THE FRikKLINiTXMES .7. A. Thom f EdUw aadi Proprietor 1.50 1.00 V. -XJVTESjj; Six Moare ih,';' w'&Wi To clubs of flveTE Turn will be - far' uished at $1.50j per annanv :; . ' ; ; ESTABLISHED 1 870 i lie. llraiikliii . limes. , ' ,11 - THti hKANKLIN UMliS. P P1? n,ld Proprietor:, . with mauce towards koxe; with chabitt fob axi '; .. , PKICE . ;LQU ISBURG, C, MAY 9, 18QO ii Iloar'a Election 15 ill. v. ?s :mGH-HANDEI OUT i RAGE THE BIGHTS OF, THE FEOPIiEi ' Senator Hoar subinittcd: from , the committee on privilege au4 ; elecUoas, ; today, says the Washinon correspond-j ent of the Baliiinore Sunj the bill; upon; which he has been at work . for t some -weeks; and lhe;olject-oTwTwch! Jaito, changes to the detriment of public serY ico and : mcrase of jttx-burdens to the public V Greed, for. pflfice or a morbid misanthropkrpassiou orydown right ig norance, either one of the bther or all three combined, enter to jiake here and tiiere a nian advocate official changes at close of every term.: ; Such is the non sensical extreme to which this greed for office occasionally .'carries a man. f I. TlVe are glad to say that in the grand :old county of Eobesonjpo noted for its turn the Stales of the South bodily intol the embrace of the Itepublicau' . party.'" intelllgence,, conservatism and : patriot- 'atbr'.'rghwVewibeai ' its dark I lm; and so pre iiuent foir its stability," objects and the unhappy 'results sure to . J deUberation and economy, there are but Absolutely Pure. This powJefrever varies. A marvel of. parity, strength and wholesomenets. More eeonoiuiqal thau the ordinary kinds, and eannot be sold in competition with the nmltitnde U low teat, abort : weight alum or phospbate powders. Sold ONLY IH CJLSS. . EOtAli PAJtl SO POWpER Co. I 606 yall St. N. Y: TO SCilOOL TEACHERS. . 1 The SunerinwincLent ot fobiic. dchooU of franklin county will, be iu Loutftburg on the second Thurs day of February, April. July, Bept. October aud. Decemtier, and remain ftr three days, if necessary, for the purpose or exatninlng applicants to teach in the Public8choJs of this County. I -y"-':, 1 will alsdbe In "Tonisbursr-on. Saturday of each week, and all pub lic days, to jftttend to any -business eonnocted with my office. J. N. Jap '.rs, Bupt. FRUFtiSSluAAL CARDS j - 1 ' Y. GALLEY, .y- Attcrney-At-Law All legal tended to. f FUANKLINTON, N, C. business promptly at- ATTOEKET AT LAW. LtO IJ1SB UKG, SZ C. Ortice on jMaiu sC one door -; low the Eaile Hotel. . Jl S. SPKUILL. LOUISBURG,N.C. " Will attend'the courts of Franklin, Vance, Granville,. Warren, Nah. and Federal and Supreme CoarU- Prom 1 attention given to collections, &c . COCKE DANIELS, Goldsboro, RrC..? C.C.DNIELS W iiao N. C , s ITCflCK & DiSIELS & DAHIELS torneyslAt Lawi v WIIP, K. C. Any business entrosted to us will he promptly atienaea to. , . ;. B. B.EASSENBUEG, ATTORNEY AT IjAW- follow any attempt to enforce it. It. was noticeable that Mr.' Teller, who as a member of the majority of the commit tee consented to tlie report of tlie. txlii took occasion to reserve the right of dis sent when it is brought jup, for action. The hill is extremely voluminous, "covr ering nearly, forty, printed pages. Its provisions ere most carefully and j in geniously drawn; and while state and local election officials are not, in words,' dispensed witli, the absolute right to de-, clare the result of a congressional -dec tion is lodged in the hands of the federal officer. A board of canvassers for each congressional distr .ct is provided ; for, which board will kindly relieve tiie itate offlcials of all trouble, "and their certifi cate is to be accepted by the clerk of the house of represeuta tives. It is understood that in the prepara tion of this bill Mr. Hoar had die bene fit of the advice and