THE FRANKUN TIMES th zjKAm&ni T! riEs. . v-JAMES A. THOMAS, 'v 15-, 5 . -Editor and Proprietor. TusTixb C : pwbhhrd ta Its i cecl, asd s cavaiaAaa txn', t i J cTcr trr tkntfthkaod r --j - vcraers koui bai ' One Year V - IHtV't 1.50. 1.00. Six Months J. A. THOIIAS, Editor and Proprietor. MALICE TOWABD.KONEt WlTnCUMTT OB ALU VMCE L60 PEH AOTItll la AdTsaca To OufTiEraEftJjriU be II , t 41 All TV f . - 5 .-ft - ILOTnSBTJRG-, N. O. AUGUST: 2. .1889. UeoM of q j must 3 t f4-",) i,vy NO.' 26 iMiptomite:v; fine s. " ?V-:-vti ... ... ; . ' . ,. . .." . . . ,( , - - CROYALKSEf Jl rsl :f Farmer." The farmer in this day and time , The happies t man 1 see, : . I care not for his birth nor clime, Nor what his name may be. J' i : The man that cultivates the soil i Is sure to be fed. - - . " Tor God hath promised those, that tod A full supply of bread. - s-The former always; livei at hoi ;4v',And jHakerfhis Ownffipply i Ana ev pTt reaciji to pve some L , fTo stop the orphan1 jcry, I , Altlimigh his home may humble The peddler loves his house to see When on a trading tour. j -1 7. cThis powdereyer 'varies. i-A marvel of Daritr. strfensrth and ' wholesoinenebs. c Mor economical thn the ordiaaryltindSi and oannot be sold m competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powdersl Sold OSLY in cans.- Koyaii Baking Powder Co. . :06 Wall St. N..Y. . JIYOOCKE DANIIXS, Goldaboroi N. V Wilso N. C AYCOCK & DAHIEIS & DOIEL8 'Any business entrusted to us will be promptly attendee! to. f jHiaJovoly wife stays In her place, iliJM uvea wi suc - - And tries to wear a smiling face, When he is close at hand. ; His frjendly boys to all are land, Though- cunning as a mouse; -"His taider girls withiiOUe minds Are jewe-s tor tne. nouse. ' His tender giriscan use the wheel. And. they can knit and sewt . -And if they're in the field t u- i ; ' They're not afraid to go. x 'ou bear the farmer's axe speak out, " Tha rmwer of his arm. -1 4 ''And those who wish their chDdred . - stout. .' . . Must raise them on a farm. hear Us voice ring throi. the land r . 1 . .1 1 17 t N. GULLEW Attorney-At- aAlUgga-t .ituttlneas ;prompt Iyu1 Mid summer's hottest 'dav; For the harvest is at hand, And he feels very gay, V-f. He ldces ll' laborew out to cut ' ' . The wheat up on the farm,' ' : And binds it all in bundles up X And fits it for thebarn, His bending wcharda doth abound " With frnit of every land, kiendet rpes mar-be lound Upon hia lovely vines. . 5 JSl And when his fields with weeds are teuded to rpiIOS. 11. WiXDElt, ATTORlTEYATLA'vV; -V; LOU1U UltU, N. O. Office on Alain JSU, one door low the Eagle! Hotel. iBefore, tliev all jura brown-- llr sltsjtus.boj-ij out with a team To hide them in the ground." .--r with them his turning 1. S. SH'iiUILL. A tlorney A tpLaw, Will attend the courjts of Franklin. Vance." Granville, "Warren, Nah; and F derail nil Supreme Couru" Prompt attention given to collections, &c .v. They take plOW, ' -' Anl go the fields around, And short experience teaches : :'j' how :'; . : - To turn the surface down. them Andj when the pleasant summer's ) O'er.- r;; , ; And winfer'Aday'a appear. t The farmer hasl enough; in store : 1'A lnt him nil th VMr ' v . :4m .-si 4 AUL '.JONES'.- Altorney and Counsellor at Law, Will practice In 1 the courts of Franklin. Warren, Wake, - Vance and Nasn, and iu the Supreme court of the State. : -,X-M' j " i.? ' By eome the farmers have beesaid To be poor, shabby men, ' ' But still they get their meat and - ' bread - ' '- . ; . ' And all they wear from him. ' , -; The rich and wise are by him fed, ) Although his face they spurn, . ' Xud'wtsukir if ihey lad power, tread - Upen him as a worm. - ' Country Homes. llace Prejudice. TO SCHOOL TEACHERS ' - The Superintendent cf . Public richool of Franklin county will be In Louisburg on the second "Thurs day of February, April. July, Sept. October and December, and remain for three days, if necessary, for the. purpose of