Ji'.Tno: cas, - i-uiior ana Pronnctoi' THE FRANKLIN TIMES. ThkTxjies is this co-'t tfr-;-ptr palLOusl la I xtr.LIi cour.ty. s:.d '. clrtululou cxecdj ill otr evrry fue lled of this trl V.Iz;- counties; t p vTo clubs JTiMEfi-nLljiurT- Tertors r-houkl tu&ie note Ik v nhedat; Sl.su per annum.; lb Jiiicr will o: i rfj-xi V.9 -I '- i-1 "V " . - j -v.il.'- . V ' . .. . . : ' I 1 Hies, L'JLJU ;.3 mmmwmmimm. Artrnneo CIIAfTEE Itl.;, r With tho jodj" his nevvly mnde tfieh .kind, deeds iiniifcssinz' his.heitrt. Mortoa ;took - the - rod te iirdicatcd ; Ithem to: Pat E6rcaasl. lWd t alked on .jjM Jtl stored lie in4pefaL heart; .i morauis as Morton uassed the fine resi; I JeticesIvltich were: curauaJni tliia - pan :tXif tlie. country. He xvilucsedwHh i 'treasure al)d . dollght "'-inaay w rtjc3 :Ai I ioTeroquet plyejf' with;tliar . -bright aud puTityj-Btreogtn, aaci rwnoiesoiHaesb.; t ftoy to munnur.add-;-Cainplai& - at . the axii cannot be 8Wd;-'.-i--twmpetitton"thr- the multitude of low test, abort HMSigut. aiura or phosphite powers.- SOLD ostY US CASS, v Ki) y All iiAKI SG POWUEK Co. The Superintendent- of Public c5cliooh f Frjinkl i n ca nty ' wi i l he in Ijpnisburgjon the Recond ,Thurs dny of FftbTury, AprU;juiySept. October auu December? ami remain for lhrio days?,' if "necessary, for lUt purp.ose of exajuuiin? applicants W touch hi the l'abiicSchWs ofithis I will also be vin Ioaisbursr - on 5av.virdy f ach ek. ftndaH ptib - 11c days, ta attend to any, bumesd contrast which a cbh. pwsoa of; his lot - and Jcoadiuioin witli. theirs sus-rested.. "He too once tsnjoyal Xhls kind of life "which he was now continually Bccing as seiCl will .enjoy ttni iagaia if lipnest ; endeavor aud.applicalibn J.toi Iwork cr success ftud reward.-krf- : Hor'slhtherh t once y been , weai toy ana uc always too aengnt? i ; ia prorly indulIiig his jihiidrea ?: There was'iio comrnunistieror sxjair8tie idea la-Morton's mentid niako-up or cornpo. ,siuon, s Jleliaq tecn raised and .educar ted iu the oetef that ari'hotiest. inaof is jhe uofelestlt of GxU Morton could ojoltje : with'oi hers ftf then" pleasure nd syrapat ruzo witir Uism r tae:r sorrows ana mscress,: -. ijnr young ucro '; was s; a "briv?,; hapty chmtian lK)y and he-did ;foand this geae?nan basily engaged in: assisting a. One epecimenof . ,the Irish; :ftta'epFinhis ''gardeti- for' the spring planting-, i Our little: hero; iuW duced Wmscif to lLe owjier of the piice and "told tiii lw;,'! t ecog-Wrk - cTr ejaployiaent of some kind. Mr,1 Yickers was one of those dtoll loV talking kind, 5tmea-kecnfAalcuLtmg.ar successlul in-hif fitiauelal and farming enterprises, aif wiilud a hard worker. wprlj tlvat was gonig oil about ha place. Ila sttxs native NcWvEuglandcr but man-ied3t av&.uthcru:: laJytw h o induced hhu; to-; buyr and build oij thia Dcan-tiful place lu ilarylahd. ' Dmiug the war between the Xcrth and. - SouUi, Mr Vjckers. ; mtlucnced ; by -hisjirulj SoutlKrn wife ?vnd" his strong .