The Franklin limes. J. A". Tnfi'f As'; Editor and proprietor FntnAY - W rvNovEifBEft 15.: 1889 CHIEF JUSTICE SMITH ' , . 1- DEAD. Just as we go to press we learn of the death of CMef Justice -Smith, which- oc i urred at' Raleigh this ; (Thursday) morning. ' The Morganton. Stpr eays he board of aldermen of the town of Marion have imposed a tax of $3 on visiting lawyeis. ; '. That is protective tariff legislation with a vengance. The idea is," deuVtless,' to' huild up a home market for " local lawr yen and protect them from competition with the jftuper . lawyers of adjacent common! ties.r-Landmark. -'fsyA r The Statesville Landmark says that the complaints now are that one of the . great ' . religious' denonunatjoua inj the ' State has no repreentUou3 ttheV; jap ulty 6f the iDVege of! grfcultoev Rod jaecnanic- .axis, tuiu uih i ; lucre is k Ca'holic in the faculty and that he holds a higher positi-m than any other . member ef it who belongs to a . Protes lant denomination. . This is. worse than . , childishneRS--it is pure drivel. -i , . . , .v .;-y- "'." ', Th editor of the Greenville Reflec- tor attended" the Weldon Fair. : He gets off the foUowing:. : C ;-. , ."" " Scene Weldon Fair on Thursday. , Young LadyV Who is that ugly fat man wearing a "beaver, standing there fcn the Jadges Stand close by the Gov ernor?" .y-''i , v-;:. .- j Young gent looking around M Why j that's Mr. Henry Blount." , ',- - Yonnjj Lady " Who t , Is it possible that ugly man writes all those pretty things hi the Wilson Mirror?" : Young Gent "Truth, too." Second Young Lady Somebody told me Mr. Blount was ap there, .and ,1 knew the Governor wtts too, and I -de clare Leonid not tell which ivas ; whieh. - They aijbidn'lat they ? ..: I wonder-rftvW -..;'.! v-, . . But the cry of the candy p vender at this inter tal drowned their , veices and we heard no more.' Q Anti-Alliance farmer' -uEtowJare you fellows getting along with your jute fight?' - . Alliance Farmer -First rate.: We are well satisfied with the vsitua tion.M . t AnU Alliance farmer "Aren't you loosing about sixty cents on the bale by refusing to use jute bagging?" -ft -5 lJ Alliance farmer t,JJo." But if w . were, we are getting -five- dollars v more per. bale or our cotton than . we, -nrbuld if there had been no. Alliance," and you and all the farmers who ars not with us - are getting it also. Dop't you think it is wrong anil selfish in you to reap the rewards of our jl&bor. while you 'are standing aloaf and wen't; help us . And the4nti-Alliance man . walked off as if he hfed a "flea in his ear . Poes Fja-rining Pay? 'v.Eeouomist. : ;- - , We were pnce;askedi and that very lately, when the Agricultural conditions were as unfavorable as now; to name fifty men in Pasquotank county who were making money farming, and could have named more than fifty. And we last week asked' the question as to Cur rituck county of a CurrUuckian ; of in telligent observation and he called over a dozen scattered over the. county wh were rnatng money in different branch- 1 es of agriculture! Of . course farming requires brains te be mixed with the farm work but there is a simple ' process . by which a man can make fanning, jay without taxing too '. heavily his brairi force.' In , every . large neighlarhood there is some, man, or men who is mak ing both ends meet and- lapping' . over. : Just watch bin! and do like him t He's a man to be watched. Not for the evil but for the good that is