; . . .... . .. ; , y . ' r r?.. .cv, JLLr ., " h vii- - .-irj L-, - aLiJ 'LJL'- Mil J iU ' , . H-. -U 1 i VI - 7 k yn' rx.iaa:i cr vrry ' 1 i . .Z-ijiY.4?r?.rCT,UJt.;-. . -" 7 ".- - ..Li -'. j - ' " "- X- IX 0 c a.-l a,;;;:: ? errr.:.-, a U AT "K "S - .. ...... , ... . - v..-- :; . .. . . . , . vrrtn ..W.I tei t Urt i ft -TOTII MAXIGE TOTAIID'NQE; WITH CHARITY FOR ALL. fin To Chios of 5 TH&TjuiEi , wiu uj furnished, at 1.4a '-:, .. : -V -ty- - . .. NO. Al 4 I ; ' liiill isua Absolutely Pure This pwderTer vre. AartVI tfllT E antr, mreEai ana : wnainoacurM. r ecttt i t ) inU- Amiwlitiaii nrtrh th. aultitttdev.k4wnthrtlrcijrllt: .nm ar Dkost)lia.t po waters. 'Sold oklt t C1K4. BotlBakg PowdkrI Gd.tj Any husxaes ena .us:wui)etti promptly AttGTneYAtLawa FlVVKLINTOf . CT All leg! business promptly af-r T tIOS.B. WTLDElt, : - 5 ; ATTOEN EY AT LAW. ' OtHce on Alain St., one ; door -v low the Eagle Hotel. - P S. SPUD ILL". r. - Attorney At Laiv, L0UISBURG,3J. C. Will Httend tlie cnurU of Franklin, Vance. GrauvUle, Warreu, Nash, and Fodentl u Supreme Oo"rU ; Prompt stteatioa jc'ivcn to collections, &c TJAUL JONES ' '1 4- ' ? . Atlorneyani Coiisellor at Law. - Will practice 41A theTcir of Frailiu. Warretrt W.aki .yanee and Nash, and fu thSiipremecourt j oi ia oiaie. f .xx$i?:A:xK-r-- "D B.MASSENBtJKGi--i ATTORNfiriiAW- 1,TJIS4U1B,NC.; Office is the ourt House. t All business pui ft mhi'Ddafwii receiro prompt "atntion. - 1 1 ,(;ookjs;4:.4 a. CT' r and OTJHSELLORitUAW ' -r. , 'i" . t j ft LOTJISBURG, FRXNKLIN CO.,X.J. . ? "f Jl attend the Courts of "Nash, FraakUn, Gfin.Tille;j Warren; and Wake Couafie3 1 also the iupieme esart f Nor th Carolina, and the U . Circuit and District Courts. jQR. 3a X MAtONE.. - - 0-&co 2 doors : below Furman - A Uojke's Druz Store. adioiniueDr. 0. L. Ellis. W TIMBERLAKE, -ATTORNEY AT LA WJ LO0ISBTJRQ, W. C. Office i he Court House TO SCHOOL TEACHEUS The Superintendent .of Public Schools of Franklin county will be in Louisburg on the aecond Thurs day of February, April. July, Sept.; October and December, ana remain for three days, if necessary, for the purpose of ex a m I n in a ppll can ts t o teach In the Public Schools of this County. . r - . I will also be In Loulsourg on Saurday of each week, and all pub lie days, to attend to any Ibaslness counocted with ray omce. . , , j. N. Habbis, ; Saprt. liSrifeS TO HER HUSBAND. rrr,; Oneoftu, dear .'.-;. - ;:. . fee rui uue .i . i,; Will sit by jt bed y ith a jraarvelous fear. Ana clasp a band. Growing colij aa'.it Jeels for the spirit- leaning, wnicn one Qtut.ot us, deartt .f -Vf But one ;; - ;Wiil etanct b'i, tbe other's t6ffin"Wirt ; . And look and weep,' W - C T: ; While those marble lips strange silence keep; - -v? . - ; - parlmg, wnicn one r -; One of US dear. ; ; . . -' By an open grave wUl.drop'a tear. :':J And homeward go,'-' l t . 'f ATheasiguish; of aci unshared Igrief ft 51 -8 l DirHngVhich ope f V $ '4- One of s, darlings it niustrbe;? ' I . i It mar-be Jo will VLt fromtfe, A ur perhaps my Hie m iynrit be aoae f ? ? V f A..hwjwti,ujg? tnfewspapet . jeportet S;eiiucfhtt:natorer j;niarch linTortifevri We "mef tifibri thejiivmeut Ebok carcelyx years jdC jT.ears glistened .on her, CYelashe'saud".