THE FRlNKlLIN TIMES. THE FRANKLIN TIMES JXfiiiSMAS, .Editor aaa-Proprietor TjieTikcs h tie ely txvirnpmr' ...... RA ES: pcUhcJ la iPL-lila cocaty, tkl b circuLstioa exral all mtt ettry "leo Onk Year, ; gix Months - $1.50 ikM of tLis axj Jclrig ctjeatiat, sJ vmirs shock! mArc a Bote Lrrv "--:;,v To elubs of five Te iMESiUTe foiv nished a tf $1.50 per jmuumff f Tf established i sro. - VV The Editor wkl not be trrvao "U tor the rkm of comypcoVnu. A. 5II.?:MA!5 EditornndPrpprietor with mamce towards none; with chabity for All Crlrf commurikatkes from i2 v I'JJICi: BlCO W'Ut AMNUMIa Adrnuce tloos mrsl earzasJy toCdiiO. Krra itmtct any rjaur.wdb UalJIj if. lit!. .XV raMMl VO;XI2C 1 ; : V" LOXJISBXJRG. K. C. -MARnR-Pft' icnn : - . ;- ' - J - , IU 1U, V.:;-- rRflVAUSSStf ;?&WHrs. Tliis. po wdcrever 'fvariesT: ' A roarvol of purity, strength and wholesomenefcs. Mere economical thau the ordinary kinds, ana canuot be sola:' i the multitude of low BE OF GOOD CHEER. yi ; Tli ere never was ajdy so long- ' It did not have en. end; . v :; : IThere never was a iran sn poor, - ' He did not huve a friend; . -.Aud when the long day finds an end -It brins-the time otrcKt, ; ; " Ai.d he who"h?s one steadfast friend Should count himself as blest.' , : There never wa a cloud that hid r The aunlicrhtaU from 8iqht ; ,:,iThernever-wa3a life so sad -.,'- ;,. It had not some delight. ' - Perchance for us the Bun at last -M':y breikthe dark cloi;d throneh - . aim me uiay.noiu a napumes- - ; - That never yet it Icuew . - , " . , ' v jfo let's not be discouraged, frien,'" , AVheii the shadows cross our wav. ; ? .Of trit and hope Tver some to lend: . .: So borrow from rae,pray,.j . ;Go d friends are We, therefore! not poo '. , Tli'-ngh worldly wealth we lack;: , "! ; l e'iold; the tun shines forth at last, -And drives the. dark clouds back! MOETOH vEEHDEICKS; n competition with test, short . weijjht alum or phosphate ndwdecss SotD only" IS CASS. KOYAli ISA EI SC i'OWOEE KiO im Wall. H. Y A Story -forfBoy. TO SCHOOL TEACHERS., The Superintendent ' of Public Scliook of Frankia comity'; wfll he in LoaiRburg on the second Thurs day of February, jApril July, Bept. Octoftpr and ..'December, and remain for three days, it necessary for the 'exrt'.ninlnjr applicants t purpose of teaeli in the Pub County. 1 wiltrtlso be Saturday of each icScltods of this in Ijonisbui-ET "on vreek, and all pub lic tfavs, to attend to any , business eonnocted.with hjy office. ' .v:, J, K. HAP-'tTS, .Sit pi. PROFESS L CARDS GULLEY, AH tended t. FE AJNKLTNTON; C- busiies3.. prcKiptly at- rjiUo&Bl.Wit3Eiv-: :.. Oflke on Main !St .. one ' doof ';. ' - lw the Eajite lroiel. F & SPltUilX. LOUISBUilG, . C. Will attetvl tlil courts of Franklin, . Vaiioe, GrauvilU; Warren, XasTu and F. deml -iml Sawfme Court. Prornpt alteBtion giYou to collections, &c. C. C DNIELS Wiisoi. O COCKE & D ANIELS, Goldsboro:N.3. I AlM.&DOIEtS"& DA1UELS Atorneys At Law, WILSON X. C. Any business Entrusted to us be promptly attended to . . - B.MASSIpflWJIiG; ; ATTORNEY AT LAW BY J.E.MALONE. CHAPTER yil. . ' -; Soou after Joe left-hif two compan ions iu the dea where Morton was coa fined, he drove out of tlio city with his team, and ou the way he inadqi con venient to drop the lctfer . (which bad . been- written to him as coniiag ft om. his rnptherpn i1e road, and soiled the posfc jnark so Ihatjl could t not- be read. When he reached horns iaud put .' up" his. team,, he took the letter loVMrs. Vick ets to read for him. After reading it she siuhed heavily, and exclaimed: Oh niyr it iiever rains