1 - ... ' . - . " ' -- J- -Al'i-'X'r, r'.'-lW J: . .-I - V -' ; ,i. , FmiAY - J - SEptembeb 20 188fr X:' ' Ix the death of Kiev. Dr. Robey . wb-ch occurred at4pold8horo4vHn4ay ' last, the MetoofliSs of&&tae&; one of their ablest divines. Tub new Superintendent Dr. W. sane Aaylum, U said . to be by those who know him "the right man in the - right ulace." ---.f.--" - r,ha written a letter to the New York Sun, announcing bis - willingness to enter political; jiaecone a; candidate for Cougref from Boston. Ex-Pbesidknt Jefferson Davis says be win certain! j attend the FayetteTille Centennial in November, if his strength is sufficient. ; Thousands of Xorth Car- elinian will be there to greet him. Totbb is a Democratic colored league in Pennsylvania. They think the Kc pabtican party is nottaay recognizing the colored voters of that State in dis tribnjinjs office? They-attoiadvW the negroes in the Sooth to ally themselves country. , with, whom . ,tbeicr. iafcres ts sMsakTWkleutkmther thaii stir-up strife by adhering to th Republican party. wood advice, but Ringing psalms to a dead horse would be as profitable. Ex. C apt. 8. B. Alexandkb, president of thNort C&oTma Farmers' Alli- back t taeiuHiate b8gj3ncf4t bsoli gfcWoQ tuniaMlhame Jute trust will pay the farmers $2 more per ton for alt of their cotton seejl that is offered at any of the cotton seed-oil -mills. The Charlot te Chronicle recards i'l'iBaitoofpoateve && tnejute'ge 4 tim.9l m ton bagging." the national jjcmocrat u a new paper at Washington City. . It will be considered the party organ, inasmuch as it js endorsed-by cr-Presldent Clevelapdfi . Sjshatqr? Vance and'5 other prbmincni . iwwwmiK jeauers. 'iiw emteaDy jar; Edmund Hudson, who is pleasantly re called as the former editor of the Wash mgton Sunday Capital, He is a thoroughly equipped business nSan, a writer of timely force and a scholar of rounded parts. Under his manage . . . nient &e tionalJpeJ)cat t wjtt 'be-' come a potent ictor towards the snc- of the Democraiic linriy w coming contests. Ml Here is a sample, from a Washing ton correspondent of the Xcw - York Sun, oftlie items that go out from Washington about Republican senti ment in the Souths'ColB. -JL Yung, one or the best Known llcpublii the Tar Heel Staters at' 4h$ Nal He says that theRepubjBcans South are not bating oier vS&h entiufe siasm for .SmRi5SlnV cans of Xortfi Carolina, he reports, are disorganized, and outside influences have controlled nearly all the appointments Itsm2 opinion" said be, "that North Carolina will fail to return a Republi can Crcssmen next time because of the treatment received from, the: Ad- ministsadon. - - The Raleigh News-Observer spcaksv countv. who has been dectcd'SuhehV tendeaiof the Raielg& Insane: Asyluhi '4 Grissoin.IIe'JS anremHfled-tddotWirrMf r m. -i neat.physician Ur yair'Pf'iS t-v jTT who know him best say the 'Itfstinraon and the people ate to .be congratulated. It also speaks in cbmplimeniarjtenns of Mr. W. S. Chadwfck, who has been; elected to the Presidency of theAlan tic and North Carolina railroad. He is L a succeMful busmen man, doing a mer chandising business at Beaufort He served for four years as one of the direc tors under the administration of Mr. Biyan, and is forty-one years of age. x Mr Woed suits us. Of -Mr, .Chad-i vr wvw uuuuog, om we wouia have been glad to have seen Mr. Bryan re-appointed. But it is all over now, . and all the talking that could be talked , by us would not change UV ' j Loubburg, wul be long remembered by those whuse pleasure it was to attend the Reunion of the old .veterans 'm that day. Every preparation ecairy for 4 the successfo.1 carryiiig out of the w pro-' gramme had been made by Messrs. C. M. Cooke, J. E. 