y M 1 " ' " " ' ' 1 " . .' , !." w ' - '" "" - " 11 i. ' " - - -p " "" t". " " ojaeasaai a-sasoaw saeaoeam i-e SB. :x Moarriis -; r: "y-'m'; To Clubs of 5 The Times lruished I AO vnn will be J. A; THOIIAS Editor and Ptoifrietor. -3 f1 fCEi .3?:??. N0EITU C?AKW 0RJV-L-: ;BICB $1.50 PER ANN L 11 In Advance j7"" tp ;?II18 VQI;i;XIIX JLOITISBTJRQ-, N;C. JANIJARY , 24; 1890. NO. I x v.. - 7.-.-. i- STATEMENT Attention Farmers ! .ACCOKDIOTOr lWiTHE AMOrKTOE EAC R A CCOtTNT CLAIMED AND'AIrv LOWED BY THE BOARD OFCODKTy COMMISSIONERS OS PBANKL1N COUIJTY. ?vANO TO WHOM AIXOWEO. BEaiNSISa ON THE FIBST MOND K Y IN DECEM- - BEB, ICiMS, AN1 ENDING ON THE f IBST MONDAY IN .DECEMBER lOCJ. 56 00 . A .Thtuaa inf nfflm-t for fvMkj(. nOtlCCS &C ' .' : 5-CO P. A:. Daris, bill of KdwardSi Broaghton tax; boka&e . W (U I s f J; WrVniiho7.ninnitfM A Aslys ond'fl C. report. DCKKC8 C1Z 647' 549 65a 651 Win mjft State vs Eserioa More ETAts 5 L Jn. U. Alfonl making coffin for Faunio Williams r W ;: rWnn.ii miAf-t maldnsr clotliea for mupcraN. - -.36 w- 5Khjri.Tbml Prisoners &c jai !.C fi r5 ? Can you teJl m boW c&uch your firms -are paying jou ?::IIave you ever, 3 o'Jiitert Uie cst of a one tone rop, and the net profit thereof? If not, let m go bverJi tojjetherl i We yV itero.': iia everything so aa to he 'Certain thnt no error may occur in our calculation.. Thus for cern;.r4!A fi; 1 "v.-.y- - : ' Per acre. SliruVg and prep'g land for. pVr Bedding with plo ' V' Two poeings Plow cultiration ' X. Li 50 t '15 50 7 w 10 90 "Don't Despair. THE FRANKUN'TIMES The TiMra la tho cytT? r ruufesnea in IrniLtLa county, fcul i . i . 1 1 - circuiauon eioGUH iwi over eYtyy cc tioa of this antlndjo"aiia2 cocrUiea, a yertiscrs ahouU cirlo a note Lac . The Editor wi3 not he rw pox XI for the Ticwa cXcorrespoislcuta. . " Brief commeiicatioui from all o v Uoca m. tKrnestly soUdtcd. Kent tema cc any nature vrul L-e thantTul.y roctived. - . . ' l ' - . - TUE HUMAN Citre for the lllnca. v. ! Lt-pOlooiBe $:by, ommiU.ee-oa C. 8.' export stocK,?-: Ts used in cultivation - J -nrrTr -;aUmle4ic,ivn Horse toeho feed 5 months 'i 1 0 f l m I U .:655;1I B,:Alford repairing stfjcfc law Jmdl X i V' 1 r?I UJ J VJ K-ln)W 656 J-WngcemmhsionerSdays and fM nX ' ? Abpblul Thla pawJerever varie.: pantf, ;trengtr -tr ieonmie-al n cannot be 1 th multitnd W 20 J 12 50 1-17 fA A I vrw v- W - iTwnil MmniUAhtf'JI itavs and 5tt miles ?S T ' i am V TJ T FImMiLS.Amm MlrflW-S OIVS Um 1U miles ' '-r. thautbe rdinar) tnis,..l r. jr-aT.iSi- mV. A .-nwr .ml moirraf.M.'- VK12 00 sold- Ja amptitlo iwith f OGf 5 9 r .T " " r e rf low. test, hort vsreigbt-J - C6-1 Wane M&vriSiniitexpairiug siock law ienws ,7 : v ;-i---ir: , . "T XX tt nA-irtUrs. - Sat. os lt I law ience - - r V . f :r w .20 lured may be put down aa. 12 J' bushela, of which j2i buBhels- laia be classed; as nubbins and worth hut half price. Thus:' ...is.- -J! -"..rs-4-r.Ai tir.it a; ,M;Vi.t J-ijpaJ..5aJt- a ATCOCKE ft.IANIELS t one month as .outside pauper ' 'do'; ; ""ff, : '.:do' do -. y5:C- do rdo do do itGDCK:&: D1MLS & DIB IES Atorneys, :-Z- 1 do wiLS(i?tr roiupily Attended lo. ' - ; v ;; IT f .do -f-.-js.