, '. '.- riT "Si: THBTiMEsfe toe ooly-ncvraptiprt-. publislied in Ftanklia county, mod its circulation exeads all' over every w tkxi of this nd arijoininj- countic6y--a-- -: Tertisdn Bbxmld mate note her. o '.!' "'-V ! ' 11 mk mi CI : 7 4- J .al - - - . . - . - ; 1TY"' Si 1 11 " TYlitnr and Protaietor.- - 4- : The Itbf;wI9ot-.M'TpoBr, -foe the vtews of cdcrpondbtaC' tils. I it y. i." Brief communication from all tions meet earnestly solicited. Kei .' One ibab 4 ,. ST; r-T rr Mouths - n .:-?47r-A-Wi." J. A. THOU A.3 Editor and Proprietor.; WTH MAUCE TOWAIID NONE V WITII CHABIf Y FOR ALL, OfHICB U.SO EEK ANNUllIn Advance To Clubs of 5 .The Times will be tifv ;..-.7 terns of anyaature will be thaillUllf received. ,: - J ,f;:i'. r . :t uraisnea . at , m:- it .fXA .4' -LomsBUR(a;jiOT NO. 50 -. . .f LJL 1 I lSkv; - mm m i v , 5 - mmmm. 1 .?'V "i1 ,"T STATEMENT - is'. - .1 ' r CpIKtfaX) X.A.Vor TIB AKOUXTOP each acoount cxu.ixei-akd JA1. LOWED BY TH E Sol BH Off COtJWTS- fcoMMtSSIONEBSOP FBAKKLlK COUNTY ANO TO WJXOM AXLOWED, BEQINimrO ON THE VIB8T MONDAY IN DECEMr. ,BBt 1888t s AND ENDING ON THE FIB3T MONDAY tN- DECEMBER, 1889. C0NTrNUED? Absolute 250 TcbZCiJ 3E. KnlgUt ; KitHayes -Thad Dean " AV-BrC0Pd2e el .1 -f.-i witness fees Jan, term 1889 ure.j A marvel pi .i..ntJ n4 whoIeMmenes. Vfr '8.aial than the or4iBfytnU; nd Miut t !! ; 3a topttin with !l. M.ituaJ if iv teat.- abart weight - 60 Wall Si. M. 1 . 267 !2GSV "270 271 272 574 w -( rtr""" ATCOCKB A DANIELS, C. CJ DNIELS 3" ra7T iTCJCI DA5IELS 4 tftrBPTSiiAriijaTf 5 nm ? e. m. .-.-r j.,,, 277 278 sou x 281 282 23 . -284'- 285 ; 286' r t i J. A.Deaa K. U. Booae . 1 I iAlfretilWhelefis f Ben Thomas " LJanaes Quail " i Sam Faulk G. W. Webb !; Charles Moore Richard Pleasants ' . T Geo. Dickereoa I J. B. Crocker i B; E. Debnam ! Jim Dent , -VSV-'- " '.':S-:"'VuOiiVi' Aut business entrusted to us will be tiroiaDUT aiienaou.tw :yj- W- IT.. Attorni Office on ia.iu bl., one door . low the Eajjle Hotel; ' Attorney At Law, LOUISBURG,. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vauce. Graaville Warreu, Nash, and Federal aud Supreme Court.!- Prompt atteation given t collectiona, &c. , IAUL JONES .-. ;- l ' ' :' '. i ' " Attiri8T aii Comsellor at Law - JLiUUlO lU iiv v- aadvNash of t he ance Will- practice - In tbex-ourts wh. and la the Supreme court ffiatpeai9 V t , 4 TQBtTtLAW. , -- .'. '';:0 fc la the Ceurt House. .. All business at in my hands wu eetTo poJt altektiotti A IT' Y and OXtX3RLLOB at LAW, " xerjtssrjiio, ANxtN co.,n.c. y attsud the cl Ueurts of Nash, FraakUa,: G-aVill Warren, i and Wake G sua ties' also the Saaxerae seart mt 3Tar th Carelima. and the U r. Girsait aad District Oourts. 290 - 291. ; 202 29S J!S4-' 295 296 297 - m.it .199 v 300 301 302" : 303 301 305- 30G, 307 3-8 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 31G 317 318 319 320 321 ' 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 333 336 337 338 339 340 X -34r- 342 343 344, f, 345"' 346 -347 348 1 .349 . 350 U . 351: : ' 352 353 354 355 i 5 4 Hale s Mordan, Mitchell, . -, . f lHiuiel. Harris . f Daniel Harris Jr. Rufus Wilder CHas. Mitchell' " I K.N. Wilder NashMilcheU H edry Hodge ' gowellHolden Gi'-E.'Burnelt Kliza Yarboro tsham Yarboro r Stella MitcbcJl William Collins Harry Lancaster -Skkiey-Bur t - Wyatt Hurt .. E. 11. Jenkins Elizabeth Phelps Mrs Mmrgie Hayes ?S .'