published la Franka count r, ao4 it circulation exead all crrcr every jo too of j sjJ aJ j. u:L-ig counties, if vertiaers should iujle note LcTs. ' A 1 Six ;3tfqaiT-rg-ir j- tTh mior-jwa net l Xjc the view cXrxrcfttx::. tSooa meet eamewiy aolidted. ,Kra teaa of any liarure wCI LetLa&ITuf racelTed. " --''. ; 31; 1890.. NO. 2 hp .2"1 .r i.n. w i. -i-j, f i- i -- vi i.r. -.'..l 1 . -11' . i f 1 I I - V I 1 -, ! I i I 1 t ' I I t -' - .. - I 11 - J 1 --II'r. II . a 1. If gpl iLi HOT- ASIIAf-'EO OF HIS CCLOi' ACCOKDIKO TO 1AW OF THE AMOUKYOr ACH ACCOUKT' Ci--I3 AWD; AI ' iVtrED BTTAb BOABD Of COUNT COXMI8Sl6SBES bF AKKZJ K COCXTT, . AXD TO WirOM AXXaATED, BEOmstKO ASTHB FIBaT-MOXD A Y: XK-PSCKM- L -Witty and; pcislble Nejjro Urjres Sclf-tmproreiucnt " -Vv i - - -? p-SiTSi' i'A1v York" ncrl'jrtjss DhlXX Prtce lcsiJt iJ.Vco 'college (fM rjfftf-i Wow rfhte. net Im JttstMrered it v If ii" dm v'fe i ir.,. .:-.. Vs.'wt :Av-.-:i ,-r-;s s-:s.:r:i no- Cneswc ft speeui -wat iilutnietuir neat Xetra-Obacnrcr. --Tarsalu the tubject of 'narf :TSaji we ; repeat ,(hat the cause, geacrallj h that people tpeod more thao thj jam. To-day Xorth Cbroliua te taffcriag par UcuUrly booaoaa he ha made Tefeulve Ij little of late as a result of tad ctopei Tliat i p!alu enought'juid the ' preeeat dfploraUe" coodiUoQ of eoilcrn orth CaroTioA U ouly a - etrlktof Ulattmtkm- 939 " ker eenilcl. thn the erainary kinds,.' of the principle" we.'are teeklnjF to ' tttake Medlm :t ' .r attenttod. : lie pots maweir qoatelM J".; J" "e w, iqooqm i amaujwe SWrau Ferry & wife i2VoV:x-out 00 I fUMjincpcag; cuffcrvl tjcrot -ftWpBOdiag ttla giirlnj work to vhlsh- te ! ; cuane , i maae; tne wiu 1 - 5 'iV '" ' ' ". 1 Joseth Terrell rwg do Mo5 Ke pap i00 to LU baoda aad pockelt I10h!melf;. It text lea the leather oaea'to make 893 per haod,' of w&kh they pey 4525 to each hand and . keep about 375 for thecaelTca. And to oa through the Hat.- Voder the pecaUoo of the tariff we bare to pay &cn tiUrh and tbeae great proCla... There fore the fkntlera hare uako rnccs.! i There b a cooiSct of IntereaU be tween the hujer and the ekr; he. tweea the firmer whe fbeda the aaano lactarert and. the tuanufitctsrer who do thee -mid aappliea . the baahrare of the nxoMC Tba law kae atepped fa to aid. the mannfkctnrcr agaioat the uw 943 jwHiiv Mr. Genera Jvaounier ; do ?- - -i44 SAmy. B.f Alford .?.! - - do cootkuo iu. that vl plight ont,U ,ihe do . 1 A -.tiral 00' iiv5"JiViI''O0 t ;t -3.00 1 00 00 rif C-tlX::- 1 ;Ueery-,WUderj: Tbrvv-VW f55aiv5.i 00 I :Wf 1Vi!.mTibuilding bndge acwi Cypres t Creek " 1S9 00 ? ifcftlSSI WiaKeattfey & daya )ettUgand rec'Tinglligh Tower brklge-v t 00 i:-P?Mj& $Gl4;SAfld Wmiamsfeakingiwater jtate Ked Bud Creek i-;; ; 1 .00 trusted m&h " lt'ij: 00 1 imllattonl'The adccstral ptWe of. ihe :miAo3h 00.1 white iian. Hie irjwliig pride'of the W ' .:.'.r i, - f --t . m.