- belief in the "pVincipief rVStaies High t' "cast bis jot with the South and joined the confederate arniy. While iutho bub and .the army hb 'Joyely - and , valuable rcswence was conusv-ated attiie lnstiga- tioti.o.r MoMj'fetlicC,?": whn, being a 5S(joih-haieElreniained m Baltimore cily iad. trioVr to deprive his of las' rig&tnij possessiohv J But ' tbimk. to' iir. -cker Jr'a plucky littlo .wife, wbp ottea ran the great danger, of beiug sixA resteti as ?vpy ns she went .backhand; forth fruuv Virginia to - Mar jland, v and throtigli' LiflncntiaV wfi:icads eho -rean-aged to: keep the pi'opcrty aiul to Tyre-. ; -store-it to her busbandrftcr Hie - war Although Mr. Vickers y.Tas r. v. keen, 'be'dcalCubtUg7mahi-'Jia had" a "iditcl hearl.1:;-- -,-- ;' .. .r '..rj"?.. :''-" jlle siske-i Mor ton where he was from , and the answercame prom Wiat 1 a real V'Tar-heel '. ThQ nrtt morning at; daybreak every- reakCt Jf vVickera told Mor'loa to- hook up a fagon and Jcaoi and i. t;ike a load of hay iut'o ".the "; 'tity ltd IVk street and t HI it forjrfi much ' as , Le could,-, thga-drive to lha lo-iycr - part "of tne city anil get a load of. oyster . fchci!s i - - t .- ... - . . - criairieai put airr put .them on onq of tne roail-i-ca we' in-the error e. 1 .iTnrto'i; mouu ted L&srugon of " Eiy lrbve iu x'o the city and executed ilia ordcriT as he hadccadU'ected .'r This kind of rork was cocthiueXfor ii month. at the cud of whieh Jfr. Vickers raised ' tlie : fcova -wages to t2Q pet month.. lir.r Yickers ;wns a wealthy man, fbr ' besides 'owning- fris - beautiful t and,"" valuable country piace witn an. hundred. Rcre3 of - highly ,nii proved lands RUclieJ to:it,-ho also owned a conlrolling iutercstin & large co'2ry ainV machine Siiojand sixteen hovipes and. lots in tlio cily f Bahhuorp. 'TVhile hauling bay' tol the city .ilerton TGBACC9.: ITS CONDITIONS AND rR0SPECT3AS kV 2 1 -not believe nVuch in long-fated oiurmcr-4 Vycs e!r,said Mortoa,- ju$t &X the i iugTKid sanctimoaious reliioa, : for Mar banJu of a nver by that name." ""r4;5ife"ffftto always. berin a pleasant good - ; hanoriHeUloultltherera-n-tHO'; A-Tl b-ff'! 'TiP1'''; I: graend uj h&-9;:.ii-astu)g : tune-by. . tmnleu uu isdalgiugj-aeompiaihta'. aiid- Tnurnitjr :Sigsiiafrre:oir Jxk' i and.ihis!lortesv Tlhe ItUtftli? "ieator5fiv'Uirrouflded me 1 1,.-. ;r " .' -Tv.-"' ---- - r J S ' vt door ; - "low the Eaal ilitel. " : .-LOU Will .attend Vance,. GrranA- .- .-si- ' - - - ' courts of ranKim ifdenstud.Sipri-me Corl.- -rP ttentit)u givefc toicoilecuons xi , c capable oevelop;aent byiucadoa to such a dc-; grcethutby" p exercising Ihesii :culties I can make all 1 of flwsenrroaiidiiigscoud happiness and oaifbrt; jv Bp, fjke never allowed hLnself tocomp'ain, mnuuror , .despair, r but vnth. --'his happj idi iposidon , ad a deleriniauXiOa to do.ius whole du-1 ;ty (aeat'as possible); to bid CJod hini- self and his fcinrw-mao, ha now.,wiui led - Work and suiQKesSr'hivh.he intended .to: fecure by applkai tioa; hoa csty "and tlri-t r pastry in j whatever-he found to do; . f rionoa sooG ar?i ved t iJat i. Dorcatrf cottage on Mi t liar risorPs r"fennvdiere LOUIS liiG C-" p .f he found the dairyman Jiiv the garden; at :vcn rraM i T in t ne eour v --v-1 1 y r - rzz r.-t : i JVanklin. :Vrren; iAvaBey uwmwu4m inswerat an questKasjionc3i- Wiiso It, C , -f-come two JaryBoon&nMiite-vvraa- iayxitu ;..olViniibi'e&shihe bo vt for .he r lind n'AUL JONE& and Nash audio the Supreme enirt iisa and'a vf the STai ei ' r: r;X:: lytfoitVei Goldiboro. C."ltJ-; ago, aad he hnd jost gone intoiJtha mi.v vcifh a thari fa milk. - Afoi tmv "ex- : "v,--' l iaressed his-jrecrevs anti askal 'at ' u an. .7 VIr.