THE FRANKLIN TIMES 'I A TTf f 1 AT A S. .. -The Timer ia tho uclj ncrsrtipfr published in lYatJtlia , ccealr. and its 'TOT a rietfi. 1 circiuatiou exeiuU .ctcr ctcty "cO1 - tioo of this and adjoining counties, t " Tcrtiscrs should make m note hd. . . : To Club of 5 TittTlS3S?4e? oATHOlIAS Editor andProprietor for tiyknw coenadcnta. ; ... . . !... " , , t i i , , , i , , , . - . ;v - BneT commttnkahosa from jlQ a arrrtsnou at r.iiivr".".".r-F.-, ; i-.?-K':i-:-i:r--.:r.,:-'--t.Vi -.:V- f !,.... iri.. i ..-f : - ' - I recta tco. - ' r - v tauarruu - 'yjj 4.FX)B5rftTO:PW, F; JUfi AjfQVKt 0FEACH ACCOCrNT: ClAIMEb AND JUr LOWSD BT.THE BOARD OF COUNT COMMISSIONERS jQF, F&4 NKlilN COUNTY I AND TO WHOM-tliOWED. BEGINKINO ON THE FIRST UOHD A Y IN DECEM- "J-K SfiUi .H00 -ierj... ; x ': - " ' . lOOA- 'A' S'i!??;- JMiKlDClU J301IOU a : r Jfapoleoa May . o. iittiiaew. - - MraVE: Gnptoa Sbn'ione paontI as" outside pauper j ;t Mrs. H. "Pftlonnpr .7 'A iO pi jn Abcblutely urei; 99 400 401 Geo. Souther laud Martha Dunstou H. T!; Sarah Hayes da. - t-. TDo "5o luaatic" -200 i& do V- . fV if rtiMV 8.'Vaa?ti' Hf4i31 wife 5 -ame WilderPf yj-Wy-H.w m Aerry aud wllo tto,;.,r; loo oo oo 00; do' : . do ; . :- .1 00 do lunatic : 3 00 do; ! .-jj-po 1 00 44?.' "....''-lit-rtCQi .. ': .1- . '""-1-fln ! " There has been a geat jflealof poei f try written about him, says the Boston ' ' lie has been' made' aTierbarid ' lui example of all that & bi fire -:v - His life has beii idealized and glori- ritca- H hoY dona this bate cot The farmer '8 boy vrould. nofc ecos fcize himself in the pictures : dravru - df inrnl)y.piets V:t ;Vts hA'. ; ; ' ! v'Heia honest,, he, IstnnoijhJeC- is .Tetdanfc but ViJitw i" The nearestTie approache 4d ubdus 1 pauper "-21'tlniufae l eases out of jteif, i twer: city ia oraer; o prosper inore rapicuy. j It is far better,for him ta- b . lyoneL innocent and verdant, than -lO 'be Jionest learned in all thaf la ''eind" ' xjuc ic cannot oo wondered t. toav oe grows rbsflte; ' Herises:irith 'tiie'sun, Vorks from ;'one:io i tw-hbuiVltjcibre" Drea3aflrMHfr4&nBrM4iekl ; all day Ions, and finibbesJ ixulkinir -'ilusfr before wSLrt'jTnte'rf &3rfeM n Will- 1LrA5;--:laLi M ie -tn!4 ; 11 4 Sensational; lTreaclilncr; (" - T.l'eaxli of TUousbt. -1 The man .who maies af baboon or. 4 bar-ropm lumdrigtn of himself uthe pulpit foe rthe- saken of r. notoriety f and Jcash'onght ta wear stripe; instead ct bng ttwardatL -c; a w : On the contrary 4&6y preacher:'; jsrh 4atoisiobisupeople bpxXffAty.i4. Jear7 rjolgJsnf'eir.iglaidD and weeping their bybXaorcoiK descrres &r better reward than; h tcceirea . at the hands of Um average Northv..CarolI -Wttare led to these ceinaloiuy.'4be fitet thatRill 21fe,'tbe- drommcr r-evan-gelid t raied in'4300'durmg a two-sreeks eival;iB .Keidsrilte,' whilethtt pa- torof the diUFch- ln irtJdvke -prencbed J3e true. - Ko ono bat a coward lies, Be-lToud. 