THE FJRANKUN TIMES1 't' t T '.? t; t t t " . o J A THOMAS, U Editor "and Proprietor- nr. I X . . V ,4 t - . j r CI 'f : f t ,- ;, - L' ;t l et B ATE)3 : . j I : glX MOXTHS - $1.50. LOO. J. A. THOU A.3 Editor and Proprietor. C with malice toward none; with charity for all.- mcn $1.50 r;cit ANIIUII in Ad rc'n'co To Clubs of 5 The Times will be orniRhed at $1.40 tt-.H- -U VOL. XVIII - -rr LQTJISBTJRG-, N. C. NOVEMBER 29. 1889. . NO. 43 Tic JVLur 1U tot t-e rr-;.. L Prvf crL-ir ai. j all tkji ti; rs.n.cfjy .U-.:n!L tir-a cacy r-a;.ro Ui L U-ak.'-.. s 4 j i i ' r 17 Absolutely: Pure. -. Socle Lower Tariff Straw:: V VWhen; tbe , Pan.-American delegates were ia New England a Lowell mill pwner a republican, by the way iod them that the need of the time is frde raw wool. , That was only a straw but it showed which way the wind Is blowing, and therefore attracted attention: . -T- Some of the manuacturcrs in: Con- necticutalsqi.higb, taril-4nea-. ia-'the- past have recently made the same' re mark or its equivalent. , r .,V A second straw'. , '; -' . Senator Frye, who teapirds the theo ry of protection as an addendum to the four Gospels and would go : insane if he were accused of being a free trader. latimates that if the" Southern republics; of our gooai to enter theinports free'of duty ha will returu! . the favor ru jdnd. That, is t5ay he is a cohC iron high tariff mandurlng political campaign, aud cries, This rock shall Hy from lis base as soon.- as I.V but like poor Rip Van Winkle - he 4 - r Live Like Lovers. Wronjr Susplcians. :. l-trjt-ttrB4tli and wholeaojaties. u.r. Maill tkaa the eralnarr kinds, ' . j M U a U m . am ntf t nit ' .avf (la I . ' ' -it -., -...m. ! At. A 51 ' t alis r taopiv.cvafr(era. dulu osm on mat Daae as easily as ne wouu rou is oxsat- aorxi. oft'alos. Durham Sun.- y.; i ; ' ' j ' ' ' ; J Married.-, people should treat each other like lovers all their lives-then they'would be" happy. Bickering and quarrelling would soon ' break off " love affairsj consequently lovers indulge in such onlyto a very limited extent. But some people men and women both when they are once r married, think they can do just as., they please ndifwill make no' tliffereiice.; ' They make a great mistake. A It will make all the difl'erence in the' world.' t"V'omj should grow more devoted and men fonder after marriage, if they have the slightest Idea of being happy as . wives and husbands." It is losiug sight of this fundamental truth which leads to hun dreds of divorces;, .'Ifet "many a man will scold his : wife : who would think jot breathing a harsh word Jo v his sweetheart; and many & wiSa wilf Jook glum and morose on her husband's Te turn who had only smiles' and: words of cheer for him when he was her suitor.-, How can such people expectto bVbap Old Homestead. -j.. There are many suspicioas need crushing in the bud. AVe Liicy'our friend is cool to us, we tiiiagiae one Las slighted us, we suspect our "ne'jrhbor of having spoken 111 of ns. Mo t Hkely we are miitakea, and, in any case, we can "never profitably search into the matter. Our trust iu out friend or ouriw'ri" elf- respecfc should lead us to put awsy euch thtughts, to abandon such suspicions. Some one has perhaps popped r- pois oned word of scandal iuto our ears; let us banish it from our thoughts .'with scorn. v Circumstances may perhaps tend to cast suspicion , on one whom we honor; let us continue to trust him la sanctioned and approvcJ by the eo ay ra tion in advance. No formulatod 'p!ans were agreed upon, but It b gfmcrOy understood that the iustitutioii shall be on a