llfli ''i".v- THE FRANKLIN JIME Tun Tunas is th; cu.'j Cf 4:- ;r pullLJsri Li FnrAiiu ctu&'y, aid lit circuluioa cirrv'a pll over rim Six Months, 4. V; -i-.--.:- lrw J. Tolclubsof jfivofTE XmESHI ;!hr uished at.$jh$oi per annum.",; .: venlxn shook ruale a'n y.e t v The liltuc wUl not le Ue for th views tfccmriot . K.A.-.,TIIoaiASEdltor and Propriotov : . WITH HALICK TOWASDS KOX; WITH CHARITY FOR Aix YOL.XIX ileus c tzj c.:cre.rUl I CAuiJ-.;r rcocircd. : LOU ISBURG, N.:CM Ivl ARCH 14 1 18QO. illlStltlt HORTOH-:,HEHDRICES 11 'It A, Story 'for Boys. BY" J, E.-OSE. Thia do wjiereTer varies. ' A'taftrrel f p arityv strength. . aad 4- whle8omeneteS. More economical thau the ordinary ItiBds, and cannot be sold,, ia corapetitioiL with the taultitade of low. test, iibort weight alum or phosphate povrderBi -SoLDostY N CASS. EOT Al BASING POWDKB C O." . , 60& Will S VJC Y ir,.:-,.j ..j,. . , TO BjCKOOL TEACHERS. ; V The" Superintendent - of , Public rfchoolsVifi Franklin county," will be in Lout.bdrg ion the eecbnd; fry of Fetraaty:vApTilJJoiy,Bept October Hoa Decemher, and remam safe-keepiagT of Ida esnplojers mouy. ibr thre,dayf- irieceesary.fbr tUe exception :atiittle incident imroofM of exsiaiininir applicants to - , - in the PublicSchools of this ch would have fogutenedboys Comity iotUm Iiaaoccurred -up to - 1 wilt aiBa2-hK?n Iaisb a rftS n Saturday pf eayh eek. and aH pub lie davs. to attend to. any ba?ine CHAPTER V. : - l ? i ; la the performance of .the duties of his ew ptSce - the' next : morning after 3tfrlVicker8 left, Morton found that the work was very pleasant, though he felt that he liad his hacds .full. He ' made tbework pleatytreatinall jfirith whoni he Lad any business deaiingSf in a polite -and respectful manner,: and in rcMiru ne cotuiiituiuea respect miu.au au ra tlOU froaVLi.y4:'' ?f Morton .would attend to" his allotted busiuess,duriug the day, and " when"? he "had finished the da va . work, ' he vsa&: in. the liahit of ?aing the city for home about fcun-down though sometimes it .would be miidi later : when be fitarled. : It .was about four, miles from vthe city out to :the mrm',-. and oflen " when ; he . would be laieonung out, Morton would think xf the threat that Joe Holmes" had made to hnn'lhat day .in the stable yard.: Mrton 'Hendricks. was 'np '.a coward by any means, and ; he was" never eon- through the woods - he observed -! three Jweu going from him and back towards the edge of the woods, '"where tie had 6eeu the tvfo men eatsr wheu e came out from the city. -; .'v- -; By this time Tom Martin wm thor oughly convinced that something wrong was going on. for surely nothing good could come out of a fecret"ci5ht meet ing ot these three.; suspicious Ticking and acliug characters, When Joe Holmes was onc'of those "characters. Tom now felt sure, when-' he : remembered -that j Mor ion was going to be late coming out that night tltat a deep, dark plan was being foruiedjjy thesei- three men--that woulif work, harui to his y oung-ftiend Morion. ; ....::-" 7 f-i' - : Tom Martin was not a man "wanting in true" courage and bravery, though' it had bften insinuated that Tom Martin ''wouldn't fight,'? simply becauseTom didn't on one occasion take..anyJnotice of ar general, challenge 'that some brag gart had made in tbeWnmunity; that he could whip"Anyman in the neigdbor-' hood J .