r ' THE FRANKLIN TIMES. Qgg THE FRANKLIN TIMES. Tub Times fet lh cnlj oewpcrr jnliliid la Fnk!!a ctxintj, &rA ll cinrul&ttou excod all orcr etcry tct tlaa at this and adjoi&in rouztft, l J. A. TnOMASyilkiitOE and Proprietor HI 1 V:' RATES: 11116 OxeYeab, -"" SIX MONTHS, f $1.50 1.00 JLOb To clubs pf five Tfc Times Vb ' fur-' wished at $150 ppr annum. - Tha ILinc will not be rwpot TW Cor Lhc rirws of correppotlcnti Brief cocvnnnVrstkxn firorn 'J teo t!ocs most earnestly toTidtal. "r JCS'J?AI3 1-IIlIilO X 870. ATIIOMAS Edltornud PropriPtw WITH MALICE TOWARDS KOXE; WITH CHARITY TOU. ALL.' PKICE 8I50112Il ANNUMIn Advnnco .XIX. I.OTJISBURG,;Isr. C, APRIL, 18 18QO. NO 12. lUroi of ant taUure mQ t tL&nliUUy tifl i: 7-- bn irk :IMMigt Absdhsteiv P id A Southern. Girl's Reply. - ATJTfiOR UNKNOWN. ure. T'ila Tolsrdver varies t A marvel of r n rl t, Morc'eaonoinioaa than the ordinary kiods, ..,1,1 !innot be s&ld in competition -with the multitude of low test, short height t powders. Sold OJCLT. rr KoYil.BAKISG POWDEn CC- " i - GOG WatlSu N. Y to SCHOOL; TEACH EllS. Thft SnnpitmtencTent " of Public School of Fmivklin county will be in TVmisnunr on the second xnurs- hiv of1 Februjtry, Apr" July, St'pt; October and jDecember.aiid renmur for.threft-da'jf, it" necessary, for the purpose of examining applicants to tench in the P ubl ieSc ho da o f t h is County. ' ' .. . I wjU also he in Tiouisburft on SaMirdnv of leach" week, and all pub lic days', to attend to umy business coiinocted wjitri iuy office. J. N. tlAPyJs; S;pt. 1 cannot Usteu to-yoiu? words,- ."'.. j The land is ion:; aud wkhV- -, ; '. tv " Go seek some hapn .Northern. Girl ;:Jli -Tb-be your loving bride" '. : - "' 'My. Brother-,!: xucy were eoiuicrs. : -The youi2estx .the ttiKeu " XI Wis sbiin vhilo ighiin Jiy the sklo utgiUiantr js uz iiugirL.ce. v : ; . Tlcy left his jbody on the field, J - "(Your ide'the day liad won.) - A tokller spumed, him with his foot -Yours might, have been the bue. illy lover was a soltlier, : . :L " . lie Ijelo: :od to Rordoa's band: : - A s.aUre pierted his ijalhuit heart, . . i i ours mii'Ut nave ueen me uhuu. was delirioas for about an hour. i' Jlr. and Mrs. Vkkers went intbthe city on tlie'morning of the trial, and left TonY in the care of liis mo'lher. They went direct to the Court House and se cured seatajn'ii reiired part of tle room before Court, was! opened, i They sat k4i i1i-;rhcitc!s t pwext-as'if at Tatxcr a, for t hey dreaded the opening of Court; 'the sig!itj;f Morion and the results of the trial. e, ; they dreaded to see Moirin, once the boy of the'r pride and are you ready for this-case 7 -"We will" oe ready in a few moments, f sir,! said the Solicitor, ,as soon as the Sheriff brings tho prisoner from jail." -- While Ue lawyers "were' arcmitig some pxtliroiaaries of court busines,' there was a commotio at iliot-ont door .of the Court House, and at the 8 vine tuve was lieanl thedcputios- Voice calling out for thi crowd to niako ro ju f(r the prisoner to pass. ' -. .All eve-s la the houfe" were now turn- coiildence, honcsCtruthful and noblecd b the directioa of the door, (Mraud but low Morton the "thiefv the uiur-, Mrs. rickcrs did notJook op) and saw tne oihccrs inarching in with a lad who FRO F.KSSLijM'A b CARDS AH legrti ter.tied ti FRAXTJNTO, N, C. bush. ess promptly at- ATT 0B1TEY AT LA Y- Office on Main SU, one low jlie Ea.Te ITnt el. St J He rce'el and fell,' but was not dead .: A horseman spurr d his iteed, He trampled On his dying tinuu ; f VYou uiirTfTSye done the tked. j 1 hold no hatred in ray heart , 1 . No cold unrighteous pride, - j. For many a gailaht soldier fought j Urouiho other, skle. - But still I cannot kiss the; hand t That smote mv Couutry sore. Nor love the faces that trampled down The colors that "she lore. J ' Between my lveart and yours