? 1 J. A; .Thomas, -Editor and Proprietor KATES SIX MONTHS, - .;:-;.-r To clubs of five Te Times will- be far- nushed at $1.50 pa annum. 50 m 7 I Tais pawdersver varies. "A marvel of p urity,. 'strength? add wholesomeness. More economical tha the ordinary tinu?, aud eanaot be sold .14 - competition with the laultitude-of low test,", short" height aluni or phosphate powders. SOLDTOKLY IN CAKS. ROYAIj BAkisa Powbkb; CcJ 605 Wall e . . THE FRANKLI-TIMESi liLVIAjL 1 111 C R SS none; with chabitv ror. all. T;:xTisim Is U.a or1 ctwrxei pul.L-l.td la VnuikUa' county, acd 1U cixxulatioa txcnli kH orrr eery tcc tioa tl"ail aoiidr.g couatic, ad vert cn should rn.L a cole Let s. Tie Editor will uct L rotTxTa far toe view of ccttt? or.Ii c ti. I'llICK tlT0 ANNUJlIu wVtlvniioo rX:QXJIvSBURGy K. C., ;APRI L, A. 1800. NO 11. rctvnL Erkf communicaLoaJ from all tv liooa torjet" famfsdj aolkited. Xrai ltrmi of any u&lura lrUl l-e thxef r ; Bt J. E. MAL05TE.' - . ClIAPTER Y.ltll ; !.l: to scnoot TEACIIEliS. :3 la tbe" prct:edin j chapters vre ritn ess with our mmds e3re,a ;Uuo4an rbeinxa . lift 4-VPiriiiii'orWrr - ltia yfiillfiwll-iointr :whohad.n;Ter Injured hmi except iu a Jbcave and.j)obleatteiiipt-:tg- protoet anj iunoceut' and " helpless boyJ I Eu t; we ;8haUjE;(Ks"wbeilicr tliir brute jav human form eucceded its. -; fiis murderousork I Athalf past 12 otloek ; Toin - Martin et rredtHl .? seemed tfryto f urn over ia bed, whealho "did -this.; h'sihioth-- er got ! up" fro1ii;her;cliaHf .and decided 'that it Twas, ttracvior Toiii lo .have his medicine to quiet hitn. ; She iveat to the table, too'i the glass hnd tpoon ahd sat down by Tom's bed and dipping ; up a spoonjul of the mediein, placed - it ' to her,son,6 lips 'and was in the ac of rais- iu the handle of the gpodojoi empty its 'contenteTdonnihii.thrmt-'wh':.a;gust sacd IheTdiiy following that awful uL&l's occurrence ou the pike road, and it con tained a full account as l&r aa it was Infbnned f what happened oa the-" Cirni that. night and the next mbrniag. Iu accounting tot 'i Morton's disappearance and Tom Martin beiairfouad as ho wos in the stables, the clitor t ad ; come bV .thenae'coaclusiba'thatthoW at the ferra had. JS ?7X-CJi iZ.-' ".The paper eated; hew much confix denceMrl ; Yickera; had placed, in the boy Morton ', Hendricks, and how that: confidence hail lflecAj" misplaced. nd; abused. : It alsor gave a m'mute' descrip--tiou of Morton in words, and wlrcre" the paper Avas torn ilorlon thought he could . see a part of a picture, enough of .16 at least" to recogaizojtlial it was :a picture e. bbiwelTho' article in- the paper closed by Rtating that . ihs :bov Morton nendrk-fcs . had stolen jiis " employers: 'money, killed fnend Tom Martin :lo silehce" iiisu then" ran i iway with the ,m6ney.-5;';l;v :''fi'7Atr' :7A-.-- t We can, imagine how these false state ments must have afiected a boy of big!- toned "moral v worth liko Morton llcu- man who tiai never feltit, or the man who has reveled in Us glorious privileges Tall his life with intelligent' appreciation of those ,priviIes.:Morlon Heclricks liad known .what it was, and how to en joy it, and as lib trembllns hmsd le ft that stony wall and glided over tha oak--C!i panels' toward its lock, tha beatiagi ol; his excited heart conld : have "been, heard by his vaptora liad they " been awake. H't oae moaient morewheu the hand reached the much desh-ed lock and found it securely fastcued and,: the key gone; the tumultuous heart beats sub sided, and everything was as till,; as death except the heavyreathiu the three sleeping menlT -.;. '-. -CAUSE DF DEP.iESS!3N. JVO0EIIUE3 EXL1QUTEX3 . ' -SENATE.