IIImII - - - . : THE FBANlvtIN TIMES. J. A. THOMA3,Editor and Proprietor $L50 gfel-OQ HJA iM-vxi v-,t:- T i:-v v-Vv ? To clubs of five Te Ti j. wfll be fur nielied at $L5CLier annmafe- 3SSTABLIB 11 X3I ; 1 870. THE FRANKLIN TIMES. - ; . . . '- . - - . AJL -.XIX H0RT01I HEHDBICES : ; Morton stood periectiy still until A he : could recover from the shock of his great d sappointmenf1, at finding - the door I locked and the key misBiiuiv He to -64png'in" cectini? hiswits about him again, and when he didlie came to l-mB:a---i---h HIOXJISBTJKO; M; C, APRIL, 11 1SQO. Tue Times b the G"-'y ne-srr4e-r rcUshcd la I'rarJJln county, aid hs circulation exccvii all over every Sec tion of tLk and sjdlalng cxAiatk, aJ vertisers should cake a coto Lara. . The Editor trill not La mjco Lie for the views of cTerrotlccta. Brief commosic&Uoo tnra U s-.v twos nt earuoj aoied. Xewe Items of any nsAnxe.wa be rcedtni. curses', and oaths they conimcuced to blame ieach other' ibr not beiK more watchful. - Jv ' , ' ' . - fTheir first thought was to" rush out irito the street alter the boy aud catch him,- they started, but ; stopped, for they knew that it would not dojor it to be seen or known that they had, any in ters est iu . or " connection .rrcith- tliat ? boy. They cahxe back itto their den and con, tinucd to qnarrei with each other until they , almost- came" to bUwa, " but this thought forced i(seIf-4ipon their mmds: ,Tti: when rogues fall put, honest men would never eo to 'go back into his aill! f oeawJ-lhdrJ AbsbluteljfBurel This po wdefever tiries. A marvel of p urity,i strength- and -.wholesomeneKfi., Itore eeioaoniMJaJ tban the ofdiaary khids, the-uftitu'4e-ljlo-;tih-lweijrht alum orphoisphat powders. . Sols OS1.Y. rS OASi. - Eoyai, Baki so Powjjer Ct. v ;y 06 Wall Su.-fi. V. to sch6ol teasers:. : ; Schools of Frinkjkx county -will be in Louisburg johthe Bteoud Tburs day orFebrutiry.t April; July, 8?pt. ( Jctober and pecem be r, and reuiaiii for three days, i f nejesaary, for j purpose of .-exan!nih : applicant t each in the publicSclxol8 .of ; this 1 will olRQ be ;4nYTiouisburg jm: Saturday, of f aeh' wekiid aliu lie days, to. ait end to any business cotinocted AVJh tiiy office.-'; " r C and loeerthif vantage fgroun;but; ta "maiutain it and use it at all hazards. It as impossible for him to : hide :- the hole oribreecb iu the wall t v The . joy knew that two of the" men ' were in : the habit of going "out'somewhcWvery earty ' every 'morning even before Cany light could penetrate the J frout room,T so he 'determiued . to secrete himaelf against the walluattwhere he woald bebchind . thejdopr whed was'openeiThere was old Crunk- sitting in the- Yery pot which -Morton' had selec ted "as i tl best place : for him' to crouch, and Tie hailed this as a ' fortunate occurrence, iand' moved Ue ilrunk. silently back j to the angle m the wall and then took. Attonieyr-- All yt I busine) promptly at y- Office on Main St., wje door ' low; the Eaale Hotel. . , : . . : loUisbujig; J?r C. ":r ; Vne. Granville, Warrcti, Xash, ami FeiadiSuprenieJrS,Pro aiieBtin gifrea to collections, &eAO 'U CtoCKE A I ANIEXS, ." C. C. DKlELS ite "plabev behind : the jioor,-: hoping tua t 5wji5nJIthe nieii appr?ached Mhe. door to op64 itand. should see this dark bbjecC tJiat'they would think it to be the; same old .truuk and pay no further "atlentiou to it. Now feeling satisfied ) the above wxiid be the case and - that ; whe n the "door was'opeiied that; he-.woukl . bebe Liud it and coaceaed from . view, ? he .quietly crouched down against Iho wall with this plan in his mind: When t the 2 ? I door as opened in the morning and the man w no opeueu iv. curueu nis xakk. anu went 1 to "-finish I" dressing thalS he (Mortou YZ- would make one fiual and desperate leap for Ci lifj and libert, Ibr he felt that if. he could only reach the street be would . be aafe :aud ; free, ?2torton remained -. hi'" this position - it seemed to him an age. v lie could -. hear the i teadyJlramp of the plkeaian as he walked his beat pui on the street : past the door of the front room and :. lie -fciu i&rjiy jtped thalcihis policeman inight .Le passing when he : (Mot ton) should make hie attempt to - rach ; the sireet, that he might find immediate protection atluBAhands.