in him. Watch : him day by day, week by week, nurht by night Watch him; ana . do uke mm. . A Sad Itcflection The Asheville Citiaen , says Srith a tender and touching pathos that the old owner and bid negro are passing away; and the ties that onee bound to gether the white and black, are broken a . . v- war r ' :, V.? K' .Vnt a tne most ramiaDie ana aumanmng forms of government is !M ttarchai;. That was the essential fceitures of Soathero. Blavery. . The patriarchal no longer exists; the household of depen dents Is broken up and dispersed. And there never will bj ; a ro-uniting. As the new generations come on, tne young of the white race will have none of the tnemeries or experiences of 'tha amiable characteristics ef the -aegror race; ; whl!e; the young of the race growing up under alien teachings, their mmds embittered, naturally enough with : the knowledge cf the long servatude of their progeni tors, their modes and hopes of life changed'by the acquirement of the ele-' ments of education, their ambition hi fiamed by their presumed thts, pedal and political, their ;, euvy awakened by the prosperity and Supreraary of the whites, will grow up, an antagonistic, sei amte and unassimilable ieople, that ominous srectacle of tacc . .----,. . lag the same teritory. CEDAIl UOCIC Mb. Editok: . ;JKew4 iu. pur, section -is-scareev" -and the ho;e of finding sonic -iilems that might, interest your readers jas kept us sijLent for some time.; durt sectioa is very quiet, and many gloomy faces are met on every hand over our crop pros oects.' Having no news of much im- portance, I propose to tell your many readers f pf our section: Cedar Rock township is in the Eastern part of Franklin county, and to any one who wants atroiet home, surrounded by nat ural elements xonducire'to health, we invite him to come. ' When we wish to change our home, several inquiries nat urally present .themselves in selecting a new place of abode, viz: The people, the soil,' the church and school advanta ges, proxhiiity to market,' &c. Our 'people are a quiet, flaw-abiding people, the greater part of 'them are working people, and do not have much .patience or affection for idlers. sThey are court eous to strangers, quick to respond to the 1 -i: . 1 3 - 1 Jl I liMuiotrwst, ttouj. uavW4, wb;mi' ileQnlhist waj. i:; dlejgbs&ij .about neignbors is not cliaracteristic , ct our people. There are no very wealthy or aristocratic nabobs in our midst, nor . is "there any extreme cases of poverty. All .who work have bread. , The different denominations are well represent ed, and the piety and, christian character of our ' people is equal of any section of the country. ; The lauds of this section are rolling, and in some parte quite hilly. A great variety of soil can be found, a soil to suit any crop the. farmer may wish to cultivate. ; No very rich lands -are to be found, but with proper culti vation, a good living awaits the patient toiler. I While for many years our far mers have been giving their attention to cotton as a market crop, for the few years past, they have been giving their attention, tto. tobacco, rand Jiare' been "mpetingi with much JBnoe'esStv I" Would . be glad to see the-differentr'-Bectiona . of the county represented on the floors - of Louisborg's 'warehouses, wltfi l. a,' fair sample; of the leaf. ' I am certain we can Via Vio tiMUn TftKomrt rS K flnoat. - , W T Tl- I i quahty; can be made here, and thisr jAii of the oouaty. must