brood and large scale both .as io building and curriculum, and ,. that it shall haye.aa. endowment suCkically large to enable the institution to gire gira and , women .' the advantages of lumber evlucatloa on es fivorablc roooi- tioas as U now olta'ued Ly . the joung ien,xftho State. The Erst ftcp was Jto sppoint a board of twenty-tive trus tees. ' These are Kex. W. R. G waltcrY, Greeneboro; Bev. U. R. Obcrly, ; Ikl- cross; Rev. T. lritcharu, D.D llmmgton; Rev. J. D. Hufliaro, D. D Scotland Neck; Rev. 1L.T.' Vann, Edenton; N.. B. .Broaghtqn, Raleik; Rev. R. U. Marsh, D. Dn Oxford; Rev. our heart of hearts. We may hear Uiat sone ope has committea .tiult, which. I A.'G. McHaaaway, Charlotte; Rev. U." I ple-4hj are however, iloes not concern' us '.ia " the least, and in which, we are .. not called udou to interfere: let us exnel tha kteaf I as an unwelcome intruder. VrOFEIONAII. CAlDgi flaaothef sfiraw.1 , A: ! v f 5 And now Mr. JTt V.Powderly; a deraocaatr and Jeader of the Knights of Labor, comes to the front with his seri AiuvJu" UilfllliliO ; iJtt the delusion that '":-'.'-.'.'. ' '. ...I . i. i.: si. j.j ..l . ji tcoc sb Di.jrrEX8,' c. c. dkiels A t orneyst rLmU wilson N,:a- 'probocuou was uiicuueu io proiecuRnu Jlhat th m0re6o 'country, -had o( i t 4. jxy business entrusted to us will be promptly attended to. N. Y. GULLEY, 0V FRA.NKI.INTON, N. C. AM 's:i ( business promptly :W i 1 ianuedto. ' ' " v IUOS. B. WILDER ATTOEKEYATLAW: Uliice ou Maiu bt., oue door V' low the EiUiilo Hotel. : - F. "8. SPRUILL. Attorney Xt Law, LOUISBURG, N. C : -w m attend tne courw 01 n rausim, Vance. Grauville, Warre,n, Nash, and f ind Suprwme CourU V irompt pAUL joses Attirngy ail CoiBsellor atrial ; i i Will - prtieet 4a; irve coutts f ov v and NaMh, ahdlu thefiupreme cwurt "-r h cff.ii j - f vl -j . t J- "O B. M LSSNB17RG, V: the better oil the working classes would beJ He had that dust in 1iis eves- for years,nd; flattered - himself tliat , big wages would Jcgicalby result from a protective jicy Vldgidiy? enforced. - i yUis eyes are now clear; he has taken a second yie v ef the subject, has seen all the trickeryan ,huiabug under the pUusible irotectivo vtheoryand has .talked very plainly to the people of At iantav Gsl. . ?j;-.V'-v,- -jj. j. ..Powderly says that the wage earners are not protected, but that ; the : manu facturer b; thai the rich-man grts jclwr oadcr ""that policy," while? the poor man is constantly getting poorer. ' Well, it has taken Mr; Powderly sa long time to get there, but we congrat ulate him on his arrival. f Protection is the doctrine of jlhe aris tocrats, and they support It in self-de-fonce. The republican party gets its campaign funds largely from" syndi cates and monopolies which are bred and kept and live, by prctec tiou. : ' - , - 1; The nobility of Europe spurn the no-' tion that they and the : middle classes are made out of the same kind of clay. They are special " creations while he multitude are made b y wholesale and dumped on the earth by the million. So the men who are making fortunes by protection have a theory that govern-, ment and laws should - look after their owii Jutere6ts aisd leihe I VMkmgmeu hift for themselves. " '-5 ' : - - 'tyX$)fyj tie bouence7 Let -the Knights or Labor answer the question. It is just tlus: That an omp!oyer 4ike 3XrCaniegieiswilUng-tove a lair w fS HEMAitK.BLB: UEs'JOlfL t '. Mr-. Michael Curtain. Plaiurfold, 111.4 makes j the statement that she caught cold, r which? settled, on h-r lunjrs: she was treated Cor a month by ncr. ianwy pnyf uiati uut grcw.: wprse. lie toi'J tr Mho