THE FRANKUNTiMES THE FRANKLIN TIMES published Every Friday, by V JAMES A. THOMAS, fev Editor and Proprietor. I ; imm. TwwTitfT W t5k on.v pUirmila lYanUja crntj, aad A vir.tiuo.ia etr.H aa vnr rrrry - E A T B B. J::- 0!tk Year - - : ' - 11.50. Six Month - - ,-.;".;';' LOO.1 To. Club of 5 Thsl Tikes ?wfll ! be uruisUed at 1.40. ; ; . ;. ; ' vmints thooU taOt A nots Urs. p. A:jTHOUAS Editor and Proprietor r J ;yoto malice toward nos The TdU- i3 bat be rrrx21 CUAMTY FOR ALL. WUCE $L50 PKIl ANUTIlIn Adranco m - ft f . m warn vm vv cs ram poavlrcifsw a3 tiaac jatM earorfctry nfiritaj. Ne ; LOtnSBXJRGt N. O. OCTOBER 4 1889. trms of any naiare reccinaL . NO. 35. mm Pill Aii Unlucky J Beginning. Aboolu Tk'n plerTr Tris.: AmarTl f teBmieal tkftStheT4inarjk!udi Mid ennt be U i rpitioa rw$ik tt wultitude flir Ust, abort v!;ht aluua rpkophatc uvders. Sou ONLY KOYAL UAKI Ka rOWDEB CO. C0 Wall 8'. K. Y. M CAK. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. AY COCKE DANIFX8, Goldboro;N.C C.C.DXIELS WiiaoN. C: , The Xew York Evening Post declares thaitUp faet result of the first six months of Mr. Ilarriaon's teroiis alowtf mbr alioiie. !h''politics than ttie county" has known since 1872.7 The most consjke- uouSilevcIoiMuents of las wwct. rtsavsr are the cou&e of Commissioner Tannerr the chake hy; the President of .Tom PUtt Hati Qaay, and Mahone as men to'wliom he- prefers to hand pver'. the patronage of the Jgoverjinient the io creasetf oVeL 7,OOOJOOO iu -tlie pub)i debt during, the last ; third of - the tiX months and the, removals firom oflBce wthoat cause. :. Tannor's course, .says' therPost is "by common consent a na tiona scandal of such, serious ; propor tions that leading newspapers of ; tLa Pridents party have called for Tan aer's removal as the only thing which can save the administration, from : diSi grace and theyja louaL treasury "fr'u poseibl baiikraplcy J : With rrgard jto the strange setectioa of poHdcal friend and ageuts in the choice of Quay, ' llatt and -Mahone as the repositories of Fed eral patronage ixr their states, the Tt doenot hesitate to-say tliat the Presi dent is engaged vsUa their assistance in bulluing up ft political machiue. AVith Crltlcbjni' Without a Cause. jLX&?mfV&z criUcCmof tJdv, Fowle because of the fact 'that" he " hasT offvT-ed no reward for the Burke bounty lynchers,' it has probably ; not'- occurred to the critics that he cannot do soch a thin except upoa a regular proceediii. . Has any one api)lied to him; k "offer a reference to their increase ui the mihlirr 4TC0CK & DAHIELS DiHIELS debt of $74)0CM)00 it points to the sig- nrncant tact tnat riur tne corresponding Attorneys At Law, WILSON, X.C. Xay buaineM entrusted to us wilt be promptly attended to. v v N. Y. GULLEY. Attorney-AtLaw, FRAN KUXTON, NrC. AH lejnii buaiiess promptly at tended t- . . . : - ': . piios. R. wilder; - ATTORlf E Y'AT tiW. iAWl RUUU, N. C. -k ; : Office mi Main StM one door low tlieEate Utel. Ai torncy At Law, ': louisburg;n c Will attend the courts, of Franklin. Taiive. Granville. AVarren; Nah, ad F-lerlnud Supreme Cport.f : lYuiupt Klteut'hn givcB t e.l!ecti?ns, &c' oaul jones0v: ,; LOyiSUUHQ N. O. , Will I pract ice In the "courts - bT yranklin.WaiTen, Wakeyf Vanee nd Nasht and in the Supreme eourt bt the Se.