THE FRANKUHfHMES THE FRANKLIN HM& PUBLISHED ; ISrEBV -- Jf'BIDAY,- BIT JAMES A. THOMAS,' ::-. Editor and Proprietor. Tit Tiara Is' fe too? sk-ws? rlhrdki t'nrJtU coouij, and U. ttrcalatian exmla ail e"rrr every c-' tkm ef thi and alVaaiag moln, ad-- Ba b a. veruscrt aaouu mala a twee errs. . $1.50. LOO. Six Months - ; Tbe Eilavw wCl wA 1 rtrpaor!U for tht riew f tccrrn mVnta. J. THOllAB, Editor and Proprietor - Wiru malice toward none j with charity foe all. ; vhicb u&q per AOTiTH In Adrancd lina commrfnicstvoot etubs a3 To Clubs of 5 Tub Times' will be furnished at $L4L- - ; Coos mc4 earuaady ao!k1ted. X rtema of ay caxxtfe wiU be Vm,fnf it LOTJISBUBG, N. C. AUGUST 23. 1889. NO. 29 rtsccs TOO. . .. IW ..... : ' - .... - inn . JH ran TlIB.6 lillS 0 - 1 SXw(i7 R3YAtK5l!?lJ PSD ilni Absolutely Piirc. Thi p wdereer ari. : A marvel of i) u ri tr, strength and . wholesomeae. More eeooamical than the ordinary kinds, aod eanaot be told ia. competition with lUe multitude of low teat, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold OXI.T I S CANS. BOTAL, BAKI KO POWDER Co. 606 WallS;. N. Y. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A Y COCKE & DANIELS, Goldsbor-WjNlC. ' CCDXIELS WUso X. U AYGOCK & D1HIELS & DAHIELS Attorneys At Law, Any basaaess entrusted to ua will promptly attended to. '.. be Y. GUIXEY, AttcTney-At-Law, FRANKLIXTOX,. C. AllWai tended to. bukiiesa promptly at-; 111 OS. B. W'LDElu ATTORKEY AT LAW- LOUl 1JUKG, N. t). - Office on Main St., one door lnnr tit ITniPt.: -r F. S. bPRUILL. Attorney At Law, LOUISBURGX- C. "" Will attend the courts of Franklin. VanceOrauv Hie, Warren, Nah, and,.: F ler?il "lud Supreme Courts Prompt Aiieaium givuii 10 collections, AUL JONES Attorneyaai Connsellor at Law. tLOUKliUHG N. a 1 Will; practice Sttt tlie jNnrfsf of Fraiiktiiu: WArrenjt". WAfeeyVsirjpe and Nasfi, and in the Supreme court of.t he Stale. - 'T SCHOOL TlACHEKS : ' . mt X 1. ,f.; . & - n-Liti. ScIuk1 of Franklin cuntyiHt W in LouiKburg on the s cond Thurs day of February April, J uly, , Sept. October and ..Dt-.eem.ber, and remain for three days, if necessary." for me poriK)se of examining: applicants to " tfach in the Public Schools of this " County : o j 1 wilt also , be; in -I,ouisburg on Saturday of each week, and all pub-' l ictlays, to attend to any bus iuess . ifia iitH..i w iiii iiiv .iiiii iteta .-- TifjjSf Hakkis, Supt. lj: B. ilASSEXBtJRG,: ATTORNEY AT-LAW- i - . Offio in the Oourt HoiiBe. - ? . -; A.U bnsines3,pul in my Hands wii f ecet vf prompt aUeTitionfSS VfT Yand UNSELLORttfLA oaisBfjuo, rn.NKUN co.,k.. : Ji attend the -r. Courtsf Ujtsh, r raofe inr .vulwaiTe-and Vike ti oun . lea ?lsoKthe wee eourt of Jf or th C arol in a; and the C t ..UircuitjmdDisTnicrroourta., -f-r-J.E T3 MAL0XE. - . 1-4 Once 2 doorsi below rFurman & Uoike's Drug Store, adlolnlng Dr. O 1 KllisVf-?" Q ;ilUBEBLA3KEjl ATPOR EY AT, LA i , , - V";xotiisBrBO: c.:i v;- OSes i 'he Court HoueV 1 -r Trao Herobinj. J-. ILet others write battles fought, " i.i ti - j ...... .... L ' . ; -vi oiooay, gasuy ueias, ".Where honor greet the man who wins a Ajaa aeau the man who Yields: -, : But I will write of bun who fights And vanishes bis sins. : Who straggles on throusli weary years Against hirnself and wins. : - Ue is' a bero staunch and brave : Who figlits an unseen foe, . -" And puts at last beneath bis feet H : His passions base and low;;!;-' "Who stands erect in manhoods rnxt . TJndaun ted, nndlsmayed --Z.'