THE FRANKllNIiMlS. I'uijushed Every Friday, by JAMES A. THOMAS : ' Editor and Proprietor. Til Tlns t2s rvJ trpp;t ti I r-iI- (uu.t:j. aod it r.SCCn eirtl a.1 oer estry es U Of 8X1 &!UtJ C3UM, a r.Out a n;a Urttt. Rate s. Onk Year Six Months $ 1.50; 1.00. J. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. WITH MALICE TOWARD 5tf)NE; WITH CHARITY FOR ALL. VMCE $L50 PE11 A1INI M In Advanco Tlx- v J b4 1 maaC. flx tl? vi?w oer-pi(uNit j!rf rn"n4iliU trim a2 :iu Bet rjre.5 iCa:ati X" iui ; U axr ct3'.-o "wl be tW To Clubs of 5 The Tiai-es will be furnished at $1.40. ' : VOl. XVIII LOniSBTJRG-, JST. O. AUG-UST 3C, 1889. NO. 30 THE FRANKUN .TIMES mi"-..:1-- in i lilies. Absolutely Pure. Tiits nowderever varies. A marvel of nurity, strength and' wholesomenef-s. More economical than the ordiiiary kinds, m cannot be ?old iu competition with the multitude of Low test, short weight ahull or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. IxOyal Baxin Powder Go GOG Waif Sr. N. Y. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A Y Of K R A. DA NIKLS, Goldsboro. N. C. C. C. DNIELS VViiso N. C YCOCK & DAKIELS & DAHI-ELS Attorneys. At Law, WILSOX, X. C. Any business entrusted to us will be promptly attended tc. Y, GULLEY, Attorney- At-Law, rivAXKLIXTOXvX. C. t.njsiu'esfv -prompt ly ul tended to. T 1 1 OS. B. 'LLElt, ATTORNEY AT LAW. loci it una, N. c. C4licc pii Ma'm'St.,-one t'oor low the Ea-'le 'Hotel. &-fePKClLL.- A tor n cy A t Law, LOUISBURG, X. C. Vvili attend the courts of Franklin, V.itK-e. ie. Warren, Xah, and Fi ricnl md Supreme Court. Prompt alLeutivjQ g;ivtr to cillecti-'n?, &c- P AUI, JONES Attorney ail CoMseilop at Law, Will practice lu the Courts of Franklin. Warren, Wake, Vance and NaShandin the Supreme court .f the State. T SCHOOL. TEACHERS The Superintendent of Public Schools of Franklin county will be In Louisburg on the second Thurs day of February; April. July,, Sept. OctdDer and December, and remain for three dayp, if necessary, for the purpose of exandning applicants to teach in the Public Schools of thh "County. . I will also be in Louisburg oh Ba'.urday of each week, and all pub licvdayp, to attend to any Lusiness 'connected with my office. ' J. N. Harris, Supt. B B. MASSENBURG, - A.TTOIINEY AT LAW- V LOUISBURG, N. C. OtRoe in the Court House. AU business' my hinds wtl recoivc proffipt attention. : f ILCOOKE. f -S'f'ik i'CT' r arid dTJSELLOlI at LAW. LOUISDUiXG, Fll.VNKLrN CO.,N. C. 11, attend the Courts of Kasli, t rank in, Grinville, . Warren, and waKe.tjountie8 also tne uinetne fart of Nor th Carolina, and the II" . Circuit and District Oootts. ITkli.J.E MA LONE, , '.- ... G.5cev2 doors ;h6lctwrFoi'nian '& Uouk's Drug Store, adjomina Dr. Oi L; Ellis -& - ' Tlil BEULAKE - - ; , . ATTORN I) i :''AT L A W 3 . r ; 'iioUlSCUKG, K. C ' ' . OlEe I ho Court House , . The National Flower, Oh ! Hose, by right divine sweet queen Of summer's royal splendor ' v But that, thou hast pre-empted been, -'. Allegiance-we'd tender. And. spotless lily by thy fide, A white innocence blooming Meet decoration for a bride, . Her beauty's lightolluming.; "As Maid of Honor thou dost shine "F " 1 Upon a glorious banner ; :" ; -America must garlands twine r In her own special manner. On her proud breast she rr,ust not wear Tuechosen of another Her etnrward Destiny will ber.r No rival in a brother. But there's the flower that ne'r forsook In palace