TTi4 Maltce totcard nene; Jfik Charity fur aft. LOXJISBUHq, N: C , JUNE 6, lQO. ESTAB LXSHLXSTJ ' ' I 870, OxbYeaiv;. n.50 :i.oo To clubsif five The , Tixeb wilt befur uished at $1.40 per annum, . ; " - ; In , Friekiships Rememliraiics OP TWO DISTINGUISHED SPECIMENS OP Jf atubeXjoblem EN, AN d' IL LUSTRIOUS SONS OF ; FRANKLIN county; capt. w. 'it. ballaud AND W. T. COLLIX?. ; Aetors on the stage of life ' For two-seftre rears ami mote." Now passed from earthly cares and strife a unam nu onss hi snore. tainedby one, ifi.otbath of the abnveTto their meroory,aud ever will, while naml parlies, the sentiment embodied .. recollection lastv nd good dee Is con-1 in the last line nf the faroW. versa tosma aumir toem. vL " . ' , -5 - Absolutely Pure. This powdernever varies. A marvel of purity, strength f and l: wholesomeueiss. Wore economical than the ordinary kinds, una caauot oe soldi m competition with the multitude of low test, short ; weight alum or phosphate powders. SOLD OXLY is cans. Royal Baki kg Powder Co r" .i w,- 606 Wall St. N. Y. TO SCHOdL TEACHERS. The Superintendeiitfof Pnbliej schools . of Fraukliu county, will be ; in "Louis' burg on the second" Thursday of; Febru ary, Amil, July, j Septeuiper" October and Deceinl)er,aod-remaiuibr tlire? tls if nocjtf sar fo.r tli purpose - of xnniiu ia at-pliuauis to teath " iu'the Public Sclioois of this coitfitv. IvWill J also be ia jmisburg ou Siturday of. -each week, ami all puiuiu uays, . to ; atuiM : to any busiuess couuected with my omce. -J. N.- Harris, Supt. Prreissioual Curdx I .11 J. EXAVOXE. Oili -e 2 floors below Furnian's drug li. O. L. Ellis. beyond, inor need we pve ourselves any great concern for ? the inability thereoo. ; SufHie for us, that we see di-1 rect o :r walk in life, that the c;h of the footfill of nur conduct be such ns to ! insure for us from th ise we leav behind a parting benediction of Ci '.en ihv kiul- est regard, si nilar in substance, and in lastin in its effect, as tlve spontaneous outpouring of love antl, godl will, that Lof-the whiperini pines, that- environ otoo Kn; - i i . i . i i. l r :-i iOwiwgto the peculiar tenets eii I er !?ri!L"tn!!I? wlw? leaving, aud still ngs the h.llowed precinct of Lis-childhood with equity in !i Udngt or in other A Phantom LyarJilni:. woras: -Ao renoer unto acar ine p A. frty encamped near JaennetU, Tex. nawage mat is n.- liui whicu la m witnessed a phantom lynching the other t j is irnpo sill as our f icultj of ex. night. Two men dreamed of aeclM men pression is inadequate to do justice to I strung up by a mob, and awaking related the subjects whose nw rtal rcnviins Lave I their experience. A they ditcaseed It, now found their, last resting place with-1 J?on .obaenricsr that the ground u j in the pcaccfat bosan of mothcr-eirll'. Trr7 damp, ptit oat IU hand and rubbed Tb'e first leath the twili Jit whi tlows " "ghUy over the ahort, coarae prairie easa, remarking as be did ao that itwaa the heavleat fall of dew he had ever acen. But as he raised his hand to the horror of NO. lO. TL Hatxl of i'rorldenee. Tbsbeit aaivc In XL world for cnM, The Atlanta ConstitnUoo rirea a tfr I Wctrs kU TfeuaH Uestory hlch we take occasion to use. "U? in which one can ahnouije Unhand ef tanf tKi:n. rlrmr r.u . .. thatmiitrtouslT0Tidaic which .uVla rt-lrtd. It Is caranLjed U ttra and guards our li roi. ' perfect aatKfACiioo, or mooej rtSuad- A mother andWrUbe wer aeaud - Sxm fi VCA Jf iu t fiu w luc nuironai goto; oat may bAconsklered bv some peraous of I A Ia concluding these U.ies as touching sliallow.Wnds and bigoted coucenUons "l101 n defense of their theology, ; and as sacrilegious,: inappropriate and mis- of a futureexistenca, we will for eading. But to those endowed with the !ICC a" t,me that inasmuch itcuHr of deewthoutrht and sound rca-1 as goes the nda e, A TTOR T-AT-LA Wy - LOUISjftJRO, N. C. Office on Main street, one door below niug, coupled with the benent that research aud investigation confers, we are sure thtre are none j who were fa vored with an intimate acquaintance. and were at all conversant wtih die! in ner make-up of the men, and their self s tcrificing devotion to principles, 'and the demands of humanity, who w.ll for a moment entertain such vain and delu ding fancies. But as that class of ier- souages constitute a very small minori ty when taken as a whole, and the oth ers are wcr ready to excommunicate from the hope of supposed future bliss all who fail to subscribe to their articles of Ctith; : and by them! are anathema tized as blighted souls, tit subjects only for a last and ruined world, We con sider it a sacred service to the memory of our departed friends aud their lying representatives, and a bound en duty due to Uie creative aud coulroiling pow er of all things to enter ' our pro test against the unjust aspersion. : ; , j That the deceased entertained peculiar views in regard to religion and a future existence, we admit. iAn l that they were entitled to their views and the free exercise of expressing their theories, we as readily acknowledge. ,Audthat thia whole subject, aftet saying all tl at . cn be sal!, either in defense or denial th ere of, w but-a mere inat er of- theo.y, that can never ciystalizo-iito a fact or pass beyond the. primitive stage oi beUtf in this world, we as steadfkst!y contei.d. 1 - But bein only a matter of theory, and incapable of subitantiative piocl h -xt , does uot to our mind iuvalklate ;'IIandsonie is tliat handaorn. docf," we cxisider it ageless, for any one to worry " themselves as to what extern their fitith may have lifluen ed their present state and cbadiiio;i. . For it is a clear case to us, that if there is a fu ture existence, and sUite of bliss, and man's rectitude of purpose and uusulliel walk while here plays any p;irt towai ds procuring for.hun a pa.ssprt to that Celestial home, then for acertaiuty when the immortal jartsofW. II. "Bal lard iand V. f. Collins vacated their earthly tabernacle here, upon the snar ing i-iuions t T equity they were . wafted to a land of pure delight, where with loved ones gone before, they now dwell amid the ElysLtu so-nes of Eden,' and with their loved ones will ever hence forth walk t!ie pri nroso patlu of peu-e. That the d. ceapcd were no ordinary mortals in no aS eptatiou of the term, ia a statement tliat will be verified by every oue who knew them. . And though d.csi nilar in fo ne respects, yet it they were alike. And especially so in their unswerving devotion t friends. nappy norac. nue mc latter iow sleeps lus last sleep: in the burying grooud f his father's at the old home stead, amid the sylvan scenes and soli tude of clissic'Saudy Creek. : Iu the demise of the latter the family tree became extinct, lie being the on ly child of hU parents, both of whom priccded him in !cath several ea s ago. 11 U loving wife also passed away a few j-ears ago aud without issue. Thus leaviug him of his family its sole survivor, disconsolate aud alone. And uow he, the lat shoot of a loug lino of - uonie ancestry is also gone. And o i. how sad it is to contemplate, that the persons and places tliat once knew him -o wen, wm Kno v him here no more forever. Billy Collius the genial aud geuerous peerless and pure-him of whom we can say withca r- fear of doubts or disputation, that in point of human perfection aud true nobility better man hath never lived. The oth er, the first named i.i chronological or der, though last in death, leaves a kind hearted, devoted