. JJ, THE FRAN KLIN TIMES 1 J A THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. p.'. u l'; -- 1- i cv - i . t.aAv inli ct?r tut j '.- Ua aril x--:.:., e i .- " 1 . ' ' . ': 1 : . m. B ATEJS OxeYeab, t - -Sir Months -f - $1.50; 1.00.. J. A. THOMAS Editor and Proprietor. - WITH MALICE TOWARD NONE ; WITH ClI ABIT? FOR ALL .lUCE 3L50PEU ANN t U In Advanco rl , " . ' ' 1 - " ---;- i 11. To Clubs of 5 Thb Times urnifihod at $1.40 - ' will be I vol. xviir rTTYF 1116 Id ;TailMlil - - ' ....... '.'-iii t-A A STATEMENT. ACCOTlDIKa TO' LAW OF THE AMOUNT OP EACH ACCOUNT CLAIMED AND AL LOWED BY THE BOABD OF CO01TT7 COMMISSIONERS OP FBANKL1N COUNTY, AND. TO "WHOM ALLOWED, BEGINNING- ON THE FIRST MONDAY IN DECEM BEB, 1888, AUD ENDING ON THE FIBST MONDAY IN DECEMBER, 1889, CO NTT NOTED. Absolutely Pure. Tii irderever Taries. AinitrYeljpf naritv. Btrearth & : whole8oaiene5R. kr eoiial thmtbe orrfinarT kinds, .ad ..iot i Ii 2a cowpktition with tit tUim f ltr eit, sidrt weight tin at rhosnliatt ower; SOLD, ONLY ww vs . :pnvii. KAKt xb Powder Co - . , ' 60i Wall 8t. N. Y." PROFESSIONAL GAUDS 1 i ' r-r-: rr 133 134 135, 136 137 1S8 139 140 141 142 143 144" 145 14G 147 148 149 150 151" '152' 153 154 155 15G- -Mrs. Roena Davis a,nd dr. .-Nancy Bell ' JohuCatlett -' Mrs. M. S. Vaugbu Helen Rogers Nick Goswick UrsulieUpchurch loly Harper ' Joshua Munn and; wife ' Lizzie Strickland -Alice House James Wilder ' Norflet Oooley Turner Medlin . - ' Wm. Perry aud wife j. Charlie Harris Mrs. Martha Cone Joseph Terrell . .Ben Perry . . Richard Daily ' ' Win. Kthridge ' ' Mis Ellen .Alley .; Rebecca Perrv - . Arthur Sandlinpr do ' " . tf "do- " ' ' 'do - ' '.' -lunatic i '" x pauper . -do do . : do 'do c do . - do support Pressie'Toung outside pauper . -.' - do ' ' do ' ' do V-' 7 do do do - do .- - dO "j 1 00 1 00 1.00 1 00 3 00 i oa 1 oo 2 oo 1 oo 100 . one month as outside pauper i t -2 ,00 do , . do;' . doi do do, do do do' do ' do do do i do do ' do do do do' do - do do . do 157 Jan. 7, '89, T. J. Harris A Y COCK Jl DVSL NIELSV C. C DNIELS ATCOCI & DASIELS &"DiHIELS --A-t'orneys At Law, ; . WILSON -N-C. Any busineW entrusted. to us Mrill be prouapuy aueuaea 10. - 158 159 160 .,. 3 1C1 ; 162 : 163 . 164 . 105 166 Jan. 8 167T ' 168 N Y. GULLEY, FRANKLINTON. N. C. All legal busioetss proiu plly at- tsnded to. IIOS. 13. WTiDER, ATTOBJTEY AT LAW- Utlice oil Miviu bt'. one door low the Eagle Hotel. . P. S. SPUD ILL. Attorney At Law, LOUISBURG,'N. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin Vance. Grauville, Warren Nash, and FeJerul -nul -Supmiye UonrU Prompt ttteution givyn to collections, &c T3AUL JONES Alt imeTf ail C onus ell or at Law t . LOUMJiUKG N. C. Will practice In t he courts 1 of ErankUn.. Warren, .Wake, "Vance and Nasu, and iu the Supreme court of the State. : y BB. MASSENBURG ATTORNEY AT LAW- LOUI3BUKG.N. C. : s Office ta tke Court House. " - M basinesa pit ia'iny-haDds mi : ceiTc.prompt atlention. ' - ' Jl.COUKE.? A'L'T'Yand COUNSELLOR aLAW. uisburgfbaxklin co.,n. c. 11 attend the Courts of Nash, , Fraakin, CrYllle, .Warren, and Wake G allies alto tke apieme ; tart ! Ner tk Carolina, and the U . Cireait aad District Oourta. 