-.Tick"ertCAilios'ToMartia fid: "ennchero Toiu" and eee ;a - genuine 'Tar-lieeh' . - 't,-"" - - ':-'y: "' -. " ''T6na"3J?'rtIo camo up to wfterS Ih'ey wci-&. aad survcyiag Mortoa ii an. earn est "but respoctfuI-.wavRtW." ia - a . Io"Su'Hiregsadj-yoii : " 'IU iwear. ;iifVeratold-;Iot:toa that ho d as inaiiV hands vX .-jresent as 1 aele:l, bu t" he coakl " remain 1 s t ; his (yickers) house uaul". he could, find something to' db ' ?u ' Z ; . I - ?2ortoiilthankol; hun aad saVt that while accepin; his kind oifer he would assist hia in hi wotkto lliat at least i he v.ouid ik. earning his board, until he tcoukldo idittcr. So. Morion then threw -S" hiacoat anti " went to-: work,- -with a ii! r. Vkkefa watched ths boy with an aiaused eve and wterest :ki - re- marked la-Tom just befurp ; tbe: dinner bell rang that, there was- Eomcthiag in that lad-h ut he was made of the right," mua oi maienaw. - . -.x-- - - r- : : . fMr Viewers and Morton went.dowh to -the hbuse,-Wiei'e Norton w:w iuYited into tlie private sittisg or reading' room. ofJVlr. Vfckers, when I they, botji . ar- ranged themsel vest for dinner,, and ihea went down, to -the; tatde," Seated" at the; dinner table wcrerthc following pro file,' to whom-Morion- was -iirfoduced ilts. ; Vick-ers,- ,a"L- Cesiiy utile. : rdi- Dtced. woman, whp xrioa -. ucr best "to be dignified but who woald now and' then- hreax mto aa . unmoacrate laugh in spite of her efforts to Itha cou " Any business promptly j ::?5v';l i t.Wplt' snid Patflthcre-,is ia man '-'-i-i over there on--the-next plaeef:who ifihe. ,. -iitiiiS" ain't got any.i-ork for yovf ihiuisclf die ' y-XU: -."I'ftftiei he won't turna;oa A LAW OiBoein? tlie CourVlIoaee :kii3ttiHB raseive nrompfcatieuwou. would sell lus, load : of hay, ;gpi oa; lua load ?f oyster 'shells,' then . drira . uilo 'the yawl at" the foundry aiid-feed Lis horses, and while tliey were "aif:g he would go lata tlie shops and closely ob serve evervthinar that ws riHr n? ' Vn ono Wft6allowoi inthe.:machir.e thps bat the employed' mochanica, but Mor- : ton by ki polite. manners uxl freneral gooa oeiwvior ooa won 1hc tivor of the workmen and was treated kindly by the - . " oossea, sous was fooa.auowcu to go anywhere In- the yard- nni -lioi he wishel,andhe aeverletau opportunity of i .1 . - . icurjuiis MMueiaiu ' . pa?sea uuimurovcu I ' 1 . 1 . m i ite xook special iaterestia nor tby r were-making and paiUngtozethei'stcanv citcmes. It wnsu't very" looj before ,c was irom, j ijora could run .- any kind of ' eagino pUj-r-Tar- made in tlie shoit. . ?.Ir. Alckcra. discov ered this ia 2dorttn and took lum ou ol tho road Juuhnar lia v- and nut him lo runniug ancagine out oa lhe fiirm usaf for awwc ojrs aud gnfrcrng horso ani cattlo foo4. Morton's ahiitty to raa -tliis eu2iao caused Mr. "Yicko to r:iUe liis-wases t tha alxrvj mentioned fe20. Soon aner this Muton wr put oa the new turnpike rood letidiug f. m- tle Uty to ii-aikuato:i wiu u:s curuio and stone cra.Hhr"-t6 buikl this roiul aad when ilr. Arkd:9 saw w)mS a rei'm! ic hand M;rtoit ias-at this 'business he fcirnia , lacrc?o.l hU wirca to 4 1 n inioaih. All tins time our 'yonns heri was growiBj iu popularity-with all ol his.ai-quaii'.ticcca except one and thai war Joe IIoIkimv r srufiV stout tcl'ow wlio somclimos d ank two. nnieh. Tlus cause of Joo lly?ines dislike fnrMortoa, (whk'h tblike now amounted to intense hatred) w?.s tho fact tliafr Mor on lwd unconsciously ainl uainteniioiiaHY. u- Lpcrcpdisi Jo-j in his woik, for Joe was hauling hay hefof a Morjoir took the work," aiid Ihca Jde UKk the pikdue. aud when Mortoa was. pat to runnia? the engiue,; Joe had. to do jorrhoarj work. . This mean man 'Joe Holm was sooa to cause Morton a great deal ol trouble., , - -.