there rolls A deep ai id crimson ikle. - "-.' ; -My lover's and brother's blood , , : Forbkl me be your bride. v r s The Girls who loved the boys in Gray, " The Girls to Country true f : May ue'ci' in .wediock give therr hand To those who wore the Blue - MOETOSf-HENDRICKS; 1 L Story for Eoy. ; . HY J.F-MAXOXE. T . :Z. J CHABTEU X. Morion IlendricksVparcnts IU1LL. COCKE tioldsb promptly knew nothing whatever of their. boyvs troubles and raisfortuueeyfoB there was not n sin gle Baltimore paper taken at this tiiuer I siLtlie boy's home in North Carolma, and as the home paicps were tsa 'much interestetl in discussing the vexuu l- ikJcai topics and issues ofj.haf day to be uotxiug BaltiuHtfe murder cases, U wa almost, impossible lot the pareutS" to heaixft-onk their son. - Mr. and Irs. Vickers felt that they cotild not huVm them of such a sod atid'uiortfyiug piece f news. "' - Dr. Hendricks had received a letter from his SHin-ikc &V - before the kidnap ping, and it was so full bt life, hope -arid bright prospects for the future, that the father felt that he could "bear ttrcrscpar- 1 alion, a3 Morion seemed to be so well pleaded and ccnUentcd with his;; ?ur vMn(Tin"Ts Thft rirxvnr' ccnfrratalated . .-Tin r. I : -- - c. . & DlHiii'ju DiiiiiLLu liimselfand wife upon their boysu arney At LaTr LOUISBUIIG, N; c. Will nHml the courts cf Franklin. Viuce; Giiiuvnie. Warreii, Na'nfaud F .Ural nid Supreme Co-.irt. Prompt tU.nl!ou sriv-u to ejections, !& DANIELS, uro N.CV C. CfNIELS Law, Atprneys At WILSON, N. C. ' Any business entrusted to us will be attended to, b; B. MAS3ENBLTUG, AT fORNEY-AT LAW I LotJiSBtJKatK. c. Oi'Sce in the Court Houses ? , ; ', A.U bilsiness put'in my hands wtl f343iVC brompt attention. Ui OOUNSFXtOBariLAW - ' I.OUISBXTBO. FRANKLIN Ca..N. - Lttenathe Courts of Nash, PranV Gnville, wWarren, ; and -. S pounds also tl Hip leme W ubtKorHlitJarplina, and ttie U Circuit and District Courts. i - -' - o. doors below Cojke'fc Ii.KU Forfnao & Drug Store, adloiningDr. p. 9. TIMBEBLAKE,.;.,- ' ATTORNEY AT LAW r LOUISBTJJtG N. C XI: P ffice he Court House D i: W. H.. NICHOLSON, - 'ivr:;,i.:.::':V.wfX" FBACTICLNG PHYSICIAN, ' ' LOUISBURG,'K. C. Office opposite Eagle Hotel - cess and happiness and they bo h felt very proud of him. - Dr. Hendricks had aLSwered this la&t letter the veryl night t'sat he received it, so not leariug from M-rlon for so-long a time did not causp him to become nneasy about the boy.- When J oe Holmes and his' .friends found out that Morton was going to get well ia spite of all llictr efforts to l ill .hini, they quietly pullal up stake;.as - ,-they expressed it, and left for Chicago. Jtyi had 'netI'yisited his own " family since the day he showed his ' w ife that purious letter, and left, as she thoughif for Yermont, and she never kuew but -what he wns still with his sick mother in that stale. - " i - 'f A day vvas finally set for te ftrlal of Morton Hendricks. . Every one thought and believed that .there would be no dif- -ficulty at all, in iroving that he .was guilty of stealing his employers ' money and oTthe wilful attempt to murder Tom Martin, and they were satisfied that lie would be- convicted and sent to the penitcntiaryvr "" . : - - Tom Martin and Mr. and, Mrs. Tick ers had aheady received their summons at the hands of the Sheriff as witnesses at the trial. , Mr. Vickers had not and would net tike any steps to prosecute Morton, but said that the law mut take '; Us course aud vindicate itself, for he did not intend to be present at - the ? trial. . But now after being summonsed by the officer he was compelled to attend. The night preceding the day set for Morton's trial, Tom Martin was attack ed with intermittent chills and fever. Tom had lain down on abed at his mothers cottage just, as he wastaken siclC in his blue fannel