examining applicants to teach in the Public Schools of this County.' ..," ''y -X':; V' -; " I will also be in .Ixuis6urg on Saturday of each wek, ani all PUD lie aays, to attena topany ousiuess conuocted with my ofttce. ; r.:-'it.'jrN; Haubis, Sapt;- WiUStar. The result of the McDow 'weremore demonstrative ' by far than on and acted as tfthe acquittal wai a' triumph in whiclj each one of them had a personal interest. s v1 y--J':7"T "! not a thing of sadden impulse. -' There, roust have been' motive,. for It, and a reason why, these people took such b tereet tn the escii pe from the rope J jof a man ,wjx bad no claims upon them and who' was ravno' wav'ldentifled with fhern, by blood, association or sympa thy. If lie had beeri on of ;.tlieir own race or k white man ; who bad- played in the role-of leader to them there might have been some! apparent reason why they sbouldmaiiifctf sq much . interest in the case, but he, was heilher, rand we inuM therefore look. , for some, other r!a'r'Nby '.v-,-r7-;f h . f ' Capt. Dawson, the slain man, was the editor of Democratic paper (which was positive In its utterances 1 and bold in Its expression of-.opinlon&l , 1 1 was a leading Democratic organ of the , State, and Iu editor was aa nncompromisiog champion of that parry.- In 'the fre quent discussion of the race problem which circumstances made necessary In that State, he spoke with a freedom and candor which some times gave offence to the negroes and caused them' to con ceive and entertain a -violent antypha thy to him, ft fact tnowu to McDow and hence the peculiar make op, of that ju- What conclusion are we to draw from all thiar What room does it ' give to found, the belief that justice would ever stand the ghost of a show in such hands 'when race prejudice entered as an ele ment in ' the - premises t '' What hope that any murderer -cr; violator of tlie law could be made to pay the penalty when tins kind of jury Is" possible? Whit evidence does It gire that the ne groes' as a mass have advanced one par ticle in the mental or moral scale since the day of emancipation, that their race and partisan prejudices are not as jitrongnow of eren stronger ihan they were the day the sUackets fell from theur limbs f None. This trial with its re sult lias sent a precedent which counsel with desperate cases will - not fad to avail themselves of ; the overthrow of justice and the disgrace of the State. Criminal trials will become a mockery and the office of criminal judges a" rine cure Better let the State where such' mock trials may be had forego the use less formality of arresting, ' jailing, and trying murderers, and thus save the tax payers ' that much heedless , expense. Under such a system ' the thief who steals a pocket-book sent, to the penitentiary, but the man who .kills a re?i)ectable citizen, especially if he be an bubpoken Democrat; will not only not suffer for it but will emerge from the deck a hero. . ' Bace-partizan preju dice and justice cannot sit together in the jury-box. The Charleston . murder and subsequent, events establish this ft Coarace. Tlicre Is no higher virtue than cour- .To impugn a man's courage Is to of er him the greatest Indignity; yet , how mariy of us possess the purest elements iof courage i., f -' ! V ' - Many of us ftiel that we' re passing throngh severe trials, and "'repine "? be cause of them, but, it is only In times of trouble that high - courage 1 displayed,.