THE FRANKLIN TIMES. TheTimi?? U the r.v7 t ccwf;tr cou-tj, r.r. 1 liS ovr-r nrry iro It AT circulation excutli all Cote Yeah, x jrj tlon of Cls and a.' vsiLvrs eLouLl male a cole Lcr. The li.-U: will not be respew "bl for the tIcwj of crrrt?pla:ti Ilrlcf communications from i3 tow tloo meet caxnofUy so!':iU3J.- Js'ewt item of any nature.wCl U tLakVJy received. . To clubs five Te Times wul bo fur nished at U.50per annum. E9TAB LISHED 1 yo TITH CHARITY FOR AlJL.- . ' PRICE (JlO PTZIt In jVclvii noo VOI;.XIIX. v LQUISBURG, M C; FEBRUARY 7, 18QO. NO.3. , . . .. f y 7 ... -. 77 :y . 5 . f v 7 ., ; . , v- ;-. - ' ; " ' . ' . . I - ' J. A. Thomas, uor and ioprietor 1 v ,t: ,7 v ...7; A 1 1 7 V: CY.Kj 5-i. '. I , , ;..,..)'. U. ' . .'V'Tpn ' " . "w 7 : - 1 7 JUL. iL-JL L J .i ; ' , JL U y 'J h h n . -r n- ; . ' ' 1 M ' M n u- J K J . ..... , - . . I : , l 7 7C SS i 110 USE FOR THE LEAGUE. 1 AbooIutelPure; Tkii iirderever vnriei. 7A marvel of ritj, strength od ;rhleomepeti.J - Here ecnorniei isia toeoraiuarj wuu, ad eannot be old in eoinpetition with - th multitude of low test short weight . nmr nti oinhste BO wdc r; 80LD OXLY ' CM OAKS, j, KOTAL BAXiKO PoWDBR COv REV. ANDBEWjj. CHAMBERS, 'A PBOM ' .INEST COIORED MAN OF NORTH IJ- CABOliIN DBNWNCESHK fiE '. .CENT. MEETNO OP THE NEGROES 1 AS BIASED AND PREJUDICED. ; .Clil0eraW,77.r7 '-1...y.;i-5 vlnireW J, ChamiSers, pastor of the r Methodist Episcopal I hureh, of Durham! N. C and the only jrt guUirlj elected delegate froinlhat State. to the late AincqrAlneri?m . laue, which met in Ohuiaso, i iinmeasured in liU denuncktlonWthe' theory find "'"methods' of tha convention, - upon which' .he charges denials of liberty of speech. ;Mr, Chambers is a youhg man of,, fine ad- dre-ie, whose eloquence ba . won ';. high ppeaT frblh Ihetate Henry JV. A Grady and otlSDmstiBguisUed editors ; 01 ine ut iJIespks ,5 with" freedom i and has at ready;cbiaft.ealdibPraPv" 'prpprkte wordsir'k tlf$Si iVtwas"electwdhoS'a7d from CaroUna the ohIir-Rolored leasfue'in - JSorth 1 -oi Uie negrs ciuzensiup ana to n in nrdpr v that I miirht come I -wiet i-iea Ujat:Ttne masse 1 are : , ; -. . , - ft - - m - -- here to deny from my place in that body I man ine mau.- 1 came especiauy dlcate a purpose to slander every " min ister, merchant, lawyer1 phj-sician and planter in the land in which he : lives. the said ministers, lawyers, merchants. physicians and planters.: reprepresenting the race that is the staff and , stay o the lifei liberty and real happiness the negroes pf the South enjoy, v -I J warned iliem that I should combat the theory upon which the convention is founded jand premptorily declined to, accept the position 01 Vice .rresideni, because I. shall not ionly - resign from Jthe ' local leazue at' Durham aud advise i to dU-. band, bu fhall also dVaU' in my power' to convince the colorett-peoplo- that no Afro-American leasue can U9urp the functions oforganic law ' in the various it.--- . .- States of the teublic nor abrogate the iuuefiona s of indiridgal awtooomyi: -; : -TTa1 T Kjnn ailmitfol in expect tn convention I 'slwmid ' have told tome "plum truths. 5 1 should have denounced it as a covenant with death and a an agreement wth helL ( To assume it . to be a necessity-ia to ftssail ' "the kiviliza tloa of America, to confess the failure roclaim nobler to-de- fore foreign immigration andBritish oU ts southward and minimizes its opportunities.- '''"'""- " -: Thera were no railroad pfesulents, bank cashiers, merchant princes' or emi nent engineers in this league convention.