THE I RAN KLIN TIMES THE FRANKLIN TIMES. J A THOMAS, TrtTint b U ttj"j wi;r;r pu'-LijMia rnu'Ar.a cvu:.:r, auJ it cif -u'jLL-Q rxttvL all ctrr Trry : tiua ttLLa axl a1ii-tg cjwsu, aJ vrrtLvri ahccli make note bra. iEditor and Proprietor.' BAT EjB 4 I W 1: Is 0B YEAR - Six Months - - - n.50-' .LOO T-r. '. -' " To Clubs of 5 TJhb Times will be furnished at $1.40 rr V'T rl" J. A. THOU A3 Editor and proprietor. wrrn iialice tqwaud none; with citabitt for all.. VRICE $L50 pnu AIIIOJU la Adranco 1VOL.7CVIII LOTJISBUBQ, N. C.1 OCTOBER 25. 1889 NO. 38 Tbe TZ'jcr w3 col te rrpcrjrjt for the ticti c ccrr7criflCitJL Brkf crfnmimrKtMoi fixes all r tlaaa mail nrari.'j tit na tl Mf"n mr"l f recti red. L'y :r5)f(iMii I I Thiak iVliunka Lie. lont Sell Your Timber' Land, DRr-OwT. DOSXEB,; 7 Tkifp wherever Tories. A marvel of ?tirlty,y strjnjthand jrholesomenesi. for econoraieal ta&n the ordinary kiods, aaJ cannot be aold ia eompetitio wkW the multitude or low test, - snort weigot alum or phosphate powders. Stf X)JILY IH CANS. EOTAL BAKl NO P)WDER CO Whilst years Tolled slowlyby And thinkifig now of what I ihunk," tliiukl thunka lie. - v I used t iliink 4b iadies AU sweetness combined,' That they were all (Jod's last and best " Ol Derlectness refined.. .. That the were toot half pads and paint i. But angels from on high, 9 A 2 8 a Uunk 1 4bunk a lie. a .1 '.5 i VI ATCOUK & DAHIELSi&DAillELS Attorney s A Iiw , v; w't'll. .-'':-ft tif 'jJ.-r lit"'? r.f: Any. business entrusted to us, will be bit 1 TRANlOIGftTOr, .S. C. Alt legal ' buIhess : pnHdtiy at- fjmos. a-HvTLiEit.--H; ATTORHEY"ATIi&.W: Ljiu I$U1U, 2I.M? Uiticc ou Main SL. one-? door : low the Eagle Hotel. V I used to think when I was yoangs; ,? di And heart was freecom gnuel That there was grief in every tear and , ui 'And iov in every smile. . n I Thati frienBhip was not all a cheat . And love could never die, A But thiukiogjiow pf what X thunk, v LI thinkI tauhk a UeJ . . - i.. 1 . r Ana uunK inat j wouta do A povernor or s president. Or a seneral like Lee. - But I have waited long in vairu;f ; -t 1 would speedH : doable ' ad txtble ia The Oikago Lumber Trad Journal says that Northern men who invested largely in Southern limber lands several yeturs ago and have held their purchaaea are now in a- position' to realize hand some fortunes. The demand for South ern pine is Increasing, boili- because f its excellent quality and because of the exhaustion of the Western untmlv. To this it may be added that the Southern men, who sold these lands, in the face of the repeated assurances of the New and Courier, that such lands Tbe preachers toeVJ used to think. UN ere. not like ptlter men, -And were not tempted of the flesh f avI ixmiu no(Tnereioresm4 r fr p V, . ' " B&tfa6e rvtirayefei touS k lit JL.l L , I've waccnea uiem on tne siy, And thinking new vf what I thunk;r L jnjLthink Iithuuk.a lie.,-; v,f t, The honest tiller of the soil, . 7 5 j . ... ; When niarketing his crop,- , , Take pains to put the ripe and best , r Always upon the top, ' . ; ,;. . . : I used to think those honest men " , ' ; v Would never cheat nor try,- : ; But thinking now of what I thiink, '. "n-1 think'I thunk'allie.1 ' f' "- Theet6r alordiy8et,:i, ;.T . h- 'Who live on milk and honey, a ' Theyve nothing else bh earth to do - But write and rake in money. Leastwise that way I used to think - ?But now it mskes mecry,"r . vt i To thinkabout the wayj I thunk, i i - t .,;Aud how I thunk a lie. I a u :.Wliat