." Willis MiU-hell ' ' Mary Alley Mrs. Lucy Leonard Mre. E. Doreey Britlon Medlin & wife Mrs. Toby Harris S. A. EvanB dr. and son Elizabeth Bolton Napoleon May S. A. Hamlet Mrs. E. Gupton Mrs H. Falconer Mrs. J. H. Cooke J. E. Gapton Wra. Patterson MCilda Edwards Geo. Souther land Martha Dunston(H. T.) Sarah Hayes Ella Dickereon , Wra. II. Tharrington Mrs. Roena Davis and dr. -Nancy Bell ; ., JohnCatlett T , vv rsf M. S. Vaughn- iHelen Rogers ' JMCK OS WICK I TJrsulie Unchurch ; Polly Harper - ? i Joshua Mann and Wife .Lizzie Strickland Alice-House T s i James Wilder J. 1 NorfletCoolcyVr " -Turner Medlin m" ' : Wm. Perry' and Wife 1 CbarUe Harris '-f-i Mrs. Martha Cone ' :f 'Z': Ce TerreU v !'rBen Perry - ! Mrs. Ellen Alley I Rebecca Perry : .. 1 -1 Arthur Sandling ,i " f Geneva Faulkner . "' ' ' Amy K: AUord do de do de do do' do do do. do do do do ;4Tda de do ..do . .do do do do -do do x do do do do Z do do t do do do do do do do do do do de do do do -' i i Tl do v 7. do do do .do, d9 do dO y dof do do;; do do: do .do:'" do do . do do do do do C dO do do do do do do dm do do do do do : do do do do do do do do do 15 75 60 65 L-2.95 1 75 - 05 05 JO 05 VALUE OF EflBUSH LITERATURE.7 DUX J VERED BY REV. B. CADE BEFORE THE EDWtNJFTJLLEB 5 CLUB, DEC. 17th : 5; . Rawl iison, the.bnlliant Macaulayi the Classical Prescott, the industrious Ban croft, the splendid Motley, and the fiery? soulcd Macarthy;ri. .-x ; -4 In the alcove of philosophy he will assured Ladies - and Gentlemen that Englieh Literature is of, an immense, 838thetical value for erery one who as pir s to the very hiaest things," : -: - My task Is done !It - was TAtA 'that this address would, be , long very snira Sabr &rntJ i - . , s . .-- meet, wiia jsenuiam tne niga priest of I wueuier a nave said - any-self-love; .with;, t4at irjgi,u. teynToidt ibs CotisJ ykar. ro mi by all Swilm. nr Itl '- ' Ladies and Gentlemen: ') '' 'A . f ; When you recently hoaorea me with the Presidency of this Club,' I begpwu to cast aboht fer a suitable subject to pre- ,reciico;XcamataUioqc.lusion that Ijcould select n more appropriate ftnd important theme than the. literature' of bur grand old Ehjpfch ttnguesWhat,' therefore, f ahalt tay 'at the present arne.; anau bo qepepa, nine pieasani attempt to emphasize for each, or you 2. 00.1 the VALua. of Enolish LxteratuhV the objects of human endeavor . depends It will 1.15 10 10 30 10 10 10 85 45 SO 10 GO CO 60 60 60 10 10 20 30 10 20 40 40 one month as outside pauper .. 'do '."..:.: I'do------ do , . do do do do - do lunatic 1Y. y do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ; do do do "do do do do - do do do do do s ,do 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 ; 2 2 2 50 2 $5 2 70 2 75 2 45 2 60 2 GO 2 65 1 00 1 00 xoo pauBer do do do;"'.": lunajtic pauper do do do ' 'do' : ..; do ' r do . do . r. do do do do ; ;.; lunatie ; pauper '' do , -'do de ' do- . ' ; ' do r ; t;. '' do support Prassie. Young ;. i ,out8ide pauper; ; ; 00 do ..do. - do; do do -;s :vdo"3 it-. St a Art cancelled 'do'W do do :;; tdO; do . do do u- do- 1 1 1 1 2 ,2 2 356 Mch. 4F. C. Holdea coavcying Deed White tojail aad .guard g R. J.E MALONE, ni(. 