-yi i The bravest man. who drew a sword, -v 0 In foray or in raid. 1 & I-,- - x;r s- " . r ft-. It' calls , for something .mora than f ..1 ' 1-raw- ,'- t-'Ttr muscle to' overcome r An enemy who mareheth not -,i -With banner plume' and drum-- 1 A ibe forever lurkim nurh. 3 . cnuicj Blu.ijr a.cli, i. . ,.y Forever Bear your boardjoy day, . Atnht beside your bead.; ' ' VlW -n.l. : . All honor; then, to that brave hoatt ! -Though poor or rich he be, ; '. Who struggles with his better part-- Who conquers and is free. He may not wear a heroe's crown Or fill a heroe's grave, .' But truth will place his name among The bravest of the brave. ; .. - -.ex. - Lawyer aud Witness. . . States vOle Landmark. - f ; The Asheville Citizen learns that dur ing tbe recent term cf liadisob Supcr or Court,' there being on trial a case against the railroad for Injury to cattle on the track, one of the atiorneya i ap pearing for the plaintiff remarked ' ' that t ie engineer, who had been examined, as a witness, ought to have seen, the cattle, and that .he would necessarily have seen -then, if he had been" at" his post of duty; and further remarked that the engineer must have - been ,; In the hggage car taking; a drhik, wbereupou the engineer, who was present in court cri d oat in a loud and angry voice : to the attorney to stop, and remarked Vitb an oaih t t the. aUorBey.rwerl knew, that he was not druk. The Citizen add thXt the proceedings of ithe ct cr; wore greatly interrupted by-the incident and that "Judge Clark : vwy-' properly, 'commuted theengiueer to Jail for thirty' dayswWe regret that it 'did not go on and aaywhat be did with the attorney, but here its narrative ends. Here is ; a case of a lawyer going clear outside f the evidence and alleging-that the engK nee., instead of being at his post, was tack on the train takiug a drink, and t ie witness stung by the Injustice done him. prqiests in" open court. Certainly he did wrong; he should hare waited f it the adjournment of court and , then -tiled with the lawyer; tut his putting h mself ui the wrong did not put the attorney in the right, and we know that Judge Clark, with his nice sense of jus- tice; recognizt d this fact. His Honor: .eertahrfy&t least f eprimanded the ' at torney for his aspersions upon the engi neer and probably madehim take f his. eat and . keep .' it during' the further progress of the case, for he ; is not a judge who would see a respectable - but helpless witness misrepresented and then punish him for a 'sodden 'ebullition of natural ' passion ' w ithout at the same time visiting some punishment upon the .The Wilmington Star has a paragraph concerning, the above inckteh the fol lowing extract from which is on- a line with jour thoughts; - . ' v -l it was proper to punish him the en glneer) for his disrespect to the 'court," but what right had the lawyer to Sup-, pose'that he had deserted his ; post- and was in the baggage car taking a" drihk t That the engineer's 'reputation for sobri ety was "worth something to him, and itn should not have been wantonly attucked even in supposiUon. in a place whcr6 he could not defend It. . People slioukl be rnftde tp4y.duerespecito the courts, L'utJawyers should be required to : kfcp Within'Uue limits when dealing with the character or witnesses, - in this case the impulsive engineer did -wrong ; and paid the penalty, but his : thoughtless profanity waa aotwitbbnt provocation. A Prouibltiou Qeaerier. J RevV RttBawuhgof Attrnarle county, Ya who has been a very ar dent and prominent member of the Pro hibition party in that State for several . years, publishes a letter in the - Valley -yirgmian, in which he , announces I his withdrawal Orom that party and : gives this curious and amusing reason, as fol-- ;:irrd years ago I was the prolilbition candidate for the Legislature in -j Albe marle county, spending $25 - for the cause and receiving fbrtj-nine votes. Last year myself and wife were dele gates to the national ; prohibition', con vention and helped to nominate Fisk and Brooks Mrs. B. being one 'of the Jice-presidenta of ; sald convention, And myself one of the two V Virginia members of your committee. -T We came home enthused and worked like trojans for sakl nominees, placing the Voice at our expense in .the' hands of every voter who would receive it.