. - - . T . Oxe -Yea's, -r r. : Six MoNisv'Ty .- To clubs of .five Te" Times will be fur nished at $1.50 per jbnojuv i-U' ESTABLIIIEDil 87P. Tills pawdercver Varies. - A marvel of b ttritv, strength-, and ' -' j wholesaraenefcs," if ore ecoqomleal thau the ordinary kirfds, aad caanot be sold f m " competition with the muititju.de' of low -test, ? short -weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold oxi,v IS CASS. I Ko YAJj OAKI KG POWDBB Co i i . 603 Wall 8.."N. Y TO SCHOOL TEACHERS. The? Sdpermtndent icf Puluic j&lvoohL-nf cFrahklih coanty,' will be in linuifrg: on ttie second Thurs day bfi?eln,rylrl l, iJulyi ; Sept. 'Octotxr!iinl i)tcemtr, and renmhi frthrpe"da.i?, if necessary for the purple of examining apiilicants t teach in the PublicSchoois of Ihis Ctiuiity,' .' ..r-:r V. Saturday of each vefek; arid all pub- lie "days; to -attend to any business con uocted wit h iny office, ; ( J. K. tfAF MS, Sopt. PROMSSlijyAL CMWS -y! gullet. A tt orhey-At-L,awi -raAXKLESTT03tXCX: AH . legai busii'esa .pronully at - tTiUOS. B. WLDEh, :g to ci is jb u.-n: - - OSice on Main St., one dr low the Ea.ile Hotel. . &PHU1LL. Attorney At Law, LOUISBURG, 2J. C. -Will itteml ttte court of Franklin, Graa vil le. Warren, Nah, and HHfl Sapren Court. Prompt Vaocej F.dert ltenti'n s:iy.'n ts cl,ectinB, &c. P AXIL JONES AUameM Comllor at Law LOUIS HUHQU. practice; la the courts ' of Franklin.: Warren, Wake, Vance and Nash, and in the Supreme court of the; State. ..J " JOCKE & DANIELS," : C. C. DNtELS , . Uo1dsbor;W. C. WusN.-p v ;yAtorneysfe ' :, ' ' wilson,'cA;V" ; ' ;; . Antiusiness entrusted to us will be promptly attended to. : B; MASSENBURG, ATTORNEY; At LAWy 6 ice la the Cour ni ouse. : : . lljlaacss pqtin nay haDds ril rcsiv'o prompt, attention-Sf;;i; 4- M.COOKJ5. KM. fR0YALKSSf l ' - 'fCy and COUNSELLOR at LAW. J jli attend the ' Courts of "Nash, Frank'in, : G.tnville, Warren, and , ' Wiake Obun,.ies also the Supieme : f eOartitil HoE tli Carolina, and the'U - -, , Circuit and District OourU. D !i. J. E : MALONE, i ' Oflce 2 doors below..;. Furman & Cooke's Dcug3tore.adj oining Drr 1. Ellis. . ;. ? W TIMRERLAKE. ATTbRNEY5ATLA wj M 7 -; LOUISBUBOiN C. 0fice1"Ke Court House r;; The Sin of Onilssion; It isn't the Ihiug'vou do, dear,- .'f It's the jthutg you're left uodone V Uich gives you a bit of heartache 4 A.' at ' A.- - . me secuug oi tlift sun. The teuder worJ-foriTotfpn. 4 ,,- Tht letter voa dkt not wi-if - .5 mr. --zj. . , . . ' ' - x ue nower you migixt have sent, dear, Are your hauDiiug.ghosts to-iught. .The stone you might have tilled Uut ot a brother a way, ;. . Thelnt of heartsoni s couiispi " - You were hurried too much to eav: flirt -rrri.f .1 .- ', - uu toutii 01 tue nana, dear, . ; U. Ihe gentJe- aiid winsome toue, ' That a3wtr4iad no time nor thought - for, .Willi troubles enough of - vouc Jown. Tlie little acts of kindness, i 'J; - rf " 'So'easily ou of mind, - c r?.? These chaiicei- to be angels - , Wliich every, imortal tiud ' : They come in night and silence-1; v- Each chill, reproachful w.xith ' -" When hope is famtand flagging, 5Ji . - And a blight ;has dropped on taithV For life is all too short, dear, V : : ' An i sorrow is ail to great, I I T So sutler our sl0w compassion, V ' r 1 Yf That tarries pn til too late. " T v Aud it's not the tiling you do, dear. ' It's the thing you- leave uudone, ' Wluch g vee you the bit of heartache ;.