J -'.- -i ...,,.v r. ' - " . i . THE FRANKLIN .TIMES HI T 1 i: P ' j A THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. it r , r . .A h t 11 U ' t -i u . t- . BATE.S Osk Ybab -gn Months - $1.50. 1.00. J. A. THOIIAS Editor and Proprietor. vriTU malice toward zoxz ; with chaiuty FOR AU. IllCli $1.50 PCE ANNUL! In Adranca Ti.s 1 Lr H I- r-i 4 t-r- To Clubs of 5 The Times will be furnished at $1.40 tj -' L.A lrj'i fvvr LOUISBT7RG-. N. O.' KOVEMBEK 22 ,1889. NO. 42 Absolutely Pure;f Tdi ivdertTer Vri. Amarvel of ritr. stresjt and wholeaomeues&T Vr,r eeeneianeal than the ordinary kinds, .j ....nt.hcU:ia competition with 'ths mUittt ftf totrVet, lltVort . weight i caks. BoyaiV B axi k Powder Co. 11 CAK : 60 Wall Sf. Ni V. "S jYCOCKB & OANIEXS, Goldsboro.N.C C. C. DNIELS Vilio N. C iTCflSlDHlEtSllAlliEtS At orneyiA3j41 Any business entrusted to us will be promptly attenaea w, jq- Y. GULLEX, ttbrney-Ats; firioS. 15. WILDEU, v V ' V Oilice uu Main sit.; one . door v low tlie Eagle Hotel. : i I P S. &PUUILL. . - Attorney At Law, LOUISBURG, C. f Will attend the cottrts of Frantlin, Vance. Granville, Warreu, Nash, and Ftttleral uA Sprme CoarU Prompt tUeation given to collections, &c . JAUL JONES Attarnej aal Counsellor at Law LOUIS liUUG N. C. i&if- Will uract ice 1 n t he courts of xr .T- and Nasn. and in the SuDreme court of tho Bute.!- 7 ' -v:--.-tr.c-.;?v -tC&-K'JL v ' , B ' B. MASSEBlJBa,; : I : Once la tae Court House. All busiaessnt in my hands wil (ftoirrt rirnmnl Attention. -' receirp promplttioji 1 il UCOOKJS; iTTT and 30UNLIMlAWi louisb rjna, - fra,kkxin c.' i "f 11 attend the Ceurts of Nssh, Prattle ia, Grurille, Warren, and Wake Goua.iea also the Hupieme. tsmrt et Nor thGaroltna and the U . Circuit and District Courts. D a.J.E i ALONE, OJace 2 doors below : Furman & Covks's Drugstore, adloiniuzDr. O. L. Ellis, V. . TIMBERLAKE, ATTORNEY AT. LAWV" LOUISBTTIiG, N. C. 0nce i he Court louse TO SCHOOLTEACUEKS - The Supe rintondent' of Pabl ic Hchools of Franklin county will be" in Lonisburff on the second Thurs day of February, April. July, Sept. October and Decern tier; ana remain for three days, if necessary, for the purpose of exa mining: appl icants to teach in the Pabl IcSchooIs of this County. ; - 'V ' i-rf:':! ? 1 will also be in Louisbnrff ; on Ba'.nrday of each" week, and all pub lic days, to attend to any business tonnocted with my office. ; J. N, -Harris, Sapt. ;The Lord's Praj'er. i BY LOTTIE FCRGtJBSON. lOur Father .who art in Heaven". Is the tot of our Saviour's prayer; We use its words round ihe family ... ; throne, - - - "Whene'r we worship Ihere; "Our father who art in ITeavcn, Hallowed be thy name:" May Thy will as it is ia Heaven, ' Un eartu oe just tne same. 'Give us this day our daily bread," We humbly ask ot Thee: ' - As we pardon those who sin unto us, bo may our sins torgiven be. . Guard us in time of temptation W hen we sorely need Thy care: .VDeUver usironj all evil.'! 