-; l-;. . '""'- ''- J Adversity it as necdibl to oul de velopment as bodily exercise is to airs kal development. .' ; ' - , ' 1 ; If we aspire Ui greatness we - must bear the dkipCne without which real greatciess is impossible, ' If wewieh to be coosklerad brave we must not shrink at the trial of our cour age, howerer U may come. ! The seasons are bad, but that is none si our affairs. All that the law of God or man requires is that we go forward. Standing on the borders of the Bed Sea, God said to Moses, "apeak unto the children of Israel that they go forward," and the command comes ringing down the centuries. '- - " There la no such ' thing as Mwaiting for something to turn up. The word of success Is onward! and he who re fuses to obey is swept away by the on rushing billows, f ': ; Whatever the situation is, take cour age and go Ibrwaxd. It la not in . th power of a man to commaad access, but every man may deserve It, 2Tcw lierne Journal. : This was the motive which Inspired the emancipatioo of the slave and the en franchisement of the freedman. They uy ue oaiiois Of ine en franchised slares they could control the South and thus bo!d th Southern States ia their power, to pay tribute but to have no voice hx the government of tho country save as they dictated. Their failure ia this is what disappointed and enraged them and has kept them en raged ever since, If vilification could have destroyed the South the would be bopeloM wreck to-dayt but in stito of the nnmjLoIj, unpaldotk, sectknai and dastardly astmults upon lr day after day aad year after year, she has, with the cool heads and brave Toearts of her resolute sons, prospered and grown strong political j, industrially and com mercially, and laughs at the vain efforts of her assailants to check her progreM or curtail her power. There was a time when this partisan arrogance nettled the South, and fretted ber because it $d her harm, but now she'.nunds no more the vaporing of these baaae ravers than the eagle perched above does the wan ing of the jackal beneath. WO. Star. the Id BUCK1NS ARNICA SALVE ' The best salve ia the world for cuts. brnirtes, sores, .ulcers, salt rheum, fever tores, tetter, chapped hand, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions and positively cure piles, or no pay required. -It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. orniooey refund ed. Price 25 cents per box. For sals by J. B. Clifton. - BkiWV. Vitlliasr U wkt yw eoastipatioa. leoa of appvtota. dizzi ar4 all arnptoaM at drsria. Fri aad 7 niU MfWul. Yt aala ai Taj tnaa'a drag sUrr. ' ' iiletplew alfata, ad aalarrabla Vr tkt tarribla rk. rialUa's oar ia U raaad lac It. Imr saia a fanaaa's drag MsvCA . VUlTMNtlfVkklTIMHiltl tltw cr NMpUUir. balUi.'s VUlUaar la farat4 to ears yo. Fj aala ai Far aaaa'adnif tare. TaeRev.Oa. ILTaarar, Baarba, IaL. sajej "Bota sayaalf aa4 wliaawa ar llvca la 8alloh's Caasaaptia ear. 1'ar aala by Farsaasw . , j tug much to live fbr aayhow, he out here to- Texas to krrealljite cwidli caGkriaJecterjrte. ' IDs discoveries did not Icing Ura either consolation or cash. lie found that the nearer be got to the supposed mine of wealth the smaller was the de mand fur the stock entitling hlra to. a share in its manLVect profits, flarbg embarked in the Invert! iion be went on at It The further he went the worse be Eired. When he struck H rasa U had jurt one roooi, wLlia, silver doTkr left to Us name, and be went and bought a , drink wtth IV - The tuteper took ak Amcdcaadol. kr and banded hfca a Mexicaa duTju b change. ' X Mexican doHar at that Cm was worth only W cents ha Texas aad the United States dollar was worth only 83 cents In Mexico. It was early Tea th morning. He bad tuxLLif to do with the ret of the day orftha rest of his for that matter. . The Me-dcea eace bis last remaining cola sagreted thing desperate; bis fancy, ' and' Tm wandered acrosa to 1 IVso Del Norte, ooum Mexican tale. lie bought a drink of mescal there for IS cents, kid down his Mexican dollar and received t American doMar la change, equiva lent to 83 cents la Mexfcaa money. lie locked at the coin and aa Uea struck It appeaW to his speculative mv 2foUeU) r-aslascra cad ApH , caA ta Cstr t.!1 ' Acprra Hzr ajuu a, I UaXbjou, ILC, Jaaa S3, to. V To PezMionars aski r73aata 1st tlooa smder the Tnauaa Ad, arid to ethers wboca h may ccocrnv. The UVwia2 krtaavUasi U pabl ed tor C bencSl cf sH caocerned. L The new pecan act does not ga mto effeci