169 170' 17 r 172 , 173 174 : 175 176 177 178. 179 s 180 ,181 182 : 183 184 185 186 187 183 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 190 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 -207' 208 209 210 211 212 213 2U 215 - 216 - 217 - 218 - - - 219 22 ,r - 221 - - 222 Feb. 4 223 . 224 u 225- 220 227' 228' 229 230 231 fc . 232 233 234 - do . repairing stock law fence , ? '. amt of acct. ; """" v" ! " ;"; publishing annual statement ; ' ' , coffin for Richard Daily v.: amt. ef accL , , . ' . making ballot lx, I edar Rock T. S t services as SupL Board Health 6 mo. r :..(.. A- jailct. board of paupers at poor house v A.M. Tant keeping rafts from Andersons bridge 7 mo. . J: W. Pinnell white-washing and work done at poor bouse Ruffia Rolts ' beds &c for poor house -P. A. Davis ; - , amt. of acct. " Jno.'T. Morris ; vs . ; do v do ' "v O. L. Ellis cost in case State vs. Phil Williams W. H. Eurman Jr. j i . amt. of acct. Joe King repairing stock law fence 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 30 J.'.A;Thoma8 J-A. Thomas & J- Ximberlake James Sanders M. M. Gupton Dr. E. Ss Foster N. D. D. May J. W. Pinnell A TOBACCO TRUST. COMBINE iAMONQ CIGARETTE MANUFACTURERS. .'J- .'" . & 1- 111 1 V .. 1 M tJ l! if tdL They agree to stop FIGIITISO ,EACH OTHER, IGNORE TOT 'LATOR ANDBUY' THXIB" BTECU- DIBECT, BY7WHICH THEYjWILI. ' CONTBOL r THE PRICE 64 ' CUTTtRS." -tv; J. A. Thomas J. W. Fulnell Elizabeth Phelps JJR. Jl E M ALONE, -Oce 2 doors . balow .Furmaa & Cooky's Drug Store, adioimiagDr, O. L. Ellis. . . . gj'w TIMBERLAKE,' ATTORNEY AT LA Wj' ,' LOUISBUEG, TK; C.' . ?i OSce i Ke Court House TO CHOOL TEAC 1IEB ' ' ,The Superintendent of Public richooh of Franklin county trill be In Loutsburg on the second Thurs day of February, April. July, Sept. October and December, and remain ; for three days, if necessary, for the purpose of examining applicants to teach in the PablicSchools of this CJounty; I will also be In Iiontsburg on ' SaVurday of each week, and all pub lie days, to attend to any, business connocted with ray office.' " . , " . J N. Harbis, Snpt. Mrs. Maggie Haves .- do Willis Mitchell . do Mary Alley do Mrs. Lucy" Leonard - do ' Mrs. E.'Dorsey do., vBritton Medlinl'& wife -do Mrs. Touy Harris v do S. A. Evans dr; and son do Elizabeth Bolton do 'Napoleon May. . do S. A. Hamlet do Mrs. E. Gupton do Mrs. H. Falconer - do Mrs. J. H. Cooke do J. E. Gupton . . do -Win. Patterson do Matilda Edwards do Geo. Southerland -. do Martha Dunslon (H. T.) do Sarah Hayes do Ella Dickerson do Wm. H. Tharrington do Mrs, Roena Davis and dr. do Nancy Bell do John Catlett do Mrs M. S. Vaughn do Helen Rogers , -do Nick Goswick ' do Ursulie Untjl-urch do Pollv HarpTjr ' do Josl u 1 Munn and Wife dfl Lizzie Strickland do Alice House - do V James Wilder i do ' Norflet Cooleyi do Turner Medlin do Wra. Perry and Wife " do A Charlie Harris - do Mrs. Martha Cone ' . do Joseph Terrell -' do 'Ben Perry' ' " , 1o - Wm. Ethridge . io Mrs. Ellen Alley do :'i llebeocaPerrw j do do amt. of acct.