but it ioui:," "...:.. ' .Mrs Vickera - askdi Joe when he wauted to leive and go to his sick moth er, Joe replied: ; r- . '" . -Just s soon as-1 can get cffT for I ,ani afraid ehe will die before I can get to her.?' ,-.V,r-". '-" ' ; ;Vv ; As lie aid this he tlrew -from -Ida-pocketa rather dinsy iookiug handker chief aud wiped his eyes. Mrs. r Vick ers paid , os the amouut of his wages tlien due and asked him if any tiling had ;.i)(fen. beard ofMortQU..1 lie -answered: Nothing at all poortboy,'-. and sliak- iug hands with ilrs. Yictiers,5 he wait off sobbing to his owu house,: where lie show d Uie letter to hw wife. She,. pobrr deluded woman, comineuce4. crying. . Joe'swiie tacked some clothes in" an old valise Jbr. him, . which, he took - and left for the city,, where, he arrived about S o'clock to relieve the anxiety of Idi companions-bv lettinjriGcin- know-how well hk scheme had worked with. Mrs, Yickers'aud his wifeJ I That night after the tliiree- Ivvd eaten: their supper (which was-not by j any means a orry one). tEey sat down in the middle room of their underground home and- held an earnest : xtnsullation. Joe opetfed the couversaiion by saying . ''IJoys, we are safe now, Uie boy w in our. own. hands,, and 1 think Tom , Mar tin wiir be ouf of. the way in a .few days." . ' - ' -. Joe was almost certain- that Tom would die,but told "his friends that he would keep an eye on Tom: aud wjich his condition, by going out every nigbX (atealthilvl to look and listen. The and breathing were a little licttcrr The Doctor tried to open ' Tom's momh to pour down- a dose of medicine, and while the patient made no resistance, yet lie made no "attempt to swallow either. t So "the Dotor raid he would wait uutil hia next visit the following inorning aad perhaps he would bo" able Aa 'swalfow then. . Xo etter success attended the .'Doctoc's efforts to administer.. medicine the net morning. Dr. Gcraldua then inserted some brandy in the ekin of Tom's arm, aud this causal, it teemed, every muscle in Tool's body to quiver with, spasmodic ccutraciiOB?, and it also had, the effect of arousing his whole sys tem to a certain degree of activity-. The Doctor, theii tuade a- weak idilk toddy and "pouring it in to .Tom's moutli, (at the tame tiras grasping the 6ick maipjj nose) the patient involuntarily swal lowed the portion. -This treatment was continued though the'day at interval'. with the .additional -administration, of ergot aud iodide of potassium. ' - The nest day the Doctor found . that this treatment,, aided grcaily by " lima and "nature, had eaused eome absorption of the effusion, and he rejoiced to see. Tom j open his eyes, the pupils of which werp largeiy duated, and there was a vacant stare about no muscular actioti except Uie elow raising of the lids, which how remained opeu. In "turning Tom over in the bed hS order to smooth out the bed clollies, Dr Geraldusdiscov ered au old dried up scab slicking to- tho mau's shirt sleeve, and there seemed no :way to account for Its presence there. The Doctor to k this scab homoNvtth him wlienhe left and subjected it to microscop'c csamiuation and detecte! in ;it eome dead germs of erysipelas. lie was puzzlod to knosjrhow to account for this scab audits once poisonns na ture. and he also became very anxious about the welCire of his patient, fo iring thatUie wound on Tom's he'ui might take on this dread disease, and -thereby pfeatly conilicate hie iresent trouble. Wheii the Doctor gotVnck to tho VH;k- ers place the next morning- to 6ea his patient ho at once, inquiretliofUio,. at-. The