JLL .J.L.JLv H m KJo J. A. THOMAS Editor Proprietor- With Ifalice toward none; - If ilh Charity for aR. 41.50 VBR JSXUX, ImJJmn. VOIXIXif:ii:?4y r . , - . LOUISBURG, N. C, MAY 3d, 1890. NO. 18. ESTABLISHED .f 1 8 it.: A LOOJttINU POWER ONEYeAR?, - ; Six Months, $1.50 vital interest "and 5 in which all I American citizens are interested. There is a. 'medium' eround. torn be perpetuated? It has bid iU day. It should be relegated to the Umbo of other incongrubies and absurd- To clubs of five The -Mjillvf)e;fur- Dished : at , $1.4 per annum. gUrm , It ulncd the Prospect.. The Farmers' Alliance la at- however, here, and he should be ities that have given way before a bet jkraqting more atientton now f rom careful that in trying to undo ter civilization. WasXitgUm W. ,' ; the politicians of both parties " J ; J fTi?8 ,01f e Pasl k, r - . ; c he does not go to the other ex- luaH omer organization ; in treme and do that very thing the this country, and the; reason is doing of which bv other-i is his i inaii xne yuiiance is : Decommg a j wmpiami now. wn. orar. ' factory in politics, at present, of unknown quantity, but sufficient ly potent to command attention. j. ne Alliance;. is. or .Texas origiru It was not contemplated in. the organization that it would ; enter Chained to the Floor Fifty 1'ears What is the matter here?' demand ed a white man, who, turning from the roadside, confronted an old negro who appeared to be dragging his wife, with exeat Tioicuce. inrouu me wooaa. . ? -Jea ride on, &Uv nn'-'ten .ter yo - We have just received infiaroalioa that the lifa of ad of the. mmt rpmarln. ble men that ever lived in If orth Carol 0wn. b8iQes3. 3'ou please," the negro i:na lertnmaiea a rew usrys aso at Ins the.political arena any further me aboilt ve miles north of Trinity i" i i, " - , J , , College; ' :.-:..! , ---.:- . " than that. the. members would VQ n X? ; u? PP0.1)0? office those men who j is Jay Hill, aLd at the time of his death took the most interest in tbe far- he was nearlv 70 yeariof age. lie has Imjjan would bV most apt tons been an idiot from: birth, but .since iu- their influence m whatever posi- ny haa paseessed pltysical strength to tion they might be called to re- a rare deee wa3 well.formed in lieve the distress of I the farmer 11 Ptr with -he; exception of nia head wbicu was to ; exti-emel y ill Cleveland' Ueply. A Sermon la Five Line TO AW ALLIANCE MAN'S REQUEST FOB Alt EXPRESSION OF 1113 VIEWS. Stecdexville, Ohio, My 11 A few weeks ago J. A. Hill, corresponding secretary of Oak Grove Lodge, No, 22, Farmers Alliance, near this city, wrol o ex-President Clerelam', incloslug a copy of the declaration of !iutToc of the Alliance, and asVlng for Mr. Cleve land's views thereon. "- Mr." Cleveland's reply was: J. A., Hilt, Corre"pomling Secretary: Dear Si u I liav received yur letter, accoauuied by a copy of the declaration o principles of tho Farmers Alliance I see nothing in thi declaration tliat cannot be" fully endorsed by any man wli roves Lis country, wLo lil cve tlwt tlit object of our government thoald be the freedom, prosperity, sod lyippi- BT MORttIS WAITS. Absolutely Pure- TUis powde. n ?ver varies. A mar Tel of purity, strength j and wholesomenets. More economical than the ordinary krnds and cannot be soldi a. competition -with the multitude of low:" test, -v short : weight.!!. and redress his grievances by the i A C? j