noble men the doctors are, - And worked Tor love or lame, ;That they could cure all human ills' ' And never let us die. .But thinking now of wliatl thunk, .x. .1 tliink 1 thank a lie '.'7 1 " - mrkefc value, are now in 'iweiuoa to understand how fbohshly they acted. Tey deserve no sympathy, of course, anji none should be wasted on Ihem; but there are hundreds of thousands of acres of similar lands still in possession of their original owners, and it is to be hoped that these owners, at least, have learned the value of their possessions by; this time. Don't sell your timber lans at any price that speculators offer. They are growing in value every hour. iXews and Courier. ; 1 0 need to take thoe bir eathartte rillets is quite aafneieat and m 1 it. u.r.i. 1 1... agreebJe. Why will you cough . whea RhUoh'i eare will give immediate relief. Pries 10 its- 50 ci., and St. Sold br Farmaji juosr unhealthy discharges, sneh as 'es uwrn.ecKnn, ringworm, ana outer forms of. skin diseases, are symptoms of blood irapuritHWL-Tske Dr.J. iL MeLerns 8ai aaparilla.'" .. ...f ; : - !. ? " ' -. 1 . v i i'.: i rnitiTMlit.iwii : r THJB. QflPLX A1U BJtJ QKXX. S. PBD ILL. Attorney At Law, LOUISBURG, N. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vaaoe, Granville, Warren, Nash, and F-leral ih1 Supreme Court. Prompt uttention given to collectioas, &c JJAUL JONES Attorney aufl Counsellor at Lot LUUWIiUliQ N. C. 1 Will practice In the courts of Franklin. Warren, Wake, Vance nd Nash,: and in the Supreme court f t he State. - - "g B. MASSENBUBGf " ATTORNEyIaI LAW LOuisb una, n, c. Ofioe:in 1 the Court House AH business put 1 n my hand s. wti . riceivc prompt aUention.f 1 CI MjCOUKiS. iTT Z nd30UNSELLOB at JJLW, -LOUISBUK&, FRANKtlN CO..N. C. ' .11 attend the Courts of Nash, rank'ia, ; Vrr tnv ill,T Warren,c "and W -lira fl I am T rs f-V A, Amhraa eourt of Nor. jth Car.oJina,rand the'B ( . circuit and DiSTWCToourta. The lawyers, too,' I used 1o think Oh ! God forgive the thought . That their convictions of the right - Could not by knaves be bought. That they would not a client rob Or "sell" him on the sly -' But thinking now of whatl thunk, . I think I thunk a lie. . The dry goods men are honest, too, They swear they "sell at cost, " I used to think they told the truth. And all their profits lost. I thought a yard wa3 full three fiet, Don't ask my reason why, But thinking now of what I thunk, I think 1 taunk a lie. ' The hotel clerk, I used to think, Would try to be polite. Would answer questions put to him And treat a stranger right. That rather than he'd play the ass That he would sooner die, And thinking now of what I thunk, I think I thunk a he. rSili 1 Asd then I thought that Harrison , t Who took oldf Grovera shoes, I ; . - . j Would have the backbone nd the grit mwi 11 .1 . - AO give us au our uues. ; i "But tariff laws and pension frauds Still make the nation sigh,- , - - And thinking, now of what I thunk, Xthink raniikAm-i i- !GrumbJhig,.ikej almost . (everybody elseyhasagood and(a , bad ..side, i ,We may be said to see. , grumbhng . on its good side, when we see a man grum bling at himself that Is,1 never enlircly satisfied with his exertions in any ! good cause, or ms any lauoa- ble or generous pursuit. We see grum bling, again, on Jts less favorable side when we see it exercised regarding the rest of the world. The disposition is one which may be said to have been born with our nation, and it depends in a great measure on