was a Jungles victim of consumption,, and bo inetlnino 1 could cure her. Her lruir"ist suif gt?sted,Dr. King't New Discovery for consumption; she bought a hottlt and to her delight fuund herself benefitted from first dose. She continued its use and after taking ten bottles, found Jierself sound mid welt, now des her Zown houc work, and is ms well as she 'evftr wits. Free trial .inittlea nf 'this great Dlscpvrry at Furman's drug t re, larg bottles 50c. sua u ; ad"Uf I? A tr.X. K. lector, Jr.,Lumbatou; Ku, made .miscnblc? by J M. Currin, Oxford; J. 1L Laseiier, Uendrson; W. G. Upchurcb, Raleigh; Catarrh cured," faaAlth aod sweet breath secured, br 'Saduu'a Catarrh limbed y. met ou ceau. aaJeaLFuroiaa' thatterriUIe coujrh.1 8biUK'stur U the remedy for it. . F? sal at Forman' drvi store,, ' ' !. ' .' ahiloVs Vitilixor is vrliat too need' eoiistinatiou, loss of: appetite, dizsiasst" and ail symptom j of drituepsia. frjeciO nin'a ruz store. - WUy will yott coaxh when SbilohV care will yire'iuiraeUiiita relief. Price 1Q cm- &0.t., and 1. sold by t urmnn. oicttneaoiicue, btioutuetn, imutrii, eoa tireness, ar promptly and acreeably ha-" ished brDr. II. McLean's Lirer abd Kid ney Fillets (Utile pilla.) iizzinesa. 'Uautea. drowilness. dutre fater eating, can hn cured and prevented by taking ir. J.1 II. liter and Kidney Fillets. -3 W.' Battle.- New Bcrnc; CoL." L. L. Polk, Ralegh; Rev. p.' Durham, Ral eigh; Rev. J, W. Carter, D. D 1U1- eigh; lUv. B. Cade, Louisburg; Dr. C. -A. Rominger, Rcids1lle; Rev. O. W. Greene, MoraYlou Falls; W. C. Petty, It scons to be a freak of huraaa c- lure tor people to lore to be humbug ged by straagtrs. TLers is kv ci- r.stlou about it. They are gtoerai!y nyide to bc'itfro that by laTesxig oue dollar they can get two, whkh U not Tery diik-ult far the stranger, who is ikl'led la the business to rcnle t'."-.i Lelkva Let any s Ttxll l.. aci.: trie this or say ccr town, aad there are racu who wia giro thvro Crt or .ten dalhrs for what Is perfectly ralueloaa; but it is a' scheme and Is alwajs worked wca, that la we rocaa with tle coaa' who geu the scheme up, but his poor deluded victim goee on cot to repent cf his f illy but wait for another bite some new humbug. . Bat how dlTerect b it whsn you come to your tame peo- iih you, who rncaii axo sty Lit::. -PRICES.- ve are ik Ii rrctir sfths Urjeit &! baad4t luia af WT. ItofotlL Gokhiboro: Dr. lL P. iuomas, xieuueiiem; u.- . , King. v ' . n . w ' aw XieakSYuie; uev. vt. cuas. ii. :iajior. Wake Forest. Rev. J. L. White Dur ham.' This board met last Saturday and or ganized by electing Col. L. L.- Po!k iTeaideat, and' Dr. (X A. Roudarcr' work houcstly and. esrncsUy . tor joa. It is they to whom you begrudge, to give your support, and it Is they (whom you allow to do work whkh you reap the beoet of, and Car which they nertr gel pay. It is wrong la practice, aod it is wrong ia principle; but all men are not that way, thera are some who duly appreciate the labor of their home people Wiasloa Dally. W"SlBBBaBllSBBBBJIHBaSHBSBBBBBHiSBBBBBBMBB) V 'BUCK1NS ARNICA SALVE The best islre In tl world for eota, bruies, awes, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sorts, tetter, chapped hcnJ, ebUhla'ns, corps and !l skia em; t'.om and poaitlrely rare p'.les. or no py rtquirtu. it is rnrantjef to mm n u Irxrfeet aatifacikn. or reooty refoxuJ cd. .lrk 21 cents rer bos. Getting Thcuiselvcat iu a Vickie. lIiuUAKat llorcs. It costs more to keep a poor tlian it docs to keep a good one. Change the teJ of your horses often "cstough to nuke them relish it. ' Improper feeding