heqeseay legislation, when legis end. ;"' ' ; ' : : - f,This asnatura!'and is -just what every other industry in the country-has been doing for years ana is still doing. There -is ; no inst cause for complaint in this against the farmers, whether they shaped as to give him more the appear auce of a btkist ilian a "man. ; : Vhen but a child be was. often o vio lent that it was, necessary to chaiu him to the nJor. Notwithstanding th's un- replied. For goodness eake save mo sahl the woman pleadal. ' .. ,. " uIIold on 1" demanded the white man. "What are yon going to do with that woman V. ?Di3 yere lady am my wife, sah, nn you what are you going to do with herT jU8llC0 aud Jkirness to all are .necessary "Gwiue do de only thing dat's leT tcr conditions to I t useful administration. be done under the circumstances, sah. . It has always seetnod to roe that the whof ti,at?" " fanners of the country especially vvnaisinair . , interested hi the equitable adiustmfat "We'aa trtvlno rlftom euro lf n Wnfr . . ...... m i. J-n- i an'-jump off." MVhat for?' W'y, salt, I owes er man fi dollars natural existence he grew and strength- au' c 8.wa" h ler kiU bof. ened day by'day until his chain was not f 1 doa W U sufficient to hold him, and two or three n? c.hanco fur ro.e W il times he broke Jooso and fled to the woods. . During his brief liberty he was as violent as a tircr. and it was difficult ! alum or phosphate jbowdera. SOlp oxuM bilQng to the Alliance or whether I to recaDture and return him to hia Dlace Koyai. Bak.1 so Powdsb Cov 606 Wall 8i. K. Y. TO SCHOOL TEACHERS. J The kuDerinfenient of Pnblic schools of Franklin county, will; be in Louis burg on the 8ecoud Thursday of Febru ary, April,' July; t peniperl October' and December, and remain for thre.4 days if necessary, for -the purpQ?e of examin ing appliiAtits to teach in - the ; ' Public Schools of this county. I will : " also be in Jmisburg on Saturday of t eaclr week& and all pabiio;ny.i;.to-vatjtemlS'io'.kny.; busiuess connected, wltli my othco. N. Harris, Supt. they don t, for it is as much their j of confinement.-. He was fastened wjth right to look after their interests I strongei bonds; .and with the exception in nr nn t nf thhallH nf thftStftfo 1 ofaTew days ' he remained chained .to oVit ia f 0 rfW innaW I the f.xv in lUn same room and it is rather a cause of con- ..-..... . ' ' .... - . " , gratulatjon than of deprecation for about' fifty years. - ': : . i . -' ":. i" He had an insatiate desire for tearing 'to pieces anything that he could get, an ez I knows Vat man well euough to know dat he gwine ter ker his word, w'y I has come tcr de 'elusion dat de bes thins: lef fur us is ter kill eurse'Is an' be done wid de strife o' do flesh, .sah."i .. . T ... ' Bni your wife doesnt want to' die." I reckon atter all it is fur de bes', mister," said the woman. "1 hil' back jes now, but I won't hoi' back no mo'. the? have shown to that question. U;e case with wh th they hare ben.' Jed away from a sober consider tdion of Uscir needs and the r rights, as related to this subject, have exuted my surprise. . " Btrnggle as they may, . our farmers must coutinue to be pure Lasers and cousnmers of numberless things en hanced In cost by tariff regulation. Surely they have the right to say that this cost f hall not -be Increased Kr the purpose of collecting unnecessary rere- une. or to give unaue aa"antago to uo mes.ic manufacturers. The plea that our intvnt industries need the iroteclion which thus hnpoverishea tlie farmes and consumer, is In view of our uaioral ad vantages, and U.e skill and ingenuity of our people, a ImjIIow pretext. Riruzleas thev ma v. our farmers that the farmers of the country Rnd at t:nlC3 it wa3 hnpossiblc to' keep 3H.?ione D fi, j.emawne: Otfioe 'a doors store, ailjoiuing ; elow Furman's Kills. . drug Dr. O. L. XiiiV . 