our section has iot been lacking in , this respect; and yet the Nation's President, " under the Republican administration, who, accor ding to tne genius 01 our lorm v 01 gov ernment,- should know .no North," no South, no East nor West has snubbed the South so flatly that even the mem bers of hU own party in the South most surely feel that his' venom is too "heroic against the rebel State" of which many of them axe honored sons more .entitled to be recognized as patriotic ; American dtizena than their Northern brothers of the G. OP- "because they haVe the "com-age of - their " convictions " and the Magistrates are given final' hirisdic- tion in the following matters by the State Legislature at its last session: Abandonment of wife and children, by husband. Failing - to - support family. Neglect of duty by , overseer- of roads. PedcUing without ficense... Hunting on Sunday. Permitting sto zk to - run at large in stock law territory. Misappro priation of money by impounder "under the stock law. , Injuring fences or leav ing open gates where stock is confined. Trespassing 'upon " lands ofv another without permission. Wilful riding or driving horses over cultivated lands in stock law territory. ' The punishment in the above mentioned cases is not to exceed a fine of: fifty dollars . or thirty days Imprisonment. Wfl. 6tar. - - Shiloh'a care will immediately relieve croup, whooping cough a ud broach. Ua. Sold by Fnriuan : - For dyspepsia and liver complaint yoa !)&": a printed rnarantee oa every bo t tie of yhiloh'e Viuiluier. It never fait. to core.-. Sold by Furman.-.' The Ber. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bourbon, InL.say: "Both mylf ano wife owe cur Uvea to Shiloh'a L'ousutuptioa cure. " For aale by Furmao. - . - v. - ' Are you made miserable by indigestion, constipation, dizsiaexa, loss of appetite, yeilow skin f . Shiloh' Vitalixer ia a posi tive cure. Bold bv: Fonuan. . " Why wiU you contra . when " Shiloh'a. care will give immediate relief. Price lj , Shilnh'a CaUrrh- Remedy a positive care for catarrh, dipihii. and eaaker mouth. ' Sold bv Fuiinin For lame bacK.-side or chest. - nse Shi- loirs Porous piaster. Sold at 25 eeuta by .W. U. ronaan. .. - A imI injector free with each bottle of bhilolv's catarrh remedy... Price SO eta bold by Furiuau; ' . t ; while your creditors work in the broiling sun? Don't you cut shines in hired turnouts (may be they are not paid for) when you might walk and nse the mon ey to make your creditors smile? A plainer suit of dothes would be more be coming until you can pay for those worn last season. When expenses not neces sary for the feeding and clothing of the body are cut off and applied to the pay ment of debts then you grow in favor with God, and not until then docs God excuse you. ' REPENTANCE. on this point must be ot that Godly sort that needeth not to be. repented of." Reader, were you sorry , that yoa had not paid your debts when - you made a profession of religion ? If yoa were not that is just why you have not got a debt-paying religion. True repentance has a retroactive as well as prospective effect on the life of the believer he will as far as possible make good his past wrong. Many new converts sing. "Je sus paid it all, all to him I owe." No such thing. . Jesus did not' pay It all, neither do you owe It all "to him. If the week before you were converted yoa owed your neighbor tea dollar, and was. able topayit, you owe that, neighbor ten dollars yt '; Jesus did not pay that for you. . If you don't pay that debt it will meet you at judgment - as sure as you are a sinner. It is mean in you to expect Jesus' to pay debts for yoa that -you can pay yourself. If yoa have a christian heart in you, think how much Jesus paid for you that yoa never could have met at God's bar of inflexible Jus- lice.- Some people think that the cleana- ing stream of Jesus blood washed Sinai away and deluged , the lawv-no such thing. Jesus came not to destroy, but to fulfill. Jesus everywhere enforces the commandants as the rule of life. -," -- r r-;'.-'- V At the close of our 'creat revival at Fifth Street church" two years ap a number of young men came to' me to know if they ought to pay bQls they had. made at bax rooms .for-' whiskey, etc? I told them to Uowe no man anything, let not your good be evflspokeo, P'--give the devil his dewt. All of those; men, save one or two, went and paid those, "bad debts' and have - made no more. . Those who could not see that it . was 'their duty to pay those debts have re turned to their bid paths and their .sec ond state Is worse than the first. KXHORTATIOW. " ' V. . " . Then let the whole church pray for a I have ever used. B. F. Wxya field, M, Dn Richmond, V. ' Treatise on blood and skin dis eased mailed frvo. . r : TILS SWIFrSPCIFIC CO. ; Drawer 3, Atlanta, G a. . A Joke ou J arris. . New York Star. . . - A good story b told of xGovw ernor JarvU while he was our rr reeentative In South Ameri&u The Emp-ror was giving a receptloa- -and all the dignitaries- were Invit ed. The other foreign ministers -went In their carriage, .clad In the ' regulation custa me for 'such . occa- . stons. . Jarvls, to set an example of . American Independence, walked to the palace on foot In - his 'ordinary everyday broadcloth. He treaded . hts way among tin many carriages that were crowding toward tho fcs- tive scone. He made himself un derstood, that as being the- Aueri can Minister, and was admitted. . He paid his respects to the . Empe ror and then wandered out to the ' portico, took a neat In a. socladed pot," .where be began quietly to ea joy asmoke. Two of the atten dants of the palace came upon him -and hustled him - off, and might ' . hare Incarcerated him bad not th sectetary of the American legation; . who could speak the language,' cotue upon the scene at this mo --menU" He worn gave the natives " to understand that this , was the American MJulster, and he was ret leased with many apologies. . 'lis w.a-Priis8 B.B.B.; ' The saaVrlag of women certainly awak. ' cm the sympathy f every tra phtUa Uropis. Their Wat friend, however, la B. H. & (Botanie Bio4 Halm.) 8cnd U ' Blood Balm Co.,-Atlanta, Ga., for proof. : ILL; Gaaaidy, Kaaaeaaw. Ca write Three Wtlea of B. B. B. cred ay wife t scrotals, v . - j-r. -- - Mr.B, sir Laws, Zalaba, Fla, write: I have aever aaed aaytnlag to eonal B. U. B. -- -, - lira. C, H. Oar; Xoct r Koaat. V. C, writear "Net a day fur IS year waa I fre froaa headache. B. B. U. entirely eared me. , I feel like another peraow.' Jamca W. Lancaster. liawkUs? ilia Cs "My wife was la 'bd health tut eixit yeara. Fire doctor and artay patent anediciaro had Um her 4ood.; eiix -botUea cIb.Ua eared her." - Hiaa ti. ToeaUaaot , Athena, Ga. aaTsr "ForyaAra I anJcrcd wtak rbeaasatiaaa, enaed by aldacy trwaUe and in Jlcet4s, I aUo waw IceUc amd aervoua. B. kL li. relieved na a aT'ahhMh acvcral Utrr medicine had failed." Kev.J. au BiehardaoB), Clarkstoo, Xtm ' wri'oa: 14 r wif aaffered twelre yeara with rhenMtb-m and fentalo Coepf Uuit. -A lady member vf my rhnrrh ba 1 tern eared by B. B. T. . ibe pnMni try wile to try it, wb aiw saja thera ia aotb .iag lika B.U. B, aa U qaickly Save acr pfompuy;attendea 'iff .-r,V'r.7,.-y;..Wi."-V-'... f . J ,i-"'"' ; V . '"-" "i'f -Kt-'- :' ' - - " iv- -'j- '-: 'j - . '" ;- ... .. -