THE FRANKLIN TIMES, Published ; Every:; Friday,-", by Tiik Timks b the otily xrnfjri pablishalla Franklin etinty axd'its circulation exeixl II over every e tion of this and Adjoining coui.tief, rui . vcrtiscw fcbouU suite a nolo here JAMES A. THOMAS;-; . ; . Editor and Proprietor. . : One Year - J - Six Mqnths--SM euo. 1.00. jfjTHOlX. Editor and Proprieior. ; WITH malice TOWARD none with cii ARirr FOR ALL. WlICE tl.50 FEB AlIND II In Advance for the views fwrrrxaidents. imiu iviuiuuuuiuvu: muui u rok tioua rnuet earnestly o!kitcd, New itcmi (tnv Mtura irPJ 1m t!irmVf,i!' To Clubs of 5 The (Times will be furnisbed At $1.40. .?, , , . .. . " j;. LOUISBURG-, N. C- JUNE 21. 18&9. .xviir IN received. THE FRANKLIN TIMES' illil -.lvs royal wssj " Jr-- IPI sit liirai)ii TOWN. LAWS. Ax a MEETING OF 5 THE " COMMIS- MISSIONEBS OF. .THE TOWN OF lOUI8BUBa.HELI JUNE. llTH .THE FOIXOWINO ORDINANCES .WERE ADOPTED FOB THE ; GOVERNMENT '5 -Ordinance 1. It shall not be - lawful for any live stock to'run at large- within the Corporate limits of the town,' to be ridden, driven 'or , fed . upon the side walks, nor hitched to the trees, pailings,' or fences on- the sidewalks, under penal-' ty of one dollar for each offence i 1 1 : 4 A bsol utely P u re. .. This powderever varies. A marvel of parity, strength and" Uwholesomenebs.- More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition - with the multitude of low-s test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Soijl ONLY IN CANS. EOYAl BAKI SO POWDER Co. ; "606 Wall St" N.Y. ' '. - ' r , PROFESSIONAL CARDS; ; B B.MASSENBURG, ATTORNEY; AT LA W- Vi iOIJISIttrRGjiN. c. , OSoe in the Court House. : : AU btt3lnc3s put in. my hands wu receive; promptttent.ion. " ;: ; M,C0OK13wi a w r and Counsellor atLAWi ;:L0ISBURG, FBANKXtlN CO. ,N..C. 11 attend t.h llJniirt.q nf Wash. p ranK in, : ixrnvuie; warren, and . wake uoun.ies also the t?upieme court ot Jor tu (;ajrolua, and the U Circuit arid District OoutU. D ow Furman & wOpke'jLDi'us Store; fcdioiningDr. O. S. J EM ALONE, O flee' 2 doors be L: Ellis; A: V TIMBEllLAKE, - attorney: at law; LOUISBURG, N. C. Office- i Ke Court House "I JAUL jonesv Aftorney ana Connsellor at Law. LOUI&hUliG N. C. :; :i .! " Will practice lik the court3 : of Wake. Vance : I 0nd Nash, and in the bupreuae court ,X-l'o f.the mate. i; :i The j Superintendent;: of ? Public ; Ordinance 2. . Any person who shall drive - or ride a - horse ' or a 1 mule iu?nhusuJd speed; through - tlie streets - of Louisburg '. (unless ' in case of necessity) shali be fined -five dollars. - Ordinance 3.': -Any person who shall leave; any horse, mule'dr 'or' harnessed to any vehicle, on the streets : of the town of Louisburg for the period of five minutes, without having , such horse, mule or ox &stened or guarded, 'except when necessary to load or unload carts or wagons shall be fined one dollar-, for : each oflfence. y---' v "y: ' "K i Ordhiance 4. No person shall exhibit or show any stud horse or -jackass, or" put a stud horse or jackass to any mare within the limitsof the town under pen alty or ten dollars for each oflenceiw v -; Ordinance 5. Any person who shall leave any cart, wagon or vehicle of .any t kind nponthe streets or' sidewalks , of the town during the night, shall be fined one dollar for each ofience : : T Ordinance 6. ; !o persons shall fight clucken cocks within the limits K. of the -town under penalty of Jfive" dollars for each offence. V.;"-: v.. v- - :! ; Ordinance 7. If any hog, ; shoat or , pig shall die within the corporate limits of the town., of cholera or any other disease, the owna thereof sliall burn the carcass or bury the same at least ' two feet in the ground within six hours after notice of the death of said animal and on fiulure to do so sliall be fined five t - ... - - jprdinance 8. - The owner of any dead carcass or carron who shall, permit- the same to remain within the limits of the town for one day after he has notice ' of its existence shall be fined two dollars. arid