IANKLIN 1IMI S- J A-TUOMAS, -..BlHor and- Proprietor. R ATEISrl One Year',; -Six Months JTHOMAS Editor and Proprietor; with malice toward none ; with charity -for all. VRICE L50 PEB ANN I. M In Advanco TorClubs.of 5 The furnished at $1.40 .Times mil be trtnt c cy cucra tU le Uar.lfuly roccited. LOUISBURG-, N. Oi NOVEMBER j. 1889. i i r-T u - 1 1 r ---- - . tl i ii ii v i ; - - - - r . n . . . . ii . El ii 'v ii 1 ii 7 1 Eii ii ii ir ii ii ii ii . ' , ii . ii ir- : 1 VM - - - T . ' i NO. SO nrnSwgjg ; , - "2 .d r . Absolutely; Tjy.4j.,Jrysr varies. l'niryi of M sra'ijwaoaf teal th'aa the ordinary kinds, an J eaaaot b ft told im cojb petition I with ix ours. o?l Bci .?.Poi!scpuc.Cck, ROFEfcSlON AI2 CAlVDSr ,WihjoN.,C AT80!!l'&kSIES&.DASIEL3 - Attorneys -&t-Law, jcir busm'i'imtrtfsted'to lis will be prdhrptr? a,Xtfendea to; Y. GULLEY, Attorney- A.tJ-L"aw? FE AKLINTOX, C XV lv?st ' busweiss promptly at- tanddd to. .:j-".. qp II OS.. 13. WiLDEU, "aTTOEII EY- AT LAW- Utlice ow M.u St., fjtie door luw tlie Eaiilc Hotel. P. S. SPIUILL. Attorney At Law, LOUISBUHG..J5. C. Wiil attend the courts of Franklin, V;iuoe. Grauville, Wairen, Nash, and F-leral Hud Supreme Court. Prompt attention given to cd'cctU'ns, &c. P UL JONES Attarnny anH Counsellor at La. LUUISIiUliO N. o. ' 1 Will practice In the courts of FraiikTin. Warren f - Wake," 'Vance and Nash, and in the SuDreoie court ot the State. I .,- ;B.MA.SSENBUliG, . 1. ATTORNEY ;AT LAW- ' ' LOrISBDKij.K. ' " 095ce "in tbe Court IIoufe. " All busiuess put in my haDds wil receive prompt attention. (J M.COUKK. 4. TT' Y and COUNSELLOR At LAW. LOUJSBtJEa, FRANKLIN CO., K. C. vf U attend the Courts of Nash, Fraak im, Gfnvill, Warren, and Wake OaunJes also the Kupieme cart of Nor th Carolina, and the U . Circuit and Distbict Court. - D1' J. E MALONK O.iica 2 doors below Fu (man & ilTDr. O. 'Jo-jke'a Drug Store, adjoiniu L. Ellif. E. W TIMBEBLAKE, ATTORNEY AT LAWJ LOUISBURG, N, C. 0ee i he Court House TO SCHOOL TEACUEHS The Superintendent of Public richool of Franklin county will be in Louisburg on the second Thurs day or February, April. July, Sept. October and December, and retrain lor three days, if necessary, for the purpose of examining applicants to oach in the Public Schools of this vJounty. a wm aiso be in ljouisonrg on baurday of each week, and all pub He days, to attend to ; any busiuess coanocted with my office. 1 J. N. Habbis, Snpt Pure; Our Alliance Column. ; byue. D,iu Kew Berne. Jpurnair The leading idea of the Farmers A1U ance is reform. ' The farmers of i the gouth have fjUovredf the? tame', beafen track for. twenty years, it' has brought them in sight of ruin. A yawning abiss lies a short distance in front of. them: they must turn 16 die right.or be s.val- lowed up. 1 A ORJlT CBISIS is upon us. LandlorcU have become landslaves. Tenants have become a Taving band of debtors."1" Farm laborers jspeud most of their time in hunting work." ' ' ! s ' - THE CAUSE ; of this deplorable condition is ignor race. Weiare igaoraniof the business princi ples which lead to success. An vne- qual distribution of our labor among the prod acts , of the soil; our supplying t he cotton mirket to the d"c6rtinent f one nunftretf otiier tamgs which would bring ComfbrCluury and happiuese i3 one 6f the friiits of ignorance fc " . ' is to brganizc: 1 Form ourselves , into one 'united body having one . object and that one object must be "The im provement of the present condition' of the Farmer." THE FAI.MERS AIXtANCE , is intended to be a farmers' school, in which the course of studies will be mor ality, 6el"euance; . picket duty, tactics, agricultural