-":; t '.'t' f'Afler awhile Morton beard ; the first clarioa crow of ' a 'cock . Car "day, , then .others and others,-.;" Finally . he heard this tumblings-of the. first j vehicle - that paa?el but by his prison, and - soon the busv life 11V Baltimore City began." I He then heard a movement in the room; ac companied y ;cihat peculiar J yawnin always made by most people r when, iliey first Awake from sleep. r - v, -', : The three tteh -were' spon ," stirnng and Mortou touid hear bis , 'own beaci "beat and tile boy was-, actually f afraid that h would bc; ; heard by bis ; three dreaded enemies -. -i .". -t furious passions. Morton had -not gone many blocks down the street "; before lie ;was .noticed by a policeman, who at once regonized htm by the description andtpliotograpti in the papers as the boy he was on "the j lookout for, so he atroriee arrested Mor- iou and without allowing him to- epen his ruouth in: explanation of h's case, rushed mm unceremoniously off and in- lp the lockupf- ;f';ri .t C 1 ; ; During . the day - Morton was ; taken bcbrie ill proper court for arprelimim ry. triid where he was hot allowed to de fend himself or give evidence in his own behalf, but was orraaHy-committed to Jail, and there; to be ironed to the-" fl.Kr. .When Morton was left to himself in ins" new.- prbon he" though t,;:we.U thts "is ntther roogli .usage an innocent boy, perhaps," he continued, ! havo jumped out of the u-t'mgpan into the fire. ' Morton would take things like a Utile philosopher in" spite of his surroundings and sufferings. lie had puce before felt helpless, but now he, kit -a great doal more sofor the si nplereasoa that while he had louged Iq, and had succeeded hi getting into the protecting hands of the law, it had not only foiled tP hear his complaint and protect him, but without allowing him to speak in his own behalf .had sent himtp. be chaiued iu a duu- geon.j-:- v w-.r;., ..- Tlic papers of the city the next morn- Ing came out wU.li large' : head letters. 'stating- tliat : the"" notorious 1 lldcf and murderer, Morton II. uiirkks who Jiad sp long eaded ; the! police authorities successfully,, had at last been ; ferreted down and c'apturetT by that ever watclv ful and vigilant publie 'Servant, -Xarfy O'Flagcrty. " ; ' ' Tlie truth of the matter was thai of supper, when he went In to the table and drank a cup of -oITeef then going to Xhpnlcehe paid his bill -got into a hack and went to the depot, and the next morning he was at home by 10 . o'clo.'!--.' Mrrykikcrs was-a. man who congratu lated himself upon liis knowledge of hu man nature and of easily and cor rectly readi -g human character at first sight, so he was not so much disap pointed at what , had occurred so frr as die ruin of Morton's young life nnd the lose of his (Vickers) moaev was con cerned, as he was in hU own judgment tsf Jbeboyiac &Lber.--Ilia friomU knew thai Mr. yickers. prided blm-iclf on (as he termed it) hisTepccial .fhculty of insighi in tin respect,- add now , he ten cnagnneu :ua morunca at his own kilure more than everything else con nected wiib the aftair. ' . ' - - , - lie felt ". like" revenging .himself on Morton for this redoctiet on hie - boau etl superiority over other men" In Uie above maitiohed eneciaT faculty, - Yet there was a kind of feeling on the part of Mr." Vii-kcrs for and toward Morton, like thai whioli still lingers In the bosom cf a father for hU disinherited son, and while he felt that Morton ought to be -punished, yet lie did not want to see