-; trick led dwra'hetroay.dieeks likerdeid drpr jii.: : 'a fliiiP-iYn:?Klie had beeti cjfbseerl- 1h a ftjur-oiiplShe had beeti ttoserl-jh theVufiflment of .tee : aStiafiiill j i. i itii ha4 popped pennjaiid : ?; ft.' tatl rolled,ou,t .of ahirbi;tiM i. Jer, t i row ftT ievi utUQ Hearfc 'guihfld f the 'sy orpathetic! tcar.s Thai ! ; simple peuuy was a mine of wealth ; to her, and she had grasped itsb je.tgerly . aiMl its possession had filled her ,with such joy. Snovr It was gone, search for if proved 'futile,' but. i was -i replaced with'a nicklat A Jsaiilet'ofv bewildered eostacy Ht up the little sorrowful, tace ain and she ran awuy in nutold. glee,, with sweet lips and a pretty dimple playing witli the rose blush , on the cheek. . . This is a picture drawn from nature. IIow often do such incidents happen in the lives of the older ones ! Our sky may perchance be oft ; times clouded, and, oft times the.touch of sorrow'i fin ger leaves a melancholly linge, the brightest hopes lie bleeding and the gar land of love wills m burning tears of misery. Tis then sympathy is needed and when the good Samaritan drawn by the "ties that binds our hearts hi chris tian love, whispers to the grieved one he looks us. Though-the sunlight . is liddenhy a cloud," it will shine all- the brighter" wh'ea H shadows - are7 ' "gone.1 hi8 consoling sympathyfor,. thq-woesK of ottierM isithebalhi . in., JGileadX for troubled hearts. Under its influence many a burden' vr ill roll away Into , " Hi sepulchre of the past,5 vand.iket,-i .chjis- :tlanslir ,can say 'iUelhatlp 'giTea, me; "Test ty hteOTTotCand'7 Wby-'hi8; deaih.''-Thtai itis that our - troubles like that of the little girl who Jost, PVuIbe tonUintoaiiclgtadi4t fjThis nttle mcidejt teaehes ft practicalV;: 'iAi-Ji -Ai;. JessdU.'Vji !.eei.meni.weVwhct' have buffeted thef ates .of - adversity in ankle-deep water; Their power of resistance 1ms been worn out by. long usage. Hope has deceived them so !o ig, or postponed the fulfillment of her promises so often, that they cease to be lieve her stories of peace and happiness ia the 1 future Many a 1 convict . has served his lime ia prison an I - thrown his life away as soon as set free. There is a slough of despoad near the end V of every period of , suffering ' mental or physical. Few. cross it safely. Many go down who swam bravely when the billo ws rolled high. ) Looking on the comfortable side, part of the world won ders why they sank, when they were so near out of trouble. Not every one -could understand that they were worn out, their hearts broken, and .' the com fort and sympathy of friends had turned to icebergs.. ' They kept their colors flying when the battle was at its ( heat, and friends flocked around them and proffered aid, when aid and sympathy were not much needed. But when trouble and disaster came the friends deserted. There is