1 To Thee we'll rascribe the plory,r - VI rue nomazc to Tpee we'll rend, r "And Tliiue shall be the kingdouv Forever more, Amen." 3 After the Cattl. ISroX" Herald. i- ( j -" . i . It i3 now eight months since Mr. Harrison assumed control of the Feder-' rhe"electibn8 just over 'are the - first that have occurred under his adminis tration. - The fact, therefore, that the lihsnncraticVo'has increased in - near ly all sections and to euch' an extent tiiat it nay- be compared to a tid il wave is'ih'teresting itls Vuggestrve." "I TJie'EepiibHcans Will of course stut' Jy deny that it is a sign of the , trend , of public opinion, and repudiate theallega tion that it can be regarded as the pop ular.verdict on the admiaistration, : but even tley.inust adm'.t that the coiuci ?dence is sufficiently ;-remarkable to do inand p'4nation. v. ; 3A for the fierce and bitter conflict in -yiigihia'it ninst be freely admitted that jfe iwaa ,rpraotically. au '.' ' administratioa fight and that the. result is - a tioing and deserved rebuke of . Mr, - Hah'soa. He unwar. iintibly. intrudol . into,, i. thev lX)"'itics of that State. --. Knowing ; the methods of Mdhone, he sanctioned Uiem and assisted him by every . influence which a President can command to cary the elections by fraud and corrupt tiou. Tlie Xavy Yard and the Custom House, with the immense patronage at tached thereto,' was placed at Mahone's disposaL- He had whatever money was heeded to influence voters, he had ; the constant advice of the ' shrewdest and mostunscrupulous leaders of the Re publican party, and he had the priceless prestige of the government.' - k. '; V 1 In spite of these advantages, . which were used for all they were worth, he is to-day a dead lion, and it is safe to say that Mr. Harrison has won neither cred it for his shrewdness nor honor for his motives by the part he took in the bat tie. - 's- V" : 1 have either won an: unexpected I victory -Ffjftn7 rittraatV1 that politicians must needs put on their thinking caps. Is change jgoing 6u - in ; public opinion? "Are thepeople i tbcglhngbo find out HlTnarro policy of the Republicans- their borne market numbuggery; tneir eascerhess " for" high taxes, that may uerv, weir pension lonuooiery aa exeta t "pIif5ed,byrTanner; their civil service hy pocrisy-And their rush for the .spoils of office their tuckling to all sorts monop-combiaes'-' aiindiyndkeV: whose purpose ia to rob the people, and "their avowed motto that "trusts are "private aaairs" are the thinking citizens open ing their eyes to the fact tliat the Re publican party must be relegated to the background for a generation, s that by discipline and nu rited punishment it may learn to govern without grab bing ;:: - If this is so, then popular sovereignty is vindicating, itself and the masses are p oving that they can be safely trusted to rule with honestyahd conscience. ; Massachusetts has done some splend id work, v The macliinery . of Brackett lias won the day, but it is a costly vie tory. A few more such and the Re publican party will be ruinedV It ; re tains its grip, but with relaxed and trembling muscles.; An aroused public sentiment Ijirew . party .. affiliatioas to the wind and Russell come3 out f of . the fight with wounds of which it' may be proud. v. . . o"';C'v:V ; - ' But Ohio and Iowa are. revelations. Think of the great Iowan Republican stronghold going Democratic I In the Buckeye State Foraker boasted that no power on earth coald beat lum. He had the State m his fists. ' He would1 St through the Democratic ranks like au elephant through;" a forest of. saplings. He laughed at the fears of the cautions and sneered at the warnings of the tim id, ne conducted a fizht unwiralleled .sectional hatred and for appeals to prej udice and passion. The ballot box has taught him a lesson. His punishment