one dollar additional for every day the same shall remain. K not removed by the owner, the same shall be removed Dy tne town uonsiaoie a: tne expense of the owner, or at the expense of the tqwn if the owner cannot be found. shall be built within the following lim its' vizC within 200 feet , of that part of Main street,: lying 'between the Tar river, bridge and the Eagle Hotels With-' in 200 feet of : Nasi street between Spring street and Terreirs livery Stable. Within 200 feet of Court street. Within 500 feet of. Market street Nor 'ehall any "buiXun wifliiri said "limits5 be-LCov-ered with any wooden materiaL .. " ; Ordinance 13. " No person shall pile or have piled any manure, timber, wood, otother obstruction whatever (except temporarily - for i buUding . purpo- I quiet and good order of the town, shall ses, and then 20 feet passage shall be-1 be subject to a penalty of ten dollars or unobstructed) upon the streets, public I imprisonment ten days. crossings or sidewalks of the town under penalty of one dollar for . each " offence and one dollar for everyday - the same' shall remain on said street or sidewalk after the oftender be notified to remove the same. - - ' '., . ".; : . , a gun, pistol or any ether fire arms un necessarily, within the' limits "of -the town, or explode or fire off . any squib, crackers, fire resets, bean or grit shoot era, or any . fire works In town; un der the penalty of, ten dollars for each offence. One half of the fine to go to. the m&rmeri ' ' Ordinance' 2$? - Airys person rwho shaH, in the corporate limits of the town publicly use any obscene or profane lan guage, or be guilty of .any disorderly conduct, tending to violate the peace. cents. He shall also charce 50 cents tar the town and pay the same to the town treasurer, for each spot of. ground as signed large enough for a grave, and he may collect the same by warrant if not voluntarily paid. . - u " v , . : Any person making interment in said grave yard contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, shall be fined five dollars to be kivpued . to the- improvement ' of said graveyard.; ' " ..-: , " r,v" thorizedto remit so much of the pen alty as in his judgment the circumstan ces of the case may warrant. , LICENSES. Ordinance J&. ., "The Commissioners of the town shall liave authority to di feet the removal of any pig pen, or any other nuisance within the corporate lira its of the town, when in thdr judgment it shall be necessary ; for the health or comfort of any portion of theinhabitants of the town, and if the owner or occui; .Saturday of each rek, and all pub- I pier of the premises shall fail to . remove fi' Schools of Franklin county will be in Louisburg' on the second' Thurs . . . day of February, April. July,' Sept. i October and December, and, remain .V; ; lor three -day s, i f niecessaryi for the C purpose of examining applicants to i I teach in the Public! Schools of this ' County;K-;'ap;j'- , . i will also be in liOuisburg. on : lie nays, to attend to any Dusinesa - connocted with my! office. -; J. N Harris, Snpt U OS. 15. W7LDER. s .T-te-.., .t ! - ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office: on Main SWone V - : low. the Eagle Hotel. "CI S. ISPRUILL. , - ... Mi Altorney At Law, . LOUISBURG, N C :V ' . Will attend the courts ;of Franklin, Tance, Granville; Warren, Nash, and Federal nnd Supreme Co urUiiPrompt attention given to collections fcc. KOtlE - All nersons havfns claims asrain the estate tf L;;CVyWter will send them to me at once, - . E. W. Timberlake Att' T, Coixins Adm. AY COCKE & DANIELS,,, C.C. D NIELS -'V;; GoldsborO; N. C.;: j : ;iWiiso N..C AYCOCK & DANIELS & DANIELS - Attorneys At Xawj WILSON, N. C. ' i Any business: entrusted to Vis will ' be : promptly attended to, . C- r t'--xA t'zH said pig pen or other . nuisances,; within three days, after having j proper writ ten notice, then he or she shall be fined ten doUars, ana . the I Commissioners , may . have the same removed. - - s '-J "ri Ordinance 10. 