- - . . . " a - m t v li-t Ml IM ftlWIf Arl JftPl Ul.W ' Twm uf ' . . . 1 - a.' in ana a ni rAaai aaa a 1 jina 1 1 iri v Bian iiifl iiiKiti 1 r. mrna mar arv rraa - w ia avi- m. a t . a & riase'out of-20Q,000. Some" blacks want 4 ,caofethe reauU. or.Ua -work doea 'noti bad read eTtry book he coaU whfch: aa. .IberirW k HwtiTy better pay. ,Tea dollar, is tlgti I wOled tho reiigkw'of Jeaua ChraL kod '' ' ; aainaUhenu , If, that icottld;only b r.Tr!lS aA oMinary-haod; and - the be aid be ahould hate become an Inft. I T,"r .. ...- . i ' i- f-LI. i --,1.M '--.. .. . I . I LCOUU1X. EUJLULOCI TTa dip the fbQowiag ta Ue EaJ lgh CalL J3ojle r a aew trial, rea aona for granting It. OnkA of Chief Justice MerrlmoQ) . . . The SaTratae Cocr adjourned 00 Dc cembcr Ziih. for aa laJurmal Taca o mT Mreral vecka, durinx hkh time the teraral metsberi worked on rarkxi' caaee; aad on the Hlh huL,' the court met by arciolauncat to baud fa optclour. Twenty-bjor ool&Zaoa bara boea rtn dared, ajneog- them, ooe fa the soteil Beytt caaav which gxrea the ex-priest a new triah - u ;V , : - Tbi otioioa la by Chief lostjce lfrr rimoo. aud the new trial la granted oa the ground that the Joda bdbra whtait the caae -was tried. - failed to properly charge thw Jury with reference to the beano: aad-meaning of the erklencu brocghtouL 1 'The Chief Jaatlea aara thai "Juror are ; generally pbua, . boaeat, acnaihie men, nnakUlad in the law and not much accnatotned to ulce dlacrinilnntioca an4 dlatlncUon la matter " of erldeoco aial rtcnlr the aoperin- a . a a a a a 00 f " ,7 v; y l. - v-t- ' , , . vu w wne uoree uungs: . t irit, 1 1 and lust Jodse ta reaczuns coodoaiot. UglO av wiui I r m pouuu5. maaea that color has nofltlosr qqevim.;.IJlack K&Verahle colors I to the family about $120 a year. ,1 Abck.bpxjvftweaUiinjrn:. Abtack I la Ifaseachusetta, wlikh -a about am a man.' 1 am , going aoeaewHere,-Toj-night I am a day r nearer the graT than I was last night- I bare read aS Ul v - urwtvt- 1 -- t -" 1 uca dood can icu ma.- Tner aoea net I that in raaa cjoin san is a uaisj. duick -onij soses.i ."suuunai iuetertiuaawc' 1 one solitary ray or nope or Dht odoo I proper guManca. tad Us rreBli5tU djgiufy, when applie4 ;to.l luring estabahmcnta whose total pro- I darkneaal They Jl not' take I tbe Jodse. -Jt U alleged, VhnnWnr I , '.T? - j v I ductlon are worth iSri-OCO.OOO a tear. I ...-'.w- 1 - ' 1 - I ebarge to the grand Jury, : ZT' SJ- 'y: F - ' ' 1 ,' ,w . . . " : I 1 field. b2bra fiy bunew en toua-wni;be ,.rA, - fdW- I.V..- "-:;.-.'V..--Usl-.: 1 Jjr TWo.-.5;.ri . w .7t eurce pin po ituing urmn wan c h n w w t9G5 ;:s.B.:C5aiu work antimbcr on JSaixlr crteft urwge , .;.jz 3 S-O m a a" ! m iV '. era. . ' . - -J5 ;i oiuerrmneii-xuriai jaanna Aiunswu s 3 :w l,;AilaviaArat. ofacct. '1 BOVi alVAilvis niakl 00 970 J - - Willie Flowers kcepinjs ralU from Ferrflls bridge, ,. i -.i, , " 2 50 OTI?r;i:W:il4;iawJtrda buildan ligh Tower Hriilge c. , . , i lOt.W o. 1. not, beransr or hla cnlor.! bat becanu of his condition: that the black' man is. fa diathVor.' 