- - TIE . of The Superfnlendeht- of- Public: .-.tjf.wrud commghrougli the open door 1 - ; V ' h,i9'of!Frinklin:ebanty-rwil!;l: in Lomslurg on theHmd ThAH-s iietMfre& the- f-f1' d ;iy of FetMruaryv 'Apnh-lMt&fIi i X iii u , struck las clenched hst mto.tnc pai.n .of Darin? these iong evening? . 'no. cl vs of persous should feel iv.oro hippy" than tho young wha have goo J .ciuifortatle homes. The . picaint firef-il?,' the "agreeable company, themeanl of eijo j meat la books, couversatjon.'ganics,- or in other . things .equally iunoceut and Octonor. ant Dectstnber, and remain for tire dayft Mggaixfor the 1 1 ur rx se of eXa fm mfi Apt? iaiits e .. teach in the Pub Gjiunty.? twill 'hUH Siirday of each 1 tcSchotds of this inv, ijomsDurg-' on vreekvand all pob- Business and put : the'.ppooa. with . its " contents backiuio tiic glass'i and got up to relight the lamp,"hut iu' crossiufj : th? room she- si uaihled over a chair and dropped the glass wniclv. broke into iraguients oa4hc 4 fior. - I So poor, helpless Tom was r.cii tatdlyf -attempt; ovpolaniimr Mrs. Maitih religlited the lamp and expressed I J? T)K her sincere and heartfelt regrets at : tha "i?, w -i-r-r:-:' the called it) sat by: Tom '"and commenced ;ri nibbiui hTs- feetandjlegs," tluukwg, ; --if ? : JiTiZ-lii ? t the riiiedidnc . . V-" " . '1 :: -;v"' '':' balance of the4 but 468 Jiartntrs ever- jenw tnat an thef jfittempt iiad been wade to murr d- r T'oni Martin vt:; V -; oinie vn'ei jdid!q:ow ; J tt Wfe;lC :friixilr"ck4'' bid placed i hK earto a 'ctacksiu ;rUie- pr.6Qu!..doorw; and J heard enougfr to satirfjl umfsclf tha t ins-v :dem;7fr4e!vl,'ofiV;'-rjs'a3'. not- deavIT but thalf fta attempt was soiig to-:be nfade li iv siruuiiv i . j. that very night by tnesc yiiiama to ac- mbstrcowardl fray J ierioncoukl nOt hear the "exact plan fiyj which Toiiii was to be dlsp fscd hut; he- Icr!r3 ;cnough to conyiice -.him that tliey.mtended . to murder himph,tto 'if Ic6uld only get out I would prevent ,tds-C0Nyardly crowd from carrying out I their purpose." , . '. - But it was impossible for onr young friend to "do annhinsr.jsurronnded as " h& iVrnilf & UR Hlh .S CC fANn- ,u was by solid rock walL with that im . Office wi MainlSt:2 one doocnCj --;LOTisnuua;svc;;;-"." Wit! attehdHl confts Of rFraukim, V ihceV Gfa uille. Warreu, Jfaflu and Fi iler-il 'iuil Suprme Coart.:r Prompt t turn tin given io cnlIecjion&c -. COCKE &DANIE3Lr&, (ioldsboro. S.C. 7 NViisa N. C- Atorheys At passable oaken door, and jus t outside o' thatv'one and meUmesitiireo' strongs heartiesj men or - oemous-'-so no couiu only bear ik sufferiog and suspense aud Any promptly .r .i V .. ' only bear Jus suftenug and suspense aua : :: i ;Uwni vi- hope that 'soirctUing ; might happen ;16 SSS frustrate their plas, lifter malit a Ung LMT - ; ' fcrluleWlbeianiceand horror l. B B;massb.ijeg, iTTORE AT lllW I X-7 LOTJI8BUUG.N C- V - - II mce lO-xue vourv nuuse, s Aft boattiesf ptit nmy bbdau: -t cciVQ prompt awenwou. ;s j. - i.Tr r and 30UNSEtfcORat liAyt fcr.awhileover.lbe itj notice and : horror - of evei y hing that had occurred and was still