fortification and , discipline, also Cushing's manual of parliamentary law. ' THE AIXIAXCE IS TO BE ARMED nfter the &shion of modern improve ments and being a corporation, will adopt the best ideas of such bodies, and cspeeifd'y the one ''that eelf-preservation is thejjiirst 'law of ntttre.'" OtDckils .will be drilled the "manoeuvere," with a view especially to "flank movements." THE ALLIANCE WILL DO REPAIRIXCT in the way of mending and strengthen" iug weak brothers that may be suffering on accouut of impaired manhood. THE ALLIANCE TO H.VVE ATT It a. C- TIONS im the way of female adornment chaste manners and chaste language will be used as adornments, and it is to be warmed with fraternal love. ALLIANCE MEN WILL BE MEASURED and must come up to a certain standard. The measurement used iu measuriug is not a "ape line'.' or mechanics square. But an Alliance man will be required to stand upT and if his head towers above, or falls below: an instrument known to , us as "his obligations,'.' then ' Alliance dust :willi beBhakeu from his feet, and Alliance 'halls will echo no more to the sound of his footsteps. ' THE ALLIANCE ANTS BECBUITS. and calls bn every' man " and woman that ineligible, and in sym pathy with it, to" enroll at once. P ARMING ANDi 1TANUFACTURES. Manufacturing, like fUrming, suffered depression during the decade from 1879 to 1880, - the -latter - however, much greater than the former.. , - The reader will observe "that during the decade between 1850 and. 1860, un der a low revenue , tariff, agricultural values increased ever ' 100 per cenlL, while manuracluring values . increased 85 per ceut. During the 10 years frdm 1870 to 1880 there was a slight decrease in farm values, and at the. same time an increase in . value of manufactured products of 26.08 per cent. To be more explicit, agriculture exceeded man ufacturing in the increased value of- products from 1850 to 1860 about 10 per jcent, a diflerence in twenty y ears in favor of the manufacturing industry of 42 per cent. - - . Since 1880vthere has been a great" re vival in the manufacturing aad mining industries all along the line, probably the greatest in the history of .this gov eminent, while the farming industry has languished from year to year, and the next census can only reveal how poor a progress this industry has made during the decade." . ' "1: The relative value of farm to manu fkctused products, according to the capi tal invested in each, in 1880 is, . for the farm, $12,099,081,431, which . gave products' less cost of labor". $l,796,7G0i ; 409; for manufacturers, capital $2,700 272,606, whichave, less t -,' v st of wages and material, $1,024,801,841, j ielded from the farms, 14 8 per cent., yielded from the manufactures 36,7 pei -ent. The number of laborers engaged ib agriculture were J3.323.876 and wages paid $310,820,285. Wages earned per" year per head $94,00. Number of la borers employed in manufactures were 2,732,595, : wag.es paid : $947,953,795. Wages earned per pear per , head ; ,ia manufacturing $348.00. THEY . CANNOT ; K"EP; WHAT THEY . t- - MAKE. . ; . Mr. Ava A. Pago makes the following statement in the Sun : -4. ' . "Between the years I860 and 1880, as the census records show, ihe farmers added $4,122,588,481 to their wealth, but the other half of the population ad ded $23,359,791,851 to their wealth, a gain of $5 to them of $1 to the fknners.M How much of the twenty -three billions were earned by the farmers and filched from them to swell the ill-gotten wealth oi speculators, exioruoners, monopo lists, corporations and trusts, no one will ever know. There is no mistake about the fact that tne agriculturalist of this couutry add yearly many millions of dollars to the nation, and statistics incon testa ciy snow uut mey retain ana enjoy a very slim percentage of their hard earn nigs. 