THd 1-!NKL1N liMLS. . ' ' ' . 19 TiiR Tiuk. j tlte only fcewrpoper pul.Uiwl Iu Frauka itjcurtf. aud iU .ir.ulctiixi cxmmW all ottr tj HQ tUxi uf lL aikl a!wda ixxiuUlK, i TcrtWn bwuil nil a koto Lcru Published- Eveky; Friday by JAMES A. THOMAS, Editor aud Proprietor. Rat 13,8. OkeYeab - -Six Months - -. 7 $1.50. 1.00. Tb ICtor will not be rtiLW t-r the vW" ut nrrviuulnUu JUi'-f ru :u u nii Lkx x (runt all Hi nrjt earnestly t-.tcl. Ncv iUTiu- of cay uturs wUl be CjulSallf J. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. WITH MALICE TOWARD KONE; WITH CHARITY FOR ALL. VRICB L50 PEB ANNUM In Advance I To Clubs of 5 The Times will, be furnished at $1.40. j LOinSH&ilQC. AUGUST 16 1889. VOL. XVIII NO. 28 THE FRANKLIN TIMES -rr " rrpiL i 116 lurUlover ,j. m. ir. Young Harold Gray, one afternoon, Walked over tothe larm," Where dwelt lair Mabel Yauglin, who held His heart as by a charm. 1ogst;'horBt cattle and fijaln. !They;ma8t false rrten and women. To do this thera must be on -the farm Intelligence and morality. The steam will nnt rise higher H an the fountain. Well has Prbfessbr ttalph, Twiue, Baysi"-' 'A child born in the midst of sin and vice, Iff cities especially, will grow up to r a sudden and uhnecou&table pininM whfch-after the nsual exchange of ques tions and volunteered ' itformation re veals the name of the maiden who causes the : gnawiu'". and piniu " ' She coyly retreats outdoors, chased, overtaken, captured aud forcibly compelled to relieve her enptot's-distress. - - .. ; "At one of these entertainments which it was the narrator's fortune to attend there was a remarkably beautiful young woman, who had been married about a month, ner husband was present, a nugc, Deeue-uroweu, biacK cyeu 3"oung mountaineer, with a list like a bam. The boys fought shy of tho bride for fear of incurring tho anger of her hulking spouse. The game went on for some time, when symptoms of irritation de veloped in the giant. Striding to the middle of the room, lie said: uMy wife ez pooty 'u uice 'a' cz sweet cz any gyurl here. You uns has known her all her life. This game hes been agoiu half an hour an' nobody has pined for her oncet. Ef some one don't pine for her pooty soon thar will be trouble." She was the belle of the ball after that. Everybody pined for her. She was not at home. He looked for her: ?be crlninal assure as the night fol .iaw ine a ay, unless some power is, brought iu'to. prevens it."- That power; knoylede and mat ai purpose.. Don't espeelnlly try to live by a. motto. It is geneially too small aud nurrow, but do try to live by correct principals which shall live and dwell In- the every day life. In this way nobie men and women wiM fill the. He searched the jnvdea. over. The grove, the meadow, and at last lie found her in the clover. Ah '..fair she looked as there, she stood All in a,iield ol green, ; With rosy cheeks and sweet blue eyes And hair ol golden sheen.,. Her robe was white; a broad straw hat Kept ou. the sun's hot rays. She did not see him, for she turned Upon the earth her gaze. ALWAYS YOUXG. She started as he spoke to her, And blushes mantled over Her face when asked what " 'twas bug sought, She answered, "Four leaved clover," Then Harold Gray stooped down and searched The clover all around, lUlU CHl"v sg uvi im vuiiiucmiivu -ww avsi 1,1111 . 1 a a the multitude of low tesr, short weight While she looked on; at last he plucked atuni or phosphate powders. Bow oslt r our green leaves ironi me ground. I-H CAXS. ROYAJ. BAKI KG POWDKB CO. 4QG Wall St. N. Y. Absolutely Pure. This powderever varies. A marvel of nuritv- strength and wfcolesomenesR. M-ore economical than the ordinaty kiuds, and cannot be sold' in competition with PROFESSIONAL CARDS. AYCOGKE & DANIKLS, Goldsboro.N. U. C. C. DNIELS Wilso Nw C AYCOCK & DANIELS & DANIELS Attorneys At Law, WILSOX, N. C. Any business entrusted to us will be promi tly attended--to. ; N. Y. GUILE