'henever,. 'a: black lace appears t suggests a ppverty-etrlca-en,' an. ignorant race..;: Change- yoor condition; exchange immorality for 107. we nave net an tne ngure lor the : en tire faanufacfaring force of Massachov setts, but' we ha.Te thehnresiorl,140 estahruhuii ntsr whkb make about one-, half of the above products. . 'These ; em ploy 174,795 bands, among thera many tb Dunatqu i&Mli- ltxA 25 ralilyjgtiorahceor tkelligenws. porr: .women and children, who eart aa aTei tnotherless danghter. They 5';0i:fN--; H ty.fhrVipCoajperltj; .ajtbV'preJodlus. age of 403 a year. lwWe may safely aay protection, but myfelf. I woo toaoS&CS'oo 6kt our race will dlaappcniBke: tbV then, that the Ubor of. 35000 worker mi them than leave them la t bluxh -Second, I bad ft mother 1 saw her ga 'down fa the dark valley where I am jicg, aud she leaned, on aa , unseen arm as calmly aa a child goes to sleep on its mother Lreaat. I knew, that was not a dream. Third. I bara-three bare n oald rather this sinful - s- . k r- . a-r a a 11 - -i.-v av . m t-t iiniiir ffmvaniifr jbv iirniiimni in mi 1 aim kuiuub - . - Liu fa'BaBjaaa:i a. a a - --r t .ai lauH a- va a a au - - - . . . " 'i.--H -sOTft-iv-M-..-.ii; Mr.: Lucy .fonara : ';. U C -1"!00 ' ... i -5sJ- fivi.?&&$&-- n-ii&V!'M;I)oreY. .i 'Cbyi doiisr ao;j..'..; .00 'Mir '579-:::Mra.Tony-narris -'r":-1 :'t' 'dd;?;i lanatki-:::: 00" f'Sdo-0 5 : t pauper; 00' xz i-:dd:;;;rCGV doii -; so '-i- do :-,,-7:-""r do t :-- : . 3 X) :r:-'Tdo',-;':;'s"'.;ii-t do '4V,-:J.: 1.-00 dd'-'v; i-A ' lunatic i-vf ;'00 u -t do-i'Viv--vj: -Jv;-'v pauper- - . j2 00 n'. do-5-.:" : do ..'I .V; I - .00 v do do - 7,y 100 ;m do'-.'o ---:do ';'-"-! 00 ,-:dof ;.,iiF.dv4i.- i" : do "d i oo 3ir:o -ii: 1 2 oo do-r-T:'- 4V-r,d -i; .''.-Twil .00 panperj-? :'-T vji- do r -i! T 1 00 and Wteti-'.m-: V:wdo i;:- :d - ' 1 00 Ti7-' '--i' do" - .: 00:: f-.r-: l-:ao ! Sr -' V. v;:kluw the Eaglft Hote - ;4.j?x 1' ill.. .ri? .fi! i ' - . Ci it .'i-",ff fi 5,1.- : LOUISBUHG. N. C. Will attend tie courts of FrankritK Van..; fniDvlUe. Warreu, Xashrand . vUri tutt Suiweme Court. Prompt ntiow giyi t4colUvPvA?v ; -v v-tK w i Ttr. jok F5t' . ' " i i 999 - Vr 980 . 981 9S2 . 9R3 --05 986 ". " 987 98 -v:; 99. f.e 990 v.- 9S2- . 993 994J, 995 99G rt.Maiiaw at lew k.'lirnoi t -. : , Joshua ,unn LDuasniioi at win 1 7. r?"T?w, Rirtiatwi AYiir liractied in 1 . . '"- -.--.i-.--: ; -T VaV fetaclcoart B B.MASSBNBtrBG, 108 iooo: aoio Otace in the Court Hoase. , ; ' f .AXU Trtiiness'patiit tftyhAoda-wiU' .101 4 recelYOrOmp m ftl?faiaUJIQTW Vvk Jo-tjSilS-ea'Aio fWUl-.thbughftinan-.kjWw , - Jt attend tbovCflurtsjotlCash, 0t jSTSLott and thentnU who Kould rtftl crush irrafttfvmftft'rdr. SSffl 3 00 o deaervea-aha uity-not to oe crushed!. V"f43Wti :lr KeTiry Burftett f butkiiiis briapxelsfeocco Cr; IMit Ate W. 11 0ft Though aAoaawUaround me, !