the general direc tion which b given to Uie rnind in youthi whether it is to be exercised chiefly in a right r wrong way. My meaning will perhaps be in some degree illustrated by the two stories I shall re late : A wealthy Connecticut lady ws very fond of getting a name for kind ness and liberality. One means to which she had recourse was to collect annually all the little boys of the vil lage, between certain limits of years, upon a conspicuous part of the lawn which opened to the high read, and there to feast them with as much re fr,eshments as they could eat. : . I say nothing about the tendency of this yearly stuffing with good things; given to those who, in general, were pooi ljLoflkboth. as to lha quantity -and the quality of their victuals, in some cases it may have done harm, by sim ply creating a desire for beef, and, pud- man; iTyou are hot able to cat your cake, you an put it ia jot pocket. ' 'A still more violent' tcrst followed .'Una kindly advice, and at t'ae end of It came out the words: "But my pockets are both full already. " ? This liUle story; which I know to be perfectly true, needs no commentary tod would indeed be spoiled by one; and so 1 shall 'mention, in contrast to Tt; anoth er: A little girl between ve and six years old, and her brother, the next older, had each got a slate to excrdse themselves In drawing, which, by the way, is an excellent, cccailuud amuse ment for children, as it teaches them to Judge of form . gnJ magnitude more readily and more agreeaUyt . than any other means. They were young artists and the copy sent them by their father was the outline of a simple leaf very neatly drawn. The boy executed his task with great care and attention, some success, and also some apparent elf-eani faction. The girl continued much longer over hers, equally Intent upon it, and per fectly silent. She was kneeing before a sofa on whkh lay the slate, with her back to her parents;, and after about fifteen minutes of perfect aCence, they observed her little neck torn as read as scarlet, and saw that her chest was heavia? With strong emotion. Still, she worked away until the agitation .extended over her whole body; then she quitted the slate, burled her face la the cushion of the sofa, bant into crying. and sobbed i out: ,MI can's nearly, io well arpapa, lboug!r I have madea whofe Tonnem. This Is an instance of that grumbling whlch'cdmes to goed.-N. T. Ledger.' ' . . 1 ; I Catarrh Eemedr a posiUrs fihiloh's euro for eaUrrh, dlpthtrla and seaker mouth.. Sold by Fa 1 maa. ' . ' Will you suffer wtita dyspepsia and II r er eom plaint f fihllobs's YlUlUer Is guaranteed to cure to a. ( Tit sal at Far uii'i drag stor. - "'- - - - For a sale and certain remedy for ttrtr and ague, as Dr. J. II. Xe Iran's chill and fever eare; it is warranted to eare. There are times when a feeling of lati tude wiL overcome the most robust, when the system ersTes for pure blood, to f ar aish the elements of health and stremcth. The best remedy for purifying the blood t Dr. J. II. McLean's 8-rsapoxillr. -The Eev. Geo. U. Thayer, of Bourben. IttdU says: "IWlh ay solf and if ear lives to Shiloh's Consumption ears. For sale by Forma. The most delieate constitution eaa aafs Iv use Dr. J. H. Me Lean's Tar U Ue Long 6alm. It is a euro remedy for eoutba, loss of voice and all throat and lung troubles. color in the leaf, or why heat and evap oration properly . adjusted prevert oxi dizing and reddening thereof, or. that in duces 'sweating and sponging and wherefore; but every oce who reads this short monograph wiH the better understand-why the changes and mctamor phoee do occur and the reasons there for. ' .'; . ' Just here It is proper, to as j that cbeinlcai changes take place in cured tobacco superinduced, as before stated through the warm, damp air and strong ttt oxVdizisg and dartcnixig the color eftLekdl . V".'