1 A proud man cannot be - Uelfobd'3 MaqaHHA foe Janua ry contains an article written by the late ex-PretVlcjit Davis, which will , doubtless attract wide s UenU'i n'.. It is entitled-MAnilersoaTile and other War- -PrUpns, arid is a- complete . refutation of the charses of crueltjr to the Unloa "soldiers In Confederate prisons. Inlcod be proves from the oCidal Curei that . the mortality among tbo Unioa prtso- uivjan - v r -. . - v " 'Be bold, it ts the only way to com- I niand conndeacej w -"Vr ; : ' ..AccQmulate. - The more ypn own the .more power; yn haTe. KJ3e quick -"3Toa caj't cse a;ininate I oers was not is great as among tho but oacenale the most of iL ' . I Confederate praoocrt. . -,AccotlLjij to Tin irw. kvi. ..4 i tnarenorta oi me umiea ea ar - u vtrii ., ;vut uu yitiMrt1.- .. ' ter are spUess nothing can ehame yau. Xparttnent tLere were 270,000 Uaka - - Who, then U -unconquerable ? He crs la Confederate Jrisons and whom the inevitable cannot overcome. 220,000 Confederate soldiers In Federal i ?:ff w-i-Vv.' prisons, and yet only 22,000 Unioa ' ; Abeaatiful yersoa ! like a 6cntaia, rriscners died. wbCe there were'cioOO watering the earth and spreading fertiU- Confodtates who . died in - Northern rebTonly sitaundrri dara p ty; U year anov a few'weeia before Fife - went there, told his pewpje that be : actually 1 4 We shall 'never - fail to endorse t Dr. :ttidnt bave' inbnej' enough to buy A pair TJuH's Uougb' Syrup; Ibrwithout : it our rof shoee-'toeeVer birf feet I 't iyi ;Jr I paper Would have been short rfxeading. TWs-same- stery: fcas-i :been i-refwatoi xnatter.tbia- week, we '.had a shocking evera times inJ orth Carolina;; and i cough and a fearful cold; Weekly'TJn- will goa'lbdefiaitery until; the-.people awaue tothe WshatU UnH conunoii boiiesty tostarve. iroair'bome! mknster wmletoari0ggol4 uitg isMpocketa-of.a traVehng; religions txiountebanku f ,f Sara Jbne may boall right and BD! wmay be'antramble follower., nf the- JJbrd jesus Christ, ' btit: ther-i uae- lan .izuaeem the pulnlt whUh if used in t&e parjor wouLd .cause them to .b? ,juckl V " . ''1 isincss cntmioq to pdmptllendettto All legal uuaipessT..prpmuuy.!-s 1, r v.- 4at . Aruiur saucumg v .427 ' - -. Mrs. Geneva Faulkner '428,0,5 n:Amyli. Alfbrd t!?-"-- neibecca Henley ! 430 ; : - Hendcrsou Harris j 43 i f Louie SniTey:iih - - "432 -April I"J.- W Pmn'ell amt. ofacctfor paupers at poor house. 1UU '434 435 sunset. It is a hard day's work, and ia m ""ill urfnA o i AdA1 nhAh 4f '.IniK.WAiilrl do: Ucprort Yoiing,. 350O; t Helnowslhathe is awkwaid.. his fli v ouiBKie pauper, w TnoTementa.eiliftM Warmanaftrl 1 i.. ' ' ' v- vi -fc i & 1 i . XJL 4jt .LUC BUCCL. .11111 I Mfl II II M VII ail I1H1 r - ii! jg peocandllotas well InlbrbiedW tbe" 'uienrastney'go to the 'circus1 to bear J! ? A", . ffithT?n'U Wua.weatodecUwbre.onr - : XX lr-Tr4? - t I wrneyhouWrnl itaaould not take ua I do, ;-,,.rt i.-.;roP , I i6n ffr-rihl! fi-Am h Mtii TT: liainti I tho sensationaust,i' Stkifc 'a; biu -risht I ' ' do!' ' ;-:;:.rdo';-::::;::; loS'y r&ents this, and ftelbard 1 do r ; do :r;Uf 00 Uwardsnchooble'' " - -;v . r.-t,t : ... . 1a : . , 1a 'v-. j do . - do Prisons. that, the. CorJcderaUa withN an excess, cf..WXX) prUonerf, . had 4,000 fewer deaths. It moat . also be borne in mind that the Federal gov ernment was better able to provide for its prisoneni than was the Confederate got ernment And especially must. U be remembered that it was solely the " faults the Federal authorities that tho prisoners were not exchan jod and al But use Ovation-iujlhe-greate8tr4 lowed to'Veturn to their homes.