. ". . -T ; -... ...... ..;.- ...... . -. . ' ..- -i : -. fc a I j. ' ' " ' ' ' ' " '- , :J THE FIUN&LIN TIMES., ,T. A. Thomas, Editor and Proprietor $1.50 - I 00 OxeYeab, I -Six Months-' 1 - - - ' - - f ' 5 .- - To dubs of five TU Times will be fu: uishcd iu$i.5(J per annum. , --' '...; -f-,.-... v,'" i ,'? ESTAB Lli IIED 1 870 . - v. "... :,'-r- . - . - " Hi. Iftomt '- umi ii V V- J KM THE FRANKLIN TIMES. J A-THOMAS Editor n ud J?x;oirio tor v ; 5 with maltce toWaiids none; with chabity fob all. . . lltlCia ft I .CO ANN UJIIn Ailvnncs VOL.XIX. LQUISBURGN. C, MAYn6, t89Q.' i J, . : .-J Jlw -4- 1 J J c . 1 V 1 T - n . XUI 1 ' i .. .. !. ... k. 4. ' y - 7 J I ' ' ' IX lQ Tub Times b 0 oo! new?;fr puLl jiliod la Fnttilia ctcr.ty, til i: clrcvlitkn txccda U otx rrrry ttca lloo of Ibj icJ .!jLik ttAinli Ld Tcrtlsm kLouU cake & cote La t. Tbo YjLUx wll cot l rti T! fcr th viori cXcTtpondcista. THE REAL DANGER A bsokteIy .; P u rem Tuis powJerevftr varies. Ataarvel of purity, strength I and wholesoraenebs. More economical thaatbe crdiuary kinds, nd canuot be sold 5u competition . with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphateowders. Sold only N CASS. " BOTAL IjAKI KG POWDER CO. 60 Wall St.-N. Y. TO SCHOOL TEAGilEKS. The Superin Schools of Fran indent of, PuVlic clin county will be in Louisburg on the secotid -Thursday of February April, JulyV S?pt. October Hi,iu December, aua.retnam i'or three days, if necessary, for the purpose of exHihinji applicants to teach in the PurblicSchools of tliis County. - : I win also b in ljOUisDurs .on v : HeurjvWatterson. tbe brilliant editor of the Louisville Courier- Journal,, deliv ered an address before the ": Southern : Press Association at Charleston, h 1d a feAV days' ago, in hich he discussed va rious questions' bearing upon-; the pres ent or future welfare of - this, 7 country. He savwio question. of a public ' natur6" vsvliich wouldrlbt ir. time' be adj ustedbjf xne goiKi sense ancl patnousnr oi. the " American people, as threatening and ex citing question in the pa3t had beep. The real danger, he declared, with which the country is threatened is the relation of money to the moral nature of the people. ' , -i Vi ." lie spoke not as a Xentuckian : with peculiar bourbouic or Blue gi-ass ideas, not as a partisan, ready to predict t disi aster because an oppaVmij, party lh' power, nor as a socialist carping at the Order of thing whichjenablej one nin to acquire more wealth than another, but as a citizen of the Republic" olserv ant enough to note the dr.ft j of events, to study the habits of tlie times, to no$e their efisct, and with discriminating sense euough to discover, the shadows where tlie more " thosirhtless . and less penetrating observer sees only the sun- Five Republican. Opinions the Admin Lstrutton.' of; He is right. Tha relation of money to the morals of the people, its corrupt ing mRueneeisriot only the danger S;i.irday of-eaj! week, and ail pub-; j. which threatens. in the future, but i3 :he lie .days to atteiid to any business connocted with my office. - ' J. K. rfAP MS, Snpt. - FR)siCSSLjJSlA L CARDS Y. GULiJeY. " ' Attorney- At-Law FRANKLINTON, Nt C A 1 legal buliness promptly at- tn ed U). J Ui-J. 3, ii. Vv LDiiiu ATTORNEY AT LAY- LOU SS5U11G, N. C. Office on Main! St., one door low thelEasile Hotel. , S. SfitULLL Attorney At Ljiw, LOUIS!3URG-J?. c. . I - ' 1 Will i ttend tlte courts of Franklin. Vance. Grauvile, Warren, Nafc. and V der il and Suiirerue Court. Prom t lttcation given to collections, &c. COCKE &. DAXIELS, Goldsboro.NJC. C.CDNIELS WUso N. C ATflOeK&DiWELS DAIIEU Atorndys At Law, WlJsOX, Iff. c. Any businessjentrusted to s will be promptly attended to. s. - B. alASSENBURG, ATTORNEY AT LAW bane against