-f Al the setting of the -un. : tx A;';:S1?:fbr":-Boys v .1 BT J..E. MALOXE. ; CHAPTER IV. I--; Everything at the "Vickers s "place. :y" omvuiuyi tut . a. lUlf, HUil whenever any com pany visited the fain-: ily (wtueh was i very oftenO Morton's presence wiihhis - good conversational lowers were called mto requisition m order to help entertain them. So when ever company', arrived, to spend -any length of ne Mrs. Vickers would seud-j woru 10 ner nusoanu tnat ns must -give aiortoa to ner that she waiited him to help her , entertain her comjiany. (Tht-re. 4-jyas no joaiig man or boy in the Vick era imt!y.) At -'the request; of iflr Aicker-s J :ort!.-;n would quit -hi '"engine, gorto the liouse, put oa his best suit of clothes, and act the little geal'emau of j pleasure as long as lhcuts remaintd. ue horses and carriages i were plentiul on the Vickers "place, aud they .were coufctat.tly t rpught into ure by Morton to : take" rlhe yonng ladies into the city . and . to camtwnec lings and Fairs. When the company left the Vickers place for their respective homes, Morton would at ouco ' doT his fine clothes an J don his blue over-alls and return conte iled and as happy as ever 4 to his work again, , ! ' - C j Joe Holmes saw all of this fitvorilism (as he cjtUed :itj going on or being prac ticed towards 'Morton, "and it ' angered hjfn more a pd more against the boy. - "ims seemmg lavontism was not -so much .a piece ofLJavopitism ? as Joe thouglit, but :pn ;the contrary v ; this treatment. of Morton was, so fir as the. company was concerned, a necessity, and ss to the advancement of -lrfrlm grades of prk over Joe, it was a con-' veuienee andji pecuniary ; gain to Mr.- ykkrri, for Joc-IIolmes was a splendid stone m. son, and as "Mr.; Vickers liad a great deal of that kind of work 1 to be done on his place, he could have it done much i .cheaper by making Joe do it (Joe being hire 1 ty the year) -than ho could if he had lo hire a specialist by the Job orday; -ff, b:f. :.oo Avneu.Mr. vicKezs iouna mat he could put this boy to running -the en- gine he could tien put Joq ;on to the stone or fliasonry work. V": ; ' "" Instead of Joe's getting mad with Mr. Vickers, the real guilty party,, (if there was any gunc aicacnea to the act) ; ne concentratal all of his wratli and liatred uppn the mnocent lad. ;J Joe -Holmes was a man of fiimily and lived in a . cot tage about a quarter of a mile from the -"Vickers mansion , where Morton would seldom "see him unless it was sometimes Mound the stables about feeding time Joe's enmity l towards trur young friend caused him (Joe) to always be on thciookout for some neglect, of duty oa Morton's part, which he could report to MK Vickers. lie hid : already , re ported two imaginary or Jmadeup sto-' ries'on the boy, but after investigating them, Mr. s Vickers was , satisfied fthat they were false. To show IthcT J; unfair and underhanded means that had char acterizei Joe's dealings towards the boy, the following incident will be sufficient: While Morton was hauling hay !n lo the city, Joe was always sent to the bi r racks to arrange the'load of hay on tha wagon as Morton would throw it out: oijrietor WITH If ALXC fThe man or boy on. one of these hay wno couki put the largest and pretaestload of hay,on a wa?6n, not only occupied an eaviable posllioa in the estuuaUon of his associates on the farintit it made the liay bring a bet ter price 6a tho maikct.)" On Several occasions J oe, in arrangi ngliorlou's load, had bulked (as they call it) the hay to oue side, and lighUy sliapcd it oa the other, so tliat it wa very eisy to upset. This misfoi tune had haDncned to Morton once or twice oil the way to the city; an t had caused "the lad a - rreat deal of trouble. --Mr. Vickers he ird of this through Joe Holmes, who put the llaiiie va Mortcu as Leiag caused by -careless aud fast driving, thereupon 'lux. Vickers censured the hoy "for this Ikst driving aud lb results. Morton -so.n suspected Joe Holmes as, being the cause of his trouble, so ' he told Mr. Vickers if he would ' let one of the smaller boys go with him to throw the hay on the wagon -he (Morton) would load the wagon bo tliat the accident would not happen again. Mr. Tickers was very glad to accede to this proposition for he needed Joe alt the lime at the rock work ho was hav ingdone. , , : - Morton soon won the; reputation of being oue of the best if not the best I9aders on Uie place.; This f :ct irritated Joe very much, for he (Jo) had always enjoyed this reputation himself. So when it was thrown up to Joe hy seme of: the liands 'that Morton could boat liira loading a wagou with hay, Joe's anger, towards the boy rose to white heat. - V"-"''".' ' -. ' " One evening when Morton and his Irish friend, Tom Martin, were' stand ing in the stable j ard discussingin a "plaisant way some subject upon which they dUTered. Joe oame np to where they were, and in hi way took - sides with - Tom . Martin agjnnst Mortouj (not because he agreed wuh Tonutiut because ha wanted to jfai:tagoniz3 M:rtoa.vfor Joo was uot in me oibit of agreeing with any, honest tnai:) and very 'dogmatically . asserteJ that he(Jo) was right. ' ; Mortou ,very p"itely asked Joe his reasons, whereup- on. Joe replied wiUi an oath - that' he ueal:l t:o reason it was so because he said it was. ". Morton told him that he ought uot to assert a tICng or - an opiu-' ion so emiatically as. true without giving a su:licient reason for it. Joe vorj; much ani-rcd at the boy sensi Lle rauark,lioo!;cd hi3 clinched fist in Morton's face, and sakl: -: r . " . 'If you 'say or -tliink diCcTcntly from -what I do, you are a liar. r J . Thi was rather too much for Mor ton's good nature to .. stand,' and as quick as a Cash he planted a blow be tween Joe's e3es that stajered him for a moment aud made him fuiioulyjnad. ' As soou as Joe reg linctl himself he picked up a pitchfork lying 1 near ' and made a thrust at Morlou's breast, but Tom Martin caught the fork and saved tlie boy's life, for. the etah would have been fatal. . , . ' : Joe. tried Lnrd.to'get the fork' fiom iToms;hauds Sut he could ' not . get , it. When Tom caught the fork he" had slipped between Joe and Morton, and to doing so had pushed the. latter jbehind him. .Toe now turned the fork lose and made a rush at tlie boy, but .Tom's quickV.strong liand grasped Joe in the collar alid held "him. : - ' . i ", -: Tom' stlien.:told j Joe that he was wrong in callajg the boy a liar and 'that holiculd not hurt himto go pfT and let him alone. - - ; Just about this time Mr. - -Vickers made his appearance some distance ' off, but was coming ' in that direction.' WheU-Joe saw him he slunk off, , but &.