hall or lowly cot That blue and bright eyed; floweret of the brook - . Hope's gentle gem the sweetFoRaET-Me-Xot. FKANKLIN COUNTY. A SnoRT Sketch op what it is, for the Benefit- of those in Search ok Com fortable Homes, &c., &c, &c. Franklin Cotinty is-situated iust abuve the level region of the long leaf plne and in the edge of the rolling land. It contains a liitla over 400 square miles and is bound ed by the counties of Wake, Gran villev Vance, Warren and Nash,, mid- has the climateof Raleigh, and Yot health it can not be surpassed'. It has u population ' of 20,82i); by the census lor 1830. Its peopln are principally engaged in agriculture and are noted. for their intelligent hospitable, moral, law-abiding,Ken-eroiw and tolerant ctsaracler, and to J e:s6i:s dtsiring h m s among sucn people, where land can be 4 purchased cheap, taxe are lirht, mu where, .with moderate labor and ease, fortunes may be ac umu latod, tha county presents- a inost invitiiig field. Abundant Sptings of pure water of-the best quality are - lomvd in every section ol the County, and it is ve;l watered- throughout. Tar River runS diagonally througlPthe ft uuty and upon this stream there "rd Valuable water Power, pecia .Iy in Lnuisburg. On Cedar Creek, San dy Creek, LiytiCh's Creek an.l a iiumbiT .f other never fniling strep.m?, there are excellent mill sites- and a .number of fine mills. At .Laurel,-on Sandy Creek, there is a cotton mill .which has- bien in (successful operation for man j years, and there is ample water power in the county for large and extensive factor-it g. " Prior to the late war cotton, to-baei-o and hogs were raised for market and corn wheatoals, rye, peas, &c., were produced in large quantities. Since the warr imtil recently, cotton has been lha chief market crop, the annual y iel.t aver aging fiver 12,000 bales, and the average yhld per acre being great er i hail that of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida or Tex- as, and its qua'ity ot a superior tirade, tor many years the late Henry Piarire raised, upon an aver age over one and one half bales to the aere, and itl 1880, on 42 acres of land ne produced . 63 bales, averag ing 475- pounds and on 28 acres he made 50 bales. In addition t his cotton erop, he made an abtrndaut supply of crn, oa'.s, wheat, peas h gs, Ac. Ivecently onr farmers hav e turned tlteic attention to rais ing I obaceo aud forihie Stellnw To bacco, t lie ci.unty is fast taking its place in the front rank. Last year from seven acres,Mr Dou Best realii ed $2,3 15; and on land tiiat can BE PtJBCH SED AT $3.00 PKR ACUE, TOBACXX) CAH BK PEODOCKD EQCAI, TO ANY IN THK STATK Ott IN THE wokld. Our lands aru coming into demand for Tobacco, aud to the en terprislug - farmer in What " Lave been hiiiierto regarded as the moie favored tobacco sections the county presents a field for investoient rare ly equalled. - , ' -V . . ' -1 . The Raleigh land . Gaston . Rail IXoad passes through 'the Western part of the county and -. there is a branch liail Road from Franklin ton to Louisburg, tfie county 'seat. Land near tho rail road can be pur chased at from $3' to $20 per acre," and land a tew miles off from- the rail road, ofequal or greater tertili ly4 can be purchased at; from $4 to $8 per acre. -Many tracts of land can be nurchased at five or si dol lars i;cr acre. ? .;:- :'..