Y, Attorney-At-Lawy FltAXKLIXTON, S. C. lejrat busiress promptly at tended to. She said that he would have good luck In all he sought to do. "But will-good fortune follow mc," lie asked, "when I shall woo ?" "Ah ! that no lover ever learned, Except by trial," she said. He whispered something in her ear, And she bliuhed rosy red. . Softly the breeze of summer blew Across the field of clover. And to the farmer, at his door, The sweet scent wafted over; But sweeter far to farmer Vaughn Than clover's delicate scent, It was to sec those lovers there, For he knew what it me:uit. But that was several years ago; Xow, on a summer's day, . There iu the clover lield lie sees His two grandchildren play. Aud Harold Gray, as one by one Their golden clays pass over, Thanks' Mabel for his happiness, And says he's still ix clovkh. Why is my wife so precious in my sight? Is it because her eyes are al ways bright, And grace and modesty are in her air ? Neither, believe me, though she's very Ciir," She 8aysi and says it with an -earnest diction: 44Tlu3 growiug old. I fina, is all a fiction, - Since fortune sent me Favor ite Prescription. Dr. Pierce's famous remedv of that name is, indeed, perfect specific for "fe male weaknesses" and kindred ailments. By drmrgists. Cleanse the liver, stomach.. bowels and whole system by using Dr. Pierce's Pellets. Christian. Charity. EPOCH. T 11 OS. 15. WLDEh, ATTORNEY AT LAW- W)U1 IJUltli, N. CL Otiice on Main t., one dour low the Eaute Hotels l''urm;uiS Formula. Attorney At Latr, LOUISBUKG, N. C. Will attend tl-.e conrts tf Franklin. V.iiu-.e. Granville, Wairett, Xash. and F-tier 11 'tu.l SitiJiviire Court. Prompt a Lion li ill givvir- to cllectiens, &c. P AUL. JONES Attorney afi-J Cteellor at Law, LOUISl.UHG N. C. ' Will practice In t-he courts of Franklin. Warren, Wske, Vance and Nash,-, and" in live Supreme eourt of the State. i TSCHOOLTEACHEKS The Superintendent of Public ricliools of Frankliii county will be hi Louisburg on the second Thurs day of February, April. July Sept. October and December, and remain lor three days, if neeej-sary, for the purpose of examining applicants to teach in the Public Schools of this County I wilt also be in Louisburg oh ftatarday of each week, and all pub lic days, to attend to any business connected with my office. J. N. jJakbis, Supt. B MASSENBU11GF, ATTORNEY AT LAW- IiOtTISBUUO.K. c. Office m the Court House. AU business put in myhaDd&wii faccifrc pfonspt attention. Ct toOtjKEl ". " ' fcl"TT add COUNSELLOR at LAW. LOCISBURGf, FRANKEIN CO.,. C. Jl attend tke Courts of Nashv Frank in, Gf inville, Warren, and court of ToOh Qarlinaf aiutthe U4 . Circuit and DiSTiufeTOdufts; - H. J..E. MALONE. 0"JEice 2 doors below Form an w'ojke's Drugstore, adjoining Dr. O. L. Ellis. , . , , TP W TIMBEHLAKE, ... -.... i. ATrakNEY ATLAW . LOUIStiUSQ, N. C. 0iSce i he Court House The Southern Cultivator, for Auawst 1580, is at hand.- As usual the whole number is excellent, but as the "Fur man Formula" has produced the bist results of any with -which we have any knowledge, we transfer it from the Cul tivator to out columns. The following is Fnrman's Compost Formula and the mauncr. of using it in Furmau'S own words: "Now to give you the formula upon which my compost is made: Take tliir t3r.buslels of well-rotted stable manure or well-rotted organic matter, as leaves, muck-, etc, and scatter it about three inches thick upon a piece- of ground so situated that water will not stand ou it, but- shed oft' in every direction. The thirty bushels Will weigh about nine hundred pounds. Take two- hundred pounds of good acid-phosphate and one hundred pounds of kaiuit and mix thor oughly,, then scatter evenly on the ma nure. Take- next . thirty bushels of green cotton seed and distribute evenly over the pile-and wet) them thoroughly; they will weigh nine hundred pounds;, take again two hundred pounds of acid