jl BEE FKl AN13jLIN TIMIESo . J. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietors iFifA Malice toicard onc; Ml itk Charity for aU; U0 rKR ANNUM, J.AJrant. VOL; XIX: LOUISBTjRG, N.'C., JUNE?" 180O. PUBLISHERS' wllhywoodto materia t" The editor will no be responsible for the views of correspondents. - f " Brief communications from all gections most earnestly solicited. News Hems of my nature will be' thankfully received. Thk Times is' the only newspaper .pub lisled in Franklin county, and its eircnlai. lion extends all overj every section or this ai.d adjoining counties Advertisers should make a note here." , ; , At a meeting of the Commission- f Vers of the town of T,nrn arm ro held June 2nd, 1890,; the fol lowing Otdi nances were adopt- J ted) upon the street " public crossings. ed for the Government of said I or sidewalks of the town : umhr penalty I Ordinance 13. - Xo person shall . pile or liave "piled any manure, timler wood, or other obstruction whatever (except temporal ly Tor building purposes od then 20 feet passage siiall be unobstrue- shall be fined filly dor&ra. Ordinance 3?. There (ball be an an nual tt "of five dollars lor the privilege of carrying ou the business of weigher and any pcrsou who shall weigh any One Year, bix Months, To clubs of five Thej Times will nished at $1.40 pejr annurtu -! Town.: : Ordinance 1. It shall not be lawful for any live stock to run at large withirr the corporate limits of the town, fT be 1'50 I liaaen, ariven or lea upon tne sidewalk?, I i on I nor hitched to the trees, railinsrs lot w l - ,. . j : - a, or hot five dollars for each offence, '.: 1 " ! Ordinance 14. .t Any person who may have a private cross' use or bi id over any" ditch or sewer in the ttreets of the built or placid or allowed to remain 'withiu 20 feet of any of the streets of the town under penalty of ten dollars. Ordinance 2G. It shall not be lawful for any female dog to run at large whila in heat, within the corporate limits of proluce in the corporate limits . of the the town, under a penalty of five do!birs town fbr"pay or compensation and with to be pa'd by the owner. If the owner out having paid said tax, shall be Cued cannot be found It shall be the duty of for each offence one dollar; provided. tho constable to kill the bitch. I however, that the provisions of this or- I difbinra ahull nnt nnl tn fKn Lmn All barber shops in . thtk m1ulUv,, i. . . U11 1. 11 A. I I J Ordinance 2" town and shall fail to keep "the same night 12 o'clock,' Mill Sunday night 12 elccted b Uie conditioners i the ppen for the passage of water- shall dollar. rill be fur-1 en'''H'" the1 sidewalks under penalty of subject to a penalty of one y . i one dollar for each offence,-; r. ;. . - r: vi - 1 : r .; . - ,y ".. . , . Ordinance lo., Anv r LIVE MEIICH ANTS. yfH; : A DEAD FLIES! Ordinance 2. Any person who' slia.ll drive or ride a horse " or a , mule at an unusual speed throush the sireeulof Loulsburg (unless in case of ; necessity) shall be fined five dollars. ,; . - -.' KIL LS THEM A F THE MILLION. Ordinance 3. Any person Who shall leave any horse,; mule or jox tvarnessed to anv vehicle, on 'the streets .of the AT- t ownof Louisburgor on the depot yard lor the period of nye minutes, with out having 6uch horse, mule Or. ox las- For sale every wlieip. bample prepaid to tened or guarded, except wbeik.uecesv auy part of the United States on receipt ry to load -or unload carts or- wagons of 0 cents. Cheaper than fly paper. Will last ail season. THE RlLEr-OfcBORN MFG. CO., hugh mooRe General AgW 220-22 Broadway! - ' - Xew York. Any rerson , having firewood cut on the streets of the town will be requirrd to have the