'iney laoor naruer, more con. sianuy sua more nour?, ana except a plenty of rucal home faro and robust health, enjoy generally, fewer of the luxuries, pleasures, amenities and com forts of life than auy other class of like capabilities aud attainments. There has been at least since 1SS1, aud now, less expended by the firm or on his ta ble," clothes for himself aud fUmily, car- riageSvfuruiture, education cf his chil i . i i ureu ana me pleasures oi travel and gratification of other social pleasures than any other class possessing th same culture or pdsitlou in society . It is all a mictake to suppoe tliat the fir mer is using his income extravagantly, for the very reverse is true. Many, a! ter uara, close labor, ana most rigul economy, cinsaircely make buckle and tongue meet at the end'of the yxr. " But there was a lime, however, re member! by many now living, when the name, of a "Virginia or Maryland far mer was the synonym for an indepeu deut, prosperous and culture! gentle man... Thou farming paid 'handsomely and -there was nothing contracted or niggardly in farm life; for the proprie tor of a large estate then was a laud lord possessing something . else than the bare name,.wlio lived in regal splendor and"enjdyed the best of everything which weatth could ' provide.' Tlat time the good old time has passed possibly, never more , to ; return, but while it lasted It furnished the highest aud iu all the essentials of exalted mnn- iiooa tne grandest, ana no'-uest speci mens of humanity that: ever trod this earth. Sick headache, bilovtaess; nausea, c- firencss, are promn ly mid areeutly l-aa- an KiU isiicd by Dr. ii. J owaa i Liver aiu ney EMllets (little puis.) Dizziness, nauaca, drowsiness, distress fater eating, can h cured and prevented br Uk"ug Dr. J.- JI. Liver and Kidncv Pilleta. If your health and life are worth, any- thinjr, and yon feel out of rort and tired- out tone up youi aystem by talcing Dr. J. II. McLeon's Sirsaparilia. " t . Catairh cured, he.dtli and sweet breath secured by SliiloU'd Catarrh Keinedy Price 60 cents. rasal Injector free, xor sale ai Furman's drug store. , , - Sell when the stock is. ready; and good Tnanagement consists in having thera ready wheibthey ire wanted.. ' c Modern Chivalry. 13 " k aw. '.:rf. . . .: 'W i- .t. r Epoch. - ' ,: ; ;-' " :t-K"' -i ! 4: v Doctor -".Well, how's the ague . this taiornuig , J -;' . : ';:; ' y '; 5 ; -; Colonel Bluegrass (on a visit to Ohio "I'm better, but wife is worse.' f Worse, eh ? did she take that quinine and whiskey I prescribed f - ' : i . : "Well-eryou see, doctor; I thought .being only a woman, she .might not be .able tr stand it as .well. as. a .uian.ybu know, and so sb q took the quinine ftud I took the wh"skey i l . ! : ; CBCKIXS ARNICA SALVE U . f J rr ;. " tv;'.- -. '.-.; j The best salve in the-world for cnts, bruises,' 'sore?, ulcers,, salt rheum, fever sores, telterV chapped hand", ehilhlains,' corns and all skin eruption? and positively cure- pUVs, or ao, pa. required. ;. It is .guaranteed: to vive perfect satisfaction, or money refund ed. ' Price 25 cents per box. " . -' For sale by J. B. Chiton. : ' -A Wife's Power. The power of wife for good or evD i rresistable. Home must b i . seat of happinesj, or it must be forever un known. A good wife U to a man wis dom, courage and strength; a lad one U confusion, weakness, dispair.t Xo con dition is hopeless to the man wWe tho wife pot Bosses 'firmnes, decision