1 WILDER. - rpuos. B. JL ':A1TT6RNETJlf2LA W LOTJISBURO, V. C are takias rnoie interest in the politics ol tne country, and T in t lie men who are elected to office than they hav5 heretofore been ia the habit of doing. ". Had the farmers of the coun try twentyifivevTearsragb given more auenrian to , poiiucs man they did, this country would ot VM ravenously aS a lion and could driak, have been subjected to the dorn- J w.ihbut the sliihtest pain. boiUngcoflee. ination of the; set of political tricksters and mountebanks who for all that time-and; a little Ion him clothed. " Flax was spun into coarse, strong threads and woven, into cloth which was doubled and quilted and made iato garments for him, but. with his teeth and talon like fingers he tore them into threads, I , , ' - Ho has beeu known to tear to pieces a solid stick of hickory wood with uotb- 1U ate Come on, Dave, an' we 11 jump right cannot escape the conditions which fix aquae' offen de bluff.'aa' deu w'en- dat the price of what they produca and sell, man comes roan 'ter kill us, jes' becaxe jeeordiug to die rates which prevail to ,A ,- i . foyeign markei.a, flooded with tbe coaiiio- weam'tperparaltopay Jam, his heart, c.triej rujoyiug .freer cx- ef he got one gwine smite him hip an change of trade th m we are. The plau thigh; an w'en he lif up his eyes in de J sible presentation of tho blessing of a torment ansee us w'arin' de crown he rae market houkl not deceive oor v J.Aa.iwI Anrt lrtin. il'AftanAri Bfftil,I Lift gvvine beg us mightly fer jes ono sup Th r U9 ing but his teeth and nngers-. Office on Mailt street,- phja doorjielow ' er liad 4h'Hheoriziug and whjle.iwingsodrivjng jhe: far mer, to ruin and heaping burdens upon the " people : such; as were outen de gou'd dat'a filled wid de cooM them which docs n tfcke its iuairuc- f"ar watir o da ternal life, nn' den we I lions from the seaboard: and the sea- hatter tell him dat de heabenly laws rd transmU the wonlbf thaTurciia dain'low uslo 'socLitowldhaUnoau' m1r, mr convicUoo that there sore Come on, Dave." ahould be a mod. flea lion of our . tariff He was very dangerous, Oa sevenxl " - f . -u . . gi m. of occasions different members of in fami- T ZlZr consumers, comirising our farmers: our ly narrowly escaped beinj killed by him". ait a minute I exc Ulmcd another ouf WPrTao?Tnll, be- Ona-evMiii a sister started to snodt of white man, suddenly makiug h appear- the r condion has led me to o- - n CJ " . . m m m . . a . & I . T W ance. "l nave been waicniug mis per- test against me pmeni impoMuou, a fornuncc" ni csiec ally glad to aee these scctioos -,r, k .,.... ,A ., , , of my fellow-countrymeu aroasing Uiem- -at right you got tcr spy round lQ he of unffrtfurm. yerer" tne uegro asiceu. It takes so Lttle to ro&ke a chi d hap py that It Is a pity, m a world fl f sunshine and pUsmnt thinj that there rhoukl be aoy wiatTul tied, empty hands or lonely young bcarU." . I fnuntl these wends in an oU newa pnpr tlie other diy. Tliey were beaded A Sermon In Five tintst and they came to me with a3 the force of a perso nal appeal.'