. r ' ' "k ' T-fF v. - . . . ' ' . 111 1 " 1 I-' I I THE Fli.VXKUN TIMES. J. A. TitoatAsL Editor and Proprietor ' RATES: 0kj3 Year .t '.' - Six MokTfis. I v ,: ; To clubs of five Te Times' will be "h'.shed at $I.5G per annum.. $1.50 -1.00 I f,. 1 V .. I aS8TAB L 3tSlX ISO 1 87a V- . . TROYALpoMotl 11 J HPT 111 Era bMitq imes THE FRANKLIN TI.'.fES.- TukTimks b the crJy enrtj. rul&Jird b 1'rsr.ICa ctuty, a-l In cireeV.icn cxcr.Ia all ovrr eitrj Uon of ti.j ar ,1 cooztifs, g vertLwrs !ulil male a note hi v THOMAS Eclitoi-nncl Proprietor; WITH MALICE TOWARD NONE; WITH CHARITY FOR AX.X. ii Ailvnuoo VOL. "LOUISBURG, N. C , FEBRUARY 21, 18QO. MO n i - 1 MORTON HEUDRICKS; A Story for Boy BY J. E. M ALONE. W Absolutely Pure. Thu poviterever varies.' A marvel of purity, strength ' and wholesomenebs. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold' Tn competition, 'with the multitude of low; test, short weight alum or phosphate powders Sold only IX cams. HoYaLBakis&Powder-Co ; ' . 606 Wall Si. N-Y " ' " i : , . TO SCIIO0L TEACHERS. The Superintendent of Public rfchools of Franklin county will be In Louisburg n the second Thurs day of February, AprilJuly, Sept. October aaid December, and remain Tor three daypf If neceasary, for the rpurpose of examining applicants to teach in the PublicSchooIs of this cCounty; - j ' --. fci avi M also be in ljouisourg on 'Saturday of e:ich week, and all pub lic days,, to attend to any business - CHAPTER II. r Morton Ileudrfrks was sitting in his. room anxiously waiting for an answer to his application -from the Bureau of Em ployment. About 3 o'clock in the even ing there was a summons to the front door which was answered by" one' "of the inmates of the house. Morton listen ened attentivelyand soon heard footsthps approaching his . "room there was - a knock at his door which ; he at oace opened. . With rapidly beating heart he to k the note which the servant handed him and read as follows : oounocted wit J mv office, : N. tlAP Ms, Sopt. PROFti'SSlNAL CARDS jq Y. GUL EY, " AttGrney-Atr-Law, te ailed tJ. r FRAXKLINTON. C. business promptly at- T llob, 15. VTIiIEK. ATTORNEY AT LAW- JLO UISlBUUG, n. c r - Office -on Mftii St., one nor . i hw the Eade Hotel, r Attorilcy At Law, Will ntteivi tiie courts rof Franklin. Vance, Urahvijle, Warren,- JJaslu and. Flerlil Su;r6me Court. Prompt attention gtvjntto cliectums. &c. ! AttWEfi an! Cojiiiscllof at Law-1 LOUIUUHQN. O. Will practice In the courts of 1'ranklin. Warrent Waker rVance and Nashi'andiu the Supreme court of the State. . . v '' - K . ' : A COCKE A DANIELS, GoldsbbrOjNt 0. ' O. C. DNJELS ATCOaK & DOIBLS DAHIELS - ' wilsox, ir. c. 1 Any business! entrusted to us will be promptly attended to. , B.MASSPNIJtriiGi A.TTOREY-AT LAW . LOUI$BUltG,TI. C. " , OEaoe in the Court House. AU businessl put in my hands wn rceirc prompt attention. - - ii-.cookk. - v . CTT and COUNSELLOR at LAW. LOUISBURG, (FRANKLIN CO.v,N. C. "fll attend the - Courts of Nash, FrantUn, Grnvillet Warren,' and Wake 13 ounces also the iuvienie art t Nor tH Carolina, anil the U" . Oireait aad DisTRiCTOourtft. Morton Hendricks: i - Dear Sir : You -w'.ll please call a our oluoe at oace ana oblige,- ? Yours, . : ;.; j ' J. W. Mhllins. & Co. - ' ' No -Franklin St. Morton s heart seemed to jump into his, throat as he read the note, but : he thought toliimself, I will; accept 'this position, it matters not what it may he, so it is honesi work. With a"" decided looJv of expectancy in his face, he went immediately down to , the emp'oyment office where ho was informed by" the manager tthat the place he had secured for him was that of Assistant Superin tendent of a dairy farm. The man, whom he was to assist, came in about this time and Mortou was introduced to him. He, i a Mr. - Leeds, surveyed - Mor ton over and over again,;' then ? a-ked him if he thought he could help to man age a Dairy Farm. Mortou answered that he thought