A THE FRANKLIN TIMES. nil J ATIIOMAS, : it 7 Editor and Proprietor. ! t I i me rtrv-tJta TnrJtna rocr.tr. ! " csrbUtxn 3od fcJ cvtr crtrr ,-! rmtMxt deal! 1004 a tH Lcra ' OXB TB4B ; ;' 'jr Six Months'-"7 -1 - 5 '-'- -loo-m 1 J. A. THOMAS jEditor and Proprietor. WITH MALICE TOWARD WNEOTTH CUAKITT-FOR ALL. RICE $L50 PEIi ANNUUIn AdTOIlCO To Clubs of 5; The TimesYwUI be lirkf cwnoci-isf run 3 f J t urnished at $L40vf VOL. XVIII LLQTJISBURd; N. NOVEMBER 8a889: NO. 40 rmctrnl. THE FRANKLIN TIMES rU'.Sf 1 Jo TW r T W fty 411 W II . XT -taw .. - , 1 . .n . . Absolutely Pure. ' Tuis powierever Varies;, Aiiaryel of nritv. ttrensth and I arhotesomenesful It ,re economical than tie ordinary kinds, n,l eannot be sold in competition, with. the multitude of lanf $ tef, hei't - Weight Inm or Dho8Dhate powders- SOLD HOSUY IX CASS. aOT AIV &A.K.1 HI tuWDIE IO; .'606 Wall St. N. Y. PROFESSIONAL CARDS?." AYCOCKB &DANIEL.S, Goldsboro.N.C. , G .Ci DNIEI.S AIC01K & DAHIELS & DiSIELS Attorneys At Law, . ' ' i ... ': - ' WILSOX, N.C. . ' Any business entrusted to us will be" prouiptljr Jttioiiuci u). , . . N. Y. GULLEYv- A ttorney-At-Law, ERANKLINTON N. C. AH legal business promptly at tended to. ' rJIUOS. B. WJLDEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW. kAJVL uuita, N . Utlice ou Main St., one door low the Eagle Hotel. Jjl S. SPRUILL. Attorney At Law, LOUISBURG, N. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Viince. Gmuville, Warren, Nash, and Ft-ilerul -iml Supreme UonrU Prompt ttteution given to collections, &c. pAUL JONES Attorney ail B ouns cllor at Law TA )TTTS 1JTIHG,N. O. Will practice luT thf"CQUrtsTof Franklin. Warrn Wakei' 'Vancb and Nash, and in the Supreme court of the State. B B. M ASSENBURG; ATTORNEY AT LAW- lo rjisB URO, K. c 0 S&oe in' the Court' House. All business put in my hands tnl receive prompt attention. ' --- ,:, 1 r i ' v 0 i l'TTand COUNSELLOR at LAW LOUISBURG, FRANKLIN CO., N. C. yf 11 attend the Courts of Nash, rrank'im, Grmville, Warren, and Wake GounJes also the Pupieme eurt ptNor th Carolina, and the U? . Circuit and District oourta. D S. J E M ALONE, OAce 2 doors below Furman & Cocke's Dcug Store, adoiniusDr. O. L. Ellis. TIMBERLAKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW LOUISBUBO, K. C. Ofice W he Court House TO SCHOOL TEACHERS The Superintendent of- Public Schools of Franklin county will be in Louisburg on the second; Thurs day of Febraary, April. July, Sept. October and December, and remain for three days, if necessary ,'for the purpose of examining applicants to teach in the Public Schools of this County. t::7":. ? : 7 1 will also be in Lfoulsbnrg on Saturday of each week, and all pub lic days, to attend to any business connocted with my office. c J. N. iTabbis, Bupt. :. : - -' 1 1 i r ' 1 - xue niuicoriat xoree. - . Pencil: the stub of a Fabcr Well worn with labor . That lasts from tbuh U) sun, "I trill MtK iiMriAn , ' 'i' With neer a-VAcatiohi ' .It i nVn tha oil 1 mrirr KihYVno With a Eimfliar clatter V ye clipped the best matter :f ','TJiaVAcome to' the ofltoe yearay FO when yotl have read it Please rive me the credit; -ToSeV flour - 4 :VS ? ' fAnd crsed wery hodrf I'm,, so- very important you Bee, " vThat lhe editor table ' ' r;3aa nTt;been?able To prosper at all without me. liri.. !UW;. v;UJ j.OhtiWe ate UurerpowvBiPs hi si '. Sin MivrVkVtflni nil hwri-i. . - .'rt We're the, editorial three. "'"Kb