. Kt . takes so little to make a ctuU happy.- How many time I had seen the most trivial incident Ui mj own lit Me boy Into the very ecstacy of happi ness. How flea would some simple g'dl or a song or a story chase the tears from bis eyes and tnic the bright smile to ha face. And yet, I thoojht with a pan? of regret, bow many times I hail chUeJ bun Detsllewly; bow many ilmca I had refoacd to exert myself at all for his sake. That very c'ht be had gone to bed with a heavy heart be cause I wouU not romp with bim. 1 was too tired, 1 sail. I stepped Into the boys room btfor I went to bed that night, and a&lg my hand over bia Caxeo Lair as be lay asleep, I resolved that to the future I would be a better fhthtr to bim, "It Is a pity that then sliooJd be any wistful empty hands or I ely youn hearts," I thoaght,a 1 dropped asleep. El COKaUMlTION LNCU1LABLE Bead the follo-iog: Mr C.H. Mor ris. Newark, Ark., says: Wa down with aUcets of long, and frlenas and phjshUaScouoonci me an Incurable cuusamptlv. Megan taking Dr. Kind's Kew DUcorery tor Consumption, am now on my third boulr. aud able to ovcre n wwk on uiy farm. It is the finest medicie ever made.M Jexse Middlowart, Decstor, OM say: "Had It not been for Dr. E.laj' 'ew Discovery for Cooumptku I would have died f long UwuMea, Wai civen un br doctors. Am now In tlie Ut of htalth." Try lu S-in. V JUruxiuaa Jr'a Drugstore. Wasteful AdrcrtUlnff. pi vriml nat'j mere Lac Is loo;. a abacdotied tha dnclar and rtirr srJpe mthtt1a of a-Jrertialrg. Tor th amount of tArd cash U talea to &urly circulate S.CCO hand tills yoa can iac an aiuctive ad. in a mnaVi a&d well ckruUied newipapcr In a way to briu; many time the returns that caa pnMiUy come from C cler sod cctxly obaolete metliods ot aanocsceiuent. I'ecpZe toy a tea ipcr to rted It; thy c!o not buy rf want lb cutler, and Utj fan x rt4 VL et oo perVoo in ten evc j;Sra at Ova doitr thai Is thnut in has haod at the strwi corcer before lie cora!rn U to tha rat ter. lit only cwanrcu to receive ft at ail out of irm;Alhj foe ths poor ftiiow who it mais; more or lets Loct erTort to jtt rl ri La armful of UP. aol the ooe FciVw to Un who does lock at the duller Crtt sweeps l! boritoa with hla weather eye to see that m ccs nbaerves hiot rtr.J.r; lie iZjlJ t An auxxMincetuetit read to thU wajor coi at all ba t trxuf to sUrUe any cos by tbe tuasuitud of the retoru. . - BUCK1 is a A 1LMC A SALVE The best sure to tL world for tali, bridges, seres, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped kaad, e'l.lh'.aiot, corns and all skin ervptloea as J pos'.tirely ctxr pUcs, or bo par rsquuvd. ft Is roaracioed to Kirs pefevt sstlaraetloti, or moosy rt.'-ad- ctLllKS 2-1 cents per boa ' For sals by J. B. CiiAoc Flnt phjticUa Did okl Coc poo's case rVrki toyoor treatment? Second rhrvkUo It dkl I trrsUd it alx roocUis and It yWlded tocnf.h'i. Lie II, CC0. TLoe, . rerssos advanced lo years fesl ydnser and stroc jer, as tU as freer frwea ths InSrmitks of s js. by UkfujDr.J. IL McLeaa's Barsipsr- rtaa. . By snd by BoSato B21 taka Lis TYiLi West show to ths wi j west. It wi:i be a novelty there. Boston Trar e'tr, . To allay pains, rcbdes tofiar.matoQ, hal tul srss and e'eers ths most prompt and aalUiaciury reavts ar obuioeJ by dV.i. j that eld