,- .v.- .'.-. I : r - . -- . ... . v. : , , . , .... . . . - - :':. I .'.'.Rat es. ONE YEAB-- '.; $1.50. 1.00. nv!hibsof5 The furnished at $1.40.; " J TUCES: ie J. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. .pTlTMU P6R'ALL..VfBICE $1.50 PER ANKLMItLAdvanco a-.- I ." v- Tw ua?vL - NvV' p .LOUISB.URGV N..O,.'JULY 5.1 889. NO. 22 mxuiauou rxeau nsi over ctjty p- titof this find ad joiniiij counties. aJ TerUsen T:oulJ nuke a coto hcrr ' The BUlor will not.le for the views of corr p?xa ulcn Vu. Ainci comnma nations from all Hons nut earnesUr Bo'k-itL Vr items cf any uatura wiU Iks tlaulfuLr received. . - A 'Business MeIody; Absolutely Pure. This powdcrevfer varies r Amartel of pnritf j ' stlrength aadi iHitl-sotieiie68. More economical than the ordinary kinds, end cannot be sold in competition- with the multitude of low test, nhort weight alum or photphate powders. iSoiJit OKI.T IS CASS. liOYAli BAKl" NO POWDEft ' Co. 606 WallSt'N.Y. RROFlONAiTABXlsi'v B. MASSEXBURG,! i " ' ATTORNET AT LAWV i tOUISBUUGi K. C- I i ; Office in the Court Uoose. A4V. ba3inc3s put in my haid 8 ml reocivo prompt attention. - ; ; There was a man iu our town. . ; . r - And he was wondrous wise, f K :? For when, he marked his prices down, : He then did advertise, v ? : . And when he saw his trade ; increase,' Ayitn all his might and mam, : ; v 'Ife marked 8tHI lower every price-- -c .. And advertised again.?; ?-;-Z:x? y a- , Xew:.York JournaL And hen,ne adTCTtised again ' ;. ( j His riralsi loudly swore, - K '.-'-l I To see folki ruslvwitU might and main To patronize his store.. - . - And while they. sat in solitude ". .: And saw his custom win, . . That man behind ;his counter stood . And raked the shekels in.. ' - Charleston News; And when he raked his shekels in, ; And saw his fortune risiug, :2 He took a goodly lot of tin And keptfon auvertisuig. - Each day a generous sum he'd sink,' - ' ? And demonstrate full plain. The more one pays for printers ink . ' .TThe greater is his gain.. i . 'ih-li i4': Boston Star, a . i . A FATAL LEAP. Tragic Eliding- of the LAfe , ? C. 1. JBrowm of Atlanta; of terday morning, . Brown appeared to be peneetly sober. He-lett the hotel about 11 o'clock, and that was tho last seen of him alive . by the hotel attaches. ; He proljably went direct irom the hotel - to the river. Ko motive is .known -for, his strange suicide. It is generally believed. however, that his mind had - become af fected from.hisprotracted spree' f -'?J An Open .Letter to thefeoplcof - n urm uuu iwiiiii varoima. ; h The Value of Time. 1 The Administratiou of .Law. v: Office SoutijerkIsteb-State . r .. .-; r r ; ijouobatiojt : ,1 wish to call your attention steb-Statet n Bureau, V to tlie - Putictuality ought to be regarded as a cardira! viriue. When we areTiayir g our celebrations of the centennial of our country's progress,-, and. tho inaugura tion oour Government undt Washing- M,COOKJS. iTT r and COUNSELLOR at lAW, LOUISBtJUG, FRANKLIN! COl,. C.' Vil 1 attend the "Co urts of .ISTa sh, Prunk in,. Granville, Warren- and Wiike Goun ges: Alsot the i upieme tourt oNbrtlt Oarolmajjand the U , . Circuit and I)iSTKiCTJourtv 0:Iice-2 deora tetow C.kftVDiag SiJ re,-adfoiuinc DV r..EIiis. Furmanx o; t VT TIM D ERLAKi ATTORNEY AT LAW ; 'i: LOUISBUHO, K. -c.. i he Court House Montgomery (Ala.) Dispatch June 25th. ' About 1:30 o'clock yesterday a well . dressed stranger ' was seen by some boys, who'happeried to be on the. rrver. bank ; fishing at the time, jump deliberately j into the river twice, the List time going . ; under the water and was drowned.' . Tlie boys were, on the opposite ide of the river,1, just below; the Union depot and could see the man. distinctly. . : ;iLook at that crank jumping into the river with his clothes on,M said one of ifcetyslo i&othrC:5y": tricv-- IooklHg hi the direction indicated they saw the strangernse oat of the water and walk oui on the bank. .