JJL Wi ll' i 1 1 fm; l1' ' j-f ' " - --' TjANKLy-: i,: .. , . . . 7--. : , . . - THE .gRnup: J. A. Thomas xiuor ana proprietor -j . j - . J 1 " '' ' "I ' y j ( Oxe Yeab, SIX MONTHS, To c JCSX LIS RKD larOi lubs ot hve ihe Timks will be tur-1 . , - . - . -f '.T . - . , ... . . ' - I nished at $1.50 per annum. - I 'r . . . -J. rr. ' ' 1 ' - - ' ' . : - ' ' - - : . ; , , . I ! i i j iri iwtiii . r . j J i 1 1 1 1 i i ii I, i - - ... m BW 1 1 V&'fi 'guWed largely by Absolute This powderever varies. JL marvel df pdrity, strength and) wholesomenessr More economical than tjhe ordinary kiods, una cannot be sold in competition - with the multitude of low t63t, short, weight alum orpfl08Dtta.te powaers.T OLi.ILY IS CASS. ltOYAL Baki n& Powdeu Co. 6D6 Wall Sr. N. Y. TO SCHOOL TEACH EliS. The Superintendent ' cf Public ricliools of Franklin! county will be in Louisburg on thf second Thurs day ot Fehrimry, April. July,: Sept. October and December, and remain for three days, it' necessary, for the purpose of examining applicants to tMch in the PublfcBchools of this County. ;,:; - . j I will also be :La Ijouisburg on Saurday of each-week, and all ,pob lie days, to attend to. any business connocted with myf office. : ; ; c -J. N. Iav is, Sopt, mot'ESSl jJVAL CARDS. N. Y GULLEY Attorney-lA-t-LaWvi FK AXlvLDfTOX. -Si C V All l?M tended to. busii'esa promptly at- fjp UO. Ii, 'XiLiKlv,', ATTOEUEYJAT LAWr t LOlJ SBUKG? X. C. Oflice on Main 9U one door ? low the Eagle Hote. J F. S. SPRUILL. Attorney At Law, LOIHSBURG, 2f . C. Will attend the courts ot Franklin. 1 Vance. Grauville, Warren, Hash, and p.-.leril and Supreme Court. Prom t lttention giveu to ipMiections.&c.r n COCKE A DANIELS, C. C.DNIELS Wiiso N. C (joldsboroj JS. C. AICOCK & talELS DAWELS Atorneys At Law, . ? WILS.OK, C. - Any business entmsted to us will be promptly attended to.v -:p y r T"' j: B. B.JMASSEN$UliG, ATTORNEt AT LAW l LOTIISB GIRO i W.s C." '" t ' OffioS iiithe Coiirt Iloase. Alt business, pjattn my hands wu receive promrit attention:. : M.Ob'K.E. aTT.Y and 30ITNSELL.01ia , . : I -k t LOUISBTJB8, TA5KI.lK W., xsrn attend the1. Courts of.Nasn, pM nt'iT. a ftWnvllle. Warreni and , eoarfckii JSroc.th qarolmadhe.p- " Circuit and DjSTfeiCT oonrta- m J.E one's 2 doors s below Furroan O. v. . r. V00,.8 Tfrtrr I X T'tWSETaaa tfte results Jeadtor.the fol VJ. iK 4- W TIMBERIaA! E. ATTORNEY AT LAW l'LOUtSBUItGt iirt C, ' , Office i he Court' House' D It. W.H.- NICHOLSON, . PRACTICING PHYSICIAN;, I v 5 Office opposite Eagle Hotel J A. THOMAS EUlitor nnU VOUXIX. --THF. .FARM! i V iS i " THE- OBBHABO. j : Onexloes not plant an orchard every year; hence it slwuld be done only after caTeTul consideration Vof many particu lars5 And foremost is "this: To select those varieties which will doi best ori your. soil. Some fruit tree will grow and bear welt anywhere," . Most f will, nofo iThe average fiirmer can't afford to experiment much with varieties of orcliard. He must be others succe&ses and general crop, select those varieties which bave' rbwn well on neighboriug lands. Try a few of the new kinds if you will; but don't take too much stock in untried varieties if you are planting an orchard for the future. z't'"ii ' : - : ' . Theol4 reliard also needs attention Fill up the vacancies in the tows with new; .trees, ;teim. "up the branches and cut out the' over-abundant "growth of last year. Give the trees, particularly tbese thai are jast-coniing into bearing, a shapely, symmetrical appearance. Dig up the st.il. around- the tree-trunks, scrapeoff the rough bark, and .lightly whitewash the body of the trees, and cultivate your orchard," remembering tliat trees, like other plants, enjoy til- lage. ii mil luuiM ratvrijiui tvum. ;, Teach your children that, although drudgery is not desirable, work should be sought after. Every moment of the tinie should lie- filled and idleness un known. In this way only is,, happiness assured. Tliere must be breaks in the routiu'e,"of course Sleep is essential, and work has no right to encroach upon that., pleasure is necessary as a ; relax ation; and. must not-be crowd.