Doctor was In the habit of leav- ! ing one dose of bromide and cldoral in a glass" on a - table near tho window - in Tom's room, which was to be-riven eycry night about 1 o'clock. ,Th!a was to give the patient quiet anil rwfrwliuiz sleep, for every night about that hour Tom would, become restless. As be fore stated, Tom's paralyzed condition had greatly improved, but his miud re-, maincd 'very dull and tluggish. II didu't seem to notice or take any inter est in anything atsall fori he had not spoken since they found him In the sta bles.' lie often groaned and sierhod aa if tired.; lie Jaad .also couglied several i times, which Ute Doctor said was a good sign that hiss nervous eystem wajfbc coming reinstated. Tom's mother slept part of the days so- that 6he could set ufTwith" her boy (as she called Tom) dariug the uigbv for fhe alone sat up with the patient at u:ght,"and she ws very prompt and tarticulariu carrying out the Doctor's inslructioc&jiDout the 1 o'clock dose ofTnedicine". Joe Holmes was very uneasy for fear Tom would le able to speak soon and thoroughly expose Lim and .hi friends, "so be determined to act and act at once. He JiSguUed himself by liavin? off his shaggy be ird aud changinsr. hia clotlis and then went out to the Vickers place at nihgt to reconnoitcr and look into the state ot thing concerning lorn, aud to m:ike arrangements to put iuto- cxecu-' Uqii his fiendish purpose of which he had informed his companions. ' For sev eral nigiits ho made these nocturnal vis its, and he noticed, that" every nlht about 1 o'clock Tom's, mother would get upund give liim (Tom) something to drmk which was already iireparcd in a gbis?;. wh'th glas was always sitting on the same table . near -an otieu back window. Joe at once made up nis mind what to-do, and went back to-their den in the city and told hit companions that "the die was cat.' - . .Tho following uight as the deck in the Catholic mouestarjr struck tho hour of midnight, the stooping, creeping fig ure of a mau might have been sc--n glid ing sofUy and stualilnly through the brushes in the rear of Mrs, ilartlu'a cottagothe figure stps listens aud then, quietly retting down nnon its SEtECTIJJa SOIL FOB THE CROP- Bj Major . I. Ilagland. C1kx)s a gray gueW soil-4. e., either pondj i.r slaty dry and overlay t - po roiu yellowish subsoil; tho - very oppo site of a close, Boy, wet soil, for to bacco wli not fiourish witli wet " feet, uor will the plants ripen ef yellow color on a clayose wet soil. Discard all lands unadnptcd to thia ImporUut and exact' ug crop; i noutj," bhclugray- -.11 ! . ... cii r is c?peciAuy to L avoiUeil, or one which- -trentUea tho plaals or causes burning of Ue loUotrj leaves 1?e- fore the plants riu f r It will surely uot rxy to plant tuch lu toTwvcco. A experiencedlanler will rarely err in se lection, but sometimes tcets alone de termine adaptation. . . - ' "FAILURES ANttTIIEin CACSK. Tlie mot, general causo of failure results from Inexperience la not knowing how or being able to prepare fbr raMng this (y pe of tobacco, by erect ing barns with proper flues, and in the 'ackofikill in caring and packing Lhouses Ibr storing the cured pruducL Next to these corns improper selection ofland and usiug varieties unuiUjd to soil and type the planter alms to pro duce. The variety must be adapted to the soil and type, or full success is im possible. ". , It is true, that during some seasons a pretty Ciir quantity of yellow tobacco is produced on soils not adapted to this type, and by the ue of varieties ,bjc'i rarely