--Tom was as gentle as a wom an, as kind-hearted as au'y good and aa brave as a lion. "JV He was v not connected; with roy.offiee. . J,;K. Ha P7i8,:Snpt. PROFJSJUMAI CARDS II -lat; busii'esjs.; promptly at-r . to this time : to . interfere with , the proper and satisiactory ciacnarge or ins : new dattes-'tf! -S:?T One Sunday evening while Morton was reading - the Sunday Telegram he noticed that Dr; M unsey, a very - gifti d orarbi r and Diy ineis - to : deliy er ietture tbofollowiu g'i hursday nigh t iaj quick tqsee or take an insult because-4 he was not looking for or deserving pne." Bot in , the" protection and de fense of women'- and. children, -or the Weak against i the. strong, where true bravery and strong muscles were called into action, give us Tom Martin .as an illyXw'tiVbis sunny &ce, warm 4ieart," andiordial hand-sliake.)" then'- woe" to "the .man or men who dared oppose him. 'Tom would have been willing to meet and fight all three of these evil Wu if it were necessary to protect an Cinocent person, , and especially if that person ?Wi'a Mor ton Hendricks. In thw instance he de- IfimoicliyJ on' the; (bllowingsUb j cided to Ibllcw theirlriovements aorldis a .1 ijectf Therels no.Coafiict between Sci wie'and RcU-:-; ; ? Morton was very anxious to : hear it, so he aked M rs.: yiekers at'once to let hini remaia Ia;:3fce-citythat' r Officejps Main St ones dor and also tlat Mrs. Vickers had told him that Ue coalibteiiialn Jn 'aud ; comeNut after the leciu re" was over. .jtSI-MBf1 :gp08HolmeV.hadJieard!:what Morton "it - sit T7 T T v :'.", I was going.to do. and he' at once went to 2? vi-iSs -';'l"5't:?5l I knspirinfi: Vagaiiustithe boy, and -: r sLt isrnei5'--A t LhTlfS:Sr P"5?1 into execution his threat to Hxl ' Will nlteiid!:tle courts , of Franklih, Taace. Giaiivir W F-dernl dd Supreme CoirU Prompt cover the object of their rnoeting.: , The three men walked on to the edge ; of the woods, ; Tom " only - moving I as ' they , ItTwastiow so dark: tluit if Tom al lowed them lb get fifty yarus fromr him he cou'd not te'MhemTeo T0;) cl the prdperdiafnoce until tlieycot to dayrMOTt went sire.ana loteution" to Bear the lecture I towards tne-tnm-tnke and soon arrived whole sum' amounted to $320 62. Joe Holmes was under Uie impres sion 4hat Morton would carry out all the money that he had collected, Twhkh would have been a much larger suruv". . .Morton locked the gate, mounted his buggy and drove doVn Sclirorder street to where it enters "VeM Baltimore, then up this street lo where it,', divides into -the new and old .Frederick turnpike. The o!d FredViclc wasa lonely and un frequeuted road, wpciallj at this hour of the niqfnt. becaue..lhe maioritT cf (lie people who lived out in this section bid eitber built ou Ihd nor road, where the horse car rancor on the Frank Iia town road which runs in a Horth-Wcst direction fr.rtn the. city. So this old Frederick pike 'was'.' between these two popular thorouglifkres,' Morton knew and often felt tiiis' hne'inees. ' but he was uot afraid,; and ever, thought of carrying any weapon ' of defeuse. ' He drove on in a slow trot until he reached the foot of this lon hill which wi hate spoken of, and wbere we left Tom Mar tin trying to watch Ihe suspicious move ments of those tliree men'.; There the ltorse, came down to a pulling walk. The buggy and' horse had not made mu.h distance up the hill before Mor ton looked towards. Uie top of the lull J through the skylight opening (made be- twtea the overuaaging trees . and the road) and1 imagined that he saw the orm if a man vroes over fiom the right to the left side or Uie road, and he at once thought of Joe -Holme and -his threats Morton determined to disappoint him in his purpose , which he imagined ' to knock or drag him (Mortou) fioiu the bucsy seat and beat him. - - Tbe horse whicli Morton was driving had the peculiar trait of; not allowing any one to approach him and take ho'd of his head; but Morjtou' and the stable boy- - ... -;;'.!..'