-i-.v- period in every one of I'rcsklent Clevc- taods Jbor years there waa an average decrease ""of abput $10,000,000." , In fee matter of removals from oflk-e without cause, the Pose says Hhe President ba surpassed allprevioua records, zum! has o ; completely broken '- not . only the pledge of his party platform, but his own personal pledge as. well, that there is- a formidable movement in the Rqmb- lican. party for the unconditional repeal of the civil service Liw.' This & a se vere' arraijmmeuU- but which, of its counts can be disproved ? -Tauner is ,fact which cannot be concealed oc de nied. His. reahoival nw comes, like a.- tor tne iTcswenys leilowenipana syn- pathy with the machine - politicians ; of his parly, tlie Indictmeut is supported by official acts and appointments which speak for themselveT The Increase ; ui the public debt; as - compared witl its decrease under Mr Cleveland 4 shown by treasury statemeuts and; cxlabit. The wholesale removal without " ca use can be proved by ' tue atmumstrat:on s own records and the fact that a strong i element in the Republican party is be- rinninr to demand - the i repeal of th v4ii ser vice jaw suows novf uie presi dential purpose and policy have been interpreted . Mr. . Harrison lias still nearlj three years and a liall before him iu the presidential chair, and has ample time to redeem some of the nmtakes into which he has fallen, but even friend muM admit that be has made as. unfortunate begjnnhig. Son. reward? . lias any one furnished him ine names oi uiose,, or any or tuem, composing tne Jlynclung ,-pnrty, and asked him to. move? IX so, and. he ha dechued io act, denunciation ; uid rkli- cule of him are perhaps in order; iThot criticism Is rather premaiitfe.heh'a Governor "Duers a reward he must dcfei- nate whom he wants. Wa have ' nevir heard that the uaoics'of those who were. ia uie moa uaa oceu preseuiea io .tne Upvernor under oatu witu . rcqnest that he idvertise for them, and to 'ad vertise for the mob in bulk woukl be a trifle irregular, if not ridiculous not on ly irregular and ridiculous but altogeth er unnecessary for the ljuchcrt. are all in Burke still and but be appcohcudod- under warrants .sworn out ucuve jl squire quite as readily as upon a proo l unatiou issued bv the Governor. While " t. a idsistins that niobs shall not -take ,' th 4 law into lueir own nanus, sappoee, lor consistency trake tliat we allow the Governor to proceed according to : law and precedent in the matter of offering rewards. , . - It is objected again that tl Govern or iu Ids recent proulamaiion -made no specific rctereacfrtoVUie-lynching tit Morgan ton. lie could have done s Burke were the only county iu which a hncbins had ever occmrrcd.