or hear of it. So he determined to take his and happening of very recent date. , iu seem w to be .Tom Martin's men tai condiUon. . Tom would en iwkfor Morton, but when lie was in- lurmed that Mortou wm lnctrd nn in tlie city prison he would . noir vrrv angry aud want to see him, but as the Ruiuonr.es wouu not allow any one to scelle boy bat hU rjarents find h luJ Jio pareni there) and as Mr. and Mrs- kmii uu coc caie to see hira, no one eversnw him but Uie jailer, who was & rough, brutal man, and always addrscd .Mortou as UJef and murderer and would not alkivr tha bo to t K:n lies' (as be expressed it) about his iuuo- .eence. ; - : - - . - , " Uuderis kind of treatment by the jailvar, Morton. dotiled Hint he would havo nothing, to. say to auyoue, for everylxxljr felt N-re that lie w guilty juiu wouia ana oogni to be sent to the pt-mieu-iary wunout Irwl almoeL So iney let their InUron in the case drop until they shookl see the anuouueemeut ot n trial. ,- : -. : f ,. " TO BK CONTlKtri-rj. -tloldcu Jtrick-i. BY "niuCfc;!POMEROY. tseuer to lose money than man- nooa. j nothing 1 J . . . .t; ' i -- . ' ' C -'. C ;:7: : 1 k ! A fbr a-t-hftn Morton lieard the - first I iban he did anyone else, And was look ing for one at the lime to . find .- protec tion." Knowins that he was anv Inno cent boy, he'feared notlitng at the hands of an pffi er of the law. Hut 'Mortpn did not exactly understand this second act of his incarceration." lie .consoled himself by saying I"am innocent, and the law will End it; out one of. tfteee davs.v Anvthinir. anvwhercv an vbod v. is better than those from whom I --have made my escape; so I am a little better off, (though ! am cliained in a dungeon lti tlie hands or the law than I - waa Pr could have been In the : hands - of . Joe :4MSii;i:&ld dpwo, and one of the men was just 1 1f Mr.kiers at ibis time was In Ten- Anv business entrusted fp nswill- be j raisin himself uo. the tliird had gone I nessee, and kueW nothing at all of what promptijf'ajlended iyrgc : the door tp this, roonv- I had liappened pr was transpiring at his j passed through tP the iront v rpomr ana name. - nc naa not uaru irom uou-e B.MSSK2l$UKtv ' DOinj eiwier uj priv-we iciier or,uirougn me own loss- of money. - philosophicilly. which loss was really uolhiug to imn whtu compared to the loss of Morton's services aui friendship,- (for ho even liked the bpy's cpmpnuy.) . Mr. Vickers tned to dismiss . the subject from his mind and to give his entire attention to the care of the ick man Twu Martin. Mrs. Vickt rs had gotten a letter from Joe Holmes stating that hU dear moth er was still lingering it seemed at the point of death, but please to look afict the weltvre of his dear fomdy, "lliat he would be back home to rcsumcTlU work just as soon as he iould leave his rupth cr. lie alsp stated that he wus very much hurt when he sa In the mpcra tliat he had Leen suspected aa h-iving Fomclhiug to do with tliat sad alEiir ou the farm that uiht. lut because of the coincidence ra connection 'with Tom1 Martin taking crykipelas, that ; he re membered very uieunctly to hare dres al his woaTKirf;u.e in the stables the day before that night, and he felt very certain that poor loni must have faueu on the very spot that - night when - the mule kwked liiin oc when Mortoti Hen dricks : threw him dowu there, which ever it was. ' Joe closed his letter by saying that he; wished he could-leave his dear mother and como home at once to help sit up with and nurse poor Tom. This letter had h tendency to lift suspi cion from Joe Holmes." - T : - - Mr. Vickcrs was still . Inclined to be lieve that Joe Hoiuu-t was not au en tirely iunoceut man, for 'he knew him to' well and of his hatred for Morton that he felt sure that Joe knew something of this anair and he tleo felt as if he never wanted to see him again. Joe Holmes In his den in the cii(for he had never been