and affectionate wife. aiid eight lovely and olxdicut chiklreu to mouru their irreparable loea. And though the loss 1 irreparable, yet may theclia-teuing hand of Providence that smote th. m, and whose shadow still I'm gers li the once bright and happy houseliold soou be removed. . And th .ugh the affliction that now v theirs the party, the light ot the fire showed It to be dripping with what looked most sick enlngly like blood. On Investigation this bloody dew was found thick and viscid all under the treo beneath which they aaL They broke camp and departed in basts. On looking back they saw three ghostly corpses dangling from the tree under which they had been camping. Return ing tho next day they discovered no trace of the spectres, but on talking with an old hunter learned that three man had been hanged on the tree for catUe-ateaX- lng away bock in the- fifties. uom I'huadeipuia. The woman isl ! nnr an open window hoiUng ber lab In her arms. It was leaphig aod ka;b-! p-f, and clipped Iu hands aa the train dashed on tarnrU rate of speed. Sod- deuly a shtrp curve wai rounded - the coach gave a lurch, , and out of the coa b went the baby out, out Into the ar.i s if d-th ! For weak Ukk. tUd iot, aai a til. J. II. McLfcau's Wootrfol Ilea loj fUite;. Tea bav I eard yrw friends and ceUhbMS l.lkw about If Tot tutf yocrtelf I one f i te iiMOy hi loow truiu r-rsooal txprioce Jvt how tood a U .u.g it Is. Ifynu ksTt eter tr;ed .1 300 are one uf Its iButlhat.Mcn'yM they thought Ki fZJJlHl about It I'.tbit whm oce f'rta m trill, I r. Kinj's New DKovrry sver It Drought Dovra the House and Spoiled the Sermon. -r, "During my boyhood, said a gentle man the other day, "there lived In Vir ginia a Zaptist' preacher earned B . Though uneducated, he was a sound thinker and eloquent speaker, and no minUter had a more devoted Cock. It was the custom durinxr the Inclement season to hold mceUngs st the residence of members, and once or twice during the -Winter at the house of the preacher. For many years it was observed that B neither preached nor conducted the meet ings when held at his house, but secured the services of some neighboring nlnbv - ter. - Ue was often pressed for an ex The extract xl n o.ber rushed to the door, r.i v o.ll hat e f rrunj from the plaif tnn, but the passengers restrained her; the bell rang, the engine pulled op. and a hundred men went la search of the baby, expecting to find only its mangled remains . on U road. But there, on a soft cushion of grass, U la v unhurt, and clappiuff It Lands still ! It was nothing short of a miracle. - IVrraps, a ben from that Cytxig train tlie baby f :lt to what seemed cms in, it was cau;bt in the armt of uu utveen angel aod claspal to a breast as leuier as its mother's. Who knows 1 afterward holds a place in the hoes. If you have iieer urd it sod sftouM be sfwtl 1th a coo?h, cU vr anj Uiroat lutig tr chest truab'.e, secure a boitls at ones and give it a tlr trUU It U guaranteed rvctr time er money refunded. Trial botUcs fxts at Fur naa's thug store Ihcre are about COO women ia Chi- ! cago o n sod ride lk.7cie. . MillT WINS Vte desire to sjy to cor cllix:xue that for cars ws 1 .are breo selling Falls City 'ib Ifavlft 19V lw. I cvery fwr roa I want another jug of Microbe liackleo's Anik mud 13ectric Killer. I hare used one jute and B1''. nl hare oeter Ui:lo.i ttfm- .f w- u j edes Uuit sell as well, or thai h4va must eav that my catarrh and irrm uch universal Musfik-o. Mm dyppepsia, of manj years stand- donot leiut u tmrant thm rv ,InI- incr has almost Hiaantvaw1 r I 7 Ume, ani we lUnd rssJy to n P-L ,.:.t.IV: :7::t r.lh.,rr,ifaataraciorr ation without success: but flnallv is reav ponse to the lmportunlUea of soens of his I just the opposite. My