9 lanri h4lnw Fnrman i Casks's Drug Store; adieUlac Dr. Ov ..Ellis, c . ti1 a W: TIMBERLAK.fi. ' 'm ATTORNEY AT LAWJ . ; -, LOUISBUBO, M. G. :'rm Ofice i he Court jHousa . - TO SCHOOL TEACHERS. The Superintendent ': of Public ckhools of Franklin county; will be Lousburg on the. aecond Thurs , day of February, April. July, Spt. October and December, and remain for three days,: if necessary, for the purpose of exatninlnj? applicants to teach in the PublicBchools Of. this ; 1 will also be " in Loaisbursr on Saturday of each week, and all pub ! .lie days, to attend to any : business 'connoctecT with my office. , v - J.;N. Habrisi Snpt, 357- 358 .r. 359 " 360 . 861 ; "362 363 1 364 r 365 366 367 368 369 370 IA 371 c 372 373- 374 375 376 377 378 279 . 380 & 381 382 .: 383 384- 385 386 ' 387 '388 389 : J. T. Furgursoa work done on Ceurt Heuse John Staiuns 2 quarters keeping rafts from Ferrill's bridge r Jim Dent rentoviog rafts from Louisbcrg bi We ; : ; h ; v w. u. inwards makmg coran fetr Jessia Davia ,; s N. D.D. May board of prisoners :bcf ? jQi ! P. A. Davis amt. of acct. -''h'--Ruffin Branch makuiz water gats &c. .' f" J. A. Thomas amt. ofaccC Sot books -&c.;v; ' ' W." A. Moore regis teriag names in CypressjT. S. Ad Williams repairing stock law fence- . -Wm. J.K3ag C. S. C. 1 Index boot : 7? - - ' ; 'Wm.H, Furman. Jr. amt of acct. ' - '".' Peyton 8ykes ceavevinsr OUie Mot t to" Jail ' i ; ': John A. Coppedge registering names Cedar Rock T. S. : V" J.' B. CUftou amt facet' .-. r 4' W B. Strickland irepairing etock4awfence Cedar Bock T a; ' W. J. Johnson conveying Bill Crawford to jaii T- R. Collie CumcnikioiMv G dura knd 1fi8 tnilM - ? , Ireorge wmston , ..ydo. J. W. Young '"do'-'.'-' --- :' ; W. B. Uzzell i': do :irS.JV . Edmond Sykes do todays - 112 : H. C. Kearney officer to the board 6 days ..;. -P.- ArDavis clerk to the beard 6 days ; S 4 jiaizaDem pneips , - . 'one montn outside pauperr 10 very much upon their extent v net, therefore, be deemed inappropriate ( to take a rapid survey of the extent of Um literature of the English liace. u From the beginning of the Fourteenth Century to the' present hour the -English mind itas been active ta giving lUr entry forma to. its discoveries in Science, to its Explcratiens in remote continents, to its studies itt"Thcoiogy,to itslin.ves tigations in Philosophy, to lta adyance paent in ; the industries, ' and, to"" itp achlevemeats x in the whole circle of , the Fine Arts.;' The- rgrsVaXangJ. ail fines which the English mind has made during these past centuries, . him ; bear put mto permanent terary farms f aiurpaulo'Nor' lthij"'.!!? Under the stimulus of an instinct, like joxxta that v which .noved the Prophets and Seers f old, bur wonderful "Saxon Race has flxcd.it gaze upon the future, and has give Jbritsliopes, its aspira tiens, its longmgsy literary forms f the 'mot transcendent beauty. Given the English People, and six hundred years of time," and an entire planet for. the theatre of action, audi ;the 'result must.; of necessity, he literature of enormous extent and value. But, as any attempt lo'convjeyan id.ea.eXextebtjof our literature by aflr exact enumeration of its departments could oaly confuse and bewilder yoa'I shall make no attempt to particularize. ? It is enough to say, that, if all the other literatures, .ancieut and modern, were collected iu one place,' andanotlier: Amroo should apply the torch and reduce them to ashes all the arts and industries of both ancient and modern life, all that is valuable in his tory, every essential dogma and doctrine of all the great Religions of the -world, all the important facts of every Science, the framework and details of every sys tem 'of 'philosophy,.