-r.. do do TVf : Y. GUL1J2Y." ; At1 Wgip busiibvrouiptly at- tnde4tq;)!: 074;?" apoie00 May - I Mrsi IE.- G uptpnek '677 SSdSS'MrsV-HFafeoner 678 '" " .'t Mrs. J. 11. Cooke f ; i679'.!J. EGuptohi'v, 80 .irWm.; Patterson t l v Matilda IMwaftls 168- Oeks Fouuieriand--T'.:.;..Ar:.'i' .oo-j. -;ri 83a:-- j -.fcirtlia Dunston (IL T.) J ..-do,-V 684 fr. t?acan:lia.ve8. w j OSSMrKl1 Persott 686 J. Wra. hamnglon -6s7 f 4 fe MrsJEfcoena Day w and dr. OOif - l j ars n.ii.i--'7- "6905 iriMtighn -do ; do do doj ' do,:; do. ii: do iF do; I do do WtLiiElt 693. 694 695, ATTOEEZAT UQice tfii ilniii St., oie -:tWur?;-t Vw ihc Jle llwtei. KX si tSPlttJILLt: Attorney At ; ;l6uisburg, c. xctu ttHonrl te conrta -ot rranklmv Vance. Granville, Warren; Nah, aud F.erl ind SupMine CourU . Prompt attention given to Collections, -t; AUt J0SES 1' ' ;- wtn- i.w(-fin rin j the jnrts ior 698 7"- 698 699 ;; , : 700 701. 7e . 703 , -.' 704 - . ' ' 705 706--7071 r; 708 . 7-9 c ? 710 - . 711 ' 713 ;v 715 v : 716 717 418 719 20 -;'-'-"i Ursulie Upchurch Joshua Xunrt and Wife 3 5 1 jaioBWcMatMi; J'f "Jaines Wikler 'K'S'-' Aice House t. v "v i4'-: ITurner Medltrt-" -. vi" : fWm. Prry asid WifeV-V ; J Chariie Harris ; r ' .loseph Terrell -Ben Perry ; ?Wm. Etliridse Wrs.Elleu Alley - . KelH-a Perry : . V Arthur handling .. Geneva Faulkner J:r bara Henley ; II nrierson Harris. ' ---' lsabei a iVi.u. nu . Kitty Sisvey -;, . - .- Mary Alley -S; .l..:: 'l: " Henry Wilder :i ; l. ifi :-yil Susaa Wilder : "1 .- Bachus Davis & wife i'-X : . p Mrs. PrU-sie Bitch -'fj'l Joseph Bridget & -wife.v-J Senna Mitclieil -s f' j -;, 5 do do do do -do do 4 do do do do ido.. do ... do do. "do Ido do do Zto do r do do ; do dO ' do da do" -do do do ,;; .W. - do - . ' do V do k" :. lunatic pauper . do : do do: : da ; d do do do! do -r- do :;; lunatic pauper do f - do 1 de r do do support Pressie Young 100 31-50 n l 00 1 00 'ri oo -. 2 00 1 00 ?z 00 ?5 00 roo 1 50 r -3 oo ; i oo Ten bushels coin at 60 cents I. r2J bushels corn at 30 events - .Total product fi frk atfi Deduct i lor rent ;'4:;-- Deduct expenses ; -5 - ; : '? profit ; ; i-J i.:C75 . 6 75' .2 25 -14 50 20 - i r . ... vS." .".V ' i do do:, do tk do do do . " do ! ido ' uo ido: do do ;do 50 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1.00 1 00 3 00 1 00 ?1 00 2 00 1 00 ;1 50 1 00 3 00 2 00 2 50 I- 1 30 per J acre and forty acres to the j horse ; fiuxn; ; the horse farm would be vrorlh $52.00.; Out of this, -unless the horse can be 'profita bly'employed for the 'remaining seven months, the horse 'will' have to be fad at an expense of at least 5 per month or $35 leaving but $170 feed and clothe the , farmer and -bis fannly. , Ai $52 profit to the horse firm, and count. 300. work days to year :We ' have the : start ling fact that we .are making but . 17 ents per.day.,;t:." .'. ; Suppose our landfill avoage 3 bar rels or 15 bushels per . acre, this will 12 bushels corn atCOc-per bushel $7 20 3 bushels corn St 30c per busnci -: uu 1 1 1 1 --u. .Total product" Deduct i rent - Deduct expenses $8T0 2 70 540 320 do; do -do 4o. and asii anj in ine pupreuic u..t jj. - "jkp-cf .iT'T-n -5f. -,TM2?i3j!srE . : . ?jk.VA iVJbt-Jtt 'I H'lOMee' iri-Abe Court-Hdusel: ; J j IAU Jbusiness put in my haDd8rti ? ttceiYC prompt, awnwuii.. - 7.1;.