chips and trash ; removed '..immediately.' under; a penalty of two dollars. . i - Ordiuance'lGr Sec 1. i Any person who shall throw or cause to be thrown any trash, wood or any otlier obstruc tion iplo the gutters of the streets of the town, shall I e :iable to a fiue of one dol lar for each offence. ; .j Sec 2. No,-person" shall sweep. throw or deposit any garbage or trash" in the streets of the town under a penal ty of oae dollar foe each offence. be clocK, and no barber sn ul carry on bis business dura g tlat time under a penalty of five-do'lirs,",' - Ordinance 23. It shall be unlawful fjr any persons, except . Apothecaries aad Tracticing Physicians (in case of necessity) to 6ell " or rffer for sale any article whatever on the Sabbath cby, ex- j cept ice and milk, and articles necessary county, in respect to cotton. r i 1 u : i ,w i-uico niv to u1A r(uUrl lirmwJ mrn-hir,l Jimits of the town uinlcr a penalty ofj . town sliall be fined one dollar for each offence. ,Skc.3. The occumnt of any lot or Ordinance 4. Ko person shall exbib- store-house in the town who shall aUw ii or snow any sxuo norse or jacKass, or anv garbage or tr.u h ; to be swept. put a stud horse or jackass to.any.mare thrown or del o4ted on the streets or in the ditchef, shall be subject to a fi le of one dollar for each cff iiice. TO SCHOOL TEACHERS. j The Suoerintendent of Public schools of Franklin county, will t be in Louis 1 U'.-g on the second Thursday of Febru ary. April, July, j Septemper, . October jiiid December, ana remain for thre i ciays if nuoeasary, ur Uw purpose ' of examm in ' a.iuliiaiuis to teach iu tbe Public ;ho.l.s )f this Coujuty. I will also te i i LAiuUburou 64iurday of each ; week. u:il an pa jiic days, ; lo attend to any busings coanectod with my office. A : ! ' N.:'. IIabuis, Supt. Pro foKsslonal Card, within the limits of the town under pen alty of ten dollars for each offence. . , Ordinance 5. : ' Any person who shall leave any cart, wagou or vehicle of any kind upon the streets or sidewalks of the town duriog the night shall be fined one dollar for each offence. ' Ordinance 6. No person shall fight cliicken cocks within the limits of the town und.-r penalty of. five dollars for each offeuce. - '" ; : ' .... ,Ordinance 7. If .any hog, shoat or pig shall die wilhiu the corporate limits of the tow u of cholera or anv other dis ease, the owner thereof "sliall burn the carqass or bury the same at least two feet iu the ground within six hours after Ordinance 17. Sec 1J Any person wboshnll cause or commit anyuua!ice arouna. any aweumi? or orner noue within tbe corpomte limits of the town shall forfeit and pay the sum of five .'dol lars for each offence, i i v : Sec 2. No person living in the town shall allow any nuisance to exist on his or her premises, ami any -person, failing to abate any nuisance on his of her premkes when ordered lo do so by, the Mayor or town policeman shall be sub ject J.o a fine of live dollars. Sec. 3; No person shall" make any Mweruentitious deposits or slaughter any live stock on any of the public ten dollars for each offence. Ordiuance 20. All shops or places for the sale of spirituous, vinous 'rroalt liquors, shall be closed on each Sabbath in the year from 12 o'clock on Saturday night lo 12 o'clock on Sunday night, a.nd no person or persons shall, during or between these times, in any license.! liquor saloon, sell or pve away auy spirituous, v'nou) "or malt liquors, ex cept in cae of sickness, and then only upon a certificate of a practicing physi cian, aud any one or mre persons seen going iu or out of a Bar Eoo u between said hours S':all be deemed priitvx fad evidence of the guilt of