to .Vermont) looked in the papers carefully every day for, an account of Tom Martin's death, but not seeing it. lie was so much surprised, that he deu-rmined to make another fecret night vuit out to the form, but when he did, he found that since Mr. Yickers re turn Tom's nurses had been increased in numbers and there were alsp two or. , three; sitting : up with Tom ' and - Mr. Ykkera was always one of the number. Joe had tried every means that he could devise to get Tom" out of the way. but he- had signally .failed thus fur. Tom Martin had certainly thowu signs of improvement hi the last few" days. The eryslpt-letous poison seemed 10 he yielding to the lector s. treatment and aghlnfit of many Is B.icfcs!ldinz Christianity J T-'l k Is the parent broods of troubk-s. He who is afnud to -attempt aires ay uercati d. . . . - Tu be ereat and good a person need out be popular. ." Enteralu yinir guests but not with acts or talk unpleasant. THE FARMERS- ni.XTSA.XD ITEMS Of IXTtRXSX'TO TUB AaRZCCLTCniSTS. THE FIltKOf-- DISEASE IS AI .ways dhiven from the SYSTEM BY, 8 VVIFrS 8PE- ; ' CI FIG (S,8.ti.) " . . i Do ya feel that the terribla fire of blood poison Is consuming you? that the poh-ounus virus Is vitiating and corrupting yoar physical sys tem 7 tnat it is.tnvHiitntf your moral natore and stunning your a- pirations fox manllnw aiul domes tic happiness? X).es the hideous. night)uare face yu night and day thafyou are a victim -of this nion- ster nrhlch hss bevu ou the arp.ntl" ior dvp cvniuries, scourging tnu nu man race by the thousund and tens of tliousamis, and which Is. regarded and acknowledged by many learned men to be incurable? Theu we say. come to ua ana we will cure you Turn your back on all the old worn out poisons, as mercury, potash, ar- ttenicjand like compounds so rnluous to health, and take h. 8. Which we assert does cure, agd we are pre- parcu to prove It. - . . Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mulled free. - . . . Uwifts Specific Co.," - -r . ". AtUnta Ga.- Till men are hoiierl they are not capable or eeir-governinent. To cvnE a kickixq cow. An Or- egoo Cmoer ghes a remedy for kicking cows which he c'.almi to Live used with great succe for the past twelve jam x Take a small ropo or . eord about the slxe of a clothes linr, make a loop In one end, bold the loop end in one hand. drop the other cod over Uts cow's bsci; pick it up and then pass it through the loop, then slip I: back just be! and the Lips, bringuig It underneath juU for ward and close to the udder, adjusting it so that the loop Is near the backbone. lion draw the rope throajh the loop tightly and fatten it, tlie more tightly the better if the animal Is very vldoos. On the first application she will jorop and try to kick and" perhaps bellow, bat la her kkk, she wdl soon gel tlrei of doing so. .Xowyuu.can sit down and milk without the least danger. Yoa can Laidly provoke her to tick. If site should try to kick tighten the rope and continue to do this till, she gives - op Three applications In succession will cure the wpri case. -Treat her kiodly and gently ell the .time wuhpat the least excitement. : risxnxa and crLTrvATiox or oobn. As soon as the weather has be come settled andtho ground is warm, and ary, wLeoevfr that may be, corn should be rtlanted. rarlr" nlanCnr. generally speaking, gives the beat re sults. 'When tlie weather and soil will fxraUV fimncrs ought to he read to drop their seed. ; Tlie ground most be rich sad frtable to produce paying yields of corn. Where spring plowing h to be done the plows should be started as soon as the soil is dry enough to admit of It. Planting corn in drills Is now the common practice. Flit culture is in order except on Tow lands, where culti vating in hills is TtUl prscUceJ. Tor large growing vnrietk of corn the rules is drills from four or five feet apart while for small corn a UMtance of three feet to eighteen Inches In the drills,, according as the variety may suggest. The seed sbouU not be covered too deer-; two In ches are quite snCdnt, and more than ODDS AND ENDS- - ' ..