something most pit iful in this yielding to the pressure of bitter fate after a hard struggle. The "per? on who needs a helping hand , is he , who has pulled a heavy load nearly to the top pf the hill and that te'.ta. cast ing a look backward at the rough road tie-has traversed, and 1 another at the heightin front which he has .yet.to " sur mount, v Weakened bV.toilins - ua the way the.bitof hill ahead of him magniv fl into an unpassable-mountain tn4 he feintej at the ddoroCauecessC. Friend ship is then appreciated. Friendship la It revives strenjrih. It :hi8Dtrea th: weary, heavyUxlened traveler to press; onward.! It id 'the quintessence J oT ,christiar brotherly love, and charltyl cuavtier oeea.i 01 Kipaness around. .yxu; yoi will experience much, joy in the tn vine. C C 4 Sick headache, bilouvuess. asusea. ' icness, are promptly and sgreeably bftn- sfted by lr. ttr McLean's LiTWrirt-1Ci,f.- ney rjaets uttle pills.) . - , Xfizziness, naaSefl J drowainea. Zitrtti Hter eatioir. e in be cured and 'nr.m T k D 1 Llvtr and. Kidaey Fillets. ! i.-.'. j ; T.. r ers" JL.icens la Snecch- is Ltuinated 'iahUuvictiou, that serves to teach 1.U 'cr. i . - - - - - -ft ,.., . , - I Sanford Express.' V T -Clg- r H" L.v7rv r hand;.. Uke a goodie, aad after It one fof the Boyk case ltpes this ci on one .acre of butDS gaJOlLer U wltb WlUCOr ii at Kaleigh last week -- "l 1 1 -"-I littler water poured over It, and a large k ' . .J t ltesoit wliich we wish to emphasize. 'II 'ttiflity at the close of Ins trial to sDeak iS'tbai he bitterly denpunced'.two of e.prWecuiiidf attorneys; Ib?charsMnff himjTifii.tha olfciic&jotrunken aud JnYlf.rMUBnt,. t-Tia com. K1U these "atitorueys themselves are guilty. T6 be sure ifc came in -bad - grace1 fnim' ..Cpeae attorneys to be xeproving -Boyle tor,tbese offcufi&j uotitfaudUig fce a-rerjp bad man Wd ought to be Apuni ished: ItT)leascdilhs HuUiciicd wheU qeis, 4 It wqu hayebein 'well enough or a sot erv cngst aiKl jupngut lawyer., to have relei radMo v;. ihese Afnencos i of Jioyla, ; ln yehenent denunciation. Then for a nwiur to consIteuUy prac tice lawj he should be pure in ' hi l.fj aud habus as well as a gospel minuter or editoy. -r'-' ,, ' - .v; -. . ,. ; Nowliece in this country is granted that open and deliberate license of speech that the average lawyer indulges in to a Jury in a court house The repu tatioa oau hounrable person may be assailed fry a lawyer to a jury, anil that person has no redress, unless it be in the violation of law, by the application of a collide or cane. The press; with all its boldness and zeal does not dare to take such license of spcedh as is fre quently granted the lawyer. A politi cal platform speaker with his usual recklessness, very rarely descends to the bitter personalities and wanton assaults of the forum. Is this license of speech in the courts, the scat of law, necessary te the administration of law and justice? K We know that when a rascal gets into .law or in its clutches or on the witness atand he ought to be thoroughly" ven tilated, jbat the discrimination ought to he faithfully made and observed be tween the good and bad in speech. The averagejudge frequently allows the av erage atterney in his zeal to go ; beyond .i.? ,. . r . 