kid- flock, he said, 'When I was much young. I neys alto bothertd me a great appeuie, wuicn was to delicate, results do not follow their use. The-e rn dies hmxu woo their areat poro- and adhesive tenaikv to their own tier- s -nalcouvicUons. Traifa of character can. i.ever bo cntircly obliterated wh le uKhVA tive of celestial oriain. an that here 3 4 1 "nay.tlidr grief be ameliorated ever marks tie possessor as a being of b lhe fomfortfag ray ot hope, that the a superior order to the common herd Qf rau inouSnt aQU svVitty. I w. v w vwiuntt svis sa-s vie svua It was t.ur for!une to he fi.vor i-1 ith a c ose atquaiiiti.nce V ;iih ll4i do eau. aiid an i.oiiest cocvi thm and clear co -bcieuce prompts the declaration that .it is a vain and useless labor to attemp: to delineate or individualize their many virtu s, for they were legi m; suffl lent thereof it is to say, thas in all of our the possibility of its b icoming a fact hereafter. But be that as it may, there vast experience, with the varied types is u . us no accredited reason, e ther of hum ni t-, we liave feldom met' the,.r natural or. imparted by rt velalio.i, to equals, aiid iiever their sup. rio.s in tie is not to be eternal in the ul tess of time, -and dispensation o.'his jloisjre He w.ll reunite them ail gaiu m a brigliter nud happier bomCnO h;gh. Xow liaviiii o the best of our ab lit v indited the fore;o;ii line as a feelins tribute to the menvwy of our uepnrtou ft iends, and an tamest effort in dotnse of their ophiion a-aii)Mt tho ojlojuy and criticism of perhaps we'l nieauaig. er than now In fact, not long after th commencement of my mlnlstraUons, I held a meeting at my own house. It be ing customary for many ot the congrega tion to remain for dinner, Mrs. B sent our negro boy Tim, to neighbor Paul's for some butter. Tim returned and located himself, standing on one foot at a time In the outskirts of the congrega tion. ' Being well warmed up In my ser mon, thinking nelthrrof Tim nor his err&hd, bnVonly of the most suooesaful mode of pressing upon my hearers one of my strongest arguments, . I demanded with all the energy la my power: "And deal, but they do not now. I be lieve Microbe Killer is the great -i est medicine in the world. You may use my testimony and wel come, if it will do any good. . Yourt truly, IF. E. EatSBOET. For tale by Dr. J. B. Clifton. Tightcea tons of stcl djA;.pcar year ly n ti tingle system ot the Ijoodon Ki.d N rth western Bailwsy through wrer ami rust. t what did Pul --r xi .w 1 'IH fl,r IJ dypPI d tlv W. ... 1 1 "yT i Tlm' at P of Ur eoai Islat? Khlloh's VlesJiwr U guaraUed to ears yes. tt sale at Far Furaian, Jr. lru.cit. Dime musearu freaks, are itoi torn, but made. unlike poets, 4 li. W. IL JilCUOION, Pit ACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUIS BURG, N. C. Office opposite Eagle Hotel. a A TTORKE T-A T-LA W, ..LOfJISBURG, N. C. - Office m the Court Huse. " N. Y.GULLEY, A TTORKE T-A T-LA IT, - x: - ; - - -. FBaNKLINTON, n. c. All legal business promptly attended to. F. F. SPltOlLL, ; A TTORKE Y-A T-LA Wt . f . - . jusiuy us in ci nsunng or couuemuiug any one for n mere matter of tiiith as to what oar future is, or U not to be. Man appears upon ei rth and remain for a ri-;i t easoEt : nd then passes awy, but from whence he comes, or to where he goes we' k ow not. Therefore to elucidate the matter iiiccofclanv e with . ... the reason and underJtauuiag that t bestowed upon us by naturli and" en larged and 1 by the teachings of bscrvati) i aud txperience, we sab scribe to t te atf f though indefinite and noncominital conclusion : That .there m iy be for man a future existence beyond the grave; and then there may not. Bu: even x tliat there is. how a lack of faith in