. - - Joe Holmes knew .of "this peculiarity ln the horse, audAfortoa thought that he (Joe) would not try to step turn in that way. -. : " Just before Uie boggy reached the place another figure crossed the road. Morton to - circumvent " Joe; : stepped from his seat - oil to the; right shaft of SOME POLITICS- Greensboro Xorth State, Tp.) nigit ut?tafc;ei-the lecture yt&& ver and: sive'rthlyv gave hercouseat . for :huja to do so. - Thus occurred ou Sun- tween iSunday aiid JfhurJayht, Joe Holmes had gone into the ciiyand with at a part of the road wherea. long" h!Il was-cut by. the" read, .which road was overshadowed Its entire length by. a row f arclung chestnut jrees' on each aide In order to . reach the road from r the WDodsihese three men" had to cross -. a small strip of Ci eared land which ; ran parallel with ther road - and between" it and the woods.. As the three men were crossing" this strip of cleared land, Tom himself- they ""had planned-the robbing t tien tun giveu to cd!cctip hs,!&ci fef ta kidnapping 'of.Mortoa "J Tjx, J ON ESiv''-i' j Xheir plan- was for Joe. to continue at - 0lMmM Coiaseller-atLaii: rvVill :raci&rt n i t he oorlapf FrankiiniarrenTOkV and NaPtl, and in the isupreaie court ' of the 8ki$XW&&:$!& COCKE& DANIiJliS," C. C DNIELS - VGoldstoro;N.CV?;fe two of his ; puis hp ; were "as raeari as I -stopped just at lis edge,, concealed hirn-f seTin tue. brustr until . ne . saw- tnem seated under one of tiie large chestnut trees by the side of the pike."- He could now only see three dark objects,and In ibis poeUioa-they remained, for hours, (which seemed an age to Tom) or until the" bell in the; Catholw monastery "struck the hour 7of eleve: j, . and as the last strote ot tne oeu aioq awny, Tom s --Vy i. -il-- j . i - - ures glide away down -, the side 1 of the p-keJ; Tom dow kept hs eyes anr? ears strained. as it were (like som6- wild ani- aial watch'og its prey) towards .; ! he re maining ; two; dark objectsl ; j Finally these two followed the third down into Recently hi commenting npon, and commending portions of Senator Vance's speech in rrpJj to Senator Dat ler ; of Sooth Carolina, . the Xoc th tate freely handleJ the practical points Uivo'.ved- ' ''. ' The positba and exprcsAioc of this paper have calld out many dWlmilax cri cirn " . The Democratic - papers seem daxed at the frank manner adopt ed, and the able and generous Kandle roan Herald wouders why we open , the party door and Invite the colored man to leave hia.old home. . . TJnintentlocal injustice is done the Aprta State.- The negro U not invit ed to leave. s We simply want to ccord him the privileges enjoyed wy the whito man. He has under our laws the right to vote as he pleases. If his aJaesioQ and loyalty to the Republican party Is asKea lor ou ine grcnaa uat bs was given his liberty by that party, it most be admitted that he paid the - debt long time ago and Is entitled to a fait receipt.;,' . ; . . .." Observation convincef all fair-minded pcoplo lhat the colored man" never can obtain 'oQces of Importance ia " the Southern States The greateit oljeo tien to giving oSk'es to the negro comes from theSouthern whiio Republicans. 