7 : Every -owner ' of a bouse within the limits of the town shall continually have on the premises one ladder of sufficient' length to reach the eaves of such housed Any -one failing to comply , with this . ordinance shall be 'fih'two-dollars. .siV.V:' ; Ordinance lL- SecC l.i Whenever the shingles of any house within -; the limits of the town shall become so decayed as to be dangerous on accbuiit:pf fire, the Board ofXTommissioners may so declare, and the owner, or owners of such house shairbe required , to. recover tlii same within such time as the Conmlissioners may think reasonable, under the penal ty of the sum of Jfiye dollars for neglect to do so; and ; an additional - penalty . of one dollar for- each we such" house may remain unrepaired. .: ; t . :- Sec. 2. Whenever v any ehimney, stove or stove: pipe shall be deemed unsafe, or to - endanger the 'I safety of anv oortion ot tne town it mav be so decmred by' the Town Commission ers and they naay condemn and order the removal or abandonment of the use of the same until it so repaired or reconstructed,1 ns to -make at - safe; and anv person who sliall use any such cnimney, sluvc Kit bivyo impu flttot, it uaa been so Condemned, shall be subject to a fine ot nve aouars. - - Ordinance 14. Any person who may have a private crossing or' bridge over any ditch or sewer in the streets of s the town and shall fail to keep the same bperi for the passage of water shall ; be subject to a penalty of one; dollar . for every day that the obstruction may re main after notice is given. ; : v L i Ordinance 15. . ; Any- person having firewood cut on the streets of the town will be required to have the chips V and, trasn .removea immediately, under f a penalty of two dollars." ; '. Ordinance ' 16. Sec. L. Any person who shall throw or cause to be - thrown any trash, wood or any other obstruc tion into the gutters of i the streots of the town, shall be liable to a fine of one dollar for each offence, and one ? dollar additional every day-- such ! obstruction may remain after due .notice : of the same. ' -" SEa "Z. vAo " person snail sweep; throw -V or - rdeposit' any . garbage or trash in tlie streets rf o the town under a penalty of one dollar for each offence. . SEcr3. The occupant of any lot or store-house in the town who shall allow any garbage or trash tojbe swept,lhrown or deposited on"the streets : or in the .ditches, shall be subject ; to a fine of one dollar for each offence. . . :y -"4" -; ' : ' 1 : -. . : Ordinance 17. Sec 1. 'Any person. who shall cause or commit any nuisance around any dwelling or . other . .house 'within the corporate limits of the town shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dol-' lars for each offence. ;r': - ) " v Sec. 2. No person living in the town shall allow any nuisance to exist" on his or her premises, and any person , failing to abate any nuisance on : his or her premises when ordered to do so by the Mayor or town policeman , shall be sub ject to a fine of five dollars. . S . Sec. 3. No person shall make any ex- crementitious deposits or skughterany" live stock on any of the -public: grounds of the town 7 under paialty of one dollar for each oflence. : ' - ; Ordinance 18. i Everv. occupant ot a lot in,the corporato limits of the town, shall at all times keep rtheir lots in a cleanly condition under a penalty of five dollars for failure so to do.' W .. Ordinance 24. Every owner or " les see of any business house in town shall be responsible for any disorderly con duct upon his premises or in his house, and jeYery owner or-lessee of any busi ness house in town who shall permit . any disorderly conduct in his house or upon his premises without reporting the same on affidavit to the Mayor of the town, shall be subject to a ' fine . of ten ' dollars. 