-" v .. VI .-"!.-V- - : ...- ThoFraiiklinTi . I f j 'THOiili kffiJi tor inid proprietor ,gf ..T'in.i f ,t,:Uf;-- -r v.. t i.l. ",. .- .'.v ' s ; ; saya, the alliance of po'utics. acd religion v-.' would be a practical umoa . narcii and State," which, tf! ever; accomplish .here, will signal the destruction of every -f-Tcstageofoinrcrfa liberty.-- : . , :The erection of the Catholic TTpiyer-. . - . sity at.Washiagton City, under, the pat-. ;; ..f ionae of the Ronush; Church, -especial- .J; Jy encouraged and materially aided ; by !.Vv. th3 Pope of Itomeis a eubjectof yssri fiC- i-oua apprehension in thrninds ?of, a great many sober Uunking.peoplei but ..notlnearly bo mtlch. damage5 f lurbs s iu X this grand scheme of religiou3 educa tion a l behind 'g the actipuj of lie Protestant ".churches', whenever Ibheyim- r. rmediately associate measures of public fpoliticswifli schemes bC.iBoral rreform, . and encouraged ecclesiastical workers to enter the arena of political strife.; ,y -i'.;, :V t -The apmuiatiqq ,ot . politics by re-v liousiafluences, and church interfere' , ,, . ference in.he pphtitfjl; conduct rof-citi .zens, is, on.Q of tlie dangerous tendencies i- of the times. Church control ofcivil c affairs isirclsgTous -despotism, and the t-i- liberty Wheciti2eqS'wJ;b,;ia ? peril l t; rlwheuevcr the power of the chuivh is po ';: . tent in the direction of .the T': sefeular :af- urs of the people. . ., , . . - Free speech and liberty of conscience have never obtained iu any country on : the earth where religion prescribed the law of he land. Liberty in America -"was made possible upon the ground , of absolute separatioa of Church and'Sfette, and the various " denominations of . re ligious people, flourisliing under the fnn of government which recognizes no religion,' but respects all alike, are pointed to as constituting the - crowning - glory of the beneficient civil aad politic. 1 cal institutions of our country. ; ' , - The influence and the teachings of the ! churches, Jard the happy enact of prog t ress of religion among the people of the United Slates are seen and felt through-: out the land and nowhere more gratify ing than in North Caroling Our people -are daily growing better, as the influence of . ' religious teaching ex tends over and better comprehends the masses of the people; and- irrever ence of sacred things is not found any where among the respectable and intel- hgeut. J Crime is decreasing: vice is less . formidable and more iaconspicuous; be nevolence and ' charity more greatly ' abound s .the brotherhood : of man; is closer;' people are happier and better, - more intelligent and prosperous; life,' limb and property more secure; law and justice better administered . and 5 execu ted in Ke courts; public faith" stronger and conhdence beTO'een man strength ened; education more general and etfec- tive, all because of the" growth;' teaching, influence and good work of the church es, with' their auxiliary societies and working oranizations. ' -No citizen of observation cr : patriotic ueaire, wneiuer a,.cnurcn memter or mail oi me wona, couia desire to see these influences lessened, or the hold of religious sentiment upon the minds of the masses loosened; one church less in any community, religious teaching :dis i contmued m a single neiehberhood: or church work suspended in any direction But as surely as the sun shines, if re ligion descends among the common, ' af fairs of men tfrthe-levcl oh politics;1 if the church reaches out for secular i con trol; if the preachers stand upon thehustr ings or at thel polls proclaiming the pro . priety and des're for. clerical interference; and direction in civil affairs 'of the nopu- - A ""lace; if the actSn of'the church body; re-- V oleitclfintQ thePracticalf Wark of; f ;r pmncRfcau(m8;iiUhiKrTOcasure8!