-lie had his liat and coat off.-, lie had v hardly put his foot on drj land Avhen he turhedand Jumped again deliberately ihto Uie wa ter,- and this time went clear under. jumping tarther than before, and - into deeper water. He was seen to rise and hgo uown agam. -bceing, tnes man was 2V i1 - 9Tr K pAIJlf JQNES ; AttSTfejsM lItelE8llQT.lt . LUUlSl.UliGN. C 1 Will practice in the eourt9 of Franklin. Warren, Wake,., Vance ond Nasii, and in the Supreme court i the (State. . ,;y ' o Manager Forbes of tlie Singetr i3ew ing 'Machine company "in tliis city, .kne.w. the unfortunate ; man., Ue had occasion oncft to investigate the record of the deceased, . as he was negotiating with him to travel for the Singer Com pany.! "I 'never, met a more genial, pleasant traveling man than Brown," said Manager Forbes. . "He has a good recordtooj and I never heard f but one thing to his discredit. : He . lias one weakness, rne would occasionally get on sprees.. But he was an honorable, high-minded mStttj and of a good iamily. He certainly had no occasion, to com mit suicide, except that he had become disgusted with himself for being unable to control his appTtitoor?hiskeyT"He had a splendid position,, drew a good salary, and -had all his traveling expen ses paid by the company.. He couldn't have 3 been cmbarrased, therefore, ; in money matters, 'beamse h"could have ajnunanded'all he needed.: " C l "He was at one time manager of- the local office of the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine company in r Binmng- ' hJim, and was - well known hr that TELiaaBAM FBOM' ATIVKTA. v "Coroner Campbell tdegrapbel ,W. H. Sharp, Manager of the Wheeler & Wil son Sewing Machine company's local office at Atlanta, i notifymg- himv of Brownsdeath, and received a rcp'y latr ter in the day, stating that he had wired Mr: Brown's brother, Garrett : Brown, a well-known business man of Xew Or leans, asking what disposition he desired to make of tlie body; andrequesting tho coroner: to-await a reply; i - f : I EFFECTS OF. T1IB DECEASED. .' " Ablftckralpacca coafeT and- a gold . headed umbrella belonging to the- de ceased were fbiiud on the bank of - tho liver. . He had oa his person a silver watch and gold chain, and in his pocket was found $1.90.in change.,. Several; packages of letters were also- found on Ins personr fhr.f. tliaf thfl Krtnthnrn Ktgtoeii.u;ni I r J ' 7 . ,J l . tcUsfiret President, it would be wt?l mevztAjnjiv iv muuee uity ner ooraers ae- I sirable"mn witli jneans, whg will hny a iiartoiouridle lands and aid in estab lishing factories, open up our mines and, develop our resources; In. briaging in. capital tmd people we lessen our burden of taxation, and increase the comfortsof I. have been appointed to a position in thelSouthern Interstate Immigraiiou Bureau, and it will notbe oaly my iuty but a pleasure to aid in -the work, of de- UDguishing characterutic to be roiniC and lie expected us to betha eamo with him. : jEvea guests" when invited to dine with him, he allowed five minutes for difference in watches and at the end- of the time ho sat down lo the table with those who were present, and any, guest who took liia seat afterwards would feel so. uncomfortable that-he would not feel disposed again lo be tardy. Adherence to this simple ' rule, 'rigidly tepforced, a 1 ' 1 .a uuu u tustfuu wnosc i inuuence swaa velopiog anduphuildingin everyuth, felt thioughouttheVhole country. How erobKite., lheretorelam lendinsf .my L theWtr.fWKL aid in the move to have in the Ciiy of uali d tnibnc ? corporations - felr !U ,111 iiivited audee th and ! those i i ' .... . i t t . "alt tO drown the' bovs. vvhfiSe nes" I iv arfr about Iwclveor thi?te3h ehifrms t- r ThaTnlTrtwrn fa n"vAi "P i.