rt'UUs remedy. Dr. J. II. XIcLcca'a 7o!caLia O'd UalmenL the door. r Sh'e "passed too near him and i he sprang at her with great force knock ing her through the open door into tho yard, so badly injuring her that it was JJU. W. II. NICHOLSON, PUACTieiXQ PHYSICIAN, LOUISBtntG,; N." C ': Office opposite Fgle Hotel. never heaped upon any" people J rot thought iossible for her to live. , on the face of tho earth; ' The writer bas often at eventide heard In the 'West to-day tKnre i8 his demoniac yells when; more Uian a . , . j mile distant. - . . V" VVOvldea for him before his onS;l, vu JU;,,j death, leaving property enough to main- Ueul I liTa thrrtnerh nit fhpfte1 IWUA (Si 'V a. waava mw hu. E. 3 Office in Jhe Cburt House: ' Y. GULLiY, W. T1MB A TTORNET-A T-LA W, 44 Well, I heard an old man say that he gave you fivedollars yesterday to keep you from jumping off the bluff. Dar it go,' dar it gy said the old negro, striking tlie ground with his hat. 4Man faun't gago in er little boa'd o trade b'zness wklout some jealous pus- son come er Ions 'stroym' de whole pros .- Doan stay m ue wh.te pussou. - Arkansaw Traveler. - hnportar Yours very truly. G rover Cleveland. Uucomiortuble I'ooplc. of whom' are so heavily in that there is no earthly prospect years.: It stipulated m the will that I cj0me on, Jule. pt;ti0yVr.3iiig able to -pay he Should not be taken to an asylum J presence o' dat oncry o it. : The majority of the' farms j and that he should be kept on the o'-d alir.frlol witli wnrbiiws tLTu 1 homestead. Greensboro A orth Mate.. f'; ( arJ i practically: owned by) the money ijenaers 01 iae east anu 01 Europe, whose rates j of interest A ; The observations of the Fhiladeipii'a 4'lou't Kiss tuo ltiblo." Wo all knew them; they are to every commuuily, in every chuich, to maoy famdiea. They are alwaj-s uncoruf.Tt ble kbcmsdvea, and they iuCct discom fort on ever body else. A real aggres. siveand well-developed specimen will ovtf-iliadnw a locality like a banyan- tree, yieldmg the whole year through all A New Farmer cure. "n7iAZt rv These ixp!. supply an ample people- of Cabarrus of r.lcikm; uiey um- out tne ia- ness in a large or small circle; they sow The rule of throe A yard uLk. 11EB1T WINS "We desire to say to or cltfxense that Tor Tears ws have beeu selibg Dr. King s Ne Discovery far coo umiUon, Dr. Kins's New Lifm Pills. Hack Jen s Armcs Oaive ana xecuic Bitters, snd havo neer batnllsd rem kiii tl-st sell as well, or that have given uch universal sattfcilon. W Wn nnt l ealuts In rnarsotss tien ev ery time, and we stand rsady to rt- luna me purcuawe .-, j resulu do not f-llow therm. The e n-ra dies bare won the-r srtl ppJ- larity purely on their men. U. Funnan, Jr. lrun'L Will tos affr whh drtpjia ssd nr tr " eoroplalatr bhilok a ViiaUarr U guaranteed to ears Ts. Yt mU at Far- TW rsa Hadaaa's UrVs Killer Is ta mm! wa4rfal cia, U bemtm It kas aeree fallc4 ta aay ta ua,a tastier aat it duu, ifm txr aotrta tss aair:ft dita kaswm n Us Tas srtesuls ss sf to47 tUlm as4 frays taat svtry dUas Is CAUSED BY MICROBES, - RAOAH'S MICROBE KILLER FUUrsiIsatea Us VUrsVts ssd dHvts Iheta sst st the "Kir, s4 wtca) thai U !'s ys eaaa bav as ak ar pat. ' lUr ku ih 4mtmt wkulbt aitolt ! Halaria r'teef r s eKi. Uoa of la, we ear tWa all at U mim tiis, as ws treat sU iLksms I easlitaliaaZlt. . The Alliance county seem inclined to give np some- ATTORNET-A T-LA W F. 