-d out. There niust be plenty of limfe for ,; eating and digestion.' .In other, words, vork in used in the -sense of employment,1 and meaus guite another thing than contin ual manual labor or unbroken -mental strain. When one reads of uch instan ces as the secret suicide of j a seventeen-year-old lad, wliose mother was ' a widow, and who preferred to slip out of the burdens and responsibilities of life ratlier than work for a living, it indi- ' " ' - - - , dates something entirely wrong in the education of such j-ouths. Tbeir people work like drudges and encourage their idleness, until they attain "maturity with a natural indolence ;which makes them prefer tlw support of cliarityl or that ob tained by thelt," rather than that gained by honest toil. !APPIiSINa FERTILIZE BS . In the application of- fertilizers the main poiut is,t6 use enough of them, and enough' is considerably j more than thecr6p"will take from the" soil; the next points are to prevent loss by weeds; to provide such a condition of the soil as: to afford by tuorougn Ullage, every aid and help by the natural j elements the rain, the atmosphere, and the heat of the sun; to prevent the waste of the plants vitality by parasites, as tho vari ous fungi which sap the vigor of the plants, auch as the rusts, smuts, mil dews, etci in sliort, to make use of every' appliance known to thorough cul ture of farm crops. . Where live stock are kept of course the manure, Jor ' com posts made of it to add to ita useful bulk, Value and effectiveness, is to be used as far. as it goes; but; even with manure experience, has shown that tlo immediately available and soluble ferUl izers may be added with good effect and profit. Ffve hundred to one "thousand Hond perj acre of tliecoppleje ma Tnures is endugb to begin with under or dinary circumstances, and 1 every crop should afterwardj.be provided with -at least balf this amount VIBTUE3 OF SALT. Experiments to prove-the virtu Of "ealt m keeping-farm, rops in a hi lthy and vigorous condition .liave been car- ried on extensively in some parts or . - . - . . i - - howlnCOnctnsdnsTha"t aSHressi k-idressing of ,d,500 to 2,0,00, pounds,, of salt per acre willcheck the ruat in cereals, the finger- and-me in turaipsTlarsely protect oats against the grub and wire-worm, check the virulence of potato disease, and dis sipate fungoid growth in pastures. It is also a .preventive against 'moss, makes roush grass more pliable, and sweetens ine nerna&o &r . t: r i ' ' ' MAKING HAY. , " ri. u , . There is no'qaestion that grajBses lose -much of their nutritive properties by too much drying at the time ot mating into hay. The aroma also goes on witn tne 1 juices. , If grass ia cut beforq . the seed WITH MALICE are formedi and is cured; without too much exposure to the sun and wind, the iragrance and lite nutritive properties will be preserved. A late cut and poor ly cured grass crop makes a big leak in Ihe year's profits, as such provender 'wilt make neither fleh nor milk at the rate at which it would if well-cured and- 'cut properlyr"T .' The Tattler. 