'MaWe and : .F, g. jmaiporpoue. (auu weueemu proper to euibo uere uat uo comimuee ever worked harder tpseili t occasion, than these gentlemen and their assistants --especially theladies, who aT 1 way4n their ttrQV-S-:-5 J Early Thursday momuig the town begaju to,.fill ttp,wjitivpepple, .andcb Hfc ?oclock the streeta Were lined. 'At tho- 1 ringing of the Court House - bell the Thei12& ttJbfSenib&Bij & I uoun tiouse, aaa agueu oy. w xu- , burg: Cprntt . IJaa ftdvat the ; command f rwarp.n jipe ions; cutuiuu marched up Main street , to - Via large Academv srove. where stands for the speakers,' the Band and others aad been erected. The exercises .were opened with prayer by Rev. J, B. IIuHey, at jconoiuaSoa of, -which. Mi. "F. S. pruill came Tor ward, and afterjexprcss- iog regret that lion. JI J. Davk, the or atxx of the day, was detained from being &t,W46fi?flknegsJhe. in a very neat and appropriate , speech in troduced Hon. T. Ci Fuller.... -I -The TiME3 reporter, who Mjbs kind a 'e'ilAtm was highly entertained by thoaddrei of CoL Ful cr, and thinking that a large num ber of our readers would be delfhted to read u we uecsaea to puoiuu ie ui iuiu It will be found on the first in Js of this paper. CoL Fuller was follow by the he 'a!- lion. Geo. W. Sander lin, and ways does, made a good and ery en- tertaining speech. This wo the pn)Ceo4ings.inj"thegroie, and Son. C. Si.-Cboke' ' iaroe iorwiird - and 1 read a letter from Mi a. J.J. Davis,' eiplaining for Judge Davis his regret thatlhn was notable to be 1'wsent, with ffisuraoce ' The veterans then passed unanunous- lytUie.follqwin: . O l -Resolved, that we. deeply regret ihat Judge' Dam canaot be with us to day; we sympathize with him i in bis sickkessanv w' aes'ard'hlfti of our prayerful interest for his early recovery. The Yeterao then, formed! a line of march, and meved down Main.' strtet to the Star Warehouse, where a sumn- at. osnncr, ana hx rjriittg4llw account "Tnl 'nrsfasl- TheSeki which we fought," was not responded fto, on account of the absence of Col. F. Green J The second tpesjL"Xc)rth,(irolina 'troops at the aifie of Gettyburg, viixepced ib-Cou AV?H. K. Bur- . The s handled his subject in a mas interesting style. He gave N ouna troops then- doe meed of and placed them in the proper li which they, should -be viewed ai f ;trtfihifin wirp3flce tLemt .' Vi-v l mil T i i . . i ' oi. -iwrgwjn trutj -tno old. vet eran's fhend. We admire hia erithusi. aim and applaud. htartieep interest The third toast "The conliderate pnvateer,' was responded to by W.;A Montgomery, of Warrenioo. ? The speaker, after paying old Rule, new Warren and Franklhi;oounties, at high wuipiuncufc, proceeooa in an - earnest .manner-toishow.lAtoslpKt of freely exhibited ou the waters, and that many and many a confederate soldier found a wartery grave as bravely! and nobly as any who enriched the lands of Ifo&fln wtheir patriotic blood4 :hourttot--fen. 