w J ir. ) navj i . ! i; U ! r i a j r as ttiA JAMES A. , ; Editor and Proprietor. ii. A ffUJ W '339'I II lljif Cf Ji,j a,! ? mti-.'.i. a Rates."-- s ( w-tt Year ------ $1-50. .1 Six Months - -'- -. - 1.00. A S A f J.I Ciai TTW JXfll WW15 1 fi lt , . t m -l .. ..; . To Clubs of 5 e Posies $il "be, F 11 c.-a;:y ti:w.-d v.tjr7jIlni;Y rfViatr qare ofCattle. ifw.f m f tft'K'l niln r.Mt Y I jwhen -the .tas aBerr pQiivw . zouad, 8 bo 6r,Thv4Bcto6Ul3ooU Tnkiib r i.Jit nil W'U BUI J. a. TJaojxiAS, Editor and ProWiGfo'r ' wff ACita; tqw audiiwnk ytwmroTl 1 1 1 . i '- j a Li METHODS THAT FINIK FAVOR ABE -j DESCBIBED 'BYIT INDIANA BBEEDER. " : .:- - - "v 2 x :i be ne l eraL Abso! utely Pure. This owderever varies. -j, A murvel of )iritv. strengtii ana , whoieaomeBess. Incorporated in the las t annual report from the. Indiana State Board ; of. agri culture is an address , on 14 Winter Fead Ing and care of Cattle," delivered by Isham Sedwick, of Wayne county, be-j ff I thfAernfpreedefi 7 jModl ! First of all, then,' shelter from rain! and snow and tlien shelter from the! cold winds, but let your shelters hare! that other great requisite,- good ventila- tion, and also that sUll greater one, let it be clean. . . Great draughts throught your barns are not necessary to ventila-j tion, but comparatively small ones will do if rightly arranged. Thi3 one bint iaj .niAilvilLbv Ibitty t)er cent is iheilrearh a vi5i-! e.McLby the stRnaardpfBrc)AtJii kinfl. upon which theicTJivea-abuu-i flan fly, rmrahia family in fODuSr nil.l' the maltitade of low test,': short weifct mgs on all sides of tbe barns near thd fWkMs.iTe?3gsB1ifeTAi Rlum or phosphate powuers.SOLD only I floors,butm cold weather have only thosd uty fcvmeet? hirn4 Heavy MTM; 60S Wall SU N.1 Y. I wpiJwitc tiic wuiu ujjcu. .Aiiounuouiut e--v itJia. "JnixJ ujfi;T ,5, ' . I ji' ' 1 J - . j ji I PROFESSION At CARDS. 1 wma unaer me noors. .remaps mesa I faultily constructed ; fcuiknngs are tha reason that the straw slack, with its telfr.irtdlheii(5l tiQvlslii Srldtf fromaher attendaB t tpecrea bf Town life; timptiolroiniBUnicipf 1 tasftfton, nim. rent,-iix!D-the oe t br-miek fgoAi l : T. - - a. j . . a i lanclihp j-xsgUailUjipf jeyaijrtr Di'oata ol.arni Ana are trr&dsx. ithani . ad-! kTWii'jr-'t 'f PWW "few books-uponthe mrkeC ThcyTrctcl I f orc CPuUt . Thi AWei ItKl I tv'i wnr beld-tdftix the pilA ' fef k0ol W&tt' .l!?i:.V'? : tound'tM Uo&ebVdli-5rlA J Uve -tLVv U)f rr o? toget-xkf eUfV V,e t--i AnJ abrlia DtvtWjci 8 ctT i, :Lr !U w 'nlialvbu,Vs':TefummmctJ., 'to, byjU 1,, ,u,t j,.,,, both yboin a .3t tonH? MftS trthe-cos-t of boot, torScirl .(4 'a' 5 wiutofue rj Mm tWfpf sAbbrbobHWtoay fcr Hftft rorLrn g'Mj:gx:P 1rawta6k't61i'2dhel ednfidl!bav3nrfife LteSyHih(fil5VTf i'oT fefer16 rim!reQI'offt!