1 7. .;i . Ordinance 23." No privy shall be built or placed or allowed to remain within 20 feet of any. of the streets of the town under penalty of ten dollars, Ordinance 26V It shall not , be law ful for any female dog to run at large while in heat, within the corporate lim- Ordinan 35. . "No person shall sell within the corporate limits of the town any unwholesome food. - Any person violatdmthis Ordinance shall for each and every offence pay a penally of ten dollars. ' ' . . - ' Ordinance 36. Any person who shall use any violent, abusive or insult ing language, or threatening geetures toward the Constable, or any officer - of tne town, while in discharge of his duty, shall be subject to a fine of five dollars. l Ordinance 37. , Any person or per sons refusing to assist the Constable or any town officer when called : upon r to assist to make an arrest shall . be ' fined ten dollars. ' ' - ts bt the town under a penalty of the five dollars to be paid by the owner. the owner cannot be found it shall the duty of the constable . to kill' bitch. " ' 1 Or Jinance 27. All barber . shops in the town shall be closed from Saturday night 12 O'clock, 'till Sunday night 12J o'clock and no barber , shall carry on his business" during that time : under a penalty of five dollars.'. ," .' -; Ordinance 12. No wooden buildinj Ordmance 19. Sec. 1. No person shall indecently expose or exhibit hu or her person within the limits of the town under a penalivof one dollar for the first aud for eac. subsequent offence five dolr- lars - Sec 2. No lewd woman, or woman of suspicious character shall be Oh the streets" Louisburg at night " after-: 10 o'clock under a penalty of one dollar for each offence 'J'M-J-J.'. I;'-;; Ordinance 20.-7 SccVlL; lEtolling ; hoops, playing at - ball 'or any ; other : game on tne sireexs or m any oitne puo lic squar es of the town shall be prohib ited under a penalty of one dollar for each and every offence. 7J. ? v vF I i' Sec 2.' All - games of whatever kind - on anyn ' of -;: the-- streets . or public squares of the town on the. Sab- - bath day shall be ; prbhibiteJ ; under a penalty of five dollars for, each and eyf ery offence - " ' ' K.-r ; "' :ih Sec.-'No person shau:T)lay ; cards or any other game of cliance on the. streets pr public squares of the town un der penalty of ten dollars fori each of-' fence.1 : ..-.W ; :. ; . . : ; , 7 '...-' , . 1 -- .-..'.. i j prdinance 21 . ,It shall be unlawful for persons to assemble together at" any : time on any of the streets of the t town,' so as to obstruct the ; sante, under a penalty of one dollar. ; -' - - ' " - : r Ordinance 22. No person shall shoot ' Ordinance 28. It shall be .'.unlawful for persons, except; Apothecaries- and - Practicing Physicians (in case of neces sity) to sell or offer for sale any ' article wliatever on the Sabbath day, except ice and milk, and articles necessary, foe burial purposes within - the corporate imiis of the town under a paaalty of ten dollars for. each offence - Ordinance 20. All shops or places for the sale of spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, shall be closed on each Sabbath in the year from 12 o'clock on Saturday night to 12 o'clock on Sunday night, and no person or persons snail, during - or between these times, in any licensed liquor saloon, sell or givS away any spirituous vinous or '"malt" liquors, ex cept in case or sicxness, and tnen only upon a certiflcate of a practicing physi cian, and any one or more persons Jseen going in or out of a Bar Roomletween said hours shall be deemed prima fa-. cie e vidence of the guilt of the proprie tor of sakl Bar Boom. Any person -1 vl oiatin? this ordinance shall for the first offence pay a fine often dollars for, the. second offence a fine of twenty dollars; tor the third oflence have ins license re voked. . ' : 7. ;- .." " Ordinance 30. Any person who inter feres in any wry with any of the street lamps or lamp posts in the town except those employed for the purposes.- upon convictionshall pay a fine of ten dollars for each and every oflence ' - Ordinance 31. Any "person -who, shall place any combos table material in a position where it could endanger the safety of the town from liability to fire r shall be subject to a7 fine of jfijdollari. H ''"--" X'' :. " ' '- .