-- '-I" ' :" T wo W i re houses for the --l e Of tobacco wilibepenetl at Loursburg in Septensbef, and, in the phrase of the dav, the county is..on a boom-, V In the South Eastern part of the county there are considerable for esis of longdeaf pine, with oak, ot tuany' kinds, .hickory, ash, maple, gu ni'I m, vhie in the Webt-. vrri 'and 'Not t hern portion of .-.the county, yellow pine,, uakf hickory maplp,jrlogwood and a great vaile ty ofother trees grow. The old-field pine, which so rapidl y restores ex hausted land, grows with great luxuriance, and in many places lands once-woyi out, -are restor ed to their original fertility and are admirably adapted to cotton, tobacco,and othe; crops. All the fruit of thlsi . lnlitude -nd climate can be successfully rodured and iu great quantities m Frank'lin. Apples, Pears,. Grapes, Figs, Melons Stra-v berries and many other varieties of fruits flburisli iu the county au l can be rapid'y raised fr market. " In the Xonh E icctrn pa! t of 'Uie connty there are valuable sold mines, frOiii one of which (the Porlis Mine) Gold, to the vnlue of more than" SI, 000,000 has been liken.. These mines present a moht- inviting field for capi tal aud enterprise - The iielig'ious clmracter of the peo ple of the county ib very htgli, the leading denominations being Baptist and Mtthodift It-has the common -school lystcm of the Staie. with schools of highecgraiie at Louisbur and Frankhnton. The Female (Al lege, at the place, has renew ed its career of prosperity, under Prof. I3agley. To neu desirins: firms, no section presents greater inducements and to men desiring to engage in the unde veloped field of manufactures aud to make availal 1 the reso'.rces of the wr.ter poweis of thejounty and Hie woo-i ot me lures' s, mere, is ample ecpe tor .nntokl 'e.ilth, and from -mines that have yielded in the past, more tha.i a inilliou of dollars in g jld. many millions more ea:i bo tak-n. If men go to the wild woods of the, West tlwy can only can only succeed by-energy una lndustrv. Viti the ea'oe energy and iudustry here tliev ran suci ecd a well and better, and that without the discomforts of a new Country. Canniiiyr Fi-tiits. A woman who?c sheets have fount ready sale at 'The Woman's Exchange' in a certain city, and who rarely loses a can of fruit, does most of her .seated in a hi-j;h chair- at a large table. on which is a "asclece stove o: good size and all her implements of war at haud.thna saving herself the- dw. om- fort and htsat of bending over a growing stove. She, alwaj-s buys the jars with porcelain lined tors, prcfering tlto&c that can be closed b3 a wrench; and any one who has siitfered from aching w rift a after sailing eight or ten cans of fruit will approve of her choice. Early in the Rummer before the fruit season begins, her cans are sorted and cleaned. They are placed- iu a boiler lialf full of tepid water, containing thicc lablespoonfuls of ammonia. Wr.en the water Li hoi, not boiling, set the boiler where tho water will tool gradually, and when cool enough for the bauds, remove the cans and dry them thorough ly. The rubbers and tops- are treated in the same away, except that the rub bers" are cleansed by using warm wa ter. The fruit selected for canning is just ripe and sound, and expense is lesseuod by watching tho market and buying whenihere is a glut. Where paring is necessary a silver knife is always used, and the fruit then dropped iulo a vessel of cold water