- ,2s qt a man was' there of all wiio has enriched the world by ona be neficent appliaiice. Xo great industry d.d we represent in the. western wonder of industry, : 2s 0 ships are sailT" tho scas at our sonimajid; liondou t: Iif -"erpool do not know us, -'Jcasoi Bo toni BaJtiniore aud ' Jjew . Ybrki neve.r feel' their monetary sinews; pinched . joc expanded1 by the finaucial fingers of . the race whose self-appoiuted guardians or ganized leagues whoe da ty shall be to shake, gory lovks'&t the phalanx of hu man depravity, standing in every town and hamlet of the South. If we' can not be men on the liues ' of. human ex perience individual worth and personal progress we should admit our capacity for niaiibuod development. 1 " ' ; ' 5 TARIF? REFORM 111 IOWA. WOXDEBFCI DEMOCRATIC GAINS CREDITED TO TUB POSITION OF . DEMOCBACY CPON THE TARITF, V A NTI-MONOPOLY AND , ANTI , TRUSTS. ' -, - TO SCHOOL TEACHERS. : - -i77-7'"";f: "';'"?'-:'i"'f ' "77 ; C'.iii" 7 ' "' vTni SnperlntendenVrof rPohlle ijivla tF PrAnlrHh wiintv will he In iuisbnrr oi the seidhursl ihat the colorwl people of"8ufVh?yUi nTM Z0 from -the ce-" dayf February AprIIJalyv;8JpU J fer , from any unasual' and r iuhuman I grpes of thfe Sbutli fbr thr; patronizing tr&itmenMii the-hands lof the white I .mendshig of the colored men of the pcIe.dfth'atrsf btionEvelUttiepejr- sonat -encounter betw.ejen the white "man October ani December. and remain for t hro da,vf,-i necesearyi for the I purpbjW of exi;intriing applicants ttv ' teach in 1 will aW-he :io TiOnisburg: v t Saturday rteacheek, attd.all pub lic days to attend to any . Duetneaa coniiocted Vith tiiy ftice 7' f 1 1 - 7'-.V.i7'.,J i' -- h' t t-i--;". v" ,.7l . " Foollug: u Sheep Iotr," . ,' . .J. was staying with a Kentucky fiir- mer one night, and soon after supper he said to his three tons: ' .) ... .' K ,.-Yell, bojs, U is die right- sort of a I '. r :' ' . - . . . . . nignt, ana l reckon you a belter put ".1 1 V ! 1" ine wooi oil aua ie low, v. . dom have remained Tower On the ladder" w 6t;ange words he invited roe to go of Aiental powers and industrial p og- out tQ tn0! Urn, where the boys lud ressthanheuegrwv of ( the ;war:rayT. precede us, and where I found - eich isneu secvon. i came 10 ay ma aiue ftft rnViirj w5th . dirulnfl mnd f from sporadic evils, which are lamented h j. gki : ..'-g,. ae ... .wt : '. - i i i ' 1 ' i ir. ". Attofnoy-At-:Law r. . 77 t" JV77."-;M:;X :-'"' - al is inhMed stction is anatamizeas ono'i)tepot; of the repubiic j. t is about time ithat the self-res oecdngcoh riJ people of the" South eall a: halt Ito the iraduciers 6T by wliole population,, and would pre- hcnvy dttbv wun a ptioa- lt; 0I ;1fficii7w1iiWfn mentediwith liarp skes, andtw Wore alt tut andxlrted terore Ireachal orna- lien Chicig. " The ctlitit had oiieS fourth thaj; IMxie mustib'CdamnV' ho he ro defender, of ' tliat jnwh'gped region .o.uU'be. heard amid the tumult of the northern mob. . VUA3lKLI2sTON, 5,C. AMvtosprompt! y.SIM(lAtl llVV:..T?Vr,7 '7 f T .im3m4?.' j.-. ---- rjriaos. U. WILDEK, L.OU1SBUHO, N. C. Ofiice'oB Main Stibne idnryi 1 law the Eagle Hotel. " F::, S. SPKTJILL. 7 v . Attorney At Law;. y; LOtJISBURG, 25 C. . 