sut-ceed, but such are excepts ml cases, for never can extra Que crops re sult from "such ruiamanagement. It may be set down as trulmn Uot it al ways pays to f elect the adaptation tf boih soil to type, and the variety Cor both. Improper or defective eoliiv.v ti.wi, too muh or two little rain duriu j tlio growio;:and developin? ieaoo, surely ovterato against successful tobac co planting, tut even thoe aro often of socoudary coiisUcraiioo, Injuriously af ft:ting the product, compared with mis management alladed to above. HIHDERANCESTO SUCCESS- ODDS ANDENDS.' liauds and knees. Joo Holmes (for it is he) cfawla up to- the small back wlu- ,i - : .. u 1:. i .... tt l. .:n . ., tendantsiCtleyknewofany one m the . dcflth ,Vuh!tVce,4 tna . nvmotunous neighlxihvKl whovhad xrwently been rocking of the watching and anxious sick with erysipelas, when ho- vvas an swered. t,Yes.that when Joe Holmes was struck in tV.e fu-o somer tima ago bv Morton ITendricKS, he (Toe) ..was sick in hcii f jr some time, and the do ttr from the city who attended him said that it was that very crease' one- of .the parties present ia the room very excitedly 'said: . - ' - Yes, and after Joo had gotten up and was going about ha had a -large scab to form on his forehead, and this scab was on-Joe's face the day before Tom was foand in the stables, and that lie had noticed its absence the day fol lowing.'" . " Joe nolnies was at once suspected of baying knowledge of that night's work, if he didn't have a hand in it hirmelf- There was the same scab found slicking to Tom's shirt that' was seen on Joe's face the day before and now Tom was jattacked with the same disease. For "sure enough," raid tho Doctor, e disease has been conveyed to our mother' chair as she sits by her tays sick bod, with her back to- the window. AU is as unconscious of harm and dan ger within as the darkless is without. Theruysterious lkjure quietly with draws its heavy blood Bhot eyes from above the window sill aud disappear T r aw hie. In a few moments a small bottle firmly tied to tl.e end of a small stick made its appearance at the win-, dow it has no stopper in the mouth but has about five dcups of ceir liquid in its bottom slowly and steadily like a serpent stealing upm its prey, the bottle approaches Uie vras containing Tom's malkine now it ia euspendU over the gkiss and drop by drop, its death, its death-dealing coat en ta are emptied into it. Tho bottle ; and stick wore quietly withdrawn, and Joe Holmes snc-ak-i oil to hia hiding place in in the city, feeling salisGid that Tom M irtin will soon bo coh in deaths- cm brace where he can . never cause harm to him or his wicked accomplices. ". TO BE CONTINUED. " . suit of this cousaltation was, that Joe : patient and I am very anxious and ap-" should remain as a watch on ihc boy during the day, and the other two were to get work of some j kind wlieie they would not be seen or! noticed much , by, the public. " So they got' employment a day laborers ou some buildiugs dovn in Canton. In a day-or two these two men entered upon theirlroutiudworki Xow we will leave this?lriq of mean, cunning men and - report the r condition of things out at the " farrnv' ' - - - Mrs. -Vickers had Written to her. hus band of what had occurred at home, but no answer came to her letter. A. letter did come from Mr. Tickers stating that lie bad not heard frohi home, but sun- ; Circuit and DisTiacTur-, I Uiat lhey w.e all well, "and that South in to t Alabama and- Mississippi. He also stated that It would be useless to write to him as ielwould be f rayel- : ing in the - rural . dis tricts- and ; no t :-. t e- mainiug long at any one place, tw did . ' LOUISiBUEG.N. C Office iu the Court House. - iAU "o'lainesslput in my hands wit rveWcH5rompi attention. . " ; L'T' T.and 30jH2fSELLOllat LAW 'LdrjisnrraFKANKLtN co.,K. d. i-MT 11 attend fhe I Courts of ash, Fraak'in.Gr .