THE FRANKLIN TIMES. " Vf' fx ;. ;y-; - 7. T9 Vk-JAMES-A, THOMAS - - - " . - Editor and lonrietor. ., liilllliii - - '-. ; r. , -t .'., . . 3 published La lYai.Uu ctMiitJN uxl its circuUtioo exeruls hll uvct erry m tioo of this and !jiaitig rounHis Tcrtiacfs fefaouU nmke note befa .'.in R A T E S. " Oxe Tkab ; - $1150. LOO. The TJliXT w'Jl trot lrftrtxa, lor tlie views of cotf ffpocdcnrN - llrit coinmu&k-ationj fhxn all po J. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. WItU MALICE TOWAKD XONE; WITH CHARITY FOR ALL. BICB $L50 PEB. AITNV 11 In AdVOIlCO tiocs muet enfnotly eoiicitc Xcvrs Items of aoj nature will Lc tLAnifuL'J roceivod. ' To Clubs of5 The .TikES will be furnished at $l';:;y:,r?.- VOL. XVIII tOUISBURG-i N; O-JUNE ; 7: 1889 NO.-18 ; .'II . "... t 4 -v.. I AbsoS uteSy Pii reg NEW .USE FOR SEED. . COTTON Thi p vdereYe yarre9 marvel of 'bnritr striagth and: rKolf somenehS. More economical tiian the ordinary kinds, ana cannon oe; Baaa aUi competition ; with the multitude of low testT short ' .weight alum or phosphate powders.?.: Sold only IS CAKS.v OYAI4 BAgJN&P0WIEK Co.; PROFESSIONAL PARDS; B .-v "iiOitriSBTjnfc,N..c. .: .. -OS&ce in tbe Court House. V r ' was cultivate4 for th? lint; alone,ir and 'everything else about it was: cofcsideredr of little or no .valuer v The " gtalki wast plowedunjcler, w4.tiie.89ec!,iCrJasrjat' all i -were Ui?oa as a fertilizer-XpMr tho cotton seed oil industry basy -bek)hie ji great one, annually increasing, and the i)tapldbjiHhmr uses, and for culinary purposes in; place; "of lard, in universal nse'before the, cot tonseed ou was introduced. c The -time is hot lar distantt lien'ihe stalktrul' be utilized in the; manufacture of paper,', rami uie Duti in ie manuiacturerOi ..cag giag as a substitute for jute.; v- Mr Edwai-d A tkison once remarked that if the New JEngland people bid the Cotton plant thevwoul3 get rich but 6fT, tlie stalk and plant if Jhej ad to throw avay the lint,1 ; If there are any i people in the wdrld.whooTpuld get rich -out .; qf what other people saw no money, in it is the New England people. :, ilr. Atki- sou'j reniark was hot intended so much to compliment theitlnift - of the :iNew. Englander,as to to express his" ' opinion of thelnherent possibilities" wppedt in the Iwirk of the cotton ; plants !But a .hewjljbbmfouifl the; hull and - tne cotton seed maj,arter,t5ier on lias been extricted. Thc meal :. ;.' has f been used mixed with other- ani,;les : asf3ed1 f6rs,tckbni'j .beef on cotton se.3clhal3cncl Ufe taaal - XJ .-L", t"V' ; ta Constitution states that a. hrmunthat -1 a. L'vf:Y anl yvO UNE L LOU At LA W "I n 11 attend the tf Courts Nsb t?TTinlrin Gi-aUVille; Warren.iind Wiike O oitn, ies -- ilso the iMuneme cUyvclearM $20,000 lastjrear by ftttenV ihg beeves,' to which cotton 7seed. -lmll.i; and ineal Aver fed an3 ppthing clss'" If tins be so there re5possU5ult':es'1ia: Uie -cofctMi seed which were not taken 1 into ;' . THE STOCK ;IfAWj:?;' The Rocky Mount laindealer, organ of the Farniers Ailiahce of Nash county,1 ." Some years ago tins Question Vas fee- bly agitated in our State, but bow . from its increasing popularity it ; would i fiot be wreckless' to pi-edict that in' a few years only a small part of the farming state will be unde fences. ; Many now favor .the system who a ehort tinieago would not liaye 8urrendCTed their fbces for any condition".. We are convinced that; generaffenceaire unnecessary and entail heavy. expenses on the farmers -4. It is with fencesas with standing ar- mies. -The European - nations.' from- the miglitydown tthe petty r-pruicipah' ties,' must maintain an armed force ; at ? any expense exceeding the cost of any oth- : er institution. ! Thcse are7 not1 for - every lay use Ut to guard against, somer, fu ture contingoucy which may never arise. Noy .suppose these nations would make an.agreement and a majority .' of them voted: to do away witlu- this expensive institution, which is a harbor for political .Termm and a place for. the probagation. of the seeds of discord, would it not ' bo agreed that a long step had been. taken -toward ii higher 'civilization? Tlie civiUzation of the United " States ; encompasses" that "of anybilierv country UeCas3 the people'hare decreed agaiast the old spirit ofrfiire by hjaintaining 'he scnalleefstanding army of auy goy- : ciuuiuuo tut uit Hie, . r ' t -irvv ith th same spirit our farmers-' re alize, that felloes are- unnecessary , forts' as.u!) growing to. control in ! pastures -or '-1 y Uivders the stock which by ruunln at 1 Iire ruay cause.daniagelQ. their' neih- iS.-Pntfry-i -,;j.'i-t jTv-- c 'Wanted Mora Tolerance Ifoiow lliiu too Well. ''. .-- The recent Democratic; ctorjr in Montana has been ? explained.1 Russell itarnson aiu iu : -inai is witic iiicnara F. Neglev says. . He Ufau old Montana mquntameer anaa'uepuuuan ot, more I Vulholic priesthood, and Into the who'e than thiriy years standing 1 Iq a letter gysteln more thoroushlv tlian tliev have Mwr?te .f ;-d??tt i : l!e I .been wojit U do.'. It Is stated; that the aJ8: . ; :-T; Xt ' . i" . . I Driest nad for some weeks been drink- V Permit me to mfornj-ydU sir that on jjjg heavily. : It certainly would be well the4th pflast MaTchjMonU:-i was, re- the Ionian Church ' to look a lit- ; The deplorable affair at Raleigh, of which, from its character, we ran liave little to say, will probably set people to niquiring into the. morala of . Roman D J. ET MALONKI O flee "2 doors below Furman & "imWs D rug 3 J re, ad i oTniri z Drl O .'; El W TIMUEitLAKE, - tourt ot Sr-th.p ojlinar antt the jtt account; when the cottbrr 6il I industry VI UU PLU-iU JUUpUi UUL13 VS iUHIOJ i LU lb. It makes stock raising in the cotton belt where grass and grain culture have been neglected 'or 'deemed jT itn practicable,- -a new. and . profitable business;" and it should and .will hot", only. edebufae stock raMngr but also the introduction and fostering of bettcr;gres.,f Jt: ? It seems scarcely -credible tliat, the .Cattle King of the west may find a com petitor in the cotton planter of : the South, aud"as yet .stranger - things have happened. ' It has Jeen; ; said that JKlng Cotton must yieldlthr -ceptrbx to King Grass,but it maj bb that;' King Cotton will aglun'ert " his regal su premacy andJKing Grass be compelled to abdicate. - A;few yearsgo the, , man who asserted thai, the South wou id l en ter, the fieid of the - iron industry . and Compete - successfully with the;, iron manufacturers of; Pennsylvania, or: the rnxv WtibUU : UJAUU1MLUI1UX ALL -ATTOItNEYlATiLAWr OiBee ! hd Courts KouRe ' ; ;..-.. i-. ..... . ... .. . -. "WMm ana CeMete MlawS LOUIS I;U4iG N. (J i p' Vil practice .- In " the courts of 'tj'rai) klui4Warren W.HkffUVanbe; . nd Nasti, and In the Supreme court V the Stole. ; : TO SCHOOL TEACUEIIS. , iThev Surwrintendent j -orPuMic' i i5clw)ol of rVatiklia ebuhty;: will be , ; in Ixujsburg-on4lie.8co!idThur& ('-day of February Aprit ; JulyiSept; Of'tbber ntl Decern ber, eiid rejriaiir -''iHor AhreedRySf if accessary for the" -; : "I'Urpose of exaurihlng appHcanta to: - . tfach in the Public Schools or this W : Couhfyi-:'-. .A-j. 1 IMh 1. aii3o 'be Vi n Louisburg 5 oti . SVujday. of each"veek,and all pub , licdays, t6-atiendHi& any - business V nnocted with my offlce.?rKiC;;?clS: TLUDS. B..AV7LDEK, V ' -rj ATTOENEY JAT LAW: JUOUISBUltG, .Office on Main SlMrone door v S;SERUILL?? Altorncy A t Law,; l:Bf0:t:;lSBtfeG ". ..... r'V. . ; will attend xne courts or Jb'rankiin, V ance,' Gra 11 v u 1 e, V arren, Nash, and : Fwlerfl 1 au 1 Supreme Conr w Prompt ,i 4iUentnju given to .collections' &&i : f . s. !; ;t; A AH persons having claims again V the estata of b. C. Wester will pr e i"i etuHhea tonne at -on'ce.:t l ;S ' OiCX.EUVTBEreLjCKE'Att'y;: for . . . -ti:,;. iT--- -; w , T. CoiXii'S Adm; f ' c.c: DKIELS VfU80 NrC ,v'AolirO;.X! AYCOCK & DAB1ELS & DA.H1EL3 ' J. J. a 4- T'J'-?t . WILSON, "NT. C CAny business, entrusted to us will be