is the cause ot nine out of ten cases of sickue&s amoag hors es. pv;f ' r - ; Every lime you worry your horses you; shorten their lives and days of use-. fulness. Sweat and dust causes your horses shoulders to gall, '; SxJ do poor, ill-fitting collars. .The temperature of the water for horses is not so much an object as the purity of it. While it is best . to have the water cool, it is more Important to kave it free from all Impurities. Affection cannot be pounded. Into an imals. ; Kind treatment insures the af fection of an animal, while rough . treat ment is sure to cause its hatred. When horses are sufiering from the , ; Fond parent No, dariiug Bobby is getting better. What should you have done if he had died t; Darling (after 'a pause) -I should have had his NoaU'-s ark, shouldn't I? 1 - . horse FROM FREMONT, NEBRASKA. I have had scrofula until it made tny life a burden, ; I wat lueKptls- sibly miserable, BIk, weak, nleep- m he u USon lie Secretary; At this meeunz the nucatton or loca- I Cd. ,t"ric si cents ir tion ranift'Mn. and thiVMiml 'ifiiwaL I Tor sale by J. B. CUlon. tion was to locate the institution hi any place making the most adrsnUgcouv bid or offer for It 1 V Iteprcscntatifca. front Durham stated that they were au thorized by tha town to tffcr , a good lite ;and $25,000 hi cash for the' Iocs iioii of the institution thereT ; There was much talk by representatives from cpicr place, in w hich possible proposl ticis were ni-raiio ol.'' it Is. cerUia ibat UxTo'rd, Greensboro. Clurlott a A lUleigh will make good propoitiots. le-M aud iinlutppy desiring that the short time winch seemed to have been allotted mV oir. this earih r would hasten to nn end. I tried doctor's treatment Smil tnediclue. and travel, but mnaof these did tne any good, for. tho . scrofula gradually grew worw. One physi cian, who I traveled lar to see and whom I paid $150, eaVe up the caso as ho pc.'ess after three veeks " of treatment, and other as prominent physlclansi tried haad to cure it, but were - equally as, unsuccessful. 1 then gave up all other medicines and took Swift's Specific (S.S. S.) Four bottles or this meoCiiie eurea ventioa. It vu evident that the majori ty of that body favored Raleigh as the place, but of course the location will depend on the nature of the offer 'made. One Raldgh man not a Baptithas already put himself down for 1 1,000. Mercurial Pcto Meacury Is frequently Injudiciously tisd by uH.tors la cases oi ma laria and blojd poison, 'Its after ef fevt i wr thaa the ttrigaal d,s sse. B. JJ. B. (Botankr lUood balm) corunlua uo mercury, cat will ell.ol nsie mercurial rnison from the sja tent. Write to Blood Biha Co , At bites of flies or stinz of other mscotsl mami r.r th nL foa rl.lanU' ua,, ff ooocr convmcm; a '.ia. . i i nmni ni iim ruisuw l spouge we part-Auai cannons, protoo--1 bave had m excellent health and I ted by nets with water in which Insect J am as free tVoui disease as anybody powder has been mixed - a tables poon ful to two gallons of water. r . , v ;,' r.nvhunjTuoTKyv''m.''m'' "" 't-dayoots of his eoneerP7Tbn': ,wbea: he 5 S Ofiie t tfce 0utvH can wly; extract Ave AU cweinesa pat in my nanajs vir i nunoreaaaay irom n ousinejw 1 recetTo prompt atttioaVS J& C3r;aaott1teoper ceSt. from'tneHwa he de- wases of - H-fj' r and COUNSELLOR at LAW, ; j;etrrsBCROVFrt4Nxxiiixx);;xei: X jll attend the ' Ceurts 'bf ash, ; rtaafcift,! Granville, Warren, ' and TTake OoumJes also the ?upieme, t aestrt ef N4rk Carolina, and the U . . . Circuit and District Court. : ;jy.J.E:MALPNE, -x.:- ; ' Oflce 2 doors below Funnan