he could soon learn to (To anything he wanted done on thefarm ."Alf rt$hV taid Mr. Ij eds, ''we will be ready to out to Ul e form a' out 4:30 tliiii evening, k we will meet here at that hour.' - - Mvrtou returned to his ' boardins house and as!ed to seo the. bnd-1 tdy in the mrlor. She came down and oar r- t young Irioud t ld her of his trials ami troubles which he had gone - through si:ice lie bid been in -t-o city, and siatwl the fact that heliad ,at last se cured employment and that he would pay. the lalance of his board bill just as soon as he could earn the money; he ftdl&f lhathc would leave his trunk and its contents with her as" security until he paid his" board.- The good woman (for such she proved to be) eaid, . with her voice full of true-, motherly sympathy as the-tears flooded her eyes:' . .UI can sympathize with you in your trouble since you have been here,! and I now heartily rejoice with you in your ; sue-" cess in finding employment. You need not" she continued, l ave your; trunk, and you ueed not trouble yourself about paving that little balance of board, for you liave conducted yourself so much like a little gentleman since you have leen in my house, and that too," under such trying circumstance8,that we have become attached lo yeu and regret that you are going to leave us.- I want to make you a present ' of 'that amount which you owe me." i V Mortop was quick to reply because that ; last -i offer . Btung i' liis r 7 pride; he didn't like the idea of being looked upon as a mendicant. I : - ' ; uNo, madam, I want lo pay -. it, and will do so as Soon as I get it.'' Slie continuing said : "My only boy .left home about twelve months ago with an object and purpose similar "rto ; your own in Teavmg your home. He got the place of cabin boy - on a- West India- steamer, ani to-day; one week ago I re ceived a letter from the Captain of that vessel bringing the sad news that during severe storm on the voyage,- my dear boy was swept from the deck by a tre- mendious sea and be , was : nerer seen . ain. Here the ". poor, woman sank down into a chair and 'wept bitterlv, while Morton stood, with moist eyes and a sympathizing heart, looking at her. -: .vi-:; M ;;" 'S A She soon arose from the cliairN and looking very sad, asked Morton when he exnected to leave. He replied that through the busy, rushing crowds of people and vehicles. " ' : . ,j I If Morton had thought that any of his acquaintances from home had been on the streets to see him, lie' , wou'.d bave crawled down from his hiih perch into tlie body of the wagon," but lie felt safe that no one would be there to recognize him," so the wagon rolled on- up , Balti more street with its solid looking tr'.o into the new Frederick turnpike.jussin: green pastures with their grazing heards of fine Jersey fows; beautiful riidences wan ; their, imposing' ' 8tructu; es and - "iJi sruuiius; iue latter as green as emeraltl and as smooth as a bras sols wr-p-.t whijh was serpentiued with nicely cut walla and drives, laid with pearly white" oyster "shells. The3e scenes, with their accompanying pare country air were really refreshing to M r tona eyes and longs, that forAmuy weeks past had been accustomed to look upon trkk walla and stone pavement and lo breathing the impuro vitlited air that had passed through so many other lungs. ; :, :. , .. . ., f Just as the sun was sinkin j behind the Western horizon they arrived at the j beautiful country place and dairy Cirrn or Mr. 