eVentuidiy, take the 1 lead in this product. - I.n sorry some J of6ur farmers are so. much against the Louisburg market, and hope this feeling will soon pass away, and a feeling of county pride will prompt us to , leave nothaig undone for the building np of her waste places. : The price , of ' land varies wUh:the - .locati vre . have no.: g'steeana e; fiave an abundant supply of small ones, giving a. sufficiency of pure water for all purpose es, in great quantity, and when .we get a railroad it will furnish another, valua ble commodity for this section. Our rocks are curiosities to people from the lower counties, and will be to us, in the future, a source, pf revenucr XlsWe are not behind any section in ed- ucation, Cedar Eock Academy stands as a livuig monument to me pride, en ergy and public spirit uf her citizens, and offers many advantages to its pat rons. it does not have the temptations of our smaller towns, and while - giving quiet and every advantage for studyn to the pupils, it at the .same time offers every inducement for. the . intellectual training, moral development, and com fort to those who may come under its influence. .. x : Our roads to market, while not what w c ucsue, nre passaDie. ?iX)Ul8Dnrg is only ten miles, and Mr. Editor, we feel , "f SS? 5Tr , cou? . tarmin ..i . r - , . "growth and prosperity, for her interest must oe ours. . . r . Dak. LOCAL ITEMS. Court Officers. " . The various court officers, composed of Sheriff Kearney, Clerk King,, Assist ant , Baker, Crier - Harris, -and - Messrs. J. Stokes, J. A. Porter, W. J, John son and X' W. Stokes deputies, and Henderson gariewood, doorkeeper: and servant to court, had their hands full tnis weesvJaut all., bejng equal to the emergency, - everything moved ' along smoothly. Our attention was especial ly attracted to the very orderly way in cmcu omcer aiienaea to nis vari ous duties, i - - . -r -: ;-f. m ITKWh! I ; ' .V- n.irr,, I - uurtraq on- carrots, dtew; edod& ana aiaa ioc me jst weeK u without a parallel. The prices of carpets are: cnt ia two, ana iaia down tree or charge. The pricel of dress Roods and silks are entirely below anything you have seenl The low prices and the best stock in the citv to select from make thm go. There has been large additions made te our millinery display also, and that department it .. a J6omi til?eVeF shapes' tod the - latest trimunUigs, con-.: bined with tha 'Idw" prices gave them such a food sale. We can also a how one of the most complete line of . meruit ladiei and childrens shoes to be found in the city : Hand sewed shoes at . only $4.45, genuine Dongolas and kid button boots at ouly,$2:48. The'hne of SOq." hosiers is'pronounoid, to be the bet vto be had in the- city All : the Jeading makes a corseta and kid gloves at : ' ' - Kaleigh.N.C. . Storm Calen 'ar mid Weather Fore cast tor lVhS.lley. uIri iR. " nuitv ! i x m. i: JLt..' "j , Alliance Sleeting-: We are requested to announce that Jlev. B. Cade and Mr. A. C. Green will address the Farmers' Alliance at Bur lington (A. D. Ellis' Store) on Saturday the 16th. ' v : - f Superior Court. . The November tirm of Franklin Su perior Court convened on Monday,' His Honor, Judge J. C McRae, on the beuch. The Judge charge rto the . grand jury was a little different . from the usual style, but it was a good, and common sense charge. The State was ably represented bj Col. D. Worlldug- ton. Our young townsman, L. Hicks, was made Foreman of the Grand Jury. The criminal docket wra taken 4ip-and the following business transact el up t0 our going to press: State and Admr. of J. R. Knight, ts. Rich Holden; nol. pros.. ' " State vs. Joe Foster, nol. pros. ; State vs. John Davis, failing to list poll tax, cost paid, off. , : I Stale vs. F. C. Holddn ahd W. K. Martin, Jr affray', continued. - . State vs. A. Teltair and J. D. Perry. , a. : assauu, noi, pros,. " "1. ." State vs. Evans Ellington, . larceiy, guilty. 