'What is a tattler ? " A vile leech sap ping the life blood of human 'happiness'. A black greedy vulture feasting upon ?the carrioff of human society." Abusy- uuajr yrmt giceiiuiy xo auywung harsh you may say, of your neighbor, "either; pettishly or in a joke ; and then carries it magnified or patched up to Bnit himself,'aud pours it- scorching hot . into the ears of your best friend; and af ter 8ucceeeing in getting him or tier to :say something equally harsh, returns to you ladened with his precious burden of strife an J adds fuel to the smouldering fire. little by little this ghoul ojf hu man society filches the happiness- of hu man friendship and develops between the kindest of neighbors and the best of friends a feeling of hatred which should be known ontyto the bosom of demons. Are 3rou a tattler ? Do you sow among your neighbors the seeds of discoid and hate P If so, in. the name of humanity let us beg you todesist. We are all liable to err, all too apt to say In a mo ment of sudden passion or in a silly joke things which an hour afterward in a'cool reflection we may heartily wish unsaid. But deeper is the sin and thicker is the crime of him who taking our weakness for his capital effects -the the destruction of t e happiness of his V neighbors as his interest. Selected by a boy of 13 yeart. No Aristocracy in oliua. North Car- Winstou Daily. . In our day, when more than nine tenths of our people ar 3 bread ; virioners, Ts'it not rank nonsense rtO tidk about 'an aristoraey that dom inates the State?" , .When has It ever been in'ort'h Carolina that a good and worthy roan could be set down on account of his lowly bitt? Just to the contrary, has it not bean oftenc r the ca.-:e that it gave a man, of anything like mer it, more than his true deserts? Where has It been In all our histo ry, as a peoph. that an effort to ciowd a man down on account of his humble birth was not frowned down and put to rebuke by th proudest men in the State? It is true, and we thank God that it is true, thai t he true men of the State count it not a siu In ny Worthy man that he should have had an honored sire; but he who should presume upon this .would soon find himself snuffed out with all his pa- terbat honors upon his thick head. Tho Candidate. Father, who travels our road so late f" 'llush, my cUikl, 'tis tlie candidate ! Fit example ot human woes, Earlv he comes and late he goes ! He greets the women with courtly grace: : He kisses tne baby's amy lace; He calls to the fence the tarmer at work He bores the merchant, he bothers the clerkr - v i- '. '. The blaHrsniith, "whileliis anvil rings. He greets and tliis is the song he sings: "Howdy, howdy, dow d'ye do ? , . How is your wife and bow are you ? Ah,' it tits my fist as no other can, ' I ine uoruy nana oi me worKingmau i : Husband, who is that at the gate?" . . 'lJlide,.myilove, it's the candidate T. , " "Husband, why .can't he work like you? Has he" nothing at all at home to lo ?" Mv dear, whenevi-r a man is down No cash'at home and no cr-dit in town Too plain to' preach- and; too ; proud to Too timid to rob and too lazy to dig,: . Then over his borse his legs he flings, 1 And to tho dear, people this song he KHbwdyvhbwdyf bow d'ye do?.-, i-- How is your -wue ana now are you r -i Ah it fits my fist as no other can The homy hand of the workingman." Brofberswno labor early and late, Ask these things of the candidate; What is his record ? How does lie stand At home ? ' No matter about his hand, Be it hard or soft, so it Is not prone -To close over money not his own.- - -Has he in view- no thieving plan Is he honest and capable f--he's your i , , man I - -., .