- r- . Ordinance 4 32. v When any person shall be found drunk and down Upon the streets oflhe town he or she - shall be fined five dollars - or hn prisoned five" days.v :. -'' l' 7 '77':::J , - V"-' ' 5 - . . -i 7 Ordinance 33."; It shall be . unlawful for any person to. j ump on, or'. " off the train in the corporate limits, .while in' motion, under a penalty of - five dol lars.' Ordinance. 3d. Any person deairing to practice any profession, business . or trade taxed by Uny ordinance ;of this town, shall, before . commencing such profession, business or trade, pay the tax required and obtain a license signed by the Constable and Mayor of the town , to practice such profession, business or trade And any person engaging in or practicing any profession, business or trade taxed by any ordinance of this town,' without having first paid the tax and obtained the license shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction shall be fined fifty dollars. Ordinance 39. There shall be an an nual tax of five dollars for the privilege of carrying on the business of weigher and any. person who shall weigh . any produce in the corporate limits : of the town for pay or compensation and with out having paid the said - tax shall be fined for each offence, one dollar; provid ed, however, that the provisions of this ordinance jmall not apply, to the town weigher, elected by the commissioners of the town nor to the cotton weigher " - elected ; by -the commissioners-"of the county, in respect to the weighing of cotton. .. ' Ordinance 40. Any person who shall sell or offer for sale any prize boxes or patent medicines of any kind within the corporate limits of the town must first obtain and pay a license of five dollars Said license will entitle him to ' sell for ne year from "date This shall not ap ply to the regularly licensed merchants of the town. -.. . V - On each exhibition, concert, or lec ture for profit, for each performance t3. On circuses; for each performance, $10. t I--nJPctL31crs on foot 5 per month." On every company of Gypaes-or other persons pretending to tell fortunes $10 per year. ' 0n itinerant dealers in lightning rods $5 per year. V ' - ' On itlnerantdealers in stoves, ranges clocks, $10 per year. ' ' . On auctioneer or - cryer $2.50 per year. r , -7 . ' - ' ........ . . - . , - . On each billiard or. pool table kept for public use whether in connection with or separate from any place where liquor is sold $10.00 per year. . ; On each bowing alley, or alley of the like kind, bagga telle table, or stand or. place for any other game or play, with or without a name, (unless for private amusement or exercise alone) $5.00. On liquor dealers $100.OTper year. On every itinerant dentist, medical practitioner, optician, portrait- or min iature painter, daguerrean artist, and every person taking or enlarging like nesses of the human face, $3. THE VERDICT UN ANIMO VS. ' W. D. Sulf, Bippui, Ind- testifies: "I can recommend Electric Bittett as the very test remedy.- Every bottle . sold haa giveo reliif In every case One man lok six bottles, and wa cured of rbcumatiam of 10 years tan cl ing." ALrzhani Uare, diuzjUt, Biil Ville, OWo,f5nnS Th best stUirs medxine 1 ver handled in my twenty ywrs expeiieuce ia Electilc UUen,f TUouaandar other haveaJJed tlierr tealiniony, o ttut tLa verAct U utun inioui that Elttnc CUtera cura all disease of tlto liver, kidneys or bVo1. Only abalf dnlUra bottle -at W. IL lurniao Jr.'a Dru Stote. . A bUliue at garnets, mounted la sold, 1s t inodest brooch, ' That hackiuf rough can ba qniekly eared bj Shiloh'a cure. " We guaraatev it ' For aale atFnraata's diu store. ' 1 - Shiloh'a eonaamption ear i told bv ma on a guarantee. It eurea onumpiion For sale at Fnrman't drug (tore. Shiloh'a Vitiliier is what you need fo constipation, loss of .appatita, Uzxinesa, and all ajotptonia of d jspepsia. Price 10 and 75 rents per bottle. For aale at Fur nun's drug storr, . . , '.; i;roaptwboopiQg cnagh aaa Uronchitla immediate relieved by tihiloo's core. For Sate at Fannan's drug store. ' . Catarrh eared, health and sweet breath secured, by 8hiloh's Ttrrb Bemedy. Price 50 cents. KasallBiretor free. Fr sale at Fnnnan's drug sulT. f Sleepless nights, made otiserabla by that terrible couch. Bhiloh's enre Is the remedy for it. 1 or' sale at Furman'a drag store. - '-,.