I I j 1 J. A. Thovtap. Editor "and proprietor -mmmi z fc . ' - : , t t 1 BID AT Dec 13. 1889. DEATH OF JEFFERSON DA; Vis.- r'.j.,.:. The Wilmington Messerigef,'speakng of the death of Hon, Jefferson Davis, ajfti . ;-.-; . The announcement of the ; death ,, of ex-President Davis will send a' pan?; of re'rett aud bring sorrow to every true. ins ueam wm a. 'ThU ChicagovTributi6 headed a tele gram about the sicklies of Jefferson Davis: 'In the Last Ditch The Arch Rebel at the Poiat of Death." Frank WaddclL. formerly of njllsbero tells of a young man of (albaia -6un-tv, who, after a protracted debauch,, turned up eaily one nwrning shakj and without a cent, at the bar-room athieh he had speut all ias" money jarrf asked the oar-keeper to give him a ' drink to settle his nerves. The bar: keeper re fused him, and turning and. bowing him self out the young nian said to the man behiud the counter ; - "The devil is pining .for Yon and when -you r he the iouwern naarc. ins ueaiu wb ,uw . i -r :: - u w .:. t., IS For days he had evidently ,Bta f- .JfSifti: " .9 1 1 -1 I een neanng tne Doruer atuu, juiu- uuw the grandest of Americans of yesterday, - sleeps with his faiheis. 2io mere knightly man has erer figured in , our ; eountry. lio purer patriot, no truer : man, no ' sounder atattSinan will be foam! iu our annals. He was honest aud earnest, pure and lofty, chivalrous : nud ceutle, eourdy, courteous, decided and aggressive, wise auu jusi, r uuuuui and conscientious, and he goesr to,- his sleep commanding the esteem,, admira tion and love of every true man and ev--. ry true woman in the land we Joe. TL. leaves no peer among Americans. ' V iew him in all respect; c-ouskler " all the elements that entered into his char acter; study his whole life's record in the pure light of truth aud candor, and he deserves to rank in genuine nobility of soul, grandeur and'symuietry of char acter and nobility as speaker, writer, statesman, with the foremost men of ; ; ;. our country. . 4" We received the announcement of his death at an hour that precluded such a discussion of his life- and character, as , we desire to giye them. This work we defer until to-morrow We " express now our profound admiration for the grand Southerner, and our sincereMorr-; raw that he is no longer among u- He Jus made his peace with God, and-has gone to that home above, we doubt . not where neither the lies of a prostituted ' press, the maledictions of enemies, nor the envy of baajB men can ever enter. . "He gave his honors to the world again, Ills blessed pan to Heaven, and slept in peace." , .and jrladuess " Ifeilke manner will they swinr back again when the Chicago Tribune juaa is called to. hi account. Landmark, ? W. C APT. V. A'. D AR1EN. HE TELLS THE FARMERS THEIR - DITION. CON- ECONOMY MUST BE PRACTICED .V ; Wednesday of last week Capt W. A. Darden. State Lecturer of the Farmers Alliance, spoke in Pittmau Hall to a large number of farmers of the commu nity, together with a number of the bus-; inessmen. .. He said that this is a day of univer sal organizations, - The church, the pro-: iesssions of every kind of business , has. its organization ' The organization : of . the Farmers1 Alliance, he said is - not anlagonUtic to other classes, but. is for the good of the farmers. The speaker said that pe had tiavelled well nigh all over North Carolina, and that signs' of decay anq delapldation may be Seen on thejmdc'f He then traced very ' plainly tne causes of this state of things. It began in 1866 when for a small bale of