till realy for cooking. Small fruits that arc gritty with dttst are poured, a small quantity at a time, into a deep vessel of told water and scooped oat gently with the two bands and well drained. The fruit cooked hi porcelain is sweetened and boiled accor drag to the variety. W hen tno cart, placed on a. flannel cloth dipped in hot water, is filled with a. long-handled la dle, the air bubbles oro broken by run ning Vfork handle down thrsides of tho can, fJid ihe fruit U quickly sealed Another equally successful way,, and one ttwt saves the labor of hlliug the causi. ia - to place" the. fruit at once in' the jars, making Ihera very full, and soatteriag the necessary amount of Buear between the lavtrs as the caa is filled They ihay be' placed in a steam er ver a kettle of warm watcri and al lowed to steam about .twenty minutes after the watef has Iboiled. - An extra Jar or bowl of fruit should be placed in the steamer to fill up the space in the cans left by tho shrinkage in the fruit. A layer of white cotton wadding fitted exactly to the inside of the jar cover is thmicrhtto be protection against the germs of fermentation. ; " Vheu fruit is canned without , sugar it is put into the jars and cooked to the samo' manner as above, or, u desirous of cookin? a largo quantity -at one - time. tho cans are filled 'with the fruit without suar or water, and placed in a wooden rack Set in a tin bo"Jer, which should te nl with enoueh cold water to reach nearly two-thirds up the sides of the jar, The boiler should thou be covered so that the steam will not escape when tho water, begins to toil, and the frnit cooked the necessarv time, when it should be made air-tigh t at ouce. The fruit may be stootl upoa and wrapped in liay or sUaw when Uio rack is not at liar.d. , The first-mentioned process of ster.m- lngl, however, to bo prefcrred to tliis one. A f:u:aiv boiler mav be used when onlvone or two can sre'tn bn rr.-M at a time. When the fru:t coulcd I witliout sugar is boiled In the kettle la the old-fashioned way. It is wn to have it boU slowly for about twice the usual time Evening Post.- idttlc Voiueu Are as a rule, posseted of happy dis positiona, but when these sweet deposi tions become soured ami irritable, in consequence of the-long train of distress- ing features peculiar to- female com plaints, they are then not commniona- i ble to eav Uie least. It Is tho dutv. not only of little women, but all women to afflicted, to bring about the subjection and immediate removal of tiiese painful maladies. This Is easily accomplished by the use of Dr. Piertea Favorite Pre scription, the great specific for "female weaknesses.'" It is a positive cure for the most complicated and obstinate cases of leucorrhoca, excessive flow mm ing, painiui menstrurauon, un natural suppressions. pro Lip us or CUling of the womb, weak back, fa- male weaknesses,' antevemioo, retro version, tearing down 8CVitwm,cliron- fej congestion inflammation and ulcera tion of the womb, iuftuunution, mm and tenderness in ovaries, and kindred ailments. All druCTst. AcontcnteJ as enjoys a long life Better whole than patched with gold. Success depends ujiou the courage to act. The tram traveis slow hut a never gets tired. Rough lioncsty is exipcrior to a smooth raud. Iiive is the truep.-i.