- the whelelbody of the roles and canons which control the Fine Arts and govern the formation of correct taste, and all , that ( is .'of much value in fiction and poetry, could be re produced, within a few. months, from the store-houses of 'English Literature. 'We are,"! assure i you, the2 heirs of a; magnificent inheritance; and, as the sons of Saxon jBires, we shall be tin Worthy'of our illustrious descent, , if we come not with joyful pride into the, 1031 session of our own. x No on can he ! eminently fitted to lead in subduing the forces of nature, to guide Jn the development ; of .iod ua tries, to bear the barfeus of etatemaosuip, to excel in the pursuits of philosophy, to 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 50 50 00 00 OQ 00 oo 00 00 0Q 50 ideas; with Browerwho taught- philoso phy to speak the laaguage of eloquence; with Reid the Dioneer of common sense: with Hamilton t ihe' expositor, of jthe" i n, tAui i.JwuA;!, I qlyer wll of them" onof Intuitions, and. with Mackintosh the Nestor of morals. :';- j-j ' 1. ! t-. Ia the -gallery if fiction he will comm fade to face with bellins, the plot-master of Ron.ance;;with Fielding, the day star of the English novel; with Reade .who yoked Romance with Reform; with Hawthorne" who j taught fiction: to use the forms of cLaseicaljelegance with El iot, who threw the spell of a love-story ever the severities ; of analysis; with Scott" who taught the sober.muse of hi- tory to rua laughing and romping over the. meuntaius and moors of North Britain; and with Dickens who found manhood under 'the disguise . of vags and obscurity, and compels us to termi nate our side-spllttiug laughter over the matrimonial schemes of Mrs. Jarlev to moisten with eur. tears the grave of Lit tle Netfv ; '. " ' ' ; In poets corner he will find the myr i id-minded Sbakespeire. the gorgeeu6ly imaginative Spencer, the polished Pope, the imperial-soured Milton, the collos sus orwomanhosd Browning, and the reel-footed nobleniah who sanguis csun tjy's sublimest ougJJ and then -rose from the prostitution of his manhood to give hw life for dying Greece " ' l And, crowding into wave and aisle and transept and .channel, he will see a great company, that no man can num- oer, eacn 01 wnom nas.puc numauity. m debt for the contributions' he has made to the literature of oar wonderfel fc'axon tongue, jy '' j ; ' V- - , : Eagiish Literature is -valuable also for the quickening influence - it ' exerts Upon the poinds ef those who' pursue its study. 7 What soil aud air and; sun light are to the husbandman's seed corn, English Letters are to the poten tialities' hidden away in , the nascent eouL If a man is anything more - than a nv-re clod, he cannot come into con tact with the stores ef English learning without being set forward many stages UU 1113 nj i)nuia4 , ! t The Ancients said Minerva 'sprang full-grown aiid armed ? cap-a-pie frern ! the brain of Jupiter.