--1 Cli"i re' f.llv entered their fa' anrr Kiarlitt nwr. i rnroner's iurv rendered alvmt 8 oVlotk I I have TO SCHOOL TEAC111311SJ.;X The Superintendent ct- Public Schools o f Frank) iu county will. be in Louisburg on the ftt condv;Thurs day of February, April. Joly, Sept, October and December, and remain- for three dayp, if necetsaryfor tbe lcfpose of examining applicants to teach in, the Public Schools : of this County.:' -'" - I;'' I will also : be .in TiOuisburg. oh Sa'.utday of each week, and all pub lie days, to atteud to any business con noc ted with my office; ' . jrN, iiAuKisv'Supt. ipiIOS. B: ' WJXDERv j;, : ATTORNEY AT LAW. ; LOUlSBUltU, Officfe:on.Maiu St one . door. ''ft low the Eakle Hotel. F. S. SPRUILL. Attorney At Latv; ; LOUISBIJRG ill c; i V. the river to assist andve him if Jpossi ble.. When filly yards 'off. theyt!ould see the hair . oft the man's- head. as he floated down the river. Allio" Reynold, one of the boys,- hastily undressed and threw himself into the water diving after toe man. lie- dived,, repeatedly,- but failed to find hmif 4Iev tlien scut Ins c6mpahionfWiuie Anderson back over the river, after a pair . f grabs, J which they-.had left on thatr side.v v The boy reiurneu rn ; a iew minutes witu;- tne "urabs, and taking their trot-lines and iiig it to the hooks, they were soon at . worK. rr y i "-- ;. ; K SEA BCIliNa FOB Tiftr BODYi They were not long in finding it,2 and bringiug.it ashore. .; When the body was found, the Lojts". claim, , the pulse was still beating, and they believe . they could have saved mm ,u they had known how toibegm about ife They C claim that in twenty minutes after they first saw the man go in the water, , they; had nun ashore. ;-f-Wffeh they got him to theljank they pi'illod his body upon dry land- with his head elevated leaving his teet slightly in the water.- His bodyrcmained . warm for several hours 1&lemards. ' -- They came to the city and notified theeOToner, Mr. W. C Campbell who summoned the following jury:. A. Hef roh,lIenry Moore," LV C. Freeny, 11. W. Offut: T;: W. Cargile'and Turner Ar'rington.. :h.-. '"!." t . : Tlie coroner's jury met, and after - ex amining several witnesses, adjourned to 6;olook p.- m.f yy'-y 'rlZcUv. -THE BODY IDENTIFIED. last eveningf after carefully examining all.thewitnesses:. ; " We, the jvtry, duly sworn andemmn nelled to hold an inquest, over the dead body of a"n unknown man fouad.deadt in the Alabama river;- after -hearing all the evidence find that hisr . name was C..' P: Brown, and that he came to his death.- at bis own hands by jumping into-' the Ala bama river with the intention of. sacri be ing his life. . ' - ' - ; . ; ; . ' " ' ; J A . I Iebbos, Foreman.-, ' II. JIoore, : - T. W Cakgile, ' - --: : ... VJ'-: Li C. Fueeny, ' " -. ' " v Tubheb Abbingtox, . " , , It. W. Offutt. At a late" hour yesterday evening Ctar oner Campbell received a; telegram from' Mr. Garrett Brown ' Of New Orleans brother of tbe deceased, that he would be here to-day to take cliarge cf the- bod'.; The body has been embalmed- awmtiug his arriVaC? ' J!:f''j ; ;';-r . Mr; Garrett Brown is a prominent and well-known .business-: t man of ,- New Or leans and is editor vfaiiinsai-ance journal published iu that .citjvr-v j' ? !?.v r :: ;.Too much praise cannot be bestowed on the littlo boys' A'die s Reynolds ... and Willie Audersoaf whomado sueh - n he rolcv Wot i to Wsave the ttnfortitnate mail's life, and their- promptnesa ia-fv rc covering uw ooay -- nen . iney- got it ashoref some . negro .toys who jWere ecanaiDg xnere ana; naa wiuiessea . me drowning, refused ta touch' the matt or in aB: way assist the little fellows;. But they managed, by heroic efforts to get bun out of the water.? " -.