- 3F 72tf3uly IzXyfi rHnnell amt of acct. for.boaid.oC paoP.3 Uollms rppainng bridge near.wsuua.rerry s,,rN---.l-Ferrv iakias tax hst Franklintoii Township ;v:V. Baker taking tak list for-Harris.townipi Vv, II 1 . Dr. Ev& Foster SiipU Board health 6 months t.;;2. w nmnhrav Mi1biw&kl nmre done on court nouse '. . ' : V vu 50 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 5.00 l l 00 1 00 "Tt 00 1 00 1 00 -2 00 : i 50 2 00 2 00 ni;'77 x uu 5 00 35 Of) 20 00 726 J27'. c 728-i. :73d 731 732 J- n Alford takhi tar list Dunn's townshiu j . .N . ar o . VTtornlFTiavis mlicintf eods for court house . ; 1 . A : . ' '. 1 1 75 njrW4 Brown committee on court housp worker g; 4 00 iff, "PADaviramt. :;6facct. - -Ir ' 35.85 ; X. n D. Mav board of Renice BrocQe 30 days -; :: i' 9 00 KW'dey Flowers keeping rsftf ftomr Anderson's bridge -J.j;; - : J A nomas am w 91 aces. www ,1 - :2set profit per aero - ; 4 J $2 20: At this rate'a farm of 40 acres wouTd make ;$88.vi Ai 25 bushels per acre and allowing 1-5 for nubblus'tixe net. proQt per acre would be $5.80 or $232. for a 40 acre farm As I stated in the ! first calculation 12bushels is the av erage for a large number 01 larniers, ana the fact is demonstrated, to us that we cannot hire labor to cultivate them. ' . ;. t The farnier Who" sit - back-; in his house, crridca around expoctiug to; cut a swell on land that' produces but ; 12 b'usheis per acie (the general Average) and hires' hbhand at 50 cents :a day, will have to spend less than IT; centj perday to keep-wiiiT thepaleyof his income and thattoo when ihe sun- shine and 'shovera are unremitting . in J t'ieirlavora I6his crops., Ctontirgen .ci in the way of atornis. bail; cyclones, ets would leave hiui ithoat money or meai9 01 sulsistence. -; , - WUat arewe todof lrnson.Mirror. - t . ' "j - The times, it ia Irue, are hrd,'j"?d the skiw are filled witli gloomy for. lodhigs. Many, who havo ben-basking ja .the suu light,' are .now grpiug amid the ahadows of depression. Many, who once roamed amid the sun-fed trop ics of success and eu joyed the delicious cdors of plesty, are. an le ring now up on thelilcak and dia.nal aud sand bound Norway f failure and arc healing only the plaintive wailing of the sadly' moan ing waves of d:sappointincnt,.bcealang in "canticles; of bitterest anguish and sor row uioa - tornr and lasceraled hearts; To the bereaved and stricken ones, ' to thso who' have tasted the bitterest lees ux the chalice of disappointn. eat, it may seem the viry refinement of cruelty to say that good is wrung - from the tears of a grief-filled heart," or Ihat blestlngs are the fruits of disappointment.; But iit is true, .for 44God doeth all things welL' " These disappbintmeu ts, : these afflictious. these trials, these sorrows are necessary for the development of Chris tian character, and the parfectioa of that sublime'virtue purposed in the. di vine of economy of God. . And we must not, therefore despair because theway seems dark aud hard and rough. Troub les, like pleasures, are evanescent. They, come,- perform", their ofike and . leave. The barsting cloud spends Its faiuV and then we have again, the rosy gleams" of blessed sunshine."' So grief it tears, and then we see" the radiaiit- tints of the warm, '. soft, .'sunshine"- of resignation beaming upon the shadows, and,. ens3- vermg tne gloom. Keverscsor fortune jure the glorious chisels with "which we can carve out .of tlie rough marble of diificulties the whiie stataeof a .loftier -character aad a higher destiny. '- ''. ' - ', Yes, trials are necessary; clouds ehoukLcome.; The earth would be bar ren If there were nothing - else bo t the radiant beauty of the sun-lit 'skies; but fortunately the . cloud-cloaked storm stalks forth, and while seemingly .thun dering out it authems, Jipoa . a.: world, is but preparing to sprinkle its showers upon an arid earth, and . to refresh the siccant 'vegetation. It . requires t the clouds to bring out the beautiful pencil ings of the rainbow; it requires the darkness to reveal the corru scaling glo mes of those twinkling worlds, which nightly flood the sky with the soft, rich glimmer of their sparkling waves. Yes, the shadows are beneficial, reverses . of fortune do' us good, they i weaa our thoughts andnuToctions from the perish ing things of earth, and place them up on the imperishable glories above. Yes,' indeed, the most beautiful flowers of Christian character are thoie which are plant J amid teaxs upon the rocky bank of the river of affiictiou, and the sweet est music of religious comfort is beard in the God-swept aotcs of its nyurmur ,ing current; for amid the wlkV'surgingi of its roaring and splashing waters all . earthly .sounds are deadened; and it is: then we catch the pure, sweet, diviua. Heaven-given j melody" of"-- that ;-still; small Toice- breaUiing out 'n accents rich and sweet the rredous blessings - of !thecomfortine promise:,. "My .Veaco I No man is so miserable but he may find some' poorer and more comforUcsj. Sonactiraes when I- and blue and foci aocrtoa, i am pleased to caJl to my j mind,-! said a Lisbon street wholesaler, -the day ,that I karned a.practkral , les son, and it wa not very long agoeith-" r.' was feeling 'awfully blue and lonesome. I -saw no joy in life. I dula't knoyr whether I was worth a dollar or not. "; AH my Ventures seemed to .me sure to falir . -My wife noticed it, and he said; 44 What's themattr I told her. She looked sad and went away. ' ' Pretty soon she' came back, to me, aiid puttiug her hand on my head as I sat in my chair, she said- My dear,our neighbors down undcrthe hill lb tho little house aro poor. : I wish you would go down and. see them; You better take'some apples and potatoes, and 1 will find somothiug to add - to them by the time yoa are ready. .Thea she looked in hiy face, and I saw some thing that ma rne feel like miudlng her. IWell, I did as she said.! put 'a bushel of apples and a bushel cX pota toes and some pork and some other things in the wagon, and my wife added a lot of clothes from the warJrobes of Our girl and our boy, who - had out grown them.. Then I started and ia due" time got to the house. ; 1 saw there some one more miserable than I ' waa. As I poured our homely gifts out Into a wash-tub set to receive them, I got my Erst lessotnn the relations or wealth. To see the woman weep tears of joy at the sight of apples and pota toes and children's cast-on clothes; see the little ones, half naked, view ltjcni with wonder and almost alarm, set me to thinking, and I said to myself; 44 Mao, you have done wrong.