-1 And something very like this ancient conceit is -seen to be a most real fact a most striking and blessed fact in connection with tiiose who drink deeply at;the fbuatains of Englieh literature. No English sneakms man has' any excuse for re mauiing a dunce besides the entire want of original endowment. - From : English letters alone we may obtain a learning .Vaster and mere profound than that which can be gotten by exhausting the . . . ,?i 1 .r ii a. u extant uieraiuri 01 tuo nucieut iroriu. From the perusal of English books, a man may arise completely . furnished forth for the f highest enterprises to which this wonderful century can call one of its children. If knowledge is power, then the greatest magazine of that article ever gathered on this planet, is within easy j reach of every English speakinz man and woman in the world. -1 will not close tnw aoaress ' wjtnoui directing your attention to the value of . English literature en : account of the facilities it supplies for the cultivation of the aesthetic eide of our nature. , :. Beauty, likei virtue, is its own- ex-' ceediag great? reward.- And '"Whoever makes the beauties of our own great literature his own in the best sense, must take on and exhibit by. the force of necessity more or less of these 4 beau ties. Let me take aa example. The selection is from Moore, and those who love his flowiag numbers will . be able to locate it for themselves.' A nian and a maiden stand- in- the moonlight upon a crag, and gaze upon an Island on the bosom of the sea. The not, I shall demolish the pretensions of prophet" by stopping now.' : ' ' L . ' man .who has one; Happy is the man .who has 1 hia -t-of bottles of kaU vauou vu, the greatest - cure on . earth for, pain. . Price only 25 cents. J ' Mathers should never fail to keep Dr. Bull"a Cough Syrup convenient in order to : relieve thdr , littleS'ohes of cough speedily and surely.", 25 'cents;'- - - - i I ..' " -v; " ' As a tamilr medicine we cannot U highly reoommcud Laxador, the.fameua "household remedy. It.- should, wa vs be kept on hand.- , ' .' ' - It regnla tes ; the bowels, cures diar- rmra, orsentery and wind colic; In tact, Dr.-BullV-Baby STup acts promptly and effecttnlly iri alL cases. 'A Wr- in.fi.JGJ.j:.r. L9 13 iklU 6 J noaneness Arthmw j . . Whooping fl J f. k1 1 R ri R II cipiant 'lJ-- ana xor tue xeiiez orr 7 Fa B ConsamptiTS persons, tv I f I At druggists. 25 eU. U I ttL Tie mdat delicate constittttion can' safe Dr. J. II. McLeao. Tar VI tne Laar a aurerevedj for eoagka. loa of raice t and aU thraat end Unr AMU AC tewrk. . 1QCU. dtmU 4rmgitM. TaJta of. digestion caa. diardera mt the liver, and the whole avatenr becomea'- drnl. Dr. J, H. KeLean'a. SarMpa tilla perfects the process of digestion aad rhus makes pare blood.. -' - -.-'4- ShibL'a conacLmjptioh cure ia sold ky an on a gaarantee, It curtsa eonsamptioa i or sale at Furmsn's drug store. - Bhiloh CaUrrh Remedy a, poaitivc cure for catarrh, dip theri and eanker month, i KoW by Fmman. : , Hleeplens nhts," made miserabts be that terrible Cough. 