77 the basis of revealed, truth and his T?J i sion. .Many tugn-minded lawyers, sny f W Ww ashamed to.say to themselves ; in f prl wouia ix vate. Every lawyer ought to be a pure and good mail,- because he is by iprofe- sion an femhasadorof justice and truth. If roar health and 'life are worth aav- thing, aad you felrpu4 mrtieod tird one, Tona vipyoui vsieui oj utug ur. 4. U.MclonA84ra.aHlla. U-. ''ll :' Tbe motf deli nfltitntipn.n vf a It bko Dr. J. H. McLean's Tar Vh Laos Balm, ft i a sure remedy for eaaah. los of Voice aad all throat And lung troableai Cherokee county has 2J203 , wlute polls and 16 colored. Catarrh cared, health and sweet breath secured J by Sliiloh'n Catarrh Keinedy. Price 50ioent8. Nasal Injector free. For ale at ffunaan's drut store. . . . . ' . The Blv. Geo. H. ThaTer, of Bonrban, Ind- sayn: "Both myself and wife owe oar lives to "fhiloh's Consumption care. For sale br 1 urinan. n will manufacture this year pounds of tobacco. iate and certain remedy for fver andajraf, ns Dr. J. H. McLean's chill and fevei- care; it is warranted to care. Theretarettimes when a feeling of lassi tude will overcome the most robust, when the nystini craves for pure blood, to fur nish theeteaierit8 of health and strength. The besi reiHedy for purifying the blood is pr.X.vU. Mcl ean's Srsaparillr. Valuable jdeposits of coal are thought to have 5een found near Oxford. Shilohs Catarrh Remedy a positive cure fori catarrh, dipthsria and eanker mouth, j Sold by Fuimau, .v.I, Byyfedenoanccd Ihese'bttycrs' f their airusiqns loliia uutliastity aud drunkeni' I ' - Winslo 9,000,000 For at a T ' ft . " " . m ' . OLD . CAirUNY. Morsels Plctbll from bur Excliao ' : . . i. . J L I 1 - Fop the Uencllt of the , Times Headers. ' ' The Raleigh Inant Asylum has 141 male and 154 female occupants. . y ; FayEtteviUe .lias, a "curfew , bell' which rings at 0 o'clock every night.' The new wing toT the State Peniten tiary will be completed by next jFelfcu- ary. , ; - ' ' i , ., , ; i : ' ; ' . " i - 1. , 1 j ; A colored woman, named , , MarU HblUud is reported ' to' have- died ' in Wilmiagtpn a few days ago" agtrl 100 years. i .it. ! I I - The Aahejrille.Dcmocraljreports IfrV J. M. Btckman of Kuncomb aa hav Tlie Favettevillfl author Uks-ar' r.rw "rowipg policemen from .various ndzh- ,1orlng towns to belp ihem keep ,ood 1 ordAvdiirin fcertkt A4tion ofti 21st.1 t -" v,,", 4ti ''' 'J u 4i I i - . I ..The Madison Leader armouocjcii the.I suicide bra Mrs. luuhardsou. near .the t Stokes, and .Rockingham bounty line, by 1 hanging herself witij A ie,.t0. ufoist oftheharn. ;t,.. -rt.-.jlvi;.! r J 'Zl'J-i iifix . I I Our lariuers-sav that thev. mean.io I t.i. u . , rvvs?: 7 "J I uu 1 1 na ant a mm wax . a a . 