(? Bdnith 'naveffe kUti)VVlftrlw-0 V.fe IrVb'tfcBK lWnnr,Tr niiTTmci'jp; TiVTmn vonte with so many of our breeders ttslri rreeeoVib AlliUUJl 00 UnrdljliiJ "-"JJflrilijLO land allow me to say that a good shelter fttOMta&j bf lh6 CJLHtifUilOl wotht WILSOX, N.O. ' ' Any business entrusted to us will, be promptly attended to. . -i , : irigr stack is a good thing and a 'tnaYls'SgtcxcereafS' thiud tetuletl to . nrofafrtrv 0? II OS. 13 WLl;EIt,1- -. ATTORITET:ATrLAWi LOU l- IJUita, u. Ofuce ou Main bt.f one door low theTiale Hotel. theepulicor' ttHYrt efbe- aiiota.hx(tUjQl m pi)caJt( u rrreucai me iikitt ara.in or TarcrmTTr i 1 . . . p . -n "do WaV VitlrlHheIrlhMcrSnJh5'cB'ls .wp uM.,4uny5?V they crAVeTl affonf W gretr the price of scliool tolote'Tiyfa rgreui bo a great blm'wj la the pwple of ;th 'Mils. iTMctkittaktff i3;i&aiiasv a this ? Will they, not rattier arree to keep up the present prices sn-i pocke tfaerkliUauti pnrtjt r. i Ttaar aotoo :bctlhcfa llxVL aitllo Jil null lV l"W4'i'4Lft M t4 a Bom year to year? liruianutru3 tow John, because therdwttriI .'if . Xext to shelter., in maiataining the temperature and source of Jieat is gooc feed.i jinil xlj.fcrat ait There lias been a great deal writter aboat the ration that is ihe'most effec liFe, and yet we are not at all convincet tha.t there is o:iJv qje way to" grow; and; fatten the beefTSlf ll&i?lfcst of! '5 winter food aailable." We could IXget along without it." Yet great rfljs ,iterfs6be- snTneMecl Avitbf UqMQsijTliiCljJ be Vai -'adJicooi'itj; ,b wwfctclnre rRFclyteo.funiveraal ivrthci infEc:ion3 as lo embrace fctjjnca alicika Ljikply,; W hAvey. tJieac.p a. T&.Yefcu-eSjmtee 5fagd t Rrs oTflfcir gobdi" irrMaft'beTfesRf ara.nowevenotsuriipaiM,tnq Hiot bu( tUat Wav. J Uooirmckca T . J ft. a .1 1 .1 . P C II. . uy o'. j-xUix-s to the rrasmt kcaUUa are know. it 1 1 ll LI J", . TV ta.iaia Iiard- t E. if. S. SPltt7IL! at tome 8 VsMU-f Will attend the conrfs iof Frankliai' Viufce", Grattc illeWai reuV Nash,' and Fulci-Ttl tnd &ipr'rae Uo(irU"s Prompt atleutKm jiteu to colicctions, &c. ; I empl think thfit thesis AttarueyaM CDtin.sellor at Law. Will practice In the courts . of Franklin Warren. Wake, rdhce and Nasii j nd in the Supreme Court of the State. ;:p-y:rl TO SC HOOL TEACHERS; : The Superintendent . f Public! iJclioois of Franklin county will He in tiouisburg on the second Thurs day of February j April. July, Sept." October ana December and remaiu l-llc V rfwniJd nrt te -ton aS2liacie1 enouia rruftimn; oeai tomtxxfita mto , i)aaaxpej?ticji to,taejMlti bu U j to pioduce. TboQ , Ubtf t ,wouJ aibjcsts otlc ap.d 'rfiifgxjultJPDi result wiircome to-thavchfldrnv antLthetottodaVioaol eBormoufiiPUuiesj I, ihumb tl0 book3Xr!:to-illeittentt5 toYiL J - . 