-. - Catawba and Iredell, both 4o the east of lV4Te uich Iiad their lynching parties ' within the past eight years - Then why should the Governor be expected to single out Burke, and jump on it with both feet? lie had learned through- the public press that lawless; men had takcu the admin -isfration of isUce in Uicir own "hands, and thereupon lie; fcsucd a ; perfectly. , peper40(. people in general terms "to respect the laws and not usurp the' prerogative of the courts. lie might have done lcss he might hive issued no ynx Umatkm at all; though we think . his proclamation" was proper and timely. But more . he could not have done, and tliose who are so outraged because the law has Leen outraged should have a care that they do not further' weaken public respect for it by tltemselves ; nnncceaearily and captiously weakening public respect for its. cniet agent in tne person ex uie uov- ernor. let tnoseoi us wno cannot oe logical at least be calm. Statesvule Landmaik. A Year oi J nbllec. .V Asthe Nf J Beme Journal says loo mg at the world at largo, and especially at these United States, tins -is a 'year that calls for the profound et gratitude 1 at Wasbiugtrio, not to ihe Gotl of Heaven and harth. -. , 2 - J Thera ia npjdevastating war, In any clime. NThe god ess of pence sways, the scepter of the universal empire, In all cjimes. the onrth teouw with Tcgetalioa, and all lands rejoice in abundant crpps and luslous fruits. . No wide spread wretchedness to the Inbitatlons of Dcn. reat the Lord, and greatly to M pn ia mVkSoe hia w otwW fu 1- goqtla cn and Joving kindncfs I 1 . - i f Not nly " the world at "peace, pcd- lence is couunea to narrow umiis, ana an janos rejpwce in picniHicics, ouv there are cheering evidences of an 'ap proaching year of jubilee In which there ,,TIIE CUltSB OP OFFICE 8CCICING. . '. A hatever may be one's opinion of civil service reform the conclctdou from such scenes a4rncpire every four years to speak of local is to be, iu these Slates, a return to . po- polices, is that ILeloTtofoflke h too strong in this country. . It b a high am bitiou; to serve one's country or one's state oc dty. . " B ut bow few Uilak of work to be done or the elevatioo of the function ! ' It Is of the emoluruenU. nf ibe ease and comfort of Uve poduoa, that the large majority of the flkre ; seeker ro fieU'wbeu once the bee' ecu into the boon at- .. -' . "It has been stated ina- the nou parti san jrces of the city of Wfeddngtoa that . the number of persons w ho lia ve bought places 'under.. MrHaxriou b larger than U has beeu under any previous ad nduiitraliou.'' . . We may wU believe IL WhUa the fitkal wldomr IntlividuAl prosperitj kid I coontry growsAhe evil also grows of I etecttoa was bafcl thb fall the naUonal clorr. . . j v I Jookios to eflce for lirelihood, U b I woa.M hAT fgmjortty of the Tns reported diaaalv&ctkia of the Deoe of North Carolina Ufe the llarrUon admlnaLration wul acmmoi to notning laoJ U exists at an. and If it doe exbt there b do re tor It. for we bcLeve a cceirmriiiTe italameut would show that nxxe nrgfoea are hoii. log pbc in this KtaU pow( aoch as puetmaaUTa, poto3c ekri. Axthaa ever beforebut the olisathAcikm of the white Repubucaas and the dUap. pobtmeot of the Independent aemeoU b uaVwbteU and . thia the . coee qaeuce.' Nor are tU tbetosand uVappolaUiieuta. couSned ta - ihle 8!ala. They are general, as caa be believed when U b told that the vlemotrau of Ohio really hart a fighting chance thb yeiui and ualeas ihtteba marked re actkw of pubUc caaJonfcefjrt the etxt naikoal