-r.3ftftit:tVaV:0.Mlinaftii B1U V 1 wiU standi tlrm. on .the. rock Sof my .tJlraait aaJd IbttXfc-4l-:? .vKi 4 00 fidth withwn oiamakea hope, ; . V, 1 vs-.n:mtmj:-m tifo ' j. KUtoatitfaccL tbtiirfh 09 Tbt.nwn;,iiXrtrat " Vaii T " 1 'T'- 1 1 rat'-y vi I'i . ntxii nva anpiimw taita UUtU .a? a,A ua aAAM . ; -aw ww ' - . v aapat a m p m a i i a- - - .aaj w .i . f3ca 1 jioora low.?Futtnab. , tattentio ? ?ry-' lrl7--.He,MiefWrt.Harr -o'LMarjAlla.Bv do-vir; rYriifi:A?SC nd2i-.--?t Henry- Wilder' doii I 1013 roil :iai5. .101? Alice House Turiier Medlici ft Wiri: Perry and Wife :CharlieHarria , Joseph Terrell 11 Ben Perry Wra. Ethridsre- :4tebecca Perry Arthur SandKng ' Geneva Faulkner Amy K- Alford - Tony Hizalieth llolton" tXaiaxleoafax - 1?. A. riamlet : - - Mr. E. ;upton . Mrs. H. Fak-oner J. E. Gunton " . : Wm. Patterson ' 7 -i.Matilda Edwards :" C Geo. Southcrland - a 5 Jt. MartliaUunston (II. T.) .ElH'Ieo4'C'.-'4 ' . " Wiu. n. Tharrihgton - - - Mrs. Uoeiia Davw andxir. ; Xancv Bell '' .- l -: - JohnCatlett " ': ; . . do' Mrs M K Vnnghtt a r.-;: tlv- Helen Bogers -k, kS i- Kick Goswick ; - ;-do Morning dewdrop before the rising tun. Others wiauM have us4 disappear by emiisatioiLi Your djatinguwhed' Sena tar has ictxoduccd in Cougress a' meas ure Intended to help ua a war A for me I don't want4 to go.1- fNo, jNo J,' from the audience.) Thk funny South? land; where lie the. bleaching bone' of . iv fktheraia4ear th: me. aud -1, too, ; feel to the TOanor born -jTlua i-oil Is naecratedby tbelaber; the tears,? and. the prayer, of "my r toccstora, r Talk about Ethiopia, . talk of . Africa, but I beliere that Gol lutend the negro race to work out here; fa the South the high est stature be has ev attained. If an jv body wants to go t. Mexico . or Kansas or 'anywbero else, . let shim pack .bl trunk and go oCbia own free will. 1 .'.Let .Congress appropriate jf ifrots, I will respectfully ask It to take back my part. IndaaaV' eaparianra has shewn thai wkhcat iim. jurors teUosi reader lu tellhnt and satisfactory TerdkU. . The CLkc juauce 'xtcs, fa substance tbejarydid Dot'bave SMliJcUoa Ixoiu that , fa h- -Jadte'Ar . horn thl case was tr omitted aome priucipal poicta ta Ihe r 1 UenceMadpalnoi!g theaewaa failure to mecUtio fa tha charge the r . deuce adduced to show that the cri occurred fa a' pubQe place - where . outcry t&ight have been beard; tl 1 there war were pertena near w " could bare heard such ft cry, had .been made; that the proaecntrix wash . her face ana arranged her hair fa t- priaoner roam; that she left the rooo teaching of the gospel. : Some Good llorae Sense. d do do - 4xV do upport Pressie Young 3 00 VU19UF imuiiu ., ( w - ; . .-dof -. i 2 50 v t TTwr-rthafrod means us toea I In Woolen itoods 4743, ftnd fa wirsted f 1 00 r ome "oSyalnrf tbAtfUf not "the way.and I goods. 