- making clothes for paupers &c : one month as outside pauper r. do . do do - do , do - do do do lunatic pauper ' do do do . do do do. ...... do C do do . do do - 1 do V do . do v - " :' ' ;: - - ' 'do ' tr' ' .lunatic . ., pauper . u.j t do ' '"' ' "'v - do :" ;; - '' ' do ' '' ;: ' do - '- ' , '. do - ' " 't ; do '' support Prossie Young outside pauper do -',do . -. -.- ;-do.- '' do - do - , - do ' ; do ' - " (lo '" ; 1 1 Z t. 1 no 35 105 21 00 6 50 .1 50 125 00 55 85 207 50 . 6 66 10 91 . 8 35 46 15 10 00 8 45 .6 30 25 0Q . 4 do 24 CO ( 1 00 1 CO 1 00 1 00 1 00 . 1 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 5 2 X 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 eo 00 00 00 00 00 00 f A short time ago it was Annomicol that an agreement bad been 'made' be tween the leading cigarette manpclu- reis xo witnaraw . ineir r rcprtieeuwjj from certain markets and concentrate their Interests at other points. . For ample. The'Dukes recalfetl their 'bueU irom Uenderqu aua else y ncre, ivyd .fine their operations 10 Durham. - V S. Kimball & ' V&i ' whose " purchasing headquarters are Oxford, make tkat ex clusively their base of operation. Alleq & Gioter confine themselves to Hecder. son and eo on.: kim It was given out at first the tae dga- . . ... . . t - rette men , naa simply a a?rep(i among themselves to stop fighting eacb.otuer- tnat is toat only .one jSnould . be . rcpre e en ted on any market and ;noth'ifl more was theughtoii. But vhen Ute ifepresentabves of " these several' codr cerns put in an appearance on thia , and other markets In the State- last weck" ana ueg n to comer among themselves, the speculators and order men though I they smcLed a 'good sized nouse,? And wkea sales! comaieiicuF; toid Uicy were given to understand jtbat if. they bought any more cutters tbejr wooUtio so at their, Wri .'tis.ic,. '.iBey'i.'npl.bnJj 'amelled a rnoute" but actually found a whole uest full. . The buyers held ; off and cutters dropped iu price,', but out side of this grade the bidding was spirit ed and prices ruled a high ' as lUuaL . Next day, however, cuttera sold aa high as usual, and it is claimed that -lull prices will be paid even though one coo cern "does all the buvinsrn4- that itb out any ciupctitk)Q on Uxa wnrobouse fiors. As to this, however, remains to be seen,, , ' ' t This agreement has been entered into for die purpose .of putting dawn the price of cutters. " There oa be no deny ing that, or the man u tic turer "would not rule out the middle man, be he specula tor or ordcr buyer; and the simple fact that enJy 000 is Jelt on- each - market show that With a clear field and smooth sailing they know they can get