phosphate aud one hundred- pounds of kaiuit; mix, sprerd over the seed, begin again on tlie manure, and- keep on in this way, building tip your heap, layer by layer, until you get it as high as con venient; then cover with six inches of rich earth from fence corners, and leave at least six weeks When readv to liasl to the field, cut with a spade or pick-axe square down, and mix as thoroughly as possible) Now we have thirry bushels of manure, weighing tune- , hundred pounds, ail three hundred pounds of chemicals in the first layer; and- thirty bushels of cotton seed, weighing nine hundred pounds, and three hundred pounds of chemicals-in the second layer; and these two layers combined form the : perfect ompjbst.; Yim pejeeiyethat the weight 2,400 pounds. Apply the first year 500 pounds per acre in the- drill; the second year 1,000 pounds;, and tho third year 2,000 pounds; and ' ailer this use from 4,000 to ' 20,000 pounds pet acre, as you may be able to prepare." j ' We yrilUadd that thc farmula; reduced to the quantities-of each ihgrafieri 6 nec essary to make a ton of compost, would be as follows: ; " Stable manure,": &e. ' Cottonsseed green) . : -AGid ixwpliate - ; - ; -, Kaiuit . . -. v . Dlirliam Sun. Every day or two brings to light the downfall or rascality of some fellow man; in high places as well as low. We never rejoice over the downfall of any man. We know that human flesh is naturally wik, and man is "prone to sin as the sparks fly upward." We have 1:0-sympathy for frauds, aud humbugs and villains, in religion, in politics, and in our social composition. They should be exposed and. kicked out. When a good man is overtaken iu fault, hc-shonld-be shown some mercy, and the finger of scorn be slow iu poiuting him out to the gaze of the world. The world is ever ready to kick a man when he errs, and every httlc fellow, prrliaps not so good as the -man who fails, will clime in and lelp to send him scooting down the hill. As Josh Billings once remarked, when a man tails, "the lull seems to be greased for the occasion." - So it is. Every man is surrounded by persons who are ever ready to- apply, tlie grease and make it slicker. Tlie vorld is more- willing to tear down than to build tips If the secrets 01 all hearts were known iu this- world, our religious, social and political founda tions would be shaken to their very base. It is not for mortals- to know.. It is,well it is cot. It is with a." higlirr power to adjust these things. Christiau charity the genhino- ar.icle if rightly applied, more frequently than otherwise, lias a tendency to lift the fallen, encour age the weak and elevate humau beings above tlie degredatiou to which they consigned by the thoughtless and frivo lous j rattle of tle worlds. The transition from long, lingering and painful sicknesn lo rol est health marks an epoch in the life of the indi vidual. Such a remarkable event is treasured in tlie memory and t'ue agency whereby the good health has beea attained is gratefully bloated. He ice i! is that so much is beard in praise ot Electric B tiers. So many feel they owe their rettoraliou to health-lo Electric Bitters. If you a troubled' with any disease cf ki incys, liver or stomach, of long or short standing you will surely find rtdief by us of Electric bitters. Sold at GOV, and $1 p?r botile at W. 11. Furmau Jr's Drug Store Uccipcs to Overcome Wakefulness. Orphan Asylum is not yet a fcll-ea-tiining institution; that the annual ap propriation of the state, the proceeds of our several industries, and tlie voluntary contributions of citixens are not suffi cient to meet current expenses, which with tho best management and closest eeoumoy, tut at all times bo hnvy and UKn the increase with the admis sion of every new nnhiennt. Our friend;! wUl please bear in mind tliat wc lu over'SW) children now at Ums Asvlum. to be fei andifothed and Incited; that orplmns are not difiVTenr