- ',. . Cbeer such a man until the welkin rings. Join in the chorous wben he sings: ' ; "Howdy, bowdy, bow d'ye do ? f How is your wife and bow are ' you ? ' ' -Ah, it tits my fist as no other can,' 1 The honest hand ofthe workingman," : ; ' All; f OTms of OTganic arid func tional diseases 'cured by Radam s Microbe Killer. , -t Proprietor ...... , .... . . ., , , . . , . . ,, . ... . ...v ; : TOWARDS NOSE; WITH CTIABITY FOB ALL. LOUISBURG, NC, MAY 23, 18QQ. , TMrii r- : . , ! ' Prltcliard Sam Jones. I In a recent Issue of "Charity and Children," a little paper 'published at the Baptist Orphan e atThom" asville,' N. uM Dr. T. n.Pritchard," a leading Baptist divine, has the following -'criticism "upon Sam Jonej. It has never been the pleasure of the editor of the Times to hear Sam Jones, "but those who have heard him, tell us that Dr. Pr it chard's criticising are too .Re vere: :, , , ; ; ' -I must confess that I have been really pained in reading the ser mons of this very celebrated Meth. odist preacher, recently - delivered in Charlotte, N. C. They abound in wit and humor;- It, is true; : but the wit is exceedingly coaise, and the humor is often low and vulgar unbecoming a christian minister in any circle, and. In my humble Judgment, a gross and grievous des ecration ofthe pulpit. i I grant- that Mr. Jones . lias rare preaches the gospel 'with wonder ful plainness and effect, and I hope that lie does good; but there can be no question with all right-thinking people that he is degrading his sa cred calling, and doing a vast amount of harm by using language which, in the nature of thing, must demoralize society. Iain no prude, as every one acquainted with me knows, nor have I any prejudice against Mr Jones as a Methodist or an evangelist; but, as a public journalist and - christian minister, I feel bound to protest against his manners in the pulpit. No matter what a man't gifts may be, there can be no excuse or apol ogy ror his being a blackguard or a bully In the pulpit, and it really seems to me a n flection on this age cud country that such, a vulgarian is tolerated by decent people. 1 nave heard that tho cause of religionlias been set back for years in some towns where he has been, and it' his sermons In Charlotte are fair specimens of his work I am prepared to believe it. , He appears to make Immense use of Sam Jones. In tits preaching, but the Bible plays an Insignincaut part in his ierfcrmances. ' What a contrast between this man and He v. R. G. Pearson in 6tyle, uplrlt and matter. Elijah the Tishbite and Johu the Baptist were not bolder or braver in denouncing sin than Mr. Pear son, but there was no vulgarity or smutty" attempts at wit in his preaching.. They say that the rudr, rough things Sa-u Jones says does n it seemso bad when you hear him; but for the life of me, I cannot soj how a man's manner ot saying a low, dirty ttilng can inaKo It any thing else tbau filthy and impure. Depend upon It, every religious excitement Is not a revival of io ligioii.and J hereby publicly ex press my want of coufidence in Sam Jones's converts. If thsre is any place on earth from which slang, vulgarity and blackguatdism ought to Le exclu ded it is the pulpit, aud to listen to sucn a harangue as Ham Jones delivered in CharUtte !ist Sunday seems to me a desecration of the Sabbath. ' I sincerely hope that he won't come to Wilmington in my day." . SAM JONES AND HIS CBITICS. - North Carolina clergymen, we under- RtanrL nrft indnltnntr in rm1n nnfuvrvm- I ble criticisms of the great evangelist, ; Sara Jones. They had better handle him carefully. He is loaded. Time is so much about Sam Jones to commend, so much in which the ordinary critic falls short, that he who attempts to arraign him for his methods will get the worst of it. . If the critic has failed, with his own Ynethods, to get people converted, and Jones has succeeded with his own methods, the first tiling in order would le to prove Jones converts to be spuri ous; and if they are not spurious, then his methods are ; to , be , commended. Ever ein e Sampson slew : the' Philis tines with the Jawbone of an ass aud even before that it has not mattered much about methods. Tho only ques tion to be answered is, JIas the work been done ?.. . , .