which tliis. country has had. to contend for the past' quarter of a century, and which has d ivt-i jnijrc to undermine public virtue, to destroy hon esty, to eniiierd an I curtail i liberty, to crush the m my and exalt the f jW, than all other causes combined, ; The. blind, recklesssoulws, Godless pursuit of Zx tune has been the besetting na ional sin and -narioivd ' calamity. Toity "the chief object in life of. Lfgions of Amerif cans is yrmaks money, not, the comp j- tence merely which every 1 thrifty intp should seek, to jive with comfort and enjoy life but the fortune which, will , bring l ower and distinction. " ,f : A ge leaUio i ao even, it was uotso.i The wealthy men f that j time wou'd rank among tLe wealthy men of this dxy con p:ratirely. as paupers. But they are wiser in their way than their sons, and : lived "--to. better purixse. though but fevv;of the:n could count fieir i'nillio!i 7 Almist any of the lArge citi js in.tthts Nvth to-day can Show more millioaaires thia the whol- tountry could in 13G0, . It was during tha wiir when -vthe country was reeling under; the Jshock of contending armies, aud amid tho clang of swords and tbe blare of irump-ts. the old order of thintrs eave place to the new,jthat the speculative - sprit which has sinca become, so general," wa developel and grew with 6uch at-tonish- ing rapidity. - Wliile brave men foughr the grasping mercenaries sought Gov crnmenl contracls to supply the armies with food, clothing, arras munitions o! war, &c., aud kid, thei foundaUons b collossai fortunes in a daj, so to speak while another class of mercenaries takipg advantage of the carelessness : and de moralization of the times, secured ;the From the Speech of Allen MississippPs. ' Funiiy CoHgrcsemaH. 4 . . ' I heard the other day of a distinguish ed Senator from a State. whose farmers are uow burning their corn laughter, and il was hot Senator Plumb cither XlauithterJ.-wUb bUd. when, ho .went to one of the Departments to get .a Mend of his "appointed to aa olSce : out West he was told by the head of the . Depart-. men t, that it could tiot be 'done, and;; he asked why. Well," he says, "the. president lias a friend in your State he wants to put in the place." The Sena tor stopped and scratched his head, aud said, Well that is all right if he is eure.' of it; but," he says, "l am pretty well acquainted in that State, and if he has a friend in it, I do not know him." Laughter. ;': . y: ; .. ''- :'- -' ; I was comidg up the street tlie other day witli a promineut liepublican, whom I have known very well iu oJkial life, and I said to him, 'How are you getting on with the Administra ion ?' ."Oh," Baid he, "don't ask me lliatr "Al ien, don't ask me that. ' I have reduced my oplniou of that business to poetry, and this is it; . . . : "John .Wanuy runs the Sunday-school, l.cvi ruus the bar. The baby runs tbe White House, - And, damn it, here we are." . Great laughter. ' I hope the ConnniLlee will be iu or der, Mr. Chairman, I want to proceed with iny remarks Renewed laughter Mr. Cliidnnan, this thing is really . growing serious. All that I have said :o far, I will vouch for. Laughter. ; There is another report going around icre tluit I am not going to vouch for, either; but it is said that one of the ciders, of ibis. House on the Republican side, soma lime ago in social convei sa liou with a Democratic' friend." said to him:-"it down here aud tell me the bL'gcst lie you can think oC" The man be eaid it to is a man who is 'suppoeed to have some capacity in .tint Hue. Laughter. The Democrat' sat down by hiip aud began by! saying, "Well, sir, Harrison s adium.strat.on is a great The Alliance and Politic. - 4 New Berne Journal. . - i . It has becu asked; "I there no( dan ger