-and - the poJicyoycrnment, are to ;bn2l nate-find bedtcrmliiri t church con- vivc, auu lutuuu cuurtm mnueuce ana - "scthe uouiiniioh. of ecclesiastical control,, the pulJic apprehensiye.will aVaken ia v a reatatipn oftjbe prence of duxaip- ; ienUeligiouadeVpi) f - - croachmentsand begin' to ? reject, jthe' "J teWhmgs, scowtthe influenc and VrcVel - Sainst e power of th6 churcesl .. . "' ' ; Tula , Philadctphia ; Thies r suggesta J ' w4 Ihe felloe "who wants to get herd - totuiot.1iro1stmtiofr'' should begiu by parrying a Harrison. . : ' , . tV4 have revived' the initial number of The TpLD IIom BSTRApfia 'niori thly. - magazine pubhshed at Savannah, Ga., ' byDa'Bros only one of its character in thb ;5out- , Its object' is . to . encourage ' Jitcratui'e, . v music, 'art. science, - ami the d'omestlc " A vnc whiofr niakehW , aed and'tivheyajatib' .essajmid vdqn by; ' ' 'evs ratbrUumitlouthrrn writers: Sno- .hosefrom abrja?. The price of ) the niagpziKels qiy 5Sehts ay. Sim- , jplocojuesand :pre'n!" vJwxii be The Times, regrets to announce thai 4' Mr, T. B. Kingsbury has withdrawn from theeitorehip of the- Wilmington Star. . ilejbas beenoonnecjled with " the paper for abonll2'yeai-s, 'and wjrile Jjve. havebeeflrunable t6 always agrfee.-with' him in a few minor rpohlical opmions, el we have always admired t his bold-.. ness and honesty of purpose. It is our VyislVthathe-wiii remain pucoi-inejie-a only a fcbrt while. r" -MlJI- Hqw to lialkl a Town... Hf oa Mirror. ' ' ,.- .'. ;" .Talkabout it, write about it, help to; imwove it: beautifyTtlie streets, pation-i, izeiho merchants, advertise in its : pa pay your taxes without grumbung e courteous to strangers that comet among you. .Never let an oppor tuni ty pass to speak a good worJ for it. Ue member that every dollar invested irx permanent improvements is . that mucb money at interests , 'fl'&te if --f- f Y e, chpt the auove irpm me x haik lis Times, and now add that the pro ot. tne 4.IMES snpws me prot?pen- tt of Louisburg.. ,JiveryDoay.m iouis burg talks? about it as the li6st place tq live in, the best market for cotton, and that they are going to make it a' tobac qco markefi too; that they ' are going to; jUUu warehouses auu mciuries, 13 hotel,.a public hall, and in every respect beautify the town; Their lawyers are' the most' profound,- their doctors th best, their dentists can pull teeth easier ana ineirancrciwrnu? iue jjiu, cuter prising. Kow,' that is the way to lalki and the editor is encouraged to do t so because they all patronize his paper, ad vertise largely, an? pay promptly.- " A town is largely judged by its newspa pers, and tne town uiai aoea not en tourage its newsrapera take a step to always keep it circumscribed. Wilson has a back country that has . supported and made 'it .i prosperous, and- it has grown into a town of. city-like propbrr tions. People who come here' on busi ness are often heard to: express surprise at the amount cf vim and enterprise, the beauty, of the streets,, the taste of its public and private bnUdings, Jits hotel'1 accommodations; and, m fine, for!; ail of its appointments. "And why the sur prise? Simply because ; they do not advertise. The proprietor of this paper received a letter Ironi a subsci-iber, way up in KewYork State, near the Canada "1 . I P 1 1 ? . 