6hiloh'a cure is the "PedxJorJt, Jfor sale at Furman 's dro Shiloh's Vitiliier is vhatyou need -for constipation, loss of appetite; dimness aud all symptoms of drsueMia. Priea 10 and 75 rents per bottle. . For sale at Fur-, man's drug store. . ." ; : ,, , Why will jon cough when 8hiloh's care will give immediate relief, Price 10 tts:, 50 cts., and $1 Sold by Fnrman. ! If your health and life ' ar worth thing, aad jo feel ontof sorts end ont, tone up you system by taking Dr. J. H.ilcLeow'sSrsaparilla. . , inj ured That hackiirg cough can be so quickly cnrt4 by Shiloh's care. Ws-juarantes it. For sale at Fnrnuiu's di ug store.' - ' - No need to take tboe big eathartlo pills; iie of Dr. J. U; McLean's Lirer and Kidney Fjucta is quite M&ciek more, agreeable. - aat Catarrh Cured, health and sweet breath secured, by -Siulsb's Catarrh itemed y. Priee 60 csuts Nasal Injector free. For sale at Furman's drug store. Will vou suffer wkh dyspepsia and liv er complaint? tihiloWs Viti lirer ' ia guaranteed to eare you. Fr sale at Fur man's drug store. : , The Eev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bovrbou, Ind.. says: "Both myself and wife owe our lire to Shiloh's Consumption cure. For sale by Furman. . - Dizziness-, nausea, drowsiness, distress fxter'e&ting, can he cured and prevented by taking Dr. J. II. Liver and Kidney Fillets, . - - - - ' ..;', ; Sick headache, bilousness, nausea, cos tivenees, are promptly and agreeably ban ished by Dr. H. McLean's Lirer and Kid : ney Fillets (little pills. For a safe, and certain reraedv for fever" and ague, usv Dr. J. U. McLean's chill and fever eare; it is warranted to care. There are times when a fcellnr of laisi. tilde wiL overcome the most robast, -when at. a. . m C . a a . uue jivai cravea lor pare. Diooo, to. lur nish the -elements of health and atreuethl The best remedv for Durifvin- the blood is Dr. J, IL McLean' Sarsaparillr. ; - - ,v.,;,; ,,rid usa jwj'iLV ;Meacnry la frequently fiujudicioualj - u$ed by quae: doctor ia cases, otona--laria. and blood poison. tS after ef ,fect is worse' than "the frigid al tils ase. TL' B. 'B.' (Botanici Blood U m) v4. cbntaius no mercury buXwiU!elimi- ;nt merturiaLpoison from the4iaja-,r tern. .Write to BloptBnln.i Co., At- V .lauut, vj., vwa. v convjucing proof of itatnrative' virtue;' " r A' F.ij Britton Jacson, :iTenu.'vU writes: I: caught malaria ,ia, Loyva.-w an, ana wnen me ie vet tit iwttroite., my system was saturated with!b6is-"" en, Bflu, a pu m my moutn apa x v knot's on toy tongue.,uI ot ' tWO-bOl ties of U. B. B.t whWtt. healed vmy. tongus and mouth and made a new tnaS of me." -V - ..-,7 1 ..WraVu-1Uclmfsnd -Atlanta, G y writes: 'My'-wife could 'hardly: see.V SDoetors called it syphilitic iritis. Her eyes were in a dreadful conditionv Iler appetite failed." . blie' had (atns . Jn her Joints and bones ; Her kidnev were deranged - also,' and ua one thought she on!d be cured. ; Dr.. Gil-; liam recommended 4J. B. -B. , .Which , she used until her health was entirely -restored." V v . i - t K.- P.- B. Jones, - AtlinU. Ga.. ; wrfteatI'.WM troubled jwitttopper pain in back, ohinr j-Hnts.-rfeniHty.Vv"" emaciation. loss f lau'r, sire- tljroat, and great nervousness. ' Bi'B. B. put my system in fine condition'. v. , STATEMENT. This shows the number of meet- r Ings held by, the Commissioners of Franklin Co., N. C, from Dec. 1st . : 1888 to Dec; 1st 1889,'and the Per ; Diem and, mileage received by each : member of the Board during . the -tluieiv , ; . . ; ; ; t dumber of rneetings held 20. 