& he- passed : Morton he ' whispered in his ear that - he intended to meet him on the road some night .when he (Morton) was coming out from - the city and fix; him. V .'";.;.,, s.. 4' ,;. ' When Tom got Morton to himself he lold him not to go where Joe was; un less his business. compelled - him to do so. Tom knew that Joe was a mean, desperate man.'; " ; - V' j " Every Uibg went on alright for about a week, and our young , friend still, had his engiiie oh the road crushing stone for the' pike. vMr.vf ;v " .. t : : .v' ,: One night Mr.l Viewers called Mor ton into his study or sitting 'room iimd told him he was going to -leave bora the next day and would be gone about a month, traveling in the. interest of some new machinery which had jrecen t ; Iy been turned out at the foundry and machine shops, and he further stated (that he bad decided to" turn -over tonne ery Impork ntbuti less into 'his (Mor. f TOXVARM NOXE; WITH CUAKITY F OC LOUISBURG, N. C, MARCH77 tou's) liauds to attend to m his (Mr. Vickers) absence. . Continuing he aid: 'I hiiVH Jeft tho Cirm and the other hands under the management of, Tom Martin, and I, want you ito at'eni to my business In the city You :'muft drive into the city evi ry : morning with-i my hcrso and buggy, leave them at tlie foutidryyard, then lake the day to attend to my business.' . - Mr, Vickers then gave Morton a lkt of his houses and lots in the city,' their numbers and the. iuunes rf.thdr)xc innts, how much and when 'Iheir'rer.ta were Jue'for some of-, their rents were falling due every day nearly. "' Ging into the city early in" the morning , he was to engage the hay which would be sent in and collect for the same. All monies collected for rents he was to de posit in the bank before he left the rityi and all monies collected for ly, milk and butter and garden truck he was to bring out home and put in Mr. Vickers sate, lie was also to collect bills for lumber sold, and the 'weekly rent for the engine and stone tVushcr "on the turnpikes (tii$ engine would be run by one of the hand from the machine shops in tlw city.) -a .;. ' "ow Morton," coatintrtxl Mr.' Vkk ers uif I didn't have couGdeuce in your ability and houesty. I would not latniiti you with these matter. "- Wheu I ', rc turu, if I fiud Uiat youharc attended to this busuieis faithfully and honestly, your wages shall be raised to one hnn-, dred dollars a month, dating from tlie present time.". ,'.' ? Morton rejoiced witliiu hlnweir and -.hanked Mr. Tckers for the confideme he had imposed b , him and , promised that he would endeavor to. strengthen that confidence and at the " same ; time lfovo that he deserved tlie increased wages, by a Edthful rrformauco of the work given him to do.-1 ; Mo," again said Mr. Vck-rf,-here are tho hands accouuts.'you must settle with them every Saturday niht.' acconiing to Tom MarUnV reckoning of their tinia Honor all dnfls given on 'you by my wife, ue vliat .money vou may need yourself witliia limit J, awl keep a strict account of all triinsao tious." . .' . . . - ' , Morton retired ; (hat uiglit feeling proud of ill's reiicwed confidence 'placed in him by his employer, and thorough ly apprecLitirg the lespousibility rest hig upon his young iwead and 1ouV4ers in this elevatftlposit'on in which he had been so receulfy j. laced. " " " . : Mr. Vickers-left . tha next" morumg for the Virginia; and Carn;uu,s. . With a firm trust in his : ability to do,the work left him to do, anj with a deter mtnatioa to succeod, Mortoa en tered .-poa the .perfbrman. o of hi new duties "the next morning , and witlut glad Iwsirt, and we shall see ! Jf Mr. - Vickers trust was misplaced or whether lie did Itis daly, aud alo what trials and diificultics he. experienced. in so do!ng. .'