work.shirt and overall pahtSi He had pulled .off his" boots on lying down and placed them '. by his bed. Tom's fever lasted until the next eve cing, and at its greatest height Tom deBcK People of all classes- and , conditions were now -rapidly and eagerly crowding tuto; the hands, me court roo?n." There 'could; be seen there every .Epecies of the genus homo. There ws tliat pestiferous fester oh thev body of equity, tbe rust siot on the arrow to the scales of jus tice, the- man who hangs around the barf facourt consumed almost by the ar dent and morbkl desire to hear the Shcr ifTcommaud him to take a seat in the. jur"box.. Wuh a brain box whose ca pacity often, does not exceed ." tliat of a domesticated chimpanzee, he: at thai same time lakes the hair of a juryman with the perfect satisfaction (to his own mind), that lie is - the only man who should be privileged to deal out equity and jiistu eta his fellow-man. We see here thocros roads 1 Solous and Solo- mans, the autocrats of the bar-room ta bles,, the dlsgoiped denizens of gambling hells' the curious merchant, the country doctor, the high hat clergy, the hi Colonial looking leader of. country Inn" society, who has always nltcndcd Court for the last fifty years, regularly, afif he thought that sail Court cou!lAiot be properly conducted without his knowing presence; We see here the proverbial small boywith his hat or cap stuffed in his pocket y -shaggy, ' unkempt h;tirr aiid.dh:ty 3 liaudsV "climtiug up- on the highest railing in order to gct'a birdseyc" vie bt thcwliole proceedings. " Here are the' savage yiseaged deputies who every t:me tlie Judge tips ou the bench with his pen knife they jerk out the word: Keep silence In Court," winch woms sound like they had just passed through a patent electrt; beef, chopper. Hero Uo is the famotnTcourt cryer. who never get tho proper namo from, the solicibwvbut manufixclurcs one to his wn liking aud .bellows it out at the window. Last tut not least, we see here' the wise aud knowing looking young lawyers, vvhoduriug the mostiu- tt restln? aud exe ting v&rl of a trial tit in the bar rcad.ng newspapers upside down in" the attempt to malw the audi euce believe that they are so used 10 and familial with courts,' trials and the lawUhat they lake no special interest ia what is going on. And, oh here sat the jury ni-ido up from this helcroge nious mass of innpauity; composed not of intelligent men really, but of men who think they arc intclligonl : One half of thl jury ia whose hands are placed the life of death of their erring i'eLV.v-uian, iire asleep, while the other half are wondering how , long they will be allowed to 'make owe dollar a Cay do ing notliing; In a"fcw niiuules he Judgrv acconv t was paler slender and emaciated, but with as intelligent houcst aud frank a face as ever grew out of human shoub ders. . His hands were bound in irons. yet th! boy lo cked liandsomo aod nobly innocent.! ' There M-as- no ', spasmodic quiver of a faciarmuscle or dropping of the eyelids against Jho steady, concen trated gaze- of so- many eyes, ' f " Morion llendru'ks knew and felt liis own innocence i s he look tho heat of a ciimlnal in a modest and dignided man ner. 'Ae he leanaTTack in h s ucat all eyes were riveted upon him but the lit tle hero bore their looks without confu sion or atfectative. The grand jury had made out a true bill and the Judgs again a ked the So licjtor if he was ready in caso "No.