.. . . ; The reader vd oUerre that hi para graph 3 the &ct b not only staled that tobacco b apt to change color while hanging, nnlens kept dry ly tat or charcoal, but that whea cernsary to apply heat to dry out the leaf and pre serve the color, it must be by raising the temperalnre gradually. To heat ep the barn and tobacco rapidly while the tobacco b in high case oxkllses and darkens the color 00 the leaves, on the same principles that too moeh beat red dene the greea leaves In the curing pro cess. . And as this U Inevitably Jhe case, according to the rules of science, whether understood by the planter er tJorhe H Twfee whd heeds' Ihe'aarice given and takee' pro per steps to preserve the color: in Us fine tobacco after U b cured, by placing it where it wCl net be subjected to atmospheric mfiuencea which prod oce the change, , . , A dark rood b best to store tobacco. for-too strong light will also change the color of the leaf, and therefore the tares t way to preserve the color b to bulk It down in a dry, close house and cover the bulks with dry, sweet straw, hay or torn fodder. ; ' The color cs.thel8&9 crop b the best reconmeodation, and therefore its prta ervatioa b c paramount Importance. Bright yellow tobacco, or indeed, of any other type, becomes seasoned in time the color fixed-either in bulk or crowded close hanging on the tiers, and Wffl then be tat slitly, if a t all influ enced by warm, dan. p alr. - Bat - too much light wUl deaden the color at all times. ' ' ' ' ' , OLD CAJVL1NY.. Morsel's Picked from our ; ExcWcs . For the of the 1 trad ere. Tlmea The Graham Gleaner gives accoent ef two geese ccted for krjrvUy, cos having cfnd at the a je of 24 and the ether al 52. Preserving the Color in Cured Tobacco. MAJOR K. L. BAQttAIf D'B ADVICE, TOO ET It KB WITH INFORMATION OX THIS 8TJBJECT. Cincinnati Tobacco Journal. . That was a timely article in the last I Western Tobacco Journal under the heading "Caution in Curing,ttvand, if heeded, wiU be worth thousands of dol lars to all planter who raise -celery to bacco whether brihta, mahoganies or fancy Barley. The desirable colors in i the above typos are by no ioeana per- - BTck Tseadaeli. MUmim, nausea. dvenesa, are promptly and agreeably ban ished by Dr. 11. MeUran'a Llrer and XJd aey PtlieU(UuIepUls.) ' : LLxl 1 cm, nana a, droursLaaos, diatress fater eaxiar, ean h eor--d nod prevenud by taking Dr. J. II. Urn and Kidney PUIeta. 1 If your health and Ufa are worth any. thing, aad joe feel oat of sorts and iLnAi out, tone up your syaum by taking Dr. J. ILileLeWs B usapnrttU. Catarrh eured, boaltk aad sweet Woetfe secured, by Bhiloh's Catarrh Bemedy. Price 0 cents. Missal Injretor. free. For sale at Fa man's drsg sure. - . - , Chariotta b ratihlng vp wii brr bwr glars. Tfburtrcn nr-roea fa whose pos eaaion stolen prvper1y lad been fbcxnd,- have been srrtrtod and put fa Ja2. i The AibrriUs CUIsen Uaros that the contract has been let for the boiling ef the SCs road from Bulherfordloa U ifiricc, the work to be fblihoi lu n lOOOths. ' Mr. Archie Bay, el CotaberVsod tosmty, now