before next year (1SX) ex cert to fUr aa ralaXst t Aetenalxilag the ctmradar aorW.:: ctSicae wba are to receive Us bane.:, 1st pro tWx U A tectSoo; of the nrw act, ccica wbkaUcrLled m7si apeV calkt CIS tnlum. rBaiocr waUpaUCia year front' Cat trpra rrWiunJtTCq prwUil Vy Cm Olsot of I SSI, as anasxklai Vy tLs Taws cf 1 tSI thai act aa aa aenmlal Ills tea k I rsouirsd I be rail rrocaU aad k LWr I U be vary small, nkflt Cm large k 1 I creaae la Cm psataiga rail taceXs paa- Faxxn auad Garden Note. Ues as pracrUd ty Cm act wia m re- jgcctionjil Arrocuuee. .1 . trial in . : It is now twenty-fire years since the soldiers of the Federal and Confederate armies stacked their arms and the war was declared to be at an end; but when the Federal soldier ceased to fight and the Confederate soldier returned to his home to go to work and try to repair the waste that the war had made, the llcpublican politicians of the North took up the war cry, and have been keeping It up ever since. They have resolved in as far as they can, that the people of the North shall' not forget that there was ever a war between the sections, and seem determined to make them be lieve that although peace was then offi cially declared the South is still in arms and as chock-full of fight as ever. This Is' what one forming, his opinions from the speeches of the average Republican campaign orator and editor would think. and they have reiterated it so often and so persistently that a good many credu lous people on the other side of the line Let your farm work be fjrstematic. ; To secure the beat hay, cut wLCe in early Uossom. . ; . Do not waste anything cr allow any one else on the farm to do to. V Do not overwork your help. See that they give yon quality aa well at i "t Good feed, comfortable surroundings, and the best care are indlspensahle in making a cow profitable. - Don't Complain tlaU dairying doesn't pay until you know whether your cows are worthjteepiog or not. , If you have not already sown tome carrots, do so. It wil' pay you. Tbey are relished by all stock and are healib- Plant lice of all , kinds, and many other insects, can be destroyed by the kerosene emulsion, or mixture of ' kero tene and soap. V sce ef Cm acw panaioa act. 1. PeeadecMrs wlwee tassae k wpaai Cm pmskn rol 3 act be ctqui to Ck aw aTOcaUoos, at kaat a&U Cm sMwpsDaaactrae l&f Into eCact, ant cxMat protabTr ao4 &W. rortLar knsiko on dk ratal si2 be air sUabad at Cm pper ttoM. ' . Jtkarr-kmamdarCM old W Hva Imbsi Lx&khad teeadi ctwat X Ttt anaCim aaa been rteafved i cli tany rrtveasly brakhaU kas baaa axVaaaAfd aad a ewwaat pro- . m t T i.l i i. t CW m . . . . . mm kwi am1" lie recracea ius sxepe so ine Arnencaa I i rfn-aaa laua side, walked bxto a ssUoon, cakd fur a I tba eii kv J not b mnxlU drink of whiskry, paU Lr It with Us next Modmst, JalT tat. Cm dktnbwtkai soHtary Amerfean doTor. which he J blaaia wU kwaiaala iwlA that received hi change on the Mexican dot- . ILrgktort et Desda m3 U LZy Urm change. TUshe prompOr car- t r . mi muum Lai mmmm 6- rled orer the Bne, bougbt'a drink cf mescal and got a United States do&ar la change. Thea he got to dialing. Here was the situation. Ha bad pre cisely the tame capital he started with aa hour ego and had cktrfbuled 0 cents worth of whiskey through Us sys tem ta the way of dfrkieode. The whis key and mescal were fone. They were do farther use to anybody. The vkille supply of exhilarating beverage bad bem absolute! v lEralaWhed to that ex tent. He Lad bouit u at tne marxex price. He bad pail for it la cah. nt had all his criginal capital stUl la bk pocket. True, be had con tribe ted the labor of walking lack aad forth from the Mexican ilk to the Texan tide, and vice versa, but Cat, as be ahrrwiEy de rided, was noo-prodoctlve kbor, as far as the iateresU of the public was con cerned. It earned nothing, for it added I pecutaa, the Lut kitrt tarbg nothln? to the) saotJr caarthtn. Ue I termiaed m CM iv. v iv