-:" . . ' Z' TOtBE DOXTINTJED. ; ; If you arc costive, dont wait hntil costiveness becomes constipation, but take EnxAdor at oate,:i regularly.- and persistently until you are cured. . . ; Do not poison your little ones with" paresoric, laudanum, etc., but use Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup it contains nothing injurious lo the infant ey-denu -: , Plough deep and loosen the soil. .FrfquknTiT nov'.dcnts occur Jn the household which can , burns, cuts.. sprain and bvulsea; for 'ue, in' suc! -aHes Dr. J. U. McLean's Volcamo Oil - Proio goixl storae-roo:n for-solid' manure," and tis.erns for liquid manure. you can be cheerful and happy nly when yon are well. u If yon terl i at of sortB," lake Dr. J. H. Milean's SaraaprUla..r- .. ' ". , ,( I ' .' ' ' Coosc commercial ferti'izcra intelli gently, and do not use one in excess of anothert simpjy .because others do so. Manure every crp which benefits by it, and manure bighly. t A BAFE IN VESfMENT. ' . 1 ; la one which Is guaranteed to Wd" you satisfactory result," or in case "failnre a return of purchase prtce. ' )n this sate plan you can buy from our advertised dru-t a . hot tin tf , rjr. King's New Discovery for coniumrv .lion. t It Is guaranteed to Lrlns re'"pf la every tae,' when used forany nicC tion 01 mnnviungs or c i.-st, sut h na consumption, Snfiammalfon . of hmgs. brpnehitis, hft",ma, whoopin:; coo"b" croup, etr. It is pleasant iid,ftT7L b.e to taste, per ectly Si fe, and can" filwavs be dpenne! upon., Tria; lol ila fr e at W. H. Fur aim, Jr'j dm s'.o.e ; ., 0 ' - . I - ALL. I'RIOIi: B 1 .CO JPE P0L1T10AL. HOW THE THE REPDDLICAXS STOLE MONTANA. OnIONS yr l'UOMIXEXTi REPUBU- '. CAN'S. ":' : . . Wil SUr. - " ; T"e never was any doubt tSat Montana tul beeit Etolea by UieRepub-lk-aus by tlirowhsg out Ue vo:e of the Silver Bow prccau-t which the DemoT crars carried and which gave Uieoi majo.lty of the LegisLiluro ou the J .Jnt ballot.- Ttiero wer In tlu-.t precinct 1S2 registered Voters," 174 of wtiom vo ted at the election. Thcro were but three Republican votes cast, and their votes were returned as cast : Tlie Re publicans, after the eircti in, produce.1 affrlaviU of alleged Repubrxacs ' who said that they had voted and .oa the rcngdi of these Vi5Vhv!:s the vote of the precinct was tljrowu out. A Judi cial invwtigafon Juit made has demon strated tho Itct tkit Uicse aSUwlia were faUe, llat the men whose came were appended to tbcm could nowhere leTbutid, nd that the Republican Lad cast but three votes which were re turneJ. Their case was a complete break down, and tho tic I was clearly established that the Democrats had car ried Die precinct fairly,. am that the Legislature was by right their on Joint ballot which would hat-ejected two Democratic U. S. Senators. These ficts are now before the Senate commit tee which Is Investigating the cae of the co'jtcslin"- U. a Senators elect, hot they will count lu the two Republican rump Senators all the same. Those revelations, however, wliile they may not decide the SenatorslJp a tow up th coooplrary by whk.h the Bute and the Senatorshipa were stolen. ' : There are a good many lading Re publicans who do uot contemplate the outlook for the party with straiihsc de light. A disthisuished statesman from one of the New Eng'aiid Stales said a f iw days ago that nothing nhort of Di y.ne lulerpjsitlon coald save it from o-erwlM-lni:ng def.