in Tab &3d year, srrat rQt f Uh LU rlSe the ether borslag boirs break&et and bront down a deer wdiUcg rounds. " , ! Xlalcih corrrspoodeoce WTIsiIntoo Uwaecgrr: fcVnstor r.aroms sAlrtes at the FsytttrvCU ceklruLn wUl per haps he his lest rCbrt. lis las for some time been cegaxixl In its rrrrara Uon. It b of coarse the cpcsrtaity of UstTe. The BaW.'h Nrws-Obaerrrr says flat Bishop Lyman, who went on to Nrw Ycck to attend the FjcrsJ GoraJ Convention in sesaioa there, b seriously CI in that dty. Another BUhcp, VaO, of Kanaaa, dial very soon after rtswliag New York. TheEnflekl correa pood coca r4 tne Scotland Neck DenxxTal tars: Ihe a a.i surmers u ims vianuy are mating a food deal of jmp thb jear. Sir. Wal ter Bcartns has a mill and yU and wO for himself and ceigibors or ska between Z an! 2 hundred caDooa. Hssajt 100 gallons can easily be made on one acre. I The Morganton Star says Uat the sulky plow men say that the 'Burke cocuty authorities drore them cot cf the county by bifb taxes. If it b the same company that the States rUle Landmark and the SaUAbury Watchman have been wrestling with, the county authorities did well. Lenoir Topic T.UPEP3T. Th's b what yet otrjtt to rave, tn fitt, yoa moil Lavs it, sa fwl'y er Jy Lfa rhooiaads are aesjxLx ( t t it daily, and ooaralog becae ur y tnl U Dot. IbosnMOs a-e tV8iaw' of 4tUr are spent tULua'.!y by our po pla ha tba hc that soay oUaia lUa booe. Aa4fst U taay be ta4 by a3. Weruaraatoe th-l IoctrVe L :ur h? -4 aocor Jla j to irscti-aQ S ae tf " aiti4 la wQl trfc; yea good C.-xUtxx sad the deoe4 dyipW will traU3 tntUed aepepsy. We rsrocsaeai EWtk B-vers fj IXipr;'a sad a4 aec ef Llrrr, focnac saJ K d etit, S ! ! al Joe acJ tl. t tcis by W. U. rurrasa, J r. Draggbt I 1 - ? LI", . I Vary tule good h eVa by ceUlg down wends thai am ka f3 Lknra mU tSrysr turaad te&ra thry are dry. Cl wmia bCn LUy Lkxra. Elnfitia ul CiturL . BbcmaiVatn ad c-tarth are beta b.ood ti.ios. Ia acy KTirs cac they tare jUUod to Lrra'JT. set w li Si &. Ik B. ( IWaak TX4 Bala,) caU byBoia-tk too4 XUlta Co AUacua, , Ce Write toe bouk tf cenrusg froot. rset frte. IU r. DodVt. Atlaata, Cs ai mUf wife tad cavtnrts aad ' astbig didberysss. Her eatli ton i 1y CaUod aa4 ymgm STt tale tr Uod. X elaaai her ca a nwa cf 11 a sad to say ecxrrrlsa) tor rcevry stae rs pd sod co 1 14 1 " W. r.- U(bMk AUaau Ga. vrruss "X was each a.naca.rd a&i had rbeooutjaia se tad I rocU tct Lad eons alrts la tbe Ue I. rtmA tJyaciaesiiJ Mao geod, Tlrs f tried li a a aad Its ecta wart tessknl I vhecrfu'iy rroitae4 it ae a gt4 lock sod c'k cvrr. Mrs. Uatikta kcLol Teeiv'Jie. Troo sTtUsj I badraurrh s-X jears and a ra4 tfialrtertng eocsX sa4 a moal (Sjlroaaiar cvah. an i say sjeawere taachsa lire Ut- too of a a aAback God t rors-i oa." John U. lvaf ia, Tler.TstA,at3 -I a stobjt a eem'wer of years to arri. ct taflasaanatory rbcvz&atm, which tig botvUe Milt, thatk heaven, la e ntlrtly caod me. X Lave COt Nil IheirihUttpcia siaca fiavt the bent aad earlcat an of sweH ctritor 1 Dr. BuUs Babv bjrep la draped to tepmede all other scothlsg jrps, I be denaand for Is b rmlly axor,o.V:rf. ' Iliyikiaca mtynrnend It. DuMswesef the kk3rrs and Errr. , baadke, d rrrn. bTTrribwttis of stemacnor bow sis, are reocajej rural, by the eoe of Iaxndor. taring mcaJcws b cconocay. at beat pocC It Is reported his partner, . of : Sell when the stock b ready; and good management consists in having them ready when they are wanted. i ITXU HEALTH WAS RUINED. bxb