the'proprietor of sail Bar Iioom. Any person violating Ibis ordinance shall for the first offence pay a. fine of ten dollars," for the second offence a fine of twenty dollars; for the third offence have bis license revoked. Ordinance 30. Any person who in terferes in any way with any of the street lamps or lamp posts in the town except those employed for the purpose, upon conviction shUl pny a Cue of ten dollars for each and every offence. Ordinance 31. Any iwon w bo si all i P. J. EM ALONE. notice of the death of said animal and rgrounls of the 'o-n trailer ten ,lty ofj p'jwe any cofnbcstable material In a i o- st". ion where it could endaager th safety Office 'z doors beow Furman's 8iore. adjoiu;ng br. O. L. Ellis. - drug on failure to doso shall be fiued. five , o.ie dollar for ach offenc uouars.. ' : ; - 1 H. WILDER. ATTOmEY-AT-LAW L)UI8BURa, N. C- . ; ': Office on 'Main street, one door below D Etice on Mih Lt. W. H. d? 1CIIOLSON, PliAOTICG PHYSICIAN, ' f IiOUI$3URG, N. C. i - . O ffice opposite Eagle Hot el. E. W. T1MBEUL.AKE," i A TTORNET-A T-LA TF, 1 - LOfJISRURG, N. C. t I Office iu the Court House, f Ordinance 8. Tho owner of any dead carcass or cjirron who shall permit the 8 tme to rt-mniii within the limits of the town for one d y after he his notice of iU existence shall befined two dollars, and rne dollar additionil for every "day il.e Same shall remain." If mt removed by the owuer,- the - same shall .be re moved by the town Coustable at the expense of the owner, or at the expense J , ii.. i. :e . - -m. i 1 v ui tut: bcwu u uic unuur.tauuui ue - -.T , , of suspicious character shall be on Iho . - " " . . Mi A Ordinance Q. r Tbe Commissioners of streets ot Lomsmirg at nigni alter iu the town shall have authority tovcLrect o'clock under a penally of five dollars for the rwnoval nf anv ra? nen. or anv other f each offence. - - i i 1 4 - -t Crd'nmce 18. Every oc upant. of a lot in the corporate limits of -the town. shall at all times keep their lots : in cleanly comlition un IcT a penalty of fiVe dolb'trs for failure so lo dc. ... .,f ! Ortinince "19." Sec. 1 . No person shall indecently expose or exhibit fcs or ber pcrsOtrvvithln the limits of the town under. penalty of one do'lar for the first, aud for each .Bubsequeut offence Ordinance 41. caUxl in the foregoing ordinances si 1 be recovered by the Mayor, iu the name of the Commissioners of the town of I Louishurg. I . Ordinance 42. Any person convkt 1 1 of viotitiug any one of the onunances 'the town who is not able to pay the nne and cost imposed upon him, maybe con fiued at hard labor on the streets of the towu until tbe fiue and .costs are paid. " , OrJKiancc 43. During the first week in August every pcrsoa required, to list lroperty or polls ia tho town of Louis- burg, s'lall make out and deliver to the list taker a statement vetlled by bis aitli of all tho real and personal prop erty, money, credits, investments i bmds, stocks, Vjt-'hit stock coupe nix. a invitics or otherwise, and the value cf improvements on real cstalo sinco the same was assessal, ia his possesaion or uudcr bis control on the first day of June, either as owner or holder thereof, or as parent, bus baud, guardian, trust. executor, administrator, receiver, ac counting officer, partner, azcut, (actor or otherwise. Any person failing to list hU taxables durins the first week In of tho town f; om luibility to fire shal be- August, shall be I Able lo a double tax nS"ft -t io a f.ne of fn e dollars. 