'As soon as it was known that Harrison was elected, Indianapolis was lus Mer ca cf oflice seeksrs and bosses from the South whose cry was, Tt give the rugger any offlcal This same course was followed up-ta Washington . uat't. all the offices were dispoeed ot .There ia too ranch hvnocruv arid A- the bugsr and then; to the- cround, and I ; rt.w.i . u 4ag his left arm over; the shoulders I , , . . -. PEANUT CULTURL i; O. T. 7USIIX TrXLS ADOXTT IT . 13 THE WILSON ADTAHCX. Let oil political biuas te lurr old rru die. Lt tw ttorlea huached.' - . , ' la condctloo Mr,TatirAe ia J : Afcd new, lSco grost acd magI- cect scul of elUr aad. crate;! ctlc- his work orr the farm uhtil work hours were over tliat Thursday night,and then meet 'jt!ieaeljw0'T friends '-(wo will call them friccclsj a t.theedgejof . a. pi ece j of w oods on the Tickers place, where they .would complete - their y arrangements 71 ne day preceaing tne, mgnt upon J bicb ihe ugly work waf to ,'bef done, -Tom MauVaa f usual, had gonelintd the city with a load f -hay, driving a .fine team of-four mules.;- He saw 'Mor ton m tne citv ana tola mm to tell .mm (Tom) all.thd news- when he came.bufc Tom MartirT ;came butabou dark -that J the cut. As soon as they disappeared put. of the horse, caught ete with him and walked on in this way uutil he ltau goue alout a hundred yards, when he stopped the horse and was in the act of getuug iiito tliir busgy "Vhen he was seized frosn lehind bytwo-lrnff men, who gngved and lied hira hand ami -foot. Morton strolled with all his might to free bhuselt but to bo purpose. ; Oue of the men gave a low, peculiar whistle and Joe Holmes camo running up the road and roughly caught hold of Mor ton, who had .already managed to get one hand untied and there was a consid erable scuffle : before they could bind bira again? t During this : time Tom Martin had caught the" sound of " Mor ton's voice soon after that low whktle, and had rushed into the road where be stopped long enough to locale the- par ties, this he did In a moment, .when be spruug into their nudstaJike a . tiger, sajing as be did so: ; r " . . - - 'Stand back; ye cowartUy rascals, or by St. Patrick, VU .teach ye a lessoa or twot" :, :' -.:'.- ; ' At this moment two of the men road a rush at Tom, but the very muscular nrra of Tom sent one after the other toppling into the ditch,' and with the next turn he gave Joe Holmes such a kick in the short ribs that sent bun some distance in Vhe'ltnrio of a haH moon. lom then turned ms attention to Morton and was trying- to get the pag out i'f his mouth, but while he was doing this, the first man who " was knocked : down Z had - recovertid,' and stealthily - creepwg - up ' behind Tom, dealt liim a blow on the head with a sling shot that fractured his scull and he lell unconscious to tne ground. - to be coiTixrjED. ; - negro, j The .North Stale Intends te tell the truth, even if it does hurt The negroes themselves tan. see that we are Auy bukihess entrusted to us wffl :be oe turne anu m o tne wooas. .xom ' promptly Attended; to. i . ' ; thought nothing of this at the time, ai d r--;-r;;- probably; would not have thought bf it liigh't, and as he neartd S the Vickers place hejioticed; twomen walk oil of the turnpike and mto the woods. iTom v: -.;;i- .:yr-OS4e'i"A6erCourt.Ji S.T T' r andiaOTjNSEtLpR at LAW. &: LOUISBtJRCltjitAKLIl pOi??g rvf X attend the "Courts ; of, Kash, FrankUaGnyilIeiWarrene tand, VT ake 0 otfh tlesfeal80the 'Sum erne court of JJorith Carolina, and the TJ r . Circuit and District Courts. - r - RVjrk IAi,ONK4v