that Alliances will combine ui ' de feat tlie Demo rate party r - Tbe j tell us "the Alliance is -a secret organiza tion," aud that 'secret societies are not in accord with the genius of our institu tions." . ; " ' . ; ; ' ..... To all tliis we answer Ih.iARirracrs are composed or farmers who .have as mu.h interest ia tlie prosperity, of the couulry as auy of their fellow-citizens, aud that their patrioUm though often tried, lias never been found wanting." In peace and in war they havo been . faith ful to the highest demands of the ' past, and they may be trusted to tho uttet most m all exigencies of the future, j It U not true that secret Rocieliea ;aa opposed to tbe genius of bur lostUV tions. The grand jury is a sccretSf in quisition and every petit jury that sua upon life, character and property retires to thesccret clamber of the jury room to consider the facts and a proper redder in the case. Xo organization stands liigher in the public esteem than Free Masonry and' Odd-Fellow6hip. . They are secret sici eties, and in tbe recesses of the.r " lodges they - develop the character of tbe.r members and mature plaus for the ame lioration ot mankind. Theu tlie simple fact that Alliances hoid secret sessions should not be usod as an argument against ihcm." - If it is said tliat secret political 'sodc i ties ought not to exist iu a frco repub lic, we acquiesce iu the' declaration. But we are yet to learn that Aliixucis are political organisations. It would be absurd to .say .lhat fai mers must take no part in politics, and it would be no less, absurd to attempt to prescribe limits to their action. Their organization is uot poUtical, but as citi zens of the country ihev liave an ' in- North Carolina Indians. a number of Chero kee Indiaus in tins Vlcrn port . of tho Linds whicli aro set nside to them by the State. They retain many cf their uative Irtliau maunr rs and trditioos and many interesting aneodoies a re re lated of them. Thcj chief town is Tsh keeosiee, f tbe Swiniim:. Ti,v own -the lands on. which tbcv are aud nave a novel theory asto thofcridt of ownership f UJivlods 4a-il Und. The Cl.erokee systctu ia said to ha that cai-h one of them may havo a lot wr Udoncd off to him, but he rmfst not be an idler. elo it foe out of hi rote. won to be-allotted to another. The Cherokee also rote, and it L aid that tbey ate ahnost. solkllr RepuMUan. They arc mostly en jagtxl m ikrmin?, and are very illustrious. At Old Point. . Cwl!ey(to snpjiosed widow)"Mrs. Bnmsou, j oo see me on my knees be fore you. Will you won't you be my wifer . J. . Mrs. Bronson -"Xo, Mr. Cadley, I cannot; but Til Intrmlur-- Tnn tn mm husUml when he arrive, and tnaybe u uc Jl PCOLnCT lO TOO "I Inrtvr'. Banr. ODDS AND ENDS. The American ronknmnf im rJr and steel is about 8.00v).00d tons per Will too uffer wi-.b dyicil .ad is.. tf to er yon. Ftr Mlc at Foj man urujj (or .And you say you tronH die for me?" "Darling, I wou'd with delicht . "Then give me tliat test of youraffce mi. aud I will never wed anoihrr A P roots'? of sUriliiln; milk Ias re ceutlv been perfected aud bt it lullk can Ue kept for voir without lJn i lu butter. It has la found of rrat nve on steamer, and. as It w eUbued all dangsr of infection is avoided. It will prove useful in tbe nurrfry and kitebco. The nsults-ore acroinp!ahcd by pot fredi milk in cans whkh are htrmeti tally snded, then heated and cooled al tcraately, unti thfi SCTKAAX Jo troyed. FKrirmxT aoc'Jcnt ocnir in tbe boa eltoKl whk:h.cn burns, eus, sprains and bruUwi; for o to socU tasDr. J U. McLean's Votcaui U I Linemen. . - Th Her. Clt. II. Thftrer. f Ikarb. Tnds.iT: "litb mjf.lt and wi(otar Iic ti Skiloh's jLoofaaipUoa ears. Fr tale by Funuan. ,. , Bcwie I believe . Mbs Way tin? would lump