'George Landis. of ; Baltimore Cit3'. This was the private dairy " firm of Mr. Laudis, upon which was "-built ins nuo summer residence.! It seems that Mr. Leeds was Mr. LandU' Super intendent, and at the same tune a regu, lar lalcrer at his farm, and the work being to much for one man, Mr. Landis had authorized Leeds to employ a man. vfa roy 10 assisi- mm. Tue wagon drove dp to a beautiful li-tie cottage done everything that jou have called ujoa mo to do, why do you think sot" Leeds answered We donH tliink you were taiscd to work, in tact you don't look like you havo ever worked any." ' - c I was raised up to do my duty," saij Morton, "and when I contiact to do a thing I try my best to do t, and as I have hired myself to you I propose to fully discharge my duty to jou and yours, it matters not what efiVt it may require ai my part Have Mu n v fault to find with my work ihas far . o,- aaia me man, "but we doti't think you can hold out-hero is a dime to pay your car Cue back into the city. wiieie you can get nicer work in some of the big store of the city.' ' As Le eaid this he threw the money at Mor ton and then turned and .walked hur-j ricdly down to his breakfast ' I Morion stood for a few minutes gaz ing at the retiring figure of the Englisli man and thought once that he 'would throw the dime after htmi but while there was an aching , heart thero j was aching void the valley which; was surrouuded at some distauce by very white: hd : neat ly , arranged cow stables; When ; tiie Wagon stopped,' "Morjton jumped d wn and was followed, by tho short Eng'is--manaud his still shorter little wife.' i After supper, which consisted of salt herrings, fried onion and stale bread, --Leeds' told MOrton toebmo and go with him lo tho horse stables near the man sion, where he had an iron bedstead which he wanted to bringdown for him (Morion) to sleep on. The iron bed stead was brouaht and olncetl in an nn per room in which there wasn't another piece of furniture. 7 Morton was now in formed that thev were in the habit of retiring as soon as supper was " over in order that they might rise early the fol lowing morning.-.: The boy 'was direct al to the room with the" iron bedstead. in it. It being in the early ddvs of May, the nighU in tlushhcrn climate were yet quite tool and sometimes red cold. As Morton saw no signs of matlrass or covering for the little iron bedstead, he pulled ofl" his coat and vest and spread .-them on the bedstead and lay down, cov ering with his overcoat. . j There wasn't auy sleep cr comfort under these conditions, with the added discomfort of the cold, hard iron rods which were placed to represent slats, so ue got up, piacea ms eoat ana vest on the floor near the flue leading from the rooirf below, and used his . overcoat as before. '.Here' he remained all - nijtht, 'wide awake, thinking of his ' warm and comfortable room and bed at home, un til the first gray streaks of dawn were i an aclnng void a.fcw inches below his heart and a Irifh more,, material' v a to sensatiou, for the i early brachig at mosphere of the .cool youag morning adVed to the light repast of the preced ing night had sharpened the . boy' an petite, bo he concluded wisely to hold on to the dime until he could get a chance t swap it off for a loaf of bread 1 with whick to fill a very annoying and , un comfortable vacuum. . What j little Irish Wood Morton had la him,' said fight, but the boy's better ' jvulgment counselled .otherwise.; He did not re main stamtug long in this position, for he did no U want Leeds to see him ap pear confu-ed jot uudecidetl, so he walk ed off f:om the. road-way to a branch of water which was hidden from tho j view of Leeds by a growth of tress; hero Mortou got down and drank from tho branch, after whivh act ho felt much better iu"rniud and body-(all auimals of a higher aud lower class are in belter liumor" with replete - stonlvhs i. than wun empiy ones, even inougn ) tue rc pletioTTTJiay be caused by water alone." Morton was no; long lu .deckling what to do under these gkomy circum stances. . He cut a walking cane and cictcriniuea to wane across tue country .until ho found some kind of work- After he liad gone a!oul a mile and a half he came to the turnpike and hors car track about a mile below t the little station at which he had delivered the milk. Here he came upon six ( Irish