below Form an Cuce 2 doors $HCookeV DrugSier e ad! o inin & Dr Ol i ATTORNEY AT-TJA W again,- but for the fee f,': H that - while he vvas hftlferiog his' last .; rnnle : (after- he hadgoiten into the stable) he happened to loot ou tTthrbugli i the wimlow ? that open exfto wards lhr woods mentioned above,-ftod saw the figure of a man dis-" appear in tq their ehadow.yTom ihopght bwas''rath?aslraiRgeQcideace and was at once struck by . the striking resemblance Of this said figure; to tliat Joe Bbtoes";andILTom- iSt - once de cide!' to-, quietly , follow up ?and In vestigate; the proceedings of these suspj- twas-riti- - i .'ffora lived with Bis mother iara " co t tage about a haTT faxmileZfrom "'. Joe. houseland Xahola the -vsarie distance fronf theickers i residence J - tMH''-- - Tom finished feeding his males then took a circuitous he could come up m tne . rear ot any parties w ho had met on the edge of - the. woods feeing the road. I.Tho old Fred erick turn-pike '.kt this "place rah ; some distance aldnjkle of the Tickers Hnl, for a mile at leastV until at the Mipper edge or centre' of the Tickers Jaudf it "was. tapped by an oyster ; shell avenue and route, so ' that Tom dropped upon his hands ami knees and soon occupied the very spot iust.va . cated by tbul uudr the large , Chest nut tree, and here Tom remained listen ing with his m'outh, opsa Jind his right ear leaning in the direction of the road. r YAfter the lecture was over that night Morton went to th? foundry, -and -taking out his key unlocked the yard gate and as he was in the act he-was hailed by the -flight-watch: " W ho " comes there fpr-&Myr ''-&K ' : ;t "MortoaHendeicksl"': was the , zn- swer.J;" -'.";5 ."'"""-' .'-.""-''-' . , The. watenmm recognizing the voice saidv uall jight Morton got his horse audj buggy and started ; ouV but stopped under - the lamp at the gate, just within the enclo- suro, and examined the roll of money in his possession and found the amount as he had last counted iU' There was 4150 -the amount paid hira by the. Contractor who; was to buy the stone crushing ma chine from Mr. Tickers as soon as the present road was finished." V He ' had been renting, it up to ihls time, but therewas an understanding between Mr. .Tickers and the contractotsthat he was to buy the machine w.hen the pike road was finished,' so the . amount" had been paid . over to Morton , as agent. Morton had collected i'orvother . things REMARKS UL B RE'JUE. Mrs. Michael ; Cnrtaio," PlainDeld ni.. makes the statement that she caught cold, hlch. settled oa her lungs; she was treated for a moutn by her family phyJan..bot grew worse. He told ho-r she was a hopeless victim of consumption and . no medicine could cure her. - Her'? druggist sua. eested Dr. ICIng s Xew Discovery for coneumption;he bought a buttle r.nd o her delight round berselt bencnued from first dose.' " She continut-d lia use and alter taking ten bottles, found herself sound and well, now des ber own house work, and la as well a s!;e :ver was.- Free 'jriai bottles of ttiU sreat Discovery at Furman's drug et-re, largo bottles 50c. and - . 