at a proposal frorn a naiso. , Jessie feo would all of of, 1 reckon. Burlington Free Pre8. IiUCKlXS A RXICA S ALVK . Hie best naive in the world for taU. brul-cs, sorc, ulcers, salt rheum. fever sores, tetter, chsnped Itsnd. ehilMain, corns and all skin eru;tioit ann poiuveiy euro pile, or no par reqnred. It Is guaranteed to civs pe feet KalUfaclion. or money refund cd.Pric 25 rents-Tr Ixix. For sale bv J. B. Clifton. - For Sale. One cood, soond plow bone. Oue 1-hors e waon. One ox-cart (single.) J. E. Maloxt. Brief coaimaiJcaiioiii frwa all sav lkti oast earueajy ao'JdUd. Krt Items c any tiatura U OsxliJly rccrfrrd. T1 ra Hadaai'a st aadrfl o4i. 1b,! Unut It La a sever tled U aar i iat,Betsttcrbat le dirae. tim Lir- KftSTto US tiplet d .4V: a v kna w la btua e jiuta. Tbe aeie ue 04 a f U-d y claim. aad rts Ul tTrj dueaa ia CAUSED. BY MICROBES, lADAH'S MICF.CBE KIUEB r.aterwiaatet tk lfirte aaj driTea Ueta out r tb riw, aJ keaiiatla rfoaa fu caaaot kt aa aht of taia. Bl.cr hl t&a diaat !,ar a Itaota ta t JJiUri t'tw tr f a eomki. ! of daea, w cr tkeca U at - .. . H mm urtl a.t 4iM 11D1UIUDB4.JJ. tlOU lUtsboTg Dispatch. Catarrh eared, henlih mnA -.. K.Ttv. weureu, by Sbiloh's ttarrb Uedr. t ric50eenta. Si Injector free. Fr - - - -" uik curc. The mouse that rets cauzht In a trarv MU uer oeso young tliat lis mends wm not say tnat it . war.okl enough to h;i ve kuowu better. Akhison Globe. iofla.naton, l . , Cowo'J Catarrh, J)nm- eAU, Jilnnvititm, Kidnry ,nj Littr fT" Ck'' Gn4 iVwr, cats Trxmb Ics. 13 4 forms, a-.j; U faei a ZAtedM lcr fa the limna jjfm. Batrt cf rntu4Ut Jwumiiaiions 8 tr TraJc-li.rk (aaa aaabva) apvearaoo eata Jor. awt, K",d-'.lTk tlury cf tko Ube "r, sivenavayby Dr.JBCLIFrON DniUAgU LOVISBVUGN. a II.S.FURMAX, Agent, FRAJtKUXTOX.S.'C. KM a. I i !. a lr.Aa .BANK OF Good Tobacco Land for SaIe. ' L0U1SBURG D:ssaGs:2ralBmlir2B!i!ii:u. r 1 1 i. . . . . alio rt.rKf tr, rt.,?o ? p 1T paU, SlllXlUe Aa,uau a.a.ft arv a tivta vLuiutia nua ...1 . . , . . - - . . I i"ui s' rt ana u;csrs tlie inwt !Br. od tebaeeo farms !a Old I RrreivrS nooev ou dtlL Kn. sUv-.cess." "sir," haid ' tlie Kepublican, -you might liaye studied p. whole year nrl vii liM'Bf .rt:i1rl Kivo liofit iVi-it Great laughter. . T- Anb thcr prom.nent Republican told me this Admiuistradon Iiad demonstra ted how small a man cmld hold the office of President; anl it was the quin tessence of minimization. I canuot take the time to repeat the hard things tint arc said about the President and his' party friend3. You know it is said that a "prominent mem ber of hU Cabinet was asked why he did not raisea row and have thiugs 0 on better or resign, illustrated dris prjlition in the matter by relating an incident, lie said tliat once thcro was a man who went to a very poor show, on a, free tick et. ' . When the first act. was over it was so bad that everybody began to liiss and hoot except the man with the free ticket. Some one told him . that he seemed to beeujoying.it. "affo," said he, T do not enjoy it." Then tlie ques- passage of actsy i Congress; .granting .tion vva asked why he did not join in ,v. i.fi"r,;wii; aU the hissing. Said he, "I am in here on uto prompt attention. Al.COUKlKr i -v. G U'TT and 30tJNSELL0R at LAW. LOUI3BTJRtf ,1 FliANKLIN CO.'.N. O. . -iLOTJiS BUEfijK. C. ' - V O nce in the Court House. All hn-3inQS put in my hands wil-J others secured favoring legislation which r 5'iiiTO prompt, aiicuuuu. .. -,. s . . 