-. ' V . Our advice to all critics is to steer as clear of Sam Jones as possible. He is too great an enemy of the deviL to-be made the butt of special criticism on the part of Christian men. and some peo ple will wish they had considered it be fore "Greensboro Workman. ' MERIT WINS 1 We desire to sav to our - citizense that for years we liave been selling Dr. King a . w Discovery : for con sumption. Dr. Kina's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve aod Electric Bitters, and have uever handled rem edies that sell as well,' or that have given such universal satisfaction. Vfe do not be-titate to guarantee tbem ev; ery time, and we Aland ready to re fund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. Tbee remedies have won their e eat popu larity purely on their merit; ,W. U. Furmaui" Jr. DruggUi MIICK glOPKRANNUMIu Advnnoo. AUtiUlllUINALSAJI. Some of the Funuy Things Par sou. Jones Said in Clmrlotte. , I tell you one thinj, yon may fool your uncles and daddy, but your Uncle Jones knows you. - The girl that wants to look pret ty and nice, I can, make a rrauder animal out of wax tlum any of you. The average society girl is dj more like God Almighty raado her than If she had been made by a Chinaman out of soft pine. Maybe some of you folks don't like thU collection business. if you dont you had better stay away from the morning service and come out In the arternoon. No collections are taken up thn and I reckon that's the beet time for you paupers and old stingy devils. Over 100 years azo the Mniho. 4 dlat Chuich cut loose . from th I T. . ! if . . - . episcopalians anu jumped right up un. "whosoever will," and they have stayed right there. The old hard-shell Baptists split and the missionaries jumped at It but fell In the creek. I am jurt shelling the woods now to locate my crowd. And ycu are In tho woods I'm shelling, old fel low. I'll get you out bye and bye and I will iflvo vou a warm r-.n. tiqn when you come out too. Changed III Politics. Maj. Thompsrn, master of the Illinois 8tate Grange, and hereto. fore a pronounced Republican, has turned Democrat. The Cnicaro Times says this signing that Maj. Thompson has found out the mean ing of "revision of the tariff and equalizatiou ofthe duties," as that phrase is .used b7 tl'ie Republl cuus who run the party machine. He had supposed it meait a reduc tion of burdens and a leveling of tariff taxes downward, not upward. The McKinley bill had shown him his mistake It has demonstrated, in connection with Its general ap proval by the Republican press, that there is no hope for any tariff revision or reform outside of the Democratic party. . oddFandends. Will too suffer er complaint 7 rhh dyspepsia aad Hr ShilohVs Vitiliur! U U guaranteed to core yoo. Fjr tale at Fui uiao aurux store Caught on the fly Tho spider's web. v Catarrh eared, health aod sweet breath cured, by Shilob's Catarrh Itemed t. Price 0 ee U u. Nasal loortor free. Fur sale at t'unnaa'a drug store. A business dono on tkk Telegraph ing. To allay pains, subdue Intlvnatcu, heal foul seres aud ulcers the most prompt and satisfactory result are obtained by using that old re'bble remedy. Dr. J. H. McLean Volcanic Uil liiniment. Where everything Is a missIn a girl's boarding school. You cannot accoinnKsh inr wort r buli ess unless you feel well. If you feel used up tired out take Dr. J II. McLean's. .SarsaDarilla It will giv you health, streogth and viUlity. , Sword-ewallowers ought to try saws for a while. They would be more tooth some. '. . . . SbiloVs VlUUaer la whatyon seed for oonstipatioo, loss of appetite, ditzlnees and all symptoms of dyspepsia. rlem ft and 75 cents per bottle. For sale at Far man's drug store. .bHUob s eonsnmi pUon enre U sold by sn it eerea consumption en a cnaranten. Foraale at Fnrman's dreg store. Rhlloh's Catarrh Remedy a positive earn for catarrh, dlptheria and eanker mouth. Sold by Fa i man. That hacking coagh ran be so quickly cared by Shitoh'a cure. We guarantee it.