-. Tmo - ..I .. - . . - . tiS urgod an zenange ox pnaonera, ut Grant thought it aa unwise policy as ' gh and a fearful coldi-nWeekly ' - DoaHVigirwiflt pom "of bums erac-, ' Dashaway : nil opmm - ixcparatiora and give only DrvBulT. Baby Syrup to " ;. Wbaluee. ; It the falj. wJ1Pf'.t! ... , . I TTnLm irm than rS th -lTonMr.t which contains no opiates. u : ; f - I t If yoa . have r been brcr-catlng your self, take a dose of ZAxadof before you' have something worse. - It' ts the best remedy ia such cases.- Price v6a 25 mHOSrfW-?I.DElir ATTOEH EY-AT L AW . Uuice ou Main SU; one door ; lowjtheEagle Hotel. F. S. SPBUILL. ; Attorney At Law, LOUISBTJRG,H. C. ; Will attend the courts of Franklin. Vance, GrauvUIe, AVarren, Nash, and Fiwlerul -ind Supreme Court. Prompt attention given to collections, &c. jpAUL J ON ES wV..: v;- Atlomevana Counsellor at Law uouwiJUKaN.a , Will pnictico in the courts of Franklin. Warren, Wake, Vance ancV,Nast 4d in the Supreme court 437 433 440 441 442 443 444, 445 446 447 V 448 449 450 451 452 a ; 455 456' 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 . . 464 , . 465 466 5. 00 , ::i oo 207 '23 Wm. Perrt renairms stock Rw fence near back swamp ; : : 16 50 WJ'Prry repairing sUck law fence near W. B. Allen ,- 3 08 : James . -Young repairing stock law ience near'Wake line . 18 7? w. G. White witness fees in case State vs. Henry Jeffreys , . l ,7o . B, J. Blackley 2 days.Ceroner-iacasoof Lee Ljoaand burrial JL4 00j 46 54 ' 1 20 40 4 ,1 50 15 00 15 50 3 30 3 50 3 3a : 3 10 3 10 3 10 V. His pleasures .are" few, - and . consist principally jot going to the country store en Saturday eyeuing, where, he- tteeU Corresnonaence (o The Democrat.f i 't ce himself iU feeI4 r ZyJ'v-lLl'J: J' f and vitalitv. tog4aiidacti6nk;VM-":-';r-MT to better 'renote or "the other boys-i'ery like himse Sam Jones is .to be mvitevTio conduct meeting ia Hichmood, next June. ' iMany t eopfe habitually end ore a feeliuK of la4tude bocausethey think they nave to.--.If they would take Dr., J. B. ile Lean's Sarsparilla ibis feeling ot wcariuess would gtve place to vigor Union army than of the . Confederats army." Of course there was much mf faring at , Anderson ville - and : other So nth cm prisons but the Confederate government was not to be blamed for Every ex-Confederate sollier re members full well that rations were very scarce ia our army and that fre quently we all suffered from hunger,", and it was not to be expected then, that the Confederate government could or would feed Union prisoners any better than its own soldiers' "- - ' . jLouis Boono making shelves &c Registers Olfice - P. A. Davis auitTofacct. -0-1 ' '-"'I :':-7 T v,A ' N.' D. D. May board of prisoners &c 1 - r" i ! J. A. Faulkner repairing clock for court house J. Ai Thomas amt of acct. tax notices &c ; J. A. Tlioraas amt. of acct. dockets &c for CS. C." r- Calvia Prikhard juroc in case of Lee Lion . Alexander Evans do W. A. Cooke j . do . S. S. Ratley i do Wash Hawkins i do C. R. Blackley.