-'- j : Itobk cxntinuki. .TriBiAp.KKxpor.T Tvrn -Is dull aitd fcatnreicM, except; f.ir . the fiire-tgradeV aiid -iLfxri"oTAl litis class Selling l"ow th2.cot .of. pro duction hi eahagh lo Hop all eCbrU In raise it,"except by Uh fcv w!h own- or cuiuv.de laatls pcculhrly Cibpted to .irodacin it Iu highest ptrfection. A faw planters in SouiU-sklc VirginLi and ia some counties ia Kentucky and "Xca- ae.-see cm raise the rich dirk type u CcHully, but Ike demand for it eecma to be srowin less and less every yer.r. orth Carolina p'ouiters will do well to la this type fcevercly alone and raise only the manuCictcriog. fypoXor whicli their-soils are peculiarly nda:od, espo- cially-the bright yellow. . " - . T!1E FARMERS. THE AGR1CXLTCKLST3. ' . TO V ' TUEtCVHOCIAXY TYl'E is grown to perihelion la portion : nedaiont VIrgiuLi and Keith Gitoli- na, and U always in d&mud, and wl.ca of Hue quality, paj-s lian-.Wudy. Many, raaauriiclurcrs of plug ace partial to rioli Mahogauics and will hare them re gardless of cost. 11iL type U rowu ca soils too rkdi tbr tlie finest bruhu, ai d fca Cict that tlw Ieav-s poMcs moroi" sabslaace oil and gambi t is the main reaioa why tluy cauuet be" cured with more color. "Where the eoil is wc.l iidipted to thlsjypc it is proutiblcT Lc- i ..'What I kuow about'. Hiat;' standard remedy Dr. ilull's Couqh - feyru!):! know that a 25 cet:t boltlc cured me of a bad cough. In 12 hoars.- It is a lut. -. Mvn;vi3 of cases of rlieumatiam and jiearalgiahave;-alresdy succumbed td the wonderful remedy Salvatioa .Oil. Price, only 25 cents.u- I A True Ulrl. Seaskle, . cause tl;e product runs trom 25 to 23 per coat. iaore pcr.re. thaa Lr ght yel low. " , . - " - 1 "v A bright mahogruoy is only sccoaJ la beauty and va'uo to a foacy Icuioa cot-, orcd bright, . . - . .. "- . THE BUN AJCD AIR rrnrn rn i m Ls usually grom oa toH shuilar ln chr.icterutics t those which Twodaco the mahogany -type, aad when there Is a t.ilare lo cuu b aad fix tho tmhogacy cokr, coder iheCce-curing. iiro;cMif a idee red cohr, similar to sua-curcl, Ls obtained by runLing s!ow fire,- aad tlias c tike awrct f.!!er alnulst as good ss iun-curcd." lrmentAtlou aued by sun aud azd low artitlcLd heat dei'ilcps susr hi tho leaves lathe proc&vs of dying, which gives to the sweet filler its. 'peculiarly good quality. . -.The mual inJc of. curing nrst-cls ti lers is to place the tobacco oa scaf fold near the tarn and let it remain thcrei.lf the watIior perm us, " until the leaves are about cared by tho sua ' and airland thealreinove the tobacco rato a Cued barn aud apply slow. Eros under it to dry thoroughly bolh leaves aad stalks. Tho combination inojofcs is attended with less and tlie product given a bright er coIorani all the goal qualities of sun curing preserved an J relaintd . - "A seet sun and air cured fdler Is always ia demcud at pjin price, sed a lastc oace, acqu red for this type will, reject All others Jis. Inferior. la fact. Oi sztrrisa' natubej" i.4tv3. Header, did you rcr Vno-r. ft fiumtr Unu.la U a spccliUy of rah to j cora , who 2.d inl live conVjally f . Wa re fer to a