ebcUeo ll llrpubUcaA party win po out of power afaia kx i?71. We ib not suppose Ctlwt anybody, exeej rcobably lteaklcDt IbrrMoo and C-r- porai Tanner, doubts thai if a central Damarrtu Tim WEaou Adraoce rvva a t2mWy and jv&ioai reJx 1 D'sw m J t of W Male ha K srCe tWvm. fX sagof the tklntki aow exkioy s acg the HepuUkssM, U4 H -wUl k Caap par out jar." xX MdTc't. mm the Adraacrrtmria.Sa ajvara pria est whan thrre b Ua dkaa fe b Am by it," bus wbro U time to vote a beer -metla-a k." natbsbi ' the case In thb rrcrj b the r4 w 3 be the emae ki the fat ore. Or tear North Carols wiU mmlaU the liam. orratki eolttma there waa avtr Vm la. tvp It out ih&a aw; bet k wUl r nun La ttaer crrinira- mq, wort ai wclty tl fncr;ae aud eCat; TjpoW.retr. IV. Edacas SUfoa p iSm ttimLej t pboU finer m the foHaai fexg warda ; IVt. irjukJ fe-ffr ocrrr IrJrcta IW ataaea riiarr-rura-J, betrv arbea t mrx aa4 UUrU, tbeeaaaaeef m iae, la enkr of tbelr brr4eDcj, art as fofteara t FVu. Infected rar; sereod. fe&ctet mZkz, thiol. feSart! ke. tsrt),aj Wac- uosa; coft. BBjcad i TO SCHOOL TEACHERS The ? Superintendent of -PnbKc dchmU of Frankllu county will be In Luiiburg on the aecond Thurs iliiy of February ,-April. Jiily Sept. October :uid December, and remain for three day. If necessary, for the purpose of examining applicants to tea-in the-PiabiIc6bl jpf thig. 1 will also be in : Ijouisburj: on 8iiurdayvof each week, anil all pub Be days, to,aleud-to :uy I. busiue&i uuuocted wit h my office. H Political Points.- 7: The outlook for large Democratic ma jorities in 2ew. York and 2s ew this-year are reported good. Jersey It b said that the national BepublW to honor: BuirsSKSTBUBG, ATTORNEY AT LAW- Office ia vbe Court Ilouse.' AU 4unCTS nut ;i d Wy uapds wti TOSErxCfB at LAWi lo rjisBxnia.Tru a.NKi.iaEco.i g. can. committee , has declined the requisitions for a liberal i supply i of cash in the Virgkiia election. iS ' Of .the two Mahoneiiea nominated in Rockbridge eounty va., for the Lcgl8la ture Col Johu A5ibbnjba:dUtilter and leading granger, a ; -Acker ly.; it a merchant opposed to thegnuige and atribiinLTTAnnionisr.i Vl?J lion. RobtrSV! Jluesfor ryearsf judge of -the Unfted -States - District Court for one of the districts of . Yirgin ia alev since the-.war! a 'staunch .Republican,, announces his determma- tien hi support the Virginia Democratic State -ticket thb yeuiy.Jc- i 1 f 2 The in.Mt delicate eoa stitation eaa safe tv uae Dr. J. 11. McLeau'a Tar Wine Lang Baluk It is a anre remedy for coughs Ions ol voice and all throat and lung troubles. - - - v ' ' - - Have You a Mother? and lovchtr, it she i aged, . do all hi your power to cheer h decltomgyearsy Her half jnay bare bleached, her eyes may liay dimmed, her brow nuy ' con tain deep and 'unsightly furrow, -her cheeks xaiSLf. liave suhjeerf, buX you'i caft ascendency, unbroken except by four years of Cleveland's adrnialstratioov the depvture from tho prhiciplryi aiil ptAclcea of our fitters has ben iucl mr to excite alarm for the perpetuity of our institutions. Bed Republicanism has been so ranrpart as to threaten to sweep away' all constitutional barriers - and leave the ship of State & stranded add hopeless -wreck". t L. But now cm V- dawning. PolitW cal parties are tvking anew !hcir recou ; Ings, and stateemcu are direcung their course by jthe polar star of liberty, : th American Constitution., : . ' . . Kever beiore has the Democracy ax hiblted such unity . 