their stock cheaper, than when there strong conipeutiOi to couibat ' .agmcat Aad as for paying all that cutters' are worth whether they are farced (by the the middle man) to da eo or . not, .that . . . . . ofauch ndr. Just, an4 rensoanlle people 1 from the pllcry cf the 0rx Houvi, to are to; continue in Ueodcrvia. Thf ? peculators are informed that" If they do not bay any more, jCuturt'' and act nicely about the matter their stock will be taken at a profit. ; But i if -they go In and fight the trus t they ; will net ouly have to hoU new purchases but I tja on liand. x jeeep what they havo already, got. JlLis I , .2 .... puU.UipuimaAawkwaiH!wition .earf mueit are ot 1'opalar. for (he prpscot at least they.iuua; .keep 1 , f- r, v 5 hands off aad takothinv's oul.tlT cntll I A Toleio rtsitleaan. epttKlaij the this H true ,and we are the latirc? t ! ''tve u rttr cried a lLLuk, I W CONsUillTlON CiCXRABLi: lArJ wo had.bcea coata.ntiy cu'.- Ihg during the pcHoaaance. MUte Dr. Bun'a Couh Brrup chLaod to anock er. I , " " , At this season U fast drrb; aod ac- dents to man wd boast kep (jalratiea A Toleio they ian dispose of' ifhairteiajjiliex 11 r1 bto Ctt!a' eftUaj have. -Mr. Wi Us Walker, , rcpottine I uuu"! KC PJ.0 coiorea men to gtt & to thej RLcnTuotiil Tobacconist; say! si ' I hive co 'doubt ''the"'niflnuiaarcri? will Ut the boys out this time at satS-- factory prices, as very desirable ttocks are hew here, hut when' they do 'cet buy J tniAK some er tue ooys uia prom je not ttj do so any tnere. ' w J "" DrJ aire XJouk ' Syrup;- contfiw nothing jhjurleus'and w jU relieve, year1 baby pf pain and-all diaordera the bowels t once, Price 25 contK t . ,rYoLfoel a broVeo. up iad' geacri!! miscraiiie, you can restore jour. eo,uiuu num wita lAxadorT the j uunoui dy, L!ch only 25 cehU.'"' lamoua . remc- 1 .Ycu seem aud dcjteil t6-olght, jlati((e,'dcarw Ve fdMrlin : mcri-fvf ernbtwpal- natnre are eaiily ai octal 7 ,by iho sUlea or frowus oTjSirtune.?-: - Ills, vasher-woroan had discharged him, r- ' 0 i T ! I ' ? l'i .'.1 t Junch befota taking the heme traio. . ' ' A cop of tea aad a plate ef raw ojj tera,? was the rdcr." , " ;' -Doa'fchare.aay tV eah." . - Rl ot bet then," ": . .. ". MDbaH keep uo beer. . Dis yer Is a temperance bouse. Keeps aothlcg but coyen. pop aad cdr.,t .1 ! I VI ifi a Vnpraoce Louee,why doa'l yoakeepirr,,: V: WelL jwa aah,'dU yere how U Via. ! A'hea wa kept tea w4 bad a lot of oldwoea tivfin round all d time, kepin, bttAl CMtomers away." ' -Then tta didat rr ' -, -o, sah dejcuin ar' a axed moroqiiatieQS Usui you couJd thick of 10 uay; DU.-ytni know dat pctaoQ and de udcr puoo. tAn .whar ofa Mr. So-iaaJ.bo Ebl 1 Ao bor' ytf bren bere len; . An was you eyah aelaT. Whj, it tales axrre lime to serve cce le wocua Vl k iap tea taaa It doca to rive loach to seteo mo. . Ra ! U. foHo-ia- Mr Ull. Mor-r'-a. Newark. Ark er: t Ve down wh trts of lesf. oJ friod and tijakUft ireacmscvd ru a Incurable enr-fumr?. llea Uk'of I. Kic'e New DOTtry tor (.Voerartlon.