4It takes a pretty good hunting dog to be worth a cent. -, '- leading fiom the residence of Ajrs. Ticl - ? that day $240, which was to ..be taken -about half -way t out home and iiaced wane fare.. The . " vAPPYJIOOSIEIIS. - WmJ Timmons,1 Postmaster of ida- vllle, Ind., writes: -""Electric. D tt;rs has uone more for me all other ru edi ct. ea combined,' for that bad feci ug arising trom kidney and liver troubles Joan Leslie, liirmex and stockman, of same place, eays: "Find Electric Lit ters to bo. the best liver and kHney mediclne, made me f el like a ntw mu," " J. W. Gardner, bardaro mtrshant, same town. ays: Eectiic. BUters ia just the thing for a man who is all run do An, and don't care, wheth er he lives or' dics? be found new Btrergvlu good appetite, and fc't ju-l like he had a new lease ou life. Only COc. a bottle at Fuiniau's drs :tjia. riht. The tlieories of the Northern Kepubncans a c on the abolition line, andsavout vf principle; luj ia the Tac tical maneuvering for party advantage the Northern Republicans will trick the colored brother just as quick as Lo will the Southern white .republican,- and more successfully, because they, can deal in honeyed words that reach the colored leaders with effect. - - " . . The North State is republican la ita po'ilics, out and out, ani it will cot de ceive the colored people. If they be lieve in ' Republican ' Driociples th e ought to vote for the party representing those principles. .They have dose this la pasl years and la "our opinion - they did it on prurciple because they were aud are devoted to the party of Lincoln and Grant. ; . ; -,- The negro Is more Interested la the peace and prosperity of the fcoulh than he is In the success of any parly. He fas lived under a Democratic national administration since his - emancipation. and b knows that It is not a menace to his freedom. The par ty of his choice is in power in the nation and he can easi ly see the manner In which" his whits political brethcren oppose his right ' to holdotSce.'- : .; f , We do not believe it good policy for the colored people to take the offices -if they could get all of them. It would be the cause of great ' irritation ,eml lead td untold trouble probably blood she J. V But, as a general thing, what "dUerence does it make to the negroes what kind of while men hold the oQccs so long as they are good citizens t A majority of the white men in the South olding placesjiodcr. tlra Republicans. left the Democratic parly to get oSIce. They are generally moat persisteot and cry the loudest Ibr position. . w There fa?'; 'mistaking the proper course when we discuss the principles involved in the rights of - citizenship of thj negro race. - That race Is the equal before the law of the white race. But when . we look at the practical workings of politics in treatmeu4. of the negro we must conclude that his future, happiness and success cannot be solved on the Hues laid down by northern Re publican stateemea. And "it being kuown and recognized that a .large ma jority of Southern white Republican of fice seekers have no other use fur them than to ride bio otSce, or trade them off at national convent was, it is diffi cult to foretell what Uie political future of Uie negroes will be. Our adfice Is Yote lor your race and your personal In terest. Next to the hunt for, the al- mbhty dollar, there b -more deceptk n aiid bitCi!Se o'.fiV.u-.e-s ia th" s ramble tor orlicc hin c-vu br ouu J ia cay other pur-ruiu ' m . , lit.- Dreak up.vour land as yon would for cottoa. - ' riiid. R ju rows three feet apart un less Lf k rich; tf o, run 3) feet apart. 