cetton a farmer could get almost as much money as he wanted. Farmers became intoxicated with the . ' idea of making cotton to the exclusion of home supplies and depended upon buying their corn, meat and flour with half the money they got far ; the cotton. Upon this grew the credit system in this country and it has kept creeping upon the farmer all the while until he finds himself impoverished by his own negligence and indiscretion. , : - The credit that our people had and began to practice soon - after the war was the most ; unfortunate thing that ever befell the people of the South. : , Thus the sneaker showed and said plainly, iajso many words, that the far mers of the country have unintentional , ly, but of their own discretion all ' the same, brought about the hard . lines in - the sgricultural i world. And , he said ' that cx r ivagan.e ir stflt being prac ticed. , , In the last ten years the country has wasted enough feeding dogs to take care of the people five years. He said that people do not realize the truth that one sheep is worth fifty dogs. X ', The truth was then forcibly put b fore . the audience V that - farmers will . never see independence uaUl they raise their own home supplies. This and tliis alone must be the salvation of the farm ers. ; ' He deplored the fact tbat so few young men choose faming as a profes-j ewn, but take it alter they find there is nothing else to (?.. -'- ;.V;;.;5vr He spoke arnstly fer : better and higher education "aroon the ' farmers Farmers spend Wo much of their ener gies hauling dirt upon their fields that is poorer than the land they put it on. They oight to be able to tell what kind - f manure is needed for the different kinds f seiU '-:--' rv',- 'h. ' ' .u:f v Capt. Earden is a fine speaker," ..jrising;. sometimes to heights of eloquence, ant) evincing all thorough; characteristics of the orator. His address was well ' re ceived and much good will .grow- ou t of it if the farmers w "ill only practise what was so ably presented to them. .;' The above Js taken frem the' Scot laad Neck Democrat, of a" recent"; df and the Times publishes it tor 'what it may be worth to Its farmer readers. : i Metliodist Ooufcrcnce. ' : The - annual -Methodist Conference which met recently -hi Greensboro'was meetings of tho' Conference which has" . a- . , been held for. a number of years. By a very large vote it was decided to : move Trinity College to 'RaUigh,' and by a unanimous vote the Conference favored division. Itfa very gratifying to the Times to announce that Rev. J. 13. Hurley has been seut back to Louis- burg. He will return soon after the hohdap.i. The following; are the ap pointments, for Raleigh and Warrenlou Districts:, j-:. ,v. Raleigh Dist. W.S. Black,P. E. v Raleigh E 'enton St. J. H. t'ordou. " Raleigh Central L. Lc2iash. v . Brooklyn i-J. D. Tegram. 1 ; Cary circuit w . S. Davis. , Rolesville ct-rB. C. Allred, J. - B, SnutbfieVl ct- If. L. Herman. Clayton ct A. R. Raven, 11. Bailey. Tar River ct-G. W. Fisher Franklinton ct L. Pell. Youngs ville ct V O. Durant. Louisburg J. B. Hurley. Oxford -rW. L. Cunniiiggim. Oxford ctJ. H. Hall. . Henderson F. A. Bishop. Buckhorn ct E.!P6p, L,Yf. Avent f'Tulm ctJ. W. PuetU -' . . " Newton Grove ct J. J. Barker. R. O. Advocate F. L. Reid. Warrenton Dist. J. A. Cun ninsgim, P. E. AVarrenton ctJ. 2i. Cole, R. Burton. . Warren ctB. B. Culbreth, T. Reeks. . -: e Ridgeway ctJ. W. Jenkins littletoc ct L. J. Holden. Weldon ctr-J. B. Carpenter, Halifax ct Z. T. Harrison. Wilson D. H. Tuttle. Battleboro and . Whitakers G. Simmons. Wilson ct-AJ D. Bctts. Jibckj Mt. and Toisnot-J. O. Guth rie. -; - ? 