-.ln our congressional district and spending about $5 00 in the campaign for prohi bition. ' The result of all this labor md expense was lSTotra for. me as Sector onFisk and Brooks ticket , in " Albe- marie. Out of fifty ministers receiving the Voice in our county only two voted '-From tlie above facts I have - conclu ded that I must be wrong; that it Is useless to throw my vote away ou ft any longer, and that it b my duty to abandon prohibition, and In the future advocate high license and work in the: interest cf thWRepublkan party, which is the representative of that klea. Ifeving now an apple Jorxhard of CO acres andLa vineyard of 100 acres, I can give every brother visiting me a glass of wine or apple-lack as he may prefer, though I have not touched a drop since Cleveland's election, ben I got -very drunk in joy of Uiat event, i No more Cleveland and Lee, but Harrison, Ma hone and prOtec;ire tariff to the brim to boomT Virginia. - - . Yours In brotherly lore, ' - R. n. Uawukqs. O listen 1 if within your home ' Some gentle one is fading; Take warning, ere a summons come. a our happiness Invaduig. . For all the suffering she endures - Is needless, did you know it: The "-Favorite Prescription tures . : . Unceasing praises show it. Tmly a household blessing Is this marvelous specific Dr. Ilercc Favor ite lrecriptionror the Uls of wotuan. :Who thit sees a dear face grswlng each day more eihereal but wiuXrejoice to learn that the wife or daughter may yet Te saved, and the family circle preserved unbroken f Dou't despair, but try it, even if the doctor i- tay there is no cnrcV It is the only medicine, sold by druggists, for woman's peculiar weak nesses' and ailments, under a. positive guarantee from the rnanuJkcturers, that it will give satisfaction In every case, or rnooy will be refunded. Head guaran tee ou botUe-w rapper. . . . . llenveu. JXeecVtlou itoom. " As we ascent the golden steps, nn In visible guardsman swing open tho front door and we are ushered right into the rcception-ropm of the old homestead. That is the place where we first meet the reception of Heaven. There must be a place whirs the departed spirit en ters and a place In which It confronts the inhabitant celestial. The recep tion room of the newly arrived from this worlk what scenes it must have wit nessed since the first guest arrived the victim of the firat frntickle, pious Abel. In that room Christ lovingly greeted all newcomers, lie redeemed Ihem and He has the right to the first embrace on their arrival. ; What a minute when the ascended spirit first sees the Lord. Bet ter than all we ever read about Him or talked about Him or sang about Him In all the churches and through all our earthly lifetime, will It be, just for f one second to see Him. The most raptur ous Idea we ever had of IHra on ' sacra mental days or at the height of - some great revival are a. ' bankruptcy .of thought compared with the first fiash o His appearance in that reception room. At that momenta when you confront each other,; Christ looking upon" you and you upon Christ, there will be an ecstatic thrill and surging of emotion' that beggars a description. Look 1 They need no introduction. ; Long ago Christ chose that repentant sinnerv and that repentant sinner chose Christ. Mightiest moment- of an immortal history 4he first kiss of Heaven I Jesus ' and ' the 'souL-r.1';;,';- r'.x: Bat now; Into that reception-room pour the glorified kinsfolk.; ' Enough jearthly reten lion let : you rkno w them.' but without their wounds or their sick iiesses - or their "troubles. ' See" wha; Heaven lias done for them. 7 So radiant, so 'gleeful,' so- transportingly " lovely " They tall you by name. , ' They gree you with an ardor proportioned to th. anguish of your parting and the lengti of jour separatiou. - Father