certaii tenets and conditions thereto, and disbelief in the convention al worshi j of we know .not . what, is to debar or depi ie the individual of a par ticipation ui the b auti s and blessings of life btyonl the grave Of ibere be such conditio .) is passing strange tous, when both .. reason .and" even revelation ' as taught by the Bible Itself, "pLiinly pro claims,- that all mental, moral andj?hys- inany trails and c araclerlls that are rt-quLslte to constitute our ideal of a no ble manhood, " or upon whom naiure had exceeded in its bet towal of the di vine iuflatus. Therefore it would be wanto.i blasphemy in us to t tribute to the creati.e aud controlling d ity, tho Sweet Home. N. C. m piety iu suH Hug that the immortal par s of our dec. dent, friend laa, or shall tiil to be the recipents of celestial favor ..But suc'i is not our supposition, or any art of it. But in the ; stead thereof, it is thi-: At the last day -The general judgment - the grand assize, (to though blinded zealots, we will bring this to a close. And while awaiting i ur turn in the tide of human events, iliat will alo transu rl tlia' which is immortal of us into Uiat great hereafter, we I id Uieni en h farewell Xow relestiul light yonr Spirit's greet, j5eTod life's troubled wares, Jay the fl iwert be brig it, aud their fra grance sjreet, That hlbm aHov your grs e. A.S.F. Mav 27th. 1800. his utile squeaking raice, exclaimed as Tim only could have done: 'lis thed you couldn't get any butter till you paid for" what you gotT It brought down the house and cut short one of thefinest efforts of my early ministry. Since then I have kept my preaching disconnected with my do roojtie oflalra 1 , r Ulcerated sorts 'I'tiroat. Two years ago I had ulcerated sore throat, and was so weakened and reduced m-neshothat my use the expressions) ;wheu all , souls friends thought it impossible for shall appear at the bar of eternal justice me to recover. I was . attended to receive their final reward, then the by the very best physicians, but j immortal parts of our friends with the their endeavors to relieve me not war? 1 1 A 1 A ntvnna 'V,! i-1 r Vvr )rkV.ll a . a . lKl . ... a,ou u, uu m iC .mu.a-.pre ,., mother Beemz mint- of justification, t AnJ with na ture's perfected, and with fVieuds re-uui- led, will share ia the edict univei-sal: "Look unto uie and be ye saved a.l the eLds cf tlie tarih.V Swifts Specific (S. S.S.) so high ly recommended, decided to give A a . - a l mi a course of it, and alter taking the first bottle I was great ly relieved, and after taking sev- ; LomsBURGi 1 And when Xliat shall have been ac complished, and earth aud its existence eral bottles I waa entirely cured. is no niorv, then it is that we all shall I navQ not had any sign. of the ical powers. and possibiutiea emanates inhabit that house not made by hands, r,,tnrn nf thR Hi'rpahS ainpp ri "' A-..f I i .1. tr . - . . .1 r om tne creauve oeuy,j uieiiyuuiaui 1 eieium iu luo ijwtveuo. . i . Clift. Bloxtov Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance. Granviljje, Warren Nassli, and Fcleral and Suprein? (C jurteJl Prompt - attention given ko lloctiO-ise7 'f jj B; AIASSENBUliG; A TTORKET-A T-LA W LOUIBBU i head Hfrom whence proceed all things, AadTf true, . (which it doubtless. is) ; li seems unreasonable to us to suppose that any power, either human or -divine, even if actuated ony .by a simple sense of justice t(entirely rhdependeut; oi all When with the permit of Is. aePs I God, ." ' : -' " And the guiding light of his love. We will" wander through Eden's flow ery tields, - , , . And iis bright arcadi in groves. That this was the kind of faith they j motives of mercy) should disqualify aud j subscribed to in admitting the possibili- Williamsburg, Va. - : .. ; THE GRANDE 8T BE EVE 3 SAW. Mr.