- do Thomas Conyers witness W.H.B.NeweU f dot J. S. Privet t I do Willie White v j do Mandy I Jon j i do T. J;Hight 1 ! .do"1; J. M. Dickens u , ; "do J. S. Joyner "do Augusta Lion; do do do do do "do do do do do do do 'do do do rr . ' 'ile is loud in his jokes and liugiiter' iuid boisterous in talav' " r" But .ho is. honest. ' -' : r ; He Is also really bright, and people who would mak him out a clown :e- quently are themselves the ones to! be1 laughed at. :. - . - ' a"V- f His chief weakness is his desire-, to' i ;Vshow off.' JBLe seems to have a yery strong feeling thas he must show Btfan-:- er. that be'-'is-well -iaionned in? all. :1i r;' 1 00 things of the world, and that he "is .'not 'I f':'' i:? -,-JL": A r " 1 M ' . " " J'J. ' J ftArt in fliia Immio ta owtHnn va rtfAm. JP !d,tow McLean's Volcanic Oil LiauncnU It beyera,; : Having gathered a.yery, short r Persons advanced lp years1 feel Crop, they are taking advantage of the. younger and ' stronger, as well as fine weather, and hay? putto thelargest ". lxLm tte Innmiities of age. by snjaU tgrain crof eyetbefor planted ia 1.". - ' : : ini8.aecuoa. t: t. ';rr:. .: -I . n.4 y t tt rT TUti. Tbef eia more composts made, ' more I Liter Pillet, taken at night before Jand plowed, fences and houses repaired I goiug to bed. will move the bowels,. i v. '' '' vi : ' .e I the effect will astonUh yoil. ' pcoavu V4. mtj ...7 . . . T . ; - Pimples, boils and other humors are liable to appvar when the biood gets heated.:. The best remedy. u J)c J. H. McDeau' tiirsaparilla. .-. - f frX9rh . Bkk headache' is the baae of "mtnv plaint may the occa TThe late Henry W, Grady was a de scendant from North Carolina ;xircnt asre ; .than ever before at, thia' w rf 1 flnmvivi inHifTaianta nrninK ia tropv aMnau -4 " j 4 i JJ M t mw m W J WW'" - 1 . ' . 1 " - ,J" . I . ii. V -.s-.fH.-ij. I ,Ta!-.-i:-iit"l-y 4-f -i'tr -won again otqesontas u ..vw Uvea. TUii annoy tug com iiiv-viJ-'-KV j'-'i i vj i ni ( " , 1 . . :. . . J " iv- ':' 1 short ttopwill not ia-the least discour-w be cured aud prevented by - . - -f . :- J .Xa. I . :ButV not fhu j'weafaieM-fteenia;) ,v ti t,.x . -- sional use of :Dr. J. H. . r t-tr ?r:7 vjt:-' , rf 4B0 vr.- jiiza W ATTORNEY AT LA W-,r eceiyG P ro(n p t atten Uon.;.i . M.UOOKK. TaT' YjwcUpUXgELLOR at LAW eV" arren, - aau W aks G oun ies also the vHupieme 19 art ot Nor th Carolina, nd theU ;:- . Circuit and District Oourta ? Frank1 in,"- .GhuvQI J E ,MALON12 OUce 2 doors below" Furroan . & ' kes Drug Store, adjoining Dr, O. , Ellis. l i,,,.:-, ,..-,.1 TTI W TIMBEltliAKIS, ATTORNEY; AT LA wj louisburo, -; ' Office i he COnrt House " TO -SCHOOL TEACHERS. The Snnerintendentv; of. Public dc hools of Franklin connty will be fn Loulsburg on the second Thuref i da y of February April. Jaly, Sept Oc tober anft December, and remain - for three days, if necessary; for the pu rpose of examining applicants to ; te ach in tb e PublicSchools.ofv this I will al36 be In Ionlsburg ; on S aiurday of each week, and all pub. ii c days, to attend to, any c onnocted with ray office. JN HARRIS; 46fr 470 471,. 