1 V: 4 .. ... "1 . X THOMAS, Editor and Projrrietor." JFi.A 3faZ"ce ffiircrJ tumm IF ilh Charity for til!. 1 10 . J.V.VrjL'. J Wf. VOL. XIX. LOUISBURGj K C, JUNE 20, 1890. NO. 21. 2UBLISHERS.AKXOUNCEXENT. NOBODY WILL, EVE USEE IT The editor wil not be responsible for the views of correspondents. ' - , Brief comm unications from all sections most earnestly Solicited. News, items of any nature will pe thankfully received-. him, and feeling angry that he seemed wholly unmindful of her. ynen he laid away slate and boots she saw him unlock I; a drawer and take- out a- picture.' VHiy The South LiSoIIcl. tion extends all ai:d adjolnlug should make a qote here. . fover every section bl this coun lies. ; 'Advertisers OneYeab, Six Months, To clubs of five; nished at $1,4) per annum Phtsbur-r Fo.'-' ' 1 If any one dcsii-cs an all-sufficient reason why tha Southern Elates are fol UlDcmoJralic. he will Cad it by a comparison of their financial ant! ii.di .vidual con-Jilion iosf from wbat it was unacx ine CRrpetoag nTvi eraaawHCj re- A. Story for the Benefit cf Those Who 'lon't Relieve in Advertising." 'V The advantaged of. . thoroughly which he lingered lovingly over, The Times i theonly newspaperjiub- advertising whatever one has to tenderly kissed, and then re lished in Franklin county, and its circula- seii havfl hepn set forth hv thl placed:- Her woman's curiosity i' -1. ..n' VI WIS TnnSftf flnrl aha i rlnfo-rrt. ..lol I . ... uewBppers iuiub ewroageBi. iiguu,- - , v ... gime, wmcu ine litpuuicana are to sa that most people acknowledge to know more of the matter. So, lid-bus flail be renewed by their FaJ the evidence to be overwhelm- while he was getting ready for eral election laws. - One fcf.tar.co will inp. The Valeio (Cal.) Chroni- bca sno leigned sleep, lie scon sumce, and we take the. progressive and un- proves that a man may be a ne n,gn , took tlie keys, un- Congress, elected by k J 3,000 majority, doubting Thomas, yet have con- locked the desk drawer, and O0 the ground t bat tho census ho8 siderable faith when , it becomes tou tbat her husband had been there is a considerable nujor.ty or nc- RATES: , - - - : r1.50 , . . C . ' 1.00. Tlie fTiMES will be -fur- mg. The Vale jo (Ua!.) Chroni- uuu bUU luigueu Bieep. j4-BGoa " we me, cle contains the following, which Blept soundly, .then , he'vcpt rfch State cf AlaBami,- from . whth th illustrates' : this subject and fronxher place, like a thief in nsare now proins ;tocr . . J ' - m' i i. it 'J " . ft a Democratic reprefcnUUvo 1 G ENEMA L 1TE3IS. - ESTABLJSHED. 1870i IVE MERCHANTS. . - DEAD FLIES 1 KILLS TEEM B Y TEE MILLION. D aroused by some extraordinary J kissing a picture of herself which grors in the district. circumstances : was taken when they were' h rst -. A short time ago we called up- married. Then she was cha on a. certain man in business in gained and mortified because she Valeio, and asked him why he had not been a mora loving wife, did not advertise in The Chroni- aild then went bac to. bed ; with Mo J- : new resolutions formed. In the AVVAX Willi 1lOUUOUnu I - - " ' " . I . ? fly paxer and plates "Ob, because," he answered, mMIuS Put on i a wrapper During tho adniinhtraUon of the last Republican Governor of that State, there was an issue of $1,000,000 of email bonds, bearinz 8 per cent. Interest. In spite of their easily circulating as money and the heavy rate of interest, there was a discouut on them of 20 to 20 and even a greater per cent. The Demo For sale everywhere. Sample prepaid to any part of the United States on . receipt of i0 cents. Cheaper than fly paper. Will last all season. THE RILETt-OSBORN MFGl CO., hugh mooxus General Agt., .. 