45t ;That U what ' each J hand w 1 thjs .ish not the tune, 1 lumerooer, 1 empiorea earns .ior. u,empoTe otbt 1 00 I ksju incrK jm liiU irVn I ami 1 !nm alV-MtMM- ininoT exnensea. ame to "America,- linded ai plyV and J rhempldyer.:ean"' oooseqaenUy mouth her loan or oreeraen,?.iaeowier. wen aaonj 10 paj hmuiuwisoi, caiae to'Ja'mestowTtt" with a 'ieight of esagfag throhghout the whole Bst, em- boDJmenC"Tl0, eparate- lTihx?vt3oor bracing 'Women and chlidren, 402. sprang iuto belng'irou these fwo -sUpVC One' sees Jhe bbor fa worth whereas bt we are away front borne. nTlU fred . wli us our. labor Is generajly worth no Vnan alnna la" aVhome here. and he Tnofe than It gets, say $t20k j.Tberethe Of Massachusetts fa paid 1140.000,000 I WorkL If tou blot ' Out from ll all the I cinrd W rmiahloDi at onra ai mat is equal to wiiat LZUUt0JU nanus in orth Carolina would earn, during the yeaq whereas with the same population as Maseachutetts We probably hav hot ,200,000 wage-earners and they do hot receive exceeding $25,000.. , -? In 'Massachusetts the women; and "children work to a considerable extent; rbcre tbey do not. . The t wage'earners. who in every community are the great bulk of the people, get five or'six time as much as we do; hence whDe we have HABb time4 they do not,'; but lay op large auma fa their savings banks' We wish to make this idea Yery "proaunent. ' The work of every band engaged fa the. boot and shoe business is worth to his employers $635; fa carpetlag 577; in cotton goods' $562; in leather, manu facturing 1808; la metalic goods 4840; . . Bad feoces make breachy horses. .' ' Timid drivers make unsafe boraes. , . Too heavy loads mak balky bones. (" Gentle treatment make gentle boraea, -: A'use in the pasture fields make wild horse.' t ; - ; Slew and careless drivers male buy .horses. . . :r. '., ; . ... , , . - Good grooming makes sleek aad healthy boraea. . , v . Long and hard pulling, make wind- brokeu horse. . r , Begularity fa feeding and work makes long-lived horses. . ? Harvb language aad rough tmtment tnakea timk boraea. - 7 . Too much phytic wHl make unsoqpd and iinhealthv horae.- . , - Irregular leedlcg make thin hert e, no matter what quantity is given. J(a tkmal 8tockman and Farmer.- ' walked with them, sfaodna: oa the wa and not telling them she had been out- ragao.--"- : - The cecrt, say the Chief Jostle . ahouVi hare explained the motive a. porpeae of the evkieuce, aad , told the (the Jury) that If they benevadUto I -true, the law held It to the strong' L credit of th proaecntrix.' ' - On the other baad, the Chief -4ail declares that all eraWca.ahowing th all evidence ahowuig that there was 1 outcry, and all nidenot lateaded to 1 plain the actieoa of the proaectitrix 1 ter she left the rxiaoner room shoo ala have been mentioned and exjplau. fa the charge; bat this .whole mat was omitted. Uence the charge Incomplete and the jury not prtpr - tasxrocted. - . . This Is chefly the ground on whi the aew trial Is granted and ordered. . The most popular llulm. nt U t ojd rcl'tahie. br. J. H. McLeane.Y caalc OU Idmlment,' . . , a. urn 1a wuaa jo? ougni m nave, la fact, you must Cava It, ta fully eojoj life.