I THE' FRANKLIN TIMES 7 r THE FRANKLIN TIMES. M8 Published Eveby -Friday, ; by JAMES A. THOMAS, - Editor and Proprietor. TiiKTmKn Is the euly published in Franklin county, and its clrvuktloti excods all over eTrry t ts tion of this and adjoining counties, ad yCrtLjcn should make a note hero. Kates. Oke Year, gix Months $1.50. !l.O0. J.A. THOU AS, Editor and Proprietor. WITH MALICE TOWARD NONE ; WITH CHARITY-FOB, ALL The Editor will not be responsible -for the views of correspondents. . Brief communications from all sec tions roost earnestlj soScitod. - Neva - iitfTn rtt IDT natiim mrVA -1 Vnl fn!l w RICE $1.50 PER ANNUll In Advance To Clubs of 5 The Times" will be famished aUl.40. . : - " VOL. XVIII LOUISBURG,; If . O. JULY 1889. xrr r- I . ... . , 1U iS.-J I rocorveu. F: 11 ;. . ? i mam Be Cheerful:- Laugh, Jtnd the world laughs with you; y: Ween, and von ween alone. ' This grand old earth must borrow its mirth . h V-: It has trouble enough of its own. Sing, and the hills will answer; i, v -'i Sim, it's lost on tne air. . . - The echoes bound to a joyful sound, 55 liut snruiK irom a voicing care. - Be glad, and your friends are many; Be sad, and . vou lose than all. There are none to deelme your nectared But alone you niustTMnk life's j gait. There is room ; in v the hall's of pleas- urc to iliul Absolutely Pure. This nowderever varies. "A marvel of nuritv, strength and . wholesonrenebs. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold iu' competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only IX CAS. liOYAL BAKI KG POWDER Co. 60G ValiSt.:N.:Y. ; PROFESSIONAL CARDS; For a. long and lordly train; : J : But one by one we must all Ole on Through the narrow ides of pain. Feast, and your halls are crowded; ' C. 1 ast, and the work! goes by, . . - Succeed and giveit wiM help you live, (.; xut uiue.ctui ueip you uie. . 4 ; ; Refoice; and nien will seek you; .Grievej and they turn and go. - '. xney warn mil measure s tor v all your , pleasure,: , . -;.:V . , .. But they do not want your woe. . : . ."-'.':.' : - . ; Howe. . SOLD IE US MEETING-. 3b. m assenbueg; : 1 1 ATTORNEY AT LA W- f LOUISBUKG.N. C. ' Oific in the fJourt House.r ' business put in my hawJa wn rtcoivo prompt iittontion. , ; l ' M.CWK15. L'T' Y and COUNSELLOR at LAW. tOUISBUUG, FitA-NKLTS coi,i?: cs. U attend the Conrta of. Nash, Frank iiti; Grnn ville, Warren,' arid W.ike Gouuries also' the Mipienie c(fiirt of Nor tli Carolina," una tue.Uf . Circuit and District? Oourts.' St. J. E' MALOXJfi. . 0 nee . doors . below Furman & k'a Dirttg Store; .adioinins Br. O. "Eft ( W TIM BE RL AKK, ATTORNEY AT LAW; , LOUISBUUQ, H. ; J OBctt i he Court House; AUL JOXCS Attorney inft Colsellor at Latf.- f r LOUlJiliXJUO N. ai r , . Will practice tn the courts of Franklin. Warren , Wake,, yanco nd Nash, and in the Supreme court f the States : " i ' Xr TO SCHOOL TEACHEKS. The " Swperintendent ; ct Public Schools of Fraukl in county will be in Loutsburg on the second! Thurs day of February, April. Juty ' Sept; Dctober. and December, arid remain : for three days, if necessary, for the purpose of examining applicants to teach in the Public Schools of this Codntjv .' ' - v , .1 will also1 be in - Louisburg on SMirday of each week, aud all pub lie days, to attend to any business eonuocted witli my omce ' ' J. N.tlAKiais, Supt. T II0S. B. WJLDER ATTOEHEY AT LAW- , i LOUiSBUKa,N. v. . -: OlBce on Main St.; o::e door ,: low the Eagle Hotel; j- F. S. BPRUILL. ' :t ' : Attorney Ai Latv, LOUISBURG, N. C vvill attend the courta vof 1 Franklin, V aoce' Granville, Warreu, Nash, and .Fvleral 'iiul Supreme ConrU; Prompt attenti n givn to collections, ace.- Kr y. gulley; . i. ' Attorney-Ataw, ' - , FRANKLtNTON, .C AH legal tended to.' business promptly at r ;? ;i - A OOCKE t DANIELS, ! Goldsboro.JS.C. V C. C. NIELS - Mriiao N. C YCOCK & DABiELS'&.';DANIEL8 y Attorneys At. Law; j;- VV;- -WILSON N. c ' V- Any business entrusted to us'wiH Pf omptly attended to.- i, ; ... . - - The Franklin County "Veterans. AsstH ciation met in the " Court House in Louisburg,- July 4th. P. G. Alston Jr., was caued to the chair. The meeting was .opened wim ferveut r and appro priate prayer by": Rev'. B Cade.