2320-22 Brqadway, - - New York. TO SCHOOL -TEA CEERS. ident of Public j schools "what's the - use? Nobody will tliat'. was clean and very beeom- crats succeeded to power with Governor . ' I i l- '--n ' i I it j The Supenn tJ V. inlern ever see it.' "You are mistaken,"; said we ; every page in our paper is read." . .. - "Nonsense,'' he replied ; "even if they did readrmy 'ad.' people would never think of it again. I don't want To advertise." " T.. . nut . "No -but s at all. I don't want to advertise and don't bother me any more, I'm busy." And he ! mg, a collar and bow, .and' care- j Houston; at ouce business and couij- fully brushed her hair. When dence began to brighten, and before his her husband came into "breakfast pur years expired this money was at and above par Ue was succeeded by he looked at her, caught her in his arms, and kissed her. Then he asked'the children if the little mother didn't look pretty. She was wise enough not " to forget the lessou. Christian -Advocate. Cooking iteeeipts. walked back in his store and ; Cream Pudding Five light, two dips uice sour eggs beaten ere m, ai d 1 jur to make srlay of Febru- i i 'i re t u , itas.t.u as caiw. .lor sauce, make- ar . April, jniy,..r.ep'mper, cuctoner -.vr' " .. ., one nnart flour starclu arW a lumn, of aalDecemberhdjWiahilbr threriays of sugar. , , - LnitCr;mil hi suar and tUvor with Time passed, and we never icmo l. it will bake while your liOU- oe r ranki.u county, will . be in ; Louis" strangled a poor little fiy that one sPiKafal elir in fl" b . son the second Thursr lay of Febru- . . re f . , itas.tlffas calw. .For su i uecesary, ioij uie. purpo.-e oi examm- -LI: 1 '1I(W LO liW 1-VinJ. .M Wr.tv I -,'- " . . . ... i . - I . . - --.4. . J ti 1 i. : . i 7" I i i? Schno s of this counlv. I will also be "gaxu iii.iuittv-ju. auvtrriiBuiunt 4 s-.es arc ixnun lor uinncr. in Iouisburg on Saturday of each week, j to him, ; aithough ; raeeting him' -"Macaroni Soup Into a pan of fast 1 .. ll J.-, I..n - r. . A - -m . rl ''In F Irk 'mill- -1.. . ' 1 ZSawiS daily. -Yesterday thegentleman bollin, erf thro.v four ounces 5t ma- Governor Cobb, who . retired these per cent, bonds with a C kt cent., re ceiving a premium 0:1 the sale. At tlie expira ion of teu years ihey wero rc placed' by tho present Governor Seay with a 4 per ceut bond, and they too. sokl for a small twe'mium. InsteaJ of Iyiug $S0,.'?00 interest as in 1S73, the S'-ate just p;ivs one half on the same amount of bouds. What is true of Ala bama holds go.-.l as to the oU.er South ern Slate", and anplies not oaly to State finance but to the county and city affair-v the rcWjo's and local im provemeuts. The race question a.i le here is abundaut reasons why the South b Democratic, and likely to reman, so. until new questions of nalionabainl state policy create utw issues and rfad- Prot'eifiioual '. Cards. TM?. J. EMALONE. J. N. Hakkis, Supt called at our sanctum, looking ! a caroni, add one ounce of butter, and an Just jrty ILncs. - . -: UHlP iincPTtflln . !s tn 'lirtw lift oniou stuffed with. clSves. -.Wucn the 'The facts r of would be received. We cher ished no hard feelings and moi t-oned him to a chair. 1 I suppose you heard of . that little affair of mine telow?" . 