occurrnig,tMorion; madevup :;lu9 mind that he would escape:ftom ' this' foul place and the clutches of these Tile men,: even if the attem ptsliould ; cos t him his life.Tlus determination to es cape on Morton's part was made po3P hie, because every euergy of? his A being was concentrated on tlial One idea " and thought :;ifV; a. ftr' One - night 'lortoh's ; sapper :X? was brought to him wrapped in att old piece of newspaper and the boy yrould have given anything Just to be "able, to raid that paper, but there 'was ho light by LOUISBTJKia ANIN CO.,N. C. K tteuu; te.r uoarts fo W ake Ooun r ies Also -tne tmpi erne, i - -n.ii r. of TTor- th Carolina, and the I from the outside world. !; r Circuit apjdTJisTRiCtr ourtr Ti. yMALaN E;-rr nmc.ft 2 do or s : belo vr ; Fornian & AT -Hi . , ! Morton had noticed . for some nights that there had. appeared' at -: a certain firria everv nkht On the: back wall of his cell a small Jutnaious spot Al;out the size of a five cent nickel p'eoe, and nor . . i..is Tk-' r I - . : Uookayg:core, aavois. j he .went to investigate the cause origin, W putting his hand ;inT front , of the spot and by moving his r hand . from i the wall tathe oppoisitewall. tkeeping jthe spot all the toe on the back; of his hand) He in this way traced its origin to a small auger lioie iu one of .the panels of thedew w joining middle room where there was a lighted candle'sittias ooji box; t'ow,' said Morton,!'! can read , this paper," and he .did by placing the paper close to.the bole and running it .tune after time in froit of i The 'paper;, men lioned happened to be . the yery one is- W TIM BEBiu AK'B jjgg; :T0RNET AIA -;r:-; ---r:. j-:u-w -TT'-I--',-":;:--::Aif-. Office. i he Court Will I t.ff -Ji., PlTVRTf'T AV :i i ' : Office opposite' Eagle Ilolel; his open hand, and : said in a:f andibte voice (to any oue had they been in hla cell) "I will get out of here and ymdicale My cliracteV and; iaaocence, or die hi the aUanptT-'. - 7: 7 .- . L -. '; The rfcorjLof Mortous cell "was:" of .brick, and walt. couiiuuatioar of the la. sorsof the pther two 'roouis alt" three isf theei roims at someame - bad ' been Lopc i lagooueland the rock walls which now fhvidea. u.iuto , three jrooms were Ajjilt upoa- this- contiauqus. brick' fioorJ . Morton, at the time of his incaroera llaotv had ia Ids pocket, his own pocket kaifo- and ' Mr. yickera ' aafe key, and iwitii thops he wentto work aail iosetied a brick in. the. floor - ceat-lhe wall, be- tweea biuiscif aud : thonitxt; room in which hii three cant orA"5lept. ' Morion took out brick after briefer as quietfy t a he'could aud laid lism lout of .hi "way until he- iiad made an . opening, as large aa W waivt.etW Itc 7 the -V , commenced digging and scrapiiig cutlthq curt with the. knife and ke until hehatl cxcaval&l a lioie lare eabuiu foc-his eaEre body. When hiajoeals "Vcro brought to him Morton Vould throw liis etrawjbetl over the 'dirt a 14 the hoU and lie'dowu on It? Murlou took every-prccaur.oa agamst being suspected br deiected, for " he wa3 detcrminecl to make his escape a sac cesa:: lie continued' to Work until he lad made a similar excayation under the floor of the next room.'