tcmpt-rate, laduetricus fanacrr Thi$ is a grain . cooutry, and we are trj iag to mr.Le. . it a cotton coontryV Tlose who work aaiast the Cat cX the Ahaghty, gtocndiy lave ft Lard . road to travel. Ia tliose pa rts tX ca th Car ohi.a wljcrcj.riln Is raised exclusively ltaco and pletity reign; bat where ceC toa is cultivated money is scarce, Lotkj tre foioaXoTibcra ILay, Lniurs and employers cat' Xcrdiero baouc, aad morlgngcs aud croy Hens are abun dant." ' ' . - - : The farmer SU if cjisicf tondte cot tou tlcui' rake a mortage. In tlie graia counties uicney b eay auJ tho pn plo contented. iu C-a cotton coua uu money b iu the h.ir.ls of the fewr aud credit very precarious aud otUhioJ at ruiuous rates of hicrest. Ex. . - Farm. and oAnurx kotts A woman can aid ia caring fox iu!ry. ana u- suggest uns re ouh c Jklcr iug, dr uear! ery woaaa is & thoughtful guiue ki. Uio care of soxh stoci, aid rhoald be guco aa pjoria uity to uso her Judgau-ct. " Many a crp of trull is lost, and many a Eru;t tree feoni tlie unsaimlJ cau of injury to the roots by Lord UTtrziLg. J'rwtect theai bT tramuini the uow, ai:d corr.ng wltii . loi'g nure. Ia the c.ie of peach trees this iU prevent parly L loom, and lucf tuit by !ate fxus . Bri'i" comfnankstious Cm aU tioca noel.rarccrt.j' s-iTlItrd. . tai it tsne cf any ns.ure wi3 be .tLiilfy rcoelvcuV . - - - ODDS 'AND ENDS. Ooecf Irr.J. n. McLem's IJttla LiTtr I i'.:ct, t Aza at . o gU bcf,.r fft.l-lt Ulfr'. w!H t..ol9 iu ,vtlj, the cJVt wl aatcaL&h you. I w bh I t. t ra tie c c p rrom whxh jca ';!uk iizr fc Tcr cxry tht voo lxic a - ' 1 -TwoullLrlngaLJS taiu. yolhvlment is. In Utter rpc!e r rQfrs wvf Ir loa ihm, l?r. J. II McLe-u's Vo!ctic Od IJoinacnt. It la wondcfuUcu;ely. - v , - A vrshrgtc3 t;bool-boy, who n Ru the DirIr. u:J thit Jo trcU iSoq cf Ncw Ycrk b Uw tx tnu Persons adrancrrl b yesrs fctl younger aul lroi-cr, as wttl trtcr fntia tttlnuuki cf ly Ukio4Dr.J. II. McTaa's HansjA- rillw - ri5ec cski LUth- A practAicl trt wi!l convince lhe dv rvuai UiAl LUcows are capable cX cou sumaig and dlgrsilng much more tSia ll csurd allocs ace. Ixpcriitrfcl. ill, sooa dcaoie hkh of tle tos tay besu by cotio; whcUcr the exc s ot loa) ho tvii vex tea la:o iacreuscd quality cf it. Ilk or luto tkjth. . Th amount I" honey to expect from fthUe c&ouol le tLnulcd from the iinmi.' oi L pc ui trecoioar, out upoa live advantages prAscssrd by . the bees foe woridag Urin the long spclU of wet wi-aiber. Ui- toes oa do no work, nor can they i'll tho comb cn)es tho have ample opiruy u;va uWi if work. V bcr mi l Le bkyxa f some kind or thure wiU te buv til'Je hooey. The inpst rpnlar lir.lro.nt le the old rclkilJc. br. J. U. McLeau's Vol- u;nfc Od IJuharut, Maiiy tcopU bauitually endure a frclmx of iaiicda levia- they think they have. to. If lhe ou'.d Uko Uf. J. 11, Mcl au's br par J:a ibis re!a ot wtari&ess ftouid give pince to vigor aud viuh.y. ' Now Willie k the I have tuado 3 ou for your tuy." ; "OWl fat tl eoi all m'telf? ATby, cftoarso col; y 00 would be felck. - Tluil'e Jnst tha wsy wl;h yoti a: Anuria. Whenever yoa do givo mi ai'y p! ensure you always tie a string o It. - 1 There b sa'J to t ntat do life ti tt la lirccavids Cvttaty, Va. . - If youf-ct uaaVbs to"? your ork snd hav tiat timl fc-.lin. ; trks hr J. II. McLran's tAr-psr.r.a It !l rake yea Lri'rLt, active iia J ij:orot: I);;rcs sittr rvt-ng,-Lc mtaru. skk