'isi'.i- are from : seven " to : twelve per Inquirer to this eftect, uDou't L.iss tbe what the ordinary public of eods of d scord, not only in the fellow AonV - TfltpV whiVh nri farmpr ran Bible,' which we reproduce elsewhere, bate and discussion, and are turning at-1 ground, but by the wayside, and are fol- FRANKJhrNTON, N. C. can pay from, the -proceeds of his and . liarm fot any length ot time : attended 1 keep hisihead abovef water. All legale business; promptly- attendul j keep his '2 to. ; .K-iMA-M r-i -,n jrnA vet the farmers of the West- F. SPBUItL, ; erh States who are how so just- -s s ' t i t f 1 .'LI'J'iy? tiixeriy complaining ana DrdtestiriK-against the discrimi meets"'with1 the : Post'? hearty concur- tenUon to farm practical rence,'aud Judge Arnold, of the same recommerd the following measures : city, who seems to have suggested the 5j The inaease of pastures suCldent new reform; is entitled to the gratitude to raise and support stock enough to of the Christian world: 1 ' r : - supply tho wants of the fatnily as far as It is singular 'that a practice so absurd thay can -be supplied through stock, unmeaning, if not positively trrev miprovement of Uieir tbe t, should not have been protested fi t Cori8ideratlon ia all their plain, e matters, and iowea uy aiunaani iuittcsw m me inat are sown wiin joy out tenim wiuj tears. " : Ills WIfoSuflerd rroni Eryalp eloj. - and erent Mr. John O. Rogers, of Dana, Illinois, writes as follows under date of March I' -ATTORtfErT-te been ont of existence long ago. by ai eniignt- pecially m regard to the working or lauos 1890: -My wife was for years an a .adventure .0 M.rf: -'F -..rt .: rmajrcmng up xo me. Danoc - dox j puuiv' . , v. j 7 - , i invanu irora a oioou irouoic, ua auu- i cjjjj'g c v.oTTrRnrrRo. w. ri. - . vear after vear with a' blind had some force in daricer age, ana to c. in regru w T tCt.-u o . icry at timcs from Erysipelas, eara for eaurrb. .: ri rV X? -"I tltiiailon iria casting their votes' souie'uBtutorecl minds it may still pos- .if - ow-'f LiitT She tried man v remedies advertised as .Wm, attena- ther Courl ot anitun, .ft flIld fop 18 which a sunerstitious savor of obligation. ?J ""irtr" 7, wi ,fw. Km rrerfsad m heneilL It U a Terr A tissue of ries -The bedclothes. Catarrh esred. Heal lb aed sweet brtata aeearcd. by SiuWt Catarrh lUrnf. frier 60 eanU. al Iojrwr traa. For sals st Funuan droc atrc. It's a wise chikl that fathers Its own knows. Shiloh's YlUlUer Is wkst yos seed for eitlipaUoo.!o of api!", diawaei and all TBiplom sf d;tppi- l"rW t sod 75 rtau fxr btU. r aaJs st t if mux' drtif stora. The old maids eyes are dimmed with the missed of years. 8hUVs eooiampllas ears la sold by sa an a ttsraaia. rr iuuj vh. For aalo at I nrmao'a dra atore. The mousa to his hols b safe beyocd tarrb Remedy a poaiUvs dlpibtrla sad eaakc' ran Federalnd- SupMmeucourte. -frompt 6n them higher and higher, rob- eubstance, a bingOhemof e-fruit-of 'their of triQn? wi s .1 ?- jrtOUISBTJRG, AU basi labors, and reducing them to a J -j system of vassalage, astyranical as it was aegraamg;' xnwy -uuye let other men do; their thinking for-them, have: 'let other men an 1 to many others a species whh sacred things that ill be-' tomes the solemnity of a court-room.. " .Those who understand the nature of an oath need no such moral, re-enforce ment.'