'Ordinance 41. All taxes for the town of IxMiisburg (except licence tax) shall bo due and collectable on the first day of October in eacli year and cry person failing to pay his tax-s by the 31st of December io every year, shall be guilty of a roiM!cmcauor, axul le, up on conviction before tho Mayor, final double tho amount Of said taxes. A Canadian none cf Lepers. There are few tblns iccr terrible than a visit by night to the I&z&retto ot Trea dle, la JJw Dnuuwtck, and men are knows to have f2ctd at the right. Oo goes along a pallory lato wmrd thirty feet long aad osly eight fet high, cotv t&UilDg beds, touched and m etove. It to iod m a donaltory for torn of ths ma, aad Is, be&lle, dlnlcc room, llvicg room nd smoklrg room. There ratieeU ara gToaped, most of thna deformed out of all semblnc of homaalty. and the aep ilchral codgh hannU one for weeks after, ward. On of them U a joucg man aaca. e4 Noel, who was earning a eomfortatla Urelihood aa a woodman, bat thre great blotchea Ilka Iron mold, showed theta aetra on aia Iga, aoeorrJed by a ter rible drowsiness. B had tuheriUd the disease from his grandmother, though It did not make IU appearance In the Inter, veiling generation. j, : . The Sister hara obeerred UiaTleprocr sttacka IU vlctla under two different tonne. In one case the hoad and Umba well, the hair and eyebrow drcp off, the ejea becomo covered with a thick film, and the skin cracks Into dlvUlooa Tin. nrnnltloa dW. lht ' an alligator. Tha oth- the weighing of Ordioance 40. ' Any pc rsou'who shall sell or oficr fbr sale any prize boxes or iateut meilicines of any kind within the Co porate limiie of the town must first obtain and pay a license of five dollars. Said license will entitle him to sell for one yenr from date. This sliall not ap- rjtnptoms are thoae of a cocaamrtlTe peraoa; the form waste awsy. the skm beoomea shiny, the fingers and toea, ev en the haada and feet drop eS, and a hollow cough acts la. Another symptom la a silvery appearance, aa erqulckaUver la the croosea of th palms of the banda,' and a contractloa ot the muscle between the thumb and forefinger. 1 BUCKIKS AIIXICA SALVE The best aaive to tbe world for cuts, rulac. aorta, ulcers, salt rbeura, fcirr torta, telUr. tharped band, ebilbbv'ns, corns and all skla eratiocs so l paltive!y cure piles, cr oo pay rcqumd. ft Is guaranteed to civ perfect satIraclion. or money refund n'.lnce 25 cents rr boa. Fur sale br J. B. CUOoo. Tbe crnUt g-ccol by a Le huts ccly usid the ttxlli u. mes ouL ' For weak lck. c!t rlo od a Hi. J.H. MrLc.a's Woodcifal Ilea- leg plaster. Ural jj'orr rrirgi from tb sHtct conquest oT cursive. Thet heel Uf rth ee Ve a efxl hf KLt4 . ear. rrV U 1'or ul at l"nra.a't Jis urt. A iulooplikal friend remaria that if there is aujl" Irs Ut wul (Ocourae ttiu ability il Is sluing oo a bent Jia.- EC Tt.e Be. lLThsTtt. ef BerVe Ie4 mt: :o.k a wift ee er llt to SkU-h' i 4.ear tiea care. Fr ale ty fermiaa. If you u5er from any iffrcusa caused by Inn-cro blc-d, such as arrcfuls, salt rteuro, sorts, bci'.s, plm- ilc. Utter ticgworm, tola Dr. J. II. !cLa sn's Sartsparilla. Your psn'ons ren Lad ma of a Leo ilrcldol'ar bUl." -Ah! valcabk I i3rpoF "No; inljoct lotbarjs. , FRrQrrjrni acctdf r.U ocrur ia tb ItouiebolJ wbkb cna lun., cuts. 'T&iC anu wui; ir r ce in ioch caaet Dr. J U. iltLenu ' Vokaak Oil Xoulmeu. fouud. Ordinance 32. When, ai.y prson sliall be found drunk and dowu uptui the streets of the towu, he or she shall be fiued five dollars. - ?' -Ordinance 33. Itshairbe uulawfu for any person to jump on or ofi the train in the corporate limits, while in motion, uudcr a rcualty of fivo dollars. Ordinance 34. The town clerk shall be ex-ofllcio sexton to the public grave yard in the town, and all interments therein snail be maue uy ana onceb Ordinance 4.. ; After conviction and judgment for the violation of any of U e