7. - . ; ' -.7 , f -' f i '" " ''. :' " Will ;Hn(1 tfcnurts of Franklin. "Vance. Grauville; Warren, Sash, and V1erl nnd Supreme Court. Prompt atteutioo jgiyen cl jectioria, -'. i ' )T'r -Vrii'7,J;7 can people. : I was opposed to the bom basiic peeche. which the friensied ' and Jrtli speakers' dare ofc inai6 In Missis sippi, because no man has a right " to iresolroniVie1 South ake a fire; is 10 cremate a . fellow- sonal efforts to se- u're official recogui- l .This thipg of the nUlepauii negr non- tion in tliat IhxIv tliere wbuU have been no a-'jdngle league in . thiit f State, .and 'consequctitlj 110 diJegatey -t trguiized the league that there miglit be n queW fi lni as to die leitvof my taking" seat in the conventiqn? nn-l thudi l)e al forded an opportunity to be s Veafd in dt feuse of my tieighbora and friends of the South. y-Rev; Mr. Price tit- my state. uie iiMMk uyuMou aw j uu U1c; g.uw, . thrv. went i over to- the mature are the most happy part ofhe An- t wh ab?, 100 were, lying. 'When down on their hands and. , knees Rescripts of Uie Korth vilifying the best and only practical every lay"ifrients'' ot the southern negros has gone to ' the limit of silent endurance. ' At least ai a citizen of that maligned section, 1 will not indorse by dumbness the damna ble twaddle of . a uorthern uoisy mob that i assails- theT virtue, uouor. and Christian character of every white man was present As 'a signed of the iall,;but ot.uie&outm who, nke tnewrute naiau it required a vote or that body to entitle w " .wuuu Uuio wwiuw jruero him t thft nriWe of Dartkinatioa : in h.uiuaa i"tincts, natural law and - the ui'wwii-.-t-v-'A o - mi.' ettuities of theVituaUon.' TliH 'fkrcicaT tion was riflft7ate8. -.T 5 r..a that, n rrrt nnmlw nf I lengmg-Uie ClVllIZaUOU Ol UllS UH3 mOSl iuinlnous age- snce Adam walked away edmssJUAsa fitctthe convenl . lfP muauon. xarcicai ; conipose mostly: :of ;northernT Ptcineof ftr9 that.s neyer dis i' -i r"i-y:VjtUr linguished itself in human history chal- colored people are leaving North "Caro linaV but hot because of ? persecuUofi. v'ey have, had three , crpp i failures in-1 and a Tittle way off they closely resem bled overgrown ebeep. They took &T-, ferent stations, and the fanner and I sat down in a.' fence corner to wait. : : Xfr was perhaps an' hour s before an alany caroe.7 Then a dog stole uito the field from the roar side, and . the fheep came running towards'us.- u.lehily inerewaa a j'.iuen nil grew quiet. Ten minutes later a second t!og came hi, and was soon-, followed by a thirtl Then, as half an hour- came without another alarm, the three boys .came .over to us, each dragging a dead dog by the tail,' . , ., . .. " Git the spade and let's bury em," said the old man. . Vllow many does this, make this summer, Keube?'! ; wehty-six, I reckon." J 1 7 VNiccst thing in the world!' con tin ued the father, a? he rubbed his hands .together.; 'Dog takes one of the boys for an old wether, makes a dash at him, and the next thing he knows his head is busted. Xo shooting, no row. to attract the neighbors, and the. man who mutses De Moines (Iowa) Leader. , v We trust our Republican friend may fi.jov all the consolation' they can get out of the assertion tliat the result of the election in IowaU to be attributed to I6al causes merely. We trust that they may enjoy that feature of the case nowy fbr the time Is coming- when they will fiud l-w hollow any such pretence is.' In not a few counties of the State it was true that' prohibition had e tiinged many Republicans from their I arty; but in the great agrlculturar counties fthe wonderful . Democratic gr.ias may be'creditrd to the position if the Democracy: upon the tariff, anti monopoly and anti-trusts. Upon these questions our party has recorded tre mendous gains And no wonder. ' Io wa farmers have teen ground between the upper and nether millstones. Even a bountiful crop proves a disappoint-! ment, because every cent of profit there might have been in it has been . barred out by the skillful manipulation 'of trusts combines aud . monopolies. AH these cormorants are the children of the Republican party.. They have ravaged the land like monsters of prey. The vote of the people of Iowa has been vootrouj protest against the continu ance of a system which lias so mercv- Ussly robbel ihem. . The Crestoa Ga zette. State Senator Hnrsh's Republican ic.pcr, dec.aret tor riarln ro.' revenue hj.j.1' In a rec t Usu , it eays; .