J 1 Mother l There is your chlil. rSsters t Brothers! Friends ! I wish you Joy. For years apart, together In the reccption-coom of the old lwmestead. " You see they will know you are coming. ; There are so between here and Heaven that new like that flies like lightning. - They wi'l 1 be there In an instant; though they verf hveome other wot id on an errand Crocs God signal ' would .. be thrown that would fetch them. Though you ralt at , first . feet dased and over awed at theksuperoal ienda,aaflat J feeling wHl be gone at their first touch of Heavenly sahitaeidn. What" scene hare been. wUnessed In; the xecepGoor" room of the old homestead ! -"There met Joseph and Jacob, finding It ' a. 1righter room than anything they, saw ia Pharoah's palace; David and the. lit tle child for whom he fasted and wept; Mary and Lazarus after the heartbreak of Bethany; Isabella Graham and her sailor son, Alfred George Cookman, the mystery of the sea at last made m&ni- " " 1 I ci uq vcuiwuou, oun xxowaza ana tne prisoners whom be gospeUxcd; and mul- titudes wihout number who, dace, so weary and sad, parted on earth but glo riously met in Heaven. Among all the rooms of that bouse there Is no one that more enraptures my soul than thai reception-room. "In my Father's house are many mansions.H Another room in our Father's house will be the family-room. It may cor respond somewhat with the family room on earth. At roorninx and evening yon know, that Is the place we now meet. Sacred room in all our dwelling. Whether it be luxurious with ht and divans, or there be only a few plain chairs' .and a -cradle. So the family room on high will be the " place where the kinsfolk assemble and talk over the family experiences of earth, the wed dings, the births, the buriala, the festal days of Christmas and Thanksgiving reunions. But you must before, you enter there, and so I bare 'opened a iounuun wnereyou may wasnau your sins away.- come - now r rut your weary but cleanest foot on the onward pathway.- Doyeu not see amid the thick foliage on the Heavenly Lfl tips the family to net teal r "In my Fath er's house are many rooms." Rev. T. DeWittTalmage. ' There are timea whea a fceiiaf af laaat- tade wlL Tcreocaa tha aaoat rakaat, whea the yatemerarea far para blood, ta far- alahtba alemeataaf health aad atreaxth. Tha beat remedy far parifyiar tha blood la Dr. J. n. VIcLeaa'a SaraapaHllr. . Sick headache, bUoasaaas, aaatea tiveaeaa, are promptly aad agreeably taa- lahed by Dr. II. UeLeaa's Lirar aad Kld- aey riUeU(tUUapiIla.) aa a a. a . ji your aeaita ana nia ara worm aay thiof, and yoa feel ojit of aorti aad tired oat, toaa up yoot ayateai by taklacDr. J.- U. UcLeon's 8 trtaparilla. . For a aafa aad carta! a retwaJr far favrr and agwe, aaa Dr. J. II. AleLeaa'a chUl aad Caver a re; it la war ran led to ear. Learaliiff A Trade. . A good trade is aomethinsjc which bank failures or comnwrcial panics do not destroy. ' " .. It is a passport to all countries and claims. " ' . ' : Something whkh can be carried In our head and hands. . A demand note which passes current everywhere."."" -. --. -The one thing that cannot be learned In any academy or college la .the Jfjd. A strong crutch upon. which iq .lean. 'r. The veryTriend 'of our yonth jjvho will not desert us In our old age- or af fliction. ' --" , ' The only language whkh Is under stood by all races and climes. ( It Is beyond the possibility of decline at any timer-years enhance its value. ' The only property which cannot be mortgaged or sold. ' . " - , .- It Is a calling which can be declined or taken up at pleasure. r . " Something about whkh neither friend or kindred can. quarrel. - " . THEIR BUSINESS BOOMING. ..... - ..4 ",."'' ' Probablv no cue thin? has cauaad uch a general revival of trade at 1 II. Furman Jr's Drug Store as their living away to their customers so many five trial bottles of Dr. r na's "Xew- Dtscoeryfor .cuoaumpnon - fheir trade Is simp! y enorraoua - In this very valuable article from the fact hat it cures and never d-ajpnointa, r Jounht, cold,- atlinaa. 