'Xever before' have taocityto the cordlual pruic)pWof vthe great iwrly which has been the guardi an of liberty in the post, and b the hopo of mtriotisn ia Uie future. - j Every D jmocnuio State Couveutloul that lias assemblnd during tlio icescnt ) -fork has UirWutoUmrbxeaa' ban- tier inscribed with such wttdi and sea. timenls as "Ttie Constitution, liberty and Union; jaii Rights and Privi leges; Economy iu . the adiulnLitrauon of the Government: TarLl J lefon iv, a Free lialiot and an Honest Count." Ia the dilTereiit State platforms there may hive been a variety of phraseolo gy, but the same national sentiment, pervades tlvcm all, making the national Democracy a compact union one .and inseparable. " ' Why b thb? Why do Xew York, Massachusetts. New Jersey,- Ohio and Pennsylvania blend their voices to honor Democracy? The people every where have saluted our thg ! New Eng land is awake to thj dingers of ceutral izatiou and the tyranny of protection. The great West awakes to strike from" Iter limbs the fetters of a system ; that takes the gulden gratu of her farmers t-iiakeric4rI3.uVac nvxibpo liste of the lEast. " Everywhere labor asserts' itiright, "nod the party .thaj hris" oppressed labor b tcttcriug. to lie fkll.T- V ""There are propljocies nil . afoundus1 th&t briniricfT aad itla-laew io. toiling be disregarded.-Durham Globe. r - r J . COMPLETE AND PERMANENT. Sale of Valuable Land. should JeveretVheiiolyVlow- iuiriuffioAt .tfva cBf. teercarelhe hasfor yo rob-. ia all t In the early part of last year 1 had a violent attack of rheumatism, from which I wo confined to my bed for over three m ot-t ha, and at times waa unable to t urn myaclf io bed," oi even raise the cover. A nurse had to be la constant vltciv danco day and nhiht. 1 was ao 'feeble that who little nourishment t took had to be given me with a pocn.. I vu lu coutant auny, and aleep was entirely out of Uie question except when I waa under tue luflueuce of opUtee. After calling ia the beat local physlclan. ami trying all. other medicines without receiving any .benefit, I waa Induced by friemln lotrvtJwin'a 8peclfic(S S.8;). 1 vdHoon I In oed all other medicines, aod-took course of . SS. & IS suuai. Dome wtucn ciZdCieu a complete' aud permanent cure. ..-z.. LC Dassctt, ., . " -' El Doradof ' . Kansas. ANxATIXOBOnB. , Mr. C. B. McLemote, a prurr.l nentand tnduentlal citizen ofllen deraon, Tex writes under date of Aujrust 23, 18SJS" s ftdUwa : MFor elghteea uonllis I had an cutlnz sore on my tonjrue. I waa treated by the best local physicians 1Ut obtained no relief, the sore gradually jrrowloz wore. I con cluded finally to iry S. H. m l was'Ptrely. cured" alter using a few bodies. ... You my. cheerful pcrmU ilou to poidUli- the above state inent far the benefit of thoso simi larly afflicted f C B; McLeuore. ; Henderson, Tex. Treatise on blood and sklo diseases mailed free. - . , : swift Frtciric Co.. - ; '., 'k Atlanta, (is. . . In couTecaiLoa not to exalt our itlveW but Io bring others forward. ' mm ' Art joa mala miserable by liKlignUoa, eonntipatioa.diiiineMa, lo of airpaUle, l ycUoyr k.ittt Shllvh'a ViiaUwr la m p- ooia by xarajast lakaalia Wttrrra. aaW aa ra- Urrh.eat4. nayrta. a4 tar lnu at tkla iiKtn, r tfiplmt mt ftl4 iBpOTiiira. Tta Dr. J. IL UcLraaa oar aaparUia. , . Faalu af tflrila t 4loMr af tkalirr.aa4 taal irtUa towaa J'raaxvtL. tr. IU W !