- im 'cow ca tny third bou). axd able to wvera the work ca c.Y farm. It is fLi.ot ctHIca STcr Bia-ie.' ... .-Jta )JM!aaxt,-lVtrT. C,' yi:;"IIl It not bn f- r Dr. Rg't New' Dicot ery 1v CooiaraptxtQ I wou'.J haTt died. of. lcnj trouble. Wm ciren c by docicra. Am cow lo tl.e beet of bealtli." Try U. tn- pletxntfc Tree at W. II. lmuas Jr'a Drutora. - .-. pouible lor 4 ram to kiU atctcb- ELKCTRIO. BITTERS, r - -TlU emedy la be-omiujr se! well tuowa and ao popular a' to pct-d do lectk Bivteft tin t be same rg of IJ afclbt tlab praisf io." purer meoicme, aoea' uoi 1 sxawiM ka cekl bualTfce ajyl rfpruJ, aaUtOed ta1 w ot pro u tie beverage fee a tcm perinea boatv To'.olo (O.) Joax oaL! . . Tae mo Sle reoiitU ca Mfe U dm Ve. J. II. UtUti'iTvHUi Lmmg lUlza. ItU wrt mij (or Iw o( m4 ell UunI aj4 Uef iriMi)e. 'idiaf iiffinJfe 4a dMira ef rrcfW. Dr. J IL MLa tnA Ulla rfrvt U trarM f 410a rLnakt pare Mvo4. .llfa eoaaaitU "eare UaU y m f earaaie Ueare eSMairtt lr Mle al Farvtaa'a 4tnt ttora. . SUIoh'e lurrh triarJ a paailUe ore for eaUrra,'dlpiari aa4 auktr uuitiK eW14 bj riaaaa. - a 00 1,00 1 00 2 00 Arthur Saudlinj; - T. W. .Cooke ; work done on stock law pate f W, S. Evans repairinjr stock law fence Harris T. S. . ,'Sandy Littlejoha board of jurors Jan. term 1R89 " J. Thomas amt. of acct.' for books &c.T Y-! j Horton & IFJL reiiairing stock law fence ltf Harris'. T. 6. J. E. Thairington ' do ' ' i.' 4o''j'ft?' - J.H.Jones " do ' :" V? ? rdo 'k. a. H. Moore : keemn? raits irom isima bnajre docs not. stand to. reason. Ilia but rat- unu tnat tney snouia want to get tneir stock as cheap as possible, and with but ne man to say what tke price of ari ar ticle shall be it is not likely, the eats lie figure will be placed upon it, Th'e.,lQ, cal buyer may be disposed to pay goad prk-es always, but as Soon as his .house sees he is paying too much for stock the word is passed and ke taut t act ac cordingty. ; This then Is jhe phase of All -I- . l . 1 ' . ' . - tae mnucr as i present inaa to-ns.. The coMbination Is composed of W. Duke, Sons & Co ,' Durham, , Alka.. k Giateri RkkrnoadVW. & KimbaH . A Co.," "Rochester, (joodmaa Bros! ci'iarette man itpreseutiug-roipyxi tf dollars jof i trust, pooU'-combUieJ scxeemeot,p, whatever yeu are pleased to term Hy dr- 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 84 44 9 00 -. 39 6t is 74 08 ta6 63 - 2 50 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 .exianuud it -ie suaranteeJ to do all Utat t clilmad. Electric Bittera will cure all dUras-e of the livar and kid- ney-i wit) remove pioiples botla, at It rhcu'n, and otiicr u Section caused by Impure blood.VUl drive. mAiarua trotu; the-Kate m and irtveot as veil e cure aJl malarial fevt ra. For .cur a ot headache. coimipaUca and biaea Uon trr Elev-lric Rittere. EtiUrp iaV- iifrttiuu guaranteed of mwnav refoud- Y. U. Furmana, Jr'e Druatore, . 