-c at which love U bough. Wliat tlirco know will soon be kuown to thirty. Turn vour tongue seven times before speaking. ASCRAP Ot' PAl'hll SAVES flEH LIFE. It was last an ordinary scirn of wrapping paper, bu'. it saved her life. Dlie was ni tnc lat stages o? rn- pumptiou, (ohl by phsiclms s!io a a a ta. mcurauio an i ruiuj oniv nvo iui a a'.iort time; she weigl.ed les thin at-v- enty poutt'b. On a p-ece or wrarp nz paper shJ read of Dr. King's New Di-covcry, and got a sample botlle; it helped her,- she biHiM a Iare bottle it help d her more, b'nght another and grew beltr fast, enntmuvd its use and is now atrou.healtv, rosy.pia.-up. M'!2'iin2 1 10 pounds, ror fuller par ticulars send itUmp to v. 11. Colt Drusgist, FortSmiih. Tnal bottlo of thit wotidcrful Discovery free at Y. II. Furmitn's Drug Siore. Exhibit Your Birds. If you are a breeder of fine poultry, you of course aim to exhibit your fowl at the show this season, ami lm;ky will be those wlio win prizes, for the pros pective purchaser will closely examine the list of award to see who has won first prize oa the variety he wishes 'to purchase and. will .inevitably tend hi order to the breeder who has won, as it is good evidence that sail breeder has good stock, and is much more convinc ing proof than a . flaming advertisement or circular. Any breeder can grt up a fine circular or an attractive- ad.crU&o- roeut but only the owner of fino birds can win first prizo at our poultry, show where competition is generally keen. The breeder, who wins tins scaecn will have all tho orders he can fihV Now you want to win if possible, and iu order to do this you must work, for although you may have fine 'stock you must put them In the very best possible sliapo for tho show room;, and in order to do this I make the following sugges tions: ; ' Select now from your young birds the best standard marked birds, put thorn oa a run to themselves and putrt them by feeding the very best flesh and boue uroducins food. . Examine them often and apply me standard closely. If any fail to come up to tho standard require merits cut them out. Three weeks be fore Uie show commence to feed once a day sunflower seeds, this will give rkU jrloss. to the plumage. . For three days before the show, fowl rice boiled dry with teeh moat.' When you get ready. to tend them to the show take every bird and examine I closely for chsquiUTj-ing uurla foets, wash their coml, wa-li their fort and legs clean and wipe dry, put them in the exlxitilion coop oa clean, dry straw and they ore ready and la good condition for the show roon. A toon 4 feet long, 2) feet wide and 2J foet hih, dovcrcrl on top, end and back with muslin and half inch rouud rods la froo owk3 a gooJ'exhibUiou coop for pea w ut or ix uma-u. ai. uwen i In Southern IVwltry Yard. Tho above tuivLro Is of Urrportancc to those in North Carolina who nfe ra&Dg fine jioultry. TlouAnds of dollars go out oftltQ State annually lor fine poul try that can just as well ke kept at home If the who rata poultry will maxe an exuiuu ot snmo at the Annual State Fair. This will I an esnotlallv favorable year (Sc an exhibit, dm oue of the new and special feature w ill be an auction sale ou Monday Oct 14th, of poultry. n owner can object to sales if he thinks his poultry has been sold at n 1n o tliere wUl be no chance for the brooder of toulrrv to tut a chance to lei poople know where Uv can buy all kinds of fine poultry iooio oi ortn Carolina. ShUAb't roasiimpiioD enrt ioll bt en s gaartnU It rurva coaauinutio