one ie inferior , . , ; , " ;.JJut,aIl,are ,8uperiojr ' : To the (editorial j"we. , Scarcity of ' Money The Cause ' and the Reriiedy. It is almost as bard to raise a ' dollar now-a-days as it is to find a needle in a hay stdck. v There appears, to be dearth ,f ;n jay. ; It la just next to impossible to collect,' to or secure a loanr ; Every body is hard up destitute of the root of all 'evil. The country people ; have ' ho mobey; neither' have" the ' town folks. But ia it to be wondered at whi we lake into consideration the feet, that our people buy nearly aJi.iheyeat .oc-afaa. or use on their farm or in the little house hold? They raise a little cotton and tobacco and buy their clothing and meat, much of their flour and meal, their tarm implements, their cooking uitensls, their wagons, carriages, carts, harness and plows. The fact is, the drain from without is constant while there is little or nothing coming in. Just think of it, away down in Mont gomery county where ten or fifteen year& ago every man raised his own meat, tliey are indulging in the white pressed still slop fed meat and yellow corn from the West. A gentleman from that county informs us that he soJd at a little cross road's store 3,000 pounds of white western meat in one men tn. ltiglit here in our town it is brought in by the car loads weekly, if not daily. And so it is throughout all . this, section. :, i.i '; I' . . l 7 -i " In the matter of corn it is auite; as -bad. f-Meissrs.iBoydetr at? Quiau have wuyuii anu ioiu iv uie cjuzcus 01 a tuia county in less tlian a year twenty thousaud bushels of Western corn. Jf they "or others could not have su pplied this cteinand ; therjoulba&dS'eed Ab solute sunenng. Others here kept and sold corn also. Many of our merchants are.com pellod to replenish their! Isupjily of flour from Richsnond and other places;; " , With this state of affairs the 'scarcity r0"- 'JR.-TO VP" have any at all. Now, what is the remedy for this impoveiished state of affairs? Of course it is difficult to tell. But - it would seem that to stop at once the im portation of every article that can be made or raised at home would prove ef fectual. And obove all, return to the good old way of raising out own meat' aud bread.. If cur farmers persist in neglecting to do this, then money will coutiuue to be scarce and times hard. It is impossible ; for" an ; agricultural people to prosper who buy the necessa ries of life their bread and meat. If any "people on the earth could prosper by raising one or two products, the Southern people ought. They have a monopoly in a measure, in the pro duction of two or three of the - leading products of the world. - Rut it has been clearly demonstrated that they cannot do it. It will not pay to raise cotton and tobacco alone and buy meat and bread.'' '"-'------.-- ; . ' - - Before the war those only who raised cotton-and a sufficiency , of meat; and bread prospered. Since the war ; those who have tried the experiment of rais- ng cotton and tobacco and buying their meat and corn have grown poorer and poorer yer year by year. Really, sev- ienty-five per cent of the Southern farm much worse off tlan they were at the end of the: war. and each vem but ' adds to theirrapidly mcreaaing poverty. " If a change be not speedily brought tout, our tanners will soon be desert- ing their onco prosperous and still heallhy ianns in goi old North JCaro l'uia andjgo wending ther'way to the xf nr . i " . i a v cet-wnere mey can gei nog ana nomi- ny cheap. L.."iU Cxfi U- Neither the Grange, the Alliance, the Wheel, nor any other organization can i ti i 1 il; urin g iuy feun va our puvcrij tsu.cxeii, misgu'dedV and mortgage ridden people until the farmers cease to ' raise " cotton and tobacco to buy bread and meat with. They must change the present method of farming and rely more upon 1L i 1 ! 