1 . . . P j1 i ' . line, asking oi me mausiries. oi me wvn and county, its business character, etc., saying that he judges from the size ; of the town that, an exclusive . grocery store would pay as he saw none adver tised in the alirror. That remark re. minds Us of a reply given by an exclusive grocery man to an appeal for an adver tisement. He, said, 'ly dear sir very loftily, ''my business does not need ad vertising in your paper, for it is known better than the paper. True," was the reply, "among the crop Eeners, steer cart mortagers, and your own commis sion merchant, but not to ther general public, who" read newspaper and Jmake towns into cities, aftes a while. " .i The Mirror is sent to subscribers in vtwenty different States.!; Front Maine to Wash ington, on jthe Pacific coast, from Can ada to theXxulf of Mexico, it is read and 'quoted front'- A.n advertiser renewing, saul that his advertisement in the "Mir ror did him more good than those in all Ithe other papers, in ten .different locali ties, in which the -same advertisement appeared. Durham, Goldsboro, Loiiis- burgr Ilickbry," Asheville, owe their phenomenal growth to the publicity given, to their advantages by : the enter piismg advertising of the. business men. Tlie iJatost ' Object Liessoa for . Workinguien. ; ' New York Commercial Adrertiser. j -,That.;'protectipn:'' does not protect workingmen is a lesson that sooner or later will be learned by people ;wbo de pend for their daily bread on their daily ; labor.' The hypocritical pretences that misled such men to vote" the Republican ticket' at the late v Presidential election , cannot fiirevcr, no matter how often 'or how, unblushingly they are repeated, de ceive .laboring men into working against 'their bwn! interests'" Ever-since the re-cent-eleitinv manufacturers, .;for. whose .sole benefit the tariff ex'sts, have . been 'Opening kindergartens all over thecoun-r f Jw;'-fi irVi1b"pnihlfiVfa 'nv Ifiiirhinor r'J ject lessons of utmost importance. lite ductidn after reduction has " been made "in their wagesTm place of the advances which : wei ' to .follow . hard : upon the heels of ,the return of the Republicans "to power. . Strikes and lockouts are the ; common order of the .dajv and the word of promise; spoken to the ear is every where broken to the hone. : The. latest QhielesfioavfoT-worku how xnven at the kindergarten .kept. -by the Dickson ;.Miinuiacturing Company at" ecranton,, ja., ana .consisis pi. a iy per .'cent.T'eduction.' in' the wages of the mem' and thd nipral is; that . under lJrdtecti6a tne wprtangmcn never is bur alwaj-s--befpre. 'election to be blesti1? $ THE PU BUC WIU, APPRECIATE "' ';iV''Tif'-';';;!-:y-!--' H;The,nUblic are indebtal to the -Tloval Bakipg:Powder Compauy not more; fori- . having penected and jft'epared a leaven ing agent that is pure and wholesome be yona quosuon xnan ior lis t exposures,, sd bofdly made, of the numerous imbure. .adulterated and injurious articles tte't re o'd under, the hane of "bakiug pow ders, trend preparations, etc.,,- threnah- 'etpunpryr:lakg. these -e-; pnsurcft.'' the 'cmryfhi-.dff:eoureC: made it sell iue uu"get ior. all sorts of counter attai-ks. but the anhnus of tliese V ttactV twA been :: ieifacllvr' understood j--lyi.the general- pumic,- and by their Very yiraience. nave servea io - more .promi nently call a,tte:raon to tne good work' of the t'Royar Company.' ? , Liraiuarv aaunei-atioas,L sucn;; as -are fouiid in' coffee, 8pices.etc.a, ; although they -are e wmdlers tnj t a tcomnuydal ee;ise,'are oftoii tolerated because' they fio, not particularly efctct the health of the cpufiiii ner. t Kult'whafan article like baking- powder,' that is relied - upon for tlie -' healthful".