1 gave mem control 01 tne money 01 ine countr', the control of commerce ' on land and sea, etc., and thus the founda tions of other, colossal fortunes we e lam. ; -They became Uic creditors of the Government, lending it money to meet the 'emergencies of war, and took its bonds at a nominal valuation, and thus laid the foundatio d of other colossal for tunes a They c tated the financial policies which ; tbiey desired to prevail and thus laid tlieTbun datibn of. othet colossal fortunes. .4 f . ; The nioney-making, speculative spii it grew ap ce, and . when i peace, " came it found the government practically in the bands of the men who had eu throned Mammon, Worshiped him as he - had never beWn worshipped, before and made him the ruler of the : land. ' . . They have been worshipping him ever since, and ever since he has been ruling. ' To day he organizes syndicates, 'trusts, con trols - conventions, - elects ' Presidents, Congressmen, 4 Senators and .controls them,' passes tariffs bills, and dictates the legislation to be enacted. : v That's what money his- besn - doing,' that's Avhat it is doing, that's the way it. demoralizes and undermines ; public virtue, honesty : and patriotism, and that's the way it becomes the real ; and mighty danger. :ry " ;, iKom ..HSneinoliiSMi .f binnl.lii rlomftln V lussing. svu.li 11c, on various patriotc pretences,. and.a free.cket,:a:id.I canno to V ,11 atCend the ; Courts of Nash, FrankHn, Gvine: vWarrenK 7 and Wake G oun Jesvalsb ' theupieme: court of Nor th Carolina, and the U Circuit ancj District Courts. JJS.J.E ALONIS ' , O Hce 2 doors" below Farman & Coj'ko's Drugstore, adjoining Dr. 0. L. KUis. through no more act, and if it does not improve I will go out and buy me a ticket and come back, and then I will help you raise Cain.'!. ; V" .- These things are all very , bad, Mr. Cliairman.'but they come from his own party friends. - It tlieytalk and think tliat way about him : bow. do you sup pose the D mocrats feel? I They are not : doing much talking, -hut they are well satisfied with the results of the elections that are taking placer ' -1 But candor, 'compels mo to admit that I ' believe tlie President j thmks. . well ' of himself. Lajightef and applause ' . feet freedom in tlie expressions of thoa opinions Alliances, like all other organizations must be true to the purposes of their crei,tion. If Masonry forgets its high mission of fraternity and charity, its light will go out and its days will be numbered. If Alliances turn from the lofty purposes of tlicn- youuders to ' be come political juntos they will be dis banded by the voluntary withdrawal of the men who give ' them character and inOuenco The public may possess its so.il in pa- thnce. The Alliances are all. 'right. The Democratic party is tbe partj of the people, and its ablest defenders find truest representatives are the farmers of the country. When in the course of human events an Alliance rises to protest against any political action, It will be justly cousid ered a summons to lialt and deliberate upon th6 situation. T Tbe arbi trary dictum of farmers must not be accc pted against T tho rest of , a community, but as a constituent part of a community their opinions are entitled to the highest and . most profound con sideration. . :'-. " Let us hear , tho conclusion of - the. vhole matter. Farmers arc Democrats. The Democratic party has forits object the repeal. ot tlie laws th-ti -oppress them, and the enactment of laws' for; their protection. "Farmers in and . out of the Alliance will stand by tbe Demo cratic party. The present tar.ff is the great obstacle to agricultural success in alt parts of the country. " ' ' bum -viuia uwr iierc j prouipt and satitfacturT reulta at otamej i.y u.iiig that old re'iable remedy. Dr. Jf ILMcLeanU V'olcauic Meclianic, catching a plckpocket What are you diu2 there t Facetious Pickpocket Raising your wagt e; that's all. TexaA Rifin Youcannnt accomplish ariv wurk or' bub 1 ess u.iless you feel well. If yon leet used up tire 1 out-take lr. t' 11. jsccixau's. Siirsaprtrilla It win tve you licalth, strength and tiuaiivj. F!tirRE3 gathered by St to oflfknals throughout the South show that during Uie past ten years tho Increase of man ufactures in that section is 81.7 per cent, the increase in capital so invested. 