- Yoa have'neg lected to appreciate what has been done for you. Why, you are rich, fabulous ly rich, for you have a. home, a- busi ness a loving wife aid nil the comforts ofiife, ; . y 1 ::s;.'': A great change came over, me, I grew cilm and still, but content, and I have never been 'downdast since then that I dida't seek some' poor fellow mere wretched Uian I, hi tlie hope that we both might be made less so together by mutual ministration. Ex. . - ;," Tho Kumber of People In tho ' "YorUl Slne$ Adam . St. Ionia Republic, 1 : , ' ... . f . - Did you ever aasko a calcalatlon of the number of people that have. Inhabited this glbo since begin-. nlns of time? No doubt yuvrlll -say that such calculations Involve a losa of time and are, 1 after all, . barren of. restilts but as we are , engaged In giving eurious rwxdlnga and "od cnlcolatlon, let us take - " . a few minutes'? tlmo and approx-. - ' Imatt, with a certain : degree ofv N accuracy, at"- loasl, the number of r roula that have been ushered Into . and out of this sinful word .since .- . the time when It was not , good for Adam . to be alone. A the -present time It. is believed that there ; artf ; 1,400,000,000 human . - -beings on oar- globe; but let. uV :. ; c. suppo there has been bat an ' ; averag-. of 900,000,000 living at one time slnco tho . creation. To 1 ; give room for an possible dotbt r." as to Ihe average j length of" lift," -we will put it down at 50 ear. (It may have been longer than " that daring Bible times; V It hss beoa much shorter, howtver since) ; - With the average length of life, - reckoned as above,, we ' have .had ' two generations of 000,000,000 each ' every century for the past" 6,000 ' years. Taklnj: this for.-rrantl, we have bad about 66X27,84337, 005,266 Inhabitants on thli globe w sldce the beginning of time. Admit tine that there Is a great deal of guces work about this spec- , u1atin, and that It has been hastl y and perhaps Inaccurately ; done, J it will po perceived, nevertheless, . that our earth Is a vast cemetery. -On each rod of it 1,233 human be- ; Ids- have found a burial place. A ; rod being scarcely sufficient for ten. graves, each grave moat contain the remains of 129 persons. - The . wh'de surface of. the globe, If all people bury within the earth as wt " do, has been dug over 120 times to get room for burUI places. r . Tlieold ilorucstead. -1 ' ' ' Z 25ft 00 aTf TrnOtrNSEELC-ira -T5ii i:: ' -. .-"rhadilvth reminnff suxac law ience W; A Moore taJtrnc taic u.LaPWtJtWnm- 4? , 38lfSWiVullii.doy Let us suppose a .case, ..s yr. ;vLV . j - Ai savs I won't hire tut will, do ; all my wiark mjsel.f'-: He takes ( 20 acres," ! give uuto you; uot as the world-giveth, ilia fcww i w. j . j t , j. uu j 20 00 16 TJ0 ..v...o- 1 l ' :vvsf.vt -r..v. j. .. --i t7Ai t iii.riA. ii. ot imams - .. :uu r;.?