-Tnoaaaods are aearchiag for It daily and mouralug becaaae ifeey find it not. Theuaand cpoQ tuooaaads ef dollar? are spent auuually by oar peo ple m tne nope uiat may outaln tus . )- w ir-' i; j.s w j.i: ;. , w WOfTC DO TOUCH longer i U iUacy- Seep U law h imiicu, nuic, mntM., uwur- wv - AmijiiitiH w iwt v; ai 4 tor&,fr&i-.S t :"00 purfung bJni w'estward Into' the: pacific;1 gehU .With' us it Ujust the other way 3'e gttaraate lW lUechric ifitter If do '. .r.I;5Q xmioMvdUwJl pubing; are not tbrifty; tnd the demon dyspraia wUi fastaU -.: .;;,do, - ''.do.. ; -. t 00 I to legislate the white man back to'Eu- Idd not work to advantage. ; ,'. . I mstead eupepey. -'We recommend Wt-: ro"pe,WheAone"6eafhe other fought Jt wm U observed ' thAt . fa iKrylmj 1 j"ctr uttera wpepafa ajWau yxrchi,- ?Z,&XrJZA 1 I "tLrt - K.'fr ir-.if. th- UUeases of Uver, Stomach and KkJ- do r - 4 . 00 I w , 1 7- ::Z J. I net- S-Uat5ocandtl per hoiUe X girl was struck dumb by the Crfi of a cannon, whereat an old baicbe atarted the Starr that a number of nn riedteen had, fa conaequeoce, favU the artillery volunteer to practice aa their wemuea. ' T My latrona. . , : , , Pleai c-all and settle yecr meul -r - v. - - . - -' - - - ' ; . . bCls acd oblige - .Yeors. . : J.E Ualoxx - - ' do doT, do : do 1.00 1 00 -1 00 "1 00 tw 1 w Ubor there aa average of M02, and wO pay the employer,- a a profit,' the differ- unbounded couftdeuce fa the future of the sthland.--IIer broad: river, her aa m a a - aa m . aK - : a tnM-'itv th M-raU vir.naw- and L 1 worth to lunu ana uus aiflerenc cm- Bejiste ban. fbc. Interest, and ft few minor expense. '.' -- 1 v ' The pront u toe employer pet .nana ii apparontly about It Is greaUy enhanced by the opeiaUoa of the tariff; and indeed Jho cost of all we but Is also largely mcreased by the tariX' ko our W J; Johiisotf conveying' Allen- Foster" and Alfred iToed tb h t..tTail'.l-v -"7 ' -j.' --- ; v -, w . rl-iv'rV '1 ' tr - &.f tPfl MMiliaM Ca W.rata Vvva ai a U ??mZ7,T v? miJM .1033 Green Yarborp amf of accU tor cioUmigtiXiaupers . 11 . . JtVUS VI. o w v 4 " - JV -'.; . .' - ---- - - . . F - . . '.. .i i v.i a a 1 1. k rv -. bfice he CSart Houie inS 4037 v- 1038 1039 00 34.93 CO 84 18.57 'hSS .18 04 Indian aAwajioe "Jhe .cpoSe , frem I ?f. 1 tae; she weighed les. thtxf what he sees Ci white man, do; (Hence I, not for jbejtanflV.H. we, pay,150,Ior I euiy'p0uwU.Cm a p-ecef wrar wnaiwre coum uuy as saw wore uie 1038 -;-;.,.- : : ; -5 -f 1TQ j jSCHOQL -TEACH EUS. X .1044ft tK XpH ! i 'ijfj iir-r-vr-.