ordinances or the town the Mayor is au thorized to remit so much of the penal ty as 0'1 is judgment the circumstances oTUie case may warraut. . - A Deadly Weapon. In the hands of a desperate man, the sandbag, simple aa lt looks, become deadly weapon. It fatal work la accom plished silently and well; the victim drop dead with a fractured skull, and no out ward wound tells the tale ot the murder done. Fortunately sandbagging la coo peratively rare, though criminals especial, ly thoee of foreign origin, carry the Instrument ot death quit frequently. There Is, however, a seeming periodicity la their oae. Jnat as there Is In all form of crime. There 1 something so t ratal, ferocious and cowardly lo aandbaggtnji that It excite a feeling of disgust even la mlnde familiarised with crime. The sim plest form ot this weapon Is a small. strong stocking filled with sand. The ad. vantage of thU primitive aSalr 1 that, the moment after It haa bees need, the and can be thrown away and the stock lng kept without exciting acy sorplcfem. 8cwne are made la the shape of cloba. The material used 1 cotton or woolen cloth, bed licking, crash, heavy siik, ea usage ektna. eel akloa. leather, and even snake kin. A number of famous saadbaga whJoh have been captured by the polios, are worthy of mention. Oo was a hand some eel akin, filled with aand ctoee up to the cod, and thence with bird shot to the end itself. This arrongemeat gar the effect ot a slung shot to tbe affair aad added to the strength of the arm which wielded It the awful effoct of a swtft ro i A a a & aoxy racuon. aoouct, ownea ry " French murderer, was of silk, handsomely fr.brolderedand finished with silk. wound Y. GULLEY, A TTOtiKEY-AT-LA 7F, FBAN&LtNTOX, N. C. rc: All legal . business promptly attended uu:sance wi;.hin the corporate limits of the town, when in their judgment "it i shall be necessary for the health or com fort of any portion of the inhabitants of the town, and if the owner or occupant of the premises shall fail tb remove said pig pen or other nuisances witliin three days, after haying proper written notice, then he or she shall be fined ten dollars, and the Commissioners may ' have the same removed. . . '' ; ; " the town. Onler and regulaiity shfll be observed In digging graves and nuk ing iu terra en ts. All pci sons expecting to make interments therein, shall apply to. F. SPRUlLL, r - A TTORNET-A T-LA IT, . IiOiriSBUBG, N. C. ' Will, attend 1 the courts of Franklin, Vance, Gran vUV Varreh, "Nash, and Federal and Supreme courts Prompt attention given to collection, &c; Ordinance 20. Sec. I. Ko'ling hoops, playing at balV or any other game on the streets or in any of the public souares of the town shall be prohibited 1 to the Clerk and bavo. small )o'a of under a penalty of ono dollar for each ground marked ofF aud a record thereof and cve.y o 1 n M4. T f ' : made br tho book. Asa compensation , Sec. 2. AU games of w hxtever kind to the clerk for his attention to the duties en any of the streets or public wjuares herein assigned, he shall charge fifty of the town on the Sabbath day, T shall cents. He 6hall also cliarge 50 cents fo be prc hibited under a penalr of five the town and jay tho same to the towu dollars for each and every offence. Irensurerfor each spot of ground as- " Sec. 3. Ho pcrsoa shall play cards signed large enough for a grave, and he house within tffe limits of the town shall I or. any otner gme oi ciiance on uie may collect tne same uy warrant u not continually have'on ttie premises one streets or public squares of the town un- voluntarily paid. ladder of sufficient .length to, .roach the der penalty, or ten dollars lor eacn oi eaves of such