472 !.'. niifrs 478; is Cl 475;-.; 476 : . -v 479 "480 " 481 J .A. Porter arrest and conveying J C Caldwell to jail gnatd tc 10 Dr. S. H. Harris examination the body Lee Lion l. b. uoiiie lr eight on rods Tor court house T. S. Collie bUl Julius Lewis Co. rods tc for court house" 29 00 T: F. Driver niakiug coffin for Norflet Cooley - t ; " 3 25 S. L. Long wfRn ;and burial of lit Uov --.ZtKtirOQ G. W.lWebb cost in cae;State vs ,Vm. Crawford tr M ? ! 4 t 'Crenshaw Hicks & Allen amt. of acct. goods for jail and paper - f -&c, ipr xourt house' r-xy:-: y Green help furnished Laura Starke "1 Aa, Detai'heips one month as outside pauper Mrs Magie Hayes : -" do . , - ; do , ' Willis Mitchell ; ' ; " do W ' . do - ' Lucy Leonard: -- ; -.r. do ", C , - - v do i Mi-f .E.'Dor8ey . : , v ; do p A Mirftlon MAdlin A wifn Art - v' ? ? Mrs. Tbnj Harris McLean's 00 Pleofeciry.althbugh aotf ;i -LUer and Kikney PrUets (htUe pdla., 25 I the same form? -r r : X., K-J1: ! -:.u:. Dieaa W h-T,bth fori th. week; a f eble ' constitution is 'ill jaDgnatdAclO 25 thesametormr : ; -l time during the late War wUhoutamur. "JlLdiS uftlTalso-Wy: trom I also- practically worrvand excitement. 1 It is a sirij pie life,- but.ont2uns- but litde poetry,' as said before. vS .i ants who: nave' done cihelr best j Pay your neora as tar as you can, unsi rroi Idence ttf balance' and I all will .be well; -Wa want a ask ho help from outsiders. ' We can and will take i care 2 t)0 ;,L00 r- i 50 ! ', i 1 00 1 00 r 1M. -w";7 ; ;.v . " j -i J' :t ilri i , Hell, we are told, is paved, with; good adapted to encounter a malarious at- mospheie and sudden changes of tem perature, and the least rolut art us ually the easiest victims. --'Dr. J. H. Mclieaa's Sarsaparilla will give toue, vitality, and strength to- the entire .body. Distress after eating, heartburn, , - Be honest. Credit .ia the. precsUa paid for honesty, -Hun in debt only : when it is necessary; and never unlefs" yoa are reasonably sure yoa can pay. r IA. CJLRT). 1 desire to sa to myTriends and tne ' public generally that I am now with tbe itAUJvtr diuuis in jouisDurjr, whre I will be pleased at all times ta have them call when la need of anything in my line. ' I Very Respectfully, I . . ; - . Mrs. A. M, Hall,- ; NOTICE.- 13 v virtue of the power contained la a deed of tout executed, to us by 8. G. Storgta on the 12 ih day of Novem ber : 18S3, .registered la rrankln county, Book No. 79, pases 487 and 488, we shall sell at the Court House door in" Louisburg on Saturday the lit dav of February 1890, that valua ble Dropertv situated in Franklin and Naah countiea knowu as the Portia of ou'rselveind 'find "help-'' for 7 others j SCK headiche. - and iudixestian ' are I Go,d u, conUmlog .by esUmatioa more unfortunate than we. The lax-payers of " North '' CaroluW can at lastngf utale'lhcmselves that A. Evans dr. and son jlizabeui Bolton : jsaraiean Aiav S. A. Hamlet; Mrs. EiGupton. Mrs. HFalconer Mrs J.J1. Cooke 483:i X EGhpton! 