ur was oara or paix, but shb i - : .: .isnoi i cause thb sort of -cheer1 could not be had at home.. In. other .cases it may have induced a better, desire 7a desire in the boys tobe ableto earn good food for;themselyes;t and thus, mayi. hsve D S. J. E MALOSK OJlce 2 doors below. Furman ' & Cooke's Drug Store, adioining Dr. O. L. Ellis. - ' W TIMBEBLAKB, ATTORNEY AT LAWJ ' LOTISBTJitO, N, Xr 1 0 Bee i he Court House TO SCHOOL TEACHERS ' The Superintendent of Public richoots of Franklin county will be inLoui8burg on the second Thurs day of February, Aprrt. July, Sept. October and December, and remain for three days, if necessary, for the purpose of examining applicants to teach in the Public Schools or this County ; a; :7rW:'. l will also be in Ijonisbcircr on Saturday of each week, and all pub lic days, to attend to any business connocted with ray offlce. J. N. Harris, Supt. I used to think elections were - The public will to voice.. -. V And not a thimble rigging game ; To give the cliques their choice. , That patriotism played its part . i tr Tho' stills were never jdry, - And tli m king now ot what X thunk, 1 think; l thunk a he. 1 .. ' . . ' I used to think that public schoob Would fill a loug felt need. By teaching all our boys and girb ilow to spell and read, But red tape and their rotteness Is everywhere the cry, - And when I think of what I thunk. ; I think I thunk a lie. . The niggers too, I used to think, - . If once they were Set free, Would make good honest citizens Like white folks used to be. But they have wandered far from grace, The chickens etui roost high, And thinking now of what I thunk, I think I thunk a lie. ' I used to think the town police With all nw blue and brass - Would never sleep upon hb post Jsoc let a criminal pass. - Thatron bund tigers they would keep An ever watchful-eye, But thinking now of what I thunk, I think I thunk a lie. ' . good lady continued the practice bacco, first published m 1872, as thera- 'after year, and one-time towards i suit of experience: - t"1' ' - of . the entertainment. , when 1. 'Mtet curing, as soon as the to- Iba Vnlfji of ditrestion cause ' diunrAera nt the live, and. the whole system becomes deranged. Dr. J -tl. ilcLean's Sanson- hlia perfects the process si digestion and tii as makes pare eiooa. ding, and a. disposition to grumble, be- I manent under aU cooditions, but are subject to change, especiaTJr through the agency of warm, damp sir soon after tba leaves have cured (dried) either ;by natural or artificial means. The leaf, under such agency, undergoes oxidation given, them 4WVwiV! :and parts with : its bright, fresh," rich learning, and ruing in. the worid which I color, , greatly depredating ita vaiue. b so characterblk'eT' the OAfnericaa ( Thb was discovered by the vruecnvi Tjieoole. . I do not deckle as to which of twenty years ago. and. soon, .after,; he - 1 1 v. An m v these tendenqieit was ikely to( commenced the production or the brtgnt j--j the greateT.mirnber, br tot Jhe t greater I yellow type, and the folfowmg.was" giv-, I tl extent, but I merely tell the story. en to the public , la his manual on to- The year the close she walkingjuund-to see bow-jJl isnea wiui uer uouuij, aue iuuuu ixio greater pott full and also content. But at last she came to a litle . follow upon whose platip there was a 1 large hlnip.'