r& C ska's Drug Store, adioiaiaeDr. O. Will, Mr. Car- I xn w timbeblake; ' 4 ATTORNEY AT j ' ,' - LOUISBUB'O, w, c. , V ' . Ofilce j Ke Coort House ; I - TO SCHOOL TEACHERS ? The Superintendent of. Public licboois of Franklin county will be . In Loatabnrg on the aecond Thurs a v r February. April- July, Sfpt. - October and December, and remain j for three days, If necefesarj for the i ' 'purpose of examining applicants to j teach In the PublicSchools of this County. :.:Y'': i will also be in Louisburg on 8a.urday of each week, and all pub lie days, to attend to any business "connected with my oee. . -J. N. Hakkis, Snpt. his jvorkingmen.- . -! -X Who is protected 1 nie i'4g?the Kkes of. him, ttf protec ted with a veng.ince. ..Everything i on then side; ' the 'adinlnistration i. the re-v publican party and Congress; but on the side of a poor man, . What 1 Starvation and all he can stand of it. His only re source is a stoke. 'In his ; desperation at manifest injustice he disregards law and order, gets up a riot, is arrested and sent to prison. 7 That is all the protection he gets, and it is about time for the Knights of La- .bor to borrow Powderiy's spectacles snd see this thing just as" it is. N. Y. Herald. J moir unhealthy discharges, such aa ca tarrh, ecsema, ringworm, aud other forma nf akin dUeaaea. ara aruiDtoma of blood Mnpuntiea. Take Dr. J. U. McLean's bar- aapanUa..;.-. ... , , .; . .. Sliiloh's consumption cure is sold by sa on a guarantee. - It cures consumption For sale at Furman's drug store. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy . iKtsitira core for catarrh, dinthvria and. canker month. Sold by Fui man.' . - ',' v UadUira There, v .all ; The Rev. Oe. 11. Thayer, of 1 Bourban, Ind aavs: "Both tnyself and wife owe our live. to Shiloh's Consumption cure. For aale bv Furman. . For a safe and certain remedy for fever and azue. use Dr. J. II. Mclean's chill and fever cure: it is warranted to 01 re. There are times when feeling of lassi tude wiL OTercome the most robust, when the nystem cruvea for pure blood, to fur oish the elementa of health and streueth The best remedy for purifying the blood is Dr. J. H. McLean's 8rsaparillr. - ' Wilt you snner wr.n dyspepsia ana liv er complaint 1 SShilohs's Vitilixer is euaranteed to cure you. . F jr sale at Fur man'a druir tore. - That hacking cough'can be so quickly eured by Shiloh'a . cure. We guarantee it For sale at x urmau's diue store. No need to take lho!e biz eathartic pills; one of Dr. J. II. bicLeari'a Liver and kidney Fillets is quite sufficient .and more agreeable. " ' - - See this coat V he, querriod . as he entered a lXichigatr avenue . cUthmg store yesterday. ' ' ' f Yes, I see dot coat ' Vos something wrengT!;-. ".f':":; - UI should remark I .See how it is f I got caught out in the rain ; rOxactly. Dul I sell you -not coat for water-proof V -; v . , N6, but it hadn't ought to shrink up like this.!' .1 i i U : .:. -'J i U I3etmay "bei but su ppbseT do tcoal swell out and vhas so big dot she, vhas worth $2 more would you pay me ex- tear" '';. t'Of course not.;-"";"'" 1 h-t'Oxactly. She vhas even. If. sns shrinks vbu don't blame me: ' if she swells you don't";; pay me; any " more. Please doan stop oop der sthore, my frendtdis yhas my busy day. 1 ? living. Words are Inadequate to expre my gratitude and favora ble opinion of Swifts Specific (S. S, The above is an extract from a letter written, under date of - July 18, 1839, by.Ir. 3. Z. Nelson, a prominent and) wealthy ci tired of Fremont,-Nebraska. - v iira cniLD GOT WElXi ' ' SwIfl's.8pcci3c'(S. S. 8.) cared my little-boy of scrofula, Irotu which he hal suffered a long llm. I haoTtrfed , physicians and great quantities ofther uaedlclhes with out avail. A few bottle? 