4 . r w m..w Mt fcy vs) ns) uviucf .a tun 14 I I.;.. ;u-i' . A, ; . S : y.V. ju.nuiift fcuejum w uh, iuiu u ...uisy win carry out- this, resolution. U , will matte uem muepenaeUL.'' w- i. The Argonaut says that the itore- house of Bobbitt & t?rvey 'of 'Spring hope, was'Hjurued a few ; nights i&g t tltought to be the .work of an lncnalia- MLss Mamie' Ilakhett, formerly edi tor of tho Orphan's Friend, was - mar ried a few days ago to Mr. Albert Fair- brother of the Lincoln (Xeb.) Call. The Scotland Neck Democrat com pleted its 5th year on 3 lt uhv it Is a first-class weekly newspaper and ia edit ed with ability. ...... Capt. B. F. White has a horse that eats young chickens, feathers and all. and he had an old gander that would take a stick and knock against the bot tom of the corn crib to make loose grains fall through the cracks and an old turkey gobbler that exercised ar fatherly care over a young partridge. These are remarkable things, but the CapL vouches for their truthfulneaa. Alamance Gleaner.. v - 1 ' Is ('apt. White a 4pWessiorial r Ed. Times. Ex-President Davis writes the com mlUco 00 hiviyition to the Centennial ratiocatiou by .North Carolina-of tlie Co'ntifutiouf.;mailckbUrfgrettiix fhis innbiliiy to be preseul aryeUe- T 1 vUeon Slatlnat,, on .aeeoixnt of in- creased impnircd heal;h. In lis letter he pays- handsome Uibute kr Nctth tret to thousands, that 'the Venerable Mr. Ddvlscanu'ot Vti'present loa the' aboTe named "ox3caioh.tt ''1 " Oxford Ledger: Dr. Dixon will soon have completed the addition to the beys building at the Orphan Asylum,. Ia the upper part of Wake county near the Granville line, some weeks ago, a man bantered his compnnioa . that he could eat more chicken stew tlian he could. Ilia friend accepted the wager and a half dozen chickens were killed and the stew was nicely prepared, when they sat down at a table , and com menced operations hi the presence of their friends. It is said that the stew disappeared at a rapid rate until it was all gone, neithi-r one winning the bet. The result of this match terminated in the death of one of them in a few days, and the other narrowly escaped the same fate. We could not learn the names of the parties. . Shilnh's consumption cure is sold by ru on a guarantee. It cures consumption For sale at Furman's drag store. HleepleM nights, made miserable by that terrible coul'U. Bhiloh's care is tbt remedy fur it. lor sale at Furman's dreg a tore. . Carolina's. pre-eminent . , , patrfatiAui ' 4fcf ' " "tT" J :5 'J ource of great 're-, corxecj cure. For more than a tear l -, Hoz Cholcr'a vs. CliarcoAl, AN ALMOST BC RE CCB rOU THE DIS8ASE TIfE CJOVEaXMEXT' For pigs and fcutmjg hogs gTe an thracite coal every fcV days. ' If lh. canuol be had,, get Cumberland coa Jvnd tha next beat U cliarvoal. ' Tbc j:mh archie ij Uio best correct! vra for a disordered system, and In a nutnbrt of cases etpcriaicutcd on by several large fealers pf as well as ourselves, Jwe have found that authracite especially will stop the spread of cholera, even when it has gotten into tho herd. ' Somi yean ago we lost ny eighteen large Cdtetiinj pijs, ajid by . using an thracite freely the disease