from -other children, except, . prrhar, they have larger appetites -and come to us witli scantier wunlrobcs. To suimly tliclr actual uccewities and keep the in.stitu tion up to a fair standard, requires moiir' t 1 . ey, ana a coHwcruino nmoonu 01 it. We need help;" we need it now, aud ak. in the name of humanity, tliat all wlto feel an interest in this grand work of giving to the rather less and forsaken the trainuig and protection of a ChnstUn home, come at once to our aid with sub stantial tokens of their recognition, sym pathy and support. VI ail active chanties none onrs a larger or more attractive field than U orpiian work totlay. Tlo reaults of such labor caunot be eAtimaterl. The actual cervices to church and stato and country is beyond computation. IVture the ragged street wait without home and without friend, a candidate for tlte work-house, the jail and the iieniteotia ry, converted into a ueral, educated, self-respecting citizen, and say that the mite you omtributcd toward fuch a transformation was Pixuit for no tmr pose or could have been usal to lottier ends I We ak our frionls to think of thoe thin, to rcmemler our need, anil to send In tlieir contribution. We dk'.ikc to remind them, but they ltave forot tcu us of late, and neceity compel U.U appoai. From tlte lculgc, utore partic ularly, we look for their customary of ferings. Orphan's Friend. The Crctlit Syatcin. Tlic llcruld Otaatbu. la Nm men seem to be Lorn with no other hope and no other tlmught but to ilablh their crcrt- If it U for a sum not crcatrr than nioctr nine emi I Wbca .kc jmp bath loal It. - ... ... ' Mumw AnJ H tU'JIal by the call, Tu cu!Aj hours oftLe rAtta wnw, WliCti the Uhik jto ooli aoJ the feci are numb; tlev vmrn fr th triv-i;v nf tr'':n- j j - 1 the mcrclkuit lo "durga" tlt to tlcrn. Tlie tliirtv Aivs come aruul with wings not leaden. Tti collector rc- mciubcrs that Ue firt of the month ha come and retnlml tlicm of it. lie Lvt9 U1.1t hl bill are due. an-! dxlares with a longing k.k tint "lie needs the moo- cv." lHublles he doc. Wc all ncl m)ney. Tlie mcadtcar.t 1:1 tlie street Uiink't lw ncixN m-mer." Tlw? mil die man the raan with a roui ho:n and all plcasantnev aroond an. I al ut him he. lo, ncnU mor.ev. The niil- hoiiairc w'.Ui .1 rait toll tlxat ww'.l reach from here to Synwxe, U ia we dutrc?vi, he mut Iwivc wLil U due him. And so the work!, with its ciiHions and millions of circulation malium U in want of money, al why cauuol all besatUnol? Why was the miserable and sukHil ytrn of credit ever c UblihoJ? Why rltouk! lbs !onri men be nvide to pay the debt of the dislior.cst? Yet lie dots. Every man ia busincsH calculates on o much hn ou account of bad Jc'jt a.kl tLa wzv thxt the honest poor jnan buys are marked up to a figure that win cover tint loss. Is it right? I it jut? I'.x. TIIE VEUD'CT UNANIMOUS. arm How Ute tis.i wUI)otfU i the dy pn by When uc cr u heaid that lrrs hrA try. Wlkca the bmiu by turkd iu drtvrnlaS drrp And tUc uttl was a lent; unbroken batcbrlor by f TUEIU BUSINESS liOOMING. Philusr for ltisses. ItbW TITE X. C. 1I0UXTA1 liOY3 and GIkls Osculate. 750 pounds 750 pounds 334 pounds 160 pounds Making a ton of. 2,00a jpounds mt' MAN AUD WOMEN. ' It is not alone the mission of ti,-e people who till thf soil to raise Back in in the North Carolina moun tains the student of customs may still find material for research. The most unique are tho kissing games, which still cling to the soil. A lot of big limbed powerful young men and apple cheeked buxom" young girls gath r and select one of their- number as rna. ter of ceremonies.. lie takes his statioi in the centre ot the room, wlulc the rest pair off and parade around him. 