- Aaraa. rilla f frcta Laa ma ai difaUa aae UuiMkn fn Wood. TUalaa. -aaaara, eariaa, Ltrta fatar aallax. aaa W rrr4 aa4 rrvw4 bT UkUcOr.J. II. Uttr aa4 KMary rUWia . - - &k kcadacka, ktlaaaaaaa. atata, ta llvracaa, are araiaUy a4 aanaaVly taa HW4 Vr Dr. II. UeLraa'a UiifkU KM ay. lUlcta (iiuia fUU. . ; Who joo hare beea painet Cy aa unkiral word ot deed, to aak-'oartalTer, -IIara I not donaLaaaaxoe thing and beea forgotten. - - Dy tlrtaa aa aWrte af lV H eaan af I'rmallla aaatf I a4aJ3 U a4 Ua Vaart tlmmm ff U LMbUn, . C- 4T IV a day a4 XttraWf. tia as fat41 aaaUaai aa taa a laaat Aa. lk-a aiaaUla4a U IW aua W. T. CaUtaa rrWl4 a4 larlaaglaf ta him Uiiiat4 Is Fraa alia aatr X C, aaatalaUf aUaS ata kaadiaS aa4 aiVly arraa. Taate ara lam Wa4a a 44 raaiiaaa aaataiaiae ka4 1 rwmrf mi ara a4 f taaaai kara. aaaa mi tkm U4 U U a air auta mt eatfltatiae. TVa taa4 la Is tha f H f fraatac tW Uifml IiUi TV miui la aaauay a4 U atraarnl raaa. txU a tmrm y aartaajt aaa aa aH a IX aira4 lie ka4 wlU mm U MttnJ trw. ' Tanaa t i( caa. Wbk mm trtlA mt it aaaaiaa kh ff aaet. laMtat Craaa. day mt aala. TL Y. Yatao, AlaftV. 1 W.T.UJaA, ea. rooa. ekaaplae eath aa4 imiarutata rlrl b sbilwVa eaa. W 11 attend the Courts of Nash, Frank'in,! GnvilleWarreni and Wivke Oouri.ies also-tlie .Vupienie eourt of Nor th Carolina1 arid the U - . Circuit and District Oourta.-! D R. J. MALONE,' Oifice 2 do or a below ronnan" & Cooke's Drug Store, adjoining Dr.,0-1 The Philadph5aesVdvises the 1 New Jersey Domocrats. to. prepare for. the best licking they ever got. andU he NewTprk Herald rcWAy tiling liis neighbor that if die nevier'dies until that event happens he wUl live so long that he will be able . to address v Methuselah 'Ilia Hinnh " .;- ... - , "" . gone by ie has kLed away trora your check .-:l'JtiouJ)ledYteajn,?'.ihe. has smoothcland petted you when all else appeared gainst you, she has- watched over jolfca oc) iwnoj jqu rUh aiM cats khbwH onfvloracver? ne-has she ha been proud ot our .success. '-Vour may be dlspised by alf around you. yet that loving mother stands a an apologist for all : your; short conimgs." With all that disinterested affection would it not be ungrateful in you if - In you if In- her declining years you fail ed to reciprocate her love and honor her as vour best tried friend t VWehave no respect for a man or woman who neg lectsan"aged! mother. If-you have a mother, love her. and do all In yeur power to make herhappy. Christian at bcry. h -The igns of tlrt Unies "point fo 1 832 as the year of jubilee.' j :.