- ' - Will voa suffer wih dytpeisia and lir-N er complaint r bnuoha's Vituuer Is guaranteed to core too- Fjr sal at For man's drag store. The Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bonrb on, Ind.. says: lfeth rarself snd wife owe oar lire to Shiloh'a Consumption care. For aale by Fanuan. . . : V - : ,Tli5 Iaralii's Hcj3. Many etalngly Incurable rcaac of blood potsuu,v catarrh, acraf Jl-i 1 ami riuumatiam have been cared by B. U. B.(BoUuio Blood Balm,) made by the B1om1 Balm Co Atlanta, Ga. "Write to them for book JiritU with convincing proof. - G.-W. B. Haider, liviuj aevea m3e from Athens, Ga write: ForeTer al years I suffered wiihrunnibgokera, which doctor treated aud (xoneanced incurable A si ogle bo tile of B. R. B. did me more good than all the dec tor. -I kept ou using it and every ul cer healed. . ... IX C Kloard A Son, TowaJlga, Ga writes: "We Induced a neighbor W try B. b. b. Uz catarrh . which ha thought incurable as it had-resutea! all treatment It delighted him, and continuing its oe he mi cured sound and welUT r - - Ii. M. Lawaon, .East Point, Ga-, wrltea: 4Iy wife had scroroU IS year. She kept growing worse She lost her hair and her akin broke out fearfully. . Debility, emaciation and no appetite followed- After phji ciani and cunierou advertised medi cine failed. I tried b. b. b. and hoc. recovery was rapid and completer" OliTer S'-cor, Biltimortv Md wntca: MI saffered from weak back and rheumatism. - b. b, s. ha provea to be the only ni edit-in e tA gave rat rebeCr . ... Oklahoma landi" means .''beautiful Are you made miserable by Indigestion, constipation, disztnrAi, loss ' of appetite, yeilov skin f 61ulh4 Titsliser is a posi sire enre. -fcJld by Farma. f A gnat olioked Pope Adriam, ant his death occasioned very impor tant ehaugca iu Europe and Amer ica. - " ; . Complete tea Sbta ot fluted sliver are again becoming fashionable. - BUCKLEY'S ABNICA SALVE Ration's Catarrh Eemedya posIUt care for eatarrh, dipthcria and ranker luauu doIJ by Fniraan. The best salve m the world for cuts, bruises, seres, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hand. ehilhlains, corns and all akin eruptions and positively cure piles, or do pay required, it is- guranwea to rive perfect satisfaction, or money refund ed. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by B. Cliiio u . . The first. smiths. bAukens were gold- Why win you eensh when 8biloh's car will trtve imnteUiAte relief. Price 1 its., 50 tU., and $1. field, hy Farms n. ' Ordinance 34. " ' The town clerk shall be. ex-oC5cio sexton to the public : grave yard in the town, and . all Interments therein shall be made by and under . the supervision of the conimissioners of the town. Order and regularity "' shall !' be observed in digging graves and ' making interments. All persons - expecting, to make intarmenta therein, shall apply to the Clerk and have small lots of ground : marked off and a record thereof made in the book. As a compensation to . the clerk for his attention to the duties herein assignedhe shall cliarge '.fiily Ordinance 41 The penalties desig nated in the foregoing ordinances . shall J be recovered by the Mayor, in the name of the Commissioners for the town of Louisburg. V - , ' - - . r ' 'Ordinance 42. " Any person convicted oCviolating any one of the ordinances of the town whfr is not . able to . pay : the fine and cost imposed upon him, may be confined at hard labor on the "streets of the town until the fine and costs are -paid.