promptly attended to :V. :; iiably Rerxibiicanrand'Wouldbc elia- bly Uepublican still if ybur'son Ilussell bad brolten his. neck ' or died a "respecta ble Jiatural deathsoon after Vour" inau guration as president -It was the ini pcrtinent intwedlirig of 'your on, in Montana politics Ihat-assured the Dem ocrats coniiol of our "constitutional con-v VebtiOn."v It was his bartering." of Fed end oSices in Montana, sorite of Jthera ibt J.ptivaie- gain,. . others .'for private pique, that-will prevent the Republicans' eeiiding a membet of the House of Rep rbsentad? aiid two Senators to Waslv ington next December. If you. had considered the appointment" of Federal offices in Montana as -. a greai; ; public trust devolved upon you by the conati tution, instead of conferring them upon yoursoa as he saw if, Republican: pros perts '-iiii Moatana would'-no-be- One of these offices at least your son disposed of for a printing4' contract. He disposed of oSRces of importmce to pSirsonal favorites who enjoy th& thcr, rt the coufidence of the , people. 1st wiorC? : and 4 the policy : is j Last; November t the Repubhcans eloc- , exceeding 5,000. : This change of feel ing is to be attributed tb .yoorj son ' in politics; We occasionally hear news, from, thi East that there is some- expec tation of Russell B. Harrison being Vaos en to represent Montana in thff -United States Senate. :! you entertain ,any such Hca, please abandon it Mr l'resi STATG PKESS. -SCROFULAS ri " k- formed from blood poison which. idescenid vfroirr":7parent: " to child; Jt appear in the next irlt is n taint which must be : eradicate! fnMn the gysteta before a curerran be icadeV Sifls Specific drives put the virus through the. ppres,f the skin, aud' thuy. Telieves the , Mood ,of the- 'JL pX)onilbrcury ' and joftisl mi i 4 tures ury up-Jtufc sores otjhe scroru--larnd other bloKt di3ases, only to lottle up the pohon In the sys teirr,' 'AMiichjaf course is . Certain ' to break out at some weak spot, as the throat, nasal organs or lungs, ; 11eV-more; -;cloee!y-'4ot-:ilia s cbh duct" ot the priests 1u tlie matter '. f intemperance. -Their conduct in .tins regard too often is. scandalousi-iNorth CarolinaJresby terian. ' We have a high regard for the - editor of the Presbyterian andpcrfect .confi dence in his piety. We do net believe;; he would intentionally do a wroDg . act -and yet in the above paragraph; he ' has done great injustice, not to aa. - Individ-. ual, but to the great army "of Catholics in this country. Xlt isari injustice that is not in keeping with the religious lone of the Presbyterian. It would be whol ly unaccountable to us if we ; did not know; -the 'sentiments ' of the . editor towards the Catholics. : He seems to think the country is in great danger from them, y He overlooks the great good they are doing in his' fear that they will dominate America. lie seems to think that religious freedom is on ' so flimsy a foundation that the Catholics could overturn it in a day if they "want ed to. Such fears are purile and do not comport with Christian uth 'and Christian charity. v ; We believo that re ligious freedom is so deeply imbedded in America that no church could control men's consciences or acts. 1 So far as we are cor.cerned we would be afraid to trust. the Methodisst, thejlesbyterians, the Baptists, or the Catholics to have voice in the management of State, i We have read of Catholic persecution '.and we have read of Protestant persecution dent? and save yourself from disappo'njp J They differ in little eave in namS.-. The It U ei!o n the man who talks ' much about his charities who docs much to alleviate tlie sufferings of maiikind. He who exacts uthe uiury of gratitude from those he would aid, will loso n!!. "Let us do the good that lies In ' our way ai d if "people d uc t appreciate our efforts it is none of our business. Wil son Advance.: . r.'