nas oeea sereraas it was rlcaiy mer ited. ; v -;; ,- - '.. And so all along ; ih t. line. From Iowa td the Atlantic the same, eviden ces of a healthy and independent public opmion are manifest. The election season has been stimu lating, exciting, delightful, For the most part it has been - thoughtful and good natured.: The .Republicans .. wul accept tbe seeult with ; resignation and ' the ' Democrats - With increased 'confW dence that ithe , economic policy . they represent will bo indorsed by the' peo ple and, inaugurate an era of national prosperity in which every citizen will be the sraihftr. " r Vill too Bofier wr.b dyspep! and lir er eompiuai; suiioub a viuiirer u guaranteed to euro yon. Fit mIc at Far man's drug more. ' ' , ' Thai hackiug coQh ean be to qaickljr 'cared by bhiloh'i -cure. .We guarantee jt. ror saie at t uruxau'a diugsiore. Ho need tu take vhoc big cathartic pills; one of Dr. J. U. fcleLean's Liver and Kidney I'illeU is quite sufficient aud more agreeable. mosr unhealUiy discharges, inch as ca tarrh, cesema, rinworm and other forms ot skin diseases, are symptoms of blood imparities. Take Dr. J. 1L llcLeaa'a JSar- saparilla, . - - . Shilnh'a consumption cure ia sold by an on a guarantee r iv curvs , consumption 17V ..I. V . . .1 . a v. hug u m. u i iiia u s ui iii siurc Kot to bo rn led tUat Yay. Charlotte Dcnocat. ' " ah ncany every tnanKsgiving mas T 1 .. . . . sage you find Pictldcrfs tluinlar.g the Lord ft)r bi ,h:irvosts -and-. prosperity when short crops and aqvcr.lty may be staring us in the face. - Neither' the far mer nor the Lord can bo humbuggnl by any such official gush even fro.n . a President, i .? ; ' - Tlie doctors are very much displeased over a competitor .who is gradually stealing their best practice; we mean Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, . To ma nuiacturers. Accidents are constantly occurring among your men entailing loss of time and .sun'ering. Keep Salvation Oil handy, cents. ;' Price 25. What to do With 10,000. A few days since a half a dozen or more citizens of Clinton were severally, discussing what they each 'would do with $10,000 at their command. Some suggested one thing and some ' another; some would invest it in a soap factory, another a machine shop and .so on. .At last Mr, D. B. NichoLoAj one 'of the leading attorheya rat the Clinton: bar spoke up and said that he would quit law, buy a good farm, raise it to a high state of cultivation and make every one of his boys practical scientific farmers, and that they should never enter- aiiy ether profession with his permission. Caucasian -; . c, - '. ?, -: Rleeplen nigbta. made miserable - br. that terrible eongb. ehiioh's cure la the remedy for it. For sale at Farm&n's drag store. , ' . 8hiloh'a VltTliser Is what yoV; need eouotipation, loss of appetite, dizziness tfhd all symptoms of dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 centn per bottle. For sale.at Far- m&n'a drug store. -...- - -, Whv will you conga when bbilob a eare will give immediate relief. Price 10 CM., 50 ets., and $t. : Sold by Furman. - Y".. A Gospel That Saves. Durham Sun." ' . . .. J : .; A gospel that can save the lost is the one needed by the. world, .and such a gospef has been provided arid the way opened for the salvation of souls. Man must do his part in the plan he must repent ana believe, jl j:eivai . or re ligion aiwavs jmbrq or fess interests the people. Here is a query for some wise acre to solve. Why do not "other lec turers and dissertations on ethical and pnuosopnical subjects draw and - move the masses like the gospel? 