-ville,' Warren aud w t n ou n . i es :v also the: upipme eourt of Uor th -Carolina, and the U -rVJ;EMALO O Tics 2 doors below FuTman 4. Co tke's Drug Store; adfoining Dr p, L. Ellis. prehensive about the final result.". They were all Very anxious for Tom to recover, not only for his own sake, but Lecauee they knew that Tom could solve this nvystcrious affair, and they hoped that he also knew sometlilug of Jdorton Hendricks. " ; - - - " The Doctor came to ksee Tom every dry, and exercised his fine professiowal abilities to carry him safely through the attack. Tom soon improyec so that he swallowed voluntorrry, and .'the paraly sis was passing off,' but this terriblo ac cessioi of erysipelas was can&ing him to pass through a severe-ordeal, yet he was being scientifically treated and ten derly nursod. - ' . . Joe Holmes, according to , the prom ise made to his 1 , two accomplices in crim'V had kept an eye on Tom and his condition.' " . ' , . ' -. . The city papers of I?allimore lial re- SOMK COME VERT NEAR SUCCESS, BUT M1S3 AT TURCItmCAL POINT. Possibly the nast dijcouraging of all causes far failure arUcs from the want of fkillltrf curing, which comes mainly through. practice. It win pnymy ..un skilled plantar to liave a tine growing crop of yellow tobacco cured byn ex pert, fur it is a pit to spoil a tm full of uke tobacco by curing op red. gxen or black, whfn it inlht o eaily liare been cured f the desired color by one who understands the effects of heat hi fixing the color and how to regulate ths me to produce the desired ends. OTHEB IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS. oiie varieties are moro readily cured yeiliw than others, but no fixed rule can be given for regulating tho degrco of temperaturo to fix tho color during the curing process, in conscqocuce of the vartible condii'iou of the material op erated npou, which variations are cauv ed by differcucea in soil, climate, vari eties and season?. Therefore, the curer must at last rely upon his judgment in regulating the temperature, so as to make a successful cure. During tome years, such as last proved to be, . up to the 19th of September, all lobv-co planted on gray, well drained soil, of the yellow varieties, cured ytllow readily when heat, was applied. In fact, it was almost impossible for any one with even a modicum of experience and common sense to fAil in the early part of the sea son iu cunnz the desired color. Hut Sleep, the First Law of Nature - . - ' -' " ' N.Y, Ledger.) Sleepiessuesa is the-result or over- t phyaical or mental effort. Jienamau I that portion of the crop ripening after works beyond his strength or U.inks or j tie 19tli of September requires far more siuuies niore rcsicau restore, uicu, sooner or biter cornea that inability to sleep soundly, tliat .wakefulness which Why ia it that there are so many fail ures hi lifo f Oae reasoa Is the want ol preraratioo fur the da tin assumed.