-Cut dowu the tariff so that it will bring in only enough money to run the Govern ment. . This is one of the good results of the late election. Mourn tiijr. front the gates of Eded, antt pnfflng; the . foam of impdtenJyTtbrieethrun? i succession and lhev seek a better agrP oer-tonguea aesty,-wouiq be Humorous cultural region. prosecuieuwny uo i u v, yr vsjw" j bis dog can nave no nam teeiings. Tum- they;iiot frwnit to he freo.- Jforth; t' Sv.f066 1 We:m:'in;'-T)oy8;.atid'- then we'll- tap wnere pmianinropusia cootw uigi ; uu j. cvttt ; o-"-'- I tnat Darrei oi new .cwer.v . ; of n" H'-ri latneiit tne toss c to.uu iiandorj - : - ; Will nnictice. Jn : the conrts of: 1 olace them noon the door-stens FrankUiuiWarreniyakT etthe smu'ixKKdt i- rrJ y ;T Mississippi VaUey oi tne jsoutn" .wnere of the aiata: J.:nneiv as c. C DKIEJEA.I in my own State. A. OOCKE 4 DANIEI-Si GolohsroiC.r7 'iise, Vvtt o irtorneys At f:.! 'iiihX do not claim that every thipg 3, is: felicitons in the South as might;,be, de? .sired? no can this be so in,any comma descendeuts of the cavaliers ' anl'pufi- ism and. the' negro on that of- common sense, . jt is an outrageous contempt of 'propriety Uiat .the negro'-snsiuld clothe himself in the cast-oft garments of the hit Onit the Remiblicaii PnrtT With We clip from the Richmond Dispatch, the following article, the subject matter of which the god people and press of the country should continue to agitate till reform b had in the particular re ferred to: 1 At Uie last meeting of th Evangeli cal Alliance ox tins city, tne Rev. j. Si. ' Mooer said, when the subject of fu Her nia was under-discussion, that' he thought the custom of wearing mourn ing apparel should be discouraged, lie u-f rated that a resolution ruk'ht b properly pas-ed decLiring that at a fu ueral no person need feel called upon to hire a certain number of hacks, or to use flowers or to wear mourning. We are vlad that a clergyman Las called at tention to this matter. The cost of fu nerals hra become a wrong, and the de mand for a display, supposed to be p.-o- nortioned to uie rrraru in which the deceased was held, IimS become impera tive. - If the cost of mourning dreesos be added, the tax upon the resources of the poorer people is such as in many caes to divide their thoughts, despite heir grief, between the hs of dearest of friends and tne rigid economy In . liv tug which must be resorted to as - toon as Uie luii end over, such a condition of things ought to be corrected. ' Again: Isn't It" time- tliat we had cened to counenance the Idxury of woe 7" is it consistent wiUl our . re ligion to indulge in such . emblem&rot Capital Punishment. . WiLvm Mirror. . Thnt able, and irfuiant and cliristian eilitor of the Slate Chronkle, the tideut ed and humane and kind-hearted Joe phus Daniels expresses our views lu'tha following timely and sensible article: "An Anti-Capital ' punlt-hment Lcngue has Ix-cn formed In - Aihevi'Je. Its oljoct Is to remove caj iul pun;S inent irom the fcUUitcs or con titu tion of Mouh Oro'ina, and it is (i- tma:i:t-.l vj us organizers lO Lnp- to u-nr every 1 influence to do away uh capital t-uu-blimcuL There U no ckabl that th r In a growing sentiment in North Caroli na against hxugicg, and many consider it only a question of time when all laws providing tor capital pun&hmcnt will Ik sboluthed. In liiAckstone's day there wors many crimes punushable with dthcrtainly over one hundred. 