-of the third helping to cake, and ne was blubberingand crying as , pitooqsly. ) as though he had not had a meal for twen tjyfour hours. i ,( r ; f ; What is the matter witn yon,- my 111 tie man I" jasked thelady, "lias any of them' dared to lltuse 'you in!my pres- encer '.rrar,r.." vfww, I The urchin sobbed and blubbered more desperately tuan ever ana fwnen . he gained "breath to speak he faltered outriiiii '.mj &.' oi Vi'ttr.'.i i UI can't eat any more cake T woich. brought the cause of is : misery upon him afresh, and he cried more bitterly than before.' t $ 6 1 1 i V Ai u 1 1 i 1 el. 5 The good, lady patted him, on the head, laying: " Don't cry anj more, my good - -little ceo Is suflknently soft .to, move you may run it lip in the roof of the bam and crowd It closer or If the larn b jecdod:; for Other Wrings' the; tobacco rnay carrlodto' ihajitbrage. baxnpr; bulked down in any dry boosa on the premises. But be sure that nothing b 1 .... ...... ... balked with 'green staixs' or sweuea Stems, for if such are placed - dot bulk it wUl be sure to heat, and utterly ruin. . : 2. If the weather ad damp' or bains hangii color unless 1 .... - coal, i When build small peat gradually. jThe following ward added uaH- : remains t Mrs. Alexander Vaughn, wire or one of the tnoat prominent aod ex-, tentively known ' merchants of Preecott, Arkr, 'writes the follow ing letter under date of April . 2 1883, ; .t- ,-. : : I owe the prenerratina of my life uruLr Providence - to Swift's Specific (8. fv 8.) For four year my -health was wretched, ruined 017 life, a life of constant pain and oibery and torture Food soured on my stomarTt, and what I ate tn- would vomit tomorrow. My sleep at night was broken with the meet hot rl Die visions In dreams, to much so, that I could not bear 2 lb be left alone; -chronic dU.nhcea, a painful cough that threatened, ma with consumption; my .feet and anktee were twisted out of all pro, portloni and H.y II robe" swelled tnore- cr less. 1 coold not watk cx cept pn a level floor, aod then with didculty, and for' a while could pot get out of bed without as sistance.''' .' '"' ; , t The prewue ofal.flngrr on my body would leave ' its Impression and In short I thought I hr-d dropsy ju addition to my other afflictions. Two doctors treated ma I'altbfuU iy during these four. years but did tne no goon the niecicinea they t 1 WaUuga Democrat: that Enoch Potur and Uus county; were railed a lew days ago not fir from Abingdon, Va. lUera partner was arrested by a revenne of ficer, and Mr. Potter shot and killed his partner, inteoxfing to kill the officer. Then the oiScer killed Mr. rot:er. ; The lynchipg of Ilobert Barrier a few nights ago In Davkiaon county for the murder of Lb tnother-ln-bw. adds an other foul stain to the fair name of the State. ' Whatever may hare been the provocation, the cowardly crime was njastifiable, Inexcumble and a hurting reflection upon the bw ahkUng a tare of the people of Davklsoa county. Hx. Baleigh Signal, Bepablkan: There have been more pronecutlone of men for filkjt distnbtioA and for retaking liquor without hcense daring the past two months than at any rime since the dec tloa of Mr. rieveland. Twenty fire -men hare been bound ever to court and there are now forty warrants in the hands of the marshal. The November court in thb dty will be the largttt dur ing the past four years, Commisaincer Purnell b kept buy trying the various men brought up to warrants. . ' A Tyro oxTtwodent In the Lex in r- ton LrnSTT najs that on lliarsdiy cJrtt, 'Mr..Jooathaa Wru'-vn, cf Iterkbon toaaty, died at the as