1 t 1 lup.inseiv eu. xnere is no neip ior it bo long as the present system is in vogue they mu&t remain poor and dependent and; without credit and influence with thecommercial world. No organ?wi- fioij n eartli can prevent this nor help them, unless they singly and individual ly help themselves. Independence at home is everything. Salisbury Truth v LECT1UC BITTERS. ' TbU remedy is becoming so well Known and no Dopnlur as to need no special m n ion. All who have used Electric Bhters sing the same sorg nf praise. A purer medicine does not exis. tnd it is guaranteed to do all that is clain ed. Electric Bitten will cure all discas s of the liver and kid ney, will remove pimples boils, salt rueuiv, aud other afltct.ons caused by .impure bl od. Will drive malaria from the ostein and prevent as well hs cure all malarial fev r. For cure of h adache, coostiiMtlicn and indiges tion try Electric Bitter. Entire sat isfaction guaranteed or money refund ed Price50cts; and $1 pejr bottle at W. H. Furmaus Jr'8 Drugstore. ' " lloucst and Independent." Under the above heading the Wfl- Ihilngton Messenger of a recent date contained a timely article upon the du ties of an editor.. We give pla.:e to a few paragraphs, in order that pur read ers may understand the meaning of, an independent press: v , 4,No editor can be wise, snd surely he i annot be successful, who attempts to please everybody. With 1,000 or 10,000 readers he has almcst as many t3mper8Jind tastes and dispositions to deal with. - Let him strive to be consci entious and truthful and fair, and leave the results with God who understands his motives and beholds his thoughts afar off Sometimes men are deterred from a full expression of honest con vie tion .because of apprehension that they will antagonize some one whose opin ions are respected. The poli ician and trimmer are sure lo think of expediency too much when the sole guide and aim should be principle and right. "An independent press cannot please everybody. It cannot praise all done 1 y nartv friends. It must censure dL creetly and even boldly as well as in dorse and commend. It must not be unfair and ungenerous, - but recognize merit, integrity, zeal and usefulness whenever and in whomsoever it may be fOUrid. MrnaK -rrxmir . T ' 'Do not concern yourselves about j what people :may' say' or object. ' Do your duty ana Remember your responst-" 1 tyyottura3mt'itV-4:if you are ninrv iu i.nii ji 1 11 r kc-ipiv i mi luur 11 11 ' abused or misuiidemaooel take.it a o-r-. f .wWr vtjtiitkto . . : , . right and assaying to do good to joar Jour fellow-man ud to your coantry.r Ke God and truth ever before your eyes i X a. a w rishk and who honor' virtue. Such is our honest judgment ami such does it appear to ono whose sunset of life is just above the rim of the horizon it 'may be., ivt oi Liuourt i.'u Ii if I 13 CONSUMPTION INCURABLE Read the following: Mr C.1I. Mor ris. Newnrk,Ark.,'says:4 , . , f7 . . u . r and fi Unas and nhvsi.iaus lrauouncfd me ari Incurable. cousUrUDtive. 