'broucbitU, roup, and all throat and hug diae- - a qmckiy cured. . 1 CU can Vst It be l ore butiu br cettlng a trla b Ule j ree. lare size II. " Every boUlo war ranted. ' ' $nppOMCie. : boppoeo the President of one rr onr ttrongQal female coJlees thooli J rralgnM befbt hU boanl aC JfS3 f9 f Jmrnoralltr, five 1 rat tee should vute to amoii biro on the charge of . Immorality, ana the remalnlnit three trust era should votf him rullty of the Uxanee. What would be the efiWct on that Institution, If the President tHoald claim that he was acquitted and should remain as President ? Would It not betosmpty his col- na ny destroy It T Wrtst Is the TliSerence between tWls suppoeed cas and iho rAay imnr. uno uirxerence-la thlst that the father could take hie child avay from the'collece, but If she should become vlolentlv insane. be -would either have to send her to the asylum cr pat her la the Jail of hla county. - The rrozresslve Farmer has said that Dr. Qrlasom and the Board should vacate hla office. - We reit erate that opinion with emphasis. nr. a.ll L. . .i.i ... raged by bis retention u Sunerln leodent of the Asylum and will not quietly submit to it. A storm la brewing which cannot and will not be quelled until the demand of tire public voice In this matter Is heed ed and respected Progressive Far mer. THE YEUDICT UNANIMOUS. W. D. Suit, Bippot, IoL. testifies: I tan recemmetifi Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bUle sold has riven relief In everr cai uoemaa.ioK six ootues aod ws cured of rbcumalkm of 10 years staod- l. 1 it. j . f. , ti vUle, Ohio, affirms: -Tb best seller medicine I ever handled la ut twenlv years expeticoce is FJectiie BlUerv,' Thoosands of ethers have added their testimony. o that the venTkt Is noan- bnoa that Elctre Bitters do ccra alt diseases of tho Uvrr, kldueys or blooJ. uuiy a h;r u..n,r ootus at w. II. i urmao Jr.'s lru itore. Your County Paper. Each yiar the lical paper gives from 400 to 1000 la free nnoa for the ben efit of the community in whkh it U lo cated. Ko other agency can or wjl do this. - The editor, la proportion to hU means, docs more for his town than any other ten men, aad In all fklrneas. man with man, besought to be support ed, not becauae you happen to like him or admire his writing, but because a lo cal paper Is the beat investment a com. muoity can make. It may not be Iru- liant or crowded with mora t -c-Jrtit. but fluancialTy it la more benefit to the coram onlty than tha teacher or prvtchtr. UndmUnd us now. we do not mma Tnarally or muUectually, but fiaaocki- lp; and yet, 00 the moral question yott wul Ond that most of the local papers are on the rurnt side or the qoadtMm. To-day the editors of the local papers do Xha most work for the' least money U any men 00 earth. Subscribe to your kxal paper, and u you are u businoM advertise In U, not as charily, but as an lavestraenL Joi?e Davkl Davta. EIXJCIL The transition from loo;, lingering ana pamiu aicaneaa to naa.ui a f t . . a a . a C . 1 1 maraa an cpocn m um ua ot we tou- vldoal. S ich a remark jLIo event Is treasured In, the memory aad the agency whereby the good health has been attained is craleiuuv uesso. 