'The bid story is yet potent beyend anything in tne wpria. iieaven is a subtile power that no man has ever been able to ex- plain. - . ; 4 t . . Sief headache, bilousne'js, sansea, co-. tiVencss, are promptly and agreeably rnn ished by Dr. II.' McLean's Liver &td Kid ney Kllets (little pills.) 'i- : - . ': . - . Dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, distress fater eating, can b cured and prevented bv taking Vr, J.' II. urer una Jviuner Careless ucssW hit Ii Causes Loss. Asfljillc CUzea. , , .' , , The 'tVUmkztca F:r notes an huU denthighlj-chvacUTisilcQf'the Xortli Carolina way of doing tilings. There was received at WilmItjto t-om Mt. Airy a t la ceo hogshnd conlalnia thiity-threo bushels ot apes to be of feied as "fino mountain apples to be olfercd ia competition with' the Northern fruit. One was pre;eatcl to the burer ia all its b.ight beauty, assorted accor diug to size color and condition,' each apple brushed and polished until it glowed like a blushhrg maiden's, check; the other tumbled belter skelter: into its huge receptacle, battered and . bruised by its rough handling, and then pourod out a confused, dirty mass of half sound and half rotten fruit, repulsive to the eyeTand oflensiv to thd "senses. Wbar the shipper receives his account cf sales he will lay the blaroe of small ' returns upon the market which cannot appreci ate home enterprise, 6r ,upoa . the rail roads which made euch a mew of Its freight as to destroy .its value. , The iault is in nis own careleuness. Ouf people in this,' as ia all other shi parents of perishable thing?," fruits," Vegetables poultry, will never hold -their own" .in competition with other-. sections Junld-s they adopt some of the ways of those -sections. They n.ust address the cub- lic eye and the public tastes. These things are not to be despised; and while the seller may have contempt for effem inacy and fastidiousness, these , are , the governing sentiments ia'those who buy to it. ; Depend upon It, there is mon ey in care, in neatness and the just dis crimination of sorts find qualities. . ;',Wlt?n the baby UuflVring with col ic or diarrhoea, use at once Dr. Hull's Eabv Svrup and jbserve its : remarka bly quick ami beeikial rSect. . If your blood is vitiated, and the iai- puatics bvesd; through the akin la . pim ples and eruptions, you need a good medicine such as Laxador. i The unmarried fonxales of the coun try will be mutli interested ia the work of the Patrons of HusTjandry. ir your neaun ana Hie arc worth anr imng. auu von leel oat oi om and tired out, tone up rout svutoro by taking Dr. J. The moat delicate cotiatitation can eafa It oho Dr. J. II. McLean's Tar Vtioe Lone ilta. It ia a anre remedr for enth. losa of voice and all' throat and' hinr troubles. .... . Cherokee conntv has 2.203 wliite polls and 16 colored. Catarrh cured, health aod sweet 1 r ath secured, by Soilob a Catarrh Remedy. friee w eenta. a sal Injector tree, tor ,aaJe at r oraan a drug store. Biu.vllSlns. Wilson Ml Tor. - . Avoid liitlc -ind'scretions.t Eten though harmlcM in themselves at first yet they will grow and grow until they become as b?? as mountains in. their precious Influences, and