1 ...... . Aiaina.lioscheUv A ballet-dancer. died recentiy at Naples, leaving a large fortuiiel This showa huw easy It lskto accumnlate wealth Lca one dresses economically. . , ; . r .. SCROFULA FliOil CIULDIIOOd - .. .;. w. m- AFTER BXINO TBIATtD BT BJHKKNT . physicians us is coaio. BV . - f : ' 6.-S. S :rt .., ,... t . k. w i , ' i ' . . The foliovrim; ta an axirad tat en from a letter re calved frcra Mr. T. A. 8lzemoretf of Pledrnqal.-Bw C, and written 'under dater of If ovem berma;-;;': ;:vrr;..':-.v "I am. now , tvreoty-elht . yoars old and from the lime I was seven yeWof a jyntil 1S85, . X auQervJ with severe case of scrofula, lrur engjthat time I took every . known, -tetnedy, bt to do purpose. My faUicr took me to Kuttl Carolina, where I wm 'put adr- treatmeot of Vn- ioloent pbysrcie'o. i The medicine given mt ka onlpr tem porary effoet, for shvnlyaKeT j toy retdm the terofuta broke out- In -a- mofe malignant forta un4 I was Kinney Bros, i and ! ""V,. Yu af.clurers tfi vthe lJworldI I"1 f Wwnlcnand.coinaaencea , Clrt alKfi, ta4 ratMraUe b that UrHtle toec fe. biloVa tare U ta ttmr3f (or 1k ar aU at rsnaaa4ra SlUlak'a ViU!Uf la veetraei 4 t oaairvalioa. loaa af atil, , a4 all tf to float af .r-'l Yt'9 19 and fS mVi pr btu. far aale al Far- pvn i 4ref aiora. Ukf iatiUyaai eah wW FMUa'a eere' cie Iataa4kie Mtlrf. Ixa 10 iu&(Uaa4U Bol4 ky a naa a. , '' If year araJia an4 life era wart a aty tllBf, aa4 ftl aa af ti aa4 tir4 'mt, tae aj yaai ;iS ky ukiog Dr. J. U. MeLWyrarnU. .Tb 4akM eoach raa Va a ejniek! evr4 y (: kio6'e- car. We raaraaua It. Foraara auFrauuta 4jaf aavra. , Na aa4 to uka Omh b'( tatkartle tUla; aa f Dr. J. 11. j4cLa'a Urar aa4 ;Wary lllltu It ali aaSUical aa4 aaara rrable." - - -. . Caiarra carrot, kaallk aa4 itl kraailk a-ear4r y BtiiUh'a Catarrti kaa4f. Pri 4u aaia. Isjrcutr trae. k r aaJ at araiaa a 4ra atwrv. . . u vaa aaatr l.a dtapap1a aad lla ar eotanlaietr. kab' Yiil'.iitr la tLaraat4 So care tb. Fit aaU at Far asea a ang - A Rhode Ialaader sat down to a faasl of dans, aaying: fcf i ca an aliect- ralnei kind cf mas; itep cue wbea I reach: oca hq aired and tfiy. i' S . , ... i t . - ileaenry Is fmxotly 'InjaiLcUsualy ee,l by quc doctors ta catea ef tna Urfa aad tlood poUon. I la a fur a feet la worae V the Ariaal d a- e. B- B. B. (Dotaa'c Blood lvala) eonu'os oo raervurj. tat wi.l laW csta mercurial rUoa frvra the) ira I em. Write laB'.io-llUlwi Co-, At lanta Oa., far Uxk cf connseieg proof el tu curative virtue,- - A. F. JWityxv Jacaectj. , Teoa wr.iti: I cjivj!! nalirla ta LeuUv o, t04 wben Ui utt at in; r rae my iysien was a4torat6d w.h pcla co, aod 1 bd rora to raa- ckwi) aa4 VnoLB oo jay lrajpa. I j;ot two tot tl.iUD. i). K, wtkb trs:el ay tocgue. and mtaUi asl tz.il a ttw Bian ef . Wm. Rich ii nd. AlUcta, Ga writtee M? a)Ueol4 tanlly ae. Daatrs called llSTph.IlJc Ir.la. Her t ere la a C:t4U. fL'J.ya. Hrr Uilrd. tf 1-a.J fiat ia ter oUu eaxi booea ' Htr kXaey era Ueraoed alaa, aa l co thocgM s be eocld b eased. Dr. G'.V Law tvomineaied