and economy. There a no ou twara pros -w perity which cam counteract 'indolence. andr extravagance and folly ., at home. i ! i .1 ... u epiru wiu loug euuure uan uo rues tic iuflucnic . Man is strong, but his hea t is not adamant. lie delizhts in enterprise and ai.ion, - but to sustain hi nr he needs ft tranquil mind, and ' es pecially if he is an intelligent mun, with a whole heart, he needs his moral forces in the conflicts of life. To recover, his composure ho.ne must be a place of peace, of cheerfulness and of .Torafort. There his soul renews its strength and goes forth with fresh rigor to encounter the troubles of life. But if at home he finds no rat, and is there mei with bad teunper, sullcnness, jenlousy .or glown,' or is assailed by complaint and censure, hojie vanishes and he sinks into di.ipnir, as is the case with two many, who, it might seem, have no trials or conflicts of life. ' Such is tlie wife' lower to biighten or blight the h une, to make the fireside cherry or cheerless. A SCB P Or APll SAYES QEU LIFK. It was last an ordioary setup o wrapping paper, tu. it saved her life. She wa iu the ml stages of con auuipiou, ioki oy I'liysx-ians sue was nicurauio ana coukl only live cut a s .ort time; she weighed kss tl an cv euty pounds.- On a p ece of wrapping paper shj read of Dr. Jiug s ivevv Discovery, and got a sample lo'iU-; it litilptd htr, she bvuglii a lure Ixt 1j ii help d I n't nire, bi:gl t anutiit-r and urcw beilr fast, iO;ituued its i h nud is now trouj,li-Uy, ,ry.plu.-p,- wMg:iii!g ivj jH uutls. Ir luu.r jt liculars scud kUiiiu II. 1 ol DrujigUt,-Fort :m:flw . . Tra.1 bot r thH wouderful Dicovt-rr free at W . II. J;'uriDin's Diw Sirc. 4Ive had a greiit mauy Uuats in my time.'' remarked tho veteran criminal sadly. He led ibe German and his dudish drees was the admiratiou of the astern I led fair, but hie stout partner stepped on his favorite corn, bctisatiou I sal vation Oil to the rescue. Uappiuess again I Nothing is more provoking than a troublesome cough. Cure it with Dr. Bull' Cough Syrup. 25 cents., llaud.s Oft', liretliren. This is fensible and timely advice given by the Progressive Farmer: The Progrcsfrive Farmer slated two weeks ago that an English S)-ndicate had scut an agcut to this coi ntry to in vest $8,000,000 in' the test class of mortgages. We leirn thr.t thi agent sas that hia syndicate has a larger sum to invest if the con litio is are favorable and inviting. Ineuran e companies, biinkcn and other capitalists in New England combine! with the moneyed men of Kag'and and cetibluhed loan acucU nil over tlie West.' ' ' TIe u mers borrowed their money and secure I it by mortgage on their farms. Now their notes are due and they are uuable to meet thera, and this syndicate is buy ing these mortca"es at greatly less than their face valu6 and will proceed to foreclose them and gobble up the homes of the . turners. They have played, their full hand in the West,-and how they wiS begin to look Tor new anil fVesher fields. : They will turn their eye, to the South." Theyi will . etablUh their agencies here but the Progressive Farmer would1 warn odr farmers not ;to touch them. Ruin lies before tho ; far- mer who would walk into this .feinpting snare. Keep away from loan 'agencjes and keep the mortgnje Off your. home. -The Pan-American - Congress u.zht to go out and inspect the Dakota tin mines. ' r. ' .. .' No need to tsks.vhoiie. bs cathartie Sills; one of Dr. J. II. fcleLeau'a liver and lidney fillets ts quite sufficient sua more agreeable. . Why will you eongh when Shiloh'a eare will tare Immediate, relief,. Price 10 eta., 50 ctv, and $1. Bold