1 nese Have been abolished from time to time until now we have oojy. four crimes punishable with death in North vtouhm, Aiooeraie, certain anu swia ranUhment has beeu proven to bo a better detentr of crime tlian harsh and severe punishment which, the people did not believe m. We have always doubted the rtebt of men even lawfully to deprive a fellvw-cum of life, and have always doubted the etScocy of carital puuushment. It ooit not to to prac ticed merely as a iHaiiahmeut to the crimiual. Unless ft Is a mighty agency to ucter men - rrora commuting crime there is no reason or excuse fbr U. .It is Jnhuman anJ cruel in any oilier Turbt tlan as a preventive of crime. Dos hanging really deter men from commit ting cruse r That u ln ojuy questioa to be conckJerea in comuu to a couclu sioo. If so, what elasses are deterred? Certainly tlie villainous, sneaking mur derer wito snoots nis tfciira from cuver and in the back te not teterrcd beopso no ouc not expect to be uncovered as uie criminal, it u.iS o etToct upon him. Nor does It operate oof those who klP in passion. They are too an jrv to tocsider anvthing, aud no punishment nowever severs, wouki deter them. Up on whom would it operate t We would uie to see this quenuou hscuaed be cause we have do doubt that there are many like us who, white doubtful of the efficacy of capital punishment, are not yet readf to dhqaaiiSedly advocate Its euure alouuon wiihoct provldmg scene suitable punishment. We are glad tlat a "Lexguo has been Jbrraed hi the State, ml we Iiope that it will throw all the light Uiat can xe obLauied upou the ef- noury oc capiyu punishment as a deter- er to cnmtuals. - A l'ocru W ithout the Letter The follow is srP.Ule pocra te Ro'r.z the rounds with t!i above hrlir j. We copy it Iran the WCoa Hirrcr. Our friend Is mktskrn, how ever, as lh lei tct e" appears iu U.e tut worJ of vsrso three. Kuitoh Times.) - John Know was a man of woodrous ' - mK'ht, And 'a words mn V.b. aiJ vLrlll, For told ud stout wis ls tL?.z tr'-il.t, And strong was hJ sUlwsrt wlIU Klnn sought hi vain Lis rr.iad to chain, And the iant train to citroI; But esc a ca plaaj or stcray cAla ' . Could caunt his mighty soul, f lie would s!t and bvjb t!3 tsornlsr - .-' ' cold- . 4 It shining lamps Tput out; for though u .untold en las rslod hvil - wvi " ,-... And brought hot pain and doubt. But light at last on hit soul was cast, ' Away sack rata and sorrow fi soul is pt in a fair Jo-dy, And looks for a brUht to-ioorrow. V TTrtO Utrorfo of Centred Africa,' li I'uliie. The frt Dow seems clearly dtavoow trated that at various spots across the rreat African continent, within. fsw degree north and south of the equator ' extending from tho" Atlantic cowl to near the shores of the Albert Nya&xa and perhaps even farts er to the ease are tcaUered communities , of, Uy. smsll negroe. ail much metobiicfc each other Iq size, apprtirsoce and tu.b its, and dwelling tnorJy apart from their larger orightors, by ' whom thy are -everywhere surrounded. Our Ultra- . lion about them te stiil very sooty, a&d to obraia, more would te a worthy ch jeet of amtitioa fr the scion tifiC trsvoU ' er. in many ptrts, epouatiy cf te West, they ar ebvimaly bokLnr tbir own with dlScuttv,if not actually d appearii:. and there te. much aboel their coixUIon of civuizaucn and the ail- uaticBj ia wL'ith tftey are found to