'Suddenly one young woman wQI throw up her hands and say: . "I'm a puiing.' The master of ceremonies takes it up and the following dialogue and. interlo cution takes place: "Miss -Arabella Jane Aptberp says she's a pinm.. What is Miss Arabella Jane Apthorp a-pining fur ?" . Tui a pining for a sweet kiss." Miss Arabella Jane Apthorp says she is aipinin' for a aweet kiss. . Who is Miss Arabella Jane Apthorp a-piaing fur a sweet kiss fum f" "I'm a-pinin' fiir a sweet kiss from Mr.'lf ugh Waddle." (Blushes, convul sive giggles and confusion on - the part of Miss-Arabella Jano Apthorp at this forced confession.) Mr. Hugh Waddle walkj up manfully and relieves fair Ar abella's 'pinin'." by a smack which sounds like a thcec-year-old drawing his feoof out of the mud. , ? Tbcn ft young man will be taken with Among the many recipes winch have been given for overcoming wakefulness Is one devised by a Mr. Gardner, nnd formerly celebrated in England, but now almost lorgotten. it is to he on the right sklc, with the head so placed ou the pillow tliat the neck will be fctraighlKkccping the lips closed lightly, a rather mtt -inspiration is to be taken tlirough the uostri'.s, and the luugs then left 10 their own action. The person now imagines tint he sees tlie breath streaming In and out of hH nostrils, and confines his attention to this ilea. If properly carried out, this methe.l is Mid to be infallible. Counting and repeating poetry are other means that have been recommended. Combing the liair, brushing the forehead with a soft aim ing brush, or fanning, are all good sleep- ihducers, and might well be tried ou sleepless children. To these may be added tho Spanish practice of getting a baby off to sleep by rubbing its back with tho hand. A sen sation of dry. burning heat iu the soles and" palm, which accompanies certain diseases iu come people, is a cause of sleeplessness tliat will give way to spongiugthe parts with vinegar and water. Wakefulness is sometimes the result of lack of food, and a glass of co?d water or pale ale, or the eating of a sandwich, will, by setting up activity iu the abdominal organs, divert the super abundant blood from the head, thus re moving the cause of the unnatural ac tivity of the braiu. One reason why the most gifted of minds have frequently been afflicted by sleeplessness is because bodily exercise is too often negloctc by people devoted to intellectual pursuits. For such persoc8 there is no better soporific than muscular exertion, car ried even, in extreme cases, to a. sense Probably no cna thing has caused audi h jrc'cnd revivnl of trade at W. II. Furman Jr's Drog Store as their giving away to tl.eir customers ao many free trial Lotties of Dr. K-ns's New lMcoery for consumption Their trado is imply enormou iu this very valuable article from tho f.ict thai it cures and never d-apoomts, Couh, cold-, asthma, bronchitis. croup, mid all throat and lung diseas es quickiy cured. Yen can st it be fore buyiu bv celling a trial bottle free, large size $1. Every botllc war ranted. . V. Snt, Jl.ppui, Ind.. lesiif.o: "I can recommend Electric BUcr as the Tory best rtmedv. lirerv bUle sold has given relit f in every case. Uuc ni-iu lovi. s:x sn 1 w cuied of riieumatiam nf 10 yenrs sland ln-. Al.nham Hare, drusjrist. mll- ville, OMo. allirms: '"The best sclbi2 meil.cine I ver luiDd'iHj in nty Iweuty veir expcueucc is Eiecliic Uit'er., Thousands of o titers hare atkicd their tcsiimofJV, -o tlwt t'.! vcrdi t i uaaa imou that Electric Hitters do ccr all disease of the liver, kidneys or bio-! tnlv M l dolJr a bottic at . II. Funna-J Jr. I)iu Moic. sierp: llritio ! tor thu yoro Ai! Uic blifal pcvC wbkl wUI cooms t.o more ! T!e clock li.k ca arl the bb sti'J ye'l ,I L. tiiircd U-c ugn to tu jorr tHi t As uj U.ytu his Urnrt Uis dictum swcTju lJTit Tttat . Brat I North Carolluis iud lcr Youn. Men. How ApiK-nruncc 1h.