- The wall above was built with go d cement anV held it self together, there was no danger: of -it falling in tliehole. ; . . v 7 0r 70UIMr fricrnl could rtowpu! . his head in the hole and hear what was go ing on U the adjoining room. He could - see through the auger hole in the d-ior,- and hear enoush through the hole under the wall to satisfy himself that bis three enemies vere pliymg cards . and drink ing and from the ; tone, of their voices Morton discovered (lo Ids joy under the circumstances) that the liquor 'was get ting the best of them, :r-7 Vr r "Awut 2 o'clock by -the ' City nail clock they blew-.put ; their lights and turned into a heavy sleep which natu rally fol-owed their heavy drinking. : 7. ' . rXowr thought Morton is my time, (for he-could distinctly ; henr their;; heavy breathing) and he commenced to remove the . brick from the opposite floor which he had-already undermined, .ami place them sjowly and quietly back iuhls own ."robra.'7yAr;:rempyhlg'enougb.brick. to make an opening Large enough' to ad mit the passage "of" his- body, Morton cravvted under as softly as a suake aud raised his' head up tluough the other floor and listened, the heavy breathing touiinued, and he knew- that - the three meii.wero fijst asleep.- " Morton now siratjhtened himself up and reached out for the side of the wall furthest from tho sleeping m m and touching it 1 with - his band,.herfelt"Lis; way along- until- he. reached the .first and only augle he had 4b. Jess in the wall, then Jie - proceeded down the wall in the same cautious mann'er.trattl he reacKcd the diof which led "to the front room.- : As Morton heared thisdoor he.foimd tliat b.e could not keep-his hand on - the .wall," eome hoiy. or ': other, his 'hand would . flutter jRgainst it hke a " caged bird - trying - to make its e9c?.pehor"could he help be ing . ncrvousnearing liberty freedom --healthy r air the yiodicatioa' of Ills character and innocence. -, Who knows and: apprec'ates :the-i magnitude 'and grandeur -of tho. Vi wd - Freedom? Tha Oa the 19th Mr. Voorhccs poke on his resolution relative to riculiural de pression. .1 lie spoke of tho doep, sirjng current of anxiety, "di-cou:eat ;aud alarm "prevailing iu the firming commu iiiucs, and said that ho propoeJ tb ai.1 Ihcmin the iivpiiry as to the causes of th - existing d?press!oa. : It . was now nearly thany yuar., mire tlie closo X a teirlMo war that h-ul given ta unhtt- lowtd avarice axn opportunity to i rey upoa toe seJ-Katrihclug paUriota of tlie country, such as h:.d :ever belbra been pre&euted to Uic laisl pasioiis and the uitist noruiu ftiui od.ous vkres. The meHsm-es reortl to tof the taxat!oa of one u& ol citizens and for t!io eor ch ment of anotricr class had beeu t!id lec isiatioa.by which the burden of the pub Ik: debt Lad Isecn doubktL, silvtrdem n etized and a Ligb protetliru ua-ia eaub liahed. ." . ". - - Ue characterized the protective tariff R3 a ciusa aua not a buying. lie was tlealui?. not wiih a f iwr. hat with condition whu h even a blind man couV proatable, shoulu Gil them with a scuse JJook at and:draw iro.u it aa unerring Lady's Itoaous Daiicinsr. for uot r ODDS AND ENDS. "Dancing would lend me tnto crowdwl rooms iuiJ I to I.ousa. w hich ire in'.uri- out to !:calth nud oscfulacM. r- - Dancing will kad roe lato Terr c!os coutACi with peraicious compour; and cvu comraircicauous corrupt oou raaa- tiers. -. ' ... ... . - -. . - Dir.cing would riuiro rce to ue tad perniij frecxiewn wi;h Uic ol.Vr aex. of which I ahould b asdiamcd, end hU h 1 lelkeva to bo h roog. . My parents and friends would le