2fashvillet N. R. Richardson., j Kenly ctVf. F. GaUoway. ! ; . i As will be seen a new circuit was es tablished in this county tiie Franklin ton circuit embracing the churches of Franklinton, Banks and Grove Hill. The Common Good, t- A number of 'the- members of the County Alliance, together vfith e pum- ' m .1 '. 'i ii ". . ' k ! Der oi otner cuizcns.oi uie . counj ; iur terestr, met in the Ccbrt House on last Mondaxfor the purpose of Abnaid- jering-the presenilis cress of thoe, far mers who failed iu thei.' crops, and also ta try and arrange some plan by . which theyould subsist during the comuig yearr' Tke editor'of the Times, oa ac count of other engagements, was not present at the meeting, but .we learn that it was the sense of those present Umt a mass-naeetiDg of the citizeus ot' "the coun!jbe called soon tor the . pur pose of taking more ; dcumte ac tion. The' columns of this, paper are open to any one who may desire to write anythinjtipou the subject. : -lit your coaimuukaiions bo brief ' and pointed.' " FOR SALE My entire stock of DRUGSJs 3er ed for sale. A rsro - oportuniiy for eome live joun. mm. : '. " . . . . ".' ' J. B. CurroW. Louxsburg, V r . M Wauted. j. ; , A clerkship in a giaifra1t ore. GKd reierence can M "giveol ' Kalsry rea sonable. For furtier particulars, ad dress ?U care Times, Louisburg. N. C. statement: TaLca up. Afc L. B. Allfa's on Frkhy, tLo iOitu a Hack mule, Tt:- owacr tii get him by casing at Mr. Allen's -uJ layiog chiirsc. . ; ' MAftCCT IVlLLUXSOX. LouUInirj Cottun AlarkeC.- MidJUrV... . J. 1 .y FOR SALE -OR- E write , This Rhbwa thtf number f ineet Injrs held Jy the Omnnlisloner fit Franklin CiM"N. C, frota Dcl lnt 1883 to Dec. 1st 1859. au the Per LMem and mileage recelril by each member of the Board during tli tlui: ' : . ' , Humbcr or me'tlngs lield 20. . 4 T. 8. Collie, Chair man, ' -'.'. ' - Attend et! 18 meitlusrs at 52.00 ' ' ' , per day. Traveled 62S iuIK-s 1 nt 5 cunts per mile, uiakln for same ' ; -0 - Z2AQ. Ueceuceu, 12. n -9 10 (2, 10 I .am aulhorized" to sell or rent the Griffin Mill, near Sutton. ' Ao the two tracts of land near by the mill belonging to Kedding Perry.. i Apilyatouce. r , i J. A.TIIOMI. " . J ' Lopisbun?, N. C. mm " - Geo. Wixston Attended 20 ntrtiui at ?2 00 . per day. Traveled 53! iuIU at 5 cents per tulle, uiAktng ' forsaine- "V'i - C0.20. ' : - E. Syke8 'L .. : . I . Attended 19 ra'eeitngi at $2.00 ' pr day'., Traveled 5$6 ml U . at 5 oni per mile, tuaklu ". : . , for same "; v ' ' - " $53.80 thi: MAitKirra. i QUOTATION'S OF SEW TOBACCO. Lout3urB0,V. C. Dpc.12, . 1 FILLEfJi. . Common dark or groec,....1, 3 i'T-i Comito i lamoJium... v. 5 & " H Medium to good, 71 (tl0 liooa tonus, Common .,.,.,........, Cotnmoil to medium Medium to tjood,'.. ...... Good to floe...... 1 ' ; cuttliuj. " Medium: to tood .. . Good to fiat.....'. fcaucj...., VIlAffCIU. . Coramoa ,........ Conuuou to raUum....-...' Medium to fcooJ .. ....... Good to Cue....- Or B. T. LOCAL ITEMS. Yes, &he's liooiuiug. The Louisburg tobacco market booming. Both Warehouses have had good sales for the past several days, and the sellers go home Avith pleasing coim tenances. Our warehousemen are men wno mow ,meir nusmess, ana never spare any efforts to pbase their custo mers. "The farmers iu this section are finding out that the home market is do ing all she can for them, and tho large majority of them are anxious to see the market in Louisburg successful; ' and they are becoming convinced that the way to make it a success is to give it hearty support. Below are some of the sales made at Hughes Warehouse: JL. 3, : UnderbiIl-913.50, $20.2-5. $40.00, $56.00, $62 50, $28.50, $1U.75 A. May $14.50,; $50.00, $33 00, $0.25, $14.25. ! R. T. Strickland S25.50. 