185.1 per cent., and the increase in the value of the product is 1 13.8 per cent Tbe total number of rnanufacturing estab lishments now exiaiicg in the South is r rst CT . o.i,wi, rerxxsenuug au invested carcta of 1507.349 000 and a product valued at $075,532,000. product valued at oiniob's V itilixer Is whatyaa need for constipation, loss l appetite, diaxineaa anu ait ympioms 01 dyspepsia. Jriee $1 aiKi ii rents per oottle. du i arug ttore. Shilnh' n a rua ran tee. it curra mniomiin also SCO anra ol rood kbea land a liieh wl sell as m wboie cr to a at all tract ta suit parcbaMra. 1 aas very ar that It pmes ao wtiA u iear fim-ctaM to. baeeo Led eveld see miae, they would not hesitate t bay as ia adJitoa to b- n t&e rsbt kiod ,! soil, rood aeighbvr hood, ac tbe price ia uwdcrte aud tbe terms libcr&l. JoaacA rxarr, t eatrettlJe, N.C Tobacco Land for' Sala I will sell on easy terms 81! acre of laud lu Uarria' towuship, arijoium; the Lode of W. T. Simkbvnd, J. V. bUKkUnd snd others. This laud is DCvUlly adapted to the KlOwtb of liue tub-oo-j. tall on mc uud set a description of Uie laud aud tbe terms. lisa. s. Uakeb, AsU- Oct. 23, 89. TBE QUlNNflAC imm company place) Business Solicited. W. P. won. rrvaidcaL W.II.EDWAIID3; DENTIST i VfXJZK XBEBT, X. C. After 8eptmtr lt can be fxsnd neatly l I U cO. e at tb4 !.oul m Jr rnkiuuMi, 2. C.TUoradjj of eacli vtea. FOR SICK WATCHES ; CURES GUARANTEED or- StrcngtUcucd liy Cxiuuio. . B. W TIMBERLAKfi, , ATTORNEY AT LAW LOTJTSBURG, K. C.: Office" ii To Help the Unfortunate. Ke Court House D it; W, IT. NICHOLSON, - ' ' ' 5 r PBACTICING PHYSICIAN, : LOTJISBTJBO, N. C. OIBce opposite Eagle Hotel Senator Voorhee? has offered a reso lution ia the Senste reciting tlie depres sion aud decay of the agricultural inter est, and enforcing the dnty of Congress to lay aside politics" long enough to de vise relief for the overtaxed fhrmcr. This was a very - proper resolution. . to offer, but it is improbable that the . Sen ate will give -it attention j To -devise permanent laws for running ..elections and spending money iu the protectionists interest is what the present Congress con siders its highest duty; That legislation has Feen paid for in advance by the tar- iff lords in contributions to campaign funds, and it must be produced, Balti more Sun. - T ' . Atn large dinner party a guest was asked if she would have tome plum pud ding with wine sauce. " "I wUl ' have some of tho p'u in pudding,, but none Of Uie- wine sauce was her firm reply. Her friends laughed at her; and insisted that she should take some; but she re plied: "I decline upou prir.ciplo.t I take no alcohol in any form." The convex satiou turned to other topics; but after diuiier a young paan whom she had no ticed sitting opposite her at dinner,' ap proached her, and requesting a word with her, said: ' .... . . " . - . 'I want to tell you how much good you did me to-day, by your prompt and deckled rejection of the wine sauce. .1 had been deliberating what I woukl do being strongly tempted by the smell : it, which reached me. I think I thou. ' have yielded, to my desire and tlie solici tations of my friends, who called m resolution a whim, if I liad not iM'aru your refusal. " That gave me the tour age to resist the temptation. I have a inherited appetite for strong drink, bui by. the gra e of God I have been rua- bleu to conuoi 11; out 11 1 naa cot n taste of wina to-day, I - feel , cQn2Jcut ) should Ixavo fiillen agn Lb. - For i.Vt rV. ITSY L0ZID0IT, C0KIT. Or no pay. Watch. Bzsx of tho llrest 's eonsomptioo ears is sold by ta Forsate at' Vurmia'i Urns store. .. . fihiloh's Catarrh Itemed v V nA.Iilr. cure for catarrh,' dfpthetia, and canker lavuui, ooidDTroimaiu , That hacking rouh can be ao o.n:ck)j cuneu oy nniion'a core. We fuarantte "i- ror saie-at r urttsu a aing store. . 