-' Pi -Pearce &-w I r : ireenwns townsmp . ;7,.. ,: aw . . "uyr 11 attend tne- .-jouri-a 1 - -D..t rv.M.rt'rir;rMyfv low finA . ... -. ' l - . 7 1 tJsi .;nvmeWarren who I Wke flennies so- the y-.ru,y- TJS. Collie 3 davs eomoiittee oBeoortVmse and. stock lawy;. -v I farm, or i:frt-tNornhGarolinanuine.M?i; 74Si TI vW '.H"st 2y&&m Zk; would 746-;t-c-.VV S-SiRSg YJ2t 4 ihat-to; i' i;,-r Avii.:"i'sf 3 a i "747 v. r.tis juzaoeur rneipsi one www wnuuw - .;u-!v.::. -r. -.w I : ntm . rtWr: ialowFurman. X : 'ftnwvnru Store, adioining Dri Oi IL. Ellis. m .TT0UNEY AT W ; LOUISBUKO, K. C. :1 . fi Of&ce i he .Court House TO SCHOOL TEACHERS. : 1 The Superintendent of -Pubirc Hchools of Franklin county -will be In Lduisbnrg on the second Thurs day' of FebruariV April .July, Sept. October and December, and remain for three days, if necessary, for the purpose of examining applicants to teach In the PubHcBChoois or tuts Countywt;- i ;lwlll also be In Looisburgon Saturday of each week, and all ub- lie days, to attend to any business connoted witbTmy office. - 750 751 752 753 754 755 756- 757r; 758 ; 759 760 761 762 761 1 764 765 i 766 767, 768 f 770 77i;-:. 772 ;- . 773 774' 775 . 776 777'- r.7- - Mrs. Iaicv Leonard 1- r no i Mrsi E. Dorsey i J tiif5?4 do Britton Medlin and wife do X Mrs. Tony Harris t p& do . : Mrs. 8; A. Evans dr. and. son do ; Elizabeth Boiton tiNapoieon jaaj j ;.i w eu; - -Di.JsOflf'; S." A. Hamlet 4 do SMrs,'EupMvrKo .Mrs. - Falconer f p - a uo 4. Mrs.J.ii.uooKa IH' 2 - 00 , J. E. Gupton :,r.;r; ---do ' Matilda Edwards :rv(j ? -do , -r-i.lv George Southerland? Ifp do :-tfr jok i?Martha: Dunston tn,.-do eX:,vfo i$i Sarali Hayes . I yr-o"x.K do : . ' . ti Tlirkwson i I: ";-vwdo ,jir-i -7. ; do - . tT: Vi; do acre or a net prputof $1.30 per, acre. Hi scores in the Item of expenses i $3.10 per acre whichadded to the $UcX profit . . .... - - . fj.aa wakes $4.40 pront per acrej ua profit ou 20 acres. ;Thus he gains' on hires his hands $36 per horse about 70 per cenC Uthe land i produce 25 bushels pe4 ; acre, A. make $116; -B. $i33, .snowaig wofitablr nnloyf:labor. our riiiiet 6e i good produi-4ovar th ?vleld cfa laree 'cW of- larms do 1 po 1 ..n'Tui ;n&trv. : -: '77; tJOT r' -1 00 I - ' I" ; ri -tii'V ?oV;PWl 00 rtojnanure ourrpoor lands, ana;oy aro-. five f V j will leave that "question oper and ask soineigood tanner ' to demon strate' tedur ml ud hy fects and flepires the pro or" con of this qmestion, - yrr PThe above Is taken from Ue 'New- berne Journal," and .the Tints would heclad to save some or om. tanners ; tne. suoject h.u"tuj , do lunatic do 1 ' , r - do bisdo' lunatic pauper .Win. IT. Thannjrtan I i itMrs.- Boena Datta and dr; - JJancy Bett-e,C;-.r?1 f- t-f John Catlett-ftJ'Vl -: ; Mrs. M. S. Vaughn r .: .; Helen BogenA r'Xfck Goswfck v'Cr ;f A -UrsuneUpchur; , V.'r. Plly Harper .'. ( ? ' : ! do Joshua. IS unn am wi:e i. vr v o .-. TO BB CONTINOBp.J "dO'Ol' " dos ;. ' . do , do do cV : 3 00 5 00 XI 00 ;150. ii3 00 , 1 00 1 50 .'.--3 00 2 00 , 'i 00 00 r 1 50 - td 00 . ; .2 00 wnU - Upon .n : 1 ! . S'do . ; . do do ; do lanatic i pauper"? do 5 r . do t - - 1 1 1 1 3 00 00 00 00, CO ' -1 00 f BUqKU5f3AB2JICA8ALyE,. j-- rj v v..