-'ft "-w. .. .i; i Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, Gra 6 ill le, . Warren,Nash, and Federal and Saptrctud CourUFrompJt attention given. to collections &c; All oergons having claims asralri the estata 6f rZTj;WbsTflU fig, send them toSa4 at-'oAfie;-nAw--y . E. W, TImberlake Alt'y- for ;..".: 'v:-S;1v:--iW,; T, Coixiks Adou -l " ' ' "',' '- ;V ''.'VJ.'U'.' : i: liir,: 5- v AYXJOCKE & DANIELSi;.. C. C.DKIELS ; ; ; Goldiiboro,N.Cv ' Milso N. C . . ATC03K & DAH1ELS DAH1ELS Attorneys At iliaT? ; ; - ..'.'.':r'wiLS02i;-;X.: C.f y& s; Any business entrusted to. uswill e prompt- attended to: V '-' " The deceasec was identified as .C 'f. iBrown, traveling maa of Atlanta. He had,letters .onjbi petson from Manager ; Wi H. Sharp of the Wheeler & Wifeoa Sewing Machine Company Of Atlanta, which showed him to be under tbe cm- ploy of that.Ck)mpany.eaaa'ell dressed and had every, appearance of a .mahTvho occupied a high social position 'lit Vfaj f TXi Kfira muni) full o I i t-dv "mustache. Ikht i hair ,and?eves. . and" was aoout-Bve teet eleven , inches Jugh.-: J He has been in this city-for. the past ken uajro uu uaa ueeu : uruiKing - very lieavily.i ;,He had a ; room , at the" Ex-; J cnangc. noreu : : no remamed m his room most of the Mime, "and; was poh'te to the servants and unoblrusiyei to the' :guestsVr'Mr;5Frecman,the-; manager; of the. Exchange called at his rbora: Friday last and protested, against his drinking; so much, and notified him that he must 8ober.up.v; He agreed to quit driakingt and paid his boara up to date. . He- old quit drinking-as Manager Freeman-ad vised. : - MOSTGOMEBY, ' AlA . JTTXE 25. Mr. Garrett; iirown, ot ew- Orleans, a brother or tne nntortuuate young, man. who committed smcide by. crown 1112. on last Monday, ;reached this - city ; last night, i : The deceased - was" : a native of Albamarle county, Virginia, .. and .- was a member. of a highly connected , family He was an unusually, bright youug bu siness man, and was held in high esteem i4ytheiW heeler & Wilson Company, in. -whose service he had been employed lor four, years. A letter from Mr. W. II. Sliarpe,- the manager, to. his brother, spoke of liim in excellent tcrras,'.his only iailhig being his love for Strong , drink, nnd in getting over his sprees lie would become UTational, and in such a mo ment, as this ; he committed the act which cost.hinvhis life.. - . '-'His mdther il Hving-ihTexaswipi a brother. arKTon account of the scattered condition of the family s his brother, who is here,; has decided to bury him in" this city. . Services will be held at the -un- dcrtaking.V esfablishment .of W.T C. Campbell at 10 o'clock this morning iy Raleigh in ;North Carohna a gre dustrial DispLay, .where .will be the people of the Nor th to come what the various sections of Nor fcouth Carolina: have' to offer to seeking investments. ; t . -This 13 going to be one of tho best opportunities for your people to adver tise your county: to - the homo-seeking, people who liave the means to1! invest; and I advise you to make no delay in collecting grain in tfio sheaf, and. every, varied of grass and send to-me Secre tary at Raleigh. There will be no cost oa the shipment. Send one half dozen of each variety of wheat, oats, rye, bar ley and other grain" in tlie- sheaf;; one gallon o? threshed grain; and one bundle of each variety, of clover and ' cultivated grass,5 and also a bnndlcabout the size of a wheat bundle of ail kinds of native or wild grasses, "f People from the North are mora attracted by. tlie 'grain and grass productions than .by any other one tiling; therefore I urge upon tlie people of. North and South Caaioliua to" take this matter in hand .while the grain . and . grasserops are so fine,- and -etr up the collections at once and forward without delSy so