anxious about me if I were oui lata, keeping comiuny with they fcnew tot whom. : r . - Ministers and rroal reot!e rent rsdW dLpprovo of dandiig. aud I thmk U ts no'. fi to set mytcif up flat tliem. It a thug t even !ookcJ upon as doubt ful I wkdi u be ou the Mfe iile. . Danciiii? has a bad narue, and I mean to fttcdy thhg that are pure aad love ly a in I v; good report. FiirQcrsnxT aecl'lctitj oc-cx ta th hoo-eSo! I wb'ch raoo burnt, tuts armlns and brr.l5r; t-r tit In such caDr. J. U. Mclxau'a Volcanic Oi Ltntxaea. ' : The iumiitcacy of catwre U ihown VthtQ it CJlJ;k3 couib Co hair. tbc.iuikcy with a DJncinx ia geaenny accorapanUxl I of contentment tliat rises Into cousfaat gratitude, , To one; fhould bo . dreary. Discontent, murmuring, fretting, lone someness are impossible Ir cpuliiioaa so fortucate, unless ther is, a sprit, that 13 sadly ; perverted.- . It- is U;e can, however, - that youngs - men ece nothing la ch . attracttons tQ keep them from the street, the billiard ttoais the' dancing hall, or some . otbT, places no le? e objccJiona'jIe, and thai - young men- floe- away from jsuch deoiestic Inghines to seek what their. ' nature cnues ia mar.y ' kinds of questionable assiaa r.s. Many of them, too. ' U compelled cither by authority that U over tbemor by circumstances : they taunot -control, live hi a state of I-abltu-al unrest, dull, languid, pccvb?h, ouc- T some," ; and s . miserable its ' their un- happy dispof itton cut make their. , It ought to ianprovc.uch persons to cn trast their happy surrouJidings with the miatlri'.ctivi oues of their neighbors,' or Otlicnt vf whom they kuow. For. there are ihoiusaikbi of hotnes wheroT hriv.Lt n&8 rarely cats at aH, it UVdf, f x a brief Ptay and "ruwty departure. Balti moieaa. - - 7 . . - . -.p -. : Tnnliojirtis hke the tree tlrrfgives balm for the wouuds'Of iraa only, when tfie b ou has piercetl It. --- ... Tiikke are not wanting feigns lint tho South is comiug to the front in electri cal exteriorise. A well-known Kent'icky railway contractor, has ou hand a tig railway scheme, w inch, it is expected, will be hortly cafiied out. This is tho construction aad operation of au electric railway between - A tlauta aud Savan-i nali, a di-tance of 2i miles. Tho watet power of the Ocmulgeo and other, rivers along the route U to generate tho elec- iricity to move the traius, and it Is esti mated that C5,000 horse power ; will le Uyithin the reach of the road. : coiiclusioa. liie farmer of the I7i.Ii.oJ States to-day did iot receive oa ao aver age nioro tlian leu cents a bushel for their com, hay ceut5 lor ih-dr wheat and from two to throi ceals a " pound for their bos. The tune woau come, at no distant lr, when the farmer would look oa' the pr.ipoMtioa toax him aud his wLrc and chiliVcu for the protection audbcueiif of other people t-csldo him self as he would look on a law of Con gress to csUbl'isli the army, worm aikl weevil oa his wheal, to luksflib ctUle wit'i rourrjiia a'd hU hog cn cho!cra. Ev ;ry iretcuse of a boma in ukel tor tlio Umicrwasa frand,Jaud every jarelenw o taxingwheat aial oati-aud potitocs lur las beae!;t was a cheat r.iwl a sliam. It wgia iiolori -usan-lscJf-evideat truth (.'hit the tuiXas it now s oodl' kit reused t!