2 i. .. d I . w " iBeiarnier, VDrtdlVoocR stafionaA'iu nhfbVttecsi i .llail I hiJi goodi Muypkiqn,tlia h sofyctfinjld 3 what Lsncihintft cveif .ffie iicucccjuii.at 1 L toms-s Ai rxi want roiurh; to lLrliL. r.'i .n i . !' .r- t i.j 1 Lb hoanfls'not rtarn! mnrr-un uivre intr owb n TOinmwwa troughl t rtmrff H''JoiuC j7 (hc$ ad t; ' crganiiitloa. place the lr- In lie ro:Uoj bergrr m ll.' Spmte, lory M 1 A'rnan u-ho stands upon , f.H bwri arfitry! tAol about, livxL Clm U ThoKiiis-Ktr. RA lit fxUHj paMoi awny from amoaj wybut k bu 1 a Cirollruu "Are the Konaa all d T?ioiTd: U r;' it lei c lior ILaCU e4jW? Lf f&EvCc&th " f 3 cti biuv iM J-CPjirxl : rfi lit crM aaJ r? ll rarty Wft-taTe aot tmf&col priadple far mxxf aail The couiilry rrrr la otu CxoV KA are tut boooiiui; a grmt, xroult t feloxf y j p03y .to 4 Sometimes its -'com mra-. I luiatiU nf -BiDnHii ,uifh ut..Wd p-nvi-rvf L-ginn nni-q- if , rw,cnyy vriUt hd pRliaatW amiable eye. uponi ttaf we use as Uttle corn as tossiblel w systeaos urngixiwiiicu be is so un . uic puenuuu u; 0f the marked by conibmation aiOH: conuv; . .. ; .: : speculators Jhe, rnersjtbo u jnedttrine Am. sacd FBttf The various feed cutters have often;, lures," the 4'ti-usts,f,and .the other ma- iaved his Jife' . f proved of great value herc the stablei ,t Xtr. tt(y2att$tittf 2k and troughs are in good shape, and ye there are . seasons . when the ground is frozciyicd dry and tlie fodletei9of Sch good quality that there inoossi "r,A:.mir tkMIM n.VK.W. ilMli V1 " fciW Ir V K TrH l kiimprtrfi6t lfde ath4 wMqual)l; .Piea50cJ J? a pi'Wo f j innfimid tmaj.wnen one'was satufjca t,aBdl at lrnna UXa f rsed Ellectric'ljltt-T$ with m'oal hai-nvi I .Tben3eiiWl:lh!s' oT 1 rVr'sutti. Mv broiherls6 " wrtV-Vcry TuHrtHty'rjf uaXng S F lviw VtlH maUrlrtTrevferiarH buai!cei r theStat'. tntJest is sdccmliry tt: t l.but was cwoti.bt tiotely.'vsfr.af Uki I of mteHni bra fajhiry- of-iiUTt. ttTfTO taud-pRUcfin Chn kind the, p6r .'unfort.aca t e, hco God lai jnd Hnia by liteHgopilltallort J !h5 fTnCT;TC'il,:an, of cur nivlOrelinder a' who!tni4 1 fctctU:rat. wttl-vrriiuai rrviticr. ThtT i i injeure unimjiiv nrjDj.. D an I are JHrv?n tl3i-fi .. mere Via :eicg Mual,i more . Ktroouly 0 1 nan .onoUrthe ;hnJHavr cf auto whd wTtftbe' f$ef (fiat hMV?kr.fli ,ftae4t.f ale i.ia; pfIdcttjhe.; Jbir . .. . . . . . .,.-.,-. - -.rnr- T . ; t tfoinecrRisaestmv.i bYb6astt4)leski) M danger r,'lnali 'whether lioaj !Tb tnfortui inwMeaeoaaifris nossible to raise ten buMMs ttrf)e4 to the ,sani3 space of ground planted in corn. "The cost ef raising is duly about three times that of corn per acre, and lhefeediag value of an acre of beets as a supplimental fee4 to corn is equal to five of more actes of the cattle on grass in summsr . may be 'vuainta&ieq all the i WHjteribxja? jnied ration of grain, fodder ; and . beets - and