will spread a, ruin as wide as Ihe sweep of a tornado. Even a word of insinuation thoughtless ly utierod.'hfvS been taken up by malice tinctured lips and viperous tongues, and iu a week the rcpufaton of an Innocent fellow being isCsoiled by the mildew of suspicion, and a' bright life goes under th? dark cloud of reproach. We doo'r estimate the bigness of little things or the power they possess,. It is the . rst leak In the ship which start it to a Wartcry grave. The kis'ss cf tha gent lest zephyr can keep iu motion ".the wa ters ot'an ocean, and the smallest- peb ble will start a ripple which, will .'grow and grow until : foam Tcjcs ted billows sweep ia roaring fury across Ihe might deep, stirring' Its' waters Into wildcat 'surgings and scattering destruction, o'er . all things within their, angry sweep, and so with our little acts of imprudence and indiscretion. ' They srirt ripples of strife and" trouble- and sorrow which grow and grow, and swell and swell, until the wildest uJows "sweeri do m the river. of time, fa mi a z and foaming and toss nv spreading dismay here and making wrecks upon tho ocean of cter- rutv.- " The Eev. Geo. II. Tl jver. of B.urbn. Ind.. say: "Uoth rojsif iin j wife owe car lire to Sliiloh'd LoiiSUBtptLon cure. Fr. bio vy luruiitu. x or a-sale and certain remedy for fer andtfigue, use Dr. J. II. Mclaa'a chill and fever cure; it Is warranted to cure. -. When the sUi-s above at e not sldnui tney are prouaD.'y ;oi:ci up m the star chamber,. - - wv'' There are times wlien k feeling of Is m tnae wit. overcome toe noM robust, w:. en the cystcni craves for pare bltKid, t far uish the elcnifnts of health nud trencih The best remedy for parifvio? the Moj is Dr. J. II. McLean's &a-tap:ri!lr. Uutcsfor ' IMnyln? Onto un Or . x . xrnn-ln 3Iet;itii. Nashville Adrocatc Wheo tie jTmclicr coram la a 1 ncala tlowa ia Ue ponljst, ' cut aU the stoppers. That's wet the ltrppm is for. - When a h'nj is gave out to be sun?, play over the hole toon Uurt siugicg, but sure to play It so they cat tell whether ill that toon of sxne other toon. Jti:i araocce tlie people to r. When yoq play tlie mtexlood tam'Jmes pool an the "stoppers out ami ust. tlm-i pool them all ia The stoppers is maw to pool out and La. play the In tcrloalfl about twice as Ion a tb looa. i tte init rloodt U -U.a Vest part of the ( mVsic, ai thoald - be the longest PUy from the lntrrlond Jato the toon without lettlcg them know whea ihe tooa brjlns. This will loath them to bind their Llzlnfs. Alwajs play ibe Interlood Uslr or slower than the tooa; " This ill kep It fronr Ulcg the same time as the tooa. If the preacher gives out 5 vircca play 4. Tew many vi-ces is tetjes. Doorin live ser- won ru out ot tue cnarxn anu come . a . a a ba k la time for the next tooa. This wClshow you dou't nwsta to be ljtrd oa tho preochsr ly . havla tew many llsteauiito him at wonst. REMARK AHLE HEJUE. ItPa. Michael Curtain, ilalufield 111., makes tl.e' KiUmetit Ihtt he caught cold, which settled on her luncs; she wts txeaUd frr a ntouth br neriami'T jnvsician i.ul ctcw wont. He told hr she was a Iioie!e vktim . i - . of cousumptioQ and txt tuedidni could euro her. Her cnr;z!st siu gehted Dr. King's New Discovery for tonsuniptiou; sue ixuht a Nttie and to her delight found herself bmef.ttod. irom Drst esse, br.e cyrtlou-d its -rue and after Ukinsj tra bottles, found herself stunri and