B. R. B Ua be aaed estl ber bWih waa tsiirtf retUrd" - .... K. P. D. Jeerv. AlU&U, Ca.. wriua; "I was troMed w.un carter coloftd ero;Uoaa. loaa oT efju;e. paia to lck. aeMa- Ji!at a)av.;:y, emsclalkm, lot.t Lair, tar Ureal, end jcrtsl eervoaaaa. Ii. U. li.f-;t my tjUm Wi f,nm ran i.in.' "m Heoe M be It ev rr eo bccu"j - ! . - . . Tiara aa uaata akra a fiaiaf af ltaat tala ttiMai lAa aM rM. Ua rataaa antra f -ara Uxl. M far U)U iUaj4ti Ua-'i e4 rtraria. Tit Ul Ma4r trrear.rjlar ike la Lf. i. 11. liLaa mnrt.'s, " i i . .. .. ; JestLcg Lea t tia tcrii rT0wt, 'BUCK! S3 ARNICA SALVE ' The best talve bx tLe wo?!.! fsr cite, trat, eorxe, aUtra, a!t rttcra, fetrr afte UtUr. eUTd taai. ILlaiss, corse sad a.l ila ercUea aal pualuvely cut fwa. er e rT reqatd. (t la girsicd to ftre t-xlrct tallaUciioct. er iaoay rt'.aJ cd. rrk cetsu rr boa. , , Tor aiW by J. B. CIJUc. . 235 236 337 238, 239. 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 250 251 252 : 253 254. 255 ' 256 '257 258 v witness fees- case Stae vs. Wester & Pace v 3 40 the purpose efputdag down tfie .' price Oi.ujy itrucie, m u euu cQiaiuev-ir My; on the laws of our land.1 ' rhe'farmer U roooeo, ana tue couairy ia. maua ip blu-, fer.- 'It is a e taine and tin bwtio. tkaj( tb?se men; whose mteresta are coeulned - '60 30 80 - f.2 55 E. B. Smith N. D. D. May j board of prisoners P. A. Davis . . ' amt. of accV . Wm. J.King, C.S.C." " -do, - -.y'f-'l rt T. "Pltia onet ill iau Ctoto v TVfJ TTo-f and PTiarliA Green - N - . ..;.-! I r ; ' Z -70 J. B. Baker . maldnsr coffin for Mart Glover . , . 3 , 00 P. G. Alston ; registering names Gold Mine T. S- ' ' ;2'8? J. W. Young 7 days committee on bridges: fences, C. S. C. nod sheriff . . " ';."-. -''-N WOO 'Ruffin Branch repairinc stock law fence W ''vi -'.it 11 !20 Henderson Hazlewood 8ervant to court and cleaning up court room - - 4" ' " - -' & 00 J. C. Baker 5 days services officer to srand jury ! nO od T. S. Collie 3 days committee sittliuz with sheriff, treasurer , W. D. Spruill 5 days officer to court Jan. term'1889 V ,10 00 1 they will be permitted .to carry out the! W. D. Harris 5 days crier to court and officer to jury 2 nights 13 .00 I designs interrupted .or. not. H. C. Kearney Shu. . ? ; amt. of acct. J. W. Pinnell' making clothes for Wm. Harris, . R. W. Lancaster repairing bridge red bud creek ; "Wm. J. King C. S. C. fees Jan. term 1889 ? H. C. Kearney Shft do D. Worthington O. L. Ellis C. A. Garner J. H. Br3'an J. R. Vick " ' W. H. Mitchell' Peyton Sykes " J. A. Porter M. D. Stamper ' Wesley Whi taker : :-'J ; v . - (TO BE CONTINnED. solicitors fees J. P. fees i J. P. fees " ' do 'do do constable Sees do 1 do . , witness fees do .do do do do do do .do 'do do - do 25 35. 2 45 8 00 52 60 9 60. 7 00- 14 27 1 3 72 02 07 02 00 50 CO 25 to only; five corratlous, ceuntiig'their wealth bybie"milil'J9L Ihoush they' dd; should have, it in Uicir power tq fix , the price of a thing to, suit their .own, m:er: ests as it seems they are detertnined to do In this matter.