roai-workers sitting down .by the side of the pike eating their breakfast. l"Mor ton addressed them with a polite good morning, and enquired of tliem if they could give him work to do. He was an 8 wcrcd by a laugh from the eu tire ix, and this remark by the one who 'seem ed to be tho leader : . . ,i j - "Faith, an ye luks ilia loik o doring this koind o work. --XVheear - did yes cum frum ruu : erway frum school oia't ye." "See heara me noice i lettle moa," said another, as he balanced hU tin pale of milk near bis mouth, , "Ye aru't stholcn" oiny thing arnd thrylng to hoid as or rod hand." ; "No, sir," replied Morton, not at all panions, "Has lat Dorcan ire gothea er lad tcr droive his milk wagen r Snre en oie doniu't kao," repfed Mike, "but we'll slud ther hul to Mm fur thoits an ay place. . Tliey tlieu' tlirocted Morton how to una mi lAK-caa s wno nca tne tame positiou ou Mr. ILirrlsou's place that Leo.r did ou Yr. LandiaV Alter receiving and thinking tnese illitcnd for their kiadnsM and interest w umi, iiorion oaue Uicm goo4 morn- uigand ftctoutio. the "dlrectba 'thev. hail given, but ho liad uot goi.e many steps before ono of tho men ' liailcd blin to know if he lnd cateu anytliiii ' tlat morning. Morton told them that he aid not. fjotne neare a bi" saU Mike, "wacr ce not the bloody spattoo'js tcr ba Biiruui;Hii2 iuru . vaec counihry on a inipthy tumtnic, and tliey put all vney naa lctt trom tteu- breakfast to- gcUier and made the boy out a square ineaL, which he enjoyed very much. As MoretoQ again thanked them and iet, jviiko aaict : uudo lucks tcr rae, . ... . ' mo lau ana tner ami takes the luoa that attimps ter harm ye." to be continued. What We CatiIo. TL '.ic wi!l r.ot t rt; f JT llie vi-w cf fxrrcix Arc.'a. f.9 Iirt'"f eccunoikatloaj from all sw tiocj raoel torr.ca'Jy solidtwl Nr !tm cX acy t&ture wQ U FIVE STRONG I'OlXTd OF S. S. S. 1st. Jt Is entirely vegetable, contains no minerals or poison of any Kind, and builds up thtysteiu from the flist dose.. 2d. It cures Cancor of tho 8kiu. No other remedy or treatment was ever before known to cure It. 3rd. "It cures hereditary ' Bloo J Taint, even iu the third and fourth gtmemtlnn. No other remedy has ever done It. . 4th. It has never failed to erad icate SciofuU (or King's Evil) c an its lonns from the system. 5th. It cures contagious Blood Poison in alt its stages by elimina ting the horrible virous from the aystemthus jjlvlni; relief from all the confluences of this bane of the human latnilv. . (Salisbury Ifciald) IMt Monay rn ndng bale r-f 4uiu wumjr c"iioti opencu i atlheSdlbury Cotton Mills, the cittort wxir jrkl into yam. the am was carried over to knUtluz MUU and at noon men's tockiajr w ro realy for wear. Cotton in the lMle at 7 in the moral. ix and 8eamlshos at 12 ,pMockl. We may well ask: "Whither are wo drifting?" Web lleve with the Baltimore Msnufitcturw, llecrJ that we are dririlog or rather push luj ourselves iuto the ranks of a great inannfiicturtn.f. people and hope that soon we will be I the front ranks or It. ThU new half Iio-e mado cut nf llowan cotton nn I manufactured by rUwn onnty lnbor has appropriately been nam- fd theFariufrs Alltituce half hoe. ThU hoi-e U not the thoddy pn duct of a Northern or lorvlirn mill, but the ho.iest straight raw material grown in our own couuty and worked no by hard worklncr home labr. They retail at 10 cents. niENKW DISOVEUY. You havo beard your frieuda and ne ghbors t-tlkin about it You may yourself be cno ofthe uiHoy ho kuow Irani pcrso-ml experience Jn-r, how rood u thiug It is. If you have ever tried it you are one of its staunch friends. becHUse the woudcrful Uuu2 about it i, tint when once ' given a trial, I'r. King's 2cw Di-oviry ever atierwarJs holds a pUce in tie home. If you have cevor used it aud should be Kicte'l with a couli, cold or any throat iur.g or chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. II is guaranteed tvt-ry time cr money refunded. Trial bottles free at Fur ma.i's tlruij store. - Ti.u r-hcltcr Hint shuts rut both pure and cold air is not a profitable struct ure ' ODDS AND ENDS. Onecf tr. 3. H. McLeia's Uttle UTcr lirt Ldta tt o ;;lt httorx xo lo b.'