house. Any one ;faflingfeuce.i'.V : Ordinance 2l. It .shall e unlawful for persons to "assemble together at any time on any. of the streets , of the . town, so as to obstruct the saine, under a Ordinance 10. Every ; owner- of a to comply with this "ordinance, shall" be fined two dollars. A;,;;-:vH'i! ' Ordinance 11. Sec." 1. " Whenever the shingles .of .any house withiu the limits of the town shall become so do-1 penalty of one dollar. Any person making interment in said grave yard contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, skill be fined five dollars to.be applied to the improvement of said graveyard. ; J ' B B.MASSE-NBUltG, ; . - A TTORNET-A T-LA W, .. -i' - - : LOTJISBUKG, N. C '- Office in tbe Court House. " All busi ness put in my hands will receive prompt attention, j ' - - a a cocke & Daniels, Goldsboro.N.C. C. C. DNIELS, J , Wilson, N.C. cayed as to be dangerous ou account; of fire, the Board of Comaissioners mny so declare, and the owner or owners, of such house shall be required to recover tbe same within such time as tbe Com missioners may think reasonable, under the penalty of the sum of ten dollars for neglect to do so. J ; Sec 2, Whenever . any chimucy, stove or stove pipe shall be deemed un safe, or to "endanger the safety of any portion of the town it may be so de- A' " Ordinance 22, "No person shall shoot a gun, pistol or auy other fire arms un necessarily, within the limits of Uie town, or explode or fire off any, squib, crackers, fire rockets- bean or grit shoot ers, or any other fireworks in town, un der the penalty of ten do'lars fbr each offence. One half of the fine to go to the informert l : j-r : ; I ' Ordinance 23. . Any person ' who shall, in the corporate limits of the town YCOCKE & D ANTES & DANIELS, clared by the Town Commissioners and publicly use anv obscene or profane they may, condemn 5and ;order the;fe-1 lauguage, or be guilt of any disorderly ATTORNETS-AT-LAWi f Any bus moval or abandonment of the use of the same until it shall be so repaired or! re-. I constructed, as to make it safe; and any person who shall use any such chimney, ness entrusted Jo ua will be t0c or 8tve pipe after it has been so promptly attended to. V j condemned, shall be subject to a fine of five dollars.. . ' ' j ; .' conduct, tending to violate tbe peace. quiet and good order of the town, shall be subject to a penalty of twenty - dol lars. ' '."-. ;- j , ' " 5 -'." " "- " "' i .' ' Ordinance 24." Every owner or les see of any business bouse in town sliall be responsible for any disorderly con- Ordinance S3. Ko person shall sell wTthio tlic corporate limits of the town any unwholesome food. Any pen-on violating this ordinance shall for each and every offience pay a penalty of ten dollars. M - - Ordinance 36. Anyperson who shall use any violent, abusive or insulting lsn guage. or threatening gestures toward the Constable, or any officer of the town while in discharge of bis duty, shall be subject to a fine of five dollars. ' Ordinance 37. Any ierson or per sons refusing to assist tbe Constable or any town officer wheu called upon to as. sist to make an arrest shall lie fined ten dollars. " .. Ordinance 38. .'Any rerson desir'ng to practice any profession, business or trade, taxed by any ordiuance of thh town, shall, beforecommencing such On each exhibition, concert, or lec ture for profit, lor each performance 3. On circuses, for each erronuauce, 10. -On Peddlers on foot (S per monLh. Oo every company of Gypsies or oth er persons pretending to tell fortunes! $10 per year. . ' On itinerant dealers in Lightning rods 5 per year. : - On itinerant dealers In stoves, ranges, clocks, $10 per