4 IfezaU taking Dr. King's New Discovery lor Consuinrjticrn.'aoi now! fctt my, third Pittsburg Dispatch. It is not generally known that the and jou j21he.ppreciatecU)y the lust, cultivate their minds, and eoalixe the : ssESs pwpi iiiig-- 'feSfci ?J,rir..r'lvcV7 ryiVJlliH- Hff)S UnT - , ; y-?rpr tvrVrlT;.; " fyM 'n kJS ortetuorncuw. mnjjji .rPu.. v:-J;.!;';l" im,.,?.. ttMiVVFZa ': ' - ' -1 I . - The moat delicata eonauiufinw can , ,i l nmwniw7 rntu um cffic.7J. f avwstt ce, tv v . i : : - I ? if. m- "bell county, Va., before the tevohitioa- ary w'ar,- At that, period tb - country was thinly settled anil Waakioinlcdwilh' lories And desperadoes too many of them; apparently, fur the Let! authori ties to adequately punifch. 0u Charles Lynch, distinguished ofar of , the ret 6lufJIoiinry arm j, undertook lo rid his country of the outlawsand lutving iatiafied libBself f mid trflliidacf the guui tne iutueu, ce execnica mem without reference to the constituted au thoriiler While not allogither approv ing of a desperate remedy Sor a desper- ntc caufe'the beneteial rfect 'or Cot" Lynch "s action was recognizi'd, and has since been Known as "L.ynca s law," or Lynch law." j Lynch's process of meting out spoedy justice extended to other portions of the country, and la a well recognized form of redress of grievances pvday,par Ucularly for that class of offtnscs that are popularly believed not la. be ade quately punished by the staules and court3 of the State. Col. Lynch's brother gartfTfu name to Ljnchburg, and left a son who was sabssquently Governor of Louisima. Sick headache, bilonsntsa, nausea, eo- tiveneM, are promptly and arretably Van Mn-KiJ- ished by Dr. II. McLean Luer and neyPilieta (Utile pilla.) Dixzineri. naa. drowsmeas, dutreaa fat;r eating, can h cured aid prevented by takias Dr. J. II. Liver and Kidney PUIeta. If your health and life aw worth any thing, and you feel out of MrU aud 'tired out, tone up yoat ayttem bj tiking Dr. J. IJ. HcLeon's s mapanlia. Catarrh eared, health aid aweet brtatb secured, by Shiloh'a Catarrh Remedy. rrroe.W ctruU. atl injector free, for sale at Furman'a drujr, atore. f Sell wha the stoekU tetly; and good management - consists la 'having thorn ready when they are wanted. liTiYOUR illND AID YOUR . - - HANDS. - At the present time there are too many who endeavor to be succea-ful or In other words' get their living, by "main strength and Ignorance." Ths is a direct result of lhe neglect of ft proper eud cation in early lif. lr. some cases physical exertion may be necessa ry te the accomplishment of the end sought, but iu nine cases out of ten this is a simple waste of strength through the neglect of mental training, and ro muids one of tho philosophy of the pro verbial son of Erin, who while not lack ing in wit, is not witty, for he will hi va riably attempt to make his muscle do what his mind ouzht to do, or at least what it ought to assist in doing. Good iudzment is oUn tiroes more valuable than years of experience. Some workmen will not put the least bit of calculation into a piece of work and they might work on for jears, put- ling all their physical energy upon the work, never for a moment doubting that that Is the only means of accomplishing it. But turn to the proverbial Yankee, who is not particularly for.d of exerting himself physically, and who generally contrives to make his