- 72, tnte vs. M"orton lleudncks. That officer locked up over his eye glasses and replied: "Ycsreif, I" believe we are ready." ' The jmy were now empaneled and the bill of indictment agnimt the priso ner was read by the Solicitor, and the "sit together, hear the evulcnco and give your verdict accordingly was lead tothenu V "1 Tisoner," said tlie jutlgc, "stand up. You have heard the bill of indictment in whkJi you are charged' with stealing a large sum of money from your can Xloyer and with an attempt at murder. Are you guilty or uot guilty ? "Not guilty answered tho lad wiih a firm v .ice. . If the npmbcr of eyes directed pt Mor ton's flice at Una moment liad contained heat, as tlie sun's rays do, ho would have been burnt to ashes. When Mrs. Vkkers hesnrd that Cuiril uir .voice deny the charges and say tliat he was not guilty, thai was jury cuourU for her, aud she shed tears of jfy, be cause heheheveu the boy, aiMi other miihis in thatcroat eoin'nly hcartlcis aiidr.mcc. who up to this time kid ihoujht of uo words but gamy and punishmtut. were new lorced by Morton's fnuk and pat face and could do to that ho would be innocent la Mr. Vkker eyi. But under tliat uuju.H law iheu iu existence (changed uow. Uianks) a iciuucr wa not allowed to tes:t! in his own Ulialt - ...... .Mis. Vkkers was the next wit nc, aud he stated lliat Morton bad atke.t h-r consent to retrain iu the city until after a lecture that night, an.1 Uait (be liiid couseut&l. Xlia also stated all that fciie kucw a to what -occurred before and ark that iii'ht ou Uie iAa. nd closed by saying Hat je alwas trusted t. l r . .... me mv ana cue ienvta ihere was something wrom. . -Julfe " ht saVl tutuiug to the lcnch, -I don't belie vo liuit boy is guuty. Mcp niaxLnin,sakl the Judge, "don't ieu wiuu you behove." . Mr Sandroa at tlui lmutur : i .1 . , . . . sunici anu snut one txc at ha LfetUren i .. . in uie uar The wiuiesscs. Hank aruli DtinrL both tcstiSed to tho boy's rood cliarao- lec up 10 uio cuai uight. loin Martin wos excused at a wit ness when Mr. Vickers stated to tba Judge tliat lie had ldl him at home dV mtous with fever. . AuMAHCECOLUMH. ? modem intelligent.' What a fexrfnl rcrdict tho Farmers Alliance of Kanta baa rendered in tho ca of Senator 'IngalXf. Ho has Ytrilj. beet "weighed ia the balanco and found antirig.H There if noth ing partiaan about this; it it tho true measure of thT Allianco men of Kansas fulSIlir -a Gd gitea dat to. thenuelrea and their country when they tjm it, and thy trill Vtiid by their Tr diet, no matter to whai political party each may belong Btt look out, ccntlcmtn politic iac a who defend on the tkc trine of hate to tan the flames of taction alism nd prejudice to a rnddy glov that will make the honett farmer blind Jo your defeett, htr wears Allianco apcctacles now to be continued. Eastern Furmem In DLitress. manners to doubt hU guilt. "Have vou a lawyer to appear for vou in tlws case," asked the Judge ad dressing- the boy. 1 , "No sir," replied Morton. "Do you want any one to represent vou ?" cont nued the Juvle Yes sir, I would like to have, but I have no means of paying am one now." ' Some one behind Mr. Vickera just thcusakl in no audiblo voice to Uircc near, "pny-with some of tliat money yon stole from Mr. Vk-kcrs." The one who said it 'thought tbt bv so saying he nv.ght str.kc up a p:o tit le acquaint ance with the wealthy Mr. Vickers; Mr. Vickc.s iinuwtiiately nre to his feet and eakl hi a tinn but respoctlul tone: "May it please your Honor, I will pay Mr. Sauders.m a liberal fee to defend ' the prisoner; Morton, recognizing mat voice, wnicn panled by two or three Lawyers entered had always spokeu kitd and encouragiug the court room anu warned up ana toos i wora$ io iw. lumsvi iu uus iu ut- his seat on the s? and. When the Jthlgo. rcouon wrm 10ars u.u.uuo "" CaCU OlUCC IKJWU .113 KIO NIIU ClUAUIllU There wr. an expression r made bis appearance at the couit house hoor.tlie bLsyJium of the great bable of Ywices dicd away toward the opposite wall like the recbling wuve until it strikes some object more pow erful lhaa itself, then traverse3 the same oldpa1 '. -w ' '" . .1. .. jl 1 1- tigain. . as tne jiiuge reacues me ceaiu the hum