. will move U bowel the Jrct will wiooUh you. Cult ore dors not make a fenlle man. A rncular U.et may be caltlvtcd Uiiiif. No liniment U ba Utter rtrcU t more trely known Ouu Lr. J. II. McLem's uict3tc O.l JJalaient. It Ua woudcrful rttuedy. . .... o..nr roiuep," au uim wtt who wrote ruxj aoij tl loir. Intead of;ellluff it. - rerot advanced Id jetrs feel jooner an. sirmger, at w,U trecr fr-.m t.e luUnmiSes of tv rini; J 1L AcLta' pj. There Is hope fa ths fbtnra for every ,. ven fof (hyotJ,h with a p.Ur of tieht thnM n ik... t . - . w u' dsmiui prospect of lla.e. bed "My blood had been so oat of onler during tho smnmer of 1833 tliat-I-vklunHy Jiad ,no health' at all. . I had no appetite; nothing I ate agreed with me. I wns fee ble puny, and always feeling bd. I had tried various remedies with out receivlhjf any teiiefit, until at lei g hj commenced on SwiltNSpeC' fkv (fi. S. SO That ucdicine in creased my weight from 153 to 177 pounds in a few month, aud made mo as well mid healthy as any man U'iw living. 8.8. M. is undoubted ly the tfrvHtcst blood purifier to-day ou the American continent.. ;. John Bklixw. No. 449 North Slate St., Chicago IU.- ; ...'-.- Treatise en blood aud skin diseases mailed free. ' - SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. Actiyitv io sctno buisinoss par- suits or In doing good to tho in distress, is a sure way to lessen gitef. 1 Tho Sczro i'roblem. shooting their spear-like sliafls 'from be- confu3aJ' b :the "trange greeting, "I hind the Eastern hi:ls, a voice was I 1111 ven 1 8lolea anything nor am I t. J. E MALONE, Olce 2 doors below Furman Coikft's Diug Store, adjoining Dr. L. Ellis. & O. gJ-W TIMBEIILAKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW ' LOUISBURQ, H, C. , .Office i fhe Court House " that he was going now to meet the genileman .who employed him, and that they would go but into the country ,,, at once. Thanking his land-lady for her kindness aud tit'diiig he r . good bve. Mortou took his departure for the place of meeting, where he found the En- glshnTtwthe Dairyman) sitting upon his one hojrse jf ger wagon auaaj, his side his wife, a fat, red-faced business look- ing'little woman. 'Morton was request el to take a seat between , them, 1 when off they - drove up . Baltimore street heard from below, wake up and come down' The latter half . of this ; sum mons only was necessary,- for Morton hud been awake all night, ' Leeds told our young friend to go out. feed and milk the cows in the upper stables while he would go and do the. same at the lower 6tables; when they would both take the milk to the horse car station and send it into 1 the city. Well, thought Morton, I hare often seen mamy , Lucy (all Southern ' chil dren were in the habit of calling the best and' kindest old colored ."woman J at home Mammy,' before the war) milk tiie cows at home, ' -but : Morton had never trial his hand at it.? After a -few ' slips Mortou soon got the lick or hang of it, and after he had finished he came out and m et Leeds " "at the door; s tandiu g with a fight yoke across his shoulders -and neck at -each end of which hung a large bucket of milk and an iron hooX with each ' ou e of Leeds ha nds grasping a liandle. ' Morten Nvas soon harnessed in the same way, - when off they marched to the little horse-car station which was about one mile, from the house. V.' ' ' . ... -f Thedelivered the mi'k and were re turning when Leeds said to Morton : 4See hete, me and my wife was talking about you last niglitC and we don't thiuk you are strong and tough enough to stand this jtind of work out here." . I "Well," . replied Morton. "I have try ing to hide from any one. Your sus picions are unfounded and therefore un just and I hope ; you will not repeat such insinuations again." ' ' ;V -' lJa.