44? WroJ Patterson - Ks, do do intenUons, and New Year resolutions -in lirrn vpr tfp'w ;Tpfl.vi8 are mado. hke ' ':-:J i'--2 00 4 pe irhsf aid jomises, to be broken .their StatehitenCary is 'aolf-upport.. - . do. f: l 1 00 irjg red-nosed toper, hiding his poiUe 'ipg, y Weed, t is' more llhiii self-up- cured by Dr J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney lllleta, V ' - v t ".7 v If you feel noabla to do 'your ."work and bavQ that tired feclinjr; take Dr. J., H. McLean's Sarapariila it will make yoa bright," active and vigorous. The most 'popular 'linlratnt ia nine hnndred and thirty acrta- The sale will be at public auction, to the highest bidder for Ca!. . --: . ; - ,.- B-H- BCNN, - -Jan. 1st, 18901- C M, Cooke, " ' ; - . - - Trustees. . mm 485 486 487. 488 489 , 490 p. 491 : 492' 493 ; 494 495 496 ' 597 : 498 499 - 500 501:; 502. 503 ; 504 505 & 506m 507 - 508 v 509 510 51H; 512 5? 513 514 515 Matilda'Ed wards" 'Geo. Southerland Martha Dunston (H. T. -do 5 : " pauper v 2 t)f passes4 W The yjctird f.tho iplpe, cigar, do'.r '- :-;i", tvdo.-fr : i. s 1 00.1 ond r.iiaretta cufia awav. all his srood Sarah Hayes ti "Ella Dickerson 1 0:-"Cr3 J;tti 7 .do, do' fiiw,rv? rr7;i"r;"rf ,uq--y-;, -- uu I :M. S. Vauehd : do" T1 ?-1 7 - ;d0; ' -VTl 00 Nancv Bell tJohaCatlett '.l-Mrs , v llelea Rogers . Nick Goswick ' : "Ursulie Upchnrch v -.4 v PaIIv TTartv- : Joshua Munn and 'WlfeE Lizzie Strickland ; , Alice House ; rTbJames Wilder7; '.Turner Medlia - r Wm. Perry and Wifrir i Charlie ilarns ."Joseph Terrell Ben Ferry - t " V Wm. Ethridge r. -01 Mrs. Ellen Alley " ' ' Rebecca Perry . v ; Arthur Sandlini : . : Geneva Faulkner ' - Amy R. Alford ; I Barbara Henley r .--S-" TTavi rl ashsAv ITamS f ' 516 -If : .4. Isabella Williams i do v V flA .; - . -v; -. v K aa do -do 'A I--'?'- U ift'l rinaH bii irTiniithrif thtistf nicotine. 'ti'I-'OO I Tfie ?man ' of-'oaths :if6'-6d: hotn t. a:0O f Iwearing kni swears right oil TM" I ' ti way Jnvlrt 'salfiMis'Biae.op. Nw,Yeai rolutions,.! XhOjaitor jor the ?Topid, to be ia jthe taahjod, ior?; do' ' ;- 1-00 I swears the credit systemTHaai he!.too' heavy burden tq' the iax-paycrs costing considerai)Iy rover .one' hundred thoua- "reeolutious I 2i- ftmokej before he T J 'd dollars a year.'-Chnthani'liecord. WBr at ydu "' ewch JJwWl" 8b"iiobr ! ? Judze Brewer, recently' appointed, ta .the Supreme court bench. ot ine unuea asphalt for the "iafernia f-He do ':3-do ??i:icM2.00. awear8--.well, perhaps, he only afljmsi iKAryya Jiido c l&yitiQQ I noWaud valiantiy avowa.ihat., lie will i fc!:d I never, no never,i send r'Tepic'wl Av doic r outside pauper - - . 2 00 1 . grandmoiner. , -we.snau see t tw --i:a;3f do firOmi-JlOa,': omy nope, iot weir .gooa9xnu, i'li'dtt'D" tobacco .do -4ua; -.jbit's aiid'-he-'prea';w"earerwJa' :;;Kf?VfXi:-:f as a : .4flA - . --. -. do - t 1 00 I -? ' it! t2....l i f r'- . v. .-..--j. l -i-- ... . . -.a nnn rininmi uihl j v f r w - iipwith( -yvdos;?; .Nil'r; doT .v .i-doV.;:HI.OO Ulcersr" soreC- plmbles.' itch - 'salt rheum. etc., are evidences -of nta--. gioa blood disease. It ia. manifestly a duly to eradicate blood poisoa Xrora tbe sjsUm by a use of B.B. B, .