-at at the next elec tion, while cx'onsTessraau Horr. of Michrfran, Is empiric; iu the opinion that Harrison has tied four cr fire great millstones to its neck and is going to send It down after McGtntr, aod now tome Ren Butierworth, the Repobll can headlight from Ciocinnatf, -now Iu Cougress, .who, when recently asked if he would be a candMate aam, akl: -If the present House docs not do some thjnj toward a re-iion of the tariiT 1 Shall not be, for there will be no pros pect oTray election, I bd' e that the only hope of coo tinning the Republican control of the Uou?e lies in fax and thorough revUiou'of the tariff, bu I am afraid our people w" only do as they have done. They hare evidently heard something drop, aud have not been un mindful of pass.ug event. "Our eo ple as he doignatea Lis Republican coJeagucs, have not the s'.bhuu idea ormakuig any such rcyisiou of tho tar iff as tlie people demand, and he knows it. They are bound hand and foot by the protected monorvlists. and he kno a that; and he knows, too, that Reed aud hbaanj, with tlie autica they are per forming, are more than any rational pco- lie en the dec of the earth ould"&Ucd or more thau ono term. They see th sy-iouo coming. . . . Can Sdilrrtis Cancer He Cured f mil, 1 . . . ThU la a hard question to answer owui's Sp-rCiflC has cured thous and: of ocvaof Skin IVtncer, and there Imve been many ca-es ffScir rhu OHncf r "reported caret I by It. We do Fay that 8. 8. 3. U worth a frlal In any case or cancer. We append " a Mi tment rotxi MUs Grcvu, of TalljKWsa, Oa.: In ISSi I hud a small lump In my left-breast, which "provid tu be a cancer. The first remedy I trftd I wo to have Itbunied ofr..lh!a did not cure It, for shortly atler wards It broke cut again in a much worse form. I theo consulted our druggist, who advised me to try Swill' Ppecldc (S- S. i. ), and otter taking about one dozen but lice, was completely cored, aud uiy cancer has never appcard since, nor has It troubled tne 111 any way. I cn cheerfully recommend Swift 'm bryo ific (S, b. 8. ) to any ono aoffctlug with can cer. - ..Miss T. E. G recti Tallaiwrt, Ga Treat'ao en bkol aud akin disease . mailed free. t . ' SWIkT diTf FfC CO, J Atlanta. G ' For weak back. ctict p'ai, n a Di. J.ILMcLsan'a WoaJerfil Hol Sa plaster. . - t , , Colli rata only an fa, laying caops, and selecl the best reed for the soil. IF ju ' are a ptinfnl senas rf fa tigue, find 70.. r dtHicn iiks-nie, uke Dr. J. II. Mcfean! Karfajrilla. It w,11 brace ton up, u.akeyuu ;rong ai.d vlgoiwoa. AIS IS' XJM In A.h nuco NO 7. The Nem-xpaper In a Farm llotic Teoplo who lire near the great tborouglifUrts, where they hare acceas to two or three doiUe and a La'f djtcn wccklic-do not fully ap'rcci-it lha val ue of a newi paper. They come, liMlced, olwk ui fjjn ai neca si., and ILej m cheerfully do whhoot thir niocniog meal aa roornlrtg mall. Rot one rout Le far off "n tha icuotry, re mote from "vha.iudienljg crowJ," t realize tuefull luxury cX a tewjpaper. The tirmtr who rtceived bat cn pafrr a week does no, stance otct iu tolamna hurriedl r, wit h au air of Ira patieace, as doea your merchant oe lawyer..