3rd. DrUl 200 lbs. cfgood fiaco pet acre ill the I rows, throw ou furrow. then sow at the rata, of 1 br. rock lime, slackened, per acre, tkea throty on the other furrow. . , 4ih. Open the fk-'ge with your Cct loa plantersraising the cover drop your peanuts fruia 16 to 13 laches apart la the little farrow, one b a place, cov ering with the loot. I Lave a peanut planter tht cVps wlih accurajry and eaves the li Lor of v haeda; i; opeaa, drops aiid coven at the same lime. 5th. After your neanuta axe on. bar off as you woe VI cotton, chop nicety. I use Planet Jr. Cultivator fi st plowing you can run very close o eiibcr side of the peanut minj aa 8 tech scrsper'to getiter with one of the ihlvel poinU; UJ Imploineat thoroughly pulverizes the row aud sweeps the middle up ani dojrn. .. ' ' . 6lh.. Second p'owbg I chop and use cotton iilow, running chea cb lo tho peanut and don't oiiuJ covering cp the limbs or branches, as they w'ul push out In a day or so. Ina few days rE out the roiklto one furrow. ' ; - , - 7th. Lat plowing. If the vine have bejun to peg nicely, yoa must not ran cloie uadex them, as you may injurs the peanuts already fjrroeJ,"ly tearing ' tbem off. : Use cotkn plow aa tolore, let Uie middles lie a short while after wards, run one farrow and lay by. 8 lb. - The most Important in the suc vos&ful culture of peanuts, is the use of land piaster, which you must apply be tween Uie sccood and third plowlcgs. Use two hundred pounds per acre and put on tho vine dewy mornings and dust them well. - - . 7 Otix. Cut poles la August CI feet long. Bcnn to blow ua but week In Be planter if y.-cr peanuts are matured. Use A. B. Watt. Jr. turning plow an4 peanut point. - Hitch two mala to Use plow. If the vines are smalt run under thsm deep one farrow will do. If large, run two furrows. Flow cp and shake out with pUchforks, keeping the peanut to the ground till dinner. Take care cot to put more than tiute Tbta oo one another while dew b on, if yoa - do It will not dry out, and yoa positively must not-shock the viaes wet with dew or rain. You can shock out the we a iug what you can plow up and shake out tn lh morning. Bury your.polea IJ feeiln the grourtd and nail ' on two pieces across about 8 laches from Uie Lri-kier s"ie we iaH meet Valu. From GJ LSoa corewt as4 to God thoa hut rctun:eL Nai broiea iwa but acerJed. Fcthlss;eJ tcel Ouxcatll oue! Fceptfjcd cce! "DaparadiAed 03 e ITiaJaaJ Lrcw - TIIE RAIN BOW O 1T.OM IS! from the stire-hou c-f niur cam? by "uiiuUioo a ti'-cslras lca -j the -huma5 rc," C ccii !.eh ojsirxl fuffcrert in citsUU.tcsir.ua trttuai! lo reJV la lie rtiUmiioa U I eallii, ard a 1 Ui Ueio5. ae J pUaS vrre thertunl rva4. S-ria's 5frecic Vi. S. K) l as fn a b:eyto.to to. ACctof w.r.m rheoaaliSiit asd Ittuals ei.L:is -a Dumber years, djrlcj h.!ch tin, I took a cteit de-ii f tacfLr!u, eo:!4 io2 v'cg mo rlef butwi.ls 5pe c fk(rCH.S.) What I suffcrcl ai,I t cured tof re crmmtoe r;o i?-i.V Spiav: (S. H. K.) Is ptar..i to va think-aboa?, bul"a-Her Ukic? u.st rutdictne 1 rot well, and I j --?. .3 -tiotttd bi t"j jy ti e bel fceslth tlacr. I canoot ssr oore Uaa I bef:ve h$ the araue of SIfl5peci.lo (S. 8. - . Mrs. M. A. Ptrt.cs, MorgantowB, X.JCX Treatise on tbod and skin dUcasrs . to&Hed free. SWIFT dl'EClF'C CO . ' ". AltaaU. Ga' ODDS AND ENDS- ' Concentrated H bm'l alwap senje able la deaniag roLtical records. FBWJCT3TTLT secUccts octut In the bouebo!J whkh eta o .tun.s, ruts, sprains and brui; for u ta sucu caes Dr. J. U. MXean's Tolaaie Oil ' Lmemeuf. SMUh't centaBfUaa cere Is JJ by sa n m rsmnwi k eerrs cmczbpUS4 ral at-i'Brmaas 4rug rUr. " ShiUL's Caurra Eetacdya potlUvs vsr tor cUrrk, d!p:fcvria aad ssaar Feed plcctiiully, and of tLe teat foe " " TbsXlsT. G. TJ. TasTcr. sX &r&k. lives to ShUoti's Cosaiupua care, i isf aal bj 1 arua. oiuri Kleeplrs atrtt. od a!srab!s W thst trmtxle eorb. - fchiKK'scsr ts tt tamed If It. k'or salssl I'utaaa'ao.