mind save his body, and quite a diflerence Is noticed. iDstevT'df hammering straining, ami j "doing the work himself, ha deliberately sits down lo " ngure ou v some aev ice ior Bcccoit. pushing the same rtstt'L' ' If ft dlfilult tvk presents itself, waers'app ir- cntly considerable, muscle is t required. he looks the t ting overr anl gcoendly Contrives some roVus of tkai U with- outputtiog his 6hoaWer to the wheel." I T ,,..,.,,11,, -i'j I Tn tur ftr.la. hfl Uta'hla mind ; heln P.lthta tiruta v ' 'V." i' ' . ' I What American workmen need is 10 both, and rendering their services more skipful and thcmseirel more valuable workmen. rkmcm . , Let TooTTnina nerD Tottr nanas. ftna you will find your work easier? your life 'nappier, and youreondttioa' much Im- a . z j . t-i limn - BMtrt pt oveu. l ne itacucat lecnanic. . ShtloVa Vitiliier Is what yoa' need ' constipation, loss of . appetite," ditzlneat. aad all aymptoma of dyapepaia-. rrl 10 and 75 cenU per bottle. For sale at Fur- aiaa's drug- atore, ".'."."' ' , tUeeplets nirhtt, made miaerabla by that terrible cough. Shiloh'a cura la the remedy for IL . For salaat-iuman'sdroj TKt Mt dal icata aonututin can taie r - ..... . . -1 atrkraa .r .... ii . - as .Iam Atihwif -ts r -it aa ' i iii 1 n . i n a i l i a i w , m if mm ft. .Taxii' i " i ... Dr. J. II. kleLean'aTar WioeXanjt I -k.v.to i- iw.ni u n n it. tluthk I r-. P.. Ctms.Z 5. F t l f " " . Iv ate Dr. J. II. WeLeau'aTar Wioe .Lenx BaTui. It ia a sure remedy for eooe.h, loae of voice aad all throat and luaX troublea. . ' I I ' CLEVELAND. All the signs point to Grorcr Cleve land as the DoroocnUic candidate in 1 8?2... The tides. :ara all ruaUn tint wty. Bee bow be was cbevrcd ajoin and apilu when his letter to the l'rnn- 8) Iranian Xmocrary was rwl. , Tle peup!e like to honor an honest man, e podally tvfUr Iwcuty-flva years cf Radi calism under such crSclals as Grant, Garfield, Uaycs.and .llartlsoo. We omit Arthur because he made a. fait. honorable, rcspocULle, patriotio resi dent. Cleveland is the people's favorite ai) because he has been tried aud ttst- ed and. they know him. to be every way trustworthy a statesman of clear views, of high Hons, of dccidX convic tions,' of Democratic priucip'ca, of un- swerviaj integrity, of broad patriotism. of invlodble determlnatloa to do right. We love to hone. such a man. No man ever learned aster or frrw mo e rapidly la sUtosmanshlp than did this LAUtosman aud patriot of New York tJ- ter ht took office. lie has developed into a f r-eeeing, broadanjrei, intense ly wim statesman, and the American lopleofall MYtlous sad all panics know It. The lie publican ediUxs ad politicians are not candid and honest enough to adrn.t iU but' h rank and file know it aud fffimy-aery 1L In his letter to Chairman Black, o. Pennsylvania. Mr. Cleveland said this and let all true Democrats pin it in their hats: We. s a parly, are Cdrly enliatcd In the catue of ihe pcoole roj rulr'ol- bm, duty and party soccc?a require ital ws shoutd be coTiS cocslsteut and s cviliAL All personal and sc!tih aims shou'd b Bul-oruuiaicj." That is. the note for now, for 1800 and for 1892. Let our aims and rods be for the good of the couni.