- ' . ; C rtainly the ' great . burdens ,' tliat nature luW imposal upoa woman ought .to excuse her froin asuiulng Umml that belong vupoa the strong - shoulders : of man. He is essentially a creature for creation, she for propagation. ."To her is entrusted -the life of the race, to him b entrusted the struggle for existence. A woman is greatest when she becomes the mother of a great inaiu--Sanfbrd Express.: ;', . ..v. : I-- - . " We object to newspapers le!ng ad mitted free. As they constitute such a great portion of the matter carried, they should pay a little for the carrying, and when they, are rdmitted " free for . the county in which they are published, the postage of a very great many is not an enormous sum. VWexe 4hey admitted free, a class of advertising would be in augurated that would almo3t block - the currying service, and drive'1 newspapers from the people Tarboro Banner. . But there are tho ie who claim to be Democrats are really acknowdged laaders ith considerable following, who rjpuiate.the Democratic ida. of tariff for revenue only andsidewi th- the Re publican idea of a tariff Tor. protection. Mr. Randall is counted among tlnclase. On all other questions hs stands fair as a Democrat. The repeal of the internal revenue system is another question on whicn the Democratic party seems hope lessly divided. Uickory Press., prbm'e no reward, and that triumph, shall not follow the enlightened Jud mcnt and the sober scocd thought of our countrymen f There are to-day no -weak, weary and despondent members of the true Democracy and there should be none. . Thoughtful attention to poUtkal parties Is tliorouUy arocstd. Events are day by day leading men to review the roMona tbr their affiliations, and the upporters of the prhxiplrs w profess are constantly rocruitcd by luto' Ujcnt, youug, and stunlacSiercnts. Ixt us deserve their confidence; and "ehuunnig" alV isnwW-'icaclkes, let us remain steadfast to Democratic fkiih and to the cause of our country. If w are true and 103-al to these, the day of our triumph : will surely and . quickly come, and our victory ill lie jklrly, nobly-won, throtfgh the inrincible spLrii the Democracy.' ' v.- - . r vt imtmv vmcm bhiq w tuns oil. Ibh't Porous pl&iier. . Oali. at 12 eenta 'Tr ' W. JL, Portoan. . ' ... . - ' A nual Injector tro wkh raeh kottlt of Khiloh't euUrrh remedy. . rrics W cU bold by Fanuaa. - . ment. - We know your son too well Montana,3' in y Are-yon made miserable by indiireailon. constipation; dizziness,, loss of aipetite. yeilow akin ?- Shiloh'i YiUliier is a poi- a ? - . 1 U.I1 1 ... - Somebody asks, VVrhy don't T our 3'oung men come to the front f .Be-. cause the bald-headed men get the seats first. '. ' " - -. -" " - . ' - - duatry and .coinpetfc ucces?fuyi Tvilh the long Ista'blished ' cotton raahufac tories of New, England would have been pronounced f a visionary, 4 yel -: she has done it and ui an tohisiiingly Brief pe-; -Shipping fat cattle to Northern - mar kets from" Southern plantations ;"would not be a morev vremarkableTi revereabof' of the old order of things, than sliipphig feoutnern rnade cotton, 'goods to New England or Southern-made iron to Penn sylvania, both of which are no common occurance. WiU Stai'' .: - ; . - , TIIE NEW DISCOVEUYi 't 1 -Ybu have : heard yoiir: friends and ueisioouis laiKing aooucit' xuu may; yourself be one ofthe many who knovr- jriittr: persooalt-experience jnts l;bw good a thn.g it is.- If you linve ! ever tried it you are one; of its ; staunch friends. becnuse 'the;" wou(1erfuJ r thing" about it If "that -when-oucei giveua trial, Dr. King's New Discovery ; eye-r. afterwards holds a place in the Iiousps If you have nevor used it and . should" be afflicted with a couh, cold ot anV ,tliront lung or ch?st trouble, secure a bottle at oDce and give 1 1 a fair ;trinl. It is guaranteed every time er money refunded, ; Trial bottles free at : Fur- ma.vs drug store? -; .1. ? Judging from what I have seen I regarla'SpeQrihy of patent medicines of the day. -I know several persons . who have been permanentlycured pfBerioni cases ef blood poison .bydts use af' ; ter proiongied and onsuccessfal use of various other remedies C " as.EPattox, - .1 Attorney at Law, Dallas Tex. ' Treatise on blood and skin, dis ease rhaiTed free v.''