- il be gicj witii the.bepaabj aaJ reaii lo Uecloie,iiot rjernniUn5aBer I,em o ndyertsemit to escape L!i eje. TLea U has to be thumbed by every member or the tmuiy, each one lcoU for things b which be cr she Is most Inler es:eL The grown op dau;htc look for the mirrli jo doxt, an! b del'jht ed if the elitor Las treated them lo a lore story. Thi aoa who h joat alut to engage in farming with tl;e tnthusl aui that w"ll carry ban Cr In advance of Lis father, reals all i,e crop rcjorts ttiJ hai a keen eye t LluU tboii Ira jv'o'reJ nxxlrt of co'.tare. The joao r members of the am:Jy come la for the amuilng anecdote atMlacrap of fan. All lookTjrwar.l to the diy that ahall bring the paper with tlie livel:et inur es?, and if bj aoroe ootocky ckvoce it tiila to come, it is a 1 liter dapfoCai. meot. One can tharL'y eatimaie Ue amount of mtuc-marioa whkh a paper that Is not only rend but azod el, can carry luto a Cimily. They liare, week by wee. preod before their men Lai vUkn a rnoranut of the busy woe id, it fkictuAtlot.a and Ua "Wi.hifla vod Ua vast coocerna. 1 1 Is the poor iojta'rIi Imry, and foruhUcs aa much nuotat fo-idliia he Las lime to coasuroe and di- crat. No ooe i'Si olaerred how njuch those who are Ur away from tle places where most men cig rebate aloe their weekly paj cau fail to lain in Invok- hig a Lleaanig on tho Inr enter of tbii meant w mteUa taxi enjoymtnt. Ilx. ' Whaterrr teuda to hicrcue cse ot neM, by Vnkh!ng aia aud su2Tr-bj, will ccrtdnly aecure Uotice and apjiy rd. We allude to SalvaUoa 01 In rare your Lfo for 2i cents ajalost all the d-uicr of a CoaiompUva'a death by keeping a boUle of Dr. Ball'a Couh Syrup cotivnilcuL It a the Ictt. 190. Harper's Bazar- - ILLUSTRATED, - IlAitniK's Baxak u a journal for llielxima 1 G'vlog the latest Informa tion with trgard lo the fastdooa, lu uumcrvua Uiast ration a. fhioo platea. ao I iltera-ahtuppicmcBt are lu disteasable al.ka U the home dxesa maker aid the proleatooal roodUte. No expense I apated la makixg its artUiIe attractiveness of the hitt order. IU clever bort stories, par lor plajs, and tbouhttule aaja sti. fy a!! Ustet, aod Its lm te I, mou a a budget of nil aoc humor In Its weekly iae everythlog la u eluded which Is of interest to woustnt Durinjr IsOO Odre Tln.ro MiUer, Cbriaune Terhune Htni.k, and Mary Lowe Dick nsan will rerertfull fur nish series of paptra 00 the Daugh Ur at hrtaic,- Three J teals a Day and t!i "Woman of the Period. 1 v.ii ia- uiiiTii ,mi m Will V OI ' Wa er Beasant and P. W. lldLivon HARPER'S PERIODICALS- - PiOi Yraa -Hartex' Baxar l CO llAarxa'a Maoazixb 4 00 llAarcu'a WcXi.r . " 4 CO Hvirua a YockqPeoplr " . - 2 00 . t'oujge Free to all aabscritera lo he Ui.Ucd&UUa, taada,orMxLo : - ' . . - . The vo'ooe of the Baxar will be gin witutba fii at LomUr for January cf each yrar. When no'time la men, lionod, suUo.lptiun will be?m with the number current at lime of rtceipt tf trder, j. - - Bound roJames of Hai per Bcir. forthroo years bc'it in . oeai ctota blading, wilt be fw-nt by nvl, pou- I , or uy ei;i;M, tree ci eaj-r f;r-viCeJ Uic ft-itt ov not exceed ana dollar pr vo'utoe), fw-r 7 OJ pr voiaoi. Cloth cea f t r e:eh volame. o:tv lid for bludinz. will La ant by oail rt paid on receitt or II CO each. Ueuiittanrai ahjtild b cade y pot-,CJca money truer or draft to aroid chance of h. Newspaper are not o copy tl.i aarcr.i-emrct wiuoul li express crd-r -i uarper ,v urotheTS.. , AJdrca.: . HaHTEB &. BKOTlItRa, : New York Cultivate more and bettct'forag-w 1 Ms" vvjmSwW wit Tti Wn mct tanief jT ao."idird. v,i, heme of axy taiuretsia U tUzltj rcetlnd. " Coucemloc "Women Badlmorcan. Hotv aon ,' jirl'a tttal I Cujrt a little latter uuuU-r te- That fur ishJch womaa ahou!i U cumcleU ah s U Uiust cJleu r.Ji calcd her houtvlineu. When a woman can trah fUn nela o that they wlfl not ahrink aba kno tenuush to reel tnanle!' A wotuaa la never ftu badly In lure that alt i!cm not try to find oct the cmt of he eugatrinenl ring. The devil has particularly hot Are for tho mother who wanta to aend her daughter bmbcd bant IngatltJ. Yu occuionalt-r find -rvrnan vhn f tl(it-. .k. I . 