- W. A. Colman, a promi- inent citizen of Gainesville, Fla., writes the following under, date disiuherit its creatures for the mechaui- ty of a future existence is our uuder- wt f.VUm Y ' - BURG, N. C. ' ; " - ' cal execution of an omnipotent decree Now we could continue to reason on siandiug, which is also, in accord with our own. Therefore iu sorrowing over Office in, the1 Court House. All bust- Qe scripture iudefiuite- the loss of departed friends the l nan- iiess - put in my .hamls will receive prompt atteuti-n." A A COCKE & DANIELS, f; Goldsbora' 4 G:i0L C. C. D NIELS,'" WilsonVN'G YCOCKE & DANIES & DANIELS, ! ATTOrey&-AT-LAW, operation here, the sub. ' '?l;-f?: u 'T-fHrS, : -:. the inhabitants of j. this t Wilson,' n. c. :. .;" ?-' :y as i It everTias and will, al Any- business entrusted , to ua will be promptly atteucled to.' a severe case of contagious blood poison that gave me a great deal of trouble, and baffled the physi- cy of our grief is soraewhatlleviated by cians of this place. I was final- the ray of hope that is engendered there- jy advised to try Swift's Specific by. And though it be but a mere hope, , g g d. t; ca gav with and insusceptible of auy positive proof, -f nUtk.nrn )lflt fo ut1 yet for the little comfort it brings, let 6. .. ' , T us hope on and hope ever, that the "l " J 7 . 't L t faint, flickering light that cow crsts its! nave no hesitancy in saying that dissoluUon of spirit and boly ends their rays but di uly, may at least had to b.'. b.ns the grandest ' blood oppration here, the subject of futurity to J and be i living reality, - when the time j medicine 1 - ever saw, and can r world ? remains shall have come lor us all to cross that cneeriuny recommend n - to . . . S .1 - I a mere matter of borderland, from whence there Is no re- any one sunering as i was. - . - i m a " w x j az lv; o tiustain us. bat it would be - but a I mere waste of time and prove , nothing. for a theory it is, and will continue to be until merged into a fact by the pro cess of death. ...AC change of conditiou. The solution of which is accomplished onlv bv Derso tal experience. - And as a rv M. COOKE, ATTY and COUNSELOR ail LAW LOUISBURG, FRANKLIN CO. If. C. WU1 attend thl coajecture, a problem upoa which all creation can form and express i an opmiouTbut to which no mortal man can ever qualify or prove. ' 1 - But-be that, as it may," it mjrtfers nof. For inasmuch; : as . lhe .-Lyeopard turn. ; A ; 1 ' - In concluding this testimony of our attachment to the deceased while living, 1 and a continuation of its exi-tence since dead, i we , dischiim any kuowle 'ge of relationship to either save that which Treatise on blood and skin die- eases mailed free. Swift Specifc Co., Atlanta, Ga. A Remarkable Care. " Sam Tyack, tho enterprising lessee ot the Syndicate, broke Into a natural cave in a mine in Mono County, California somo few dsys ago, about two hundred feet from the surface and discovered many things of Interest to the student of archeology. The miners were patting in a hole when the drill suddenly disappear ed much to their astonishment. A couple ot holes ot less depth was then drilled and fired, which made an aperture through which the men entered a chamb er about forty feet square and quite as high, the sides and roof of which were chalcedony bulged out In all kinds of grotesque snd fantastic shapes. Sammy entered first and swinging his candle around caught sight of a score of objects that startled him. 