1 Hence l! Is that so much Is beard In praise nl Electric B iters. So tnsny feel they owe th-tr restoration to liralth to Electric B'.tters. If you Sue troubled with any dWcaae of kl toejs, liver or stomsch, of l.Mig or short standing you will surely find relief by us ot Electric Hitlers. - Sold St &X, aod $1 pr botils at W. II. Furman Jfs Irug Store. . - Gex. Zsrra is out, The Wash ington coTToapoodcn t telepraplis 00 the 9th Inst.: to the New York Time as follows x ' Hlen.Estes lost bis place because of a rumpus over the way the campaign funds were a pa it, the Gn. being re cused of not making a saiiCctory ac count of the money entrusted to . hint. According to Gen. Kites' rrrsis the National Committee sent $30,000 Into North Caro'ina In charge of chairman Quay's aoo and bis private secretary. It is understood that these representa tives of Quay reported that $3,000 had been turned over 10 (tea. Estaa, another $5,0. O to somebody la Cheatham dia- trict, and as'Jhilar sum to Brewer's dia trkt, whQe the reat was left to general use through the State. Gen: Kates ad herents now claim that none of tho Na tional Committee's money went Into his hand, uat none was spent la Uu cat- ham' district, that none was put to general ue in the State, and that only $3,000 was used in I '.rower' a behalf. Tbey thus fi nire that $27,000 out of $30 000 Li'.aJ to be put where it would do th moat good, aid thry want Quay's lieutcaiuta to exptaia where Um ntuuy weut," hatorea I tumor U. . uWltU joar Ixaineesr Inquired a city merchant of a country youth, with whom be had been playing an mnoccnt rameofeucre. Oh ! I'm one of nature's h amorist," replies the verdaat lad. I fau to catch on," said the mer chant, uncoodously . droprin- late slang. "What are you riving me r wu wi a sau, oosa." Well, what da you mean ly nature's hnraorht ft Why, I tkkle the ktooI with a hoeaxfilsii'ued the yotrnj "rranger. nd the earth smiles with pleray., The merchant pissed, and the youth made his spades. " ' ' hnoha coaaa&uoa ear U akl hy ta a a g-aaraateo It rarra caaaaiMiaa rar aaia a r armait a wrtff aurr. Chiloh'a VlUllarr la wUat Toa eatIpaAia.loM af imuu. a aluljMM, . rviMil and all traipioai af 4jfyU. ttM aad 75 etata.jr Wula. i t aaia at , Tar. sua s drar tUr. K1V4. Blfhta. aaada aalatraUe hy that UrrtWt carh. ShIIoh'a aarwU th reaaey tar It. k m i atara. WUl rae aaSar Kh 4rMraU a4 II a r eaoiplatatr ahUaha'a YlUUarr la ffnaraatead U aara T- aaia at Far- aaaa's drax tar. I ThaBav. Oaa U.Tharar. mi IWarh. IjmL. mjm "IWnh atjaatt a4 altttai aar Urea ta HHllekl iaaaaaptio ear. aala hy fimu. Why will yaw eaaah whaa KhUah'a car wtll civ ledlaia ralirf. ltww IS cta,Oataaa4 ft. Hi4 br ai Are ya ata4a aUatfahtahy raOlcaaOaa, aa(!fUaa.diaiawa, Uaa af arwaiiu. titaw akia i esttah'a VlulW la a r4- waaCi yaila Um raa. 944 hy Fanaaa. Crwp,wha4a achaa4 Prwhlda rJTw ay BhiUh'a awra. Far Sale at fvau'i drrne Ma a. latarra rarf , SraJiS aad swa WraLk aorarwa, hy Saut Catarrh JtraaWr. rriceaOawaU. aaal la Wwta trmm. eala at fanaaa'a drag . . . -1 3futUAl XrVtrbearance. The boose be let n tnmo3 where tVra Is no tolcratkn ofcatalcs, vo lenity ahom to fAiHrga, no " sock aubroAaions to lojarke, no soft aarwrr to tern away wrath. If yoa lay a sin gle slice of wood on the grate aad apply fire to It, U wUl go out; put on another stkk, and they wQlttra, and baif a duzeo and yon wJl hats aa tZacxii c Vt-Xi. There are other firos saMxt to the same conriltkn. If one member of a famDy geta lata a pasaka, aod U k& aloos he w!3 tool Sown, and psMibly be MbaaMd, and rrpmt. But oppose temper to temper, let one Larvh aa swer be fo3ow d by soother, aad there will soon be a Ua whk h wCJ en wary them ail a lla Vcmln; I Ul t giyyim. BULKIXS AILMCA jfALVE The best salve ta the woitd for tats. bruW. aaraa, ulcer, aall rbwom, fever sores, tetter, cliappd band, chilblain, corns anJ all skin erotlot and positively cure piVa, erne paf required. It Is guaranuied to give, perfect saliaraciiurl. or moay refund ed. lUcw 3) croia pr boa. For sale hv J. B. ClLlna. liad 31anrwgrnAcnt. g. TOQQ!. 1- C- 1 . , - , - , - , a-.