I or at r inuo l drag ttorc &hith' Vitiliarr it mlmt tea n4 eoDiupiiiAa, im i apput, di pput. aimmtm. I and all ruuu of df I'riem 10 f and 73 rent prr boiilt. Fwr ul al rar. I nuku urug norr, KUeplea aihta, nade ai!erab ly that terrible-wyb. 8hUh'a ear U ta reiucd lor it. i or ! at Farmaa' drug tori. A l'owrrfttl iIovcmcnt. The iTOgrev-ive KaniKT, of IU1;!, the official organ of the St l'armrrs' lliiUicc, gives us eome Interesting tuU as to the fulurc of tho I'anncr' root e meuL" Our contemiorp.ry goee oa lo aay Uiat the movement "now cmbrates all the coUon sutt. Soon it w iil cmlrace all tlie great States tributary to the Mbm sippi river. Tlie linen or parallels of prorcea and dcvelojxncut of tram tor a tkn and enterprise, have run Iron the East to the Wcat. Tho cccoliluioa purposed will bring into oT organbn tku all the Soutli Atlmtic and Gulf States. These Matte iroluce a cro In which they have no rial or competitioa in the worlu n crop that coctroU the commerce of the naiiona. TTey eaiU ctr.trol Uiat crop. The Northwctcrj States tliat will j,4a u, coulrol thetulk of the wheat ami corn and meat crops of this cour.try. Combine anl onnnlrj ;hee great btalcft. rontroliing time bn uini'c rerourccs aud forces ail timi form a solkl IWk of SUtos at rots the country from the Gulf lo the Like, cutting i:i twain the lines c-f parallel rc ferrud to and c have the coutro'ling liowcr. industrldly, tot ially aol ixhti cally in our hand. We wiil tlcn be ia jKitioa to di'.titte the ro'.k-y co-.nnxr-ciallyand politirally of U;e country. Thii i a tird-cyc view of tlie grri work which Ls i.ow crrstaUzir.g and wbkJi hi our juilgment is to save the country from anarchy and wbidt i to rccrvc our free institutions and our republican form of govcmnciit. MThe consolidalioa will rcirewit at cast 3,000.000 of men, a majority of whom are in the South, but when the Northwestern States are organized aa tlwrouxldy as are Uie Southern States, we will be the most powerful orga.uix.v- lion ever known Jo this country or to lite world and nndr the favor and gui dance of God, U will accomplish the no blest and grandest work ever wrought bymca. . Even the moat iroa a ad beartv re- )le have at tiwea a Crelin; el weariaras and lauilotle. Todiapel ilila fcl!B tk lr. J. II. UcUit a erupanlU; it viU impart vltir and Titalily. The unMt dtlicate eoatitatio can aaft lv nae Dr. J. 11. MeUaa'a Tar w lot Leaf Hjha. It ia a anr renieoy fr eomh. losa ot voicM aod all thrvat aad Ut( troubles. , rimolee. Motehea. eealr akie. ifr poUTore and a leers, abaeeaaee and t- mors, eubcaiuif aurbaega aea aa ca tarrh, saa, rinvvrm, aadoilirr forma of akie dlaeaaea, are ef blnod impsritiea. Take 1T. J', 1L UcLeee'a fear aanahlJa. ' Dixxlneit, wanica, drewalnesa, dtitreit after eat I or. fan hm earrd aod- preraid br ukifgDr.J. II. Liver and KJJoey 1'U' els. TIIE SOUTUEUX FAIlMERS'AD THE DAGGING TItUST. Wc arc all pnof worms of Ihe dat but tho tinner in the lonet auifcring worm. lie lias turn a I at LL The Juto Dagunng Trust kis really Covoictl hiiu to riisamce-' lU AUaau Coo- stUutioti Ma : . iTae limners of (teoria and Jouth Carohni lave d"Us to td.c i,fXWXO0 ucli us cxn l rtailjr ttsp- I luJ uy muji in i.turja, ati lquu:ji &rncr Lave r'slT-l theatre to Ulu; 2,000,00) yaaU ik- e, makli: C0O0.CCO yards for tf three Na:r?. 11 - " n . . nS acLca dc3aIUr!r trill C Jut Trust trouble. Y. .