-. -- - i 1045 -PVA Davis inakfag 'HifchooltorErtirikHit lc47?T:? Keuben Wuistoa m . -. -I 1042 1043 ?! 85,00 ;o'oo i035.WvV H.BalIard 4etting and receiYtng! trwge ; , lOTStCCreuthaw. tlicts ix, A.uen amt oi accc. or.Tmper c t. ..iF..A, lavs amt: of acct.ior coal . x Cj'r.:;. 2f;.p.'P-May.amt. ot acct. lor ooara oi prisoners .. v. r.: .TAnfi f'oroner fa case John llavbom- - ' i S IrEByke 1 day letting and attending to-FerriT bridge y '2'00 E-T. Harris 15 nights guard at iaU v y -rt j; 1 .15 00 8 00 io' o 75 oo 25 40 t2 50 5 45 , w- T fVMr 4 ' .- -.-do 'Uo ' r- t. w. Younsr 5 : ;! i UUlOtUUMM VI. AUt? i. 7 acct. '"j--A vMvtTMr-..ut.':1iit c-r i -i.-ii-fc-o-nK, rintnti matin? eoEM ior v; james vuacr . t t . " -i-r - J, - w T4- Ts-.-tf :.f a w ww-i aeku &..ntnr mO fWwn fiinM hrairM .7iaJiioui-ture .on.the secoi.d Thurs- r ltny r; a. -.Tr7 -i --v .-. "':'-ii.WAit.k..irf a ti j r.ib.. ihftiof '-p Observer amt of acct. wr aaverusuis - clnf "J;VA.; wmmii. awiii tyuiv, th4 i, uctooerana u fbrtKrwdajra '.teaeh' in the PnbIict3fhnL tif thta J putung : ITtMintv. :.t-::-.r...: -1 1053 7 X will .also -b ' In libtiisburg f&$ - Saturday of each week, and all p ;b- l iic.?as, jeoxpicste-vuh. my uses, r 1 1 ' - "r. be.hai krone down.' Ut i lust the re-i verse with the negro. ; 7 A wtnte4 man reia a uouso nuiiieu wmw. av blindaf the negro does (he ame4 r-The white man rides la ft buggyi th; Jiegro cete one too.' ' The white mad drives a horse the negro buyhim -a horse. i ne wiu&e uiii ran uw 'does tLeaainlL-'lt nflavbebtiiltla the Gothic esder.'with raOera vx- new, out i ts hosevrhis pronnae welU . Rome imitated "Greece; - Eastand j imitated LlaiaM America hnitaiad EnzlaixL ..It's a help every time, and the Jiegro : kwing right ;oa la. ilb.t white au;a neya. u-44 as soc. and ft per by w. IL Wurman, jt. Dngli ; a tm . a . a . y a. young wma waa.jmea f uc oumt pav for buirzias! a St. Lout sift; This was a terrible pumabmeat r aa act of cnarity. reorm Tranacrtpt.- A 6CB1P Or PAPEU tJAYf HEU Itwaajast an ortlioary crap of wrapping paper, but it eared her Ufa. She waa- fa the last eUree of .oosk, auaiptioti, told by phvyiclasa siie was incurahle. and ceuld oely lira but. a PPfaC Rpct she fead of Dr. TJnga Kew tcoyery, and got a aample bottle; It helpeubrr, she butgbt a larxe, botu it helped brr morv, puotb another and grw beiti-r fst, cont'uoed lis use aad is bow ati-ous.braltr, riy4Jieap, waigKing 140 rounds. . or hi ifcef par ticuiars send aUuup id w. .JU Wt PrurKist, FortSuiiih. - Trial 'bottle ot Uua' wonderful Discovery tree as W. IL Ftxrman'a Drug Utore, A'otice Of DlMolntion! 'The eo-rarUirUIp herttoLire x btiog between ICag Broa. U this lt diaaclred. .Thtboahtea will be cvu- -tauedby Joo. W. 'IO&c .aadiW. 