'Ob,.yes,' said we "that little r.ii'.rait construction macaroni has swellml to its full siza and show the progress of the South, and. become tend r, drain it, aud put in two more .important, bo-.v liula credence is quarts of clear ftTavy soup; let it sim- j given by outklo capital nd cipjlal is Office fa doors below Furman's drug store, adjoining Dr. O. L. Eilisf". - ; 1. . j . . - npUOS. B. WlLDEll. . . -V. ... . A TTORKE T-A T-LA IT, ! IiOUISBUBG, N. C. ; Office on ivlain street, one door below mer seven or eight raiout&s; and it will bo ready fot ths table. ; -'Serve grated Par.nctan cheese with it. " "- Rice Croquettes' Boil the rico until D it. w. Hi .lCllOi-JSON, escapade on Kearney street night quite soft and teiioVr; whi'e warn.; before las4.''- : - measure; to every tejipoo.iful of b-'ilel 'Yf.R-Wvft sai all tho nartiel an egg, well beatau a table ularc" ' "'' 1 :' ' :--:.: S 8pooufulof butter, pepper and salt to ..tt ..IV . 1 j . 1 I tivstt, and a half cup of auv kind cold "Hush 1 Not so loud, please e , . , ' . , . , - ' - " fresh meat, liam or tongue, chopped said he ; f. course yem are inot fiae. yn cold; with . flonred kinds always sens uve to the ra. he. I am! blootly-lw.ies stories from tlsit seciion. circulated at the Xoitli for'partisan pur poses. The report of railrrid cons: ruc tion in the p;tt four months of ihe pres ent year thows that T4 cf the 1,100 miles of new track lall have been put down in the South. Th re has been no It fa written that the libcral soul tha II hi made far; and ho that waterelh shall be ;atcr&! also hlme'f.M Uut rumor bath It that Jlr'cr Clarksoa cocs notEnti himself riihcr C.Urncd or Irriga ted according to desire. Ilairiaon dc not appreciate LU head-man and he iherckro quits oce la a" huT. lhiL IIe.-orJ !. : Sach fa the discontent of Abo people of Illinois wi Ji Uepubhcau aiIrait:Utrati.vas that there are strong luv,vs that the next legiskture will te I)cmo ratic In that event General Palmer will rba- b!y succeed Fenator Farwcll. Tha would be a iireat chuogo for the better as it wouul give to tho Senate a - brave . soldier of broad statcsmanthip. Facts speak leudsr than word, and the uniform Democratic gains wherever the reform ballot Is brought la use h enough to silence the old stock ia-traJe Hcpublicau cry of ' ,uitimkLtion and jrsua." ine last tiiai oruie new sys tem was at Cuiuteilitnd, Mi,, where for the first time m six )cnr, a Democrat ic mayor was elected. FloruLi T.mcs- Uniou. A bail temper is an awkwari thing to nave and a d.mgerous thing to - loso. Pcrsous advanced iu years fetl yoouiier and stronger, as well a Ireer from the intimities of z by taking Dr. J. II. Mclean's Boraia- riija. A IctUr fa wi?er than some people. It never attempts to gwe Infonnation until aoer it bra been posted. If ou ave a pil.-ifni sense of fa tigue, find your du'.u irktome, t.kc Dr. J. II. Mcljrtu's Saisap-.rllla. It will brace you up, make you strong and vipoma. ' One lone, unresisted fly in a bedroom hi t!te momiui: will do inoro lowanl makiui; a man yet up thnu alT the ring tug bu.s in the world. YiHi cannot accomplisTi nnr work or bui ess miles you f:el well. If you fetl usel u;i lireJ oat take Dr. J. If. -McLan'i. .Snrap.irill. It will uive jou bcu'ili, strcn 'th and vitality. Talking of a national nir. the slrocg Cf t thU ojuntrv is able to fumh seems to bo a cyclone. ; ' Sliiloh' Vitllisrr I what yoa need for c jnlinatiou, lute of appetite, tlitztoeu aud all symptom nf Jrpt.a. 'nr ft an.l 7o ceut pT bottle. For sale at Far. oub'i drnj ttor. Xt hngnae ran express tha foli:in oft deaf mute wbe.i he stem oa a tack in a dark room. Old Southern Homes. A great mar. j of the plantations tn iL!