of jenra. ?ome :tin e aqo be Dod the wmtry on account of bad coorioet; bnt waa noi saUsSnd and came back to b family. He refosed to take any food cr drink aX ter rdurnln. and hral and ruf-rd for twenty-flYe days, a!:hoc-ti Lis good wi5s kept I tod on the table by Lis bed f r seventeen days and c'Ai, bat be wooi take cothl. and on Thara'ay clht be rreatljed L-s bxst. lua Ccsh aavtar ad BTJCX1 KS ABJS" ICA SALVX The best sal re to tLe world for cul, bml o sores, ulcer, salt rheum, fewr sorea. Utter, chapped hand. chUhlaina, corns aad all skin eroptious aa4 poaiUrely care pils, er oe pay required, fl U gaaraskied to give perfect sstiaUctWm. or money rtfJai cd. lrke S5 eenu per boa. For sale by J. B. ClLlcn, Sow spinach new for srmg ose. ShiUVs Ylullofe U whaS yoe ooosti potion, Wm of atiu,' d'.cdaeos. ' sad alt symptotas of dyrytiaa. Fries 13 aad TSeeata poe VotUo. For naie ai Fnr saaae drag ssew alrbta, Boodo nUmUt by thatKrrbleooorh. tnaiobs nan is Ut ressedy for It. For sale a Farsaaa's drag tor. , hIUb's oonraairdaa eare Is sold by aa w a fworaatoo it rurso tyUw Foe naio as Fermaa's drag ssoea. Thai boetUr roogb eaa bo 00 e.aUk!y ewr4 by tatUo'a ere We garaau It. 1 a naio at ranaaa'S Ctnf 1 Label aS seeds when put amy. . HIXXTL Tbe transition freea tocr, XUtpdnz and paintol sU toe as to roUisi healUs marks aa epoch fa tlx Ufa of the tod vkioal, Kuch a remarkabie event is treasured tn the tDemory ed L-e sgency wbertby the good baslih his ' beeo atta'aed ss gratefa'.ly- blessed. Uroce t U that so ruoch b Heard la rraUe ot Ceetrtc B urrs. Bo maar ' feel tVy owe th-lr rtatnrstloo t health to 13etria F-Ueru If yen ate tronl ted with any disease of kl oJ, liver ca stotnacrv, ef toef. or short standlag yoa will sartly Cad relief ly Ifvt Lie trie r-lurrs. NU at 5f, and 1 pr bottle at W. IL ycrraia Jrs Dreg Store. v-vit-v r ' ! 1 I -T'.i;4'w"- H' 1 rainy, tobacco that ;re- CmVe me were a uaeleasaa stagnant r- "J rvcTiousiy. -iVlllfi i ag wUl, be apt to change airr. , .My, .WentU .thought . 1 . XU rw. f Wr n r. Zlt-i I j 4 ? . rr dried out by flues, or;char- wuu ia u e. l mWoLan. a. that Utu n 7 thb becomes necessary ... V .."".'T3. . acres of Orange cane this fr im t'Tt I . h li r fires at first and raise the cln "1,2 .???f ? ll&fl U7r 1" . ., . . . . . 1 duo syrup, now ajrrvT3ii i 1 1 m s z a L J . - w ' - fore Uklng and began t Uke .4; manatnrhr itarll b.. I Kaifft-tlii1- --f A? . . r I a.a . .. rm . I w 1 " - - -" " I r I al .1 S I I 1 a- 1 W , was a rew years wier. owut'a Dptciac a. 3. O,) xlve I rronuctortd some snail quaacTee fc W;k'--;n to Kagland s Tobacco Man- I rxatiea .01 . tnis . truly, wooaertui I hi ncl'rjcra. Thjibarea sv..! tiftii-i"i-''r r f-i :, . ... ,; I tuedicjne wan what . worked the I to Lrmcrs if they wUl chiIt cire tha.r I 1 1 ! I i ZIZZJ rs m I . . - . I ana rwr- 1 attention to it. ur. innirid-oo ana 1 I , 3. The unsclenuac planter . may know nothing of the chemical const! tn enls of tobacco or the ' rationale of the effects of heat in inducing a pale green ! ..iv.. r .v- . j : ... . tulracle. of uiy complete tuaneiil rvcover," , - . Trent ro ou blKd and skin dis eases runiled tree. 81 rr JR Spt cikicCo., Drawer, 3, A Uutu, On. attentioo to it. iir. Innirido atjs it does not take as much ialr to cclLlrate the care as it doce friary corn. We hope to see or faruxra raie what they coiirame at boute. " - t ' : 1 irt ?. itHl :H t tK V. A ' 'J

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