-,. - w:-: , . The best salve In tie wfld for cuU, bruUes,-' sores. Ulcers, sail, nieura, fever sores, . tetter, cuappea nanus ohilhlams, corns and all skin eruptions and positively euro piles, .or no ; par required. , it is guarauweo 10 give perfect sausi-tcuon v$ "dv?j, - cd.lVice 25 cents per box, j . v ... For sale by J. B. CUAon. ;.; ' . ---.-J v So throw despondency to - the . winds. and' let all of your troubles, float away on Lethe n waves t the ocean of "o -iirion, and iu God's goud time you will see that all of tlusd failures and short comings si! disappointments ere for the . best. Yee, all's for the best,- bo san gulfie, be cheerful, troubles and failures are friends in disguise; nothing but fol ly, goes ; faithless and fearful, courage forever is happy and wieT Yes, all's for the best, bo -brave, but connndmg; Provklenoe tenderly" -governs; the. rest, and the frail barque of his . creatures is m'ulin?. wisely aiwl warilv and all - for thebesu . All s xor tne nest, -men. Run away terrors; meet all your cares and fears hx the van; and in the midst of tri als and troubles, trust like a child but strive like a man.' All's for the be t. unbiased, unbounded; Providence reigus from the East to the West, and by both wisdom and mercy surrounded, hope on .aud he bright for alt's fbrj.be best; ' z';' r,y ' v :'1'7 Tlie transition from Jong, lingering and palnluPalcksess to robust ; health marks an cpocu 10 m uie 01 me iuai Viilual. Such a remarkable event is treasured In the meAory , ad ' the agency whereby the 'good health has been attained is - gratef illy blessed. Hence ii is that so much is heard: in praise ot Electric Bitters.1- So iany. feet - the v: owe their , restoration - to health to Electric Bitters. . If you aie troubled with any disease of ki lneys liver or, stomaclwlof : long or. short standing you will surely find relief by uahoI Electric Bitters. 'Sold at 50c. and SI Pr bottle at IV. H. "Fu.man, Jr's Drug btore, . ; - Manyof those who once crossed Its threshold bo eargerly, have goue. The playground, of tho little girls Is , gone. ; The sweet twilight of a summer, eve aa it lingered on a beautiful laDddcwp of hill and dale and river and city, la gone.' Slight threads of gray: are sprinkled amid the once black locks of youth aud beauty, and the loving heart -reaches out Into the past and gropes for scenes that will never some .agaior Gone'- ia the singing of the birds and the gay laughter of chIIdhod.: The fond cherished dream" 1 of ja hallowed old age has dlsappeArd In C(e mists -of the morning; - but the roar of the city la sUli- .the same only louder; ;lhd r tread of the feet Is still the' same . only ; more solid; the hum of life Is still the axme only great t and tho burden of the days are still the same, ;on!y more of thetn. and heavier. .And so the old things of the - past - give give way to the nvw, and the acenee ofa busy life. ; 'hke spec ters grim and tall walk ' thmozh the corridors of memory and startle us with the onward, flight of time. Ex. . '- ' '' :- j By vTrtoe of the power contained la a deed of trust executed to us by H. G. Sturgts 00 the 12 ih day of Novem ber 