-e tanners expense account from 35 lo 100 pet cent, oa evcrv Lup'emcut of Li duatry "whh" which In loileiU and Ltst year bindi:g twine luod bc?n cahanccl 18 cenu a xund by the tarUTaud U iue trut." lie di I not brieve that the hind of the fermtrs. could hold a rcpuVJcAa ticket at the next pros deniial tJectioa. Ho declnral tha nt only bail. there been no Increase in tho value of 'and Tor lh? last qviuicr of a ccatory but there liad been nil al solulc I1 of S3 per cent. II the improved Cinn L-.ails of th ; TJoi ied EURtCs wercputlto ealo to-(by un der the most i vocable" circumstances they would not, te. raid,' oa a cencral average realize more tlun two-thirds of wliat Uieir .value had bea twenty-five years ago. The farms of the Statu of Ohio were ww under inortcago to the amount ?X),tXX),010. Ia iho taito of Il!i:;olT t!o mortigw iu tkat S'ate amounllug. to $t?2.(Kib,00'J. Twoaty threo jicr cent of th.e whole etitc cf Hliaois is oixler mortgage. -; with drLikiirg. aud I driukiaj pro duces uict of tho evils of the trtneut lime. ": ' .. - I r " I am told lliat dxinkbg U a very great tcmptailou aaI aaare to yoaa tnca, aad 1 o uct wiU to b,tvo aajthinj to uo wua leaumg mem astray. . - -Dantbig iu.ri! the ram i hr serious relljcitm nd lrayert and X tueui to do isofhhjjio estcaage tne Loru my Cod aud Saviour. " luriit Noic. - I linve suffwrcd with r!ieuruatim for quite a number of ye:us, and after try ing Salvatioa Oil pronounce it the bot remedy I have ever ufced- l . "."J Mrs..!. ZImuxrmax, i. - ; . , , Wetlicredvule;Md. ' ; " Caution Insure ?nfety. and all cau t'ous peojilo cure their coh, with Dr. BulT Coagli tyrup. - Zt cents. - If we cannot live so as Jo be Iwppy, le us at least live so as lo deserve hap piness. - - : " .'-"." 7V.V - V "KonTilHJABoiitNA'sarca of territo ry is as large as England, and wiih n hrr borders'aro resources feuch as the latter country never knew, iter rrvers and I -1 . . , streams abound with fish of ahnost cv- j A SCBAF OF PAFEK SAVES IlEIt exce;icnce xur ioou. .- -. tier loresis auounu with all orts of game, besides limber in It wa l ist an ordinarr scran of wi-nrmiri r twr.pr. In l vrv? . lIf.- - almost inextstable abondantc, of tho . She waii the lat tajea. of con- 1U9 she most valuable sorts; ami ia tho bowels of Iier enrth are mines of untold such as the worid has htlie dreamcd .of, and which science wilt b'nns lo too sur face anjJ ixur hito the waiting ami wUl iug lapTof commrce ".. " ' Best Tiling He JSvcr Saw. --- - - " ": - . - ' : ' ' -- -'7. ' - ':"""-- ' -v.Tlie following is an extract from a leUrr written by Mr. D. A. Reynold v editor and propiiersr of the Herald. Lyons, MU.h.; undr ditto of January' .11 th; lsifch" l-Ybu will observe that 1 have girt-n yur adrerilSi'merTt' pcai lf a on the first p-iee f the HoraM,. while otb.f-r ppoprtetiry medicines ha vo 1 ail lo tnke the run of the paper.-; Th reHoi"fordningtlus Is that upon re rciv n ytiur ;opy" a nur.toer or cures effected spemed a'.rmlar .to tht-l of which tny liltl son was nfF-Tiog, a" ca?e of blond jxdsiTp," crlnitabl rcs breaking out all over hi body. To day h is entirely fre ;from.d'8fas, and one liottle of SwiftT Fpec'flc. (S. SLS.) did the work. ' Now th'fs is th reason for givinz you the position, nn I consider Swift's specific (S. S. 8.") the best medicine I ever mw.. X wisi yu r.nl;m;ted eucceaj in your l.usi- worrfj m.uipiton, mm My tmysicitus was wealth, incurable and could only Uto but short time: she weighed lcsn.hin srv euly pouuda. On a p'ece of wrapp'aj