in duce is to lock Ukuj, like the Biuhnea of AnstrsJ sod tbo eqaiuy cusuuve Negntos of tho Inao-Mateyaa rr-'aa. as the remains ef a popubuioa w t.ich occupied the hxi bciore the lnctnlrjc of the pseseot clomiuant races.' . If the aceocat of Uie Nasamocians be accept ed as LUtotkaL. tne river tia:y came to. Cowing from west to east, must hare been the Nler, and . the north wird range of the dwar&h people Lr mor- extensive twenty-inreo - c eateries at than It te ai the present time, Loodo Times. It said that Geo, McDude of South Carolina, was very polite even when little boy. One evening he was holding a little calf by the ears while his mother milked tne cow, and a gentleman pass ing by said, "tiood even in my uttlo son." Geortre returned "Good evening, sir, witn sucn a ouie bow. mat una geo- Uernan noUced turn and said : Why didn't you pull oft jour hat, my little man T" J George answered, "If you will et down aud hold my calf fbr me,' I .will pull off my hat to you. . ' . ;. lieorge pouteuess and snrewd re mark were the making of him. That gentleman said to his 'mother: .. Your son te a smart' boy, and If property trained, wul make a great man some day. . If you permit me I will give George a good education; and give him a start in the world. . The mother tnanked the gentleman for his kindness and let him taae charge of her son. XJeorge rose from th ears SIXTY doijlaiu4 ix . phizes. CAS hity of cristendom where tberebf su-4 wnite manpacreYeijeuts -and ,lhon perabuudant populatfonof 1 iotej.lh" tliftnewtniifrjs deniodto 111m. iit wouiu nave renecteo credit on rrow and death as too manv of m " . " sf WrrrfTt-O.iif th-Twni".finiit,-nt..n ' hA I a jutj business entrusted to us wu oc 1 Gra&ta" birthpla.iiored. -s-'-peopift 1 vh .ufo ..uci.u uiv uuu:uycrw ' NntlYattndedtov rsimilar inlbrmation into; its pwn7 year 1 sorrow wu uu. w . us v he M seas t0 the Sttte Imagme to be our duty to the dead U, t T,iirliivn tn- r,,w Carol uuu ' Q B. ilAJSS 1.TTORNEYAT.LAW . JLOTJIBmtO OCce i the .A.U business; rceWe7 prompt -7 if. ktto&l'nteli.''e,aepfcin a ? body h be- X ,Wt tne twenty nvaycars ot negro citi-ii.a:1r-onlta of whiM mhhle.. When Lzenship does not equal the tlwelve-hun- i boy 1 wuidie'scnttp the postofllce I 4r4" of' 'AyjUo Sasjoq.'progress; hv mv inother and liad toWae aiound that' the bpmiou oteukjnigniual- - M.qOUKK . ' . ... ' . ;- i, -4 w e -i-.s . . ......r ..- i more mienimi uian imtrM nn miA.ii a? f 7x1 ooys, HonsDi jowuwuuwys wnwy yv ,i h : " i "tt vTl vrr i fcootert in their deimnciauon of the tres- CDurt, House. l:-y., the rerkblican ticket and .the i attacks I trust; that there are human rights an- enco of tlie blacks: .' The negroes talked put jri tny hands lf 1 iero" madet potir me' sblely-? because 1 1 Jtecedefit to alt tew whMh no Taw , can J -politics all night, 'and when morning i . .. . 7 I Tlie-art'cle below is taken from the Philadelphia Pres: : 1 AtI-akta; Gai--Three, well known business men A. ,W. Boggs of Chica- . . '. - - i rj i ...n:.., ta -c , ' E. Griflln of Tiffin, O-, reached Atlan- parnuc w f 'JU'; r. . 1 IiUtle Governor of South ta this mornln? . from ; New Orleans. ouce saia inai ne ow nor, cress w f. :.. i... i ttifnA hiniseir liuL to meniui hi riAirrtv, 7 ...r. . .... . ,. xoey were uiyuur.tnw iu- lueir -lau-i r- - 77". n 7u , . f "rTCO m UiO L nil IT guage i iney iook tno xrunmau sieeper I - - - - - " " iu Kew Urleans - aud ' . nnd- I .m -: lc"luuo ins tub -lower berth all gone, were r.Ul worll V wha b1l wvl tnr hU nw. vtLa omintnti I wear to nonor our aeaa ana now. we rtf tha inwAr rtt.rt tv-Avivi ty.h . ci- 1 shall roaniltst our sorrow? . w ,i - I , , i- t- ti.ti ii. 1.