18KS, regUtcred in Franklu county, Book No. 79, raes 487 and 488, we shall sell at the Court House door in Louisborg on ygturday tbe lstdty of February IKK), that valuable- property situatrd in Franklin an I Nash eAUt!e knowu as the Portin'. Gold Mine, con tarn log by estlmatku nine hundred and thirty acres. Tl.o 'sale wdl be at ublic auction to the highest bidder fr;Cah. . - f . v . . Bll. Bckw, Jan. l.t, 1890, C. M, Cooke, - - . . Trustees. TH'ji PDLP1T AND THE STAGE. lUr. F. M. ShroutPastor United "Brethren Church, Blue Mound, Kan. saysr-l feetlt my duty to tell what woudew Dr. "King's New D;oyerv has done for me. My lungs were bad-; ly dieaed, and my jarjsa.Hier thought I could live only a short time but I took five botths of Dr. . King' New Discouery and am sound and well, gainhzg 26 pounds' In weh-h-" , Artnr Ive. Manager Love's Fun- n Fott1 Combination, writes: VAf- tpr a thoronirh trial and oonvlooing evidwnce. I am satisfied .Dr. .King's. Neil nisL-overT for consunfttloa, beal 'em all And cures when everythiflg else fails. The greatest klndueas I can do many friends U tolurge tlem L tj-v la. . Free trial ooUlca ai r UT- inan's Drug store. Begular sixes 50c. and gi.oo - . -: . ' - The debt of the. District of Columbia 'irf2000,950.i - - ' ' r ; : Dissolution I Tlio firm of & 8. CWi and M.U. Cmtlt. "eogaged la tiio Drat inM at K. 2 Court Mret, Loulf lurff, N. C iothls day dikaolted. oT by oiutatl eoatrst, bat j ' if EC cm ITT; lbr blr bo errrofaUr betvcea the partners, lbobofiacu vilt . hereafter b ooa4ucted by the enir partner, 8.8. t'h, who is tbaakial l-r . laor hou UIM, aad bopea to rr civo an iaercaaed patroaf la tho ft-' tare. Ur. IX. U. Credit may. speak fr binaetf ia the far distant fatare, bat dc- " clises torttaio thaaks at prcacat : V Uh best wUhes ol tho aeatao. . , .-Yery Epectfnllr, .; . : . . B.S.Cask, A. R. - J .. " .' U. CXBDTT. I. H. " ADMlIllSTRATOaSUlOTlCE- . . O . ' .if UatUif tkis day qaallfied ai admlai- -trator o( tho eaute o( Mi Uartha Area daU deo'd. of Fraaklia coaoty, N. 1- tUif la to' aotifjr all , peraooi bariaf claim. rrnioat tba eaUte of aaid deeeaaeJ to rt bWit thetn to tbo oaderaijraed oa or b for the ltUh dav of Defewber 1390 t-r this atlec will b plead ia bar' ot tt-ir recovery. - All peraoaa iadebud to aulJ tato will pleaao mako iiamedlaia pajr eBta,.v " - ." T. 8. BPKCiix, Admr. ... December 18th, 18S9. - ; : OFFICIAL JiOTlCE. The Board of t'ommfaslonera hav ing had Bnl Boards placed at ih Court House dov In the town f LouUburg. notice is hereby -nveu io all persons that the posting of rot. ces of aoy klod upon tlie Court noia or on the walla io tlie Court House. berohy forbidden, under penaly ufa five dollars, r - 7 ". . ' By order ol the Board. . P. A. Davis, , . ClerkJte. T. S. CotUK. Chs-rman. - Tlie most popular, uuuu. ht is the old reliable, Dr J'H. McLean'a Yo -canic O'd Liniment, , . . ; " . ' To My Patrons. ; V " Please call ind settle jeer medLal a . - - Yeurs." - .... ' - v - , - J. E. UaxosE J accounts on early set 1 tails acd oblige liberal menu. "f fi-'.- 'J, . ...... - t ---j. 7-. ---A -.: 41 1 X if t i.

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