- For sale at Formau'a ding svore. . Persons advanced lo years feel as well a youbger and stronger, Ireerfrom the infirmities taking Dr. J. II. McLean 1 IF jou 1-ave apainfnl sense ue, And your duties irksome, uke gr. J. H. McLean's SarsaprilUu I s!U biace jou jup, makejuu trona nd vigorous, .1 ... 4- For weak back, chest pains , and a Di. J.H. McLean's Wonderful Hea- Ing piaster. . . IF yon toiler from -any affoctioo cnuseil by Imuure bood. a-ich as scrofula salt rbeum, sores, boils, pim ples, tetter, ringworm, Uke Dr. J. II. McLean's Satparitla. Kleeplefs nights, made miserable be that terrible eoagh. Shiloh's enre U the remedy for it. For sale at Farman'a dreg tore. ... - . Tho Watch Tower. nf ! sweet and lonely pot J w here I aaa ont to roam; And never was Uiere a raHtn plot Aiore xoreiy LUau my bene. UZ l"onie, sweet bema, I eaBot tell The trader lore I bear for thee. TT dear old maple by the well la sVeeterthan this roof, to sae. There are the litUe flwer bed. V her mother's wiliier ft hare tre4 Dropping aeeds, which hiodly fed Be dewdrops on the moUteaed aoJ, ,nJ. - h brenrht for one aad aiL The flowers on the buhea ua. There la the loeely arbor via t V here the hesey-seckU mow eatwUee lis learea. and dainty perfame aheds Arvand o, and npon oar heads. There I may sic; from mora till ntrht. Or even plaek the rotes while; An4 p!ay a ereotde draws near, , For father In hi old arm ehalr. And when along the maple drWe nue once more in summer tide, 1 ne'er sLait wUh a raj a to part; For ki the reresaea of my heart. My tome, sweet home. I love thee welL : DJ CONSUMPTION INCURABLE llead Uie rollowing: Mr C.1I. Mor ris, Newark, Ark., says: Was down with abv-.ea of longf. and frb neis and plijakiaua prououoced me an incurable couioroptive. , Ue-an taking ur. king's ew Discovery tor tooumption, aoi uow on mj third bottli-. and able to orersee Uie work on hiy farm. It is the fineat medicine ever made." Jee Muldlcwart, Decatur, Ohln, says: "Had It not been for Dr. Klng'n z ew iucovcry lor ConsampUoa I wouu have dicl of lung troubles M u j;ica up oy ooctora. Am now in the best of health." Try it, Sim- nieboltles Tree at W. II. Fur man Jr's Drugstore. "Do you think I look preU j In this V..t.A V 1 ait . . uiiwi. jacsr - -rretiyr lou'rs as pretty as a p.cture aud I'd like to take uie picture. vben you are constipated, hare headache, or W of aDDetit. take nr. J. II. ile Lean's LUer and Kidney 1U leta; they are pleasant to taks and will cure you. Lady (calling on friend) -Oh, hmt it splendid ? I have made six calls, and jou are the only one I've found at boms. Freqcextlt accidents ocu In the household which cano burrs, cua, aprains and bro!fl; for u. In aoch caaesDr.J II.- McLean's ;Volcanl Oil linemen. FeroriooA A term applied by n ti those anlmils Oat object to i erring bun in the cajacity of food. A BAFE INVESTMENT. a one which, is guaranteed to bring yon satisfactory results, or in case of failnre a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from oar ndvertised druist a botUn of Dr. King's New Discovery for eonsumt- tion. It It guaranteed to bring relkf In every case, wheo used for any affer- a t aew . uon oi uiroai, longs or chest, such as consumption, inflammation of lungs, bronchitis, asthma, whooping congb. croup, eic it pleasant and agreea 1. . . ... r . m - w.w o laav. pcnecviy aait- and can always be depended upon. Trial bo t tien frte at Yt . II. Furman, Jr'i drug oivre The Rev. Om. 11. TKT.r .r tukta Ind, says: "Both myslf aad wife ewe ear lives to SMInh's (.ensaapUon enre. For saie y x nrman. BUCK1NS ARNICA SALVE Thebest saive In the world for cuts, brub.es. scares, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hand-, ehillilains, corns and nil skia eruptiona a t.t i - ... ami poamveiy cure pues, or no pay required, tt U guars nUed . to give perfect sauaractlon, or money rsJund cd.lrlce 25 cents per box. . . S ' r rTrD " Hr 1 Por Mla b J- B' ClUon. For Sale. One good, round pj0w horre. One 1 -borse wagon. ' One ox-cart (single.) ' J. E. Maloxs. Good Tobacco Land for -V: , 'Sale. - '- '' - I have loar good tohaeeo farma la Gotl Vliae township ia Franklin eoaaty, whi-h I deal re to rent (or tne year I have aleS00 aerca of trxvd lobaeeo land whieh I will sell a a wk4e er ia aauul traru tm suit perrhaaera. I am very aore that tt tMrttea who with to aeenre SrvS-elaaa io Vacewlaad eveld see mine, they woald aoi hesitate Uibey aa la addition to be ing the rtghi kind ( aoU, rood neighbor- noot, 4ert the price u mourrate naa the terms LWraL JmatA Pcnar. ' Ccalrcri:ie,K.C. i : mi i JM. vs-sj i w if i ... ...-.. or age, b II - TlxZZrZtZs. b, uvZs, TVasjsH JTnttrlcn and lr1pt M s Sar.a- I". , I STTlzS ! dwteh a4 Fre.eb y. ciwgW. of fa-I UVULWaSTm: 1 1! w,1 I is I . The Times Is the telj rjrr pnblished ki Fraala coccty, and It circulation cxod I1 ovtr rrrry t tion of this and a?jiakig coun&a. Ttrtixxs sLouU mal a bote Lcr ft. " . Tbe YjLUx wiU not t rtrpoa Us for the tUrrs cccrrcrrocidc&ta. ; ' -w . . BrVl cmmunkaiiou from a iv iiona moi earnestly aoScited.- Ket a itrni of any nature wd U tLfcaift rceeiTed. . The reason 11a dam Uerwb KlCer ia the mt woadrrfal mnit elae, U beaae It has never failed la any stanee, metier what the dUeaa. tram Ikr. nT to Ue aimpj. diaeaae keewa U Ue hwaaaaeyeMm. . The ecieaiiSe men of to-day eiala and pr uat every Ulaeaae la - . CAUSED BY MICROBES, RADAM'S MICROBE KILLEH ; FjiUrmlnalee the UUroeea nasi drir4 Uem owl e( the eyatear. aad whenUalU dowe yww ena net hare aa ache er pm; he matter what the diaeaae. whether simple eye ei iUUrU k tru or a eomVl aUoa ef diaeaacs, we enre them all. at the name Usee, an we Ueea ail diaaaw aUtatioaiJy. , thtCkiU 94 Ftt ) pmeU Trwl - eaawawwwMw 8e that ear Trade-Mark (same aaaWrel apneara ea eweh Jeg . XlUr," girea a ay bj Br.JBCLirrON DrnssU!,iCt. LOUISBURG, X.C. II. 8. FURMANV Agent, FBAXaUlXTOX, X.C. ' , BANK OF !t;.. rt. LODISBDKG ' - " - Secelrrs money on deposit, toys and ells Kxcltaage, CoiletU da tLl pla. and pofflU near here, :. ... Business Solicited W. T. WEBB,rndfnL NV. II. EDWARDS.' DENTIST ' wxjzx ro&xsr, jr. c. , y After September 1st can be fxtd regularly at tils cCLe at the hotel u. Fr-nVJntou, N. C.llardaj ef aau week. UlCll'll HOSPITAL FOR SICK WATCHES " - ' CURES EUARAMTEID Or no pay. Walca. Kn of the Wse.l nENDERSON.N.C New. 'Goods Fee ffpciag aad Camxarr. ' 8ILU8. f ' saaaaa lajeae. DRESSGOODS. Ifehalm, Wool naxi ttaa. frrrge ad 'asnteaahie Pru very ether earWry e4 .... INCH. ApplUw. TaWyke aad EZISrl Pela. EUck, While aad Col 11a la ..J la7 SUha aad Valve U. . "Whlto GcKMlarf A enmptvio aaaovtaaewt ov' EjaheoUrtr aad LaW.. Hame4 aad IxidarattfcW-l llmbreidered IloencJara (la new a mi , '. eiaaive styles) foe dre aad ebiUns,. aw w a .an .-.a t aeaea aaa iiemauuaea ia as. LauUea Mualln Underwear. releeraWw W traaJ. Laek itl'rV twk.ac aa4 all ' tprvoa pevpoid owt Ia rdera f Sve aWlara aad ovr. . , , tSamplea seat ea sppIleaUoa. i , ' - 129 and 151 Tsy eitevCe Street. HALICU.X.C " e I V

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