-'Tne Chmn. then explained the object of the meeting. Messrs. C. D. MalOn e and J." A Thomas i were requested to i act Secretaries; The roll was called and a large number of Uie members - were found to be present. .; Veterans present who had not ' been " enroUecL , were re quested to hand in their names for eu- rou men t,. ana several new names were cnroPed. , ;r' .. v :'-' it The plan of organization as suggested oy j.73w uarr,:; state iTcsideut, ,.was adopted except as tol'.termiuo'pgy, tbe; XTankun County Association retaining its olfieers under Uie names as former- ly adopted, - viz: Commander, .Vice- Commander, Secretary, instead of President, Vice-PresTilent, &r. 1 ml - 1 .J t m M : xne election oi omcers lor tne ensu ing term was then gone into and result r cd as follows : Commanc1er4n-chief. Ci J. MalOne; Vice!ommander P. G. Alston Jr.Sccretaryr, A. S. - Strother. xne committee on moauments - ap pointed at last meeung, then, at the re quest of the presiding officer, made their report as follows: ; i ' ' . V - To tiieFbaxklin County Vet- ebans Association: '.. We, the committee appointed to take under consideration the" erection of. a monument in commemoration of the sol diers of the county .who lost their lives in the war -respectfully report that af ter due consideration and much deliber auon wnn : many ot.. tne citizens, we come to the conclusion that because of the hard times and crencral scarsitv 'of money, it wonld be best to postpone the ttcr until our nexf meeting; this be ing tile next raeetinj; we very respects fully submit this report. Hi C. Kearney P. G.AxstoNJb., J. J. Davis. July, . 4th, 1885. . - . " , 0n motion the vchair appointed - a committee of five, to designate five vet erans wlio should constitute the "execu tive committee, and two ladies from each township .who should constitute the soliciting committee for the county in accordance with the adopted . plan of Organization. . - - During the absence of this committee gentlemen were called upon to make speeches.. Mr. F. S. Spfuill "being re peatedly called, tlsaid that he was sorry that he conld not say to them," brotlicr comrades,' it being that he was unfortu nately too young to have been a - Con federate soldier but he stood there as proxy for four uncles anda" father who had sealed their devotion to their coun try by their blood. .'That the purpose of this meeting was one that lay very near his heart, and that fie felt his inability to convey the sentiments of love and rev erence with which he regarded the heroes in gray .who fought for the cause that was lost at Appamattox. He said that too high" a meed of praise could - not be paid to tnose wuo died on the hills and in the valleys of Virginia, but we owed a duty far more urgent to thecrippled and indi gent survivors of that disaster oust war. He then urged the members of the As sociation to unite in erecting a homo lor the veterans, and pledged the extent ot his ability in aid of the proiect. '. Rev. B. Cade was then called for and made a strong defence of the Southern cause, saying that - it was a mistaken idea - to call . it a lost cause, that it lived now '- and entered Into the political philosophy of every politi cal campaign. 'Mr. Cade's speech . was appropriate and effective. , . '. : -r Prof. S. D. Bagley, in response to re pealed calls, said that he was '"heart and soul identified with every movement towards bettering the. condition of the living yeterans.K. He then noade i strong. plea in support of the Soldier's : Home Drl j. E. Malone, in response to calls, said that he abkeu for ; a commis sion. He desired to be a committee of one to solicit aid and contributions for the purpose of erecting a monument on the Court House square to the memory of the Franklin county dead ' who "were slain in the war. He assured the associa tion of his sympathy and aid. : -The committee to natno - the execu tive committee made the ; following re port ? ;r):.: ;; :":? '', For the Executive CommitteeF J. J. Vfls6nrlL C. Kearney, J. rA. Ba ker, Robt Perry. John