- ferrnt parta of tbo cVnjthiwblch were czY) wtll known for tblr alto the xoms;. riiaceuce of th ridtKei upon thwa, the j cb!!h?a!n, roirs and 'ltklo ercytlort hfwpltalityof thrlr owners, or en arcoant U"'' rItirt!y rrre p:b no jxiy 01 u prominence ci Uxe lamlUea loIirSuJ- ru rar.i. i u ctra povwyl tbrra. ara M falling Into rulaa.' Thnr. for ILu U. rrKap, Uiat tha linJ haa Ums vorkad ao loaff without Utir.g tenttltel It baa bcona poor, or It may be that tho la'.o whovj pcsMlon It haa pua4 laik the enrfy and skill which aro rwulrwil to pay tuv Jr lh prMcnt t yntero cf labor. Qua el thoco famoos old plac waa Ut! 7 aokl to a colortx.1 man for tweciy-fva harvlrr-t doi.arn, oc'.t a frt of tha pQrchaa men. ey blnn rtulns-i at one. It la known mm Laarti View, and U within two mll of the hUvorVai town of Soobury. Itwaa the b,na of the gtTU4 John Elliott, ani a Tery beutlfuH.om It waa. John vw&twl GorgU tn tha Ubltai Suu Sa ate from tft to 1SM. The pUataUon eoctalna twer.ty-c!r!.t bnndrod arc. It waa purthajM Ocrtr tha war ef sfcrfstoa by Linton Stctheca. a brother cf Alczaxdcr II. Stophoaa. aAd waa eold by his halra to tha prtnt owdat. The dUtrtct la which the f lanUUoa la situated waa noUd, froa the first MttU. tant cf the State a&Ul the csancJpUoo of tha tlATea, for tha tctel!gfw aa4 wealth of Its dtlsena. It Is now, bower. ar, almost wholly abandoned to the color- edpaople. Iu (Treat plantatlonahaTebeo dlrtJod Into small tarma. aad the superb raaAAlona. once Uie bomea of mea notei for wealth and culture and of women faraoua forboaaty acl reAnccaeat, are falling Into decay, and are being replaced by cabin and huts. whMe chtmneya of stlcka and mud tell more plainly, that worda of the marrruoua change for the worse which haa taken plase In the once rich and prcjroaa district. . ltUCKlNS AUNICA SAI.VK The bt-1 aaivs lu iLe world f -r tnt. I ra'es. Nrct. tLrr. anil f cm r . . . " screr sort, tirr. harrd ltcd prfwt tat?ac;kn. rr mcory rtfaul- I'wr sal Lt J. B. Ci.jo. Tbe cbx leu bu.ne Ua natter c wc4lr&il bnpcrtaoce to tl taUe ccm fort a.nd th. fint-cil otkxk ef Ue AturrVn Urtt.tr, t.oTcnm;.t atau- -tka !rfw that Ul tie M.aul rjt!i ture In tLI Dn r ViVv3.CCO aad do pi'.e the rcrutat rroUcKlki cf rjj, eTTTal miU'ji LA r wcrUi are ar.co- a::y Imiotwd to nwet tbe deSdency uf i uou.e cpjfy. A S A 1K IX Yi-s TM KXT. one hrh U Liarabted to Irloy you aatKfarWy tetuU. nr la case of uuoxa return 01 u:rrhaa ptVa. O4 U.! t:e 1 lau yu can buy fxota Our arWrtid drurfit a bottle ef Dr. Kirk's New J:co very for cccscmp- vnAi. u u-i.ni.icM to Lr.r? iti tl in every tan, be r. taod f ariT a -. t5on cf throat, h t rr clt, socb as cotiuiuptioo. icStmn'.stioQ cf lcrr. i.rucn.ut aatinitj, wtoujicj cocxb. croup, e lr. It U Hf sant and irrea i..e tw latr, perlcctly tcafr, and can lwya be tlr-n!rl c:x.n. Trial Ut .1 . . .1 11 ... . . siorr. Ecn Butler tt rrputed to be worth fiva Bliik.h'a Catarrb Cental r a ioH!t increase of milear2 in New .Gticiand and I enre for entarrh, il'iuiU-cU and canker - r . I . . l: il I... very little in the Northwest. It is the PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOT I3BURG, N. C. i Office opposite Eagle Hotel. E. W. TIMBEKLAKE, South that is growing. The prhiciitl railway 1-ncs find it constantly necessa ry to throw offspurs Into new territory, j so general is tho process and dcve'.op- ment. Whi'e tho South raiswl last year, ihe ! largest cotton crop in it his.or)', val uo-d at $7.0 0,00 J, and increased htr- A TTdRXEY-A T-LA 7F", " LqTTISBUBG, N. C. 1 Office in the Court House. : jgr y. gujLley, A TTQRNEY-A T-LA If", ! All legal business promptly A attended to. Jjl F. SPRttILL, A TTORKE Y-A T-LA IF, LOUISBUBO, N. C. t o Eg to say. anything about it ia make into croquettes, cover with beat your paper. ; . cn eg2, roll into cracker dust, and fry in "Arid why not? , It is a matter hot drippings utitU nieely bron'cd. of interest to your .friends and ' Cldcken Patties -Chop very fine all people generally." : I, the d.yr poorest: bits lelt from baked "Heavens ! Why" it would ruin chicken; season carefully with pppp.r. p 1.) x ; '.. j eaii anu a mue ceicry cui in smaji mts; "Uh, no, guess not. will ever see it - . i pasle cutter; lay a nan ow strip of the nitluriu-growth .soneUung- cxb-- "Yes. they will.