1L E.ee, wasjdjunk m bing and reverential st bape with bocdjheads and tear jois teled eyes. fDuriis this inter-al ?nrv &fis11encc?enined throughout the entire hall and was very " afibctingJ It was owing to the uoavoidable ablc w. sj'i ofGnyC. JawiS that tWs toast Ws srsioncwjWJacksn,w am., vr. . oan g a hjghjand well North Carol rn; :i?!VWi-San4epn was better aual- connecuoa WHBeen. Jar.kon iinn the war. The narration of incidents In b Gen.. Jackson's areer hji'the speaker was, very eaiymg anth. iflteresting deed. i 'TKa aSft umi . uv mj iwmu me women ot ue Confederacy," was responded to Prof. S. D. Bagley of the Louisbu rnale College by reciting a beautif&l and touching is, was responded to by P. H.t.Jln Dee,Esq inan animated, sotrl-stirrin speech, which brought down round afte round of applause, from the audience showing what a wrm place that pran maocc"ueinfhha 'PetfPle.iff VtaiBHfn &nii .: .. bee was warm and eloquent in his rei mark. Not'ouly did Mr. Busbce telh a5Pim, suffering and map .tjTdpmbfjftur beloved. Ex-Presulent - ort the confederacy, but his speech ' reflec-l ted great and lasting 'credit upon him- seit '-rk'c r -'. , . . ;.-: ; : The eighth tWOuf "conIhri1 uuer in lus well known eloquent style SM imfH e ; of mauyt yet while oto hearts were made to feel sad at the absence of our hnv bl? fones,eere Xmade 'to feel proud ot the example oT heroism ana devoUon to principle which i our lorhivnav-ea e!edera6"ao'laier8 gtry well iefbc he lerw and orta Car- I praise 4 tght in cKwncre SB. tvpbajaetrized ('the confecferafe soldier ou land w as jaasasajmU sokHerly .qikn- L'.rv.Jggatjyacraon, oo speite-how-jijiOTeat esteem imd - ... rf' Broceedirs Fuller arose and said he wished to propose a toast: The soldier, of Franklin county and ho would call upon the lion. C. M. Cooke to respond. Mr. Cooke arose amid the shouts of the entire audience and made one of the best and happiest impromptu re speeches of his life- -eloquent, affecting and true. At the close of Mr. Cooke's speech the . or der was given to break ranks and the veterans convened in the Court House to transactyne business. Thuseudeda glorious and ranch .enjoyed day. 1 - Although the crowd was very large pome putGSS U a 3, TOO, and 4hcrs at 2,500, wiule others'strephed it l&X) it was ope, of the, soberest wa.,bve seen in socSfe timo. '"ot a single arret was made during the entire da v. y The music by the Coruet Band,' Dr. R. E. KmgXiBadeJvoefer played bet ter, nor did tntf'niuwc ever sound tweeter.- .'"' -. t Comnmnder4n-Cblerv: Malone I atjtetl h'a part weMj as dld.theyotiofnors. umei iannai J. u. vox aoo m ej his otncoT to the aatiafactioa- of all. - ' Among other very appropriate1 tluugs In the warehouse where the dlnntocfc place, werethreeiArgeplpturea - of Jlie ing by a larjje (omb; GeCu 4e, I and lion. J. J. Dav - i 4 . .a "1 r-i;." -"4 TooManoods. rOO JjTTTf V9 Hint to the bargain 4 1 A a. v- . r.i.- v .v A :,Vai 4 f.tA ki . O . Z fQTERYTmjPixfiirT:MN APrLE-in:'(5uDER-to lion ; AND PBICEiS AS LO"W A3 ANY FIRST-CIiASS SALOON. I i We are pleased to see this from the Governor, for while we are a great . ad-. mirer of the Governor, yet we eouM not approve of a fight on Senator Vance m u e by any man in the State. .We are pleased to know that be is frank to ad mit that he could not rival Mr, Vance. .Washington rrogreea. .