-y- for the great est gCKd to ths greatest number. ,Lrt thete bo no Umc-seniog expti ency do coquettiug witli U"a:tor or oprn en emies no attempt to dodge lefpoasl- biUtics and substitute fkle Leues. The Democracy most move tiht oat in the open field with Reform on every flag and a determination Tto win in every heart. Stand by your ptinciplcs and let expediency be ciUhcdsud tbe faint hearted sent to te roir as Mo- s sit them when marching out aaiuat U.a enemies of rraeL. Wit. Metiger. fthiloh'e CaUrrb Kemeda poaitlva cure far catarrh,-dipthvria and caaker niirtith. 8-.U by FuiniD. That hackina; roufh ran be ao quickly eurnl by Khiloh'a eara. Wa ajuaraaU it. Kor aale at Farxan'a dine ator. Ko seed to take thoc b( eavibartie nilla; one f Dc. J. H.'UeLean'a Liver and Kidney PiIIU la quite aaCcivat and mora agreeable. Why will yon roach when Rhlloh'e cure will give immediate rtlivf. Priee 10 Cta., W ctv, aud f 1. Soli by k'enuaa. ntoar. Ubbealihy diaebargea, each a ea lirrh.esna,iaworia, and atb fonaa of akia diaeaaca, era ayniBiMn ( blod Imporitiea. Take Dr. J'. II- kleLeaa'a X ariua. ill von autTer w h dvrepla aad liv er eoranlalat? . ShHoba a Vltil r la rusrantced o eur you. Ft sate at Far uin'i drur atore. t or a ea(e aad certain remedy for fvr r and acue. ue Ir. J. It. Velaa'a chill and fever care; it la warranted te care. Wnuletl: A Cuss 11 11 i tor. Orphan's Friend. , . Weuoderatand thrre is to be a new post ofUce cstatlithe'l tn Richmond Co. and that Wannamaker h. tern petitioned to allow It to be earned lUby McKee.' Oil I le be a man that we m!?ht exprr-s our setiUmcnL A won van's vorabola ry con tarn nothing strong enoosh. v. Eknatlxn ail Calarrt. s . i it tlheumattsm aWctarth are both blood abeeaaea. In enany aerare caes tliey have yielded to trcatnitnt Hh U. Ik R. (BoUnlc Flood lialm.) mc I by Botaaic Blood Balm Co.," Allanu. 1 w,. rny r mntinrinf V cu f ree. , . . It. 1. Dod;e, Atlanta, Ga aayt; My wife load catarrh and noibinr. didberrrood. Her cocslttu'lon finl ly i failed . and poison got Iyt her bl kxI. I plaoed her on a rxs cf B D ft and iq my surprise her recovery was ran id and C"uiIe U. V. P. McDanleu-Allanu Gs . Wntea: "I was much emacla.ed and had rheumatism so bod I could not ill CM l 1 ilil 1 1 1 1 1 '1 W J "rvi u.m. a a . a.ai aa w 3 a a m r t a t ay-a a a w taawaaaaiaBHaM whV . tit. bUea O B n It. tlnk- l.ravrn. Imaent rflr Ctt-nl I lav umI left tlu sl'.ti-et tau sue A Utile MeutM Arithmetic Jodge. - 1 la a bakery. Iktue, mum, bow much are those cakeer WeX my liule man, I'll jire yoa six for fivectaU. . - Sixt5? That's fire fcc 4, bar fbc S, three for Z, two fur I anj on for Dotklnz. Ileu. mom, ooe's all I wsuL" BUCKI NS A RN IC A ? ALVE aaaSBBaaaBBBBUMBiB Thtet sslve In tLe world for rate. fcruUc. svrt. ulcer, salt r:.tam. fever sores, tetter. clarid haal- eliiUtUIn. corns anj a'l skin cropUous and pos.tlrely ture, t . or no rat rcqutred. ft la cmranteJ to tiva perfect saUaraclioo. r ruooay relat ed. lVks 25 ceois rr boiv. For sale by J. B. C1UW. Tb Wt machine w Wl yoor wtlrtit U oo of tie rL;h a of lbs woc'd. l . . .1 POISONED WITH MAL-MUA. Mr. S. D. Prite, a naive of thU fut but now a rrotnincut aad la.jmt'ai cit izen of DIi , Trots writ utdcT ite of April 12, 18 9. "ANut three ycaxs ao I waj livo; la a malar Ul !".. rkt cf Georpa, and wLHe thfTt fr'hlful aocrt broke out all over ruy holy. Tue pot- on lo my Uool was to bad thai it ruined my health and pros tra I 'd ma. I was at len-th so reduced In health, and p pnreolly Incurable aflrr takinx Wy qnactili-a of diJTeTent rrKUkiaee pre scribed by my j:jtki, that tty, as a but retort. ahtcJ me to to