- Attorney at law, LouisBT;tecr ir. c. Office i Court House The .National Democrat, of Washing ton City,'aays that President Hanison- una snown uis upiwiuou io ine reyis" of wie-mternai. revenue law on -more than one occasion and the Ceagresftmea who differ from: the President en that subiect have been systemaiicany sat '4own upon by the diuinistraUou. I Work. : . There are times when a feeling- of Jaas tajie wiL oTvreome tha mot rwboat, arien the nystem cravea lor pure - blood, ta Cur niah the elements of health and ttmtatb. The best remiiv for purifying- the flood iaDr.J.IL McLean's Sariaparillr. : ... - ' To learn the different temper f each indiyidual. . " ' No need to take. thoi 1g eathartie Tvills; on of Dr. J. 11. Mclau a Mer ana Kidney . Pillets N Is quite I sufficient anU more agreeable -- - Why will you cough when SWloVa su wive Immediate relief.--Price 10 Its, 50 eta., and $1. - Sold fey Furman. We desiro to sir. to -oar i;iUrcts- ntfoyii:evVeVlAcbeeu selling VrZ King's i Ne j54CQvery for can- sumutlon. !-. Kbit's New Life rui T 1 . . m a nocklen s Arnica B lre ana iae inQ Bitters, and have neter handle! ron-. eitles that sell as well, or that .have given Mich universal aatisfactfonv! tionnt iiesttats to guarantee voeia ev ery time, and we sUnu romly to re fund the imrcluise price, If satis factory results uo not follow thetr use. Thee remedies have won ihelr ltreat popu larity purely on their merits. . w. U.- Furmao, Jr. lrugsfc " Erea the moat viorona and heartr peo ple hare at timea a feeling rf wearinra aaa wiiiiae. iouiwjmji uui itcjiuk. uvh Dr. J. II. UcLean's Saraoparilla; it will impart vigor and vitality. ,'"'-.-- - . I v- When any good hapiena to any one to rejoice in it." : S V I f . . the little pleaturtt wlikV may occur, put self last. ' . . TUa Ear. Gen. II. Tharcr, of Doarbaa, IaL. aaj: UoUt njtll aad wiftawt ear Uvea t 8hllob Loaanutptioa car. For il by Farmaa. . f- .. " Jve tray bejcjuite sure Umt " our wul may be crossed to-dayt fcei10 for its-u. ; v'r ' '-' .?x .. I Will va aafcf whh Jiftymrnmlm aad ll tt eaaiplalatr . fihiloba Yililiaar la rmaraatcad tm ear Taa. Fr aala at Far- aaaa'a dra ' CraacbiiU Far aala at Faraaaa'adra aUiea. . SiUW'a CaUrrb -aWr a paJUe e-ara foe eaJarrb. diptharia sad caaker maaih. . 8oU by FiuaMca. That bahijtaeiaTfca a akk! earrd by Kbitah'a aat' Wa gwaraaiae tf Faa aala- a Fwati't mSmf mart . SallabS eoataaipUae aara U sold by ra aa a f aaraatrc. II earra eaaawaiptiae Ymt aalt at fimu'i daf te. ShUob'aYiUlUxr ia wbatyae atad eoa(UpaUoa,1M mt aptiu( diciiaaaa, aad all ayaiptMaa af drap- FrW IS aad 74 eaat par baU. FW aala at Far mxm't drmg aaoer, . t Elsmatia ui Catink. UheumaUara and c Urrh are both blood diceasoa. Ia many severs cases lbT Itave lUed ! treatment wiirt U. IL Ik (Botaole Flood Balci. osada. ly Botanic lUood IUIn CXx, At Tacts. (Js, Writs for book of cocvladaz proof. rVnt fraav IL P. Dode. Ailaota, C.s sajn My wtfs bad catanu sod oothkiz did her good. llrr rousiiiu loo finvi ly failed sod poUoa got into her bl tod. I (.Ltoed beroa soworsis and io my surpriae her recovery was rsPKland comnleta. . W. P. Urbauiei, AtUaU Ga . wniess. Iswas rach emsch ;e4 sad bad iheuwstlsm so bad 1 cvukl not get along silhoul erctchea. 