-; preparation of; t- al most everymeal is w made as to carry : hLrh- . i.'t : ;i v iy injurious ii uoi jtws jxi.sonous eie nin ts into our daily food; it is ther duty of che nublia authorities to Take cojnii-: ".Boyal ConipapyVii is to be noted that the most ttystworthy scieatific ,auiho:i-ties-are emphatically upon its side... In ail the con tests of this company wH3i the alum and olher impure baking -powders iftie result has proved that every state jnent maog by. the Royal Baiin.Ppw der Company, both as to the ptinty of its own and the adulteration of -others baking powders on the market ; was ful- 4 iy autnonzeu uy - ine most - coiuijeieui. chemical and medical authorities - of the couutrv. - . . . :., . --. - , ? In this contest two facts have been pretty conclusively settled in the minds of the public -the.st that.the J?Koyar Companyhajs fbhdtiiem8anABdu:?e& them, to make a-4nicaUy -pure, axti-" cle of food; and the bther"that tliej mar ket is fdll of poisonous alum and lotiicr adulterated baking powders which, no matter how strongly endorsed by ,f com mercial" chemists, are to V .studiously '.avoided. " if ; :s '"-v. .'V-'f-i ":"5f 'f-A ''.'" A pure baking: powder is oho of Iho chief aids to the coofcii'eparing" per fect nd whplesome .food. i'Xhe ieent controversy in the press has" left ' it no longer a question with those who desire punty'and wholosomness of tbod . what powder they' shall, lise.-u ; i- ,.-t . . IN MC310KIAM. '-..rt Died in Louisbarx on .May 8t1i, 1S-89. lilrs. Wary E. Pfenn.'- inbe eiglrtyv .fifth year of her age. -This-tiuie-, the .iteSper ' Death foivrtd ripened gwin no immature, imperfect fruit, but'only thai which was ripe and pure to its hearts core..;' j I ? - . When it first burst forth into beautiful existence it was tenderly, lovingly nurtur ed and cared fr,'and . each-j year! as : it passed gave to it the, strength an. Tigor; needed :to' bear 'uaseathed" 1 adrtrsity's stormB, ootil under-life's midday i sun- it. unfolded into a : blooui ot; rarest . excel lencc. aud oow for years it has stood a sheaf, ready and watirg for the -har rest. :A long and truly beaut. ful life lias closed, nud it is with lore and reference we pen these lines : as a simple" 'tribute to her memory.-. . . . .- . -:, . Her life, from its beginning, pr B ntsco picture upon 'which vre may not lore" to dircll ,ihe.raa end weji by nature i with ' good "health, '-'physicaT lieautyl aT4nind ' strong and religiouVsrijr -heart-iimpul- sive, ltupetuous,'. H, JS rue,.5.i oat, op warm in its afl'ection and lull" ofTnobleJ unselfish impulses. Her filial loye was beautiful. God had givea her aTniother whom she delighted to honor, one, the beruty and worth of whose charscter was acknowledged by all,; . -All; through Ufe. the feeollectitus of this mother's wise teuderness were - kept ever- fresh; and green iu her heart, aye, even when dtrath-'s .shadows were taHing thick aroOnd her this early lore' outliVed alt other niemo ries, and again as in rhildhood, she' begged for her to whom her heart bad always clung so tendeity In the home 'circle she was a 'tower of strenght,' ener getic, useful and unselfish. . ; 1 When at God's .altar she pliyhted her troth Uy one of His ministers,, she gaVe 10 Him and her husband the strength and de votion of her after life". With a soul con secrated to od's service, a bright and "cheerful disposition, a nature .warm' .and. sympathetic towards others, and a" heart brave in its lore for hio by whose -sitle "sue walked when she went forth into the . Methodist itmereacy.ready -for the Mas ter's work; and. she became t him ' who" ,n; d chosen.her a help-meet- indeed.' Al though most cf the years of, hec married life lav under the sfiado ana b!ih of ill heiilth.she often referred"to that part of her life connected with the ministry aithe very happier.tiWhen God ia'H is iuliuite wis. dom saw tit to take Irom turner trusband, then did her soul fcnw and taste the bit terness of. death. Por a Joug. time the seemed fclowstsiunned by this hcavy itroke itnd her mind was assailed-by the awful terror of doubt, bui'unseen, unfelt by her, a Fathea.tjand was leading . 