'Come In, boys!" he exclaimed. " Here's a bloody anatomical museum." They crawled In and partici pated la Sam's astonishment, for which there was ample cause, as the Interior of the cave Cashed with the iridescence of a million colored gems. It seems so Sam says as If all the glittering stars In the firmament had come down to hold high carnival and flash - themselves through leases ot vari gated hues. Exploring far. ther they found still mors cause for won. der. Petrifactions of animals, birds and reptiles abounded. Ther were great owls and monstrous bats, and several snakes as hideous ss If endowed with life, as they were many, many years ago be fore Bodfe Bluff was created, and when the present site of Mono's metropolis was closely potted with the thermal springs, from tho accretions of which millions oi dollars In bullion have been given to the commercial world., air. Tyack has re moved several of these petrifactions In . perfect form, intending to forward them to Professor Irelon, Chief of ths State mining bureau, who will highly appreciate them. The few who have been permitted to view this interesting chamber of anti quities were almost benumbed with as tonishment. Hank XUanchard remarked that It recalled ths time when Ood was molding the earth to Its present spherical form, cycles of ages before Cain belted the stufflng out of Abel with a baseball club. As this. is Hank's second time on earth, he has a right to refer to such things. mii'i drag stor.' Even a hen that mWs a eoupia of i Ik kens U net u h a beauUiully true picture of flurry aud worry as a woman ! lot-ung "or her g ov t when lbs i i ther wise r.ady to go out. . fa arrh cur-d, fceaUfc ard sweet fcretfc secured, by ShiloL's Catarrh Rasdy. i-rice &u cents, ssal jajcrtor Irss. or sale si i'smaa's drag store. . A Georgia editor offers a free mar riage hreLse as a premium for ten sub scriber. He sajs that be Intended to use the 11 cte hmself, but "thought better of it.n Shiloh'a Yitilisrr Is what yea seed for eonstlpatioa, low f appetite, disaiaa aad all symptoms ef dyspps s. Priee tl sad 75 ecaU per bottle. i'r sals at 'ar mu i drag stor. Love is the loadstone of life. Smiles. cheerii s words, and rwlpful deeds are lhe sunshine of our du). To allay pain, subdus kCaamatctt I esl foul sore and ulcers th ruo-. (romnt and satlafattory ro:ts are otlaiued ly o-n-f tlat old reUMs reme-ly. Dr. J. II. HcLean'a V olcauia Oil JJolmenL - v ' s TW raa Hadasa's klkrwhe KUUr la ta t wvadrrtal adl ciae, la bcia it has vrr failed la asy ts ibt,t atir what Ut diavaae, I ita LZT iurte ike aia-plf disase kaewa to tse hataas eystta. Thastatis msf taday rial a aad pray that crvry d. tease is CAUSED BY MICROBES, JLXD ' RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER Eitenaiaalea the Vlcrbe aad drives tketweatef the aTstear. sad wheathatls dae y eanaot bare aa ache ar pais. Vm matter what iHe a, whether a simple e ef Sfalaria 'e-tr or a eoM atoa of diaeasea, we rare lba ail at the same timr, as we Ural ail dlaeaacs lUtatioaally.' jfaOattf, CumtwrniJiom. CatfrrL. Br ckiti. likmamatUm, k'idmry and Lirrr XAareae, tsia and i txtr rmo Trornb- Shilnh's eontsmptloa cars la sold by as I lea, ia all it$ form$. end, ia fait, retry r a a ru'"tf It earn swaaampuaa. iMUtau iwowa to tie llmm, afraa. tor sale at Formaa s drat store. I , . Brcart f FrwdmUnt Irnmilatiau drag It Is rail tliat Jererson carried bis sin pie taste Into ofSi-ial lisw Lots of -Rlce-tioMcrs do tliat, but the trouble Is they taste too o-leo. Saitoh's Catarrh Bemedy a poalll-a i ere for catarrh, diptharia aad easier iAvath. bold by Fataaaa. The more business a man has to do the more be U able to accomplish, for be learus to economize his time. Few men sow their wD4 oats without getting more or leas rye mixed with ihetn. . j . That haektag eosfh eaa Ve as aaiekly cared by bhiloa'a ear. We gasraaUe It. I or aais st anaaa'e di mt Mara. See that oar Trade-Viark (aaase ssahert) appear oa rack Jar. vrad for bk.tJUury of the L'lcrabe Killer." gi rea a ay by Dr. J B CLIFTON Drugslgf.igt LOU1SBCRG.X. C. U.S. FURMAKa Agent. raAXKLixrox, x. c. Hclimin, MM & EsGf The most coeUy poaseaaiocs are those 1 fAT frOnH acquired by queaiiocalle means. iUYV ' V UO . I If jou ave apiiufni sense of - fa liiiue.' find your duties Irksome, uke cannot cbwige his spots, nor the Elhio-1 is common to all mankind: , or that we lr. J. II.