Hot Sprias l m tl.9 ooly chance of recovery hft, and In ll.L they wprtaa! their aeriotw doubu that I would de rive any tmefli frtcu tlw trip. I went to Hot prin, and whH Cvcre l&A a Cicrjugh course of molkiae urahr the phpidans, which semed to kenef.t, but not cure rue, for In one roocth afur my remru the malvly rraj-pearod. I ko- me.!Utrly besxn uklnj S- fv. S- whach rcadf me pcrmarcatly rell well froro 18 86 until now." SKIN rUlUITION CURED. Oce of my cusloOKTa, a hiUy re- apeclAl and in&ieciikl citjxm. but who U eow ab ent fron the ctfy. loa ud S1.Vs Specinc Uh exceHml rrau'.L He say U cared him of A skin eruption that he tad be n tormented wl:h Lr thirty jears. and Iwvl mUted the Curs Uve quilitiiji of many otter maJkicoa, RoacnT Cuxio, DruU', FalU C'ty, NeK Trea:i on UIool aul biia Lrctt mallol frre. SWIITSIXCIFICCO. AtUaU, Gs. I Damp wait wul rtwn the JLaooVjra t'oes of caps ard taoceri caoal ly tm and crel wvliior. Do not -Uwpw op Cm w a"." Tiy the y atajvlird rwndy. Dr. Bull's Coch fyrup. lYk e 2 cettv I U'shly recoruuMrnd Sadvaikw Oil; U has dooe more fur mj wiia la c& tikl fun php'AXiS lave accomihed a .jear, rRKOKniuLzn. fill W.TayttUtbtrert, Ilalllmoer. i!d. Lord Teunyaca walls three miles everyday. Browxia; hxi ft j early tocacn c 43,000. Th3la-lrr r Bait at C V C!H( P a R 3 H - 0 . ItaCL . "ttX ' mm m t a laiaaarar i aa a. HI fn r H iu jJ a 1 rvin a- o . V - . ZZlu;. ' hui & . WLMf wWrM IS Cta. All I IU Ccwt hoa squara, tl?t ts lrsJ- T U-gbcCTra I'sttLCor FaAKXJss-rv j a4 k cotl mW. A Wo a l:e4 em aod taraeaa, tKrt C5ro i:ctrs hr nt sual UaUt- ajroeia. rkl srarety trj' w Vori'x j t rtoo A 1 mel atl Ift Ukk Trr. " t 1'orJL a&d tJ U -1 vra bJctUd lo ltrtca A I'cvi are CfWd to coibC Lrward at exrRaad al- - - F. N. IjoKatvJf, ii. W. l'oaii. . r Oct. 10. XffX . . UPkltuKlut: rnxsu Ajrosmrl-ua. STARVATION '. .t I'CS Wa ar'aw la rtlt f Ota Urrwi aa J Sa-d aiw l l mi rrlkiff r r S fcfi. aW e m ;.iU at rm 4 aaa,'ctsrv,a;fv4 si f7.4i. lirf n " r ta r at aay frmm jf.fd. Wt ta Cl aajUj ltm a thrr y rr al ca..4.t a aa r- f at lr Ui MUlrml Star Shirt. li ta. .a rt a-a 0 aarki.a . art rt?rt.'.;; iat.uf u ai2 a4 aw rtvr tf ut la .Xna laitav Mf Ve- tl a Umr Uatavp.Ji.aUatr yaej bay t. . DAVID K0SE.NTII.lL, Am-lttw tt'.U.mc. . . . . ataief a, K. C Notice lo Tax Payers. Tt lime fur paylnc tstre ftllov. eS by law haanratrly riclryl. Af let Nov. lat Iheaherif? Is empow erl to colirct ly dUtmaa. To cvrn f ly vt lh law wj prvfert my lornl'mcn. It will l cm7 fwf m li make lvs sflrr Ihsl tlmr, as Iranno! delay. It til s-tt a tax pyn much trwu.o u cvu f ward and fdj I belt tax ea, aot A- w.l cni.i ir. u( Uaya ftlwttl when Ibere will t aoch enrwde there will Le.'litle licue la lur4: trver lutrca. War wucken aat autall tax paijers are wmrood rKt u . delay, 4 In many cmara the Cua . wUI t xaler it. n I rtr tair. V! II. C. KtusLxrr, FIILT-CL. RESTAURANT- - . l -, a !Uvtf efrv4 a l-!ae atMCaarast la I.ik'. I aaa reap aeu -aaata al aU I vara. C-a far a U t aoa IWief al aSiL My Uk4 M , nrirJ vaUlra. aaaiteav, kf aad ttfiOtii Ue aaarkaS a-, fwatw t ; U ara hrv. a4. a aJMil save mt-rt4U . - ti.tn juwsjvs, RUFFINFOGG.U TUB BaUtDER : na mTl his a Sop tTt Sa Can"" F. str. Uf ta ari'd - yUa4 1 Imv t.La t!wta rIL Evvrytkhf caal aad eican aJiarp rs srw, Ac L ra aw-f FjaM a - - w - a w - mm av ak 4. 1 ers who have adopted this plan are very term 4lynch law"'origiuated. in Camp-