- Etery yoao? man sLoaV hate a defl- n;io oijrcl bert Lira, which must be ki lowed with rertatency and reaolu- tioa. The often qnoled. and much applxod ed assertion In the Declaration of Inde pendence that all men are born equal," ia not true. There are InequaJ- itiea everywhere; The .uma meaaur cf success in any chosen vocation ia not equally attainable by all men. Oaa nian la suited to one occupation, and auothcr fftted lot a diffcreot pursuit. The deposition, and Ute mental and pheaical quALtica, of every cLiid ahou'd btfcarefully stmlied by parenti, aod the traaiiog given to him that ts- bU adap' ed to-the higheit developmeat of hia powers. Sopposlug that the academic edaca tioaofa jouc; nun Is the best bit circumstaw wiiiiUow, C c!xv?!nr hia life bu!aca Ucomos a rua::V of the utmost hrportar.ta. ' Now, all labor is bonj.V.H, ond the manner Lt wiJj twa acv.. : hia tf la his work will dcterin'jae the vneaora cf hia success. 1 - The klca that a-profesaioa can give dignity to a worthless cia, or toil edhaodaaad begrimed pumeuU ara incompatible with high character and manly atMbuUa, s oot to U tolerated La thia progrcuive aje. Menareof.eomiatakea as to thrlr qoaJifloilioaa. -Sometimea a jouaj man enters the legal rrofeaMOo wito can never make a lawyer. IU U a pood d- clAlmcr. At college ha bora off the medal lor dtclamaiiou. - He has sera advocates way juries by thetnacpo cr of oratory, aod he feela that ooca m.U mitted to the bar hia succcsi ia aaauml and hia triumph reruin. But wanting In etcoibl elemenU of a lawyer, t rneeu wigi diAappoiatraenta, ana soocer or later Suture It Inevitable. Another young nun decides to be come a mcTthAnL He La pcpUr manners, and every one ice.ns to be Lis friend. He WUrvea that be can ell good by 0e thousand and otake taoo y band over hAnd. But be ia wact hig in some specUl qualidcaiiona witb out which succeaa la Lopoaalble. So it ia b all business puraulta. But is there no remedy f " There is co absolute remedy. . The survival of the fitU-et cenis to be Uie nniveraal law. Everywhere the stroug play upon the weak; but the large uumlcr of failure in busintas right have been avoided by judicious forecast and adequate tcepara lion for the duties aaanmed. Thero ara honor, wealth and bapii neAS In tlie reach of all, but the path to them is crossed by a thouvu-d by -w ay a that lead to dishonor, poverty aud wretchedness. Keep In the straight and narrow path, and all will b well! Ex. A boy-word aaJ a reprocr bcuia Fasirrjm,T aecSloata oemr faa ihm booeboll rma-o bents, ut, ajwmioa nod brutM: for t ta acch cwm Dr. J. IL MxLean'a Volcanic Uil Ltott&co1. -. - Fiudcp rrgar Jea-The glass eye SllUk'a eMtU tare U 14 Vy am l'rl t Fanaaali draj aUra. Tbo errata cf ihe )cke fce-ertaaa. SknVs Ctrr IUm4fa pIi1t cr far rmurra, 4!pbrU aal eAar Mvatt. oMtati A Una of bubei Tta ly&chaia. ropa . Tla Bv. C. IT. TlTr. f IkoV, I si. h;k tiik mjmlt mi L'ti r Utc la Mkilwb'a i Mipu aw, Fr aala try farm. IU turn ad with tVinls-Grace bafsrw lUSMt. KI4r algat, aU4a iVt Va Uvai UmU eaiiki 9rm u tat itarJ tr it. tor aiaai r an' drif iw. Muic by the banned Tb gtbder. organ far tkilcV Vltn'uarl waary a4 e-.iAi4a,H ef apui- tbl .i tT3 i .t ef ffry-U. Prva ft Mlrtlt M' i r T at I dreg pa par ; Yon cannt avoora pt'jrH zj t. '& e r bda- tta cal jom wri, T voa fed oasd ep tired out tabo Dr. J II. UcLeaa'a. KataapariJla It will clve you Leahh, atrtegth taJ viuiuy. , T A tpAxk of faoJooa Ose wto knows when to go boo. To aHaj paHi, sabdna leCamsfxa, hal fjcl or and alcvrs Ua moat -prom pi and MtlIvctory ru!ta are OttUroaJ by tr:rg that o'i t'tL' raxed. Dr. J. U. ULen'a Va4cacia OJ 4aiioent. . Cut and drUJ TT man with ted b a gLoc. who sraa "A PXCUUAUCASE. X IF you au3r from aa a&4ia eaaM by lapura bod. ec! as rrvfula salt rlaa, aocti , tolls, rim uttar iio$wrm, Uka Dr. J. U. Mclxaa's SaapanlU. A arrarly reoust of