4 State vs. Martha A. Dickerson, scifa, dismissed. t-y : ' - ' . " 1 State vaWm. Ililliard, larceny, sub- ! i- 1 JJ1 iuiib, oae year in iau, comnussiocers to hire out. - . . Stale vs. Wm. Hill, larceny, guilty; judgment suspendea oa account, of his extreme you tn. .-.. , r State vs. Wm. Perry, larceny, sub mits; one year in penitentiary. 'State vs. Pha Pearce, unlawful assem bly and assault; called and failed, Judg ment nisi, scifa capias --;.r -. .. . ; State v. Tobe Sills, larceny, submits; one year in penitent:ary. -, State vs. Wesley Williamson and Laura Reid, affrav, with deadly weapon; 25 cents each and costs. . ;. State vs. Robt Jones . abas - Henry Bell, larcenyVguilty, five years in peni tentiary. - State vs. WalterTharrington. larceny (three cases) 15 years- m rnItenli,V State vs. John flill and llelea" vL Hams, F & A,, submits, judgment las? pended upon payment of costs. t - ttate vs. AbramlJavis,': larceny , suomits, yearB-m. penitentiary ' , ; State erry . Taylor,, jarcenyv 12 moutfcola jail, .commissioners--to hire vs. Bryanf Foster, JL: & B. calfod and failed, judgment nisi, scifa and capias, .. . ., 1 State vs..E. C. Jones, allowing stock to run aLlarge; $1 and costs. - State vs. Mingo 'Harris, larceny, years in penitentiary. State vs. W. J.Perry, assault; called anc failed, judgment nisi, scifk and capi- ' . . State vs. Rica Brodie, setting fire to dwelling, guilty. -. -, bt-ite v..v . ll. Green and IL T J 'Huff; unlawfully running of train,Green submits, judgment suspended upon pay- ment of costs; alias capias for lluff. - Sate vs. J. A. Moore, failing to list poll, cost paid, off. : ' State vs Norwood Mitchell, failing tQ list twll mat mU rPT i ' . v- -.- ' M State-vs. Itufl Parish, abandonment, called and failed, judgment nisi, acifk and capias. ' ' '- . . , State vs. Lester Perrv. Dock . Perrv I u.a a eajy piston, assault, called and 1 A1 nujl?a captasv, . i State vs.-Minerva Thomas and Kath arine Davis, affray; noL pros. State vs. Wm. Hart. Willie Webb, et. al. resisting officer, cost paid, off. r' State vs. Jos. Freeman et. al. chang ing ear marks, not guilty. , " - Stat4 vs. Peter Andrews, releasing prisoner, not guilty. . - . . . .. &tate vs. neur etla and C. F. Wil liams, 'affray, guilty, one penny each and costs. State! vs. B. H. Bodgerson, . appeal from Majot's court, dismissed. l , State ys. Alfred Harrison: and'Haxry Lancaster, LancAstir n6t gulity; Uarrw bou pleads guilty, I and costs. State vs. Wi'Ue Egerton, cruelty to ainmalf, 12 months in county jail, commissioners to hire out. !" Slate vs. H. -S. Lowry and L.T. , McGbee, . affray, " suhmits, judmeat suspended on payment of cots. - State V8. ThoS" H. "Rinr. bnralflr and A,' B., not guilty as - to lurgla- rjr,.wuk guuiy 01 A. 13. State vs.