- -5 V1 la U remains 'to be seen Whether dr"xiot r If the law,', the Farmers Alliance, -or - any , otiiex, poer can defeat this iniqmiou pchen.e the trust ouht J to ' be '-.busted and. kn,ocK'ed'higher than a tltei aUd'tlmt - at It is. understood were opposed Compact -and fought utdy informed by the other concerns that iLaa a case of l'ife, and death. U thepTj the'y would be a c ii if they i-i not: and must come irl ft j avo then:- '.talcJntfS wia'a Specific, a I- tonk; a Auoiber.Hif Mttlea and -It cured met ljfoi,yit ffyto'tcf'ofula frojiviiiat Uojo uatll now, - ATTACKED BY TtBEOSlXTl) . 1 vi- i r ; n -. .' iri' i .. . i i.tluyo bflea.eelUuaVnUV4aSpe-J epe-fs. S.tJ.r mce). l7; idaTla iwilch ttoi9 I'mfghf najhi rajt ,tMjaibejof,Ytrjr teuiakabflaj cijnrf. .thai baa effected.), Otre .1 a. parti cu - lar, wai k persou who-waf attacked with rh-uuutl.!n. The"cao; wk ao badVhat bet wae .bVlplera. for loug tjmev 'He took- ljoadredof (loll a worl h b f ot h 1 1 txi t fl Ici n i a Without recelvloif any beni-flt. Xlo, v.hs ac Ian; 111 lnpfily .aad pma- ,n-titly enred Mfter'UsluKa few bot- nMorgwiivaific;.:); fl I UDA.1L, JFIWKCH( .r.'l . ,; a J Solomon-City Kaaaaa. 'iiivlir Vf' Trasebti UUxi antl SklaTDls-' thatlen A inter i . . u . : . ' . , j ... , ...... . . to entering into .such... rffUn 1 v, t i ., .(Jll.f, i AUiUlA. IAA.. r " stives.'' ' It' U creditable ' them tU; 1 .Ii. . - j .v. Sick baadachr, JuH'tt eatuaa, aoa- tircoei: are troajiu aiKl &zrttilr i.a l.htd by Pr. ii, McLrau'e L.f J Kii Aa Tr i rra. ft t .&s- k .-'' t cvaaa ursa toiiriiui. It a '.--' f 4V -rw:-aa aal CJ CtTX K M .L 4 1 ft. 3 AU4at. rx m. I, a. K. ST. 4 If t i t. W. A. . mi fc&Ma. fjk. ere I "A twcij ca ra to ..a t lAvO raa a w ' a mt ?i--y -Ar m a u l.n ta a - a-t ar W aia -t at a r t Carew a:- al - fl7 te r-. .Bali';: Baby; Syrup - JTnXZ aVtr. fllfVJlttl Via C0W$Isl , Day'sHorso rovvDnn, . r,n 4 ' ar u fPff I M P I ten P'n r--:- r tMMall n i al CaaplaJak. Kc;--4 r daaa ITrtrlilno W Wat.CcaC at. LAaU, mmm Ju4;a i Braaclutls. aod fr the Coarampti At Km ertieaerael- - CcUXCroaa, oaj-aetaaa, . Act his. rrt ' errr lH'9 C.u C;iAtTiit w CW 4. I - J tw Tba Ir. lea. U. TUmt, .;. koti.ce- ner lMeta Por a aafa ani et-rUud fraMf fr and aue. or .iJr. J.. il kclatV rhill aud frer ere; it ia warranted lo aurr. . , JaL. j - Joti tajartj td -,(t t Lraa to Milioi a ksutMtuUtMt cr. I IWrWaa, ale by Faxmaa. . - "'DiKjBaa, nan lea, drow(aea, diitr, fUr eaiinr. cau K enr-4 al f.trtl W uliaslr.J. II. Urr aaj Uay thr vtrtea af Xvt u.' U tt & I'f-atla l Mkkt tie r'",4 t W. J. 2lam l.r 77(t4r af ,fcarr taa iua avj r nrr i t( Ui i V ( . a -t W Jj.r far at t- t - 4-r fa -aat-. N. C i af Uai dt-T4 U a4 a- t'l- t, b-. t1! , . U tral f l4 f;t r-.l r. a- y ar - t,a l M.a4 ka t. y l A' , , W. ?l if trv'i r UmI V 4TK !US ara 1 to ,4 N' 1 a il r wt U ix:1 iJ u. IjsjU rfft. Ta. iw- W 11 Ivt f.iiv.t.- . a x.i:l :r.f( ai y. . v.