well, now d-s her owu houc work, and bu well as she evr was. Free ttUi lottle of this fcront Dlcovrry at Furman's drug ti'i hu? bitUf a COc. scd 0L Sluslnz" at World Charlotte Democrat. Give ui the man who t;ng alius work Be Lis occurctlora what it may; he is equal to any of those who follow the same pursuit tasUcnl sullen cm. He will do more in the same time; he will do it better; he will preserve loogrr. Oao Is scat eel y sensible totuiue whilst he marches to music. - The scars are aakl to make hannoay as they revolve ia their spheres, JWoodrous is the strength of cheerfulness; altogether past calculation Its powers of endurance. Efforts, to be permanently useful, must m a be unuormir joyous, a sum ail sun shine, graceful fretn very gladness, beautiful beeaase brlzhL ' PAINFUL BOILS. About thre years ap I was troubled 'with poison In xny blood, very Irrltstlne ami painful boils breaking out all over my body. For two years I suffered with them. try In jr all porta' cf reruexllts. au! doctors prescription without avail. Deco tiling di-;uted with doctors. auu m?dic;uea I had umii up to thh tluio, I concluded lo try B. 8. 8. and the re ult mks far lyond my ejtocctat oim. A fovr 1-XtW-t Uil . ... .. .. .. ui in iKJitfi ncattn man i na orcu ali.ee childhood. I consider 8. 8. R. the . only remedy that will thyruuxhlv purify polooaed bloud. ' ; llorsts Covt Ky. , " . A VALUA-BUCTO-flC. " I have 'used Swift Splflc (S. 8. 8.1 with g-d " rtsult-. Ana tonic, it Ih valuable; as a blood pu rifier, it is rtllable. . , , ' IbSV.J. II. JFFFEI30X, Winston, K. C. KEKP IT AS A FAMILY MEDICINE. Mr. J. J. Bra'dley, writes from HairiAoti. Gn., under dstw of S tenbtr. 1&S9. SwiH Bprciflc S. 8.) lias been Inly by niyXaMtily with th xt ami hj pleM rvsulf;!. A Imlf dor'U bottle nit Indy relieved ny elster of levfrp nve uf m:rorult. My hIT has fiequently found her b1.'l pu rified Mi.d her iieultli lnipr.vi l-y S. S. I tkin IikiI a CTofuh'ua nt' tW-tlmt tbn bteu 'fitirv!y etiri d ty tkini: a IVw 'ittlfs of twin's pei-iflc (S. S. b.) Trc-itiM3 or. bhwK. and skla dii- swiiT'asrtxiKtcco , A.hiu.a, O t.' Just for Fua, Cat at ra. a h!p or rrj.ocjy tmrr b s.''-it, tut a f-'-a.'kk jru-Kjfr pm'trs t-KcC4lcfau-t. 'IcrcUyhvrocjricital : Drtuoajccts O. IxrJ, l f our vi'.li. (Ia crti: tone) AJitcj I I ttx2 ccr ci-j . Wo all iaow It Is roc to Ia! sUtt ptrs behind Uidx back. J't VC,i. about a man b L-xxil of Us back U o&: so easy. SBMSBaaaaiBBaaaBasasaMaSBiBaiMBSHaaBBBBaasBaaaaaaa HULKlNaAUNICA-ALVr The belt salve In wrrld for cola. bruUei. sr, ulcers, aalt rheum, fever sort. tetUr. charjJ hw'., elulhlalnt, corns mJt'lu.n erc Us.t J-vlr pet tec t sata'acUoo, tr mrotr rcf&i- cd. lrLe cents r-cr bx. For sal by J. B. ChAoa. The man whosakl h wocU raCer make the sonj thau the lavs of thai couutry KaJ.UU eye oa the Uj of the land. Etsmiia til Citirria lllwmmsmm and cHnh are Loth blood iliecascs. Ia ratuy mtc isacs thry have )ttUe4 t Uealnieut Un Li. 1L 1L (liuunic Mood lUlai,) td by Dotajic Blood XUln Co., AtUnus. Ga, WilU for bowk of cooviccic; proof, cent frts. IL 1 DoJe, Atlanta, Ca., iy; My wife l.atl nurih aud toah-g tl. J Lr t-xnl. l!rrcvM.ti;u Ion tlat y Lti:cl aod ujt gul iaU her bl kxI. . 