-McLean a barsapHriha. It -l-nWW afWs akin, neither can 1 i,..a it-n -r.n w " orace .Tou up. maae you strong . ' . . ' ' Iff ' 3 - I . . . . .. . I .... . " " thecomDineu mteineuce au power, oi i uocmy or special consideration at tueir Councils aod Kings penetrate into .the hands that would tend to prompt us to You cannot any work or Vm HrahvWo Vo, ess -uoless you Xeel wen. if 'l . v; m a vaa auu 11 ciavc; s bu I - - -- - I - - i . - . . - . u-i i.t' v- it- :j - i . I bevond the ceradventure or a tloubL I IfiMi pffusmn tn thir meranrv. Kut I YOU leei useu up ureu aui-iaso ur. uiepupreme courik oi. jxortn : . tt .t: ' T . , 77"aT 1 l , .T. H. McLean's. SarsaparilH. It I will cive you health, strength and vitality. courts of Jsah, Frank- "Carolina, andj the U. S. Circuit aid npt, ot wnai is w j oe f rather that it springs trict courts. 1 ' t wit-un the hidden bounds ol the great I ofaffection, and an ir from the fountain i innate desire to act ' Pirates Defeated by a Woman. One seasoa back In the forties 1 ship ped aboard ot a British ship, the Swal low, to make a voyage from Bombay up ths Persian Gulf and back. She was an old craft and a poor sailor, and ber erew of twelve men was mads up of four or fire nationalities. 1 remember there were two Canakas or Sandwich Islanders, one LaJcar7a'negrbor two, and the ctiu ers were American, English and Dutch. Jhe Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, ef Boarboa Ind- says: ljoih rayaejf aad wlfeoe aar , Urvs to fcl.lloh's Coasamptioa care, Fwr sale by Farsaaa. ' , Better a crust with honor and Integ rity than untold millioos woo by fraud and duLonor. - Ovrr 40,000 fires took tilace last Tiar in un sia. If you suffer from any afft-ctk-n csuaed by lmimre Hood, sich as scrofula, salt rucura, arrs( bolts, i Ln- l les. i Iter nugwwrm, take Lr. J. 11. McLesn's 8arsaparilhu 1 he best government Is sLr-rovrrn- . xnont. Fri Qimii accidents occor In the bou-elrod wlikh cacss bonis, cuts, strains snd bruise; for v in soch macs Dr. J u. iicLtan s Volcanic Uu Linimeu'. When ten are ronitipaled. have beadsrbe, or I'-e. of spponte. take Ifr. J. IT. Ic!.Mi.a U rrand Kwlnev 111- leta; they are pleasant to take and will cure jou. HleeyTe- althts, msda miserable by that terrible roerb. frail a'- ear U Ua remedy tot It. For aalaal FanDaat-tlrsg store. Tersons sdvtnretl tn years frel younjrer ani siinptr, as well aa a .a jm S a. Ireer trrwn n e mcrmiues ot ate by !akmDT.J. II- Mclens Bsrrsps- riila. Far Spring aad Sataaer. BXL.1CB. FaUlra. Armarea. Rkadsaaea. Bearallaae. Saraka, rriaUrd ladUaaad ChJaaa. DRESSGOODf. . MahaSr. Wool Ileariettaa. ' Serves aad STcry ether varUfy of faakioasbl Dreaa Oooda. TItX3IMXNG. jltpTUiaa. Vaadrh 4 FUsVI Teiata. Eiaek, Wait 4 Clra Ittia aad faay Silks aad Vcieeta. Wnsh XTttTjrloas and Tr1nt- Seh aad Freseh Zephyrs. Clatbasaa . raark sad AatrWj Suteeaa. Clvailic Laaaaaad Laadoa rerraiea. "Will to Gooiln. A eweaplete aaaortaeat of Faibrwiderie aad Laev-t. Kemmad aad Lsdderttitekad afjabrideed Flarlara (la xrw aa r a. claalea stylra) foe la4e aad r hi Urea Tack vd aad HcaaatiMked Uaa LsuIIcs 3IuAl!n Underwear. Celebrated -W- Praad. lk stiteb tokiaf aad atl Jpre-a prepaid a, la orders of f v dollar aod arrr. Samples seat aa app!cm:ioo. n sad Ul Fsyetternie Btrti. , HALXICU.N.C.