(Bo tanic blood Balm) thus enabling the sor6 places to-heaL1 end thereby re msTiag all possibility of other : mem bers of the iaxnily becoming likewise afl'cted. ; Send to Blood Balm Co.. Atlanta, Ga., for book that will ' con-d Vioce. r -y, , J. H. Outlaw; Mt. Olire,: N. a, writes; MI.hi running sores on my shoulders and and aims. One ; bottle of B.'B.' B. cured me eotirely.!f .' . . ; - L. Johns mBelmnnV bUtiou; Miss, writest MB."B. B. has worked on mc like a charm, my head ani .body was' covered with soren, and my hair came but, but B. B.'B. healed me quickly." I" W. J. Kin n In, -Hutchens, Texas. L vTbe Sunilfifleid . lierajvL reports six I -r . V wuc fkihires im Kdma ia otxe woek.1- The I a rg "cer. on ncr leg vnaj auctors hor cotton crop caused tbe anions. .1 ; ShiIoh' Viulixr U wfct,roa. aeea ior cointinstiou, lnu.oLsppte. duglneti and sllajmptomi ot djBpepiia. i'rio 10 W 75 mnll 1UcAX ale at Tar .aifco'sdxijgJitarej, , V-i- ft? "V IT"' . . W i . iA' - I. ... !-l,4a man. miiftnnJA . na tVaf terrible cough. ailohs ebr is tbe f emedjrfor. lCjror mu( marmaai orag Those of yoa who are Inbedted to cs WITHOUT AH Y EXCEPTI0I1. are! nrrenlly - requested to torn a" forward and settle your : accounts AT ONCE, otherwise the painful duty of tending a ioiloctor to yoa will be lorced upon uV ? : werueau what lvopay; . v . v EerpectfuUy, - . ' :' ':. ' ' ' . KLNGBB03. not ttre for catarrh,1 dtptherUP ind - canker 1 iCtia peopleof jAtlantai have; 4eterm- toed to erect a Yrtntrmefit to the memo- ll RlAvI?:V,TTnflArm TT.t. M ;C 7i :t.A?-' R-00 SOlVC AITWUl onug: we : J , i vl will also be In? liOUisourg; on .iG.:-'i'l8abeua Wffliama V-5r-..-dorrs. rvi n-dei-W. ,v.i w- aaopiis out .oijme wretcnea -aionzn- a ' ry Ot lienry vr: uraay. ." v ' - - -Saturday of each week and all pub .5in;Kti-yarmie.WJliaina V::'ioiv',J 'ft-X-'l- 6ft- 1, ,J:t-f'',t'-" .Ta v) -r- , li c days, to attend tOv. any business 518 JQSpiyey -:;Ij;yi. paper in this State haanlled up to! W 'Ehn'soSimptroa, 'wire iTJold by n connected with my office.: ' f -?5 -et '-il:ri. V H' w-r. YnirT .-I r-V', ; "on a -ebosaaption -A.!1-. Fersife at:rarmn-s drbg stores P' , "i ' :.- . .f-.-1 f-.r.'i' rli.&3:$ 1 i'S A-ytSv&tri- .rs'r 47v.-t.x. ,. u..X mW - . ff i." I "1 ll-'- - -x - ..r . ' v.-;;7;; -y ,.;.7 7 - '- " H- .. .- , - . - '"r;-.X-,--rl;7Xl: ,. " ' . .-- - ' ' ' - ' - ' " . ' " ' " - -. . - and all , other medicines conld cure. . - ; , , ' . ;'., M. 'J. Gossman, a :ptominentmer- chtnt of Green.boro Ga.r-writes: knw of several cases of Uood diAe;ue speedily cured by B. 3. Two bot tles cured a lady of oy Scrofulous ikin sorta.;' ' - : W. C Birchmore & Co - Maxeyl Ga., writes:. MB. B. Bln curing llrJ BobtiVWard bf blood po'soa effected one" of the most woadtrrul cures tint Ter cimt to mr knnwlArlir. J - " -' - Full line gents underwear at ISng ' Bros . . - - V - - - A full linn of ladtes, " gent, boy, girls, and children siloes a! Kind's, and also a filil .line of'ru'obei xoods Cor ladies and gentlemen. . , j- Full Une of fancy and heavy grocer i?a at King Bros. - ? . , We hare -made arraneisents by whVh we pet bar trains la job lot shoes weekly. King Bro?, - . - . J

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