trad; the. nl hvlltila re cieI hr Dr. J. 1L 2JcIasc's JJtrr siZla y IHUU. A rjfervatiaa la foath DVoln U to he ojoc4 to settlers. " 1 1890. Harper s Bazar. lt.LU.ST It ATLD. IIes lies ia sotbcsTi fr IS . wpik; a -t tl', cn:su:ailrfj is LI dsptel to tocrtonur ft raabuljcs st n.ciliCie snd sodden chtcges cf tco jrtu-r, sad Ui btaI rotu-t st -tslly tW raaurtt vkttirs. !. J. II. Mcfan t:airrd!a w ill giro vsast, viUiiiy snd suxeg'-i to Uia eurrj body. .. . A New Jersey couple, a istn year oU toy t! a womcji cf fc.cty, wcrs nvrnirtl. mTLct sctenl JUTcrcat txu:.L''.rr hxi rcTstod to Tna the car wet. ay. by country s;uue. There b oa baf fijjg true love. kk lin.scha ! Uie tsr.e of marry Urea. TU aooojln eoipa'.al txsay te cursd an" jirTtuiyI bf tho occa L-nsl tue 01 Ir. J. H. McLrsa'a Lter so-1 Kikny rd!U 0;i lU- Dr. Tairasgs wl trirr I lis tew ' chcrch a t.oue &.a the JwdJW, a tore frtna Mcmal Oiviy, a aloao !h4 M'.authkil Si.d a ctooe frvru Mat Hill, AUxu, where b!. I'sUl .b sup jiooJ to Lavs irochch . Tktl luclto; eoU C4S Ve s b'rklf arrI ty MX' core. V C3JtraU 1L For ul s( 1'iirvjis'a iivfut. Em1IiI Caterrfe hIj S .Ut cats for eaurrh, c"tUtt &&i.rxk.tr ASUU CiJ BJ i il , .There.is a girl and wo lore; to thfek surpasses tho'-'oU Cuorit'e- lntrbuU of her and talk of her who .comes in I wuy thc Tcry best chewing type raised, late whea there is company who wears '. qo other type has ever been found to equal 1: m nil uio esientis 01 a a pretty little ah of "mingled . responsl- . ?3 c? ' btlityoiual anxiety I with 7 hcr youth, t fa t-ckiss chc." ' --f1-- whom the others, teem to; depend" ou ' :naa.' from ,,' . ; r V r c. . 2 -. -vauieticj sen - r - - and look to for many conifjrts. She b , rscgiYg"prpmpt:.aueo 0 Tr'rand.SpUNSELt Xi 9 ITIS B tJRCf F K AJ KLI vw. it Attend Ib lCoarlsf vKashv FrankUn, GrHn tile ?larreftf sma; Wake O oia4esaIvheiupienie eoart-of Nor ith C arolina, and the U. .Circuit andDiaTRiCT0ouTts;r1 5 r.t, 1; J. B 4fALOSEp jt043e2.jdorselQWFnrman rOwks's Drug: Store, adioininr:Dr;0. AV TIMBERL'AKS, 'iA ortoiifenkPat fbf Jhe anferma: tioa ana inca cumoeitjayei:.iusi.oic eutc dividing tho twol&has and w eittb. across ailarge field until he caine to an 6 vstpr gheil roauwayleading np: to tie 1 ''mnskinAajie" neared the1 house he noticed that eyer'ything.was arranged in teautuIttnconYeuienki ! '"-the premises. a large chestnut grpve pBras 3 ; approached ,iti; front; by ; a vyide semwircie 1 carriage drive) thejhorhs of this semi-circle tap "ping the old "lYederie the house stood at the "convex louter edge 01 lius semi-cirae. -i.ui? -iui beautiml level was broken gastbehind the house by an": almost abrupt . bluff that soon ' gradually " sloped-' oft "for a. quarter of a mile through the continued growth bfiine old idiestoai:irees;"wiTr4 Jethe .ElUcplt'Oity; aad irankhutovvn lUrilIHK.y.. r . ,! - j Morton rang the-door-blilt; of.' tlds banofome residence and was answered fraryTo Mrsckers left ruairied-sister, a -Mrs. .Rod; Baltimore city, and who was yery much who hclp, rooaier; Io hcrowo pverdni5ea,And; who acted aathougb- 'narae 8bo j9 jitti8 eaint 4ind sue teit taat it waa a .ery greas. conge. . 