. Those who. do not are but . . . . '.a t with that stocK au tne manure ue possi- &. Q of y. Trom the uiy chu, uiiu """" "V o- Inr,. tv hor cn renter sell any torage or cotton seeu. ;. but use them jointly for the bnprovo I eral health Improved to every way. She meut of the laud. . - considers S. S. 8 the best blood purtner 4. Wereobmmend that our mem-1 and tonic she ever saw, and ia willing for hers use the most practical economy in I any one suffering as she was to be re- slighUy influenced by it, and yet .the the use ot money, .ue especmiy caii ferrrf to ber. ."J1?" urcu ' -utAn' t .Kirch thla anrt-nf oscu- the attenuon oi our people w me pres- . A ll. .kAllAnAri . 'All 1 fc.WKWWv .v, . . P 1 . I proposition lation is not likely to meet with umver- sarconcurrence. - The reform will prob- j ably be slow of adoption. ' vhat is so not j -rr w-s i a v- nrra. . n n rvn a i v - ana lavTan u i i se in . uieijourx nonso. -au ousi-;-i pavo." vuuiuuoyx, . v,v. . ness'ur m my hands wuT receives prompt,; that was told them ffom the ros attentiim.;" i(.K5 k:. tram and the press, and then in- .-.. k - l i 43 v r-i .v-: nhnfintlv voted for the men' and v . Goldsborb. N C. f , Wilson, a! I urougnv .'rum upon tneiu. xy easuj uisiwigtw. , , : - . .. ' -.-..-l ntnn kna rv lit r 1 - T m... ha imnnoci I la . hfiWfiVW ii ' " . i ' l ! . . . ' i . r. T i i. i . n l. n . v. . . t .-a wvf a . s . . r. - i rna ... nTiTiTPRi vh H.nn - in uiu uh 1 m inirninm a rain rpnmnnii a mure ire- i una liihl we buju uuuux uiu,o vi- Y.uoui4.iSdHjrAiis iAixi!uo, - i "" vrr- .r .-.7- ""' , --. , , -, :. , , X.. v: ;n '-'-, "vk-L-. '-i'i-i-i tarift Rvstem whiCrv -ievied trio- I vmnnt rlianrr nf Ttihlfis: we do not mean r uns at once; uidJiijiy.;wioui im iAio iUUiuoiuuD cnange oi versions, mougn uere i .a.i- ;.-- y; 4 . -it . wpojCSfWI' haduy, ad made themhew- Btitutioa no and then of clean for dirty S cXothSg for 1 AnVilnirto" Cfflha" erS of wood'and drawers of . wa: ibU . tfe;rememBer aright there is relieve the present mmsmm i -ZttZ t (EMM - - - -j . . . r s . a?. - - - ' -jp . . - - r - 11 - i t i on noiiiir 1 1 1 1 ii.iifi iia- ; a u iv.rv3 o 1 VU1UV'1IW v V .: I ; - f . t - I Mar's tTnnh dfl I.nfi RfiPTfil. nn On 4 i. 1 u ; I 4-j - . " j -.j. f nntaola wnnH ha pimnch to throw a nas aiscoverea it tur u uu " ; patient trial and tribulation. ; It man or woman of ordinarily delicate sen is well that he can' fee withl a sibilities into an epileptic spasm. One clear i vision " and understand the d iy's promiacnous smacking is as much tnings wuicu . "b uiu uut. uuuci- i a3 any one uiDie anuuiu db suojecieu uf stand, and as-he undsrstands re solves to take a little more inter est in matters in which he has a sen foolish nurchasin-i of . sewing ma chines, buggies and expensive mnchio- his blood poisoned by cow itch. ery which they cannot use to advan- , About five years ago my blood was .J..aJ K.ftn poisoned with cow itch, and every 5. We recommend that more econo- ' my be usedin our . funerals, and that priuS inc8 ,lhen 1 bAV troubled each sub-Alliance make agreements for with the poison breaking out in large securing coffins .at reasonable prices, j a over my body. I tried various remedies without receiving any benefit. 