- - : , . . In this age of Inventive genius of novelty and originality -the mau with quick perception, originality of concrp. tlon, and practical ideas, which can Le utaJbxd, is the man who will feacki tlte goal of puccoss for which humanity U continuously striving, wliHe his foHowe are panting far in the rcar.-rDarbam Globe. It Is said that the approaching State Fair promisca.to be one of unusual' 'In terest. . We call upon the farmer - and mechanics o the State to nilyf "" vod owe it to yourselves and your chJVtrco to da what you can to advance; 4h ag ricultural and mcclianicai Interests of your own native State. DurUam Re corder. . . ; ; t Caadle. Lsiuas, pple, ab4 m polio toluctivvtag gum ai King Orw,; " I 3 3J .PI lVTOMT?. V I t kjt seekers is sufficient, lli u -1 1 1 ... . ..... i - nTiajr tbU d if qualified aa Adxnlal trUr ! T. Uftoa. deM4, 1 Wr by atif7 all ixmou ta l mm (or vrd aad Ut aa4 all . pcraaaa holding Uia araiaai tV raiaM UI rcarai Lkvia tor paTtne" i ar brfvr CM.tU.r thU I alio U kc laa rti ia tar ai tir rrm try ' ' . . Davu O -rru. AAm. 8fU ,...- - STR AYHDOlt WAS STOLEX Frwu Us uWrlW aa tk 4t f A',m n4 Wir tU aoa Vaa a beat ta UUr a4 U aluk J tha UiL a ad a avail kiu atrrak aria4 taa Uii koT tha awitab. TVr yr U. Uir leg abvl two gatlaaa ( taila datly, abas ab dUappearrtL Wat.U laja r4. Marked a rv a ad aadr aJU la raea car. Aay UfruiilM( aa t her. whtrvabwat will be Uaakfalty rroritVd a ad iiVarattf rtvardrd;Md IX atolaw lrUara H1 be sa!i fr tbe arrval aa4 atUU af U thiatby . Pr. O. I. T.X4J. Scpf Sta, 11SX laUbmrg C, NOTICE. ; . TaTtar qaitd aa aaala!ra!r?x af J. It IUIU AMaed. t brraby u-utj all 4rBa laj ba nUu ia aotat forward ad atll at aarrt aad ail raoa bld- lag claim aalaat tba aaa will prraaaij .1 . . . . & j u . a pajrarat cr oviorv rxi-taibar Uth, IS90, r tkU atbr wtrl ba plr.Jrd la bar ticir mottfv. tkpi.il.ma, , ' ' MABV J.UatX, . r Alalalua4rif. . FJBT CluVSS ' I RfeSTATJRANT Ilaviag apf aad a lrvl!iM lUiUsraal U'-LoaUbarr. I aaa rparfd la na tarala at all kaar. Caa far lab a ( perawaa lodging at algbU My Ubl la aerd with ablekca. aaattaa, baat sad etarrthUg U aaarktt afarda. . AlwaTt c4l U, akti yaa ara kaagr, a4 yae kali aara la ualartJt a.' . J ' " RaaowtfaT1v, - ' BOWKY tlAVrgfJfH. NOT! UK; . Uariag qaaliflaJ aa eiaeatar of Baikal May, decaaard. ko'Jce U berky gltra I 'ail ptraooa aiaa aaUl ca(aU ! eaisa fr ward aad anl T Oici; a4 ail p roa boltliog elaiiua aeaiaat Ik aaaaa will prr- eat tbrat lor pay air at 6a t bef ara UmbarlSUi, r IkU malic will b nlradrd la bar tt tkclr raeot try. TkU feci-tu, mi en. Mat,' Ktraatur. HIGHT, . T ' TM JKWEXKBOr 2CORTH CAUOLIJCA, la baring a trying Uoxa to. Ha U trying to plcaaacvrrybodj audit aatxt4iag t aa . If. .11 given apial ailealioa ia FINK W-VTCII-WOIcJt aad refen to any taan In Ueadarana. Illgbt carries a cmpleta ttoek of pptiel gmxla, aad can farnUh gtaaara, that will fcivn prompt aj4 aar rrlmf in naarly all enaea of weak aad . iaipairad vialoa. Wkanaaar y aavd .'1 a pact In and aye glabra baani la mil at llight'r; ' tka ... 