-- : - Fj-.u3ci"j ilt sec Vex U ercr In th bc-oehold wLkh caae Imr uw, cas, sprains sd bmbi; for in sochv caesDr.J U. Mdxaa's YolcariaUl Lmetnest. . floods may come hot they not r-nmibly rtmorts the dear sky tack of them. EMUa's catsarU ears U sVI lj rt 1 t nuuuiL .It rmrtm M-gtiat-iiM FrMdai rmrM'a lrg Ur. ' - v ra rents who rear their children to Idleweas and fashion, tr sVa oaly mud pica, - 8aHas Catarrli BMaoir a tM-rftlr cars tf eaurrk, t!fKtria sal esakes It. DM4 T enough in mellow ground. The ose of , the roller after the seed has been Vlrilled In Is very genera! practiced by progres sive farmers, ; " S vS I Tom had gotten so jie would lake the I ' ii ll . . r.v'"-'' I vr. - r-.'.-.i.lU r, .minfftr XrnB svf tlm lit( namM Rtato'' 1 food Offered With hS OWn - blinds and ' ATTORNEY AT I AW '' C6' See1'! th'uri H.oasev : JkAl business ;pnl"t n 'tn y haodB wti -eceiro proaiptattcntK)ti.::- ;"-: .S:i-"-- M.OOOKiS. V C; . -V',IiauiSBtrR 0, ila ijki Courts of Nash,' "$ Fra ak' iai G h ville, Warren -and rvfakeodutieilsa . court af Nor th Carolina, and theU; v .:. Circuit and Distkict Yuto this rooni Uirough tlie secon4 one, f ceuntry towns of the last named State; Is he said in a husk v. voice to his comnau- i but when he .reachecb- KnoxYillo and ions:-roll's day.' 0 At if& juncture of r thiugB ; Morton sprang turougn wis uoor wua ine quics-j n ess and softness of a cat,- and at al most one bound.he cleared the.front room, and with, another powerful : spring he mounted the steps and rushed dpwn ihe side walk-TrUevef turning tp. look tacx. VXhal'B' :'-thatr.l said one of. the .men "as he-rufihed to .the li out room and looked PUt Volt's a boy,? he said as lie 'turned and 'came backiy?;?- I.J" Whyv not; the boy . Morton a Hen- most R. J.15 MALUNhl, . - Oaee 2 doors : below Furroan . Co.ike Drug Store, ad joiningDrw O - Office 1Mh Court Hpuso,,: D W.H.:NlClIOl4305r, rf1RAf-tTf-TOG PHYSICIAN S dricks, asked Jpe Hohnes. iri excited manner. T:2foV? said the man addressed,"- f 'he could not get out to save his.life, it was, some rascally boy from the street- who ran in and then put, and I would l'ke tp gel my hands oh him, he continued," joe ran frantically arouud the room in his excitement, in doing bo he stepped in" the hole ; that Morton had" made in the fiobrrand fell7 almost tlie . entire; lengtbTof the rbom.; He jumped up and went to see what that hole meant. i.4'The.h6y, i8 gonel' he exclaimed. i'Morton Hendricks; the rascal,'; has es- eaned -search the room. - , They all hurriedly unlocked the door to "Morton's room and rushed i hi -but the bird had flownTbey thea lighted .their lamp and soon discovered how he had made- the escare, ana now- with im!&MmB Hotel. - n sorbit went to the hotel be. wasTery anxious to get and read a" Baltimore paper to see what was; going on in his home city. At his request the clerk r at . the' . Hotel handed him a Baltimore" Weekly bun, remarking as he did, Vthey lve caught that boy at last who stole: his -employ ere money and tried to kill a man . to hide me theft.'- -;"v" ; , y 'I have been trav elms', throosh th e country among its firmer?, said - Mr. Yickers, and haven't heard : any tiling about sneh an aflair; - What about it r u You will find an account of It on the second page there,' and can read it for yporself," said tlw clerk as he turned and left the. room. - - ; '. ; Mr., yickers lpoked - over." the : paper and soon" came io the article mentioned, and as he read it his heart beat faster' and faster, his breath came "quick;" and spasmodic, and bis .face grew deathly pale;- lie had read enough he, rushed to the clerk's desk in an excited manner and asked -' :;r;. l: Cx'!'" ' i "When does - the next east-hound train leave herein .1 j;;. 