-u if ih farm ers of do other cotioa SU'.n wrrt ta move la the matter thoagh thj wl aQ Cdl Into lino heartily Tho Jot Tratt woull be dcslrojal. Ttm ki U w . w '-oq j ry.a cut such a bole la the rrv3 u ct lha rnUn that the raill whh har UkXm on land would be 'aJ to U juts taai to th Cmthcts at a great! jr rtdaettl gx but the alliance iu-i arc iIedtd"no'. to buy Jut basin on any tenn, so thai the llaojg Trul m be aij to Late crawlal Into a very thvp LoU axwl d Umj hole la aAr tlktm. MItul the alliancv roorrtnoit H more Ux reaching tlun any attempt to Ural up the JoUTnutcooU be It tw template the rrraUon of a new tnarlu tor th lower trlca of cxAaa whkh will be cted In llk8 tnar.ui-rturo of b4 glxv. and it will, In Uct, giv U the Soutli a new Industry. Tlw exclnr aud lh cotton k surance cotnrHiiies appear to Uxt Cm chaitgo, and there toous to be no rcaaoa whalcrrv whj the aoutliern ceUoa , . . .. rnM" OO UVStt pt up u eccll lmAn?. - Aft jm aai asiM r hj ikJt ;ti, f -iti. yi!t kin ? KhUoW Vul r u yt- Crtp. tt(j,tD r;k ul tsct.m icncuriittk rhr,d br nhtVtk't .. )'w aale at f'roi3' lra Muit. ('rttrh erJ, atu 4 sii Wr Mftirtd, Ij S. (LU(h ka-t. I'tic & eoli. .Niwl lJrt! free, f.r Ul at t itrwaa'a itvt Wr. Urctilar lUttbtf. Half the la th UrA Uvea drirrt bcijn they are oa: cf tletr lorn, la eofucquetice of al-ut UelMue and uubiin at cvrrjOur,; they Uy tteix ejeat on Cut fjai to cat; wbecRA, were llxy to cat I -V Cx t:mc aTisyat ryvUr lime, aai txt j at u U4eu maa, tl-y truh: rri W pcrfrct hen!:h. Td dvel a tt.l tnn and paj H out oiiic txti..b "rtr;'jUt) no less ti ne thin fire !r tcs. If a per son cats tHtm OMtili, c4 digratSoa of the fil a'rmly H tlw sttKiuUi U ar.rftnl, uc.Ul the r.lw U has tresi cntcn U brought into tbe V, daito.t of Uc KXMter iarnV; Jni a. water w t c..:!i;i atJ i.rt pnl si. the ntiu'.e crr.4 lo to.l until U. r L- tevi nvUrrl arl lrrj.;hl to U.c l UM11U nul U I th 1kji 1.1 PlLe?. S"o wcaie.- Ut d;jTxjnar vt.-t peiu ! Hiw can t;ey he .!. .. iutc n dtvrdiI n?w h l t'- r of ao many Vel thrr punUhmciil ("r urIvtu? to" cVy thr wt wLxh ualutc rk.Ur buj.:;r ifhcailii i lo W jretr.l. TiiEiit lsusist; HuuMi.w;. ProhaMr n eoo I'-unz !va tuj.d nch a gcuer! revival uf tra ie al W. II. Purinia Jr'a l-i Store as tlx-r giving aay to l! e.r luston.rra a- fr.- trial beU'ca ot H. Kltu'a New ltcoery ir cueu:p k4 Their uade la aimply cuo;aiio mi this very valuable iu-Uc! front Uie fact that It cut ea and never d aapoinu, Coazh, roids aaWima. brotnb.i . tr-up, aud all throat and Ijojj d. leas ee qakkiy cored. Yen cau '.rat It l-e-(om Luyiur bf retting a teia' bottle free. Ur.'e six 1. Lvery bottl war ranted. yhf Had Crop,? A FARMER KXf LAIX It ARO SCJCSC AJtt A ltAPOr IT. Scotland Neck DcraocrxL Mb. Ecttob: I bare Iusm so many peopJo coroptAinin j abuat harl times and so many hod crests la tl coon try aiH what b the caase of it. I can tell them what U Cm caavj of so many bad crops and why the limoa are o bard. JJLtt I came ool of the smr I iZJltax. have a dollar la the work! and to one to give me one. I got marrkd and er.t la work with tor c'ovre oft. 1 coU biro as many haod-hen a I waatAl; all Ilia luuu!a thai were not UKneta. I made cooJ crora iJ maJe nxjc-ey it raa a t.jixiiLoa of Jl Vacrwa of luaTand rsval fur lu 1 rande cy ou f hor and k my tacCy. JJy wl'eata and wove mine and her clod a.l cookal and our-tal I heal a woman to help Lcr aAr aertral jr. I accomulated somo