Burt Ladles burg Townsh' Mrs. G. G Gill. - Harris Mrs. B. F Wilder and Miss Marina Mann. - - DunnsMrs. John Grififo and Miss Claudice Jbyner." : i-'-. V " Gold MineMrs. P. Yfi Gupton and Mrs. -John Green ''J::"r?J.:-s o-j - Freemans Miss Ella Stone and Mrs. Richard Conyers. - ' . " . ' ;. . Cypress Creek Miss Carrie i Sykes and Miss Mary Jane Ross. . Sandy Creek Mrs. Mary Cooke and Mrs. J. F. Jones. ; r' V-'' Ha-esville Miss Cora Jarriian and Mrs. JE. T. Askew. - Franklinton MrsC B ; W.t Ballard and Mrs. Geo. Winston. . " ; Cedar Rock-rMrs G. W. Webb and Mrs. W. B. Coppedge. r: pn motion by Rev.' B. Cads it was . agreed that the Association have a pa rade in Louisburg on Aug. loth, 1889 and annually thereafter on such date as may be fixed upon. . - - - ' lion. J. J Davis was elected Orator of the day, and on motion a . committee of five, consisting of Dr.' J. E. Malone,' FV S. Spruill, Rev. B. Qide, C. M. Cooke and G. G. Gill was appointed to Invite other speakers, arrange , toasts and responses, provide dinner " and take charge of the day's exercises. -.V; A vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. J. "A; Thomas for his ; past courtesies . and lie was requested to-publish the pro ceedings of this meeting. ' ' ! 4 - On motion it was ordered , that the Executive Connrittee make out . a full aiid accurate list of all the soldiers living and dead who went from Franklin coun- ty-v- ' -'v:;1' ; . . The Commander-in-chief then gave the J military ; -orders "Attention Arnls Aporll'' "Break ranks, march?", and the Association adjourned sine DIE. ';:.t''::OUT- ' ' '. ; " - . C. D. Malone, Sec'y. ' J. A TnoiiAS Asst Sec'y. country, and who, . having self-reliance and enterprise, believed the . new; world to hold out better prospects than the old. No doubt they were right; and no doubt their children came honestly . by the feeling that one ought not - to plod along sleepily in a poor country Svhen a richer renon beyond holds out iUurinS arms to him," The feeling" is good enough in its way, but lhapei-soa. bless- ed or cursed with" it shoukl be:vspk& ' can do Letter in some other place than that iu which Providence has cast hi3 lot before he renders the substance he ha3 for theHttractive ehadow. ' This feeling of untest and dissatisfac tion im pells many North Carolinians to listen too readily to the proposals for political as well as personal changer They seem to think - that any change must bring ' improvement that any overturning must bring reform and that reform is always good. - I ; The wise thing is to sit down quietly and exariune a proposal betore - accept ing it. - It is as unwise to reject ; every thing as to accept , every tnmg as- un wise to retus&au cnange as to be con tinually on the move. The really en terprising man seeks to prove all things -- -'..-- ,1 goodi : ,v e ueiieve tnat toe aver age man Qsuip Jiirs J! . s. : opruui ana who wiiiiuS to work for a living can do a3 well in North Carolina as in any other country in the world. Our disad vantages are few, while our advantages are great and varied. Our climate is ,mild and cqnalbe all: the year round and our sou will produce nearly every- unng in tne vegetable mngdom. - . i SSucK. to tne Old Jortu State, young man, unuLyou are absolutely certain tliat better opportunities are offered you in a strange state, and 'we tnins you will five and die a citizen of this.' grand old t Coraonwcalth. Rocky - Mouut riaindealcr. - .; - . AN ABSURD TLEA. STATE lKESS. Attention Old Soldiers I - Scotland Neck Democrat. . . The spirit of progress has swept over many sections of the South, indeed al most every section of the entire coun try. . , Wliat we mean by. "progress" is a new life of industry, enterprise and energy. Machinery . hums' and spin dles bnzz atkl activity . quickens : in a thousand plaees to-day. where but a de cade agovras just waking from a Rip Van Winkles sleep. ., ' ' Butniany place and communities jjlave not yet caught the spirit. And if, indeed, some one does en deavor to stir up the people to put on new life and try the experiment of man- acturing, some croaker begins the