-cIvc. It is a ooUl! Svcl thit a larje nons brr of our IrtchUM aa! brryuanj mm do kare the rotate, and da arcecd moch tcUcr llan thy puwlbly rtsdd kn Nortk LVtroHua, There is scarcely any SUta in the union that Uts rnibol so nutnj noabl to many ram of naSf sulsUnAl worth, as North Orolloa. Somebody is c4Ctiualij aLioj why Urf men are not kept al Loose. There is a catc toe tlu. and tlte cause Is very crkkxu lo any oae tliat will jk wi'Ja ocu eye. Fnr a loti tixae the kkn kot prera3 ed in North CaxoUtM to a cctuskrable extent, Usil ju:t tm are not qaili ficd for onitiou tl Uu rUoce, thai llkcy lave not bm drillsJ Ion 5 etwujk in tiw sclwol of rxprrin. There lu uot born suii'wicr.t cxwuuratnKtilcvrerv, or hulucciwnU uTcml the younj men ct Ni'fth CarotlnA, and they btve uaU.rJ!y toukt a tV'd wbrre I. Kir mm'-i are iu-re ajrtrek.tstu. Wiu;on Lo.ii". iieoiitlio Alert. A iwily citl&cxj left Woiml averiue car at IU411 street octvrccii how cr yestenby, bul was Icirdly mi the "lo walk bcfticc he began and ba k- 0111:55 ai lue tivr. "It'e aia orders lo stop cxvcj-tj-it crofcsiiisr,' observed a j?ngtT 01 the rear platform x tlie coijduclur rm-Jml up to Mill tlie bell rop Yt, but be ha- obably lorgvttrti somctbbis." "Well, let him get it w hen the car comes down. 1 have uo pnticucc forcefful men." -I gues I'll Up anjlw-T.' "ll's a strune to do it." The cat was stin,l. aid tlie irtin cam? running ail iki:H.5 to rail ou: "I ft my si'.k uud-rdla i:i l!w? car." "Yen, and here it i. I wn. krSi;g it for you," replied iht htdivkl'xd who vu opp'l the lop. "Thank.. You are an bX3en nvvv No oranintion, of wlntever cliarac- tcr, lias ever shown the marvelous growth developed by the Farmers Alli ance. At tint it was sneered at and all manner of evil conjectures were in dulged as to its permanency and its pur- pases. Quietly and serenely it has cone forward aud larzcd until now it mbracsH very many of tlio bet cili- acus 01 our State. 11 w siron- ana is daily growing stronger. Iu power lus not been o signally diilayed as iu Uic bold, manly and determined manner in which it resisted '.he bacrin" trut in 18SvS. Tlie pluck and skill and unity which it displayed greatly astouuded th. whole country. Hut Uc result showed its power. The mot hopeful feature devcloied in that titrug'e was the Zxcl t'.utt" wliilc the lolitkiau, woul'.-Lc lenders, legislatures, and even Congress I " there were more men lue you lh. itself, cringed before Ihese m.m.y onU ou be a UiU worl to l:ve in. and diil not dare to move a hand against llere -nave a ciir. them, ihe sturdy, honet farmer of the South tcpjwil forwanl manfully and of fatigue. Once A Weekl ShUnh's coustiniption eora is sold br u an a frnarmntee It easts eonsamptloa For sale at Furmnn's drug store.. Shiloh's 1tillicr is what 70a need coustipatiou, loss of appetite., dizsiaesa. and all symptoms of drspeiisia. . l'rie 10 and 73 eeots per bottle. For sale at Fur- nun s druz store. 81eefles nights, made miserable by that terrible contru. bhilo cure is tue remedy for it. For sale at Furuiau's drug storK , , i -1 . 1 ' Will too suffer triih drsuepala and lir- er complaint r ShilokVa ViUlitt-r Is guaranteed to care too. Tit sale ut Far- man's drog store. dcJ'catal ihem. The Alliance is now strong enough to become a great ct witli this cbss. llcia;e wc learn cf certain scheme for utilizing the order in the furtherance of personal or party interest. The mem bers should keep their eye open and be constantly on tlie alert, for there are many traps set hi which tliey might be ensnared. Auy schemo or proposition should be tested by the principles of our order. Lay it down side by aide with our principles sec if they coolcidc wiihout contorting or bcudiug our prin ciples. Do not try to bend or suit our . . .. a. a principles to tue suicme, cui masc inc scheme conform to our principles Jast as they stand, nnd if this- counot be done, reject it, wliatevcr it may be rnuciple, priucipie is everytuing wiui us. Iet us stand falUifulIy and uu- fimchmgly by it In nil lUna and every where. rrogtcsaive Farmer. Mr. Thomas C. Lo proprietor of tho Lee Hotel, ArkadelphU, Ar., says that Bwlfl'a