by .Furrasn. v mosr unhealthy discharges, soeh at ca tarrh,czema, ringworm, and other fornss 'of Skio liseases, are "Symptom ( . blood impurities; Tske DrJi It. Me Lisa's bar. sspsrilla. .,.,, . $ i..' . t ' Shiloh's Catarrh Itemedy a positive Vnt-e for catarrh; drplheria and : canker nwoth.f SolJ by Fuunan." r f . ? WUIvotf snfferwhh dv?pep'ia and liv er eoaiplaintf ' Shilohs's Vitilisrr is guaranteed to cure I oil. Fjr tale at Fur oian'a drag Ktqre. ... ; . For s safe and certain remedy for fr nod a?ae, use Dr. J. II. ilcl-ean's chill and fever cure; it is warranted to cure . 1 w - I t Yliy Are You Not n CIiristLnn? Is ll because you are afraid of ridicule and of what otlien may say of you f. "Ahosocverthallbeastiamed of me and my words of him haH the too of man be Rharued w . - Is it because of the inconsistency of proleasirig ChmiLma t Every one of ns shall giro an re count ot himir lo God. . Is it because you are not wUlinz to gito all to Christ? -What .hall it profit a mar.,. If he gain the whole work! and lose his own soair Is It because you are afraid you will not be accepted f "Ilini that comcth to me I wiU in no wise cast out. Is It because you are too great a In nerf The blood of Jesus Christ'clcanscth from all sin. Is it because you are afraid yon will not hoi J out? He which bepra a good work in you will pcrfocm it until the day tf Jtus Christ." is it bocausa you are thinking that you will do as well as you can, aid (Jed ought to be satisfied with that f Whosoever aliall keep tho whole law and yet offend in one point, he i guilty of an. Is it because you are postponing tne matter without any definite ran ton t Boast not thyself of to-morrow, for thou knowtftt not wliat a day may bring forth. Frxadlf Greeting. If your Mood is difordcml. cleanc it without delay by use of J.nxador, the famous blood purifier. Druggits rec o nmeod it Price 25 cents. Many phyicans are proscribing Pr. Bull s Baby Syrup because they know tiiat it is a good and safe remexly fnr chillren. Drugits sell it for twenty gve cents. There is a great deal more nx! about ballot reform tliau about ballet reform. - Tnat haekirjt rough eta b o qnickly euv4 by KaiUh'a -m. w ptnau IL lor aal at ami a a 'e diss tre. Unlike other ship, courtship docs not reckon 5t prrtgrcs by noU. Bl'OClL The trsnsitioa from Ion 7, Jioccrinsr and pniulul hUkues 10 rol-ut I e-lUi marks an eocl in thf life of the lodi vidu il. Soch a rentatkallo event is treasured in the tnvjtiory sud te geucy whereby the tfood health l.s beeu attained is gratefully Lle d. Heucr i is that o much is heard in prai?e ol Electric B iters. So nianv feel they owe th-ir rettoralloij to nt-niin 10 jecinc miers. ir cu 8ie troubled willi auy ilica.o of ki'ncyt. liver r stomsch, of Ion? or short tandiog you will surely Cod relief l.y us-i of tlet trio I'dlters. Sold at COc, and $1 pr bottle at W. II. Funnan Jr' Dru Ftre It is strange tliat when a tall player strikes out boklly he never geia along. CAN CER OF THE NOSE. "My father had caiccr and my hus band died of cancer. In 1b75 a lump appeared on my nose, and from its p pea ranee and rnpLI growth, I breams alarmed with the Idea, tliat I, loo, hd cancer. I consulted my physician about it, and ho gave roe an ointment to pat on it, when this did not relieve me, he burnt it out, but the place would not heal. It crndually grew longer and worse and I had fully made op my mind thai I must die of cancer. Friends prevailed oa me to try Swift's Specific, S. S. S This I Dually consented .to do.' After taking a few bottles I wae entirely cured. Swill's ffpec iilc "(S. S. S.) cured me When the doctors and all