song of poverty and dins it into the ears of his neighbor until it becomes a kind of chorous in which all join when the leader 'gives the nod. . Now, such nonsense as this . is sim ply ridiculous Let the history of the majority of the great men of this nation and of the world shame such a plea into voiceless silence forever." The greatest men and the best men that have lived on the American continent ' and . . that have had the most honored records and that have lell the brightest and - most untarnished names in the great biogra phy of American nianhood, have been the men who grew from obscurity into ' Hts name ia R. J. JMcKinnty, his residence is -Woodbury, .Hill county, Te.sas; his statement May, 1839s My little son was cured . by S. 8. S of bad sotesaud ulcers, the result of general breaking down of hi3 health from fever. H was ctmsidered incurable but two bot tles of Swift's Speddc brought him around all right. !V Mr. John Kino, of JiCkon,' Miss.' says he was cared of rheutnatlHrn in his feet and Jegs by taking Swisl's Specific. This was alter he had tried many oilier remedies, both internal and external, and paid many doctor's bills. j Swift's Specific has saved rce many yer3 of "untold misery by$ relieving a partial paralysis in my lefl leg. This was after I had beeu treated by thp best physicians Jn St. Louis and Chicago. The t roub le was caused by ; some derange ment or my blood which was cor rected by S. S. S. ' ' : v -V T. A. THEPPABT," . . Sherman Tex. B. O. OittET, of Purdy, Mo., says that Swift's Specific cured him of Eczina on his limbs and uody.'no .took only two Small bottles. V. ' . Our Satisfaction. AN UNHAPPY HOME. "I wi3h my wife would get well or something," said a husband- who had been eorely triad, with an invalid wife. It seems a heartless speech but who can tell the discomforts of a home where the wife is always slofc l Poor fopd, y crying children ! ' . No wonder the man grows desperate. But if he would get Dr; Pierce's Favorite Prescription for the wife, he would find that : the sunshine would return to his Jibme. "Favorite Prescription" is a positive cure for the most obstinate and .complicated ases of leucorrhoea, excessive flowing, pain ful menstruration, prolapsus, falling of the womb, weak back, "f emale weak nesses," ; anteversion, retroversion, bearing down sensations, chronic , con gestion, mflamma tion and ulceration of the womb, inflammation, pain and ; ten derness in Ovaries, accompanied with i 'internal heai." , be Editors seem to be in demand as .c6U lege commencement orators. . What our State bretheren need just. rioW is less applause and more , casli it least that is the condition whL-h confronts us j way. up tlus way. Radsville Reiew. . j V e don't Know tnat - we nave ever been burdened with '.either, z We do know that we have been honored with some little of the opposite applause. The satisfaction of feeling that we've endeavored to do our duty without far or favor aud the belief that weve con ducted a newspaper that has done good in the section, in which it circulate?, is, in our opinion, worth a good deal more than the sugared . words , of hisinccro hearts: -Wilson Advance. ' r ' ; fame and position and power and gccaA ness. - - S' - . ' The burning ' desire got hold upon them the consttming desire and heav en sent ambition to rise and to stand &x the high plane of well developed man hdod; and to that ambition they made subservient every impulse and power of their capacity, and after years of toil and persistence they stood upon the hisrh eminence that commanded influ- ence and that brought good to their" fellows. " - ' . We admire such men.. We., honor . puch'meh- We esteem such mea We delight to think of such men. We often long to be such men; ' and it - Is right that we should think of ; them in this way. Indeed, their heroism ever 'hftlfnwfs onr idmiration. ' - ' How many active noble, powerful young men in uus couuiry to-uay nave made their own education by dint of their own individual energy and . perse verance, without the assistance or en couragement of a father even ! Many an orphan boy such "a few