was stopped. Our, ytgs lod sows now have the rcn' oi tne ;wooas, wnere they have Lee rf and a variety of food, yet wo feed coal frjely. e pec billy charcoal. Wa turu.caarcoaj ourselves, it is a Terr easy racier Waerp a quantity qq Ieef ffood coal can be hid.' Use reTIJ V Pl'th of cholera eaa P"01 P"411 bT PPance- cf UrK TVi graduallf turning ,mlo' cuanuli ofe the ears.' Kove J suwlujimals from the rest,, .give small 9uaaItes of laxative food, and feed coal. treeJy to the sick; as well as ' to the health 4 snimsls". ' Those having ' the rdiicTjadiy cannot be cured, and had oe'tter be IdJlfcl at once and burnt.. A real cholera aick hog cumot be sold for mca-c wunous cetecnon in. tne open 1 - maj I. igaiwt it, and none would risk 1. 1 . , W i - tt AMUllCJ .UCa WCaW U BOMl at ' mil. u woald be by stealth, and then tt woo Id be made up in sausage. , pigs should liave a ,wood range, and acceas to pure awfl) t Aff a Vhrta 1 Inl har aa. Vm J. sWOfc lav 4AAVAAej UCM.V UUrUJZ I K..,1;m..mnm,n. ,v! ".;:.7wk r;j:r, i "" '".7 I caue ueaiseoae ro ruanucst liseu in tlie early tau. Had the large sums of notieyijnt by cur government fee a numbVr of years In trying to' eradicate this uj-Hcase been used In cuiorcln hcaltli laws fr the proper feeding and caring for these animals some good might have been acComphhel. As it Is, we liave hundreds of agricultural lxxk publishevt, with queer mkroscop k: drawings, which bcwllftlcr the reader and copfuae his Wen a, and do little, if auy, gd. aud crow disease in almoat any animal, and only c . - . the most rod inspection or all roeau will bo' of any ue.IU!timore Ameri can, j SCItO FTJLA I X "tlUI JJltEK. The fonowlng lataV en from a letter writ tea under date of July 1, IfA by Mrs. I'.uth Berkley, a aost chariuLfe aod Christian Urfr, afSallzu. Kan.: Ia tlie early rairt of If&l srofa!a appeared on the he i or ray u:Ue grajuichikl tliea ooiyeigMrrn tegnthj. Nnoruv ATler Lrwkljg4ut it liTwd rajiily all over her Uxjy. ii;e scau 00 u e scrw would teal off 00 the' sMghtiat toock, and the odor that would arUe wouVl tnaka the aixosphere of the room tick cr.uig kad onbrsnUc. Tbe tliaie next attack the efca acd we fartd weuld lose her slht. Emiaeot iJ'J 1", TV"Zr?t c??a" tty were ewtfultcrt, lot couidtJooathjg .trolieve the UttU oocm t, and fi as their opinion' that the taae was lUpclcM iu:J Lmpus!b!t U sate the a a. . I Atoa4 ai I at IV. - - I w w past ae baa cecn as lcsuujt . as any Vhiklbjthehnd.- , UI,((. i "OtJBXD UI3 LITTLE BOY. ll litUe boy'had imrril!ea of the blood that were f a acrofulous rjtt&re wukbaresulted Ur tha breaking out oT au abHreas tq tlie hip. I gave fclm Swi gpeviCc (S. S. a) i It purllled Ids blood and restored his h-alih. ; As a biAoa tnznner it cmiui r ui no equalJ FELIX SINK, fa!en,Cv TrriUie oa Uloodand. 8k n - dieare mailed free, r-fcWirx JLTTXTFIU CO, t A L J. A - - AUanta, Ga. voa Suffer wl'.h dyrtpila aad 11 1' tt eoSip'alntr '.