1) cr through all this darkness, and it wn with a refined and pureliod lore, and", a tried and tested faith that His c!i:ld went forth a;n to her work..' ' There- are '- many long us now whonlookiug back ; will recall her active and energetic work in the Church atd Sabbatli-SchooL Jtr several years her failing.hehlth inade.it necessa ry for her to give this up. She was con fined a great deal at home, arid in a measure , passed -from the mind . and thought of the.eommua:tr,and only those who knew her in her home " life couLl knpw how mueh there was lovely -and. n on oriole tnlier old-age.' Her. trust in uuu was implicit was a cnteuui,. jetv ful coHfidence thai gilded and brightened her every-day;,xi8tfB4-e.,. tier : affection for the little ones of her - household was beautiful. lTo thert 'she was never quar relous or eom plaining, but "patient aud" iorbeanng always eutenne readuv into their childish plsyf'and griefs. . : :. i io tier loved ones she ! as text the mem ory pf her life a legacy rie-h, wim n.ible thoughts, kind 'and pleasant words- and Jit-Infill Qnselfish deeds-';. -v ir - ' ; tod grant that when the.hillots of Death' shaIl!elose over us we tn;'V leave t the world a record as pure aud - ulanWUss ;i . . . IiITTlK It ItEFOOT. ; "s. jMafcthew Ainotl Avaft'struck- by the dcniocrafic covernment of a Boston readLagoonu He went in" there, one day and saw alittle .barefodted newsboy ttiug nfr o ie jthe; best hairs enjoying rlnR'lff stnTttpntfyfar V?nr i l;ft t TK . great- essayist was "completely astound- - 'Do you let barefooted boys - in : this reading-roheasked-Yw see such a sight as that 51n Europe. -1 do. noi.beKeve thereris ,ti ' reading-room hx all Europe Which that boy, dressed as "tTien: MC-Arnoiawent;i over v to - the Tpung gentlemanof ecidodly anUBntish! ten-, deticies,rand for his age'reniarkablv well iuiormed.. 'Ir' Arnold remained 'talking to the''Vdun2sief"ibt.S'ome tiinii. ai:d -ah Tbe came t ack to jus desk - grea glishmrji saW't-t ..Jw vV--j. -? - - - I.do hot think that 1 -have been so "impressed with auythiug . else- tbit; 1 have 8eu"sTSoe amv;ng iq th s couuiry jai 'I'amnoVWunueedn tliia barloo--ed boy hi this roading-room. What" u tribute to lieniQura tic hiitations tt;is . to say iuautu oi euaiug tnac boy out 10 waiiatx aioue m - ma sireeis they tijrmit liianoame In lrere" and r excite rl'W youthlul - jnagaiation by.-4-eadiiJr' ;4Uch a Look as tiiu ISX?. ; if VYashiiig cou. Ino reui'tijg of .tb.it Voue: loo may chauge the whole -' coursa." of 'that t oy 's "life and may r be the ; uleaus ; of making him a. usi-in-, lioum'ahlp., worthy citizaas pt"lhiH trtiatj'coun ry.:;.it Wi L tell yoUj alight that impresses' an 1 Eu- hpy engaged, hint hi '.conversationi and found that he I was reading the "JLire of -Tvasmngcon,'ana tuat ue was a - having qualified af Executor .of .Eben Johnson, I hereby notify .f 11 jereods owin'g the esjate to come for mal d an4 settle af face, and all Pr soosholdiiig daun.iiirauJ8t . the. id estate will present them for payment on-or befhre the 6th of May. 1800. or this eotice will be. pleaded in ..taror I heir recovery, t This May. 6th, .188 J. -i AU'y. v. . V Ixecutcr. A ' - i d.V .!c; :; a , of BTracn kcrv oUre is hereby giveH to all prsonB oing roid "estate t eome forward nd settle, end all personsTibldinsi cairns flpains the estate, will present them for payment ftn or before the lTiu of April 1890, or thi notice will be pleaded, in bar of their re ceveryt This April 17th, J8S9.; f 7. t i v .a v. K. Phillip?, Adm'r. . ,CV MCboxiAtt'y. -.'-A: '- . i;. "rsTorrici!. NOBTH CAItOLLNA, 1 . - . r :::v : InSupenor TiR aWttTjTn Cottnty V 0" J 1 . , Court F. G. IIoijen;. Guardian ofV l- Djsnj, vIIolden, ;, Lunatic h - ; -:y-:: .v-YS.;.,;-'-':;--:..)