1 . . . . .-..-..iMMiiw it iDieuartuai L-e- l rauao ! hu a larre Bomber of cunespondeuta. Aaaooaaaa rn&a reta tht fire built aruj the roo?u vrarw ht wlf come altrnjc tuid want to air the noo. r"' One of your delicate wotaf n wlS never admit that she Is hongiy. Bhe will x that she U felln a little falut. Aroman never becomraeo Intel Rreifi that she lexma It "a rw jMrat ure in others l hear hear cox hcr children to apeak a plee. There la only on thin? that pie. e a woman oore thai, to t rr, tt. J eJ to as a dove, and that la to Lcnr a man rvfened lo ask a hawk. The qof-sUoa with woman- la It better to marry a roan, who U thought !- and leave the deer pet. UehirKl hi art, or marry mu whothlnka toflcaAthedoor but fur Keu lo leave jut Ihn iUmT MERIT WINS W dea're to aay lo our cillxetae that fw icaia we lute teeo al e Dr. Kl"j a New D'a-orery for rou au uptloo, 1. Kir? New Life p.:, lktcklm'a Arnka tXlr and LIcC-t c lkit ra, and have uater Kacd'e-J tetn- dcsttalstll aa well, or ibal ta g'.Vsn u;h triivf rsal tal SitcUon. v e do r.rt 1U V iuaractee lLa at ery time, aad we aUod iaa-!v .o- ir fund the pmxlae -r. If tat'fac.ory result t!o not f 4Iow tir use. Th rtmrdlea bare o 'the'r cr:atrc?n -Urity purely on lb- o-,ta- W. L. Furmao, Jr. lhrvVV - ODDS AND END3. 5tnk"a easaat-t:a ear Is aalJ tm a a ruttu .J t iim rralat f amaa'a trax sIat. RiW;U i!I be a handrwl year od in Ii"J2. Can't she tnana- ia . itxiko of the wor'd's Lir beil t!r celebrate lha evau'J ReidsrlUe RcUe One of the beat evkleofea U Mr. Cleveland pm.ul asJ pitl.-al rvpo buity b, to docb, to Im foanj la tie jTooocnceJ cTwUon clhal a!4e acd Ln.:U-it, but jCTjcra!!y mbukea joar Cfd, the "New Yjck ifualUdftiUe Review. That hseklsr ecs ram b as e!et? arrd Ly hiw.h' ur. W trara it. 1'or aat at ranaik's dii; trc Mr. 2Lfoa has ecsl a ul:e cf rocmaia Cturkat for a icar. to be used by tiiivelf and h'a aaUst a- ri U hi bukla; ra"ong laresi-ioaa In ihttl tect-ou, wlJch he b!Te to Ls the rvbest inlaenl'regkia 00 the tut cf the globe. If any rarthu-uri occur b lhA tx e daring Ifl?, thej tuy be at tribute! to Mr. Eoq's experonecU In cndcrjroc&i electrkliy. Switch's Taurtk EcJt a roal'Jr car far uiTk, dlpknk aai aaattr UwatJk. r3ct4 b; raimaa, Feed ilJidlriaxJcflhe beat foc- air. - v Tlta Bv. Ce. n.TtaTtr, af 7lrbs Id.aa: lSik mj.t aa.j wiit ear lie to .Ul-)'s Csa.r Ua cars, i'mt axis Ij Tarcuaa. Flttfltm alrifs. saa4a 4 aUrl!a t Uat tmhl t uW's ear is 1L0 ttmtCj tit lu It r a: at rumi i -s:ora. - Sll!.'a YitH's r It wVatyaa arr't fc aJ aU ryatfim U tf, Vtu I taJ JJ rtn ff i r at i cr- tai iiXf :.. - J- IL JlL-n,a.". SArsararilla- Ii' wUI giya jou beahh, auecnh aaj vitality. ". ' Voo caanH axu.r 1 a!j acy work t bui tu a,d- )ea litl well. Ii jou feel used cp t'ied ot tale tr. To al'ay pa m, a'ib-lca ItfLisntz, l,eal foci rrs a no uTcara the c i invrapt aal aitir.lor7 lcu:js anj o'ta.ae.1 t"7 ottry Vxi old re Ltc rvrr e.tr. Dr. J. IL ILXeau' VUa-i.-OULioUAtat. - . IK you uCvr from any affctl3& ea'ae-1 by 1 nt uro bud. a ic.'i a. M 1 tro:c:x n't n l I Ua. teUar r- rceum, s-.rr, tc:s, f u- I -sm, take Dr. J. Ii. McL n'a f a-p lit. r ." ! o y N