yearg ago i stands to-day in the front rania of his fellows. ; - . . -f . - V Do we say they had no discourag ings ? ' Nay. They had them not only negative but positive' They had lifted themselves singly and alone from - the environments of poverty and olscurity. .v And now shall any town or commu nity in this sunny Southern land whim per and grumble at the disadvantages and say they have no money ? - If one single poor boy could make such a- man as Henry Clay or Abraham Lincoln by himself alone, what excuse is there for a whole community to set up the pessi mistic plea of inability to start a email manujacturing enterprise of a few pul leys and belts and wheels that require but a few thousand dollars to set . them going? . ' It is nonsense. Let's be men collec tively as well as individually. Wuere there a a will there's a . The Advance believes the Farmers' Aliance will be the means of accom plishing great and lasting good in North Carolina, ' It believes that by means of the spirit of brotherhood that the-Alliance has aud is building up, that the farmer of the State will materially im prove their, condition. -- One of;. the broadest fields for their Labor, It strikes us, is in their opportunity to establish good neighborhood schools all over the country. - The fundamental principle of the organization Is education is knowledge. The Alliance believes that the development of the farmers depends to a largo degree upon the attention that is paid to the education of tho children of the State. Wilson Advance. . There is a vast area of this State that is now covered by a pine forest Tho naval store man and the lumber men are coutinunlly making inrotul on thU forest and the pine- tree is going at a fearful rate and the places that know it now will soon know it do more forever. It is being wasted and destroyed by fire and nothing Is left but the bleached and barren soil, which has a v porous sub soil and therefore cannot with profit be turned to agriculture. 1 An intelligent agriculturist assured lis that this Land will produce and ripen.nusen grapes and ; that ne feels certain that this industry would be remunerative. Sanfbrd Ex press. - - - ,, Y ; ' J' Where "local option" prevails the liquor traffic is secretly carried on and does really more harm than if openly sold, and deprives the town of. the reve nue. . Make the license high, and let those who dance pay the piper. If the licenses ase placed high, enough it will reduce the number of saloons to the minimum" and do. away with the low groggeries which ' do so' much harm. Everywhere tliat high license has been tried the results have been more satis factory than prohibition,' because -high license can be enforced and prohibi&on cannot at least it is not on record that tt has been done. Rockingham Rocket. rv. BTJCKXEN'S ARNICA SALVE Tho best salve intl world Tor cuts, bruh-es, sorcfe. Ulcers, salt rheum, fever , sores, tetter, -chapped tiaod, ehilhlains, corns nnd all -skin eruptious and positively cure -pH", or on. pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money je&uxd cd. Price 25 ceuls per box., . For sale by J. B. Clifton. 'Say won't Buyer, (conndentlally) boy, are you sure this horse scare at a locomotlye?" .' Stable boy Scare? Not much! Why, sir, three different men have been killed ' b3cause that theie horse balked In tho middle of tho track jest to enjoy seeln' the bull jine comin' - ' -A signofsuuimer Keep off the graas. ; . 1. - ! ; Will voa mfier wuhdrspcpsU nd liv er complaint? ' KfciloasV Vitllixer it guaranteed to care you. Fr sal t Fur man's drug utore. i5 .-. t Th Bev. Qcoi U. Thayer, of Boarbon, InL. says: "Lktb mysr.lf nod wife owe oar lives to ShiloU's Couiuuiptioa car.. For sale by Funina. : : : . : EPOCH.