i r..w I oalr sack wkiowa abaul nmriia mi w aw w m.A arvi LaaaBLA. - asaa v arairad U U gsaTaTni il hj lprcw tkaecoriaaef ikt aw act win be forakhad theca fx dtrn rVsa. togteher wiA toca tliiix, fce-, to lmlir tkswarka ae may be aeca tobUiymectCM flreae&ts C Cm Is. ..'" L. TIm tTportsxlty Lt Cm rrsaeoU tknca'tMwarTUosJMcMeasder Cm til law ternCaatae wUa Cm rst llcoW ta July eftktreaent year. A&ercWt date It Q be tMcaaamry U gt wp knos of appOcsuko partkaktiy IsCasss of Ia tiirtMo, C '"Traaent wia be eo garad la ami Cairy kJe the aatarw and ex lent of L wvaadt racaired by oU solLera, tv rwaaiooers, (where sua eapedsJy staJ ia Um orlnal arpticsa tkos), fas order to saXMmpUsh the cltslS catioa required by taction 1 of Cm aew paoaiosi act. . ikqwiry . iQ im bare to be ceada ta caeca f SMarly UbJm a ke wuows wim are areacy4 raceirktf a . Why wilt yaciuich whea PhfloVa ears will give iamdlata relief. Price 10 eta, 0 eta, and tlf bold by Karmsji. Are yoa made miserable by iadigtstioa, constipation, ditxineM, loss ef appeOte. ye i low skin 7 Bhiloh'a Viuliaer ia a posi tive care, bold by Forma a. - - - Croep,whoopiDC eoacli aaI Broaebltla immediate relieved by &aUoh's eua. For Bale st Forman'a draz store. Catarrh eared, health and sweet breath seeared, by ShJoh's Catarrh Kenedjr. SB.MAl5SNBlG,?p- : ATTORNEY AT LAW- . ' .- iouiSBtfttow. c.."-; Miifi ' Office tn tbe Court House, v -- AU ba3ioe9 putia myhand wu V jcei ve prompt attention. ; " - - a Tii.fintiK k. . - a'CT!T and COUNSELLOR at liAW. LOrJISBUEO, FUANKLIN CO..N. C. , i; WJ1 attend the ! urtsotNtsh Frank in, Granviiie,; -, Warren, and Wake GounJes also the Supieme eourt of Nor th Carolina, and the U ; Cirpait and District OourtaT "QR. J. E MALONK O.Hce 2 doors below Forman & CookA's Drug Store, adloinine.Dr. O. L Kill s.f i w If, l:?5 b' ICT Tiif BERL AKE ' V : ATTORNEY AT LAW, louisbukg; it. c..: r . f- Office in he Court Houie Charleston presents the race question in. a new shape and has caused more or less discussion in the Northern' press. It is the first instance as far. as we know in the South, whore a wtute man was tried for Ms life by a jury, the majority. of whom were negroes. The "very fact that the defendant so managed by ob- jectms ? to - -wmte men to secure- a majority of negroes on the jury is ev idence enough to establish the blief that; he depended upon that element mainly., to secure his acquittal. For . few poo pie after that jury was made up expect ed a conviction on the charge of murder; J some thought, but not many; that pos-,, sibly a verdict of manslaughter -might be rendered. While there are many who are disappointed at the verdict of" acquittal there are few, and very few,' who are surprised at itr :lf here was any doublis'al to the reason 'far select wg Ihat particular Idnd of a jury when the trial began there was no doubt at the conclusion, and at : the demonstra tions the ver dict was announced, and the prisoner was discharged. A shout went up from thewhitev friends of the acquitte3i'Jlnd thejnegrojes present went almost-frsaitic with delight. When McDow left the court house and - entered tne carriage provided by.hisfViends, and waiting in anticipation of his acouittal to convev him to his home, he was followed ' :as a hero by al multitude of negroes ' who made the welkin ring11; with' their, ; ex ultant snouts. "Tney tollowed him- ; to his house wnere something like a j pub lic reception was held. The negroes 1 xou fiave PHE NEW DISCO VEItY. ; , v : heard your friends, and neighbors talking about it You may yourself, be one of the many who know from personal experience -just how good a thii.g it is. it you have ever tried it you , are one of its , staouch friends, becanse Ute wouderful thing about it i, that When' once given -a trlnl," lr. King's New Discovery ever afterwards holds a place in tlie house. If you have nevor used it and should be kfflicted with a rough, eoid ur any throat luus or chest trouble, secure a. bottle al once and give 1 1 a fair - trial. It Is prim ran teed every time or money refunded, i Trial bottles free- at Fur- actually do think it," or they vote as 'ifl Priee Weeata. Nasal la Jector free. -r ,i a, . ' -j .u . I sale at Furmaa'a drag store.