of voices at this part of the room was at its highest pitchy but as soon as tho Judge was seen,, the crested wave broke iu a spray of unfinished sen tences and even words andwent How ing back iu gradually lessening roar un til it .spent jtsi force against the other wall, audthere was a calm ou the sea of human Ilices, fl-r not a ripple of con versation could, now be. heard The presence of 'an "intelligent, honest and dignified. Judge always commandrespect cot only for hunself but lor the law which he represents and administers.. This was "the kind of Judge Morton TTonrly'lftrQ V.od in trv bis CSIZ& " " - A few minutes after the Judge took his seat the proper officer placed his head out of a window and called the court to order and announced it ready for the transaction of-the business of the day, ; . ; - .1 . .-- 4 After fiDishing up some business with the Jawyers, which was left over , from the preceding day the Judge read out case "NbV72r State vsi Morton Hen llricks.: Mr. Solicitor," said tho Judge checks look of surprise on all faces as they were stramcd to get a look at Mr. Vickers. The Judge said: "Mr. Sanderson j ou m-UI t.lpfl.sft t-onduct the bova case.". : . Mr. .Sanuerson went to me table, pieked up tlie bill of indictment, read it over, then walked out of the bar and around to where Mr. Vickers ait. : Af ter a few : unule whispered conversa tion he returned and resumed his seat in the bar. . "Pmceed," sat! the Judge. The Solicitor . took up" the bill,' aud sakl: "Mr. Cryer, cau Mr. Vickers' "llcrc," answered that gentleman. "Call Mrs. Ticker-.r "She is present," answered Mr. San derson. - "Call J. T. llanos, (the contractor" who paid Morton for the stone cruslier day before the nigni oi mo irageuy.t " -Coll Peterson Dunn," (the night watch at the foundry." Both men answered to their names. Mr. Vickers was the first witness exam med.' ne said he knew nothing what ever about tne- case xor ne was away from home at the time. Mr. Sanderson asked if he knew the bov's character. lie answered "Yes," that up to the time he left hotue, he had trusted the hoimuiicitlY. and Uiat he had never had cause to suspect the boy of being anything but an honest, industrious em . i . - . . i t . Washington PoC hue the tinners ia Kansas and other Western States are bound hand and foot with mortgages, burning corn for fuel aud villi no outlook bat tho day wi iuw.vBure, irora wuu.il IMre IS lio rcuenvHion, news com s of a sort of panic among a class of griculturlsU lrithcrto considered the most subsUu tial in the country, tho solid : burghers of Ijincnstcr county, Pcuufjlrauia. One of these reputed well-to-do citi zens, Mr. Benjamin A Camber, tlie owner of 8cvcra, farms la that county, assessed at 435,000, made an assign ment of Thursday with a - leu ludebt ucss of $33,000 and otlmr large liabill ties hanging bvirlilin..' . Aa execution Lx 21,000 was - issued on the same day against Jacob 1L IIos- tetter, whose farms lostho same rouoty are assessed at 87,520, and whose lia- b lilies are $12,5; tX. DaaieT L. lnefer, another fanner in that vieiuity, has U teen fbrccd to au assignment, with property of the assessoi- value of 915,555, weighted dowu with mortgage debts amounting to $11,5C4 and otber oMigViona. To this sbirtling list ffkilures are to be added those of Daniel Eko, whose rc coidod intkutness is $3,725 and whose property i valued at $12,680, and of Isaac Sloucr, agaiust whom- an ex ecu- Moo for $1,8. 