-- jl ilia is a ucuiiia buljcci ufc it dm nevertheless been bundled without trlovcs by a number of able writers. Won't Mr. Moser of ltichnaood favor the public with his views on this sub ject t ' We should be glad to assist him in publishing them. black ruerabei s of the Louisiana legisla ture, who were oh' their way .'to .Wash ington;, v -Though the three white men were" Republicans' and had voted for llarrispn lor president tney were out- 0 . CT- r and, SOUNSELLORat LAW. " i.-ji8BTma;r frankiin co.,n. c, 7 modify sentiment In, 6hio;'iime will also i"XUB IS.UIW5.J1CVIC .VI UD, OVUW IUV1M1 republic r-.trying ttf berJd tlie iepublib.n:: 'iaud of It attend the Uourts: of Nash, PrasLkUa," Irnville, Warren; ' and ' tfake Cettft ies also the 8ipi erne temrt ef Not tk Carolina, and the TJ' . Ciremifc akfl Distkict Courts. 77' D JL J. E It ALQN il v O fflce'2 dobri pelow Forroan A Coske's Drug Store, adieining Dr. O. : L- Ellis. 7 X' B. W TIMBEItLAKK, . 4 ATTORNEY (XLKX7 f,LqtTISBlTEGtTr. ;fC . OSceiia. rVe Court Houw 77; : f r ;. -7 7 '7r,'7 7.""' " -Vi '' . v . ' .. v ...i. . - . a 1 mftmp o.1lainminta trt rnnfaft. with fha mote of commisserauoU' irom ' mnujuna i rr'" "tv h'(m-'ihA'nn -.auiif I white. men of the world; that ' liberty is indiviaal.opportuidt stage o i . . 1 t , Whichaddress themselves to7 them for lvlai?"lou? inas no league on earw adjustment. vnvri ,a" I dissented from the sentiments vbi .cn remove the beam of ..Imrxtfenc ed by the convention; but as denied of the negroe's eye; that the - race has Hh0PPtubi l: ..,t2- -...l4--,M ;.V 7i ii I snffpjrBrhnhM'rirhfs TtiSW aenUvTne nertnem .ae;egaies were so 1 fT.' . , T f ".r 7 Jiw. rtthl fcimii i,afhAv I any otuer race in reccra ca tistory anu tliat no rainbow road.leajs to the realms of a Newton, jGaIilee, Columbus, 7Edi son and Morse. ' Instead of wasting the substance of the race with partially commuDistic leagues, efScered by sala ried men,' that wiIU7like. the" locusts ot Egypt, consume the glory of Ethiopia's The White meu abandoned the field to thpni.iund waited until thev renrhed an Beives; inarey 'oavq tueu tonguigs. it .Atlanta hetel betore they touclieh tow el or soap. Au ..three declared that henceforward they..wouldvote theDem ocratic ticKec. You can en- Joy a good night's rest and retain peace In the Cunily by seeping . Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup In tlie house, At once popular and eSkactous it hs 'com to stay." We mean Laxador the -oVlea". ipeciSc Lr ail tnsjarial troubles. Price only 23 cents. '-. , Th Bwlft Bpecifle Com pan;. Atlanta, GM the maoufocturert the great blexj medicine, b. H. - have 1ut lued a take rldd book. Illustrated with pretty et KTavingii, In whlcii they offer all ty dollars In prlxes to the boya ai Klrla of Aruerlca who Willi com ly give the answtr. The follow lrtjc are the list of prlxe: : I7or Cnt set of cvrrect tinswtr $10 1 For the second set . For the third set . " For the feurth set For the MUi set -For the sixth pet Fot the seventh set For the eighth set -For the ninth set . For the tenth set For the 11th to the COth act. ear Thoie wishing a copy Of tills ride Ihk1c can obtalnlt fire by srxll us thvlr address . and mentUnU thia paper. . 1 S IFTSPECIF1C CO Alicia, C . ' iri 1 mJ If sassafras Utrrc te 'jprlnkl; am one dried fruit It will keep it the worms. . - 1 . f BU U Kl N sTa IIN 1 C AA LVTJ 9 81 I . 6 . 