- Hold Fast to Tbbt lootl. Ylilcb is The weakest point in the character of the average North Carolinian is the spirit of unrest which characterizes liimj: a discontent with his surrounding and a longing for new and untried fields as soon as he grows to . early, manhood,' without any real cause for the change; . Probably this spirit is inherited. Our fathjrs were those who were dissatis fiel with their surroutt lings iu the old v- Why will you cough when Shiloh's care will give immediate relict. Price 10 tts 50 eta., and ?1. Sold by Fnrfuan. . : Are yoa made miserable by iiidigestion, constipation, dixzineos, loss of appetite. yeilow skin r sniioD's vjiaiizer is a posi tive cure. Sold by Funuan. -I Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a positive care for catarrh, diptkeria and. canker mouth. "Sold by Fuiman.' ' That hacking congh can be so iqulcltly cured by Shiloh's cure. We guarantee it. FW sale at Furman's dipg store. , Shiloh's consumption cure is sold by us on a guarantee. it cures consumpuoa For sale at Fumaau's drug store. Shiloh's Vitilircr is srhat you need fo aoustinatkm. loss of appetite, dizziness, and all symptoms of dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. For sale at Fur- man's drug store. . . . Croup, whooping; eough and Bronchitis lmmediave relieved by Shiloh's euie. For sale at Fnnuaii'a drug store. ' .. ; -- Catarrh eured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 -cents. Nasal lajoctor free.-Fur sale at Furman's drug store. - Sleepless nights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's cure is the remedy fox it. For sale at Furmau's drug 8 tore. ,.. - The transition from Ion?, lingering and painful sickness to robust health marks an epoch in tin lire of the Indi vidual. Such a remarkable event is treasured in the memory - and the agency whereby the good health has been attained is - gratefully blessed. Hence it is that so much is heard in praise ot Electrie- B'ttera. - So many feel they owe their restoration . to health to Electric Bitters. If you aie troubled with any disease of ki-ineys, liver or stomach, of long or short standing you will surely find relief by us of lilfectrie bitters. Sold at 50c, and $1 pr botile at, W. H. Furmao Jr's Drug Store. ; " . - Last week John Lewis, the phe nomenal fat man, who weighed 640 pounrts, died at. his , home tn Elinira, Y., from erysipelas. He was born In England and was about forty years old. He- WW a blacksmith and .worked at his trade op to three years ; ago. : At that time he weighed but little irtore than 200 pounds, but begn gain ing at the rate of five pounds per week until he became a .veritable mountain of fat.- Everything known to medical science was tried in his case,' but it baffled the skill of the best physicians. Read tie following notice to pecsioa er and applicants for pensions. ' ." s AuDiToa'a Department.. 1 . Ralexqii, N. C June 28. To penskuen and applicants lor pen sions ander the pension act, and t othfri whoin Jt nn j. concern: - " The fbllovrlng mfbrmatioa is pnUUh ed for the bcncHt of all concerned: . 1. ,Tho new pension act does Dot - g' into effect before next year, 1800,' ex- ; cept so far u relates to determining the ' ;' charactr-sod claeidcatioa of&ose iths are to receive Its benefits, see lit rovi- iOiJtx section, of the ew act, copier , of which wUI befuniUhl on applica- . -y tion to this department. Pensions will be paid this year from theJiprojsdation ($30,000) prwkJcd by Use old act of. 1833, as amended by the laws, of 1SSV " and accccdlng to the requirements df the act o amended. This sum Is re qnJred to be paid pro rata and is likely -to be very small, owing ts the Lirge In crease in the pembn roll since &e pas sage of the new pension ct. ' ; 2. Pensiooeri whose names are al ready on the pension roll will not be re- -quired to file new applications, i least not until the near pension act goes fully ints effect, and most probably not than. Further information wiU beiurnished at the proper time. - 3. Blank appQcations under the old law have been furnished to each county whenever information has been furnish- , ed that the old Supply previously fu nished has boen r.hastfd and arreqeest presented to this department for a re newal of the same. Ac the blanks un der tlte old law will not be available af ter next Monday, July 1st, the disiribo tion'of such blanks will terminate at that data -..'' 