6mfort Shbkea' unfimshed tasks sitl H- theUted-stiil, fipgers that .fidtcr w:fvVa r-.;-:'':i"r'. - 7". t their work; hot strong figure . is a. woman sat opposite to Mortoa tindhej . whica. mj ked. cTten caught her looking dot at him because he dared; to open his mouth i hi her presentee" except for tho purpose; of nuttins food in it."': At tho head.? cf - the table sat (i beautifai young lady,. Mies 15s telle Goiall the daughter of an elder sister bf Mrs; Vkiker's. This young la dy when the was compelled to- Ttddress Morton,, called bna Mr. - Ileadncfcs,; and Morton- noticed that when heT did so Mrs Rodman' would look at her add frown. .- He learned aflerv.-ards Uiat this young Tady's aunt gave her "a real scokK - '- ' j or - j by a servant who in reply to Mortoas ' .' hirn'lo Uie" garden ..where b3 whito facel mother leans aad: is rested,' Sje helps niothcr tvitirthe fill-, sewing," with the week's mending, with;a checr fid wmpaQlonshlptliat some girl , do not think? worth while waiting oa only, ajnother:' And whea there j cornea 'a: day when fehe must bcud, ti3 girls must often bend, over lhe worn out body of her mother lying uaheaded la the coda, rough hands' folded, her long " disquiet "emerged in resi, something r very v sweet will .be mingled with her loss aad the glrlwho helped mo"Jher will find a ben ing fot calliug thatcbinmoa, work boy 1 edkrion of, peace upon her head and lu Mister. .-W; -.r. y- ' -J "her beart;.. r .' - : Mortoa ny nis -.gcnuemaniy ueariDg and intelhgent conversation mads a yery fiiVorable. impression eii all at tho table except Mrs. Rodman.! That night after supnci), Mr.' yickers asked Morton if he thought he could do any kind - of - work that came to hand. Morton;told . him he thought he could and was willing- to try. Ho was then offered by Mr.- Yick eis $16 a month to live with lum' .'and the offer was gladly accepted' by . the. boy and at swe ;" conflrmoi by '. both; It is veev diuicult to keep our little ones free from: tlie d".eordenj of . baby hood, ana wo an vise al mothers to -keep Dr. Sail's Baby Syrup handy. Indisposition lo po anything, want of grip,: drotvshes3 andpaia hi the sido point to hrer complaint.: Laxador Is the great liver regulator. t - ' . SCXTED TO TYPES. , ' It Is of prime f onsidcrat!oa : to select varieties for planting which are adapted to the typo sought to be produced. Bluo and Motley J'ryori, Lacks and Big Ori noco ar among the beat Tcr producing the heaviest and waxiest sldpping leaf; Tuckahoe, rrioius and- Ijoug LcrT Gooch are most relied upon for Mi "hogin!ci, and Sweet Orinoco; Flacagaa and Steilin? rake tho ye.y, best sweet auauied fillers. "r ' " Variety' soil, maauriaj'aod coltiva tiou all more or les effect tlia charac te. ef the product lluuh !the cclivlar tissue of U:e leaves, wh lo the mode- of curin;; greatly dctcraiines the color and to some extent the qualiiy ahd price..-" -' The bright yellow type will be next treated aad suggestions offered concern ing tlie surest way to succeed hi prol ducing It of quality which best pays. ' : . " ; ' R. L. Raqukd, ... TUyco, Va. - TheP.eT. Oe.'n, ThnTer," of Douhon Iod save: . IIat!Pxr Bazau t a J umal for the huiac Gv;rg the I1U11 infvnas lieu uiih Tfgird to the f4.rioo( Its iiumcrwus U lustrations, fjiskloa p'tes. an I raiteru-thttftftu; plcinenU are la dii i t-ckiible al.ke u ih home dress imiker aud the io: rswocsl modlite. jso exptrtift U spaiTd ia making iu ari.srio atraUTncs of the highest order. Its chvcr hort stories. rar lot plays, and tboti.bt.ule sajs sUt. fy nil tAstra, aol i: Uit fte la f iuou a a budget cf wit aoc t umor In hs tveekly tvoiet vcrytldrg Is irr cfudd whUrb i of latcreti to -worn 0, Dcnn IvjiJ O.ive .Thorne JJi'lcr, C'hrisuao Terliuaa IUttIk, and Alsry Low Dickinson wUI rpe.