- "V -''. " j ?; ;.4 iTHK.Siyi F C SPECIFIC CO, J : : I'? Drawer 3, Atlanata Ga. . The Agfe of Modern Man, - People are fond of saymg ;tmankind w 'growing .wisell and weaker.", But-is itreally. so?Let us glance at the facts. iarding 0 tlie latest ksta&tli'":lhere -are more, centenarians living now . than at Any previous tattie inlhe history "of the;worlL" Why Because ofthe great "d1sy'eries''in medical'gciencer; which '''at. fbrdhim'iin formerly deyastated mankind, " ijCJreat e3t of them aU is c Dr. Perce's Gden Medical Discovery, the best blood-puri fier and renovator of the age. ever-sores, tumors, .unsightly V ulcers ab eruptions vanish like magic beneath its beneficient influence. . f K; - X A Formidable Suit, flPhiLBeeor'Sl J-A suit involyingjthe ownership of the .entire'system of" eiectrici incandescent effecting :..A SQUND LEGAL OPINION. - : E. Bainbridge, Muday'Esq,,' County. Atty., Clay. C.. Tex. says: ;"Have used Electric bitu rs with most happy. result-,- My-urother also was- very iipwjvllli malarial fever aud -jaundice,' but was cured by fmefy use o. this medicine. Am satiated Electric Bitters saved his life."-. , : . . ,. ; ; J 5 ;-v - - - -l. Mr. D. I. viilcoxson norsb Cave; Ky., adds a. like te8linjpny,-saying: He positive! would have die:!, " had it noi. been-f.r Electric Birters. .v. " This great remedy will ward off, as well as cure alt malarial diseases, and for all kidney, liver. and stomach dis orders st-inda unequalled. ; Price 50c and 1 at Furmau's.-ft -1 ' The Four Hundred in New York t rr semble Washiugton in bne; thiug they are first in war, and then In pieces ! , - ' Why wilt you-, coaxh when Shiloh'a Cjjre will give immediate relief,. Vriee 10 xts. 60 etv and St. Sold by Furman. .'; lighting in this country, and -Dusiness interest 1 amountinz ; to ' over- OpO,00.0)vilKbgu ed States'Court at PittKr2 tb-dav be-- ;fr0ndBraffley.Thp flght tween.tne, Wesungton iilecme. Uompa ny and the Edison Corflpariyi r and the .point at issue is -the, "priority. Invention St the incandescent lamp, ot the.' system brous, carbon, heated to V anincandes-; cent in a vacunm. Edison f 3 popular ly supposed to have invented this lamp, ad it is generally known JisJhe jEdisbn .system; but in 2885 -the -patent - office dicided' that "Sawyer": and Mating twb NawYork:electrician8, Were entitled "to . . .. -- ..... ..-.. . . - , ... proity of invention, and it is for an t in fiingemerit bf' flie patent granted to Saw yei? and-r Manh that the feuit - before Judgeradley has been ms tituted There is a collector in town who car ries his bills m his hat. Some call him an under-dun fellow. i . v . - i .. . time: was when both believed they serv ed God, '. by .' burning 'dissenters. We wouldn't trust any of them " with ".civil power now. - Reltjioua bigotry and in tolerance are not all in ' the Catholic church. If the editor of -the Presbyte rian will stay at homo he will find some of it. He will find some in ;lhe Epis copal, Methodist, Baptist and all other churches. ; , Brelheren : Let us have more char ily. There are as good christians .in tbe Catholic church as there are in the Presbyterian church.: . They have as much right to go to mass as : a Presby terian has' to believe in Galvanism, and an Episcopalian to believe in apostolic succession; a Baptist to believe in eraer sion, or a Metnodist to oeueve in ar msniauismV-"People will.difler, and it is their right. America was . settled by men who sought religious freedom. Its future depends upon era a ting that freedom of conscience to all men. : : ; The great danger In this country" is not in the Catholicism as some Proles- tant preachers would have us believe. It is rather.Li religious intolerance,; sec tarian bigotry . and "stolid . indifference, Xet the preachers and editors of religious papers flgbt these three enemies "of jChristir.n.ty and freedom with .all the" weapons at their command and they will not: have any , time " to fight 4 supposed .Chtholic evil asgreesionl State Chroni- cle.i-.