olbsr medicines failed.? ' , , ' Mrs. M. f. MA.BEX, Woodbury, Ilall county .Text. FOUR YEARS ON CRUTCH IS. For fifteen years I was afflicted with rheumatism, four years of which I was compelled to go on crutches. ' Word are Inadequate to express the suffering I endured during that time. During these Cflcsn years of existence (It was uol living). I tried every known remedy without receiving any benefit. I final ly Lejao on HV b'pecific 4$. . V.) which from the lint gave n.e relief. and lixkiy I am" cj joying the I -est health aud am a well man . I" candidly believe thatSJ.'.S. Is ihe best blood. -purifier ou he market to!ay. '". m , - J. I). TAYLOR,' . ,V. .. . i ". .. Mp. Treatise on Blood aud fc-Un . dWaea mailed free. ' SWIFT SPECIFIC CO : ' ' At!.inta, Ca. lturrowlnz ami Lending. Among Ute many talualle lofort give 1 by the saactout Moes to Ll countrymen was the otsUon Uit they should lend and not borrow. " py CuUifulIy following this arke thry hare contnvrd to make newly all Ctrl tiaa powm and triad rm!i.Ls their debtors. ThcT IcoJ , t'-'-'J wcre the ecu Uy lacood aul the Li terra t tb cral, being, ready to adrance money on anything from crown diamonds to cast off clothing, from the rjKmrcrs of an empire to a tkle-wsltcr's or 'er fur his next quarter's aaLiry. This Mrt of lecdiu; pays; but tiicre are men who tuaka a trade of borrowing with wliun it is neither we nor prof. table to bare anything lo lo. Such per? out do not spply to the follower of Mo Ijc aid. Tbey want sooteth'jtg tcr cotbin, a tuauiccs Idea nut rcronlail iu thecom meitbl jolwy of any of the chiUrca of LraeL Who that has mcsuv aad Is ruppn to b gullible, m exewptni from the ris iution of lomm cr ? Kxra tf o'.ile, weK-pl.eu gcnUcsncn ruske it tier p.mui2 oocujn.l.oa to call uta the well-to-do cill&cnt 0 pLUaalhreiic rro clivitics f.r ihe purpuao d xrri:ucu log oa h a peckct. They have not the happiopas cf h; pcrMGal acq adatoncc but know him by reputation, and re. pert liim for tlie r,ob!o gruorwhy be has uifpUi) ed on more than one iryic oocasjoo. ihen Aq a loa; story abcot uulcxTtetl Lkuliica aud rraa- lio&a, iiKhng up whh a r.pii U temjx rtry aa.itarce to mrt a r bl exigency. The u.-u sikcil fbr iu tUj waysrer.ot pncra'.Iy lirire, but, b it rete, they aaoaut' to rr cre than a ptuli.t atau lXt to !ibcre to Pjkj he doe no; krw, oo the :mth of rciT.itatic- he & net blive. Even if the woury U of sioaU cctu queuce to hir, le bs an ol jetion to bchnj sold. The do:nUc borrowing hk!i are so ctKuiroQ hi the country pUci. ar a great m.fcxifK'e t areaaCc a:. J tidy houKk.vruig. LuLca who try to Jots their neighbor ss thcmc!vc Cod it d.nVult hen they are r ontinually so li, iting the loan of gnd;rou ft t4roa. prc-erTlng rnus waU tubs aixithsiite. It may be Ukca as a ntixixn In social economy tlUt lo art a!w)t a?kL,ghe!p from other, whether lo Lirge Uiins or small, will Lte aid d,e as pwor io ixir aalu spirit. Sbilch' Vitil. r it yos eej OnatipaUu. Iu of j.;rtile, Jox,nr, aad all symptom of drpris. 'rk 10 and 73 evatt per WlU. 1 r a! at Kaf (uAa'a drw j trr. K3e-U. biht, mim tniersk! by that UrrU: eoarh. hllol eor the remedy for It. Kor u!i at Korma,.d.f tor. Shiloh't eoaumrUAa ears U aolj by a o tirtnit Jt eura coMtaptiaa tor Mle at Fnrmait's Jro tlorc. Even the homeless man may liave a title clear to the uvuitions fci ihe skies. There are Uimi hea m frelia( of Uaai tod ovcrcoiu u. aaai ri-at. ke the vystea craves for pr blood. t far. lb lbs elements fcf beaJlh asd atreailh. Th best remedy for ptitUr the blod is Dr. J. II. MtLraa's S-rwjarillr. Ths Itsr. Gen. H.Tbarcr. of IUsrbSk. InL. sats: "Hod tajtA abd lfoe ear