H,ecine ha so strenjrlhed bis wife for her bors aa hoste I hat bo can rco-iin nend and emphasize the assertion hat as a tonic for ladles aud chil dren H. 8. H. has no equal. EUCK1N3 AIIXIUA SALVE AN AVl'EAL. To Frlendsof the Oxford Orphan Asylum. ' It Is again necessary to- call the at tention -of the good people ef Narth Car olina, and especially " f the Masonic Fraternity, to the iact, that tho Oxlonl Thebet salve in tl.e world for cut. !rui-ea, res, ulcers, sail rheum. fever sores, totter, chapped hand ehllhlains, coma and afl skin eruptions anl poaitivaly t-ure plVa, or no pay required. It la guranue'l to cive perfect iatisfaciion. r mooy rcfitnd rd. I'rka- 25 ceota per box. For sle by J. 1$. Ctlitou. Mr. B. F. Whatley l n prnml nent merchant of Ilinton, Is. He bays that ho has sold 8wifV Spe cific to many persons and know f sonio wonderTul cases of blood di eae, and has never heard of a failure to cure. Beveial . t severest blood poison wero caretl after all the doctors aud all other remedies bad failed. I am of tho optolon W. S. H. S'lould stand at tha hed of tho lUt of blood remedies. I airived at thU conclusion fmrn the testuuony of scores of perwiw who hv told ine ol'lhe ko1 reaults from ita-trx. i havo been tilling 8. S. 8. for years, and It hss won a ln;e wiie. C. A. Ohikkitii, MjtjtL)wer, Ark. Mercury and potash mlxlur dry up tho secretion of the bly, etnscs mercurial rheomatUni sukJ dyspepsia, and finally run thevys tero fbiwn touch a eunditl n tlat other iliscasc4 nruluduced. 8 Ufa HpedSc builda uu the Mtient Irtnn too flist diwe, nnd jtivw IHV aul vi-ir to the Hholo iiuujju Truiuv. T)we i ai'.Jr rtiuoa ky many otm men Irave Ibe MAt In sock numUT. It i bvaj. of the kutvtja ble llurt jT mocicy tkal jcrrsila ercry where now-a-daj. TW 3 uun men are tvH coa!enled to rrmalu al horoo ai! rre oat tleir apprenticeahips, Tliev rrrwl the bound!ca resoarrra af tin; lc wc:(ra su:e and of Uk (Lr-tu-.u- ll.t are t'.ere aonirrv ki abort iu c of uar. Hey Ruuwt bar tba kkti Uin at home and pk&kLcg alon for a trrru of) vara h order that ajier a tIuIc they may rife to ' palticua tf prAmLnoiice aM Uilucocc Tby itt-: as tucy -oad txke a ticket lus a Wxiery. Take the S!M f North Orolhia tsv di a-vl it will be found itjit Utemoatof J.c a.t lio iwre pmnincut on ocroaal 1 liirir callh cr ut Lbc l.ijh rUkai tlu-v in t iftf avelkaa lre Sr-rju-rcil ll.oc positions tbroc'h hard and jrntn.t work; that tliey started oat a )oung mea wttbnt forUiot or 4n the lowe-i titious ef U.e callings of tk L5l- l!ey c!rxc la (low. Sxne cf tL? Iiisi officer oa oor raCrtla to .by Ktt dwi ho startAl tlieir rairs4 carnrr as loconmiire enerrs cr auto otLer u.h lowly pos;liotu Tue mou were r:itenlcd to work and ta so work lltA llcy wookl ne gradually' In (Lrir oorupaiio. It was never mtmoed ta mm to rich without jnyL-: kt lm rvhas wiUi the sweat of tie (ur. Ti true. i lliuk. tlat au2skoto coum gnu;; l t ooi grra to Lie yoting men of the StMe to remain at born aul cast 1 heir lot with their peoric. Wert more etKouracracut girc than firwrr of them would leave. TW tata b t Ikirac hi lli rrspect fur losing so many of Iu I right y 00 a? men. NilL If tLs mm h-vl more patleoce, they wookl not U.ouw Lcourroi eaally, aaJ would be nire willlug to slay at bouM arid tlt ole ibrir Uixx al thdr bnia to the sdranccnacJt of this Sutev Lkirhaiu lUnL TV Ttcv. (ic. II. TsMrar, mt DrVi. In4 m - : "ttota m;1( mm4 ( rrr llr la ivoiob'a MUTUw M Tt. , FwT Ir my Why miu taiclk wlum JU4s er ill gim lauMmoat rulimi, tric M i 1 yJ ctv. a 1. s!4 my anJu ,U jruai Je nmrmlAm my malfmtmt roni.. p4ilM. iliuikm, torn mt ysUlr. yttUtm- . Aaitvb' ViUuLf b pr. liiausT. 0okt by ftmss. Civ.hawpUt ecaa4 DswkItW iMMdiitf rriiTrU by blol4'. Fc sul l r'wnuaa'a drt( str. t'atAfra nnd, -U mm4 WrUsi sccmttJ, by MtWk'i Otarfc lUsaW.w t'lirai jrl ttkU. Naal lijirwr It, l'r

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