-;;, ? C. Bailey and Lucy . " 13A1LY his wife. ; j j -' The defendants above usmed will-take notice that a ttroccedin -"entitled M above las been commenced, in ti e Superior ( onrt of t ransom courty io sen ior pur tition a ocrtiii nareel of land situate in Freemans Towtiship'in said coanty in whiph'defehdants have on ar-tial interest; I'and thenaid dcfemLmtswiH further tafee uotice that they. are required to appear on TueiJav the 2orh lav oiJnue'liiia in the office of the--' lerk -of the . Superior Court of Fraeklin county in- Louisburg N. C. and answer or demur to the ' peti tion in said proceeding or" the. -plamtiff will apply . -. ' . .. . to the court ior the reiiei ae nlandtfdjn-said.pctition. Ijils XSthday-of ilav 18S9. . T J : ; 'Clerk Superior Xourt. Ll y E Iv Y';-.; FEE i" v. ST ABLISS- We hayo leased tbe ..Ti rn il Stibles in luist'u'rg. we will ei;l avor to'ac commod.:t. tbe publ c witligoo.l con veyances. - II. good 'hrcft nud bi;g" 'gie.-, and attentive drivers, will plvase' the public, ve are deteruiimd tb:tt ,it fhall Le d ne. Alfiit-we are preparea to tiKe'care c-f eanif, and the v rv bejjt at? cm ion s'uill be .'gie;i thrm. Waro prepari-Cito do all kinds ol ha iiing, haviug secured a -D't tltss jlray lor 'the purpose, . . Give ub a slinre or your patrouage, . and we willguaraeesatWactiou. i' 1IAYE5 & PIiNELri 993 8ewlnwltc1lc1 ) milt km all pana, by io ! Nef.MlMkl aaa aaa (Max lf"retooa will - aaea locality, ta irr 1 awin marhiaa ai la world, whh all tha atiark Wa wtU alas aaarf Tre a aoe. Ipieta tea of aw coal if aa4 nU ( ulla art ammvlra. Iarrturaw aaa mat jroo abow vbal wa ara 'o tbo wbo ar caj at yor rhoma, aa4 altar 8 motutn all P.a yomr awa prop. - Thia a-raad mku. ia ' . mada after tka Sinvra- pa. t taata, arlrieh kara raa aaii befora paunta raa oat it aohl a- a, with tka attach. Bart, atroogaat, moat aaaiul maehina ta tfaa worM. all ai Aaa. Ko capital icqoirad. Plain, brief iaatracMoiM claca. Tboaa who wrtta ta as at aaca aaa arcara ttm Iha bea , aewtarsiaabiBa ta tba world, aad Ua aooat boaof wtirka naaitft. ail al a F arar.aaowa together la iana, TJCUJbl ta vv .w-a. -aatva hr -O ' ISSwS-srs 2i3.a irp b o c CD s nitidis M ;BY ) ; : t i: LOW: ii - Tin r- an LUhAn m . m - - - C3.'-a.l2a w I i li n aal Sti?f kit 5 1 o '3 R .' 8! 9 aaaj . H-sd on every thing that 6m friends find the public ceneralv J; needs.'; We are;sellm? tho wortn oo.. some ior oc; worm uc pome for 10c 'worth, Hoes at o c. wbrth lO or 15 .purcliasLng,;ahd you-yiU be t- WE ME AN YOU. Asain the " tialnful duty ot" re minding you of the fact t.iatyou owe us, ana iruii we musi -1 right awny,fbTcci itself , upofl-: 03.' n ' . . . ... We are compel tea io cioso: up uut business having sold out to" King Bros; and, kind friend, unlcs you Drtv within the next ten days ; your Mnnnivw. even yours, win d . -" i plactl iu the handset,,, collector. We dislike Ut do 'this nnd 'would not ordinarily. Please - make us . - Hiuile by cottling forward and set tle your acfount at once, With'creat respect, . D. CTiaiSTIAN. K. 8. CIIKISTJAN. XAltY.: '"":i. i . j. n. "V. - CHRISTIAN & CARY- OLESALE 2) WH GROCERS RICHJilOND Ya. 'V . Prompt atteutiou to orders and rat isCictfpu GUARANTEED. yVA-NTED 50,000 pounds of early curfnl prim ings wanted itiexchangf- f or tobac co t icks and baskets. : Tlie tobacco will lie taken loose without " gratl injr, only the trasii thrown out nt 6 cents per pound if cured , h igh and delivered in llih, l'oint dur inw; the mouth of August 1889. Avl drt8S", W. II. Snow, tiupt. Mixlem Tobacco Bnrn, Hih Point, N. C. Having fully detnnnstrnted dur in&r the hist two vears that ti:b it-co leaves cureI aepurato fntn Ihe stalk ; pses9 rt marked 6uierioiity . over the stalk cured lcav- ' bth fr chewing nhd smoking, Iho .MiHlern Barn Company. " of Iliifli Point. now propose u sell to planters the 13 EM' WlltliD STICK in the worbliiiid take the waste ol their