- , ttey early come to ruin. The yoocg dark marries and takes a bouse, whkh he rroctwi to fkrnhh as expensively as he can asord, and then tus w'e, tnstaad oftrjing to help bim earn a SveChood, by doing her own work, most have a servant to beip her to spend his. eara Ings. Ten years silerwari be win be found struggling 0Q4undcr a load of debts and children, wooderioj wby the lock was al ways against hlai, whCe his Mends regret his unhappy dotatioa of financial ability.' Had they from the first been frank and -houeat, be need not hare been so unlucky. The work! is full of people who can't Imagine why they dont proaprr Eke their neighbor. when the real obstacle Is not la beaks, tarilT, bad pubCc polky or hard time, but their own "extra vaganrs and becd less ostentation,., ' Xaaa tha a oat tlgtmrn aad hearty p p! hare at tiae a (Uar cf waariatwa aad laattade. Tadiapal Ui faaliaf Iw.J. 1U UcLa'a-faraapariU il.fOi laapart t!fo aad vitality. . Tha asoat eVlletta aItaUa mlm I aa lr. J. If. htLeVTa UU Leaf lUlia. XI la a mmrm raJ ff a4krt loaa ( aad all thraat sad laag tfvahlca. Plaipl, UaArhaa, araly akia. aad ar. at mini a r Lanars, aaheaJUiy dwharra, each aa tArrh. raa, Haf aoava J mmt ( at aSta dtavaaea, ara itiuoi ar t d 1 1 pari 1 Ira. Tata Dr. l IL MtLnm'm &r aapantJa. D'ttioeaa, aaaaca, Jrawdaaaa. dtra after ral la r. ra hm ard ad pwvetal B0Y3 I1AKT HEX. When yon see a rcrd arThia Kanilcg w'mtfttl ha th rf. With torn hat aad knaekaa tlSJNra lAtxj face aad bars rei lerL Pass not ly the cLGJ czhewiar; Koalle upon bim. Uarksae, whaa Ua's grown old UH not forget lU Ttx remoLaber boys cake .pr. llsve too never seen a prtnda!ra, WUheyeaaWw srUhjor, Bring to miad aome act of kkhas-. SomethiagsaUmhksaboyf Or relate vtm sSsht or oakkeM, nuasMusUi UsracaXadaOMl a o rmmMtM boys tasks saca t Let us try to add To the Ua of rery bet? For each ch&i bead tender Ia Its sorrow sad Us jay. - -wrnrrTftTsbnmiTiTT'il r rnaas. Thy aroai the LooaccaMkl wImb It is cbeerteas with Tor. rsrnemher, boys soaks Voubs Lady. 1 . Sjo was a pretty young sdy. -TWJ chamlsgty dreaaoi aad pesaosaQy quue atrracTt, bhe was oat at the park the other day, and she got on a. crowd ed car. (he had a: seat, aod several mm were sua&sg op. . Thrrs cans la toil car aa oil lady wry , .poorly dreaaed. rLa locked 63 sol awaraad tired, the Vxaei arooxaL bwrersi very slegaat dsdas wars sluktg aroaad, but nobody made aay ini iraeot to give his place, ferteg ihla; the young bdy of w bora. I spohe got sp and grs the c4I lady a tml sad eseoi cp brails a dade 4cLi la- tha very klest fuYrfyi pUts style, who tock . a caim kwk si bar srad krr hla Then a man tkg beyond la the car, wbo bad Joat noikwd Wrr, ga ep, waived or or the dVs knees sad UtU adtheyvusg lady to tike Ussml. About all the dtaJki esprer4 . vsa aa annoyance at btieg diaiatbei. TUs Is not very mach a story, U k not a Very dramatic sttaaxSc. ' bet It pmoas a graal daaL . " . ..-J'..1, j X d S US hi a fiV0i awa tlr.J. tL iL' tita aldaay rVUta la Ua aaaUiaas Faalual . aaaaa Ua lit, aad Ua draaxW. IV. J aTiaaaa 1L MeLaaa'a rUU parfa U taaa aaa paa ml i 1 1 foa truest rahlpt The Wliastoa Win 1 lea Brpabbcaa, TlMsrrKcatsaatair. VT. tTLWey poUmaaur si Wloatoa srsa a . aasrpriae 00 laaa to the pace as Ihte city tbsaa to the UrpnbSouas of Sorth CaroQaa, It was j a prta traced thai klr. Crower Is akoe rwponalUe for, aad esse that the rrcsvidcsU w3 Cai doe act soert the approval of the Bprtraae ef To- s yth reonty car the Mate. klr. Eztrw l lw iwi la ua (W r? w. caaru rikkniJj Scarad tha ILariWra, pJlicU&s tadlj. il k a ierrOU ca lamity that as a party aad a a people ws are ccntmpafly ccoJroctad srUs the erkkrsres of Che poor quality of hoaer arnsg $lSQCjnlia tad FociiTa Rrpeb-. Ikaa laadera and the ef whkh Konhera RrpubScaea always UAJ against oa. The soarjia la the 1 loose k too cfoae to 11 a lule second ells posnmstrrshJp or te stand m the way of caacas harmony. - MM m a llV- Taalaasr t "VJ.rtiaa aaU aa $xALVAYiuI3 Tjr, Tpci&i, C-rs, cr 0 irnTJimr-? aacaa. ssa - W 'ftaes -isaaw..... war i.tiu:-4iimii Cu. At. V.:-t.;-if i.;:j'.- 1 1