lives to .ShUob'a t OnaasapUou car. I'or sale by Fur wan. Tic Boat deliests cotutital.'oa can safe If oa Dr. J. II. Ue Lean's Tsr W iat Lmt li-xla. Jt U a sure remedy far coh, loss of voics and all throat aad laag troablcs. Th slot machine to tet your weight b one of the weJJits bf the world. Bull's Baby Facih'taUt Too !b!n jf r',f r y Day's Horso C FOWBEK, J, UUUMr. Iea4 la mc rv Foe tf an !rr. Trr hi ffryre t cert cc ut jj. r c r33 B SO Fortbsrrrsof t.U' I 5 t 2 Z Hiii H 'CocehsCuids.c-ricp. IifT!ct;0&:--r!jc: Atdrr?Ut.ri3cta.O U ilV) ft ifsjKH jl f An oU-time loj-cot Tb truXo te.1. The lovkwheal cake sooq come to tl scratch! H carpel trcsi sbouU L coopelkU to lit oa a tack. KUPEIVT. Th's U wtut yen w,'i.t ta Is re. i fact, jou c.ott Urs it, V fd'y J1 bfo. Ibousnd sr 'ds uj fur it ibuly.'audokOwrttU.; Uu ii-y fjw 11 not. 1 bwHAanda o- CHao0 cf J Uar are spt oltnuually l y r p--ple In the type Ual may o'-U'.n U boon. Aidtt UiMsy b 1.1 by sll. We rMraol l-t Electric BUtert If wt4 ccor'tnjf to cLrctlM om fsr iiel la will uinj joa joo1 d tio od lls Icaoa djip-i will bttU-l mud erpejsy. We memmtod EWlik piiurt for DUjpia al a i dirs of I J ter, Stotuxh suJ KVI &ey. S4d at ioc. mini II per U.Ut by W. II. Furaian. Jr. fnt Very Rtd U done ly tnUlaj down w extis that arc in full Uoca uutrrt they arc Uiranl lSre they re dry. Cut tlx weal bei fbey Uuom. Tha pmoa cub u dedfssd to It a chevk oa a cn n'.r.aL llhumrm ad c linh art Ut. b!ooJ vice... Ia many icvc'S. tax thrT Ijivc lUtici l treiti:f I wi.i r-. h It. (IW.Suir I lood IUIoj.) ro4 t y lloia .lc ir.ood IU!a vt .UUj.u. Us, Wr.ts for bouk of rcavladojt ro..f. fcn frt. 1L I. 1V. AtLiifs, Gi sts; "3J v w:f 1.1 ciUnb std totalis d.dlxrgood. lltrrw.l:ii ka -i ly filZcJ and gii It lr bl fxi. 1 1 licvd Mr co a uie tfhis snd to nit f(.r;rieW rvcortrj r Ijp d and cmt !ct." W? P. UrbtciUi. Atlaata Cs . wtnc: I wjs m-'i rai.rd au-l had ibciiniai.-n so bad I cvul I t-nt ffel along I JOjI tluUI-CS. I 'S tjsd i e it I i Use I In:-aUa pfiy i. Ln rtU mi no cod, Tten I tiiol ft n mod listircs were rrin; I d cr?uIy re t.ntnr.d it as a go-4 toic .n.t etik ci-rr."" Ir. ilsii!.!a Kixride Trun writes; fhadraurrU t)tf snd a tusl c'Utrtf lin cc!i, st.-I m iatl citre ar couh, arid m Tts er rroch samOiu Iff Ut. Usseaf n a B.tbaak Ciwdtcrrtii JiLn L Larit. Tlcr.Txa, sajit I s auljctt a bB3i of )rrt f pvH tf U!4nmstofy r'rcsi3tjm, hkh six bttic Oi It r, thailt I cavrn, lw cnt.rcf j cored n.e. I Kri not cll hv alL-h'c-tt p-in lne BaaBBasaaiaBBBBBBaBSHBBBBWsassBSBBSBBasBawBB Holico to Tax Payers- Ttte lime fr paying tsxrs allow el by law has nearly t xpire-1. Af trr Nov. lt the sltrrift ts eruww erel to rulli-cl by clUtrvw. Tu tm ply nrltli h Uw im1 prolrct ty UnUnien. It will I ntrrsary ft.f mo ti tuake tvie flcr thai tlmr, a I cannot drU. It will sure tax payers tuocti truuMc to cviue for ward and pay tlifif Ixr, t.vJ cot wall until the Unl tlys aruwrtl when there will be urft rrwiU there will bo Mule tloi to b k ovrr ltetu. Wao wwrkcrs .ai titll ux poyersarv warnol ctt t tlelsy, In many ens Ihe.cx will te grralrr tu a t elr taxes. II. O. KtUKNEYV ShfT. FII13T-CLA.SS RESTAURANT Ilavlef opened s frtt-e!ss Htssrsrt I liisrr, I ass prepared is mmm aaesU at all aosrs. Ca frUa a few persons lJ;if st nitt. My ubU served ili eSiekes. saaU. vtf aad eTerytbiaa: lk Miltt aSrJ. Alrato ra.:l ts bL jaw are banrr, sad yss shall bars saiistarliia. HevwelfallT, RUFFINFOGG, THE BAUBElt TTss raore-l bra bop erer IV Csr lite su re, wl-a he will I pltn.i.l 10 bT l.l .tr5i t all. Errrytl.U nrsl and eksn shat p rtX'Wv, aVf."

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