as tcrbt sure your county will be represented. ; 4. : : It is necessary to have for general distribution printed information concern ing your section. Such J information should embrace in brief, tho. advantages q-of chYnate, soil, manufacturing,: the.so- igious, and school privilegesr etc advised the editors hi each town to get up a special edition of their pam pers containing such information, and print from one thousand to ten; thous and extra copies for distribution ' at the Exposition. v- To do this will- bo quite an outlay to the editor but not as much as getting out a pamphlet, and it .'will be of much more benefit; for besides tha distribution of the ten-thousand! ex tra copies, tlie write up will go in the numbers of the regular edition . . I urge upon tlia business man 'and.: subscribei'. to lend their financial ad when the- edi-. tor sliall ask assistance, in getting-, out the special edi tion. Do not be coateat : edwith helping Only one papcrr if : there is more than one in your place; ; k " A special edition of every paper printal in your county should be' fesucd..'. They can be distributed to great ad vantage.' " Although"!. baye ho persofialr Interest, m but one or two towns in the South,, yet X 'am willing to show niy ' interest in the material weirare 01 ino twa-iaies by pledging to make a contribution - of One hundred doUars to.ie equauy aiviaeu between the newspapers that issuespec ial editions for this occasion: ' Certsvinly each business man in the several' towns ahdall tliose who afc-direftly" interested in their respective sections- will aid to the best of their, ability. ; I call upon all newspaper menr to make the'eanvass fit oace and I besjeaa ror them tne hui CCropcratioii and assistance of their Tt- rons and the people they will so' greatly bencbt. - - . - v . : y-'M' Very truly, : 3 V ' J. T. PATRICK, Chief Dep't, Improvement Asso ciations lor southern states.. throughout tho-coUntry, and especially in the.South to-day. " At the North business -men do pay etiict : attention to their engagements, but in our State how many good men neglect to observe their engagements, forgetting tho words totthe Fs alms ter that the just man Is "one who Bweareth lo his neighbor and disappomtcth him not even though to his own hindrance.'' But - when rail roads and parties who have special priv- fleges as carrier of .passengwa like rail road companies or public officials, who are paid to serve their. State or country, tail to be promptly on hand as their schedule requires, or at tlie hour an- plated for, business how much incon ycnicace felt. Let air "regard their daty-'and ho exception be allowed, and it would be well to have the law; that when'a railroad train is five minutes behind it is an indictiblo offered- Clay ton News..;'. ;." vv . - .; " ?. . - - EPOCH. The transition from long, lingering and iminful sickness to-rolFiut bealtli mark's ah.epouh iu the lifb of tho indi vidual. Such .a reraarkabla eveut is treasured in tbe memory " and the agency whereby the good health has been attained is gratefully blessed. Hence 1: is that so much is beard in ' t . - . , praise ox jiecuic liners. , bo many feel Ibey owe their restoration to health-to Electric Bitters. If you aie lircr or stomach, of l.nn - or short standing you will surely Hud relief by and ?L pr botiie at. Vf, II. 1 urman Ji'8 Drug Store. ' m . . i salesman 01 uie omen time orco frail: "Jt is better to have bad laws well administered, than to have good laws badly adininwtered. The massti of mankind never look uito Uw books. and only judge of .law by tiielr adiiiinlj- Iraiioa. . If a law' e TTrs-cssiv( or" In hi nous, jts prompt and eSoient admiais- tratioa will lead to ita . abolition or. amendmenfe . - " 1 - -"' One of the most ; conspicuous fads which the