- i - they do. . . . I Khiloh'e Catarrh eaaedv--a PaiUe Hiis species of sccttonal agitalloa is not confined to national campaigne, but enters as an element of State and Con- Keasdv-re - paeitl care for eatarrh. dlptherU aad eaaker sooth. Sold by Faiaaaa. That hack ine roera aaa be ae aaUUr eared by Shllob'a eera. We raaraatee ma'8 drug store .The former who iai content with less than two tons of hay from any . acre , of good meadow land has not . familiar . ao- quaiuta nee with bis resources. : 4. y I A SOUND LEGAL OPINION.1 E. Baiu bridge, Muday Esq,. Count v Atty., Clay C., Tex says: ; Have rsed Electric Bitters with moat happy uc8ulle. Mr brother alsor was very low with malarial fever and jaundice, but was cured by tme!y use of this medicine. Am satisfied Electric Bitters saved his life." ',. r , ' . Mr. D. I. Wilcoxson, Horse Cave. Ky., adds a like -, testimony, " saying: He positive! f ; would have . died, had it nofc been for ElectrU Bitters. ! , ; I his great remedy will ward off, as well as cure all malarial diseases, and for all kiduer. liver and stomach dis orders stinds unequalled. : Price 50c and $1 at Furman s. f It is poor cows that cut the profits the dairy down. ; v ! V0"; ofJ Shilob's consumption core is sold by su en puarantee. it eurea coosiunpuoa For sale at urman's urog store. . paigns. The Northern Democracy is arraigned 'as the wicked ally of the Southern Confederate, and thus even up there tlie 'war is fbughr over again fa every carapafgn. :Not only on the hus tings is this war carried on, but in the halls' of Congress, 4 and even grave and supposed to be respectable Senators paw the air and get excited as if they scented the fumes of burning Confederate pow der and sniffed blood In close proximity. For pure, unadultoratedxkxld-bloodod, calculating deviltry, those war cam paigns against the South outrank every- ng in modern History except, per haps, the merciless war which the Eng lish conquerors waged against vanquish ed Ireland after they overpowered ber. And to-day the spirit of Intolerance and proscription manifested by the most lib eral of Englishmen toward Ireland is not more bitter, unmanly or unreasonable than tbe prosorlptlve feeling shown by some of these narrow-minded Republican leaders towards tlie South, which they looked upon aa conquered provinces and not as States coequal with other Slates, and as an integral part of the government.- ; If they could they would deprive every State which formed a part of the Confederacy of statehood and reduce 'them to a condition of incre vassalage. .with no voice in the government, ana nrinlesre save that f raying taxes. unfre- ' 'or M'e ar "Who fooat tlie Tea Dollar? PIXAXCIAI OaxrKDBBUH THAT d'royk a max to ii u a bate. . Yoa are a financier.. I am not, but I had a friend whodied of a financial conun drum, and although it k too kto to do him any good, I would like to know the answer.' ' " ' : . . . : He wat'a good fellow, poor follow, but he was unlucky. Besides, be was a good deal of a fooL He invested all Us own money and tome more In- Gloriad Mining stock. He saw a great deal about it in a newspaper of great former morality and . much. . prvriout h tne. He did not stop to note that the stock waiNS per cent. or more below par, nor inquire if anybody controlling the financial columns had been present ed with a block of Gloriad slock. - He didn't do anything but go and blow ia Ids savings in Gloriad. The stock took a turn bio before he .did, and at the round-up he found himself with a large block of Gloriad, which nobody wanted, ami no money, iris wifo died, and Us only sou, who had been brought up to tho expectation of luxury, went