acpty boxrt Tba avar spocUog col u tun. For weak Vrk. cheat rw'aa t naa Di. J.1I. McLean's Wooderful II1 la pUste;. Many a man never crt on the pop ular side tIl be joiaa ttlcnt majority. IFvouave arnlnfn! sente cfta-. tlu. (lad yn.r duties lrksame, t.ka Dr.J.U. McLean'e SuaapriUa. It w:tt brace yon up, make y an t rong aod vloroua, ;.. ! - ' Jay GouVl , aay an bmocnraU fioxn cUl cd.tor. Ha on record aa barlr-g made 0mX),Cmj la as many ytan. Tbl bilr eofS ra Va a kk!y ttrxA j bhiUh'a arau VT runiU It. Tor aal at lxma's di af tr. The man whole ore that be ennt be wrz b alwavs tha very one to Cad trat t tia impossible vuca always happens. - is moro wearying even than i boddy U bQT, and which feeds the debility wlikh first gave rise to it. ' The result" is a man ia always tired, never feels rested, I even when he leaves hia bed in the morning heuce hewastes" away, and finds repose only ia the grave,' if, indeed. insanity docs not supervene. It is too often a malady remediless by me 'ical means. Avo.d, then, all effort or mind and body; it ia suicidal. - Whatever you do, get enough sleep; whatever you do,' take enough rest to reatoro the exhaust ed energies of each proceeding twenty- four hours. . - - - . ; skill to yellow and cure successfully. and the reason for Uie change was in the changed condition tT the loiacvo. A Little l-'itu At Homo. "jjj . W TIMBEBLAKB, , -ATTORNEY AT LAW" - " OSce i!Ke CJouH House , ' . i PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, ' -JiOUlSBUBG, n. c. . Oflice opposite Eagle Hotel. . ported thi affair when it occurred out not know where to tell her to direct befi. it. the -Yickcrs places and they were letters. that he would beat home , Boon I keeping-the excited public informed and anyway.-'. r ..sH":v'; vTJuera-vas no . helpv thought Mrs, Vickers, for this state of things, so she accepted the situation and waited pa tiently for her husband's' return, which she, expected would be very Soon. r ? The Doctor arrived promptly ' at ! 9 o'clock" the next morning and found poor Tom pretty much in the same condition as the day before, 'witli : tho excepl'o i that he diad n.ovod one foot slightly during" the" night, and his p-. Is s posted as to Tom's condition, and all were waiting and watching for develop ments, Joe Holmes read . the papers (he could read, a little) and when he learned through them that there was a chance for Tom to get well, he cleter- miiipdfand so informed his two com- yanion?) that Tom should not get well. Joo wastnonr determine.! than evcrv (that Tom should not get well) since he had seen tuo staiemeus arx us uie ais- coTorof that scab and his inplicatio.v T 11 "tlV D LPl 1' AN D - TUB STAGE. ltv. F. ZL ; Shrout, Pastor TJuitod Brethren Church, Blue Mound, Kxn., says': "! feel it my duty to tell what wonder Dr. King a isew ii.cyery hu duue for me.' My lungs were bad ly . diseased, and . my parjshiouers thought I could live only a short time but I took five botll. s of Dr. ..King'a New Discouery' and - am .sound ud well, gaining 2G pouada n wei.-h " Arthur Love, Manazer Love'a Fun ny Folk i UombTn:itioot- writes: Af--ter a thorough trial and conviociu evidence. I , am satisfied -Dr. Km'a New Discovery for consumption, lenls 'era all and cures' when everything else fails. The greatest kiadues-3 , can do many friends is to iurge them to try is. iTee trial bottles at rur man's Drug store. Bguinr a.