fields for pay. .We will make the sticks the length to fit your log. barns, which r411.be filled up with a conduit aud ventillator and direc tions given with each purcliKse how to cure y'nur priming. We Want t.nly the EAltLY GROWN mild leavef, frcm which we are-now manufacturing the ' BEST SMOKING TOBACCO Id tin United State. nt excejuinp any known brand. Our Toy ceo has " less Ni fate", less Nicotine, les '. cfiepaivc riropertit- then an jthing hf tbe anuktng ine Jn-iltia coantry; not by reaaon ot oar knowledge of mannfactnre, ut by reaaon "f the anuerior manner nv which the Tobaeeoi- enred. The leavra are CURED WHEN THEY "ARE RIPE, they are urvd in aenntinunm current of Rarifird vir arnarate from the Malk. Onr biandx ire MODr-UH BARN NO. 1, 'ana KO r 2' ind DIXIE DARUX. We ham large jnantitiea of the Wire Cnred feaf Orunu ated. aad are now ready t Hipply the rude and challenge the wor!d?to iroduce 1 1 a .1.1 .... ' , - ." W. II. SNOW, ' v T - " -? Hiait Point, N. C. P. R. Prim'r.gs vory in prko ft$ to quality from 6 to 35 c en . i; j r- ' OUU PRICES w . t. Hew styles ofGinjrbams ut 5e. cts." CaTfand 7 . before pleased ; :x t ' ; v:; J.NEAli& CO i i - CI Corn.ip oi fvCtto Tobaee ?f 1 ,1J i Now1 lu fctock and ready for delivery Pitf h Forks, Hakes Shovel. Spades Digzers, " ' " lios, CaiulitiH and 8toneH-aU Plows nud mwt- - ; - . ings, Cotton King and Iron Age Cultivator". i aDdsteel hauies, tracw, Rick BrtiuU8wlnjli'-' V . ' - trtf," plow liinw, tounuei-ftnd breast chalDS..--" harness snaM, bucklen, - well chains and." " " buckel. halter chains,:, well ' rupw, , curry- i . . . cxmil4, honte brushes'plow cUvisesrepulr . J links, wfll wheel!",' gttte hlnis and latches, horse collars or every kind . nd can vusa " . collar, pad, plow, bolts, hauie stringv -' IlHruetT iaccv-upper and olu leather We v " . .. are now preparing to have 250 sets of so " : - i er ior flues made zuudy lor delivery by June 1st, and to insure ptomptnerfs would. aJvise our patrons to leave ihelrjordera its noon as ooshHiIh to avoid tiny deUy: . Reiuetn- ber they c6t no . n we Bon. We havo left ix-w it owe or Eelips"e-TG5tton Planters which we are offerini; low to close out; they do ""the nicest work ofany planters made, '.U wnlch , " every man who has used them will testify.- Remember we carry n full line of everythinj: and all wo ask Is irk t: - . 1 . - ',.- v 'r ' - 1'''' s. AWABJJEH UY THE SVIRGINIADf . ' AT ITIUIIMQXD, VA., On thel888 Tobacco - V r ; - " ; Foii the - r . ; . - :--. Finest Lemon : Colored Wrappers - Fin 23t Ijemdn Colored Cutters, Finest Lemon : Colored Smokers. The above Tobacco wa grown ftitha. OBF.IV.fc BOXa COMPANY'S TQ-B&CGO. tv-Th BEST Fert Hirer is alwaa r-hed try. the thousand if desired. iEx position was the flnest the v:--V:V:--.;-.-:-.; : Fertilizers.- ALWAYS ON HANO A LABGI STOCK OF - ;nvGii E R'A.L H E R C H A II D ! S E- -DRY. EQODS, CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS AMD SHOES-, &C-, &t A large stock of Wapcons and Budgie, Carts and mrtetlal for atn. The "BOSPLOW is takluir the day every whera, IT you want a first-class "COOK STOVE," my store is the place to get it. Wheo you come to Fraiiklinton be aure lo trlve me a call. - v ' - . :. - .Very llespoctfully, , ; - W.. L. McGHEE.; Hi n:iHn, Orab'ng St Gardening -rt k urr? -uiy mi ,two of the later In the sea- to call and bee. us. ltpcct fully tfi. CaEKSIIA Wi IUCKS & ALLEX. EXPOSITION the cheapest. Certificates, can beXur - The Tlcco Pi-piny at the Virgin World has ever seen. ' .V FIlAKKLtSTOX,.5J, a aad Harvest 'Queen JHBM SUPPLIES AND A FULL STOCK OF ' " . -. ' - - : vis llros rntte&erav of it. ' -is rt ; jour daiu- Kavannah. Gat : f 'r'- ' ' M $ fo1" r"re food made by. the Louisburg, i. G.' Mch. 15th,-1889. j ojxiu liot acvus.ouied to