aper ahi read of -Dr. King's Kew heoveryJ and got a amp!e bottle; it h'-lpad hrr, fehe bought a ljr,;e battle it help d htr mure, bocght another anil jrrew bettr fa'T coiit'iiue.l iu use and la now Urnng.ValtV, ry.ph:np, weighing 1-10 pounds. lvr fuller lar tkutars seurt htoinp t W. II. t Drug'ut, FortSmhJwV Trial botllu, .if tld wonyerfut Dicovtrv fxeo uft W. II. Fununn'a Dm? Swo,' " Foit year itrouats rpil " fl.io )oir bter work abeid." . l ort tma aay rural xacet!u 49. Give auimaU jtire water dail. Feed "well, but wutt no fornre. " . Aro'.J fuddcrin ou the grosud. Be imoctoal in carrn lor stock. , - llatycfah.rpgnrel fjrljwl. Vt, blaoiet-il-t'.ilrru.g ho. lt.-orJ both Inoome aa J oatroi. 'Hive caiefol help ta car fr lock . . . -- Sharp horte-!o -for thppery roaU.-. . . - Bnt?r remave than i Lce a . xaort pig. ' , . - NVtm quitrlers fir atxk aatea forage. - nsnu.e lauteras waU car Iu the burn. -' Tlenty of ;lle t-Csldiug nuaca maoure. ;. . Keep Uic hens warm to gtt more eggs li ci-ia wrau.cr, . U trus huJ aublca are cot suitable pLcj icr t.cuiro rts. Winter ia a b id time to let your Are inturaiiCc ruu ohu - - Tho !:t remedy for gladrj U to km the n.actel horc. Tl:e cow ntw nrrdt extra rations to kef p up the flow of milk. , Money well lotctHl la fcrtilizera jaya beit-r tha:i ia bank. Fox ett leaves for beOd.oj coat only ga.lior.ug U.cra. . IV rune any time the weathsr Is fit and keep yux kiiife aluirp. ' Select and keep 'the very tet and largest turkeja faf ireed.og. Look after the c-ndul ju of at j red fruit, vegetable aod root. ow croru tne i-e.l u yoa arc fattening beevca,' pis , or pou!- lorn atalki .contain more ptah lluan any o'.hcr fwdj. r fed la cowa." ; . .; , -. '': -Unless - flower-poU hare col dfjiuage the plauta may be D m t fodder ato.k on the rTonod when It ia- ao cvy to proiUe rack. , v - Ucavy feeding of fowl Just be fa-o kdUug ia dcu.m.nul to qcali- If joa aro. encaged la winter ca:rylrs: try to acll du-e.t to con sumers. ' - . ShUnh'a e-rtiBr,UoB run Iriold j n Formle at any' hcj ttwe. . , - SLHoVa CaUrrh ILraty a jx'Ure care for raUrrb,-diptt-.Aa aad eaaker batk. by liiuM, - - . TteltevrOM. TI. TbtTtr, ef IVorb o. ImtL. ar: IUtk imjlt n4 wiftow r Utea t S2.noh's t ou.awf lioa tare. . Ir Mlt by I'afmAS, . . Whca a yoccg mm frx oa a 4Urf the soouerLa "mead' hlf ways the bet ter. - K!ple a!Vu,'BaJa n:ritU h that Urritlt eorrh. MkikV'i cart U Ua xaMd tor lu k r ai at 1'viUit'i drsj star. Sbiloh'a VltillKT la varrea 2 fr oitttiptioii, ) of appetite, diair, as J ll a jtupoia of djtrpaia.' Pri St aaJ 7Arau rcr btUt. tot aala at r or- The favorite pursuit cf the fewer cf tobiiity U haattyulturc. . Yt-a cawtaccontTh any wvrk er bul ea UiileM xcu frel well. If ou feel tucd t4- llrrd omi UktTDr. II.' MLran'i. ifaxjar-ariJLv It will cixe yoa health, trcaglh aad Your Tegc'.ar jb tlicka Calx U not 5- meet for the uxiach. To allay paint, lublue icSaaittca. Ixalfvula rva ana ulcers th mt prompt and aatUfactory tcu:ta ate oLlatneJ by uii g Uail old rtUt'o raxed Dr. J. LL lie Lea a Vo'.axdc Uil J joiuieut. . IK you ic2er fro3t any affccCoa raaurd by laijwre bood. aacU as acrv.uU salt rticciu, aorra, boi!