1 T. 8. CoiXiE, Chairman, -Attended 18 meet inn at $2.00 ' ' per day; Traveled 528-miles at 5 couts per mile, making v.-. ; i for eauie , : ....$62.45. : Geo.. Winston: ' Attended 20 meetings at $2 CO ' per day; . Traveled 584 niiIeS:v-V " at 5 cents per mile, 1 inakintr , . V for same - r : ; ; . 69.2Ql Attended 19 neetln-e4 f 2.00 co--'----:-:'-;! Mrs. Maggie Hayes Wdhs Mitchell; ;; Mary Alley Mrs. Lucy Leonard v Mrs. E. Doreey v; f.--v' do ': -do ,; r - v :do - -.;,,:.dorl-: ; Britton Medlin and wife r 4dd 1 Mrs. Tony Harris ;i,!'i t -de ! : - y to be oontis ued. -""J ;00i 1 00 Z 00 22 00 33 20 50 HC00 2 28 1 00 8 00 .7 70 -1 50 5 07 2 75 5 00 2 00 ; v 3 08 : 20 40 .-20 40 r 16 80 ' 1500. M 6Q 12 00; 12 00 V,' 1 00. do - 1 00, fdo -:!:':x oo - do: r v - 00 dov-' v;-s';l 00 )dm'?t&-&2 00 mount"; the pinnacles in x the temple of fetter;' to teach :ta tlie'scheols of relig I maiden : speaks-hcar her : leh,: whoIsunfanailia with the achieve- I oft ia my fancy's wanderings, in eats' of the 'uman ""-mind.'' .; The I I'v wished yon little isle had irings, achteyements of the humau mindas il lustrated by the Auglo-Saxptt hntnch ef the Germanie Bace, tod not a parallel ia the records of huinan activity.' . ' And these priceless achievements are all Im bedded in English LiteratureJ Whoever, therefore wishes to know what tbe,in(ellect ef maa can do; who ever desires to explore, the deeps of hu man affection; whoever longs to- climb the ehining heights of humaa hope and aspiratiou; whoever hopes to acquaiat himself with: the aWful majesty , of the tragic. ; muse; : whoever is ,aoiicitous to utter hhuself in faultless rhythm;whoever expects to see generic man in his high 'est J moods, ' with transfiguration : lights playmg i, upon, .him, , mustT. rJ possess himself of the key which unlocks .'the' beau tiful gate, and enter Jthe Holy of Holies of English- Literature. m:p ; i'l t. In the inner Sanctuary he will ineet 'the most reverend company that time has ev er gathered to'lhff banquet of mind." In the circle of history, he will :&id -the haughty Gibbon, the serene Hume," the eagle-eyed v nallamr . the . . cyclopean Ficndciciurefttl fireep, lb erudite And we within its fait y bowers. Wore wafted on to seas unkuowa: ' ' " . Whftre not a pu;e should beat but ours, And weighli?e 4oye die alone I . Far from tae cruel aad the cold. . - Where the bright eyes of angels only, Should come round as to behold A. paradise so pure and loftely! - - '"' Woald that bo-heaven eaough lor thee 1 Playful she tamed that he. might see, The passing smile her cheek put ou; . liut whea sac marked how mournfully' ilts gaze mt bcrs thVt smile was gone I And bar sting into heart felt tesrr i Yes t Yes t Us cr?ed, my hourly fears My dreams have boded all too right, -:' W partt-lorever partr-toni-htf- , I kuirw I knew it could Hot last,-- 4 Twas bright'twas heavenly but 'tis past. ua, erer iaui, inB cuuoitooas nonr. V-- opes decay, ; flower. I'ro seen my fondet boi i nerer loved a tree or 1 .lhii'twas the irst t fade 'away 1 ' I never nursed a dear gazelle '.' - " To glad me with iu-stoft biick sye ' ' But when it came to k.nw tne well 1 ." ' And Joye me, jt was sure to die I , A'o too the power inos: like divine Of ail I ever dreamt or knew' v fo see thee--uer thee--call thee mine. Oa uusery I uiu&tJ. Jove that tool j .'. 