paople of thia country see- in our judicial syetsm is not4 justice,-but injustice of delays ' 1 The law of civil procedure seems to be administered on the maxim it is better! for niaety-nine per- cent to escape -pay ing a penalty which they owe than that. one person ehonld pay a demand" that he does hot owe 'Uenoo it has built up " a system ot aerensca and chocks which il lustrate the strategy of , obstructioa in its perfeUOTi- The result is that unless the plaintiff ii well Eupplied with fthe sinews of war, and is-willing to Jgo on for the good of hia attoniej he ia driven to abandon Lis clabu altogether or ac cept any settlement that is offered by the adversary;. . v .. ." ,J The case of; tho . defendant against whom aa unrighteous demand is assert ed is no better, no is prepared at any moment to show that he is a just man. ready and able to meet his obligations, but tho opportunity is denied Jiira, ; and ho"sufFer ia person and property be cause of tlie laws delay. .'; -' We need not refer to the delay in crim inal procedure further than to .remark Cut every man accused has a ; right- to a speedy trial by Ida peers, and that un necessary delay imposes hardships upon the inn6ceal,arid entails heavy expenses upon the people." " But perhaps the greatest evil in the lawVdclay Is in the fact that it brings the law-into contempt and justifies in the opinion of many, a reset t lo pc-rso- 'nal violence, and 'an appeal to the mob for that justice which the court, deny. In every aspect of the. matter it ap pears best that laws bo administered with Impartiality, firmness and dispatch. EX.' - ' . -' ' Me.' E. Slattkp.y. ofDelhl " Ti say hhson, 14 years of age, had a ureauiui titno with ulpern. nrr and hlotchea which followed chlck- ei pox. Alter usfmj mny rcrae- dim without benefit, lie cave him tJwia.- Specific, which cured hiin sound and well. V , .We havo sold 8. 6. Rlnce thV x flrt day we comueucvl Ibo Uru bnslne, and - havo heard Rome- " woaderful rnon 'i.f it , effects. " .nanyuseit with Ixist result t cleanse mnlatia front tb3 system ml for Mood rison, flcrofula and r sudi dlssHosit is without rlvaU ' Colde itwooD A Ocv. . llooroe; Ia. Ma, W. A. Tmnsls a printer In the oglCQ. or the J?kson, MVs ' Clarioa-Ledzer.. He say - - that three year ao he wm a victim or Kid hjood, which deprived him of health and threatened serfous cmi- -Rcquences; He further says that he . took 3. S. S. and It cured him. -Of I have been fulcl. to palnftrt boils and carbucciPd over my body during the spring .sett3on, Hiid after " much suffering and much useless' doctoring I found - a remedy in -fcJwitVa Specific. It .Is the mon arch of Mood medicines. - ' "," .-. . ... J2. -J,; Kix.ix3,T.;-'.- v. i . Augusta, Ark. . - Fond mother: - You most re raember,.E;ceHne, that fino . feath er? dmTt make a fine bird. " Kmc line: True mamma, " but they d niako awtully pretty liat.". Iuiportaucc of Special Trainlus'. f Elizabeth CUy Carolinuvn. inline mecnamcai arts and indeed in every department of busy piactical life the kind of training furnished by the technical schools is of the , highest un importance both to the industrial work er and to tho State at large; not oaly to the individual by enabling him L to com mand better prices for hi3 v.