pniTtj, y 8 or lea thousand dollar worth. Then U was I quit makia? shoe, my vu'j r-zzi and mali.rr c!o4h j. We uul live without Cut. rrrltysooal saw l!i tmn f'r data. I to Lhtcto iU Ur t ty Ulnn lrtus a:l Lclojx Bp ajJ . Po I trial to lure al, UboU ! I (xi.l thto ail troi'.n-. So tljry aai!; a 1 1 krouajli wax Thrj U Lai tLaaa a; ox cr a Uili cc aa oil mu!t, UsA or -en 2 reclbj thaa UsaL'aaJ th . -chtnta funtkhin t!m rt ro'o U-v . axd Cc turner t-iil are knrt orcj i. not hira ceo them. li ly cts now &ras wiAjf; Ubcr. So now, Mr. 'LVrt aiy tramrT w ,' coatrro fe cxa oe UJU cxvjii b kj such Ud fix. Tbrre la bwJit. ml la t7c-t a cwmatry aral et . a:il .Ui thu liftl of Lnucra. '- the Uixl crtKr arJ the romhaara ar to Llx-e if the Ucd owxers H cm to real tlni land aral the eurctAc 1 wul not rca theen thm thry caci4 : -Url to Lrra M they da &ow, aad L. t&crt caa tire tim to Ubcr oa th.w Lrnxa arl tsjik jod croja a; via ae C -. UMdtodx The ranrJjUiU laie ton hrp now. TWy woa'l taJu rancva o that r of frrca crlr l2e Wl IcrJ wilt tiaM Lis reel. 1 - f cero ill ) to bid tJ led hi.n t j fioe U' llat the U&d kd i and Ih rcoit m vhQjtbrWy deal kt, caouh k pay out. So tL Uul k .Lao hie mil atal tmlea aotLiaj l.r. aaJ Ihja axiWi'j te a.'! lL-reu. tiiira, Ixl the Krd cetera trat to rtct t atxb fartnera xA th tcrc!asU : w ;U tee llrr Cisc-a fci 1L curanrry. . a k JtftJt jxpj U1 better t'-. arviaCt.lJ esnjjr-rfj-. I ula V-c-U C. u; tr.rr.i cc J tr- r aay Lt-rr hftr. A Kaaxru. IlnntlrfrX". N. V. lt v. 11. TVr. 4 rW . tt I -V t t - -l r f. I rill ! imax'Cvfet t!l . f1rr ' u, jiu,tJ tl. fw f I rate. A WboiahcrwwH, llcr? U a wVia -.:.-u ia a e-. a cf Il3..-h Jt jrcr "IIj jo , f.:I tir. l- cn i ! h. fti'. 1U day fr! U Al ir ! U'us lO t i J w !.o h r.o ti n. t ;rj mail f i l.-n to Js be w La l.v tvi ti-ae la r -f.xl s hltly u fo' . i He t, 4 f. l t:v it fr;rr t.t . t rs ci :.t in wl- Ci.W. I, . V:nz lo wk tjt cJi. r.y t:I . c.rtn::) .z hi.h lo .T-r fx Kc . llKr. LCjef U arty lrl is tvic-.3H It : bt ovsA"r om t !y lha who )... tl eir wh-V hart tla meaomps -meet. Tlkfir rrirJctr la l- UA hi t 1 aa aVni;..., ct-1. It thi a:tuil faiI-rrii tw ctxW-aTors b th exretlete 'Jhfit work. al la th tew al io ;. -aire kli1 iKxt r. bele Own, r. " tckoniu; ihta on b each th i - DUC K 1 N S A UN ICA ? JlLXH The best salve la the werU (ct r- IruUe, area, ulcers, aalt r favrr aoves. Utter, clarred Lav eh-ltdaa. rorut and a!l aaba era. I aod poaauve ly esrre tslre, or required- It Ve giuracWed lo l prr Tee I saliafacilco. cr oocey rtf- cit. lYkw Z rrtjia rr uea. Vvt sale bt J. B. Ci-Vsa. lKxtble Icllnsr. When a man cooee to yoej !-. ecruicfy p!aoiU story, l!sl bt I .- dWovtred your way u boi wtt'i tmctkoa, and that Lr your aaW, - wookl Lie lo gtt J ot of iLsl w . aod to ahcrw his tiaccrtly, aaJ lo r he cCcrs lo b'p 30a i accther thai cw.Uiraa frwrc tlTara't: . Ac, you tataot tf ttxxrw. I. Sc2uZ fa.lrful to Ll-n. llo!. wbca yori 6ti jocmif o. the ok way. awvl rss al Lt la if- -rr ilvl Ue ik-w way into LVh . Jri rj hta lot yrj. etoe wu h b 1 ever irr!l tc ; ever Llr'y lo 1.. .. i ia ahucU wfs joi -iJ ll- y L.y Ui,4y Usj act a.ifj Lt U-al tr.vr l uuod ttaj oil p'.4ifcy 1 . to AMAlut whn b tka letur. cr - - wiiireKis rcr,si tI Us V- ruxe ia iCutocily. yoa taaro L, : - C-v.1 f ihs iV! trir- of wo.i y u t.i tra-i ifi tue r-.f. I ..V.. " . t

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