experience of Mr. John Davenport, the chief federal super visor of elections in Xew York, and sev eral of the provisions inserted in the bill are of a similar character to some which Mr. Davenport has been running on his own hook In Xew York for years past. The house-to-house canvass of voters is an idea which Mr. Davenport conceived ten years ago, and whiah he has carried out in New York city at every congres sional election since. Xot having the sanction of law for it, there has not been the opportunity to use it for what it is worth; which is now proposed in Mr; Hoar's bill. This house to house can vass, which is to be made by the parti san federal officials, is by the bill to pracically supersede tlie state registra tion lists, and no voter whose name is not on the list of tlie federal officials may find himself deprived of his ballot." The cliief supervisors are made in dfect the arbiters of all congressional elections. and in order to supply them with what ever funda that m:?y be desired bylliem the extraordinary recourse is had to for bidding a scrutiny of their accounts by the accounting officers of the treas ury , This will throw open tlie door for the- pointmentof an army of retainers,--who will swarm around the s polls to brow beat and intimidate, and . with whom state officials can only undertake to in terfere at the ii k of heavy fines .and long imprisonment. ; - -i The bill. like the bill on the same subje t introduced in the house by an other Massachusetts man, nominally ap plies to the whole country, but in casn of enactment into law would be a dead letter everywhere except in the south. Senator Pugh'jB notice to Mr. iloar and h's associates that, the bill wfll be fought few of this cr. zed and fanatical class of office-seekers.- ; If there is a body of peo ple on earth tliat can sit down - more coolly and crushingly, "yet 1 calmly and deliberately on .wild euthusiasU, aud unblushingly ambitious; demagogues than any other, it must be found inside the line that marks off from the rest of the world, the great county of Robeson It is only the crazy or boUly. iguorant can't see or don't know that our people have far too much sense hot to under stand that frequent changes in public official servants gives them both poorer more expensive official service. - And not only can they see thls but also that those who advocate; frequent official NO 15 ' I . . ' " - Tns Times U the oaly rtuhna 1 nuJJla ctcaty, aod iu circulatioa eiA-ls H orrr rrrry tion cf thU bj1 atljekin caiiti, ti vertjen ahoakl male a net Lcc v The EJitor wUl cot be rrjtT' for the views cwrerjcoJcutJL changes are doing so either because they want office for themselves or their cousins, or their other fViends and not for the public good. The offices are for the benefit of the people. - They were not established to be handed around for Dick, Tom and Harry and the rest, but for tlie benefit of the public. , Therefore, the people wh fill the offices are going to do it in such a way as will secure the best and the . cheapest public service. And of course, common sense says, this cannot be done by frequent changes. The foregoing is suggested by a late speech on office-seeking delivered on the floor of the House of Representative by a gallant Mississipp an.' . We are proud we can say. furthermore, that the fore going will find a popular echo in our county among all,, who lue ourselves. have been raised between and have had their hands hardoned by : -- rixw HANDLES. LOUISBURG.K. C. : ; Ofiee ta the Court House. ; A XXi bu3tnessput in my hand fir wit rcoifo prompt attention, y -i :v5 Vf TTaad COUNSELLOR at LAW. fcOTJISBTJRG, fRANKLlN CO..N. O, vr .U attend the Courts of Nash, PranltMnl Gpinville, Warren, and iffake OounJes .also -.the; Kupieme eourt of