this' condition nlhftmiacf ia?3lmte-is of :m6riWlIttli jOTcaf , first i'nr thrpo rlni-o, if nenhceai-tt Tm- ti,t l thouhL - Tha most of U3 are too Drone purpose of examining applicants to tut off tbe day of beginning the win teach in the Public SchooiS )f4bif ftcreedmgr; Sorghrim one of the best County . .; . - - - of foil forage crops; it sends cattle into I will also be i n "TibifisbiirSAjli . .. . . . - , 7 ., Saturday of each week.and all Dub conmuon , oy; sup this country, and one; that is very valu ate,: pattest accumulation.. 5t?tlii Lf '-u- flFM'ttes cB-i f able as a winter feed. Beets or rnan f farmer. wbHt1rastlvr,f(3ignane at1 thi I;. .Mr.L .all ni- VrMiitUnt. irmiJil sjiua tiui uc ni itsvfc. auuuuauce v"""?tV . T " w,T "t V I 4112 bis bead lot and at low cost WiUi our best lands Pt fiOi. ? iTenceya4id byttheis6iation,t'liis Iif4 Campaign a relaUygiuingjiu'SCun ,i -;.i t'-: i :.. VhoolTbetlt,e,fromn1 I fropny4ofthe employes. nn- sicura orTrn v r.i wrr.r. iateljSit i-fifllrf hH.hriflori was not fcjc'il: ii ft.. .IT,'... t n.,.'. I I ;&i8ftbcmpirtptft0a&roUU kjrbj ..v. . tr.., 1- I and stl STQiDtoina of dv Deilii-rw-l td &.v to mrive. Ttry are iuora Ui rrci;iccai. thy ftje la taoil CMca cocduct&l by ono cf Che rtIaly juk! puLUali lis1 rounds ordutlManill bt fU I e&l Ut Uin U-jaiIorJ Zxrrtm with tnofle vht foittivr biinJantT Id , M , Zlj l . 4-n i .wU(Jra-JU totrinltV.tHi31c Unl'rbS fatet ' 11 rwhaw ha firm ha ,rhi . doSi catt!e. 'Ia aAUto tta Cna berxli to hlnijfrpuj.. bis fh-cw, .TUoy airway fco fei'man'y icooatif we toi t lave notIrtiWVir: the intwrtaUoa '-cT latd-WaVt'-MbatytHnottivr Into 'Ala- nnhc, W bOi f whk'h'tCtatle catt! to hlnijfrpuj.. bis fdh-cw, .Tboy already boir fc,lrtia.y roQati( liave gone' UMffelr lr hont1 .n ' fare notlecVlAVry: tho tuportatloa ' Jo can trace their ;tj!fl 'ov'"f twtlsSmri tUvk 'Jctyn't In. ii.'.;.i.il. .. i im -jifn J fit"'. . ii Jiouna mine: steps uowjDcuTraKen ut.i.. 4Ycs. sioj." said Lage, ' cp ori!g If1' ",t.T,s -tprjv cious, bold men,Ui0 spokesmen tl qK the fllis thebrther4rf-Laifyorpri,i-at4 leueVr:jr4itfti pjvMtfdre lie days to alteri tKMyiiiuess coniiocted,vith niy .office, .luvr nf;rr s ATTORNEY AT LAW- LOUISBUEd.N. C. ' - OfSoe in the Court House. -All business put in my hands rtl receive prompt atten tion .. J - ' ; fcJJTA;3 wln,. , .dropfronbtood.ia:,hil oX9 I"! TJl5lfli53Eg;,in olui...fepcn'..ice ; onH UieiieoplaCinAiseraelpf ap Th fi.r- ti- jitiHblTMrfr 5" " t!-iot Where, whcir-hi flib4 -raJwVu tfio 2ra!iibr tir 4 ;a Ss giiyS Mlfeifefe 4Kr ::;.c.n?u: SSMSllliS -rrr.ri .iiA the same carAfaf4.-Illfe,fact that -wlieii HisWvbhsitfmii'ft ixro'th-rf Wn Mm ?E?PJ515''V Hic5f;V.dr-f . . ? : - 1 .w .i i r.i u.u.v..u I Kn I I Jaruietft brompnnr.pr btti- aijppliel TP" Y and vOUNSELtORat LAW. LOUISBUEO, FBA2JKHN CO..N. C- W 11 atte u rannn, Ifsnvi 1 1 j arten,".