-tfHy lur- nls:i a series of piptrs on tho Daugh ter at hociA." Tiire uU a lay, anJ the Woman- of the r:Wf, T".ie serial novt Is will bo wiitte b Walls. Beuaul and P. W. lthiaoa - .hasTeriooicals- - - . ra IrtMi IlAurEaB-txAB - II CO llanraa's Maoahvb .-. -4f JlAsia'i Wkult - " , 4,"0 IiAiTI3i' T0UN3 lEX)rj--t .' 2 IX) To-tiga Fjcto all sabfcriters la Lo Ui.t.id bUlcs, (.s&aca, irMcxkr SistJfth'a tMtmptLa etr U acl4 If ra a rvsrtrL It rarra r.ccrj u.a VmZ at farm'- imt atcrr. Tllz rallrovid o.mole have t y en tho K insas farititirs aa eaier pary rate" oa thplr cmo a 55 Icrccut. redacllou to points oa tho Missouri river aad a 10 pr.'cen t rvductloa oa through ra!m to Chi cago, Till ytlll probably rcaall ta a glut. of corn at shipping polots, and ft further drop la yrlec. When thi fartners raise more com than ih-y ran prcSutly dipr f la home and io.v!n iuarkc:i, itero is re trip fr them In crdlrsry rnkchUti. dra U prolef ur by a duty of 1Q cents buht!;lut. litis U a mere to ox tcry. Tho only relief that l! rrmpc -tan expect from U'gtslsticm Is by tM ns ct un laxlui the twines ho ha.s to hay. Oa wtut ht hiv? i j sell bo tuusl run tils chsa.co ia tha UClld'ti ci k- ets. . . 7 ' - - - - Kleeple- nijht, made TnlwraWa te, tliat trrriMe coorlu hiloh'a eort i thm vjmedy Im it, For ialjat 1'irDia'i drng . tore.' - ... .--'7: . - ----- -. S . " - - . - -. ' - - - j Sl.!ToV Vitlli-er f whilyoa ae-J for eontiputioM, ls of appe'ite. tlitiine anJ ll ariuptAtna or ori-era a. rn 10 1?... tn Sl,n.JU t imoinmtmi .-.-r Tnlr ' 1 "0t I'' 00lt.C. t Of Sti &t I Of ssl by Funnsn. -: . - - - m-n' Tlie Tolanxs'vf Uic EAxtr ili be gi f wit iha h.fct Lumber tor January oftacUyxar. Wfitn tintrU la.u Uoiied, iobc.liiioa Will U-ifiu w.Ui li e itumhir curtcul at ti.u of rcecit .f -rdtr. " " lunJ volumes of ILiipcr's Bazar, for three jnra Uer(.Ia neat cloU Lindiag, Wui-bo eut by tuaj. pot t aId, or by xpiea, free" cl expe-n fi-.IJi.'d tJie lr iz.it dos uot pxeted oue dollar per rj uiac), for $7 00 pt vo'oaie." ' " ' Cloth Ciuks fere ich volarne, solta bl for b'.uJlng. wi:l t-e aunt bj nad pO t paid on rttpijl of $ 1 (0 cat h. Ueuutunrei shcAiId b made by jo.ln Siw money crder or draft to kfoid chines of t.s. - Xtwspapers are uot to copy tiiU An or.loada totot wcat off at'Ie lAho tauds c a iMi la a Ctcf i court, xui tle tu"e; eat dAScrosiy txmx the Jcde. TLa uuczpiaod tui bait" tdvcrtie:ucut wilhoat the crdcr cl Harper Uro;hr3. exprs Aidrct: IIaki th v IlKOnima, .'cw Ycik ; THK NKW DbOVF.UT. ' 'cubsro hfjipl yovr hi.vus sal oeilkbors talking a leal It Yttt ta yourself to ie f ibe iranywbo tno frotu pcroial tiri'ort Ji-t Low aooJ a tha.g U b- If ytm Kara- crcr lrd-t ew r uf -1 stseh fricn la. kcaoc tLe eahr?i4 ttiog aliict It l. H'-it wn o ct? c-vea a iriAl, t'r. &-uz' Vi'terxtf vt afi erwtr-S bw'da a hc W-"3 I ,--If you fore isvor ccd It su. t!-7;'d beKic t a ttrj.'h, e ld tny throst ling ir cf a at hx-:::e. arccc a tclll at ov.ca n.r.d s,,e r tr It Is guaranteed vfry llu:. cr tsusey rcfiuJcd. Trial totUs free at I u: ccsa's dru s.ora . T-e ;ur tiut !a-1 e-ct I rtre at'dcodau Uuoia p-i..Ut.e Ural -e - . .-' r a-. 'C..' .:-'-.,.; : -rL "Tf i v