-Jabbers," haes ere shop lad' oind sphunky too.". ; "' ( ; "Yhest arnd tuke larnt too," said the fourthT ' I ' ' Morton told them that he had at tended school some. . c ? . 'Yes gort pny papers what spakes fer ye koind o rckermendaashus pa pers?" ' : ' . Morton had in his pocket a recom mendation written by an old friend of his fathers, winch' friend had recently been iu Baltimore seeking; for'" a posi tion,' but uot finding a place to suit him in Baltimore, he had gone- to New York where he had succeeded In" se curing oue. . Morton took1 out this recommendation and handed it to one of the men ;to read. - llald it yae sefs; its little the bits thoit 'il ba afthur raiding." ; . Morton read it,' and a most excellent recommendation it was too. . Ba Jabbas, and thoits good," said one of the men, who had, up tothis time been to earnestly engaged over' his breakfast to note the. boy much; "and,s!ch a lad as tho loiks -our thoits should niver go a' Digging throu tha counthry fer work. Mike,", he con- tinned, addressing, ono of hs com- Under the conflicting views as to the matter, the. best lhin to do ad out the negro emigration bulsness whether to Africa Arkansas or Kan sas Is to do nothing. Some people want Congress to appropriate mon ey to carry the negroes away; oth ers want to drive out of the county the emigrant agents who come to pursuade them away. 1a t the ne Kroe and the emigrant agents both alone. White people In this country are allowed to corns and go at will; whynot the negroes al so ? Have they nol been free citi zens for twenty .five years? Are they not men and t-rethxen?" Stateville Landmark.- . ' The abovo covers the whole ques tlonl We would rather have the tooth arhe than to read argument on the so-called negro problem. It Is a questiou that will "nolve Jtself despite all the arguments that can be made. The negro prooiem wai convalescing until Butler, of South Carolina, Introduced his silly, un constitutional bi'l to shovsl the neero race out of tho South which furnished a pretext for Mr. Ingal?s to make one of the mt inceudi ary speeches ever delivered iu Con gress. .. If our Soutem Senator will stop fumishinsr.the eutjectfor In'Jim matory speeches on the negro ques tion it will soon ceae to be a ques tion. Mecklenburg Times.. ; 1890. Harper's Bazar- lill-USTKATED. Harpcb's Baza a is a jcurnal for the J OJie. Giviog ti e latest infunna- t'um wtli regard to the fashion. Its iii m:r-u t. lustra t.ons, l:siuonpiiites. auo pa'.t-ra sLectupp!cmeiitare iu dtseusabie al ko to IU home 'dress maker and the proicss.onal moUitte. o expense U spared in making Its artist io otuactiveues of the highes t order. Its clever short stories, par lor plays, and thoughtful estajs satis, fy nil Uutei, aaJ it last page is fa- inoui as a budget or wtt sue humor- In its weekly issues everythiag is in cluded which is of lotereir women, Lhirmg 18V0 Olive Thorn e Mhler, Ciiruune Terhuuo Herrick, and Mary Lowe Dickinson will respectfully fur nish a series of papers ou the Daugb tcr at home, litre Mesli a lay," and the Woman of tbe Feriod. Tne serial novels will be written by Walter Beasant and !'. W. lUb.uiOJ. ' HARPER'S PERIODICALS- IIakpex'jBazab - II CO HABfU'S Maoazixc 40J llABrEU Wkkxxv ' 4 fO Habpeb's Yovxq Feoplk . 