Nor"th Carolinsi, and the U Circuit and District Court. R. J.'E MAL02SK ? ? . . . - nnA 2 doors oeiow rurroan Oo ke' Drug Store, adjoininc Dr. O. L. Elli 1 vv",v- ,i - - E WTIMBERLAKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW 3 LOUISBURa,-MrC., : Office i he Court House jQR. jW. H. NICHOLSON, 'PhkcTICING PHYSICIAN, t XOTJISBURG, N. C. Office opposite Eagle Jlotel ITie fir? t year of married life is a most important era in the history of man and wile. Generally, as it is spent, to is al most all subsequent existence. The wife and the husband then assimulato their views and : their desires, or else conjuriug up their, prejudices and ani mosities forever a&erwerd VI have read tomewhere.M says the ltev. Mr. Wbc in, bis-"Bridal Greet ings, of a bridegroom who gloried "in eccentricities. lie requested his bride to come with Iiim into the garden a day or two aftef their wedding. He then drew a line over tlie roof of their cot tage. ' Giving his wife one end of. it he retreated to the other side aud exclaimed: . "Pull the line P She pulled it at his request, so far as she could. Ho cried: y "Pull it over!" ". "I cant," she replied. "Rut pull with all your might V still shouted her whimsical husltai d. . But vain were all the efforts of tlie bride to pull over the Uue so long a her husband held the opposite end. . But when be came round, aud they pulled at the same end, it came over with great ease. There!" as the line fell from the ro f, "you see how hard aud ineffectual our labor was when we both Hilled in opposition to each otner, but how easy i ana pleasant it was when we both juiiai mcLiitrr i i.i wm ue eo wnn ua through life!" In this illustration, as homely as it may be, there is a ound philosophy. uusband and wuo must mutually bear ana concede u they wish to nuke home retreat or joy aad bliss. One alone cannot make a home harrov. There needs a upison of action, sweet ness of ph it and sreat fbrbrauce and love in both husband and wife to secure the great cud of happiness iu the domes tic circle. : Home is no unmixed para dise of sweet; the elements of peace and true liappiness are there, and so, too, are the elements of discord and misery: and it ue ds ouly the bitter spirit of the world without to make it a pandemoni um, or the loving genius of harmony to inaxe it the prompter of every alleciioa ate impulse. Ex. . '7 1 The South' lireul Seed. The oue great need for the South to day is more manufactories of all kinds. Until she gets ihtse she will not enjoy that degree of prosperity to which she U entitled. - Agricu'turai pursuits can never make a country prosperous in the true sense, of the word a fact which was eminently demonstrated through put the South in that period antedating the late war. y 111 no other line of indus try has the South been more active than m uie manuiicture oi tooacco. it we take this one industry alone as an exam ple we can easily see the actual need the South" to-day. j In those socUons oi Virginia and North Carolina ' where to bacco grows most extensively we find an . ample, supply of manufactories to consume the . bulk of . the crops. Iu Winston, Salisbury. Durliain, ReidsvOIe, Henderson, Oxford, Richmond. -Petersburg, "Danville, 'v Lynch burg and other 'places a large number of factories are bwlly en gaged In converting the raw material h-to the manufactured product. What is the result? Theeo. towns are prosperous. They expend large sums nF mrtnov nrvt nnTw trt rmvrncr Tnraa? Kif I , - . i . m to the last extremity Jby. lha rninorily, i r, .r'fk m7 '5 :.u v, f,J 1 'ept at home. : The operatives .spend iuiu. wiiu aiMuc lucn. tuiu- kp r mnnpv at mmA and ft holna to ir. ; crease home trade. The manufacturer home from all sections. ' He 'expends his profits at home and thus