- fAnd.it, will -ste all arouud; ilien nut som . of the ordinary.; Furnaces, factories mills, rajti me as sure as Vm sitting mince on" the paste; cut another piece of ,n-lf 0 ehops, mines, are tlie solkl ao . - ... . . I . . . . t. .. ... 1 ,i.la.t ?rtt . in tv'. flrt fftlnr Knit l.n hore. I'll be the laugamg stock tne samp size an.1 lay sOver. lion r Mt- of the town. They will see it!" Icen minutes.- This makes a neat dish We rose and touched him im Spanish Creim--Take halt a box of gelatine, cover with water, and let sbipd about half an hour. Take one qu:rt of milk, and let it boil up ouce - or twice. Beat five ejgs yery light and add 8Gi cieut soar to sweeten them, and mix well together. " Add tho meltel gelatine moot!.. Bold b Fuiotnu He is below b'misolf ivlio ia cot abovo an It) jury. Shtloh'a cnntnmpUon enr li olI a en a guarautee. It cure coo. nutation. For t. Fartoxa'a Uruj atore. To-d-iy U the timo to do; tomorrow is the fooTs sml time. " TaUrrh cared, health and iweet breath secareJ, by 2liibiu' Cattrrh ltemetly. t'rice 50 cent. Injector tree, xvr .,- .,, I product of bread-slufls and other a:ri- I ei t Furmau's dror aiore ve -i j 1 umac a jjitb uau kaoiia lja a. iuii. a vi - . 1 uvKiy . . . ,.,,);,. . Mflr . . cnituraietapies, tar mineral ana mauu- Thft man who t, alw-ftv. tia, ror MfM W V . W Vfc. J " I I v. a " - SB mnd gcuerawy tu.us . roo fqCVr wi.h ljnei'a snd He .plaint? -iSiiiloh Vitalixor U ceJ ta care voa. Fr sale atFar- Will TOO er coik raarantced tuan dra '.orv How can Stanley's brlla liopa to hold permanent possession oilui r.curtr, bhe is only a Teunxnt, anyhow. That hscklng coojhean be ao qaiekly eared ty Hhib.hV cure. puarnt It. For sale at t nnr.aa ding store. An exchange rants beonue a certain old widow In a Connecticut town quite true that the f .rmers of tlie North J amoki . Let ber smoke. Every widow and West, desnita thair loud wttilinzs. atiU cd to her wccils. ore still much better oil thau the South ern farm rs. Tho Northern farm brings ' A iItor'a Faith. 4 . . . a a in LJtJ i.a (..a 1 ' a r- 1 -a. qli aiLia una aau v air 1 111 mi iiiir ui 1 iii 1 ia. mii. -a '-t ' ' I txYcr ha mrn if. f rt 1 nc tiro Tiir a fnw I I " - jingiea ; ana ne was sucn an, on- -T' T " : tage of tho Southern UndhoUer is thai 'Wishod at Greenville. Ala., ex- prf ssively on the shoulder., We will admit that the people will see it, but then, you know, they- will never think of it ajain!" - ' ' . .: . . . His words came back" ' to him quisitions to the whole cotton belt the last five years. ' Tlie decl'na of farm .... - t values after the war has beeu arrcstetll In now of the fact that cotton, unlike wheat and corn continues ia good de mand at fair price, ay small upward movement of land in tlie near futuro is considered probable. It Is no doubt, Hovr Edison Makes Sapphires. EdUon, the Inventor la busily engaged In pushing forward to eornptetloo aa akre trio motor for street railway cars. Ilia Idea dlspenaea with -the overhead blgh- tcctlon electric wire, ani alao wttb tbe storage battery. .Tboa lax hla experU raenta have been very succoful, and within a sbcrt time be expecta to be able to