-cr loo. , . - . . " Ct.tt.V. T-T.rt: . ' . . .eoavtipslitm, lot el ppnii, airxlews sJ mil sjiuptomt of dj pr frir ( aaj 75 rxuu per belli. 1 vr sals at 1 wr . "' swr. - ..j Yon cannot accorojlAh any vtk rr buiv-eas ojless you frcl well, if you feci used up tired out take Dr. J II. McLean's. SarsaparilU It wUl jttyo you .Ltalth,' auocjth ' aaj vitality. v . To aHay pain suMue usfjimitkn. Leal foul -res uj utevts tho tr.,,-i" ground; begb to shock and uke care to I pro,nrl nl AtUfactory remits aro place the ro4 of the vhie .as near to the polo as possible, oitli highly . hn- portanl to get the peanuts as near tht pole as yoa can that they may to pro tected from the weather. If your vines are very targe take care to somewhat hog them around the pole, and male your th'cks as reasonably small as yoa can oa account of drying oat, as the wind can pcue.rato a imaU tchocx be: trr than a large one. As toon as cured p ek off and slurs away. Of this pro cess I need not speak, . as all are ac quainted with the art. Of course it la necessary to separate the light from heavy cuts. Plant hut week ia Aril and Lrst week ia May. ' - TalnxKe 011 irwtj. Dr. Tahnage Kis" preached a funeral sera va upon' Grady, from which we maVe Uie follow irg extract : uli r. Gmly might have had any roll- tcat reward a the gift cf his Stale." sal) Mr. Talmage, but be wscled none, and remained 'plain Mr. Gradr." He stood tor the new South, jand was just what we want to . meet three other men, one to 1 peak foe , foe new North, one the new Fjut, ard aaolhcr the new West. - .Tho trnvest - speech nude for Uie last quarter of a century was tliat maie by Mr. GroJy at th New England dinner ia New. York about two or three years-ago. I sat with him that evening and know some U:Ing of Lis anxieties, for he was to tread oa ihrgcroui groand and rrdght by one niisApukeo won! Lave snlajo nizod forever both set lions. IIU sr eee'i was a victory tiiat thrillet all of cs wha beard blm al all who read him. Who will in conspicuous actioa rep rcseui U.e ccw North as h; dU the t xr oaJ ! Who shill ccrt.c forth for the n:w Laat and who Lr the new Wca- ' otuiDcu ty u-.7 trat ou re'Ull ren;,edy,"Dr. J. II. McLean ITcIcacL Od lAoioieoU . IFytt:ufler from any aff..i, tru-U by imj-cro boJ. - such a. scrofula salt rbcm, sorts, toils, pin- pies tetter ringworm, Uke Dr. J. D. McLcaa's 8asparillA. . For weak back, chest pa;as , rt v a Dt. J.II. McLean's Wcnderfat II s: lor planer. Caltirate ooly sa5, raring caop,axd sclecl Uie best reed for toe sod. IF yoa l ave a pilnfhJ aease offi licae, Hod y.ir duties Jrkspm tJL Dr. J.II. ilcfyan's S-irtsrrUIa. Ii wHI brace jou cp, makejou t rcn and vlo.-ocs. .. . " - " ' That backlog csgh caa bs so Uklr earrtt ty fAis's csr. Wt rwuu' It. it sls at lraAa's di mg Mors. Pers-jos advanced-lo years fnl yourtr aihl stronger, as well - ireer irxnxx the tnLnu:t.es of a-o I j Ukla4 Dr. J. U. McLu' Sar.aaj - You can be cbeerfel svn.i bappy r-I r hrp you aro well. Ifyoaisrl u of sorts," uko Dr. J. 1L iicJ-eanv farpiiiU. Whea yoa are - cccitiratcd, heaichror l-s cf spli ts, uie T . J. II. McLeaa's Lier aaj KkIjct 1W ll; U.ey are pleaaiat to taco aaj mdi cux you. , Tkst ssur-tmpcrvd, (rest. Vitc-- tic ipHvLlual. sbr.a.'d Uie Dr. "j. ll McLash's ar ntiiiibl It w.ll d---hiu ieel as well and hearty as hkallLli St f U. , Tt.'a sprui is louji 4h 'to errxevblo to a a'n maber. le -j-V'--- ''v's?'- :i- v' '"'