-:- an,a Wake f Gorinties also the H Supieme I toS WorldV eourt of Nor th Carolina and the u - t. pViYmgii fl tfh f Jttilkwir ; i growth. Farni- ifctfnw.rrmdrMW.M .Ta x.- KV'i4) UAmier - anil Ill l'l"Dt S. J. E v MALONE, O flee 2 doors ' below Furman & the Atlanta uons utrroon; under the above caption, a response tb a suggestion of the New York Times that theforraer'g ineome is fully, thirty ;3k6 Dcntoadlonixisrtt -Wehi6tfIV& total We'M most ! .1111 Ut3n').& Iryxnr ,i -4 Ii 0f U6 farmers-Will foll'otheh7eves at4 a coaclus'iotfMctt't jjie- kpertence' of 4 farmer, who seest what, is wrong, and , - rrooT which teltcri film irarrrd K.. I W A v ' i 11 t ! Inir. , 4trui 'intcc.iii:dotneti tradjtlun l(cqa'veHeU wiV.. Qvcr: 'ef.ctbsore. The f.ivuritc fnilt pisBtw dj nwTaincra nana, n flirted In boyhool Ield9.;tl biook-whTc't Ult'-Vindv ihrh frtlto.Twtach ausltkJ aM "both UU. rf Te UBpUcv lU urm ,: k,.iiosr tUjnwn counts lit itovk r.lt:i Li "ejrtTC;i iA"t plying them witii a ration that, has A large fat producing power. x '. : - r Xeep both stables and animals , clear t and eupply water that is as nearly. of tifesainetabperafija feAfintjofc. asiJiii jvany,,ithes classtj ria. hv&.that, J . i-. .! . , .. - - . . i .1 z' . 11 - .1 - - . m 'summer Hna?5eoTiaVe- nt. In r-iowei; muui y griiR!, , -lueif-jwora awbtd, Shelter ? ib1irfarnj8 Wnxl IMW VP&te f finrms of wmd and rainJ Vn.:k -t-frlW !t-i . 4 Jt.?e iiisui viiu utjr, jiiui uio yuxt; waiui niuf tliem as great a variety of food as yoa can audifDossibhvlct sdmeofhhe feed 1 not rtt Oil BOA f ho Trkiil. . .in ' .K f ' enough feed to maintain their conditio 1 .:44irisr.PmTpiHhlclk "a JZxih?; 1 tain r' slew.1 f i fi-V'' 1 " 4 V H-in-, iff ' : K-.-;l. i . .was Sftia ; nr -jm ft . nr fhnsp .lnnrant ilkbjiv.0 beeitdle4utl5 aye-dfrcaaip $veiJrJ$u-& a . nri?i?tth.c;i naoaerer t ream : sarrcuia. and as much more as they can use hi i!fK tbxfr!4 Ynh 3rVint Hirse terM. tV'wftff fferri llBf ' Dr Tiei-ceGbklen iledlcaf Sfecdvery il Especially ias it manifested its potency lcttrinsaalt:V'hamkJttHr, boils, car buncles. sore eves! scrofulous sorm ana swellings, hip joint disease white swelS- I ng? .gQitrejjr. thick neck, andenlarged t4' ,TIEifLA3CS;, l?s Usm mt-ot theai'winot nlyjrbBounce Ci v : fallacious: but pftpoatcrDQs." For every i -1 vh rxri m Ifv i'A TrT' AVe 'farmer lias tKfe" bitter Cfniasvnee't6f the v vm. tsbtjv.'