- Alfred Wood, larceny;' guiiiy, juagment suspended upon pay- meus oi cosw ana dcicnaant recog- nizea for his appearauce at next term of court.' ' ; Starts. athanJBass, Pack Park er ana jjock Alston, A. & B.,, all guilty, one -peony each and cost. State vs.Uirn Dunaton and Anthony, iuay, BBsami, i ana costs as to Duns ton and oui penby , and costs ' as to State vs. Medicus Alston, false nre. tene; submits, 'judgment suspended. uu ueieuaaai recognized to annaar t next termof court and pay costs. w ra i juourt is in session as our renort I ues o ciocic p. it.. Tnursday. The Uiai ox Japer. HoDklns-lor murder comes up for; trial to-day. Fridari ven-re oi men nave Deea ' sum moned from whom to get a Jury. , , I'wlllell t , the residence, of the H' rir. m r- 1 1 " . Tuesday, Dec. 1589 60 or more battel of com, shocks, luuutr, iwo wagons ana Barnes, wo nurses, inreo umi!. nnn o , Y. Y.bbob6, Adtn'r. p 6r.T,EH'S Private Inn. WKewiiV want of firtt-claa meal while in RIGSiAJLE. 2. Y. MC-EIAY, SEE - . w. T. x:: LL'uLi..-Uii . . ;' ' LIOSELEYfc .; 131 FAYirmmLLE ST RALEIGH.. C. PHENOMENAL SUCCESS t IMMENSE 8TOCK ft! COMPETENT FORCE MM STXUCTLY ONE PRICE II! 1 Goods kirkkd ix tvaiv riauBta. . TheU stock cmbrsee Yerythinr to b foondins Brl-el- DRY GO0D3 HOUSE AfrtAt vsxicty if bUck f od mA 4 - SILKS la olori, vldtb's sad prices to salt IL , people. ., , wool 'dres od-th reoit ttmetlfe jtock.xl-thtbtTlae in North rrolio. Tlieir(trimrlaj; dprtmtot U eoupUu is Terv hrtiouUr pluLT Tlitt, pUlo sod ttuej aljka, fncjcra, trnfa, p emeaifls ' sad riDbost ia btck aad colorvt r ' ' - Tbir wrpdMrtmtBt U ih oe ef the iuhb--bcaoe tht -tyles art-. ncwtht ihapea correct, th iwortmeDl laryt, the it gaarsoteit. tkt price low. rmn pciaJtr- capca, nn-ir. .bo, and (ar by ia TarO lor tri mini fit. whit rooda. hoaiekerpiux exl,tder dawa qailt, haadkarohitfa, bMlcry and nekvrar ( , r tnr Peraona oat of the ef tr nd sot aetl Ut to order.. ;lttera of iaqniry ad ro qacsU tor aacaple promptly aaavered. 131 FareUeville St, Italelgb. K. C. T. ' W...Wood & byx at Kiug's, BonS BEST '8KTO . Full ITae'bf fancy and Lea vyrrocer- iai at ivtng Urou , ': Xu JlyrlM trou. lrl, . . . .-,.. d 4 ' ' V 11" J. E. lfl.L01fK. - Tnberat fliscounta on early . socUo- weqia. r,r ?... .... Cheap Xor.Cttsli, . : 1 have threo rood horses which I will eell CHEAP tor CASH; Also aoreral sela or rood narneos. a one- horse ar !bt two-horso wax, on. - j . W. T.tTurrox ; SSQYC TOJX BALE. Sxow b a fine Ball, half Devon and ball A! demer. arbicn lvlll soll at a reasonable' prioe. lie U perfectly rentle, t. year old, weicha .1.122 pounds and .works as well at a steer. - . - ,-SVB. YOUNG. Hot ax, N. O. I. ! - ;.,'V I -I In this 0 will call attention next week to somo raro bargains." ' Thoy have been so liuav'since New Onnfl mm : - ana navn Dcen sGUinir so milch that thcr huvA Timl n . ... i they- could do" Iri "the raeantim tha public are invi t xo can at nis -store and bco iront tho immenso pilo of goods that they have rcocircd ' c .; ' .I'M.;"- .V - Darli' Vrnrclkot '-, Hcnaer?v)n, CM U tl fccll jour tobacco. )ll!h fulrcit detillr-i t:;4,ttt tlon. Owen p.uii 1 -s 1 provrJ hlncntll'the t.ini 9 r!sre to I j rlri., t-itiif since t vrcrk- Irz ru&n la the State, hU Ir.crcs!rr trauo rtsblUhc3 this J:t. Try him. lie U no s'.rarr to you peof la of Franklin and Nah coun ties. Kcw lies tau runt. . We de!re to Inform the rul'" t!at vi haTe orued a f.rtL.s EeUurat la the old "Court! Vir.e. wto-e the vert best UiO market a-T. ,rd c-u 1 tad at all hours. Eoord ty tf e tliy cr wetk. We ran farr.Uh goui W.j 'X tor a llaiited cumber, of prrscc. 1 Krcncn.rcr tLai you shall have gool attention whea yo ratrof.ixe us. - -. Keapectrally. 