1 also had ReuiaMaiBtfcebia. Firat-abs phyaicisos ftid me bo good. Then 1 tried na Bsudliseffrcts were magical I vhrerfuily recommend it as a rood tonic RO'l nukk cor. Mrs. Mstilda NkhoU, KMJxvUle Teou, writes; I hsJcstarrti six jsars and a mist distretting ceogh. and a most UiaLrrvKfiS cou;b, aad of eyes were mochaaoX'en. rlvs bvt t!ca of u a n,' i hank God 1 cured ma." J-thn M. latia, Tlr. Texas. a j I a sub!et a number of tears to speLs if ibfUmmstory rheumatism, whkh tlx bottles ot S ft, thank heaven, has enXrtly cmed me. I hare net felt the slightest paia store, 41 SBBSSBBB vrsTvLtsn. STARVATION VTt ara saw is raeafpt mi tba larraat btadaaataat hae ad aad faraUkla faada raar kraagVl la KaWigb, vbicS wa a adariaf at atarra tias poaaa. Valta laat aas llm s saaaafanar. aSVrad at 17 Ai UmmUrf aad aeab war la yaafW ia. a4 aay prra dair4. Vtm rnmm Si. aayWad a Ura year aid cbOd tat a aaaa wtiialar S09 puaaWa. rW tprml Ua tbe eaaabraavd. Star Shirt. tka saadaaan4 blrt albe aaarkC 1 mm. ara rvapaaCtaU taiad ta aailaad mm lU tarsal auxl Is 7artik lrLav W. daaaa H a flrmrm taiafait, wbatbae yaebayaeeau ' i DAT ID HOSEXTUALa . Aadaawa Calidlaf. - - Balaa4, 3CC - J. D- L B. S- CEFJSTUH When Inclined to gits aa sogry sw er to count ten. aa- ' Far s aafe aad eartaia raMtdy far fvr Dr. J. U. ilct-aa. abUl ud ftr ar; It ia waxaatad Va aara. " l4 from skknese, paia or hiflnnity, we feel irriuLle, to keep a good watch over Quraelvcs. . . r BUCKIN3 ABNICA SALVE j t The best salve In the world for eota,' bruises, sores, ulcers, salt raeum, fever sores, tetter, chapped- hand .. ehilhlaius, corns and all skin ernjUcm and positively euro pH-or no pa? required. It Is guaranteed . to uive perfect atisfnclion, or moaay refund ed. Price 25 cenls per bo v. . . Forile by Cluxoa. . -"-If yowr health and Ufa are worth say lU. aad yaa fral vat ( aort aad tlraVi ut. laae ap ya1 wjttem bf takiaf Dr. J. 11. iieLeon a diraaparilia, , . ' Everyboily la tle house has aa evil nature as wall as ouraelTes, and ' there-. lore ws must not expect toe much. " ; Reports at' the SUU Desnocrtuk heaJimartrrt s encouradng for W Democrstk: victory In lrriaia. Cat. McKiuuey, lh lMnocraikr ooa-ioee kr j lieveroor, soao rsbrs a bofcful nra ta the outkpok. wbl, oa the other baad. (ieueral Mshooe U eootcd as sxrraMiag hksaelf as well saOrded with ItrrVjblicaa tprcts, ... ,. '., . ... ,. Notice Mr. Wc'for G. Terry has sraJa taira pafltioo Bar and will be rd to have U 'fr!enls caU and see him. IUsnrmVr thit all braadt of whkkirw had at my Bar at Tins vxa Y lowTarrrwCT. ' WHOLESALEI t .4MJTIC& mcmi0ND,VA. 1 I Year I a nrrjtiw tr otZtf sad mX aartk:liCArtJiXTs.H.v- t - .CaoUrh'eared, laUih aad twtbrath aaenred. by atnlou'a ttarrb Krioady, Piiea eU- lairrior frea. For ' 'urnaits draj fVora, . . " - .-Maeplca sUhta, aad btUeraKIt tby ihat Urribla twwgtu fciMlob' tara la 4fea rcrordy far it. rr iittiiai artj lore. - v -v , " . - f - .. - BaataaaTtiVd m CwatH ad W H,taail,dea'd.saSUa tabrrabf flraa ta all praaaa mmmt bta mmimlm mm (mjdiUMtirATMf, aad ail pr eaa barlar aU ara4t tk aaaata "UI prtirtttixw re'iaracae x r Wfan 111 1 1 in it n . w . - - 1 Ilea w.llba r!radd labaratbala raaa ery. Thit iRxr t. tx. . BrrnxJ. G atwioc Exenslrix. N.lLMctntEE. trael acrcaiTx- i '-' r, ft Cle TTaa Siai the b-4 lsm Cj rt 3.'1at sr. riik, v -