adds to the wealth ofhis native place. . i ; This is an example which teaches the people of the South a wholesome lesson. So long as we have Our shoes, hats,' Worship of Wenltu. Tbo Ideal Newspaper. A number of ; prominent American editors have been recentlv discnaalnr k , . . o the ideal new? paper. One wanted more politics, acotlier more so. W and pcrson el gossip, while a third wished to Uboo all personalities and social gossip. The result wss very perplexing, and showed that each able editor bud his kd," which he was disposed to Induce at the expense or bis readers. JLtmay safdy be said that the ."ideal" newrpaper does not exist, and will not until all readers hare the same tastes. The best news paper is the one which alma to give all the genuine news of the day, to expose fraud wherever It be found and to de fend the interests of the people-, against the denlns of monopolies and big cor porations. If a newspaper fills these conditions it comes as urar to the Ideal as can be expected. Ex. . . Diptheria is dangerous when it geta among our little ones, but there is no danger if you will give them Radam'a Microbe Killer; It never fails to cure, and as a pre ventativo it is sure. For Sale by Dr. J.B. Clifton. ODDS AND ENDS. A lady was one day driving her huaband down a narrow lane, when, on iu ruing sharp corner, they eucoon tered a brewer's dray. Neither had room to pftst. The lady very tartly said: "He must go back, for I shall not; he ought to have seen us before enter ing the lane." But how could he, my dear," replied the husband, - when there is this sudden turn hi Uie Turner Never mind, I don't care: I'll slav till dooms day, lefore I dve away to that man." lhe brewer's man who overheard the colloquy, said: "All riht. sir, I'll- back out or it," and then significantly added: "I've got such another one at borne.": Ex. - - t hou-ehold which eta bonis, cus. praias and bruUe. for d In soeh csaes ur. J M, McLean's Volcauie OI Lmement. fJ5fc,.IU;fLVl,-TfcT,f'of Boorbaa, InL.aaTK 1WK : :. , . . . 7.. -ww m tar IS?J?Shnh Tor by F anaaa. The best dJer is produced from sa. orte.1 tpples wlach are free from the slightest sitfn of demy. BUCKINS ARNICA SALVE The best saive In the world for enta. NtiUss sms, ulcers, salt rheam. fever sores, tetter, chanced handa. ehiltilalns, corns and all skin eruptions nn poaiuveiy cure pis, or no py reqoireL (t Is gwranWed to give perfect sallractton. or money refund cd.lric 25 cents per bx. For sale by J. B. Clifton. For Sale. One rood, sound plow horse. One 1 -horao wason. One ox-cart (single.) t J. F. Maloxx. Brirf coramunicatlnris txxa sU ev tkms tncmt earnonly aoJiitoJ. UiM of any nature Z1 be tLoiJJuny rvecivrd. ' Izziiti His taiM T raw lUdoa'a Mrab Ku!rr t, u,, tat veadf rfal mt&l. iae, 1 Ub (t lm xtr liilctl la aaria . MUt hat lia oia, Lir soar to mpitt tlMlliiiKQ. " Tat tiati aaof ta-dav alalia sa J rrera .ft M. . " itiieTtrysiatasels CAUSED BY MICROBES.""8" RADAM'S MICROBE KiLLER - ExUrmlaateatftt Uiaralc aL drtrea Uiata Mt ( tas aptca-. aad k, at U doa ja eaaaotkarv aa aeha r Na tauurwhat taa 2iaaat httVtr aimpta eaa et Malaria l ater r a comKt a.uoa of diMftKi, cara U.rB jj t Ua aaaia Uo. aa at Uat aJl jNtaaca eoajiitaUeaaily. UVUi.Uaanr.'ttAniVftaa I Good Tobacco Land for . -' Sale. 1 har loar vcmm! totM i rj.i i laa towasbip la Praaklla oaatT.whl-b I dMrira to raM for taa yaap lt&) Ihavo alao 300 aeraa t fod UUceo Iaa4 wklch I will acll as a wbvla ar fa small tracu to salt parchaacra. I am very aart that if (rum who wuh to aoeara IrM-ctaaa to aeeolaad eaolj ae aaiae, taey aoa'.J aot beaiuta U buj as la adJiUoa to be lH Ua nf ht kiad af aoiL rood eirabor hoo4 eM the price U moderate aad the tnmi liberal. JosacA rtstr, CotrerUlc,N.a roand, was right, and wUi meet the ar poial ofHhe country; .'