-ws 50c. and $1.00 - Do not be afraid of a little fan at w. a t m. a a home. JJO not snui up your nouie ia the sun should fade your carpet; ane your hearts, lest a laugh should ahakt down a few of the musty old cobweb that are hanging there. II you want to ruin your sous, let them think that all inirui ana eouai enjoymen, muu ve . ... . -.. - a . a left at the tnresnoiti wiiooHi-iLuen mcy come, home . at night. v iiea once a liorae is regarded as only a place to eat. drink, ami sleep In,, the work is begun that ends ui gambling nouses anl reckless decredatjou. . l oung pcop a must have fun and relaxation; if thy do not find it at their own hearth-tone they will seek it at less Profitable p!ace. Therefore let the doors and windowt I cheerfully tlirown open In Summer, and make thehome delightful with all thoe little arts patents so well understand. Do not repress the buoyant ipirita of vour cliiUren. Half an hour of merri ment within doors, and merriment , of a home, blots out the remembrance of many a care and annoyance during me day; and the be? t safeguard they can take with them into tho world is the in fiuenco of a brlsrht home Lx. Tnve thv .ncizhbor ns thyself, and whan you see one with a bl cough ad visoh'im to buy a botl!e of Dr. Ball' Cough Syrup. lTice z cents a toitio. There is r.othin; in tie'wo!d tluit will jrive i r t p'.e: r J cf to all sufferer, Uiau .yatlou OiU Iri: 2 a Lotilc. a: 25 cents a ikage. Dr H. C. Edioundi, of Elbert on. Ga., writes: "A very peculiar and strange case of lIoul poison 'came under my attenloii a short tlmo ago. A gentleman came hero fron Athens Oa.t where be baa been bitten on the Land by a vicious mule that be was raking to work. The hnd was Iu a horribl ondttloii and the Inflammation was tapldly extending throughout hia entire syatem. Every knuckle ou his hand vraa an u!cer that was uep and sloughing., lie atatrd to me that he had Consulted several physician, arrd taken their tueIi cloe without deriving any benefit. I,kave him a course of Swift' Specific S. 8. H .), and In a few u.iys ho reporteii U me a tnarkS Improvement, an-J ,n one werk fr in the time he cwrinueucI taa Ine S. S. S. ihn liaittl was healed up and tli puisou entirely erdicatU Iron Ills eystem.. It la my opinion that he would havo lost hi Uie had It not been for tho heUti-tivnx properties contained In Swift' t pa cific. He fntnkly admit hlmlf thatd. S. S. did the work. . " Treatise on Blood aud Skin DUAaes madcTrTrec. t'wlfta Spec'ft Co., . . Al:aGa. Every one who K used it prro uo ceil Dr. Bu'.i'a Baby Syrup the beat r.-o-edy known for the complaints of eMly . chJdtiooxL ItccctAit no oiiat. lAxador is an InvaloaV.a retaedr To torpil liver, couvcr;e, di jriIa, an ad Liiiouad.e tr. Aumorrau ai- rersms advancexl In yoonzer an l atroarrr. years fees aa well a freer fnwn t'e Infinmtiae of age. by taking Dr. J. IL McLcaa'a Baraaap- jf everybody behave rrerrthlng CaZ he heard about every body clae. ho much Letter rrry man woo Li think blrrv acif than every one ot La neiV bura. You ran 1 cWrfol and aepry oolr when yon are well. If rou fl out r.f aorta. lake Sarsaprlll Dr. J. IL McLeaa'i Wben you are ronitipataj, hare bealtche, or I of apptiU. take Dr. J. IL McLraa'a Liver and KUnev K! leta; tJey are pleaaant te take and IH cure you. - Tba t aAnr-twiperL rro. Jyaprr- t rp.Qvi.kiaL aibl Uke Dr. J. IL MLran'e Sara a rr ilia I It will task Mm feel as wdl and hrty as ta licallhUat of a. raUrrkrarvJ. ka!ia aa J aw, ttrtaf rtwmi. by ShtUa.' Otarrk &m4r. PrirtSOaaaU. al Ia)rtr trv. lr aala at FarmaVa drac atr. WEI voa re asSVr whTa ifvvpvpa! ad liv ;t,im fh.U.fc' ViUUMf U rnraileij ta err vU Vtt fit ml rr rr

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