-ork but es pcciauyme biate wnose arusans are skilled workmen and whose productions secure orders from other markets and turn tlie 'balance of trade In its favor. The Caroluiian holds that the necessi ty for this special training was never "so great in the South as it is to-day. But Great mistakes are often made in try ing to ocouomisc. It is a safe, rule to follow that tlie best is always the cheap est.'' A cheap physician may cost you your life. , If you have malaria ia your system,, you will not oaly be miserable, but unfit to work; Lost time is money lost. Onedoljar Jpcnt for Shallcnber- ger's Antidote -will cure you ia twenty- four hours. Soil bv druggists. T ' Why will- ju- coasb when SliiloV . care will k!t inTeediate reltrf. Pri 1 , tts., 50 etil, nd $1. Sokl by Fnrmn ' , Are you inadft roiier&hleby iiidisrcstina, ' i . constipntion,dixziners, of appetite,. . ' jeUowakin? SiloI' Tilalirer pol live care. 80M by Pcrcian. Sl)ikh'3 Caturrh Eemedr a poaltire cure for cuUrrh. Kpth?ria and CAnktr- raunth. Sold by Fat man. . . ... , " Thai hseki ig coagh can be ao quick j" ' -. mrtM by Shiloh'a enrc. We snarantt-o it. - For sale at Fnrnvau'i dmjr store. - - Shlloh'a eoDsuraptloc cure is sold by nt on a guarantee. It enrca consumptioa ' , For de at rurraana drug store. " . Sldloh'a Vitilixer ia what 70a - ceed. t. . c:istinatou, low of -Kppeutc linsineaa. and aymptntna of dyspepsia. Trioe 10, and 75 t c:it por bottle. For sale at Fu- Di:n i drug atorc, . - ' , , Cronp, loopin cocgb and Bronchitis immediMtc rcHeTrd br Sluloii'a care.-For sale at Furmaa's dros store. . V Catarrh cured,-he.allh ard sweet breath . Jseclired, bj Shiloh'a Catarrb Henicd;. .'' frlce DO ccnt. asal lajoctor free For aaie at Funnan's dreg afore. . Kleepl? nigUts, - made raiserable by .-' that terrible coujrh. Shiloh's care is the remedy for it. For sale at Farman's drag ,stor' ' ' ' ' ' " Mr. Kenwood I hear yon ar ' engaeed to'Mr. Tallboy? Mlas: " S uth Park Who told yi.n? Jslt. Kenwood I have forgotten, but I ' understand the infortnatlun came from Jack himself. Miss' South Park I wsh he'd tell me. . - " A Sensational Suit.5' 1 Mr. Kirby II. Smitii, of . Go!dsboro, is riow the central figure la a novel suit for damages. On Wednesday night " of tlie centennial ' coaimenccmeit at Chapel Hill some one painted the Cald well monument red.' Mr.. Smith was arrested- tho following evening., ne was taken before a magistrate the next morning and. after an "examination which lasted an hour, was disclmrgcd on motion of Hou. John Manning, the at- a few years agouthe South "cdntribu tod toraey for " tho .trustees. Thero does tiiousnnds annnaTlv tr tho roftVr rf rh : not appear to have been any CTklence North irrbringitig bAck as manufactur ed ood3T-tu3 very-cotton our Balds have grown, and in the, form 'of , maclnnery return material, etc." But now trade is. changing,, The fostering efforts of ; free institutions which places the humblest workman o-an equal plain , with the pHuionauc, iue entnu&iaiiijc energy 01 ll'- StW tra 1m-. atnMa nnil 4tA V.a, ter educated working classes are bring ing about a mighty changs which . is heard in the increasing nura 01 ( busy I spindles and clank of iron arms saluting the , rising sun through S the "Sunny South."-; - ' - " ' : . . ' " NINE ; MILLION ;J : WITCOIES - . BTJRNED! BTJCKLEN'S AltICA SALVB the ; When he tme down to breakfast yes-' llcv.-Dr. H.'StrinMellow.i ; SDrens:er computes that ' during Christian era no fewer than nine million witches were burned. ; In .England,5 tSe last execution for witchcraft took place In 1716, butin Illinois, as Jate as 170 to 1790; several unlortunates were -put on the boasted . enlightenment of the age, but we must not be over ; ceas'ori- ous. while we ; daily, see inencis. com down to death, iniorance or- iirejudice preventing the use of remedies whicJi rrrtfrht save them.. Many a .cold 'runs 1 into consumption, while indigestion ard impure blood debilitates the system, in viting lata! attacks, when the use ol Dr. Pierce's Golden Matical Discovery would hayo insured health and hapii- JICSS.. . - ; " . . Tliobest salve in the world for cut. bruises, sores, ulcers, . salt, rheum, fever sores, tetter chapped .baud-, ehilhlains, corns and all skin eruptions and positively tore pu-, or no pay rcqnireu.