. -sf- v : Uree'd for-Olhce. " vr ', Bobesoiiian. :-: -'t "; Whatever may be said of the past, at noUme was iere ever seen such . greed f ie officeas'prevaila to-day. As thronged ai Washingofi city has been, in other years, never before has it been yyisitec by such contending hosts striving- for office as in recent months. The mania for office is not confined, it appears, to certain centers of populataon, but the contagion has spread like a deadly epi demic out into the remotest rural ham lets of the land, - The craze has grown, so intense, moreover, that the ward ora tor, and crossroads politician : and the newspaper scribbler now and then in plain disregard of the tax-payers inter? ests and the people's rights, dares to adr. vocate official changes in order to make vacancies. .They want a chance. They are out and want a chance for themselves or their friends to get in. ' Jtven . the Farmers' Alliance, a- noble institution, based' on the sound principles of the Democratic party and conducted with Uie highest and holiest aims m view, is being made use of iu some quarters by hot-headed individuals,' but by only a few, we are glad to say, to furtlier the AntWAUiance ; and Anti-Democratic principle of making frequent official It is a sign of the de ft of what is called society,,.aud of at least possible. per Is, both social and moral, when the leading preacher in the fcreat English church, St. Paul's Cathedral, spcaVs as follows, on tlie modern 44 Worshio of Wealth." While allowing, to Ue full, the value of weakh, if properly sought and used, be strongly Insisted upn . the great truth, that the highest and noblest product of civilization was men -men of character and principle, sustaining law and doing cood to their fellow-men bv setting before them the example of tlie best ideals of lite. In contrast with this, the preacher presented some of the re pelling and deplorable aspects of exist ing social life; and much that he said ap plies forcibly to life in this county as well as that in .England. vnaiaowe see," he asks, "every year as tne ixmion season draws near, but a bevy of mothers, Lke generals, set out on a caniDaizn. rjretvred to un dergo any amount of fktigue if only they marry their daughters, not necessarily to a high -sou led virtuous man, but in any case to a fortune t What do we see but a group of young men thiuking, af ter perhaps after a career or disclnation. that the time has arrived for settling re spectably in life, aud looking out, each one of them, not for a girr who has the grace and the character which wiil make her husband and her children hap py, but for somebody who has suRkieut dowry to. enable him to keep up a large es-ji uusnnien t r This tremendous arraignment of mod ern social views aud customs, and the folly and guilt of bowing down to wealth, made a sensation .in the great congrega tion. Has it not a lesson for this coun try, as well as for London f Will v anffer w r complaint r Shiloh cortra'rteed to ear eon. Fir sale at Feu joaa'adrni tora ... v. Catarrh eared, health and sweet breath ereured, by Shiloh'a Catarrh Remedy. Price 60 rents, Natal Injretor fre. For ale at Fannao'a drug store. gloves, &c.i, manulkctured at Uie North, so long are we Uie euflerers and eo long will money be close with us. So long as the clothes 'we wear are made in Northern factories so long will we suf fer. In agricultural '.implements the eame bold8 true. Coming closer home we nod that all the canned goods on our tables - corn,, tomatoes, pickh, pre serves, meats, &c.', are put iu Northern or Western factories, and so on through the entire list of our necessities. - , -' . Jet the South learn & lesson, i .It is true that we are i gainhig daily in this line, but we need to bring the matter rnearer home.'