6. We recommend that tbis Alii- . , , . , . ance discourage the present extravagant -7 eueewn compicio jiuucu recommend Lome- cure, wuen au otner dioou rcraeuies nan -omeusc,in order to failed. -rubious drain of the , rr HrxDERSO.K. and relieve the women or tbe , , T . . w. Treatise on blood and skin dis eases mailed free. SwitSpecifc Co., Atlanta, Gar nurse burden of farm labor, and allow more time for the education of the children. IjOUISBURQ, FRANKLIN CO., N. C. , When von are constipated, have headache, or loss of appetite, take Jjr. J. II. McLeau's Liver and Kidney fil lets; they are pleasant to take snd will cure you. , . 1 - -. ; Will attend thd courts of Nash, Frank- ':-, I'm Granvillevf Warren and Wake coun : ties; also, the sapreme court of !North Carolina, and j the TJ. S. Circuit and Dis quiet courts. ;:. ... . :' Around town Circleville, O. ane eveu that is suggestive of disease and disinfection. ' - But, seriously, why should this cus- Kleeplest nightt, made miserable by that terrible cooch. Bhiloh'a cure la the remedy for it. For aaleatForman'sdrog store. A startling headline bra'ns. FBEQUFjnxT aoc'.dents occur to the houehold which cao-e burns, cuta. sprains and bruises; for ns in soc! Caves IJT. ! lt ituiuu a u'tniiik. vj Lmimeu?. lame river which can cot and run. Tbal backing eoub eaa ba so eakkJr enrnl by Shllob'a care. Ws raraaUs If. For sals st Fonusa's dnj stars. . There are many wap of curing a corn, but the beat thing is a shoe-rest, Tti.Re. OeoJ lf.Tbiver. of Boorbt Ind-aav: lWia tajtlt and wife owe e-ar Uvea to Hhltoh'a Coaaaatptioa ears. For sale by Farmaa. . '" One swallow doesn't make a summer, but It may bring oa an early U1. If you uQer from any aftVeti.n esu'ed by Impure blood, -sach s serorub, salt rheum, srrs, boi'.a, pirn-: pies, tetter ringworm, take Dr. J. II. McLean's Bartspsriila. - . Of all narrow escapes a tm'.lo las the narrowetL ItgcUout by the skia of Its ectb. " If you have a palnfnl sense of fa tisue. find yuor duties irksome, uAe llrJ. II. Mclean's Srasnrir.s. It w'.ll .brace you up, make you strong and vigorous. . True I mor.ey. bot a pood deal of it Is about as valuable as coTeJcrate cur rency. Puck. - Yn cannot accororl-h any wvrk rr buU ess oileas you ft-cl will. If you feel used op tired ool taka Dr. J. If. McLean's. Sartapari'.lv. It will civs jou Lea!th, strength and viulity. - For weak lk. cleit r'n. and s Di. J.H. McUaa's Wonderful Hea lng plasle;. AUma CotxnmUm. Csfarrl. Br cttii, J:4 mutatis, XtJmij J Ldtrr U9 in ttH ttt forms, mmd, i fart, trrrj VMt4 pw 19 Ik iltrmtm jafam. Her art Trawiulnt JmmilstieAM f e that pit Trade-Uark (aaa iiiUtt) apoeajra ea cara jar. ?std (r Uk "U iU4rT 4 Ox UicreVe Killer.' fives sssy by Dr.J BCLIFrOX VnzzUUAgL LOUISBCBG.X.C. U.S.FURMAN, Agtnt, fraxxuxtox, v.c. ; N ew Goods Far Sprinj aaJ Staatr. FalHea, Arai area, r.kadaaaea. Carallata, Suraba, FriaUd isduusad CMaaa. DUCSRGOODa Vohalra, Cool rtearSeUaa, Brx ass svtry other variety of Ua&loaable Prsaa Goada. - THIM5IINGH. AppUae. Vftidfka aa4 FJft Tolata. Black, White aa4 Clora. tlala ss4 faaey SJk aad Vtlveta. Waah riIrIo and rx-tnt SciU aad Free k Zpfc r. CiaVaaM reaca aad AafWa nnea. LSaiite Laaaa aad Loaioa Fertaicav AVlilto Gootlsv A eAfarlr auortaat FVraideH aad Uv ileaaie4 aad Iddtuehd lUabroitk-red noaaciar a sa4 rs. cluaive iTla) (r Lad.ea a4 ekilirea TmI4 aad Lfcaatiiuked Uvaa. Ladle aiusllo Underwesur. refcbrmU4 W- HrBi- Lk wtiu tat k .ax aad all f- yf prrpi a a, la crUera f See dollar ad aver. KaJaplea Mat ea :.eaUa. ZS aad 111 FeyetterCle Ktreei. i

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