-v -' -:": Shiloh'a cure will Immediately relieve efTsp. whooping cough-, and bronchitis. Soldbv Fnnnan. . - For drrnepsiaand liver complnint yon liai a printed rnarautee on every bottie of Shiloh'a Yitalixcr, it ncrer tabs to eure.Sold by Funnao. . The Be v. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bourbon. Ind.. aay.: lSoth myaelf and wife owe cur Uvea to dhiloVa Coasumptioa cure. ' For ale by x arnian. . . . . The prettiest thin j in veils Faces. Nothing . grate about it TLe opea fire place.; . : . '- , , .Why is Oolong a sure thing Because Uisartaintca.' - Vf ' : There la alcays plenty of interest about a rich banket daughter. It seems corrocC to ajcaktal a specta cled m&a as a four tighied man. ' . AThcre is the finger of destiny to be found ? On the hand of fate, of course. ' , A person An shipboard Is usually agi ' tated, which is a result of being filled with the motion-' : . like producos likc'comsequently the irarap story is generally like himself itwon"t wasbJ" . . ' JV", :" We grow wise as we grow ldcr, but ills by forgetting what we .thought a knew. r ' ' . :v . tmamt mm ttiMMlt frmjtrmmtl Laat 'iMrtCtfWMr gExtarcvrrt. ITT? fr3rKtIlartimgi PrkaUCA Soli Xran Devotion to l'rinclple. OR AtgnifsttU. lie. At a banquet given to Ex President Cleveland by the Young Men's ' Demo cratic Club, in New ..York, Monday evening, Mr. Cleveland "gae utterance to the following rcmaks ; - . "After six years of public eervice, -1 return to youfiny party friends, with no excuse or apologies, and with no confes sion of di3loJalty. It is not-: given . to man to meet all the various and con-, fticting views of party duty " and policy which prevail in an organization w here sJt-tTj 1 . t . r , j , ujuiu1u opuuoii Bo nroeiy toieraiea f.Jni 1 1 ftni - (CY T1 as in the Democratic rty. ; Because h V flLy A I iUi J sJil inee various ana connxung yj Mmf,2SC. $an.SiU. eumc 01 uicui must oe wronz vnu 1DJ IgjlUjlUL'T "iP i-'.jy ' 'IT m1 ay" 1 1 ' -4MW$r " y Shiloh'a Catarrh -Itemed y a ' iositi ve cure for caUrr'u, dipthi-iii ami canker muth. Sold by Fat man .-.r: ; ' . 5 ,Why should the spirit f. mortal be proud ? No reason we can ; see "Unless he. owns an ice-pond.- 1 . BUCKLEiN'S U ARNICA, v- SALVE . . The best salve in the" world for cuts brutVesV::8&reff;ulcers'.'Jsalt feyer, jspres, ,'telter.'. chapped;,- habds" ehilhlains, corns and all skin erosions and positively cure ; piles,, or 00 pay. Scrofula required.' ft i3' 'guaranteed to ; give perfec t satis faction, or money ref aad cd." -Price 2-5 'cents .per box. J: . ;' - For sale by J. B.Cliilon! ' TlsloMTraissB. B.B.-r- ": The sufferingof women rtainly avak ena the Bympathy of every true philan thropist. Their best friend, however, if B. B. B (BoUnio Blood .Baltn.) Send to Blood Balm Co Atlauta, Oa,or proofs. H.L. C'assidy, Kennesaw, Gu., writeaf IThree bottles of B. B. B. ered my wife of scrotnia. . ' v 'r . '-. ., M. Laws, Zalaba,. Fla, Writes. t have never used anythiog to eqnal B. B. B. . . . v-.' Mr. C. H. Oay, Kocky-ilount, N.-.C rites'"ot adity fv 15 years waa I free froiu headache. B. B- 3r entirely cared me. -1 f eeHike another person." " " Tf James W, Lancaster, ilawkinaville GaU My wife waa in btd health for eittbt years.