- Let surplus capital iu our sections be put to -use. -' : We need canning factories especially, for we can grow the raw stippiy in the- greatest abundance. So also iff the shoe facto ries, furniture works, wooden: ware" works, and a score ofs other enterprises hr the same line. " When once the South manufactures her own supplies then our money will stay at home. Tbe merchants will not then, 'go north" to bby; but will buy in Southern factories his customers neea. . ; jsven in . a number of our tobacco towns there is ample room for a diversity of industries. ir the manuiacture or tobacco pays so well, manufacturing- ia .other.; lines, which are less crowded, wfll bring equal returns. Let.some of our readers who have surplus capital ponder these facts Danville Tobacco Journal. A buck-It shop The faro bank. To allav pfn subdue h: flam t ton. hul sres and ulcers tha moat prompt and satisfactory reulta are obtained hy ai?tff Uist old retUMe retried f. Dr. J. lI.McLean'a V.olesnic Oil liniment. - What the sober man has in his heart the drunken man has on his lips. You cannot accomplish anv work er bul e nuless you frel well. If vou feel ned un t'red ont take Dr. J n. McLean. Sarsanarilbf It rill fflve vou health, strength and vitatity. ShUoh's Vltiliier Is wharyon ad for eonstipaUon, loaa of appetite, dirxinem aad all synptoma of drapnis. Prla tl ana ?o rtnu per ootua. ror salt at f ar. nan'a drag store, -. , ShilnVs eonaompUoo ears la sold by aa u a guarantee, it rnrea eoaranpuoa Foraale at Farman's drag a tore. Rhlloh'a. Catarrh Remedy a voeltiva enra for ratarrfc, diptheria aod eaoktr looata. oold by Fan Tobacco Land for Sals dyapepala aad tie- I . oha Vitltlaerl Ul . l1.Bii 00 y Unns 6S acres oi isna to uarrU' township, adjomfn U Unda of W. T. Strickland, J. W. ircsjana ana othets. T!ila land Is OecUUy adapted U the giowtb or Hn tobcvj. Call on mo, and set a description of the land and the terms. UAKX8, Agt. - iJri. 2J, 89. N.OTIOJS. I bare thla day qualified aa aJmioUtra Ur of lira. Bailie f . laU, aad hereby fie oolice to all pereoaa owiag her ttUw to eome forward aad pay the aataa. All elauaa aaiaet her eUU taaat ba preacat e4 aa or befara hlch. IS. 1S9I, or thia ao tiea will be pleaded ia bar ot their recov. rr: A. W. WU-SOX, Adm r. ilch. IS, 90 THE QUINOIAC i GUANO COMPANY XTEY LOITDDlT, COIT. ..r 'r'";', CWarr. Br ue, Clils W iVrr, rmtU Tnmb Utnea iU forms. W, ua cf, m0 8o that oar Trade-Mark (aaaa aaaooeal appears oa each , ' k7 - Lr bw,k f Ue XllcrsU -UJr. flrea a ray by Dr. J BCLIFrON DrcssUt.lrjt LOUIS BURG .V. C. II. S. FURM AN, Agent, rHAXSUXTOX, x.c. BANK OF LOU ISBURG DjJtiGtieraBalisiBafcu. Receives money on deposit, tuts and sells Exchange, CUlekU VJa tUce aaJ Kuits ucx Ucra, Business Solicited. w. v. wtun, rr.t; W. II. EDWAUDS. DENTIST VAKK FOREST, X. C, After September lit can be faced rnjularly at la cCLeat U. hclel iu KrnkUitou, N. C, Ttiuradai. of cacu week. liiGirfi mm FOR SICK VATCHES' CURES GUARANTEED Or no jay. Ka of the l!jrot No Doubt of It. 'You ask my daughters hsnd in mar riage, mused the old man as he looked tbe candidate over. "Are you tare you love nerr v - , . ! know 1 do. . uAnd you can . support her ' on your saiary r . -v "I can.' " - -lou Know joien Las expensive tastes. - "You bet I do I She's cos tin s me as hirrh as six dollars a Week for ice cream, soda and caramels, but that leaves four dollars for rent and provisions, and I am sure we can pull through.' ' A email investment when health" can be "obtained should be no con sideration and Radam's Microbe . a m. ' a ' a a , " . 