418.50. $15.75. . ; ' v - - .. j - ,-. . ;- 1 ' - : ' : Below are some of the sal es at the G. R. Underbill One barn; average $41.75 round.-.'- ,i : ,vi :.- f -C- V. Harris One barn, averasa $36.50, round. . - - - Jno. Brewer oae ; barn, $40.25 rounds . . f - Those of you who are inbedted tons WITHOUT ANY EXCEPTION. are urgently requested to tome forward and settle your uccouiiU otherwise the painful duty of sending a collector to you will be forced upon us, and we mean what ve say. - Respectfully. , . KING BBOSr Full line gents underwear at King Bros. A full lTn f ladies. ent. cv. girls, and children shoes at Kinc's, and nl8rt a full line of rubber goods fot, ladies and gentlemen. ,. - . , v , Full I'ne of fancy and heavy grocer ies at King Bros. We have , made arrangement Ty which we g-'t bar-rains in job lot shoes' weekly. King Bro?. :::':;';"., !w;B.;rzzLL';,;.7v-. Attended 18 iiiisietis's m t $2.00 . pMtay) VTrwUillT2mlto " at 5 cents pr nulr," maklar ' - fbi : : $40 eo. AtUndcd 20 mestlcg h st 32.00 ' ,-"ir day. ,Trvirlit M4 uiil.ws , at 6 Cf ms per tuile.'niaVUe 5 ' for aain ' - :-r SJT.20. CoMMissio.Nxm OppicxT " . Luiauuiw. K. C. Dec-. 2, fi0. " In arvunlunr with the law I,. P. A. DsvK Clerk of the Hoard of Commissioners of Franklin Coun- iy, iortn usronus, t. hcrvby cer tify that the alovo is a true ststt- innt rot.the'yearlaar.tc Nov. 1 30, 1889, of the amount or cUltr r.r Per Diem and MUHze oCinenribr if the Boari f CtJUiinisHloirrt of Franklin County, N. C. t Audited hy the Mid Hoard of Cutnhiiwluit cia. .'n-'X ';rrP.AiDAVI, i - V HgiflertiflXdsnnd '-' Kx-ofllnio Clerk to Board. JO 8 (2 15 & 13 0 25 C4 15 0 18 B 15 W- 3 8 .10 23 35 15 20 25 35 45 (a 65 Fine to fancy... .,.. 75, fe 100 OBSERVE Till?! A valuable towo lot aiVl mklccce fbr sale and a good chance for a liyk nun to go lutw LaMucM. : ; ' Apply to r-- V z i '! J. lt.CLirror . Davis' yr house, V '., " -irdenHmi NrC, Is the place Id vll yuur.tol.Hcco. II igtui friers, fatrvs( tlenlljiH anil Ut utUfac lion. -Oweu llavU has long sitee provtrd liiiiilt the hartltvl wrk. in tuau In tho S.'ate, hU Inrreaaluff tralo t-MiMbCiaht s thU , fact. , Try tmu. -lie Is no slranctT toyu people of Franklin atdXuli eo un tie. ; - '. v To 31 y I'atrowa. - Please call 'and bills a: d oblk'o ' I liberal meuts. settle year medical Yours " rl-, J. K. MaLoxc discounts ou oarly settle Cheap for Cash. . s Thave tl-ree to-l heres whLh I will aell CHEAP, for CAStI, ! frterl "'rts of cod i'arue( ouc hure r lght two-hM waVn ".' W. T. tXijrroN. . - -. A. Wb an s average Cox L- L. Polk, who attended the annual meeting of the Farmer's Alli ance, and Laborer's Union at St. Lr ft s last week." was elected President of these great bodies., ii He will be given a'grand reception and banquet on his return .at Raleigh this week. The editor of the , Times acknowledges the receipt of an mvitatiou to be present at Uie Banquet thb (Friday) evening. - ' There Is Oreat JQxcitemeut. ' -JTbere is groat excitement among, .Norris .