-'-- '; ' :. .Z' ; - " Ordinance 43. ; During the first Jweek la August,' every person required to list property or polls in the town of Louis burg, shall make out and deliver I to the lut taker a statement verified by his oath of all the real and personal proper ty, money, ; credits,- investments , jn bonds, stocks, joint stock companies, annuities or otherwise, and the value of improvements on real estate since the same was assessed, in his ; poseseion or. under his control on the first day of June, either as owner or holder thereof, or as parent, husband, guardian trustee, executor, administrator, receiver, ac counting officer, partner, . agent, factor or otherwise. . ;' Any 'person failing tp list his taxables during the first week -in August, Bhall be liable to a double tax. 7- Ordinance .44. All taxes Tor the town of Louisburg (except license tax) sliall be due and coHeclaWe on the' first 'day of October in each year and every person falling to pay his taxes by the 31 of December in every year, sliall guilty of a misdemeanor, and be,upoa conviction before the Mayor, fined double the amount of said taxes. '7' '"' A A meritorious match safe is, designed In imitation of an Egyp tian mummy. . " A magnified loxon squeezer Is now being; Introduced for mashing potatoes. " . - . ' . ' ' 1 msmw A WOMAN DISCOVERT. "Anotlier wonderful discovery has been made and that two by a lady in this' country. Disease fastened its dutches upon ber and for seven years she wilhfttood its severest tests, but her vital organs were undermined and deJi seemed imminent . For three months she doughed incessantly and could not sleep, she uougnt or cs a bottle of Dr.' King New -Discovery lor conumpwon snd was so mucn re lieved on taking the first dose that she slept all nixht and with one bottle has been . maracu'ously cured. II er name Mrs. - ixither juu.' Thus write W. C. Hamrick & Co.. of Shelby N. C. G t a free trial Lottie at W. IL Furman Jr., drug Store. Set Bast S I Th leading FngraKttlMStUfr Prk9UCta SoU at Pranlsts. , Byreau boxee withered plush covers are the latest novelties iu sUver.--.' 7 ;,"- r- V - l-'-r iIbm iMia ii i n7 in ' ram ill SITTING ON THE VALVE. SAFETY Ordinance 45. After conviction ' and judgment for the violation of any of -the ordinances ofthe town the Mayor is au- Manv are thev who have lauched at tho storv of the sreen steamboat- fire man who sat on the steamboat valve to prevent its leaking. Yet thousands are reneatinff his follv every da v. Thev are troubled with blotches, pimples, erup tionssalt rheum, boils, carbuncles ul cers, and old sores, and are contenting themselves with suppressing the symp toms without removing the canso.- They, sit on these safety valves by which na ture is driving out blood impurities, in stead of using Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery, which cures .by remov ing the caue, which is in the blood.. It Is a wonderful blood puriScr and invig orating tonic. : . - - - Do yoa think the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Itemedy would offer as they have done ror many, years, a stand ing reward of $500 for a case of Catarrh they cannot cure, if they did not posi tively know that the Remedy will abso lutely and permanently cure t atarrh. Sold by druggists, at only 50 cents. trie M'y 25 OiU tali fry J ingjUtU tnilnlisra Bhsomsb'snj. fJeurafiis, &w9ningsrRnjit$9LumbajotSpnijBt, Utadache, Toothache, "Sons, Btirnt, Cuit, Scalds, Caekacha, Wounds, tc 5-TcnC3iI:nGbc:!::, CCD -S DCAM DOX . f j . . Brass tarc dcaml - - k 1 -7 for S A C EM TS W M TCO. ' ra4 for J .1 tmm. J0ME3 HEf AT8THE FRE1BHT," Jrr Trra Prim List, Addrtm " JOXZS of BnraHAXTO ZlsgHaatoa. V.T. Adminislralir's Notice. Usrinrf thUttsy -qusJifed as Aiiuiuic trtor of John Winston, drcrued, jlU pr sods hsviug eiaiina a;siuxt the etc if Ui said -John. Winrtivo. tltcuK-V. .-ire - hrVy mttified lo prevent ebe wme to me on before the tb osy -of April 1MJ. or hie notio will be plesdr4 iu bsr of their reenerr, and alt pcroie tcdi-bted to said estate i'A filease sttUa at once. - ii. Y. jTli.ct Adna'rof Juhn Viu:on, dec'!' April Ut18SS.