'a iviiierwi.ii surely fill tne . mi crobes, and when that ia done you cannot be sick;. : For sale by Dr. J. 15. Clifton;. ,v . A blanket for the horse is a cheap article considering the food it saves and the colds aod sickness it avoids. It is indispensable in well regulated stables. Yon can he cheerful ana b appv only when you are well. If you feel 'out of sorts." take Dr, J. u. HcLcau'a Sar8aprilla. - That haektnr eoarh eaa Ta so oalekly eared by Rhiloh'a eare. Wi raaraataa it. For aala at Forma u'a diaz atore. " . Persons advanced lo years feel younger and stronger,' as well as treer from the Infirmities of age. by taking Dr. J. II. McLean's 8arspa- IFjoubave a pa in fhl sense of f ue, findyotir duties Jrksnme, tuke pr. J. II. Mclxan's SnrsapriKa. I aill brace vou up, make you t rons od vigorous, , , For weak back." chest pains , and a Dr. J. If. McLean's Wonderful Ilea- lng plaster. . IP you sutler from any affection caused by impure bood. soch as scrofula salt rheum, sores, boils, pim ples, tetter ringworm, take Dr. J. II. McLean's Basparilla. . That sour-tempered, cross, djaoen tic ipdlvidual. should Uke Dr. J. If. McLean's It wil make him feel as well and hearty bH healthiest of us. 81eeplea aUbta, made miserable ba that terrible eoairh. Bhilob'a cara ia Uia remedy for ik For aala at Farmaa's drug tora. ; ; . , When tou are eonstl ps ted, have headache, or loss of appetite, take Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kiduev HI lets; they are pleasant lo take aod will cure you. " 4 i . " - ' The tree that dies is alwajs the one that would have bo rue the best fruit. Chicago I-ercr. Is one of the oldest establishments oft tie kind In the country, baring b n making the Pine Island Ou ano fur ZS years, and have made It a study, making fertilizer eepeciaU ly adapted to the r rowing of fine tobacco. The soccrse which has followed its use has been ' extraor dinary and has called forwanl en donaements from many of the beat tobacco grower In the State. Mr. It.'II. lUcks, who U well known to all our readers. In a letter to the Oumpany saya : Uocxt Mocsrr.X. Feb. 15th, 185a the Qnssmicco., New Imdoo, Coon. Oi3m.i3rcc:--Lat yr I ws in duced by yor a;eut, J. W. I!Ues, to Uke some of your 1'ins Island Ferti lizer m trial. I ud it by lhe al of oilier h!Kh grade fertilizers eo tobacco. 1 tras so pirated with tbe result Uutt 1 shall use it entirely this year. Co so rronj tne tact Uiai l got better re sults trom Pins I Is id Cian froui any other brand, and Vtllete it ti.e best suited to my toil. : B.n. nicKs. Mr. lllcks sold at Coop-r's ware house, Henderson, 2i. C, Feb. 14, 18D0. 22 Iota tobacco, 4,579 urvix, for $1,534.77, nd average for all irradesof i2J2Z peMOO poordt. lie bad in last year 45 acres, and will average for cutlre crop Hi per 100 ionnJa. Mr. Kicks wilt plant 75 acres this year, aud has bought twenty tons pine Island. . "TOR SALE DY Tatch, nEXDEit?ox,N:a New Goods Far Bpe laf ad Saaa FaTBea, Araaarea. Khadaaea, HaatIiaea, oors aa, t-nae4 ladiaaaad ihla XItGSS GOOD Vokalra, Wool eiWrn eeTy oi Henrietta triefy of Oooda. a. fUrrta aad faahtowaba Drtm TltlMMINGH. Green & Yarboro, Iwlaburg, X. C J. P. Tlmberlaka, Louiaborg, J. P.Tunbtrliat, YnjrgTUls. M Tranch, Cone & Co. F:r:nehore H. U. lUiLrd C.rntnk;ujioa IX. Y. Cooper, IlrtvJeraao, AfpHqa. Tasvkt aad DM Fata'. Elack, White aad fl IliU a3 faary EJka sad Vclrtta. TVnadi rnHt-leai nnd IVlnf as Reoteh aad Freaefc Zef4er. Gic-er rearb aad America Ktteeaa. CbaUira Lawae aad Loadoa Fercalea. "V11 to Gooda. A eow4eta aeaortsaeal af rubral J eri 4 lam. Hraamed aad Ladle mile he I rnVronierrd Fleareiera (la eer a4 elaaite-atylea) !r )ad aad chtljrea t Taekrd aad XleaitUuhed lavaa. LAdle 31 nslln Underwear. Celebrated tT" Ttraad. Ink at.'uS rof kiaf ad alt KifvrKa Trtjai4 aa, ad orders f Ira dT!are aal otr. -Bar-plea aeal aa mj-yl ratios. in sa3 tit Fwti:t F treat. CAirJCU,X.C

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