& Carter's customers as to who will get the elegant and costly gifts that they will giva away' on January 1st. All the gifts are displayed at their store. The ladies gold watch is a very expen sive one and. will be'gotteu by tome one as no co u : xne doll luis jut ar rived by express froni am Imaorter in .New xork, and Is said toxbe the most" expensive and. most, perfect doll 'ever, seeu in the city ; It can be seen iu one of their show windows, and - looks a natural as life, stauds umler,a beiu'l jful and unique little parasol which it holds in its "tiny little hands. It"- is a French bisque and will riot buly be - a lasiing jo - to some little child bu.t will be a handsome, ornament. : The'' 3rd prize is a Ladies French hat." ; Prices are cut-ui two lu alflintss of goxU and all $1 purchasers get tickets. Express cnarges prepaid on $5.tX) cash orders. ' J ' OKBIS & CAKTKIt.' t .1 Raleigh, X.C. Good Tobacco Land for - Sale; ; I hsve foor eood tobacco farms in Gold Mine township fn Frankin eonnty,whi;h I desire to rent for the year 1890. "I have also 300 acres of good tobacco land which I wilt sell aa a whole or in amall tract tn suit purchasers. ' I am very, sure that if pHrties who wish to secure An t-class to bacco land could see mine, they would not hesitate to buy as in addition to be ing the right kind of soif, good neighbor-hoT-l, io,, the price is moderate and lbs terms liberal. v -' - Joshua Pekht, ' : i Centre ville, 5. C. r!,- NOTICE- ' By vfrtue f a decree f the Superi or Court of Franklin county made-. in the case of Jck f lascssU-r, C:' -W. Williams nod lher.(, Expaut. I will se!i at pu' lie an lion at the onrt house door in Lou'abun on Monday, thsOlh day or January,"; 1K90, a tract of 'and io Fr -ukliu connly on the Tarboro road, adioihWu: the lands of C. C. Jeffreys and olhrrv containing 150 acres;: it bem? tho lnl upon whkh Jack Inetixter now lives, ,l land la' well adapted to the growth of line t .bacco. and has on It gooJ dwell Dg. -T-Tnis fale: f cash, bal ance on credit if 12 months. : - - , B. AV.Tl5iBERr.AKE. i . - , Comiuiasiooer. Nov. 21, '89.' -'.'.-v It is said, h determined the Tate of empires. Vt don't knnw's shout mat una uuii'i inucn rv, ue ar wining lyr lilatortaus to tliibt it out, one thing wo know 'a tliat what . -. . , ... - - . often determine the rate ofhuHlne, If she knotrs the store KatVrlgh Kotxlj relisble.-methodH tion .i, she tell .her lr!pnd, thy c) their aou a on, una the wnotsn who kuowa what go U sre and N saPsSrd I knv Mivrvii.tun oesi immiwr, nut wnn, site 14 wrnncMl, In iotcU t buy what hi kuowii Uh m ulf, on ino pretext ( friendship, kin ciurcii, or nasoti not busiueits, you viP,w so-oo , tnerclntnU hare ut. thai . , .. ",.-. . ' NOTICE By virtue of the power eontataed la a mortgage deed execute' to as by TamM Q. Kiley.the !7Ui day of September l&tf. and tt istered in Franklin county, book 72. page 58-1. we shall at the court house door in LouUburr. N. C , oa Mao. dny the 6th day of January ll90, at pan ho auction to the highest bidder for .cash, a tract of land vionted in. said coast y. Dunns township, adjoining the lauds of M,-i. Mary A.. Terry Mid others, contain ioi fifty acres, mure or lean, and known aa the land whleo T. (J.- lUley, 4 veasuu, resiaea , . - . - PKKBT dt PATTIB8OS. Dec Sf 15S9. iiorlcaees. NOTICE When you wautceo I flour, or . any- tmnj eMo la ine errcry . un call on.' Crrnsbaw, Hick A Auo. . 5 ? V. 'C.- Hu?ht'S & Co. v- proprietors of Hughes' WHreh-me, Lou'.sbiirg C.