'Z - "At 8-30" replied the clerk, as he gazed in astonishment at the wild look ing man belore him .; . ; ;- Mr. Yickers aa and re-rcad the ar ticle in the paper and then f walked up and down the oncefloor like a very . ill b-.au. until he was aroused from his ab sorbing-thoughts by tie announcement food offered with his own - hands and would eometimes ask for food and water. But strange to thce around him he did not remember any thing about what bad liappened. and. when they tokl him of Morton tiendnct-j mysterious absence and how he from) was found lying al most dead in the stables, he cui not seem to know anylhlng-'about it, and took no interest .at all - in what they were telling him. When he was asked if he remembered Morton Hendricks, be -answered. "Yes." and that was all they -could get out or him. :'-;. j .1 Tom finally got well enoughs to get up and do light, siounle work - about the farm, and be seemed to be entirely well with the exception that bis mind seemed dull and sometimes muddled, (as Tom expressed it). and he did not. remember anything that had transpired in tlie last three or lour months, tie dtd not seem to recosuize fully the condition if his own muid, but all the family and ac quaintances saw and knew it. Dr. Gerald us explained the conuiuon of Tom's mind and his loss of memory for the last three or four months in the following way: . 44 A, man's mind' said he, composed or made up in circles or rings something -like the spiral or main spring of a watch, and as the oht er circles or rings are more expose to injury by usage, wear or decay, as the resut of said injury,, wear and decay the inner circles are prtserved intact, so impressions made there are almost In delibly fixed and everlasting, at least as foug as time and sense exist. Iu proof," continued the Doctor, "of -this theory. A SCRAP OF PAl-KIt SAVES HEB - LIFE, j . It was last an ordinary scrap of wrapping paper. bu it saved her life. Sbe was hi the last stages of con sumption, lout by physicians site was incurabls and could only live but a sl.ort time; she weighed less than sev enty poouds. On a p ece of wrapping Eaper she read of -Dr. King's New icorery,and got a sample bottle; it helped her, she boushv a large bottle it belot d hrr more. bossht anotlier and grew betU-r last, coolmuoU its use and ts now strongduraltv. r-wy.plu.-up, wigh'mg HO pounds. - For fuller par ticulars send -.tamp Id .W. H. Cole Druggist, Fort Smu Iu lrlal bott! r Uti wonderful Discovery free as W; H. Fonntto's Dm: Kioto. Closed II ds strangle snals and quarrels before they are'rn. " The taluk of BiiErr. Th pcoflt ou sheep raising docs not all come from one source. . It Is not cocfiued to the receipts for wool, nor jet to what the mutton and young lambs bring. 2t or, in the case of blooded stock, U It confined to the receipts for animals for breeding purposes. ' Neither Is it con fined to aQ these three combined. They enrich the land where they go, and not "only consume weeds that would otlver- e be au h-creasing nuisance, but they Lrc 00 much tliat ' would g to waste because other anions reject It. With good fences they giro little Iruuble, because they attend strictly to business. . In summer give them a good range, plenty of salt and Vgood water, and keep lbs dogs a way. Beyond these they do not need anything more than is necessary for tlie owner or master of the Bock to keep op a lAinlllar . acquain tance whh thorn. Mirror and Farmer. The man who reftee-i to tarren Cat Is gre-Aler than all who are against him. t Tt Rv. Cw n.TWsT-tr. sf IWarkW 14. mt: kKa mjflt aad wt! r brra U 8tklWh's CoMaaptiacsr, For sal ly raraaa. The man who ts capable of giv ing advice never elves It ooaskod, and cot always then, . neeyJ a 1x1. aaI mltrVt V thai UrriU -mcb. flW cara la ts - mmdj (r tl Far slst 7aimaa'sdrss star. - : -.: " . - - - - There ta Utile di(?renc between uppcrtlnjt: a wife who U Uxy, and carrying a corpse. SUlok's Tlnlbxr U wsatroa lt eatiiatlaa, Iom at artful, dinla'' aal ail wjmoaa af dripfU- ft " aa-t 75 niu pr Wula. or aala al Far soaa's dra s-Ura, v . Well bred persona win never sjy anything in company to hart or jat upon Iho ft lings of others. Yon caoat accon3preh tnj w;k cr buls ess eotaas you feel well. If yon feel used uptired eot tsks Dr. J II. McLean's, tiarssparUla It will ftlve yoa balvh, sUecglh and litalitj.