2 CO fot-' go Free to all sabscrilers la tie Ui.i.td bUtcs, CshsdSj or Mexico. Tho To'nmti of the Bazar will be gin with the fi st uunber for January nl esch year. When no time is tnu- tloneu. subsctiutioa will 17114. wtin the number current at time ol receipt of order. Bound volumes of Uaiper Baxir, lit tlireo Tears back, iu nest clwtu binding, wdl be sut by mail, post paid, or by expresi, rrco 01 expanse (provided tlte trtight dots uot exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 (W pr volume. - Cloth cases (or e ich volome, a;U- ble for binding, will be sent I y mad post paid on receipt of 8 1 00 e.nttx. heuiituncc anuiii be xuaae ?j jot-uiHj money -rdr or utalt ta uvtitd t italic of !. Newspapers are not '.o copy advcrtieineut without" tha ex order .f Harper it liroihtrs. Addrcs: Uarpeb & Bkotiikrs, New York Many f eople baWiaany eodars a leduiji fcf la,l:odo Ucaose they iLlnk tHy late to. ir iheyould Ukt Ur. J. II. McLu'aSar.para'stLUfeelajv' Tln,.',eM 0Q,J Sle place to tirvr and vitality. Take away women said a writer.on a morning ppr, and what would rollowl' A man would. Qhe us soroethltj bard ' The most popular ltnlmtnt U tl e old rcl able. Dr. J. H. McLean's Vcl- canic O.I Unintect, It L better to have a tornlp nose inn a csuusge nesa. If youfrfl u-tftUe to do your work and lav ti.at timl fei-llnr. take 1. J. II. McLean's araparila It will mate you Lrigl.t, aclivo and tlgorou. It must be a matter of urprb th-t theUniled States of Axerirt delay their ncnitlou of the Uui ted states or Brazil. DNtresi sfier catlnj, liesrtborn. sick hcudtchr. and IiH!ivation ate cured by Dr. J. II. McLcsa's IJir aud Kldo-y 1V.KU. Depend oa yourself awhile and give your friend a rest. Disease lies In stnbtnh for fe wer.k; a f cble ccntdlstioa is id sdartc I to encc-unter a malarious si ino:ltcife anl srd ten charges cf teuv pcntu:e, and the Ieal robut sr -tially the easiest victims. Dr. J. II. McJs.m' sarir(U will g!re torn. ' vitality sod utngtii to tiie eutim body. Tiie chief beauty of woman Is In tier plnt, nut la her perishsbie txxjy. Sick lieailsche Is ths bsns of manr lives. Tliis anooylog complaint ty be cured an jireventAd by the orr. shmal use of Dr. J. II. McXna Uver sad Klkney IMIcU (l.Uls pdU. To h alone Is a million-fold bet ter than to be la bad cooipaoy. Dr. Talmage wUl Iricg for Lis new church a sUne fruos the Jordan, a stmi f cm Mount Calvary, a stooe fra.u Mouutbinsl soda stoue fruro Mar BUI, Athens, where St- Paul is ui posed to haye preached. 'Men are bad because we j.col taught them to be good. have tsU tprri To clean Inside of frying psns rub w.th a hard cruM brt-ad and wati in hot water, mixfcd with a little soda. Citarrh cared, health aod weet breath a cured, by Shiloh'a Catarrh lUmeOr. fric 50 cents. . Natal Injector free. Fur ate at Furman' dru tore. Will too nffer er compumtr guarantee.! to cure you. man ora store. The Eev. Geo. II. Ttiaver, of Boorbb, Ind- aj: "lioth m;a-II mod i(o cur lives to Sdiloli' lOututuptioa cure. Vwr sale by Furiuau. ' wi.h tynepta aad lir bhilou' Vitilixer is Vjt kale at Far I" rrn V.ixl vmixlorlitf t " it. IW, Inot1 j vnm el in nbm. It'i'm- ror Htm Term. K j 1 , 1 a !, Wirl ft Tbst haelrf cotgS iab ejalellr earrl tjr thUui vnrr. W rmraU it. For aaJs at Farswaa's dtug swore. . For a couh boll one ounce .C flaxseed In a pint of water, strain aud add a. II tie honey, one cut of rock candy end the Juice f three lemon-; mix and boll well. Drink as hot as possible. SbUoh'a . Catarrh Remedy s poalllre care for eatsrra. dipthsria aa4 eaak-r taoaih. iiolJ by Fa 1 sua. Stone Jars for lard and treaty pie plates can be cleaner I ty bollu them for two hours In a kettle wuu ashes or aaI ah1s. Let them oi Iu the wuter. hil"V coniaovrtioa ear U aU Vr n' piritiU It cures coBaaBr'U.- Forsols at Formaa's Jxuf stor. Thire If far more honor la edu cating jrsotn to keep out of crn- than to Imprison cr ban; them lur beiojc victims to circumstances open for them to water. Kerilc-s ol;hU, rnid estaerabta im Ikat Urnbl touwtu MitWL's car Is ti. jmr J j lur iu k'ut sale at Famaa 'so f No man loves his chlldnu unit. he hohls them as of h ur importance Ihnu I.le sppetite I r driuk uf graliUcstiou cl self. Slttiuh'a Viti!ii-r Is vhaljoa aroi f- cuUaiioo, of appeiiic. and a.i yui Um of Jj cj m. I'r-T - &J 7i ftuu t UlUv. ioraaJsatlfc. win's dru; s:orr. Why ai'l jen y't whea FVI". 1 CJte ill tcire Iuia.V t.tlu I. lit. , us., io ru, auti ( I. t lyraiEL... -t - ; . l ' - r 3"