11. Macou. cnxtiT the 'firm name . of klXQJtMAOOW. '.Jtt: 1 Al!pereaa wbe- are ladebted to doc broa. wDl plaesa. settle tbrir accoaou at ooce or saals some aaiia factory arran (omenta with Jno. W Kmc Who WM tlv receipt roc aarm. Ualeae yoe are beard Txam aooa, mui . - :U it 'mm m A ft ... AAm i . . Champton iron umpany wiiu w co. uu ww, . for putUng eellafaaildoe Jamlat 1893 t ; 1,100 00 j - i7iiT-ihfh iiiftiDa - one mouiu aa vuksfw wtuuet . : u . - .w 1054 I d-tlMriMaggie nayea ;r -: 1055ri WUUvMitebdl h-r-10501i Mr?. Iw';: do do OO r . do - - i l iO rdo 00 (To be Continued ) xBiJCKiKS-AimCASALyB , ; ; .-.l VJ4 ..! if .' 'Jj' ;!-' ".'f Va f ' The best alve hi the World for cut; hrulaea. -erea.' iilcersi salt rheum. eret'sorea,'lelter.lthapped ; hand, hilhlain, corns knd alia kin'eruptlotis and positively "cere -Tsiksf or no na reaured.: It ' Is- MaranUed to rivi feerfect satis faction, or. money 1 refoad- cd.lMce 25 cents per bo.! ) f -i Tor sale by J,;B,ciAon. a - Utiff reduced to reasonable figures; -we see that oar facorae weull ro .further thane It does, and times, weuld ot be to hard witlvua- were it not for .the ariff. - That is One of the chief reason for our ur. sent KABD TIMES.' V e navt . - m I tq sell our farm proaucis i ww price and wahave to but our roods! in the k'clvMi-tciceJ market fa the world.' - So our Income ooes noi co aa sax aa n oucht fa and we have hard time. . We self cheap ad bur dear. That . the operation or tfte iann. ;ine puriwc numiifactures. ' . to so arrange roatler uiai ine manuzac-1 tUr, aiar a ttiAlr lurers at a liher price tnaa tbey otber- I v,! ua tMutaera. 1 aa aias will L.imil. The ecect Is tbu te torce l i.aitar b aaBetd ey tae arakae i oat winter placed sa.the handa of a eojlector, 4 . . . , Jjto. TT.iaxo.- .Ar" - . . . 1 fcf! - .-t .. . . :DiSB0l7.ti0ttI;;' Ta In. af & ft. Caah aad K.U. Credit, purpo-e of the tariff is to foster J rri I?? AiT .1 u,;2I- v -C-.trii2" k meant f Coart arat, Laaiaaarz, H. U. Ia kia ay ' - E. E. HIGHT,- JElVBLBRlt inp'nmji? IV laV'llJ the Southern consum. r to pay saore for partaer, S. ft. tah, tU la Uaakfal far the SanufHClured goods heU. than he iZZfrtZS? tl. JI !T-Vi i .- r.tK,f Mn-nn. I eeita aa 4araaJ iatraa-a t U fa- would have to do Uoder other , circun- atances. Aad so. our money toe do fruther than it does. The tartff oper- a-M in fkror of the oan ulac tiiTcr ana a?ainst tt.e fanner.-: !.. ' It enable the boot and 'rhoe mano lucturer to make &36 to the hand, and lira. Sr. a. U. ui aaj ipew iar a iataalt la taa far fliaUct tatara, , bat ,d aliaea taretBia ttxaaki at prracat. , WUa beat wlaaca at taa acaaoa. " . . Very ErtpectfaUr,- . - . . 8. d. Cash, JL, B. - . '--.' M. C. tJiT, I. V, v:iX)nKiixsiaHTt WtKnrrr31-&c, V . . . .TWy ateracth fwerr tt $ thcraby rratias ta apo atrrta a4 j- -rtaiiar Wta-Wk-a. -k.fta urul fr rkaixr. ad aerarataly-Ut4 wil W KUaa Lea aeedd, at -t i .rr-.--4-i-;;!-v13 j.-"--' ,!r4 ;i5'.-h;-. - !?-. .-.4 - ' i " rM i L

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