- . , Some Christlsnt, when they reach Heaven, win never forgive Ood for admitting thoBe of oppos ing creeds. - To allay pains, sabdae kf-amston, hi al foul survs and clears tia most prompt ana aauuaciary results are oUa-nad by cslng tliat old rerUblo remedy. Dr. J. U. McLean (TolcaUo Oil IJounent. - One pound of put-yoor-shojldeT lo-tiU-whcel doos more for your neighbor than does mile of prayer. IF yoa tofler from any affection cauaeil by Impure hood. stch as scrofula salt rheum, sorts, bolls, pirn- pies, tetter ringworm, take Dr. J. It. McLean's Bajparilla. ' EUl'EPSY. . This is what yorj ought to have, in fact, you mustliave It, to 'fully eijoy life. rhousand are searthmg for it dailr.'tud mourning becanse they find it uoU ThousannU upon tliocsand of d .llare are spent annually by our pco rle in the hope that may obtain tlus boon. Andytt It may be had by all. We cuarantee lh-l Electric 'Bittcra If ued accorilln-r to directions use 'per- vitted hi will brlnz you cood dlgevllou snd the demon dyspesU will install inotead enpet'sy. We retoromend Electric Bitters for D'.speraia and all diaeses of Liver, Btomsch and Kl-I-nevs. - Sdd at toe. and II per bottle by Wi U. Fur-nan, Jr. Druggist ' . trt M tt TbaLixf l7fcCS cu. SoLl mt : rv f, I It, it II , vou wui nouce mat o;u people aisunct- ly remember things that occurred In their cliildliood, youth and young man hood, when they cannot - roraeraWr d s tinctly, and someUmes not all, things V.n.EDY.AItD3. DENTIST WA7CE rOBtST, K. C. After September 1-t can be ficn rularlv at his oCc at lh hotel in Ft nkmtun, . C,Thursd.iy of each week. -.; S)Yr L"? Ui1 Lr The one wbo makes drankards Is the great est enemy of the human race. ... For weak back, chest pains , use a Dr. J.H. McLean's Wooderfol Heal lag piaster. - , - He btio friend who enters yoor rarden to rob It, or your life to worry you. , IF jots bare a palnfnl sense of fa- ' t!gue. find 70-r duOes Irksome, Uka Ur.j. II. McLean's 5arsapr,.l'ju It will brace yoa op, make yoa t rong and vhrorooa, . --'"," Groaning orer the departure cf the dead ts no help to the Uflnfl, TV! arklaf caa V ao aUkly aaixl by &iWa cars. Vim raaraatta it. F at Farmaa's thmg mm. reracms advanced lo years fees yooajref and stronger, as. well as freer ffrwa the tnCrmitlts of sge. by La kin Dr. J. 1L Mclean's Sarsaa- Yi-fl can be cheerfol an J b arpy ealy when yoo are well. If roe faal "out of sons." take Dr. J. 1L Mc Loan's cVaraaptUla. Whets vou are co-sstir-ate-X. Lara headache, or bae of appaniU. take Dr. J. II. McLraAs IJvr and TeCdaty Fil lets; they are pleasant to take sod will tare you. Thst svK-tMempered, croa. dys-e tie IpifirldusJL sboaU uka Dr. J. if. Me Lean's bars a pa ilia! IlwdlBaxa him fol as well and hearty as th htaltLlsst er os. Catarrh rtJ, tiamltk aaj f-wect total cc-areo", y taiUa'a Caarra heme-if PTia 0 ata. Xm1 Iartr Lraa. Tar aala at Faraiaa'a 4rf aUrt. . WUI raa saffer wi-Jk drtrr;-U aa4 hf r e-arUiat? ekilafa ViiUla-rr U Uill nft'trt h$BZ33t!xn, ffcsnljis SftHirj srct 9 sJm& hajs,Sp nJe t, acacia, Tooiizek, Cons, Cmt, CaiSt Scalcft, Caciaehs, Z'cart,l.e. "HZtr M?L m nilCX T0 Cmt Tjwmmt Am CllLu (X-f-AMfl'C'J. i(UI VmVM rar--.t4 t car f aa. ati'i drag tr Fr 11U as Far The mure yoOsex others thj eaaler ara yoo vexol by others. 13 Ca J CL"ilF MV lijM tm. - v

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