'Persons advanced in years feel youDjfer r and stronger, as well a- treer from U.o Inbnnuies of ace bv taking Dr. J. ; II. McLean's Sarsapa- ' IF too have a painfnl sense of fa-. -ueTRndyotir'duties irksome, take gr. j.'U. McLean's Sarsanrilla. 1 a.ll . brace . you up, make you t rons ud vigorous. , For weak back, chest pains , and Dt .-J. 1 1 . McLean's W cruder t'ul 11 ea ing plaster. : v IF yoa sutler from any anVction caused by "Impure tod. s-ich' a "crofula salt rheum, sres, boi'.s, pim ples, tetter ringworm tiike Dr. J. II. McLean's Sasparllla. . That sourtmp.red, cros, dy 9 r tk ipdividual. should take Dr. J. II .Mclyoan'a Sarsap.rilb! It wil mjn- iim feel as ' well and fcesrty hJ 'K-ilthiest of u. j Rleeplesa nights, made miserable re that terrible cooirh. ' t hiloli'a onre is j remedy for iL For aaleat Formaa'sdrtii tore. . - ' ' ! When yon - sre constipated, bstvi fieadacbe, or Is of appetite take I t I. IL Mcl.rau's Liver and Kabiey 111 ei; tliey are pleasant lo take and wil' . u-e yuu. .,' j The tree tluitd".e is always the one .hat would unvo borne tbe be:t fruit. A lncago Ixsicr. IIEXDEKSON.X.a I3 one of the oldest establishments nftheklndln tbe country, having r-en maklne the Pine Inland Gu ano fur 33 years, and have inado il a study, making fertilizer especial- iy auapieu 10 tne prnwins 01 Une -jv-i - ' n e!y.: Gxoods uin.-.ry anu nas cuoa rorwanl en- dorsenients from tuany of the btt tobacco Rrowers iu the State, Mr. It. II. Kicks, wIkxU well kuowu lu all our rvaders. In a letter to tbe Company says: ' Bockt MocsT.ST.C., Feb. 15u lyjO. T1IZ QTIXWIPIAC CO... -. iNl W IMIUOD, C'OOO. Gestlemex: l.aat year I Was in- fuevd it your ajd.t, J. vv . iilnes. to tke some of your Pe I.!and Ferti lizer n trial. I ued it br the si ut other hith xtmIg fcrtbuera vu tobacco. 1 was so lib acd with :b result that I !ia:i use it entirely tios year. uo Joiroui the Uci U;al 1 1.01 better re- iulta from line Ilai.d Utan fruid as.v o;ber brand, and tnliete il t!.e btt uitcd to my soil. - B. II. KICKS. -Mr. lucks sold at Uumr'H ure houv, lleiidwmg r. C, leb. IL 18W. 22 bits tobacco, 4,579 pound, for $1,931.77, ud veri?e for alt j?-a t of 112.25 per 10O poundj. I10 had in last year 45 acrec, and t 111 average for ntlro tmp US p r IG) puovls. Mr. Ititks will plant 75 acres Ibis 3 ear, and bai bought twenty lonaplne IliiiJ. 7014 SALE UY Iri-en" Yurlon. Loa.burj, X. C. . 1. Ttnjbr!kf, Louliburz. I. P. nmlxrlane, Ymi gvd.a ranch. Cone V Co. Srr;ni;bot4 !1. W. BjII r l A C. Fmnkliatoi A D. Y. Co-prr, lln d.rctit ForSprioYaad 8asnar. Faillea, A ran res, r.fca dames. tEarHne, barabs, rriaud laoiMaad Unit. DRESS GOODS. Mobjdrs, Wool Ueariettaa, 8nre sad every oibervarieTy of UaaMsabia in mm UtfOUS. . THIMMINGH. AppTiqae, VaaJjrke sod EiCVl Tolat. Claek, Utile aad Colors, riala aid Caaey-Silka aad VcJreU. TTnsiIi ITnlirleas nntl Irlnt Scotch aad Freaeh Zephyrs, ClarfcaaM s reucu aad Aatrma 3iUtu, CJaiIic. La oa sa4 Loadoa rereaita. Will to GcxxIaSt A eomplete aortment of Embroider aad lirmnsed aad Lidrrrile be.t lljabroidered iloaaelacs (la v and ex. eJae stylet) tor lde aad chiidrea Taekcd aad IlemiUicbrd lav da. Lrulica Muslin Underwear. (Mebnted rf Fraad. Lek Hltc tt.rk.B( and all Kxpresa prepaid oa, la oiders d five doHars aad over. Camples sent oa appiietisa. lit and 131 FsyetteviU Street. HALTGII, :?.C.

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