7 This selection and the entire . poem Iran wmcn. it is taken brims with beau ty that cannot he described, but ' must be feit to be known; and no ' onO - can come away from communion with such tranoceodenc beauty v without bringing, wi.n ni;n some graces or cria meter and .- oin j tiaibeiushoicnt of soul. You inay Le Drugs toscl . ELECTHIC iBiTTEKSt - This remedy is becomimr so well known and so-popular as to need no spccim mention ; - & II who hare - used Llectnc Bitters siig the same soeg of praise. A purer medicine ' does not exist und it is' cuarau teed to ' do all that is cliio.ed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver'and kid neysv,'..wiirrpoye pimples boils, ' salt rheum, and dther affections caused by 1 impure blockL-WiIl ' drivel malaria from the sslem aud l reveiit as well as core all mslarial fevt rs. For cure of headachejeonstipatien and indiges tion try Jiectriq Jirtters. Entire sal-. isfaction guaranteed or money-rfcfund- de r Pnce 50 cts. and $1 per bottle at ' W. H. Furmans,- Jr'a Drugstore. f - . u.. . . : ' $ . . : . '- r 1 m CON&UMPTIOX IXCUBABLE Bead the following; Mr. C.C Mor ris, NewarkArk., snystl A rr VWas down with abscess of; lung, and frii-nus aud pbjskiauspro'ijtHinced tne an lucurable ojusuniptivf vegai taking Dr. -King's. New- DL-covcry tor Consumption, am uow on my third boi llr, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the fineet medicine ever masie.":-"--,-i;;T-.- ..i,v;rS .v: "- Jesse' Middlcwart,.' Decs lot, Otiio, tayst'IIad it not been for Dr, King's ' ew Discovery foe - Consumption j I -would have ' died of lung- troubles. rVas given up by doctors. ...Am - now hi the best ol health." , Jry it. SHm- plebol ties free at V.: U. -FuriMuih.jJr's ry per day Traveled 533 nriles? at 5 cents par.mUe, making : for same : J . $45.80 ; ;.. t-; .w.b: Uzzell. '',;,.,'- Attended 18 meetings a t $2,00 - . pertiay. Traveled 172 utiles , ' ': at 5 cents per. mile, makiBg.V. ' ftaam sirlU..,,.; 9400. r-.-:'.f-jj; Ws Yovxa h-i Attended 20 meetings at $2.00 : - . per day. ' TniTeled 344 miles v , i -st 5 cents per mile,' makisg,-;'i for same :! ,; $5723. r " -Y t CbMMlSsioKBS'OPFIClt,-' &- ';. LorjisBTjBO, N.C.Icci 2, '89.' , ..; In aceordauce with the law ljR.' A. Davis; Clerk of the Board of -Cotijiulssiouers of Franklin ' Coah tyt Nurtfe CaroJina, d bereby' epr-; tilylht tho above id a true state ment for tho year ending H?Vj SO, 1889, "of tho. amount of. claims for Per Diem and Mlledgb of members Of the Board f tTommiidners "of 'Vratilrlin f tMltV JJ-M AtulItAtl , byt he said Board of Cwiniuwiou- .: ,P-A.DAVI(r, - s , ' Besrst-r of Deed ana - Kx-vfacioClerkrto BoarJ mm cisc3YE3TJir3Truinir:3L:ETii:3 1 Ia aa aBltew iH teittio wntca -maa um BhiiitT"-! f -1 1 tarn troaat aiai pr UtloM bf Miou voukl-ba . i,i7j..i unlitalM 'MiKeiDUVaK6'' hrm M tit. fnut ha Ubon, (ail M vhicti ootomwii toa aadcmMad apwontr nd aenalmmr at feiataasbinaJL wt.. im haia OanmlMcei M aiukiac aa Epocta m Ilia hi fTnll n Ua Pwamta t got -mykniamtd k," parf at tb loh .bo toa mj Madwd bm bfUnm b arrtax4mitm, fbcmt tnt im Situi is aaai mj tekUs tmo ftmdL J mflsrwvrit tMSaaa bonk aaa b lMredi a tdtirtt ; fm4im,wind mamdrrimr rwrrt,t. Mat froapeataa, TaMM TMUuii Mania , -. - '; V r- -V. :X: ;,.1'- '-' I : 1

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