0IB.8.8. did the' wirk: IJe enjoy Inj:. the bestsbr health. and ha no,had any symptoms of the. disease", fur ovei a year; ' ,"- 4 AV. ACrvYTON, "f . : Addle, N. C. Treatlsoon BUol and Skin Dis eases mniled freeJ 1 - xt ' ' , Ji SWIFTS SPECIFIC CO.,' , Atlanta, Ga. aad fara'ubler yo!s a sr VrrV.t t lUJe'tS, whiek ara eSrif st k tias prtes. Halts that e tfia to aoaaafacrara, at I ..". ltiry and mtxk r ta irofal. at aav rie deaimi. We caa ft aaybdy trm a tarta year e;J euua to a taaa ti.iitf iOOpwula. hult a(tat f-r th eUifWsi StarShirt. U kaadMMant sa'.rt aa lie Market. am rvet.''! lavii! U cilaa4 ta tartai tuo-ti. la Jna CarvUav doi it s4car tiAtpi,atiUr ya bay at D.IY1D K0SOTIIAL, Those who rrebss to ksow and there is a large nualer of this clau ef (oiks about 'Waahinston. are bUmatisz that the Cjcthcomi ng mesi&r of Pr ol den t IlArrUoa wHl coo U La scene rtjcom- rcducCoo of Aadrsws BalUlaf, X. C mends tion 1 looking to a the tariSls " WeehaUs. .'. - . The nusacs the pre fie hire growa weary of bebg hood w.clcd by icctrrjua of reducilou of tariff w'uhoot firing any real rtlirf firvan iu burdeos. . The cation may watch r the dVata blow of trustl thrsuja proper tar'JT re form, tut we barily think it will come from the hands of Republican leader. Should they auike a blow at truu and moaopolie. taey wUl be strikr.g a roost powerfiil blow at their sirocgaot tap porters. The party b dependent epea the very roru whose later rata are na rlghkooaly foatemi by the tarts; just as the-e same men are oVperaient urcq that party la their cppreaslre sch. Ivr. . In the coming Coo-ma Koas Quay aod his fcllows are hkeJy io C vJ theio elrcs between Che Ss tank fellow who Is said to str up the fire and the deep SOB, ' IT they do not redece the tar JT rroof of lu curative virtue. A. FS Brltum, Jaxaaoo, Teun., wrlf si ,I cU2ht malaria in Ixnii an, and wheo tli fevei at last t roie my syste.n was saturated wltli pois on, and I hd ror. s la my raoutl. aod knnis on mv tongue. I sot two bot tles of B. II- B., which hea'ed toy tonrus and meuLh and made a new tuan of flie," ;Wm. llichmnd, Atlaots. Ca wrliea: "llf iife cnJl unrdiy ae. called it si phdl.kintis. Her! IIAPITT IIOOSlElLS. etes were in a dreadful Cfocliilon. Wm. Tlmwtwoa, loa una tier ef Itla Her at-ptite failed. ble bad tains i vlllc. In.t, wnt: iJevtrls Jj tUrs I i fer j iits snd bones ner kWnev ( has uone more for me all ot.Vr me thecereaaarlea of VS the peee wU call tkeut to acxocQt, auJ if they dov dire vei!ice will Ull upua them fxoni Ue hands of the manccturic; capiuV New IlrstAaraat. Ws deslrs to hirta lie re Vic Ua! w hars cprce! a fUcius lu-uarxr.t ia tv. cUjHio'-.rJ Vl-a." Lrra Co Terr IxsiUisrrjrLrt aJTcrii caa be ti st ai hours. 1-aci ty the Uj c week. Vi e caa fircUh gtxJ la'-v r Lx a 11x1 ud cumber of Jrror,. lrtzTlt Mxl ycu shaH bate goi attcclju hen yea pairooixe ca. r-fa;rt!ly. Ilaowx Jt Tmohas, FIIlST-CIJLva EESTATJUANT Illr ra4 a IraWtaa i LU0arr. I tarn fj-av-4 ia atia ala at aJ boara. Caa ttmt a f t PirMU:iil Uf UV U arv4 tu awka. ntUoa, bf aa 4 e-TtrrOklc l aaarkel aJjeA. A!va rail (a y a iacry, a4 j sr MLCmn a. t05LY itAWKIXS. lata and moriopo!lu. work more oa Er. Let the good were deraazed also, and one thought she auutd he cured. Dr. Gil liam re-omrpenlel It. B. 11 whWh ahj U40.1 not! I her heidihwas entirely re"tored. - ' ' -K. P. B. - Jones, AtLmU, IGa.. wriue: "I was troubled wltn copper cbred eruptions, loss of arpet:e, t.k'u in back, chini J tlut, 'le Mlity. emaclatiou. loss efbair, srre tlxoat. uud great nervouo. 