-c:-' 1 &c dlatJleiiandlca Teryttiainoney4 a, imttediH-J diived by whdokVT-? or i:.l ktf FtfrtifltVdieg store. ? I Ofl'-VftfxrireiLlieaUH- swept ' -tth MOT jWill voajpoS'i'.''' disucnsia a er complaint!' hUou'i ''Vrtili sis and II t ier 'i KU!UUeJ tdeiTiPe ?ar? Fxr Mild avFftri iue uev. veo. ii. 4 uarer, oi jwudii finl ay ''iioth-iylf bd 1fviaf 'siileby Furuian. , . , . -' - are wiiugitw uoatftiiate rUii.. vc-ie ctsiiO cts and $1. Sold by r'arnun. j At9 yon maue bnsuHDie oy iitu;i?U8ni yciow stm ii i ye care in? bhitoh's.VitsliMr ii .iHsif Tg3TJ?.Vy ft, .process receatlj dUcovprydi .Samples ofjUie.jfiAt le -boon te!r4 .bv exDCrU whose iidimcfit ",w . concid ered of great iuThcsa jexperiiaejtf .ceaiilted In JLhe fwpaiVai ' fj jiiit stconrjwwiUi.laxac. caiuUVriit th manuiacture f cUauipftgJie foju tj. scupperuong, iuxiVlt, SH. . this, i caniifui which "is neotuUicg Tor'.'llie GaiTcti Vineyhrd 'iu 'this "XxAuitj.--M'cLJoJ each heaMrn.1 irKl-t!ftTT? to tuntc strccglber.!. Iikt 'and import tni if tair ' bf "CWso VM1 'Stbite arms IHuT ' Inure Is m btncftf 'of lWaiid girdle oTbteel'--' W,,",J I uvrheta isoraettiUiW ti lor rcrt rrH lrx' ometkirrj oo thl n ;f and reCrsljf- ing. And her voice is ilcarerWbIra Lkaix nTl iherfnelomqsl cC txrttx ar4 nea aiid elrortCombioctU .!Lnudpatiife isiafilajbti whC!V4lia.leccs lam a Xr pec( ftl.that Wti-bUujjau .Ik tender haiia t4: ;-;i i i ? ni!ir r 5 " Tho man wlio is incarfttfe of thn pure anTl'If-Ity 7;"" uuof woman"! IovT.cMliug.JthlSiri!l if that noble intellectuality which U but a foretaste of ry-that are to come la 4 workl wh?re tle "ou! of t!wre .pure f tr t(4; !.'r,rTTM'a,n.rrnoihpfj' ha'4 ihThd wtlt Wte'tre 'n"nHfi.V.l:-' rW ' rhi 1 f Experoieur haypdcnaou'i'xita ,.tba a d r v chaunxi 2n oCsuDftiior, extclleuce " " I. . j . ... . .. 4 -j . . uib madfl.from. tha ecum);nioi f concnuriKxi siacmur 'cra-nuu!rwi Xj yJ1 lit Mii.mi't ttuM 1M.ijf id Tlke4)eslllTa(ifit:eworlcl.for1et .feylore3, ,tcUr..cbappal Laad ,rCQ';n:d. .it .'vvu4i'aewd, tapirs j'pn'ect I utJ-ifart ua.1"'! ?' '41 ?" Trfjtl , ' ..All! Villi A3 nr it it e IT 1 B ' W V t:-'a i V. 1lAsfoo; AUintT;a:.trr!tet: bod 2louui? ttlira ait e-oe hz i leu., 1 ti ero . aaaa.iy iwal- torrtl cf tuf..:y. w a:a ritra 3 ' - r u i f : i Oil Hi M Ti ! P"f ' 17 in I'betberweef 1 w k-a J llaeractses, Aithik, I' '', !' T ' ' U. q. Ccc:rrUvo Mivri. 3 ? - - ttrtf't-J tttih6 fcitMti ' "tYita ft- t9tt adtk.fknJjkHd tWt. Va (i B. f.a l expcr.tiiMI 9ge. aod my daOaJeo-y aa a-'iuewHftt diye;!. d.;.I f.i u.n.lirotU I ).. (Iri 1G 1 ollle; ail "elf U' ol- Y'cr?rl ttiiva lnT Vr.-raTT'otlr bd - V Yort rfcef t ttnnrcatriWftf per aA I at I era or4 tuidMtlL uxmu LKtuf. . ' -!:"T.i:-Tf'.T.XtTxPy. crVHc.: r firsAl tunrf a4Son. Uc b4 aiJ trul-It wfr ma - jT cotniiHM. auJ L.taUr il. iff nL L Lf .u a iwmi L.u-b.lj hot rv 'cl,ny,i.iJ:'e a ty te;af ?, 1 t arrlr aU". tt nfrnii- baI ure rn i 9 4 a.a . ! rTi?i "5 f V 'C1 ill' w rl vl , a , P! 1 ... yJ :". ........ ... - II",.,'. - 1 . ft wm.Amni'iiW 1 Office, i he Court-GbW V , V " - rcw ier, ..-.ajf;.I ,H?rtA2.1L:iSft liTCl i.f. w- A j J Cu. At ft.-7i. U, 1 j1 ; - C- - T