-eauaba -mar. u ruaraiteei aura yoo,' Fir sale at Far man's Hrug fjors,' i;L : .t .j U . ( . . Thai kacklnreonxli ean be. ao-qaiaklj currtl .by fchiloirs eura. n . ruruU it. xar si at t uraisi s diar store. MsymenmUs great cnueiheif mtn'dj are aim fortunes be Iwayi full of l'.g scbcirjea. t r i t No meed to take tho-c bz ralbartla pUlir, ane -f Dr. J. Ill lcLraa's Liver aod Kidaev lt!l,ts. Is Sulta , auSLcieat aad mwra reeUjiO. mosr juhealthy.dlneliarra, sueb aa ea- tiirrW.fcrisma, rincvorui. aa J other rorias of skia diaeara, ar aTmptrtna of bicvaU impuntirtv. Tke IXr. J, U.AlcLeaa s aaparfjia. . ,.-,.-.! It I . AFewSiniUl JlMtcra. The nun wiii, LU hmA aiove the cu. u geaerauy a Lare. A tan must know bow to u'J'.j. i.w s,- Uir.goflTaifhe wouU rropr b a material wy." ' i This U triUrxly niuLnttJ fa th lives of intenton. Woman hiTenirw go Li for a U: Vdzg. ilk prrjWu! rooUon for btvr.re, he go to V.e loor houAc, Lul Lu La ris a Lt Up on tl;e raj of a P"-tk3 a "makfl a cool $100,000. The man who Lao. how lo handle U UV.t onrtuoiJr of life oeTer to nwke bk kuowlalj ttlV. Ttw .....t olosnd aUut t000,CC0. If he had scorned iach aaoAll tuaiters aiJ turned d aUcntlon to veeU h woaU probatlT have wastrd Js time Sid labor. The roller iita iuUedIUloveBtor1.000.0na TT-e In ventor t&f varlooe UUle toys rixi!c aad otuer trifles enjoy iucorace. rmsb? "as high a 75X)00 a year. ' ' Itis so In every Uae cf hoajan eo-' dravor; When a man wanta th i.rt he gets nothlug. hen 1 experts to rte la a fottoue In tlj scoops he cL in poverty. The succcirul men of the world fix their aUectloo upon the coro- raotieet thinrathe evtry cat mattr and bpjwtuui tics around thxtu. At- Ian U Constitution. 8kllott'a Vtuutar U mi t imJ eolfpUe. Iom of ipMbU. dSzziataa aad all rfattm of driDtii.J ru.ia aad 7S rtiu per boU. "r at 'ar otAa't draj (r. ' . ' ar Pl rtr iaUUu rtlf. Prie- 1a w ev-, aad ft. sold by ai Agaioit all the bcccaAful men are arrayed: a ho4t of bright, but unacce- ful Inventors who sjicnt thefr IItos( try ing to accomplish fcntXIn great. BUCKIXSAILVICASALVE 1 a, 1 1 a . ThebestsalvelntLeworUorcuU. p1-"- t.. uir, aait rheum. lever sorma. u aoraa. tatter, chanrxd Iian.1- ehilUlalna, corns and all akin emptiont arxl poalUvely cure plica, or bo par reqolred. It Is guaranudtd VT periect tatia'acUoo, or monay rtfund cd. lrka iS ceots per box. For sal br J. B. Clifton. "Elsiiailln ul CiiurL . ' BhrarnAtVm aiul c-Unh ara botit blood dieeaa&a. In msny cTer cae . 1. , . i ... . . . . , m by Bo a tie BJood IUha (U.t AtUnta. Ga. WrlU for book of convincing prortf. A?nt free. It. I. Dodt. Atlanta, Ga, sat: a.t . a a ' "t wu ua caunn aud votwt tl4 htt 500U, licr coca Utui ion fUJ ly faded sod loia;n gvi bU ter UxkL I j- laoed her on eve (futt and 10 my surprUe her rAorrtr was ft"' aiivt ft. W. T. XlclVc'.e.. AtUala C , wnie: I was caoch eaia;d aad had rheuinataat so bad 1 cuvld l trt aiihoftit crtU S. I a!aa hal aeuialjia in U:tS I. rtrajaa phfaidAD UJ rae 00 aod, Ttew t trml n n Usui its ecma werv naiMTAf l ciecriu'ly rrrommnid it aa a (CKl looia and quit cur." lra. Uauia NkKoW. Knexvt.hr Teno-, write; 1 1 jtd catarrh tlx tcArs and a meat dlalrtritsz couzb. aad a mod eitrea:32 courh. aod rav ajea were tooch awoken. Kir Wi fe of I I R.tLao C;d f cored tat " John li. DatU, Ter.Txaa, tj)a "l a subject m rurmicf iert v sreb's.tf UCimwatory rfirurcstJin. Lien AJX UH:t ol B Sl. tLar.k hasvra, has taUrtly cufad me. I hart t fell lha I 'hteat pmla tJara SECURE EnEAT BA55AKIS : ' f , . ... i . .... . 