11. 11. U.put niy sjstem in tine coudalun.1 . cines comUwl, for that tad feel er arising Iron kidavv aod 1'vtr trtmble. John Iesl.e. t.innet and atockman. cf same place, sayrj -la4 Electric Il!t tera to bo the bast liver ana klioav medtc!ne, mad ni feel l!ke a urw mnu." J. W. Oardoer. hftnlwsrs raertluni, same Uwo. says! lllectiw Ii'ttera la jut tha thlnj for m rcso ho .a k h a a a iruu uon, and don't ears w;'J er ho livea or tHea, f.e foun.l-pew atrenllw gOtAiapjieUie, and f:t Ja-l RUJb'Jb'iN FOGG, TUE DAIIRER II movrI li'.t i.ep ever V Car s'.oee, wherw wi'l m r!eafd to hjiva t.i tmo ra'.L J'.rrty.L.: j boat aod CkB al.arp rajb-a. Ac a.'-t4w-'pj . m -i i I 1H. A, Bii loveuteut, " ; If vour health and hfe are worth any- tliinc. and vou feel out of aortv and ' tired out, tone up yout srstetu by taking Dr. J. H. McLeon s 8 irsapariua. .The most delicate constitution caa safe lv use Dr. J. II. ilcLean's Tar W Ine Lung tam. It is a sure remedy for eoushi, loss of voice aod all xkroat and lung troubles. . . BaleighCalV.. v.:. : . , , ' Vbur'uag the" session of , the Baptist Slate Convention, held in IL-ndcrsou lastLweek the matter of establishing, a great Baptist Temale seminary at some point in the . State "came prorulnct.tly tefore'tha body. Tho propoeition met with warm favor, and icns ion. result- ed'in the determination to begin, hnjno dlate work ia that direction i . . The whole matter was placed in the hands of aboard of twenty-flretnitce with power to act their" action being -This is generally the "matin j time of the year for Moving hvrts," In reading our exchanges it would seem that this year is no exception to the rule from ths number of marriage re ported. Well, It's oue of thoae things which advice and pre13? no good when one (jerl.apt we shonld any two) ge:s the fever. 1iey win hunch out fur themselve. e like" to see young folk" marrying.' It is a good ex ami-Ie. Dur:."ain Sun I ke h tad a ne lease 00 I fa. 50c a botvls at Furwiau's drc. Only x ' lr-LTirTr cii E 1 m T tj L , '" " 1 .'Jimi , 1 - 1 a-. a s "mia ass mbjs tmm m . , m iiisjii saafrfisaliif 4Vii 1 a m a a a no can lorcieu a su viea tru;.v on the ri o a Ctvoritc I Keen Salvation Oil for the s table. . , : Tb- ir!y t-ini estcnes t:ie worm. and f omKiine a 14 colU whkJi . Jii'T ever does wo injustice. to Ute cla prov erb. foc ith the aid of Dr.BaM's CounbjruT cons are 04 uo cowo- queocc Pric 1 cent. AftATtra ut eT-iaT . ra m ebciB-l & I "-r 1 !- 11 u4f CtAta. It t' -.f- rr'y S'T CVr.!.S tOtU tuMI-LAlAT, ll a UrtcJy rtxiim r--s,Jri aa4 wt3 Vr. a. 1L Wi, c4 K, Sr : fcTl priA .lr!t S -n. t Crvl my to lililxl a Z w. ir, V. A. kLiim. 1, atl I Sn :i 4 l!tn' a v ti uu A;rc OO lv Uw In a C."r-- w-tr f-TXH aT mnimt B''M : it u r' ea.W jk. .if Mrp.;ja W vfe. '. I ; tmX b72t .3 C. . ' t I Warn rM a . v. 1 c t. r- rwf : - t 1: -. c . - ' I ;l Vi;J r.- i:r l.lttr, !.,.. iLmJmlm rial tu:i UlaU .v. .rt If 37Iae riorblno Oo- lie- . 'JLJ IiOTICE- Py v!rtusrfa decfre ef Lv,t rrprV tr iHirt "f rnr.!,a tetatj ! ?a t.a eaje. cf Jut Lancas Ur, C". W. Wi'.l txi aoJ ' st... t,' Lir : rjr. J will e I at t c ia V t t ecrt U-tt r in Loi a'Ai-r tl e Cih eay rvf Jnirr. l X a trt r f Un i ;n Fr.r.k in -.iy a l'. TarTO rrv ', a- y' lz ti e I 's . f UC.J'ff?l eVf, eofr.irf jyacrra; U belr; U Uc w ; i wti b Jact J? I. C U?f t w rs H J T d l w I a-'ipe-l t-j i'. tr SLK v. C I - 1 . I.l.j:tl T . 1, U.l Lt:r. C:c4 aw

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