preae nt to the publlo a motor that will so!t tor all time tbe question ef street railway loecrsotlca. !!! Inve&Uoa la tot cearly aa complicated or (Ltcjreroua ts tbe eJectrJc metora bkb rt now la use on tome of tbe street railways. Ia a few weeks Mr. Edison expecta to glvabia Inrcotloa a public trial oa coo of tbe street raJlrcads In Orange. Ir. Cdca said that be would bars bad this, bla latest InTeoUon. eotnpleted by the holidays bad It cot been tor tbe fact that since hla return frota Parts clacb of hla time bai beer. c?euried In perfecU teg tbe pbccogra;h. which waa ecta pli cated. Euslnfij taen ha 3 eetsrlaioed that It waa not servlcatia, owing to tba dltacalty an Inexperienced perseo fowl In working It. AU of tht diCculUcs had cow bn cvercotre, and thaiuachina hod bean very much tnrpl.Csd, ao that any person coulJ tnsxiaga It- Ills greatest dIGculty st preett waa la getting all the sarrhlrea be wanted. lie caa tbaaa geroa In the aeedle pol&Lh! traces tbe sound Indt-ctaUoaa on tha cells ef tbe pboncgrarh. Mr. LdUon t a!4 that La bad exhausted tha market, batlr.g bought all tha sp phtres thai ha could find tn th country. As s last retort be bad begun to mean factcre sapphires. "I can make a pretty gcod aarphtr too," tha TV Hard said, his eyes gtowtcg large and lustroua. "They aro at per fxHTt, bowTer," b coctiaaal, "b-it I hope to make them tb2clent!y good enough for tay work. Tha trouble with tbs sapphires that I have toads la that they are sort, amorphous, while th garw ulna sapphire Is a crystal and ry bard. like a flash and he trembled .' sot to the boilintj milk, and when perfectly violently that his eyeballs fairly j dissolved pour it uponj the sugar and Will attend the courts of -Franklin, Vance. Granville, Warren, -Nash, ; aud iect of pbmmiseraiion that ' we wpnS vw.Qi So.,:.- rsn. -v-, , - . . I with vauUla and o.. "u joueuic .vjuiw., jLiumpi i rjromisea to Keep mum. mis . i. si .. J 11 :. - A ..: I . - - Birveaiion given to collections, sc. . , B. MA$dENBUKG, r ATTORNEY-A T-LA W,-' 03Bce IiOtTISBUKQ,N. O. - v: -.4 In 'tLe Court House. ; All Jbusi- for a few minutes, stirring pour into molds. Serve with cream. - ' : ' . . . little moral, as drawn from; the Vienna Jlrile Cake-One rxiund of above, is applicable the world butler, one pound grated sweet almonds over; Ask a man to advertise ois .pouud of powdered sugar, t one and he will immediately say, in pound sifted ilour,- twelve eggs, and the tho maioritv of cases, that "No- SratcJ nnd of a lemon; beat the egg-, to will Pr Rpo if " Knt orlr- asiiff frothaud add last; .stir tlse gratis some little indiscre ness put in lAjhaads will receive prompt tion he may commit and he ' im- rt,.MW faTTAnflim 1 . j c-j: I 1 i 1 .... . . . . 1" 1 1 1 I e mix ture without tlie whites half an hour, add the whites and bake in four layers. ma laud has toadied bottom and is now v: r-riu ; c c 0 . Iuiv cco &aao imi.u a a v ws in a ponaoa w acivance, wnercas uie UTbe gQod thj3 prfiparation ba8 - . , , J. ... I accomplished la incalculable a cousiuerauicsnnnKac ox vaiucs. 1 - . . , To state the groat iiKlustrLit and and thousanda of mon and wo commercial rcsulu achieved . at the men that it lias saved . Irom an South, as presented by suoh lteptibli- early grave to-day rieo up a: d alt to reo-d A A COCKE & DANIELS, GoldsborojN.'C. A1 C. C. PNIELS, Vt Uson, K. C, YCOCKBA DANIES & DANIELS, A TTORNE YS-A T-LAW, in'!? cream between them. mediately grows indignant over jFour yo!kg of eggs, a -quarter pound . of the-- certainty that the whole butter; the juice of four lemons and the world will know it. . . grated