4. Hegisters-of Deeds will "be 'fmly informed as to the time their c'uties as . prescribed by the new actwiU be quired looe performed by them. At the proper time copies of the -new act .will be Xumished thrtn for distribution together witii sack blanks, ettn in con formity iherewitli as msy be necessary to fully meet the refluieoBoents 'of the -law. - i ' " - : &. The eppertanlry for (he presenta tion of hew applications under the old kiw terminates 4th the first Monday in July -cf the prerait year. ' After that tkte it ml be necessary to get up forms of spplkatioo particularly in the case of widows, and all the oU blank will be dispensed with and new onn substituted. ,ln .addition; the depArt- ment will be engaged in making inquiry into the nature and extent of the wounds received by old soldiers, now pensioners (whflte ntf-epetfally slated in their orig insl applications) in order to accompuMh the classification required by Section V of the new pension act. Inquiry will also have to be made in the cases of nearly 3,000 widows who are already receiving a pension, the last legislature having determinost in the new .poos km act tiiat only such wktows shall be re tained or entered on the pension roll a are indigent, t e.such as are in actu ally destitute circumstances. As appli cants wilt have until tho 1st Monday In July 1890 in which to present their ap- raications and nave tkem actaa -on, a suspension in the matter ef filing new applications is recommended until such limes as this department is prepared to famish new blanks and to meet all the requirements of the new law. When prepared for new applications due anil ample notice will be given in the vari ous newspapers throughout the. State. . err Bespectfully, ' - 1 -..G Vu SjkHDrnitnrr ' State Aaditoc Bull's Baby Syrup Facilitates Tanthmrjl me mi, ?g -ta Sow at irmggitt. Pegulate Ui9 Bowelst Day's Horso . ssTtrrBT7Tr cvrea IlataBpr. 1 ponnd r' -1 la aach packaga. For .! by all rlfn. Tit nt The crop outlook for the farmers was never better, but not. good enough to run in debt. - It takes three bales to the acre to tit and a ; mortgage.- THEIB BUSINESS BOOMING. Probably no cue' thing has caused such a" general revival of trade at Yf. II. Fuiuiair Jr's Drug Store as tbeir giving away to their customers so many frea trial bottles of Dr. Kns's , New Discovery for consunnnion Their trade is simply euorniouH in this very valu ible article from the fact thai it cures aud never disappoints, (joihi cold.-' asthma.- bronchitis, cr up, nd all throat and lung diseas es quickiy cured. Yen can test it be . fei;uviui by vcttinj, a trial bottle free, lae size'JL Every bottle war ranted. . - - h-vrping i- Jf, ;if!Qnn Incipi CoJgh r !. Con Bronchitis, J j ) 4 a i mirpt! For the enro cf Con ghs,Colds, Croop, Hoarseness. Asthni. Incipient jption. and for the relief of f ,V ' f) H f 7 Consumptive persons. , ) I j . 1 1 I J At drnprfsts. 25ets.VJj liuvU rn rr langcs cubes cjgahettes for Co- UAC. lirrk. V.-fc JO Cls. -At-lt MrusaUtU - Its InMiMV Many eez&kigly incurs bl rases tS blood poison eatarrht scrofula anl rheumatism bive been cured by B. IL B. (Bvtsnlc Blood Baba.) made br tbe BIohI Balm Ca,-AtlanU, Ga. Write to them for book iilkd wiih G. W. B. Haider. H vim -seven n&M "V a. . t t . . m. jrom .ainess, uau, vntes: r or sever- . al years I snrrered with tunning elien. which doetiirmtreitAd and prooooncest incurable. JL single bo ills of JJ. H. B. M mevanrt fd than all the doc- tors. 2 lKpt on siag it and every cl- rr heakul. . - ; . . . - .... D. C- Kinard &'m, Towtfllgs, Chu writes-: "We induced -a ueijrtibor - U. try B. B. B for catarrh which lie thought incurable, as it had resale! all treatment . ltdeugb'ed Lim, aoT coaiUiciug its use be. was cured souiut and wt-1 , L , H. VI. Lawson. Cast 1'olnt, Ga. wrlleet 'Mj wife. had. mtdCuU M f emr Kl kept wwiDgvone, bh berha'r and ber.-skin btoke out fearfully, .. Debilitjc, uatiaiioo at.l napi;ite followod .Aiier phsi tixn aud numerous :a)wrvised mVlJ-4-iue Liled, I tried x. B. jk and her recovery was rapid nd comcse" Oliver Srt:or, . Saltiaii, . M.L, wnU-: IuH'erel from weak tvcJc audrltentatuinvr a. B. n. Las prevm to te the enly medk ine that s-.ure s&m V i