4 .'Cbmeight alonj;'to tho- V I'. v:.. -i . T.:. RACKET before you go clsewlicn?. a m I , "wliutif j-ou 'should . go to other plxicca first. and they tell you that 'KACKET'' goods aro "shodJv": Ton may, bo sure that" thy .are '";'"',. . trying Jo sell you tat inncii '. ' , Higher Pbiccs. '. Just give Ti8 atrial. "The proof of tnepuuuing is cnening tne a' .2 "K.VCKET" Jr-iuiMui: raxxji axo s-rruan. STARVATION :4 2ia CLQ-T-HHG ' aa4 rfiiUIff rnft rrf VrtVl U nlt H, tiri art Srlaf al aurr U rM. mita tAtl tfu la 4 k. ia frhul, at uf rv tf!r4. VT ran tt MUj frM a Urr oV4 ekUJ t a tata fir io ftaaA. api U MUbfaAti - i ; . Star Shirt. Ut kaalaom4 taJrt M lu ataVti. 1 at as mpratll) lat4 la caU a4 aa U Urtm Mok ia h'arU Cakar. Vi ' It a rlMtn S fa, waUr j bay ar aat. , DAYID K0SENTIL1L, Holice to Tax Payers The Um fur paylnff taxew akra- fxi by Law ha nrty cxplre.1. Af ter NOT.lat the aherifl li era pow ered, to collect by dUtrrev Taccra ply vlth tti law prvlect tuy txndtnen. It mill to n-cMury for me ti ntake Ivif4 ner thai tlcv, as I rnoot d Hay. It w ill save tax rytn much truable cotat for--ward and pay their Uxn, and zzt Walt until ti n UU I j al;oel when there will be vt crowd there will be!ltt:e Ume ro kck ovtrltetna. Wae workers ani maH tax payers are iramed cct te delay, aa la msy raan ib exa4 wlil.U crater ihiu ti tr Uxea. ,If. C KrAStx rr. . ' hh'LTa niOT-CLAJ RESTAURANT ll4f aaa4 a tt aU t m nf. I a as frr-t aa a't kfa. Ca f araka a ! Ytfimf aa ac" My lA la 4.rk. an W I a4 raa U m-m a bar, aaA jaa aaiaJH ) Mtna. A '-, vox at itAWXljra. RUPFIN FOGG, TUE DAUBER ITaa rxTTt 1 hra tV7 ert t Car ! ... wKera wl'.l m f:ad 13 htrm 14 taWtr.a ca'JL l'.xm- "I v I a 1 4 eUsn a!rp rxsora, c . HOTICE. -.1 . Vf vJftaa e? a iTTT9 af V-v i tv C't ef ftsst'a r-rfi:r. 1 iU a-1 al rat- Mti Si lA aawt ia isltf3. Jia-r tWa li 4j f .XimWr tt, a tra-t af UyA Va 1 r k. l a aaaary, WtM m Ilh ay Ja.a VarW a4 H'J' C fu." r. a wh by Cml T. Mkltx'. fa i"-ata Vy VtUa r. SvaU.ar, aa vt.a -y tAa 7aaJr VrA, fl l-zs a fart Ua Jaaaaa U'ry travl, ivi lMt mm Ua CmUi Tarry irmeX. Ttrmrn i aaak, baiaata cri'.t af 4 Dt:U, . nOTICE- XL Vl I Oaardiaa, . M. IL IU 2y vlrT-a af a !tcfa af a f rrr4 a J. B. M fr, fa 4 U rm. ItAj. iilrt,!!'4?. I a al c k aac:.aat H c-ort k 4 cr fa t.a la oi tl4'r. t,'Wy iW Htk iiaf f StituM tv lA- f.i:ataf prof'' 0 I t a iKa -a iHii.wft. s. r ',r ti Uaa l F Utli. aad . h r .J ara if UaJ arrrt al k. ai'!-if tii wt id B. T. f t!rd sa l k-; aaJ 4 J art, a ljaial't ' f V. T. f'e! s SaJ atkrrt. Trw of aa'.r: b iae ra a ereJ t af ! -:Sa. 11 U'.TiMrrsUKi. Oct- i. J SAi. la.ft-:.vM.. . . 1 I I t aj. .Jr. . w w :

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