-"h ve ' orders' fo' more - tobacco thiin C4-me to Louisburg; "cjui-nt-ly ' tlipy p".y ', the pruus for nil grau- S- 4 ... .y y Cne-' huhet .By virtue of power contained In an ob t gn ion to make title exeouud to W. J. eli on tl 7ib da of February 18.c. 1 shall on the 13th day of January 1S9 sell at pubho auction to the aigSest bidder for ch at the. court house door in Louis bnrg, N. C, the tract of land described in snid obliatirft, Vie same bing s portion of the tract ol laud sitiiatea in raukha county uetr tjtuirevinn nuu Known as the , Mary D. Alston land.. id tract of land beinjr! that wliicn was sold to asid "Ncr.l u d r above obliga'.i in end 0 nt lin ing 4a- acrvs. Thi- L"Ce:nber 11. 1889. ' i 1 GKMBVIKVa fURfC . X. t . Zjllieoffvr, Ati'y. ... ' 's-Noes F71 1 o r t i .mm J f 'ate still eelJIn- what evcrj be4y BeMs aad moa haTt raVCacsl . low mm. ; i - V " 35Tew Gotton Gin ::::::::n AN D FEEDERj:::--::: and rtovr we can tnske It to'th lalsrvst of all wko kava asius La to trlug It to our buuae wblcb Is ev sod Ike suosl eafsataat elala. i " Uvkiist.- NEW EIiB VATOR, JSC ALES sud tlo house, aJ verytalnc In th Vst possibU easilUsV. SUaranla Iu do as wall as aaykoby. SEED C0TTON IISTSTJRKD ,- as sewn as It Is tskao In the cm. W hf you to r i os a trial. WE FHQM1SE YOU THE BEST EESUITS. fill msis yo TmI f!s4. Bring us your cotton ani we "jEGEHTOlNT Sb TORO.- " V. down on you and It Will stay (here. Yog may make them buy fur a whlhs nut auer awmie sne ceta urtni ami si aays no, who h set oi It aud that Is the end on 1t. A woman-ito'n r3 linnl to ircl aroatut. I kuuvnuiwi folks who have rot their no's u hervcuurtltc aoU ther knowa tiutta iftrU no's aro hard to get aroui d, when she uont, bot I atu Ulklnjc LuJ FOR AHYTHIfifi.FURTHER Cfj "N3SES" APfLY TO "BtEOER-" tromeh re kenr hoyera than men. bstterjola of character, sik! they can ae thr"h Ihlnsraani threrll rackets that a 1.-1 uiany ctm-ti tors ailopt thW wnnl litt; tby will prt thr nnn nn ttjem crrtn In the long run. Wi stl.pt IlOMifT at.d FA IK DKALINO ss m.r root to. We NEVU mlMvprrnt n r'l f grU or?lo w ALLOW ctetk to do Bo If h knows ll,Seb 'Wiol J lord IK tl ora in lulnbls who did so. W of ver try lo make. any tx-ly take that that rt e not ault, vr do btvinnoo hualne prirvclpti--. If the pU dtni't ruit r If they are chwtji r wmiewhcre cU, vt riont wnut oor rrleiula to tuy uf us, onleMi we can do "well a eitht-r. v dov'i any Ualy ta bay our rleiwUhlp. V.e fiattrr oorrxjlvi-a ly thie; -thllhrrw are) aotn thinpa which we know. We ktrow tha valurt f ic"lt wa kmtv m tjw rain when wm see It, wa know ww havo rut th Mimy in bo It when w nee It, we know we i:lve ur cutniner tho banrfit of our tviTiah, we know .nn rm oin leat himI lew rrjual of, w kuow wt I th Intvre-t of our cunloineff at lirt aI ws fLtttvr twrelr Uy thinking that every woman kiio, who trule with oa, thf tliis aeriUMi U TIIUF , IJy hard work, hKirt'cfTirt, with tho cah and kixiwU-d how, when and w hereto bny. we l-avo tollt up a lr.t somhI So ncnt in the OMinty. Coroe around, we art ALWAYS OLAD to vot, and will sell you anylhlnst you want to buy to yrur advantage. It la haxd matter fr any one, who huamren our stock to lHioltrt out of sviUi-r. PtHipl who examine our prlc-s for tho quUty,- cannot bw cxmiImiI wiUi ny other, It 1 true people tome t u-, Iw k at our ko.wIs prk, Jc. mid f away but-whwa ttey lxtc tnund they are centrally Kladoooti to j;t bck andwi'exptejv tbent-elve. All w U lr ytiuto onna to us. We havu'l sptico to enuinerata our b-rahu, but we will show them to you. ,. - ., . -.- ;,t , . -. u - . ' " . , . . ! lUspectfully. 1 , W:TJi3in:iniiiijiIlJniHi5niin 2 Too Many Goods. , ii Q r -a tM- .-r invni1 irt C " .r "tT W i 1 it: Hint to th9 bargain avrVeri U tuSdfnt. Li aSHnimiiiirs4iiiuL"i:iL! lid a . . .