11 row x & Thomas. E. E. HIGHT, Jeweller, and- Optlclun, IIEDEllSON. r?. Special urdrrs aoL'dted Lr WatlLes. Kbich vsry low xicr nLl. be made. Full Hue of classes for wenk eye. .V1 i?!iU si'ht, far-eUtl. Ac. . Old Gold antl . Hlver bou.t at fall valuo. Our Jewe'ry deportment U full of poai Uiuig. aiKj you cau't do Utter titan consult us telure buying. . ' ORSEUVE THIF! A valuable town lot and rotSJeoc for sale and a ood chance a livs rn to go lnta buiiuees. - . - . - " .J. B. Currow . jy E-BWH0tOMEV.: - ;JIa t oca tod Jn LcraUboTX, N. C where Is prvparcq to do all work la hf linr, cheap fur the eah. 'My work 1 gaaranteeI. 'All Vork nnt called fur In 53 daya, after - totng rapalretl will be sola Tor repair. CHEAP, for Cash" 603 acre of land! br sale, situ ated. In Cyprew . Creek tovrruhlp, adjoining land of Edrnond Hvke, Ptyton Sykea and ethers. Will dl In small tracts If deolred. Arpfr to Peylon 8ykej, Hunts N, C, or to 8. Im Arlington, Cocky Mount. y.c. . . , . r i' t ; - epaco ( v - . . " and buv what thrv nnvu LiU-UlJ wn have JU.-JT nncmvnD a ::::::::::: AN D FEEDEH:i:::.-::: an4 now w wacan rr.skalt totl lalrmtorall who hare ecttoa !' Z M to our buuw whica U new au the met cuovttlaal gU ll to brie HEW ELEVATOR, SCALES : and how, arJ averythtrx in th Uat r-t!:e Ccr-iliUaw " : truarante to Co aa Well m aaybcty, seed coTToiisr. .iisrs-DiaiDD as tooa u U Is tsken la tkepn. We bejyou to give ca'a trUU ' V. VE FECi.'.iSE YCUTIIE BEST F.ESDITS.. . j . . IJrirg us your euUcn and w wlU cuke yrj fYtl j! ' BnsUilETO Li!,IIiPiISllflIMH i , . CASH STOfiB : " " . In . the Carlisle .Building; J-en Uta BUmO Tkey fesre the Vwt ilouj I. Wwa tt lha Lowawi' Price.: liaatey tbalJox.lIodrsKi poaads .or slatfe rd. MsaZ Deal mater ground, by tha aack CTSaUer qaautltU. ICJnrars Kew tie raClnM larU tod uthrr frada la any ;cantll!te aid et Inwe-t tee. Call r,.rr!a JUms, Ilrttkfast 8tri t, hufar Cured gjU a! Best Crcm CTxe. pure mcuuUla utter, Ut m a Ov Laa V aV or .lnrlerund, cakreor .il kinds, a frnaS n or Hoytfa j-wCae d a,, One Er-mo Uakln PawU.r pure Cuff-a, Taaa,. traaloa aale Vlpetar, pore .t3rr fall kinds tcl Id fart a fall . fne cr Ororl af the bat grsdt and Npr than anywhere yoo can x:d thsm Data cljaretti Vy lO.CCa. WO ortlrtW ,60ff by ImClJSl pound or ounre. Tobacco e fall kl. da. The tt lols.M Bho sz4 ataptoothttcn'tl4baUo. Uaaty4 wldewhlta foda la Iowa 10-4 8hewtJnx, bleached end oiblach1, e.ton ftanael all era tae aai Colors, all woo CanneU bed llctlof all f rada, oittoei chocts or the tM chap-ir lhaa evereold before, Uresh in g cf all xradae, Over Oiate from op. Ootblnf of all aty!, and price, la ti re i closest. buyera. Callcoee, Ginghams,. oalryor,a!l klads. Hate t t.eo and boym and lq Tact alrni-it any hlr.if foa wint et the lowut exsh price. - hare the rmta aU tuchl on a credit; an4 mtat be old to rat the money u pay fur Ihem, arjdlf yo will a rlr ocr price will have U Uke yours Come aud m and we will aave ro' money. , v . ' - ' ' Xleapectrully, V. ., . . - .' r. i. 'i t .. .'"' s . Jokl H.ilUnrua & Co. .. - v.. - ' " ! . -. v . : t.- - . f '. vSnnmjfiii5r;ininiiffliniinnHjsn:i3 Too Many Goods. 3 S TOO LIlG'tiiiiort k VI in Hint to the bargain w" W 4 KUatHlIlIIimimKiiUL'liIIL-r; j . I. ,-. 1 : ircv nurr oi.-( vo'xnzzrdZK EGERTON"& FORD. CALL' AT -. . J i . -1 .. - I ' eeekors Is EuClcicnt. J ' - . i J it w . . J .... r . i rafiVVIutca, cj.11 at Porte r'a lau. ; :- : I