4 ' ' 17 if solicitous- for us of the South, that ' they would not suffer me. a poor negro," of the Sou thy to say one word In defense of that erxtion. although hiore than oiie efiert wal 'mad3 inthilt direction. The coniplain!of res trie tion Jof .free speechaV the South, fet here in the State of Llt coin' Grant and Logan they deny tha Mwhf. of Lbartv of sneecb toa man - cf ., their own race," because he does not iu- 1 - ; While they mlngle;wlth them In poli tics, still they are unwli 5 to occupy the same sleeping apartments.' It is said that "birds of a feather will flock together, but In this instance their dis- ;uU for their colored brothers was so .intensified thai they were compelled . to rr!tTkiraw from tlie so-called Grand Old Partyl -This is a fair specimen of re publicanism in the South. ' 4 j .. ... . . . , ..... These men acted wisely field ard devoir tha.'remrL-nr,tr foddcr,the race had best beijlr itsel when they rejected the principles of rhe Republi can party and came over and fed . mto liao with the DeniocrAts. We bdicTO pr 1 V -ro wul be lemons 01 oilers to CO itself be- 1 liiicwi'e; Ex. .; - -. , 1 . a The Home of tlie Jersey .Cow. Jersey lslsmL the place from which we obtain the Jersey cow is a small spot of bind. If squared, it is C miles, each way. Yet this little Island has a population etGU lXX) buinau being, and has over 12,000 catt'e, and h.os had that number ' for the last twenty yesr;for the census ot 13GU gives 12.017. . And yet tbey export on sn average annually 2000 head. Itough- lj. speaking, on this ULud they ru-o- a'O to support vus nvau .or kidh to every" two acres, w hie In EngUnd w. ... teere is only vu bead to every tea acres. Ex. 1 . - Flowers can te kept fresh for gome tiinolfa -pinch of soda or fciltneter h? added to the water. Willed roses will regain their fresh nesj if uidpeu culuute or two .n hot water. . ' Tin cleaned with puper will shine better t tun when cleaned with Osnnel. - ' ' W CONSUMPTION LNUUI1ABLE The most o u ei anie. nx Oil L' Hpuuif nt is ll ir. J. U. McLein Vol ton, Bead die following: Mr C. II. Mor ris, rsewsrK, Art., sys: "Whs dowu wtih abscess of lunrs. and friiuus and j hjskuus rouwuueed rue an incurable cuusuiupuvt. iieg&u taking Dr. King's 2sew Discovery lor Consumption, am now on my Uurd bottle, and able to oversee the work on tav farm. lt is the finest medicine ever made." Jerse MidJlcwsrt, Decatur, Ohio, t sjs: "Hsd it nut been fr Dr. Kind's ew Discovery lor Cuusumpiiciu I would have ced of lung Uwul.les. Was given up by doctors. Am now la tiie best ot health." Try It. ' Sn pleboltles free at W. II. Furuien Jr's Drugstore. OXK MOltE - Car 25,1X30 lbs. Meat, jest received . One tar load Flour. - ' One car lead hit e corn, by Cf.knshaw, Hickj & Aixrx. Jan. 23, '.V0. Thebest sslve In the.ororU fcr ev bruises, sores. ulcer?4 . salt rhsa fever sores, tetter, cfapped I &4 eWlhteius. corns and id skin ere; tk and positively cure f ls, or 00 . requutiL It U gtrsnued to perfect satisfaction or meaty rt'zx ciLPrio 2i cent i per Uu , . , For sale by J. If. CiifUm. Bran te better A Jin com to e7 u the thump. , . ZLECTiuC BITTiaa. Tbteremedf is becoming oo w I known aud L popu'-r as to cecJ sprcUl meo.ou. -All-wbo tsve cs Electric BiVtrrs sing tte umt socg praise. A rurtr Uiewicius daes t-t cxisaiD4t te jcirauieed U 1 tiul li c! ;,xJ. Licvtric L iters w cure all .&r-s cf C;e Ltcr sud kU; a . -ik Dtp, ;.l reuiove r nijats .. rSicuni.'miMi wectsciis t&csed I luipur' Uocd Vi.l c'live rzslir Ircm i.e ssism st.J trevtotss - I ss cte all Cilariil Fcr ci ot badathe, cacsiijaticu -J Uon try Electric l;Urs lUre sat 4frit:cu tuarsotted or rnvoey rtf-ne id- Price i Jet, nudllpr bottle 1 V 7 W. 11- Funuaus, Jrs DrusUrTS.