0 has I ecu issued, and whose liabilities are much greater lhaa $13,370, the assowed value of Lb real estate; . To what may this sin ular succes sion of calamUica be attributed ? Of course the doctors w ill diwgree as to tlie nature of tin disc ise and it roue-' dy; bui it is pretty safe to say tliat tf hih-cLs farmbg la tlie immediate vi cinity of Eastern Markets cannot be matle to pay, the show is correapnud- ingly poorer for the settler upon a Western prairje, witlt the odd all against him from the sirc It is plain that the Lancaster county farmers; whose property has gone .into I eighteen the hinds of an assignee or sheriif, are past help, but wha( can be done to re lieve the Eastern farmer, generally who Itangs upon the ragged edge of a simi lar predicament? ' It is very erkhmt that the McKinley taruT bill will do him no good. A higher duly on eggs and hay won't save him. Increased duties on wool and hklca won't mako living any cheaper for him. Wliat then can be do-e to rescue his properly !rom depreciation and to make his labor fairly remunerative? ' Is it ovcr-producl'oa that ails him ? But the workl is not overfed. 8EXATCRXXO ALLS "wnOHH) IX TO ALAXCE. A newer ia beginning to dawn upon tho political situation in t&o United States. 1 For twenty- live years tho experiences of the war have been industriously used to arouse the prejudices of the people, that they might receive and adopt the teachings of the DOCTBIXE or SECTIONAL It ATE, and thereby, perpetuate solid North and a solid , South. This doe- trino of halo has been the undi vided attention of professional m politicians, thieves, and specula-" tore who desired .claas. legisla tion, and another class who mar I nd carries tho Alliance yard appropriately bo tenu-d Govern- f UCK ,n nl- W the one their heaven), who havo planted, measure you, and meaaure you watered and fed it without stint, correctly, too. He cannot bo and spared no pains to mako it fooled any longer. And now, Mr. flourish. They hare even held magnifying glaajws4n front of ail observers, that the site of the noxiou plant miiTTt appear to bo great. . Durjng all these twenty-five years they have shown no signs of weariness cr any indications that thev ever intended to desist from their ef forts. But what has been th result of this almost superhu man effort to make tho doctrine of sectional hate grow and flour ish upon free and honest 'Ameri can soil? Lot us sec. At first, and for a- fe w years after the Politician, he4 the voice of wis dom and stand on your own merits, together with your dispo sition and ability to carry out the pledget you will hereafter b compelled to make the people, and it will bo a warning and a terror to the unscrupulous schemers. ODDS AND ENDS- It is a Philadelphia "barber who remarks that Braxil has shaved off her Imperial. T catnt a.comprh nv 1 r but t auks yo Ut mSA. It . . , , ,, I too reel used op ilrvd Jl tka Dr. flourished wonderfully J- It. Mclxan's. harsiptriiU- It win Eiva )ou Lea: to, slreorth an J viUlitj. war, it ana grew apace, inis was on account of the feelings engend ered during tho fight; but grad ually from that time until the pre so at it has lost vigor, and now we can say that it has long since ceased to flourish, and seems certain to die out entirely in spito of all efforts to preserve it. Among the eminent physi cians who have exhausted all their resources to preserve it, the most conspicuous of modern time is the United States Sena tor whose name heads this arti cle. The most convincing proof that the baneful doctrino as well as . those who advocate it is doomed comes from Mr. In gall's constituents, and is as follows: Atchison, Kan., Mch. 2G The Farmers Alliance of Kansas, in convention at Topcka, yesterday passed, among other resolutions, -the following: "Notwithstand ing the fact that John J. Ingalls has represented Kansas for years in tho Lmted States Senate, it is a difficult matter for his constituents to point to a single measnre,he baa ever championed in the interest of tho great agricultural and la boring element of Kansas, and wo will not support by our votes or influence, any candidate for the legislature who favors his re election to