'jt watrb, H'piie tle railroad Ucpwt You Will Find AT- gRQDGERSON'S BARtl . OM TUEOORSKF, ,a full Hue r Ut V hn-e, Liquors, Uignrs auul Tubnccu. oT'Prrrnirwr I WILL NOT nr. rsi'tt hold." If yoa vmnti pleant !riuk of thegooxl ohln alwayacalUt n. II. IloDOxraox. W. II ."ED WARDS' " DEKTIST ' WAKK rOREST, 2C. C - After September lt1839, can' be fowtxl rrruiarly lu his tiOre ai the Mote, lu J mnklinloo, f. oa TliurmJiy of eacli werk. - NOTICE. Byvlrtwf a drcra f tka FarHnr CiHirt, nwui at April Urn ip. v Ua h ea titled U. tt lUker. Adu.laL.lra. trd. b. t. w. of Jarnea Uarj.hr plnlMlflT, va Mr, tfarafka Iora. d-' lemiaiti, o MMuiif, tar 7t aUy af Uta karlM). I .kallaell at tka eaarC ba door, la tba Iowa af Li.brg, at pakita a a el ton ta tka hlgbrat bld4rr, fr atv tUird af tba prlea enak, balaaaw oa a errnV ftt twdra aaantka win laumt at p-rr erat froaa day of aaU, a traat af aada aa Mill liae braaeb, fWady tti. aklp, apd know aa lk land aa wkkb Mra.rpkna Leanrd fonaariy rraldrd. Mora particularly decrik-d a, Hrrd rook -K- paga 1 if, C C. aCca.Traak. tin eanaly. CE0.8.BlKriL Angv.t li, ltS, ". " Cornotlaafoacr. Notice. Mr. AVeiTw G. Pmy ha acaln taken .a . . ..4 K . ipneiuoo a ntyjiar aod wilt t rtaa inKnTn-Lla fiuvia call atui nra IJ Uemember that all Lraoda of whinkka can be had at any liar at Tin very have . .". A SASH STORS In the Carlisle Buildinn . a. . . AkI ara.dJtlly rrcelvlnn' atock of rcrrla that ahall rUna a-rrry lu qualiiy aul price, Ue have Uui or uaexpeuar, mad rU .; ... FOE, w arul exi to aril lowr Ihta aay one cn aSjfJ to fotjit,, krt tanmiriaaMn40fw will U kn t rnaotl fcaj, ,,. llto'JJ hw wUa tuawte Rvjttrjr wrej orUuiljr lavllar ipct ar ou. Hut to lliuae tiho wlli to throw away thr moavry, by ait ,1 hare to tajr iajgat kerpou ir-Ulnj with tt t rwUit rtKvni., v b-. . Iwu.grluU'u yoM awn for all t trn? j rra Iih iu) Mwju CX)Uie lu trw u auU t urllt jjvy e wi.al vre ra7 ta Lm (rat. ; . JoelH. UAUrjs&tv liiniiiiL LOUISBURG. N. C PROFESSOR opmssic FOLLOORPd 0 TEACHERS. ft-THENKXr.O;XUAL'ES3'lON" WHX BEGIN WEDNESDAY Sept. 4th, 1889. CMleslato coorv, with Dmrtf, WaO,nr. FVI and Ught. I71.M MmIoii of twenty rrka. U'hh M.-irn (Mie Iavaw aOJT, f a 1 Cf.Urjr.iate roumc. with B-winJ Jke., f'JI.fto. Art, ia-rullrt. 5P,)(r,H t TVIncmphy, Jtr., Inrh at raHiblr ralrr. larai.. llmfll.y. WnJrr C.I qt lurr. Anu fnnlaci will rns l.km loilioo, If vtrvtuuJy agrr ufoii. Far furtlr nricjU , ntJJma ' -. - 8.D. Uaoucv, a. I1lJtmt. g PJ-.- T?1 HOT, DUIL.BAINY. AN5 EVtHYB 3QY YOUMEET !IAS X W.'HFACE. EXCEPT THOSE WHO GO TO . - Emporium N O DULL TIMES THERE- . HO LONG FACES. : 33 USIISTESS amtaw q OOD- Tbo Kooda al.ILrjrtrm'a r ALWAYS ao wrll boorftt that a r vat thlntr, the raa a!l MUCH LOWKU tfwan the arersr arvd thn make tgtwl pro' We aJaraya lake an lovrntry ta AorMi, lu bow w are cwttlaty; 9 ao4 wllj -ufv darlac. tLie BaoatA, rrrai Baatblaart J jpTTHEJQBiy COUNTER' ffi AT ' ASTONISHINGLY LOW P1UCE3. We will offer the followlog foc-lt LO.TO than yoj errr dreamt of. ItemoaaU ol CAUCO.; LAWHS. WORSTEDS. fANKOODS HANDXEECGEfS . - HOSIERY. flAf!!ELS. SHOES. SuTrERS. UC;ES HATS. EEJTTS HATS. t"HEElLAS. PASASGlSTAIiS." - ; . 'A SUIESOCa usr 'or , NOTIONS, TJ NS, &c. -Oomeacd we will tell joaaome Urinlas Ihit cuke yc-a f1 teller the a joo have for a locjf, tlae.- ... . 'V'cry Iwoaprctnj', i ' ' 1 N. EG EIJX0X. PAW orcfto- CAS AN Iruiborjr, N. C. AT' ILln of Fashion r . :,. ..- v wass was not re Igj-C00D0HDEBKErTlSl,00LU0OiL CAIXDf.-W Szk-$-"-& '.r;-5'" fOk Mr. .

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