to the bad. Believing still that even a mining stock which could get quoted and noted every day iu tlie paper that used to be bosicst whea his grand-father read .It mast Lave tome value, and Laving noth- the river raa dry without anybody be ing the better oft. Here was a chance to get even wfch the section of country which had lodU recCy been the cause of his bankruptcy. He walked back to the Texan skia, got another drink, got Mexican dollar ia change, went back to the Mexican town got another drink aad a United SUtrs dollar ia change. He kept it up all day. He picked up a itkk and cut a notch sa it for every drink, as the old Indian fighters use to keep score of the scalps he took, He kept it up pretty steadily aft that day until closing up time, and set at it again the next day at toon at be could tee, He waxed mthoikstk over Lis speculation, giving a war-whoop at every notch ia the stick. But at length be got woodering who was losing all this money. - Apparently not Cm barkeepert. They were grUlng the market rate for their liquor. Bare ly not he, for be was holding Us own, Tbe problem bothered him. He was naturally a curious man. . The more be thought of it the more be drank. Cm more Us head swam around with per rJexity, and the more Cm subject la question became complicated with ex traordinary things which reminded Lias of the menagerie be bad gone to aee when a boy. At lengC) whea be bad consumed 15.05 of Texas - whiskey and Oworth of Mexicaa mcachal, be ed k) front of the saloon where be got the first drink, aad wUh a silver dollar la United States cola ia Us pocket dd of wondering who bad lost the 110.03 word of two kinds of liquor be bad consumed, although the local coroner aid it was delirium traneoa, , But neither the Ccrooer or Cm Jury explained who kwt the $10.03, and that a what I want to know. m rttajaefet tr entered en Cm peoaicas ro3 as are DUiturx, L a taca as are ka actoat ly deatSMte circumiranrea. At a int rants w2 have as J Cm first Uonoay la July l&Q ka Ua to fveseat thror eppXkaliont aad have them actad oa a swrpeoaioo la is taaCer of Cm ting of new arlkatkna k reeaajirranikd unit soda tieoe as thk aWartiDeol k prrjw. ed to fur&hh aew t'.ar Y.i and meai ad the requireuenta Cm new . ka. When prepared . for aew appScaUoua due and aiapk awtkw will be given Li the roUiruna f Ike rsriooa ewiraptrs tlregiMut Cm raata, . , Very recyectfaSy G. V. HAJTDSlBXrW. w. Eaua Ajalh.: y la 1 Tineas It baa been pr- Carat Csv, Al- Long Island New York., baa some very swell beg cars. Around Bel I more tbe beggars ro arouad with hursea and waooa and it k oot aa unusual thing to ret aa tjiuch aa a horse) caa dtaw la ooe thiy travel. Im that n. tt. Baha) maae Vf tanta. Gtw will on tkod peUea I. iu worst phase vbrawbea all other treatment (ilia, A, P. ltatrq.i.lUatA.Gs-. writer: I bad St rmntog Wr ecr b sr. aad oa Cm wthec, aad eJaCt greatly rroalralad. , X m9 I actaaSy swsJ Uwrda barrel eaedicme. to vU eTorts to care tks alawasa Vtrth l-r-tk hope 1 tamlly acted xpoa the u gent advke f a frkad, aad rot a twt tie of a. a. a- I rxperl eocsdachaagv. aad my dpoadscy was aomewb i ctUpatwd. 1 kept oa aaiag It anil I a ' kwi Umm It bouka. aad ail Cm a W etrt, ibeomaiksa and all etk r aor-r-Ts ofblood rMscaaavesUsarpeswel, at Ust 1 axa aoeH and FU ajrsM sL, ; ca rspevie&ce of tweatj years uf tortareu BofaC TJerd, Maxsy, Caw vrbx: 3iT4Cavewae arte prvosiaaoed a lertU rr forts artUed pjiaia, Xlf Uck. bead aatj ahotJ-krs arora a mass S corfBiiaaa, aad CoaUy the cTaeaae 1 gaa ea'jag my ttaall booeav My boo ached, my kidaeyt trera deranged. loot say ikaa and ttresgth and U becant a buriea. All eakl I eutt asrtly die, bet escrcrthtlcss. wliea t bad seed tea UXUee ejsa. auau 1 ms prvsiocai'ed we!L Ilxarcds cf caa smw r teea ea tea, 1 bawe i been will 12 anTUJiS. . lixtm kmm a SMW eweckcrj Iko Lota cf duclur art noory la V lenins I Lia ercczra su.4 Xai uuea tlia la aj clhcr cra. m c y 7 -.-y-.' z