- Fie . doetors -and.miny patent medicines had doae,her no good., c-ix bottlea of B. B. B. cured her '. - . , -- MissiJ. Toinlinsot, Athens, Ga, says: Foryeirs I Batfercdwith- rhenmatisVH caused by kidney trouble and indigestion, I also was feeble and nerrona. B. B. B relieved ' me: ai oace, althoui .several other medicines had failed." v Rev. J. M. Richardson, Clark ton, Ark., writes: . My wife aaiTered twelve years with rheumatism and female complaint. A lady member of niy church ha-1 been eured by B.. B. P. She-persuaded wy vrife to try it, who now says there noth ing like B. B. B as it. qnickljr -jure, ber relief v - - - - ' Whethec in the north, sou th, ca5t or west Dr. Bull's Cougli gyrup always make a first-class recotd. r One writes it has cured iny cough and cold;7anoth-s er has cured sore throat, hoarseness and 'catarrh; a third has had a sirnilar- expe rience in cr.838 of whoopiug "cough and croup, and so you a may run ,the whole ga-nat of these and kindred afl'ec tion9 and we have testimomals of cures in all cases. With one accord the- tell all the sanie unvarjihg tale. - No wonr der the ' people believe in ' Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.,: No wonder they win have it -it tne neaven s tail.". A" gen tlemen from the metropolitan city of the Palmetto State shoVs his graStuiIe of what it has done for him . in the ) fol lowing appreciative terms: . , i - This is to - express my. sincere thanks '" for : the benefit I have ex perienced from the use of Dr. BuO's Cough Sjnip. I had a . severe and ag-gr-avating cougfi so that I could scarcely talk after using one small bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, it not only cured my cough but sUenglhened - my sore chest. I take great pleasure in testify ing to the efficacy of .the Strap and heartily recommend it.". W. J. WIL LIAMS, Jr. . " . . " - 73 An?or St.', aiar'.tat'oa; S. P yet, "when they are . honestly held and advocated, they should provoke no bit terness,, no condemnation, tut when they are dishonestly proclaimed, as a mere cover and pretext for personal re sentment and disappointrnent, should te met by - the exposure and contempt' which they dscrve.: . l with a sincere design and intent,' "one charged " with party representation has kept the party faith, that must answer the party obliga-' tion.;;-l.-- '' . ; "' : . ; t Whe5 we seek for the cause of the perpetuity of the Democratic party and "its survival through every crisis and emergency, and in the face of all opposi tion, we find it in the fact that its cor ner stone Is bud in devotion to the rights of the people, and sympathy with all things which tend to the advancement of their welfare and happiness; " Though heresy may sometimes have crept Tin to its organization, an I though party con duct may at times have heen influenced by the stiffness -which' is tlie habitual device'of its opponents, there has always remained deeply imbedded in its nature and character that spirit of true Ameri canism tmdlhat love of popular rights . which has made it indestructible in dis aster and defeat, and has constituted it a boon to the country a its Urn's of tr-. umph and supremacy. ...-' ,.' . u We know: tliatr we have espoused thecausof right and justice. - We know tliat we have 1 ol permitted the couotiy to wait upon expeuienry. Ye know that we have not trafficked our principles for success. - We know that we have not decci veil the people "with ttse promises and pretenses. And we know that we have not corrupted nor betrayed the poor wi x (he money of the-riclu , . - : . ' . . - uWhd ?hJl rny that tlice tlins 77 nfera &h$umai!ta, EumJjia & Willi 11 3 ifPnis $ tJLum 5 ag opnJa t, h'eadzcie, Tocthasho, Sons, Burni, Cats, Scalds, Bet acho, Vour.s,&c - YAUBORO & ALSTON ". . - - -. ' - - k - xorisjicita, k. c. . Shop on Nash Street, near HnTiMiji 'Oflice. - LIVERY vFEED STABLES. Wc nave leased the T nvll4ible io Jjuialarg. we will euU avur to corn m il xi- tl puldio withcol co:i jfeiawtca. - Hwo.J h'rcaand U: gie, anIatUnitiv-drirers wi'.I b-n-o tb 1'iit be, w areiUucnit Jit-d tLt u iball tc d -tie. Alaw are f9.iT I .to tdae c re J"iru, nsJ ifse ir'rr b9t ttws.ioii 1 i.ui Ce give.i IL Wi srr )feiaivu v do all U'ais ba aliu, uaviug ffctired1 a f.rt ca-- diay lor tit j'urp.iee. 'Give us u si r. of your puruniitr, aud tc will ftra -caatifc lion. , . . Vrv I . s 1 e ifu lr. . ILAYL&.PI.VSLL. - t

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