year. On auctioneer or cryer 2.50 per year. On each billiard or pool table kept for public use whether In connection with or separate from any place where liquor is sold $10 per year. ." On each bowling alley, or alley of tbe like kind, bagatelle table, or stand m place for any other game or play, with or without a-namo, (unless for private ! amusement or exercise alone) 15.00 On liquor dealer $100.00 per year. - On every Itiuerant dentist, medical nractitioncr, optician, portrait or minis- tu e painter, dagoerrcau artist, and every person inking or; enlarging likeiresscs I tbe human Lice, $3. , G. S. Baker, J. A. Thomas, ' Clerk; Mayor, - COMMISSIONERS : Tnos. White. J. J. Barrow. J. M. Allen, : G. W. Ford. sheepskin, socaref-lly fia- Uhed as to be as aoftas the best chamois . Hale Old Centenarian. f "V It Is hard to realize that Cant. Jack A 0od-lxed sinking fend will bep to keep a cbrpcratioo afiuat. When veil era roctUpeted. bava hesdacbe. or 1-e of ap)lile. take Lf. J. II. McLean's JJterand Kuluey Ill icit; they are plcaiaullotalt sod will coa you. Every utteracce creates icce ilad ci an ImprcMkm. To allay pami, subdae kCjiccalcct bctl fuel sores and u!cer the moe, rrompt and sati factory rtu!ts ait obtained ly cVirr that vld rlL'e remedy. Dr. J. H.MtLta&e Volcanic Oil liniment. The man who cever smlca is a cow tre of gr-v.ty. "Koltiri lumii LibEial s TVe rana IUdaM'a Mtcrebe KiCr U U moot w4rfal mli iar, U U U a aertr talttJ le ssr ta Uace.ae tutrkat tse diiOM, f tm ttr nr te ite sijJt te kaa la Ue Tat ctrvtite mi ef lards j cU I a a ad rt e last mrj ce ia . CAUSED BV MICROBES, RADAM'S MiCRCBE KILLER Fitrrailcatcs the if.crvb aad drtrre tkf m eel ef the aTHrer, aa4 akraUalia ; doae ya eaaael iave sa athe er mLa. e aiattcr ebat tse keae, kur e aimpU eaf Xalaria I'tttr t a rWi aatioa ef 4ia, we rare Ua ail at tk aaiaa lira, aa we Ural all Usace coaatilsUoaauy. Artlma CtMfttmj4iim, Ctrl art Prom. cAifi'j, JUrvmatiMm, XiJmty m4 Lirtr Dtseate, CltU mmd irver, jrrmalt Trvt- Usynea, the erglneer la charge of tha eb fTfl ,m ftt(i nfr7 C. MCT ' - r-" V Ordmance L2. -o wooden building ducl hb-ises or ia bia house, profession, busiaess or trade, pay Ute tax ' . - ' V Uball be built wiUun the; followiiig. lim- . A.TTT and COUNSELLOR at LA W its viz: within 200 feet of that rart of . J . . -J the Constable aud Mayor of the town. , - - - - - - r . r a rvniiDA a n T-rtTa-n aa nA h nea i Tam i r l . LOUISBTJRO, FRANKLIN CO., N. C Will attend jtho courts of Nash,' Frank lin, Granville, Warren and Wake coun- ties;; also the Supreme court of North Carolina, and the TJ. S. Circuit and Dis . : trict courts , , 3 . , , . . - to practice such profession, busmess or -.t . ' .u I trade. And any person engaging in or WFW V; if 7 .7 pracUcing auy profession, business or same on affidavit to the Mayor of the Pra,cu" . irwn tfUUnt liorinT first naid thn tnT j.h ' , - . i ujnu, liiwivu. .. a , ana ODiainea uie tci5 "" uo fcuuij and on conviction Main street, lying btween the Tar river , bridge and Eagle Hotel. Witliin ;200 I feet 1 of -. Nash street between Spring street and Terrell's livery stable. 'With in 200 feet of Court street. Within 200 feet of Market street. Nor shall any ! building within said limits be covered i Ordinance 25. .No privy shall beH of a misdemeanor, er Will too anflVr whh ly?pepia end He complaint? 