1 1 Uovd b. oa a u of B n P and to my a;Hiehcr iotry rapid auu C'tni Uw . V.. r. iIcDutei, AlUAU wntca: "I was tuctti etuUa.ed aid had il.cui.it.'i so Uul 1 cuulj uoi 7ct n'.otig i'.I.O'Jt tiutjias. I uIpj luwl i.cuia!xia iu lis Ul L FlrtV-alaitt )Ji)i;laua iii I tu no good. Thru 1 ttird hb naui its cSavts were roaKsl I v!iccr;u;ly rcromioud it as a od ionic and ck turc. lira. aUu'mU 'kloU, KbogviUc, Tcnu,, writes; I UsJraurrh s.'s jaus and a ra at diatrtttmr cocrb. aud a most UUursjun; cooub.-aui my yes wer tuucli sorn. Hr Ut t.e of B O m'lbsuit Uod I turtd mi." JotiO XI. Lnris, T'.T. Ttlat.Mjs; I a sut-jevt a buwWr of j car tu srrl: cf ilfhtmrnatory rUeuaiaUcru. which Six bottle Ot B B B, thank heaven, liss entjel j tmed m, I bv not fell th all;h(at pai4 siiutw John L. S&Uiiraa thinks Lis cxaa:ple Hs set yocn roea to work. IU la rai. Ukea. Ilk example fu set tnca to atriklcs. IIAPi'Y IlOCaiERS. Win. Tlmtivca, l'ctt'uaiur tf Ma villc, In4, wnt: -iJctirtc Dt:tu las uce mors far rae sll otVr mcb cloes comllaet, for that tad fvl.oj nrlainj; horn kk'nev rd l'ver trtJcVlc. John Lsl. tarruer &.ihI to.l.uvan. cf sme place, says: r.od ElectV: JI t ters U N the best ltvcr arvd Liinav ruclk Ine, taal me Trel l.ke a Dew msu," J. W. Oarilufr. Uar!are rtierthsnf, aame Wb. ay: UlecU c II Iters Is Ju-t Ux thUt; f r n ruaa a'lruaUoau, and dko't tar twU- tr he llvra or d.cs, h fcni t atrtajth, good appetite, and Tell Jol liKO L Uad a Dew le- oq IJo. Only Wcabouleat Fmtr.aus t'n. twre. j . " , , When two rlde on on hor at i on ono nor) si n- lime one haa to rMe t Sftwl-. l A.. a a. .a aiai i ""-V TMTn,.n, ! llni' In in ItACKirr first to - i SECURE GREAT BARGAINS e Corat right along to tha RACKET before rou fjo rlsowhcrf. But if you should goto other places flrat anil they tell yoii tint ''RACKrTT' floods r.ro "phoddj" you may bo cure that th?y arc trying to sell you at rauch ITinunr. Pnicrs. Just givr us a trinl. "T!f proof of the puddir.g U chewing tlu l STARVATION -miens.- Ta art. la rr'-t l Urrt lwaWa La i fl f A PH TT I V fl I 1 1 !' It V j I 1 1 . 1 1 m B L IT U U U I II I II U aal frUi.!ef t-4, lrjV t fcfrS, a fr. at .rtk- umm r. Sia taA - t. i aa 1 aa rr t ffia, aar fw dif4. Wa'a ti a;M; lri a tr?, ;f .J ili l a aa wn. y,Q f-. tsi a;l fr taa H4.r:l Star Shirt. VSm Vaa Uen a tlr ta- autttltt art rt-til. tat4 t 4 m tta Urft va. la t.S tn;:M. Vi dtta It a j Ir t j-viwkilitr jv fcy ar (. DAVID K0SE.NT1I.U., lU ti fl rr D iS ol n -I I e'kt S.J. oj t "..J r-xt- A.tva.: (omc uut, lUUntM( mm A lyai I. Mt.'Tn.r 't t CtT: E Miuut. - ni wt. lm. tw IU 4 tmwm, Ar - Xl.-a tr""--! mC . mm j to-i mm i-' tiaj- aa a Ut" .' I. W. A. Atij-i'L, aaa t S W: c I t- w-M ar-r ua (XJO r? V.t H aa t At s; I jNv H a c-f" t t" a C--r f 1 4w. y- a I ttgmf f, I'Jni'Jt et.aaa.kaa w U rwnw rta a f m H l.a tl X r at ll mm i kj 11 m m mm mm mm Mm i. a 6. ..t f-m. - Utr rtaf mmmti -- t U to r mm r i . 1 mar U T-r, L i atal ait iwaardalai. kin.v.d kf Tito XIortlno Oo ISmacmmvn Va.u!cj . tam ta. Urn nnsTCLAia RESTAURANT tlavirr je j a Cr". Um T".vu?rvAl 1 I.-.Virx. I art rrjf-4 fa - at!i ii i!l f.a r j a a f myrw lod t al a.M. Wy Ul.l ia Mmi nti. Wtf sa 4 w V . I e la & r ar as(ry. aa4 ? .ball ba a.j-v. a. i y tttm it kt "r-i rrtn I XL U X X 1 li X; w IT IT. I " 9 THE DHBKa TTaa rre l h aVp rrr t Csr- XM i?t. wl rtt t.e wi'l L r'-ir-i o.t a 3d c :! aMrji rax.-r, It. n a.l5-cl 5 - . j 1. i ID-U r?ti c- 1 . . v : i j " z-.-. V ' v - . , " ... - -.-4 . . ... ' fcl -i T --' 4,1 Pillets, ; . r.ACMKT' r 11 M

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