( p'ra- lc. Utter t iawwrm, Uka Dr. J. H. McLean a bAJj-axilU. . For weak back, clct Uz plaaie:. raiaa . a Di. J.1I. McLuut'a W oodexrul UtaJ- Many a maa cevcr rtta oa the pop- aUr side till he Jclu f ileal majority. , IF jou r-ava 'apiinfhl acnaa of (a- . Ilue. CaJ yo.tr dutie4 Irkarae, uka Dr.J. II. McLeau'f Sanaprilta. It X w.n crace yoa up, ma&ejou ironi aad tigo.ous. Taat kacklar e3rH eaa b ao . e!klr eurl ty bUlh'a car. W ritruu it. t or uU U t area i diar mr. rcr-r.a advanced lo year ftet yooaicr aa 1 atroojrr, as . well Ireer irm the inQnTnuta of a;a by takiaDr. J. IL McLeaa'a 3iraap- - ' Too can be cheerful ani baroy only hra von are well. Ifroafeal out ofsona.- take Dr. J. IL McLcaa' bars p: ilia. . . When Tea are corn tl pa lad. Ijito headache, or 1- of apptit. tak Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver aod Kidney 111- jc.; u.ey are pleasant to take aod wCI cu. you. . Tht a-iar-t'TOpered, croaa. ' drreT- tiz iiIiT!dual. should Uke Dr. J. II. . McLean's SartapajilUl It mil taika - tuai feel a veil aad . hearty as the budihicst of u. 1 CaUrTh rarrJ, Italia aad awt tt trtb arr4, By Slaitoh'a CUrrfe tUm4v. Prtea SO rents. ! Ialcf l,r Itc For aat at Faraaa'a drax atore. 1VITI too taSer er erclatatr bi putraiu4 t eare yaa. maa a tlrvg tor hit dfTTvtptla aod Ii Shilwha't YUUiwr la Fir aale at Far ; Cu'.l soil or oml. . the flecks aud hard, a-id aLiut.Ur i?oo-pajljg ui Drawtegmaieriala Mat?xJ-f inter. Tlie safest way for mostdblks to do is to do aa the rest do. .The people never gave up their liber lies but uuder some dchisiou , ;' - Don't try to drown your troablea in a cup; troughs are great aMrimmcrs . He hoped io -la her by his preenfa, but.e be sakl hi presence waa't - desira ble, so he didn't " . . nos The abore is a samile of Jetters which are coming to ns all the . time. S.'S. S. is nearer inCUHble than ay remedy made, and has probably done more good than any medh ir.e kuown to nmakiud. We will mail rt Trenlis oa. i,loocl aud Skin Diseases to all who will send their address. . . . ' ' . Swift Specific Co .--. ;'-'. ": ; Atlanla, Go. V 2 EUFKt'SY, - Th;s.i what yon Tnght to have. 'iu fact, you mattluivc It, ta felly enjoy life. Thousandi are searthlug .fn it daily, and mourning becanj.c i!;cy find it not. Iliruand up.n tlioasaudrf of d 'liar arc pcat annually by our ixi ple ii thrt hope that may 'obtain : i!ti boon. And yet it may Lc had by all Wo guarantee ilut Leclric B'ttera if ued aeevrdmg to directions use pcr Hted in win bring jou good dge-tion end tho demon dysp-s will hietall mti.d-' eupey. We re- ommend El -ctac Bitters fi-r Dtsper s:a end ad !i"'e?'ac3 of Liver, Sto.nm h and Kld n.'v. RH aao.-. ud $1 per bo t e by W. II.; Farm iu, Jr, D. ugglst Attend the annual rttet'ei of yam Agriculture boclety aad help elect gOOU OllkCTi. i Hlct the bf t". booka. etc., for the family, and r-uew y."jr ubcU;i ttoa tn ihs l nxK.iA?t time. dims? ; Hario tbla d qaaliSrJ aa Lxrcator o( tb Ut lira. r.Ha J. ILirr, lUU ia ! and settle tit MDf, a&d all jrnt bold ing cljiiai apalait aaid otata to piraDt tUm for 3taat before UarrH tCtKlVt. .or I liU pUad ibia aotica la bar of tbeir recoirry. JOUX T. llABRIg, Executor cf M.a. lUiaa J. Harris. March lOylOTO. ':-w7H.EDVAIIDd.".' DENTIST WATTE FOaEST, X. C. . - - . ... ... , , j s , Afcr Sptmber 1 t can be fvad r gu!arly ft hi oG eat lh htl ia Fr n khutor, C.TbarL; of eac'i week. .: - " ' " " - lt5 n-jpaaap?r taotu ad ai j J croraoa r JT3J o:i xci rr HP .IliX 1l-FIIlMnMi Ja m-rmm t T sjg Mmrnrj ... aruiSs qp& o.-jrea

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