1 hhiloh'a Vitaliser l naranUed to cure too. ' Ttr uie at.Fnr- msn a uruR aiore. . v - i - Health is loo coetly a blessing to be oolcd away. Catarrh cored, health sod aweet breath aeenred, by Shilob'a Catarrh lU'rnlr. Price 50 cent. NaI Injector Xxta. tat ale at Furoiaa'a drut atorc. No Idessirg equals the posse sioa of a jtoji hart. Shilob'a Yltiliier It what yoo need for constipation, loaa ef appetite, diineaa ami all tyoptora of drapepaia. hW f 1 and 75 eenta per botUa. i'or sale at For nian'a dru etor. The most hbcral are oH.cn the most fucceasfal. ' " Shiloh'a eoniaroption core It told by at on S (rnarantee It earea eonaatnptioa. For sale at Forman'a drug atare. The borne is the unit of the nation. 0 Shiloh'e Catarrh Remedy a po!UT eore for catarrh, dlptheria and canker month. Sold by Foiman.. one hundred and twoyearaold.aa he stood In front of tho structure the other mora tag no one mould haTe placed his ae at over sixty-five years, and there would cr. en have been acrao rilalvtnge as to his being quite that venerable. Nevertheless It was la 1TS7 that the old engineer came Into this world, his birth plae Veins la the then wild sad unsettled region ofTea neaseo. Like nearly all Teaaeaecana, the ceater-arkji Uasls-focter, chews to bacco, and lores a good story with a rel ish that refuses to recog&Ire a"ehrstnuL" He is active healthy, spare la figure sad only elightly bent with his wonderful weight of years, po3ee the eyesight of a frooUcrrnun and la a thorough paced optlmlet. The latter fact may account for his rounding the century etas cheat la such gallant trim. Capu Ilavnea eajet "I havent ever bothered much about things. I've worked hard since I waa a boy. 1 waa a soldier under old hkkory Jackson at New Orlcaae. I waa oo the first steamboat that ever came op the Klaaiselppl aa far aa St. Louis. Ie bceo here when you could ha to bcught the whole city for a song. . I've had lota of chanoce.to make a fortune during the growth of this country for the peat sev. enty-five years, but oaver took adrantaga of m. I don't repeat that at all. I might not have been as happy with plea, ty of money as I hare been without. I've always had good health and am aa atror.g and capable to-day aa I waa thlrty-flra years ago. flow does It feel to be one hundred years old? Well, ererjtody eoema to think I'm a cariosity, but I don't see anything strange about It or feel at all peculiar because I've 11 red orer a hundred years; All my Lixully were long-llred. but Tre broke a the family record, I reckon and I hope to lire quite a long time yet. I'm going to hare sotne pi ct urea of myself taken aooa, and I think I'll get somebody to write my Ufa for me. I can tell Lira enough to make a book out of. I expect. And the eld fel low smiled like a cheerful Sphinx aa ha raa back retro pectlvdy over a apn cf life th-vt nearly cor era the entire tlatory of the Vtitcd Statca.-t- Lou la HcbUs jrafcaa. ' Bmtrtqf 1'mJmlrmt Immilattomj , fee that ear Trade-Uaik (aaaae aaabetf 1 aptrar a taeb Jvr. trad for book -llUtery ef the Vkrebe Killer," (ties iuj by Dr. J B CLirrON DresUt, Igt LousBci2cmx.a H.F.FURMAK, Agnt, riAXtllXTOXjX.C. New Goods. . Ter Sprirg aad aaatr. .-.. F aLIca, Armnm. rhadanea, renUaea, fiaraba, PHateU kd.aaaad Chiaaa. DKESSGOODa Mohair. kol neariettaa, rWrxea arl every eihervarierr ef UahieaabU Drm Ueoda. - T111MMI.NG8. ApplB, Tatufyke aad El5l ralaN. fleck, VIU aad Cetera. Flaia aJ fjocy Silks aad Velrata. "Vnl Fnbrlcaaml Xrinfm Scotch aad Frcece Zrrkyrt. Cieckaat . ran aaS Aatcirti tvaiurca. CkaUM Laesa aad Leedea rerraJea. "Wlillo Ccxxl. A etp?ete atacrtaieat ef FbrVderU aadlaeev lUfrtfrd aad IdJrrMiteK Faibroidered rjaoeiira (ia arw a4 ex cleaive tiW) far lad.ea ad ckUdrti . TecVd aad Ua&acickJ la wee. Lidlc Musllo UrulcrvrcAr. Clbrate4 VV fred. Ixk atlteh tnekKf aad alt i tprrM y rtaid (a, la I nltr mj Stc 5oi.tr nl rr. SaiapW aet ea apphcaltcaw 1 sad 151 Ftyrtta rCla cUreeU IUXXIGn,.C.

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