- 11 is guaranteed 10 i:ive perfectsat'sfaclioiuor monjy refunded.- Price 25 cents per box.; '". For ale by j; B. Cliiton. i -v , A eignrgunmer Keep off the against him. ; He 21 now institute suit for very heavy damages ($20,000, It is said) against Dr. Kemp P. Battlo as agent for the board of trustees, at whose Instance the arrest: was made..' Mr.' "Smith has able counsel, . Hon. W. T. i Dortch and Messrs..!. F.. and W. T. Dortch-Jr. " The latter have been here and at Clwpel Hill procuring' testimony in the matter. Mr. Smith was ' hero to-day. ,He has been at Durhani ,This case will attract a great danl of atten tion. There are all ' sorts of rumors aboat it. One is that Mr. Smith, has a good case, as he has absolute proof, as to bis whereabouts all the mg9t of tho occurrence. The suit wllltc based upon alleged false arrest. Baleigh Correspon dent of Wilmington Messenger.'. ' : 'TDs Iaralil's-Hcpe-. -ilany emiojfly ini-atabftf rases of" blood joison, CaUrrh,.strKfuLi. and. rlw-umaiisn have been cored br B. U. B. (Bftanio Blood Balm,) made by ,the Bio d Balm Atlanta, GaJ" Write to them for - book fidfd with . C)nvinrHir pro-f. G. W. B. Raider, 1 iving feven miles from Athene, Ga writes Forever al years I suffered wUhianningukers.. ' ttli:cii doctor tre ited nud pronounced incunble.." A fcijlo bottle of D. B. did nc mote gool than all tbe doc tors. . I kept ou using ft and every uV cerhented;- . . ' ; - . ' . D. C. Kiuard & Son, TowaUga, Oa- writes: l,We inJuced a neighbor to try B. a, b. for catarrh whidt'he tlwjght incurable, as it had reaiated all trcxitmcnt . It deligh'ed him, and conlinuinfr It3 uso ho was cured sound: anitwel!.' R. M.-Iawson, East Point, Ga-, writer: 'M.y wife had scrofula ' It years. She "kept growing worse.-She -lost her haT and fier km broke out fearftulj. Debility, emacialioo and no apjctlte followed " Afier phyU c;an and cumenms alycriised medi cine failed, I trieJ B. B. iu and hor rccoveo was rapid and complete-'.' Oliver Scor, Ifilttmor, Md., vmtes: ,,Iufl"ercl frm wak fwek, and rbeu'natiijiu b. ri. b. ,ha proreu. (o botl:conly medicine that gave me . ' A Wwlt-ni heirertjif named Mlsa 'Fish. She Is eonsidcrcxl . a MgootL. catch" - . V k t 'WUl'vou suuer wib dyspepsia and liv er complaint?-: bikas's Vitilizer is guaranteed to care yoa. F r tain at Fur uian'a drajf score.-- , Tite Uev. Ge;. II. Th?er, of Bmrbon, Ind.. svs: '"Uoih nivself ntid wtteowe eur liveK to Sniloli'd Uousuoiptiuii o ix. Jfcor aale by Fiuuiatu. . ,1 . TnEIR BU3INE3S BOOMING. Probably no one thing hns caused nuch a general revival of trade at W. II.-Tunnan Jr's Drug Sloie as their giving awny to iheir tustumer. so many free trial. bottles of Dr. K n's New Dicoery. fur. cunDtnpiiin Their trade Is ' simply eiiorriicu in' this very valuable article from ih fact that it cures aud never disapuoiul. Coughs, ." coMr- asthma, bi otu hit's, croiqi, and all throat and la lg dlsrh es quickiy cured. Ycu mu.i si it Le fore bujiug by setting a trial bcttle fl e. lrt;o z 1. Eve rj bctllu warranted- After in rwn exc!aire eij. eaa dw tm Obtaictd of U rnirsicU snd Dcelrrs in XUllawe Bad lypf. In mU'cCj TcretibV prrpsrsUoa aad Wta CUUSKAiaj., sad ail SiuxuL UooWes. T.. a. II tflw. tt "H,tun. Kf Mta:- causl to Krr as a lirrr Kg)tor. Dr. Vf. A. Hi'cw.ot Mi Loo. rit-, it 1 - bot'lo vt ItctsiM S wnnta tom utaa -tC3.orti ot Qu:luo 1m evy fsaany " Ac;p m t!v Ucr tit acjft irni wnj from 'ny othrr mlirfo; H to a pestrn-a cor for- . ltsori eJioiporuUa ta rh..thta miiic to eur mj'f csm cf CtUis aad yrrer ' ct Jh'loca l iTpr-wiil botite. ' It cot but 75 cts aal escb bodle eoo taJTS wrr it in ktrjr-th tori ten that two rn-a a dose Woo id yon sfc Ijr eketpr mc3lirv ? ii in n- a eure-o'l. T3 will ce-e sdt I.lvtr, JRtllona r J. al rUl plaint. litjnicarti - Tlio . mTtsrlj T no C3o- I- - 4