the Upited Stat. Senate." . Favorite song of the milkman "Shall we gather at the river? To allay paia. sub-loe tsfiasatcn, Ural acres ami u!ct rs the ma. t prompt and sail-factory retails ai obtain by nh:j that oli r'ible remedy. Dr. J. IL McLean. Velcaak Oil IJahacoL Thelaundryman is every xnan bosom friend. IKyoa sailer from aay sCcio taut! by Uupwre bood. -aod at aeroftila salt rbcum, sorts, lot'.i, ph plea, Utttr tfusworaa, uU Dr. J. U. McLean's BaspaxilU. An Mucataoo tiMt cclutahmelr ih heaJ to out worth the BaiM. JDicats . the heart aa well as the head. For weak back, chest pains , & a Ln. J. II. McLean's Weoicrfal Ilcal Uij plaster. IFjoalavs amlafal seiiM effa- loe. find Tor duties Ubnnf, t-it Dr. J. II. McLean's SarvarrUla. It will braxa yoa up, tuaktyoa irocg aod t-oce. t i fferooM depends not ao mi.lt oo the amount of ocr earajal aanpoo the ua ner ef iuicg4t. Groaning over tho d part art cf the dead is no blj to the llvUS. TWt kkUx rt rm V aick! rrl hy HhiUth't crr. W rwwkt It. I'm ! at t'irui'i itng CoTetectoM b the greatftt ala cf theae. Beware, brother, kst U tbyclaracur. reruns adrancad - Is yoonjer anl siroojrr. years fees at wtli a IrrerfroraU a InfirruiLies of sra, b V What folly it is for men to try 1 J- 1L- HLtma"t 8; to make the doctrine of sectional I -It U oot how locj wa lire, let how weii i Lv aod h-w uxiuL'y we Ltc hate thrive on American soil, among American people of this Possibly there are markets beyond day and time. The fact i its Ih3 icas or across our torJcrs. north and south that might be advantageous ly opened to freer trade. It may be that there isn't money enough ia the country for its uses; that tho farmer em't always sell because the purchasing power is crippled. Suppose we rest the case here, that It Is more markets and more money the country wants, reduction of duties instead of their increase, greater economy in pub lic expenditures, and more stTuig at the buag-hole than at tho splggot ? . Evidently there's something out of gear in our economic establishment, and if Congress wCl only let politica alone long enough to find out what it pioyee. -me wiuiws ruuou uj italics i . . j- p.- corrprtir., i. ihAmonnt cif monev Uiat was sto oil f JhJ2? ny r" correcures, u Morton felt that ho wanted to get up will entitle itself to the Luting gratl- and lake his old friend Mr. Vickers by tode of a great people.. - Otherwise the hand aud look him straight .In tlie I must come a dy of dire and dan- lace ana tea uim an, tor ne -mcw u ue ic., reckoning. doom was sealed when tho Fann ers Allianco was organized, be cause, when intelligent and hon est men associate themselves together to promote the general good, there will soon epring up a bond of true tymathy as a re sult of honest hands shaking honest hands, .and the getting of pure and upright - hearts through eyos that know no gulie. An honest man recognizes an honest man by contact. lie knows him intuitively, , and all the sophistry . of the evil one himself cannot convince Them after tuch contact that the other has horns, hook, and tail. That all vanishoe under contact -and Ton can be cheerful and tpp7 when you ara nail. If you let! oui of sorts. tats Dr. J. 1L McLcaa'a JfarMpiUU. Vice stings o erta la ocr picas area, but virtue couao!e ua rrcu la ocr av-row. When too are rontilpatad. Thai headache, or of apptit. uka Dr. J. II. JlcLrau't Liver and KaJoey KJ lets; mey are pleasant to taks and wit co'e yea. Ttt amr-Umrwr ed, croat, iytpep tic fpIiTvlaaL. aiyoUi Like Dr. J. Lt. MeLVan'a Sarpaj Ufa I it will est a Urn ftl at well aod .hearty . as LW healthiest wfta. rUrHri Vfta a"J twttt Srtatk tvrara, bj tUil-4' iatay) wir j trie 60 ettla. lajur f. ij"t aalt & FaraMa'alrts U. Wilt v n5r wl a 4m4U aa4 liv tr toop!itf ball4t XiillMt it fWAraMd im r I'sr ttU at Car Mt'i Lra (ar X' )