rind of one, a quarter pound of snsrar. Boil elowlv until thick" when A Story for Wives. . v ni h , th rv, frnoi top and decorate with Tellies, small fruits rrooaDiy many women - suuer and citron. as needlessly as . the one men tioned in the following'incident, can observei s as Mr. Depcw, is la it self aa overwhelming answer to the bloody shirt exageralioiis and Cilsc hootls put forth 'as the' pretext tor Fed eral interference in the home concerns of the Southern people. ' . Any business entrusted to ua will be from a feeling that they are not 1 .promptly attended to. riiM.COdKE, . - - 7 ' - 1 - ' " ; - ' - A TT Y, and iCO UNSELLOR : at X A TV - I , " . lDTSBUBG, FRANKXIN CO., N. C. Will attend the . courts of Nash, Frank lin, Granville, Warren arid Wake coun tiee; also the Supreme court of North Carolina, mi the U. S. Circuit and Dis. .tnctiourLs. duly appreciated by their hus bands." New Orleaks; Feb. 27, -'8S. This is to certify that after taking one jug of Microbe Killer I was permanently cured of a se- blees tho originator, and those who placed it in their power to procure it. ' A number-of our ac quaintances have used this won derful medicine to their great benefit, most of them to their perfect healing, aud their testi mony has boen given to the pub lic that others like them may take the healing balm. We know that Swift's Specifiers. S. 8.) is A wife, once retired "for the vere attack of bronchitis and plu- x. i' monary lunammation, saia 111- II IUIII.. IV 1 I I . 1 II 1 1, il, I 1 1 1 1 it-: I II r I . I Ff-" I - - Austin, Tex., August 21, 'S7. . .This is to certify that my pon Fred has been' troubled .with ca tarrh for tho past two years, aud after usinff William Radam's Mi crobe Killer three weeks, I think no humbug, and can recommend he is entirely cured. I can sec it, and we do most heartily. The no bad effects of it upon my Bon. proprietors aro genial, liberal - . I ! J C. Fetmecky. ana cnaniauio, ana navo uono probably as much or more good 1 :. , : . a .3 1 1 11 5 . cause of her many cares, and her Xltfb? iwiaum husbaid's - absence when fihfi 01 meaicai ireaimenu 1 cneer- thought he might haVe been at "JV f coTm.mend Wm' .Kadam 3 It purifies the blood' thoroughly, than is claimed for it. Are you sick? If o". j'ou can than any other firm in the South. be restored to perfect health if Road, reflect and be relieved." you uso Radam's Microbe Killer. Greenville (Ala.) Advocate, .Nov. her side. After a time he , came home, sat down to his desk, and worked long and hard at his ac counts, while' she lay looking .atr' and when that is done you ar) e " . . " mw Ji TTrvDv v Mtpttv . ' well man. ine success ot ine . : ' ; , ; r 77 camp St. medicine is simply wonderfuL For sale'by Dr. J, B.' Clifton. ' For sale by Dr.J. B. Clifton. 18S0. ; Treatiso on Blood and Skin DiseaKea mailed free. The Swift Specific Co. , - Atlanta, Ga. I tblak Oat I shall be that trouble." Y.t. E21scQ the referred lo tb cf the jhonorapb. &aJ all tht tt waa aonsVatly growicj la pcpulartty. Wa now bare an cT," aai i he, "la Taapla Court, on Heiknun iVreet, a bare tba eourt stenograpbera caa go wben tbolr day's work U &aiehe! an4 r4 thlr cotea Into a phonograph. They ean thee turatba phenocTaph over to tbe typewrltee, who at hr leisure oui write Uie notaa oI It aarea a raat amount oi Usm aod baa b cocae very popuUr." - . Vi CON5Ui.lTiON INCtllABLE Rra.l iba fell, wln Mr C1I. Mor ri. Newark, Ark., y: Wa iivn witii alieesa of Ice jr. nl fi W ud ar.d bj l ana pcT,evtud ine an liKurabie on t.nipUvr. itejaa tlkhijj Lh". ir.n-s N. w b'-"rerr lor I cuiumrtiou, am iow oq my "tbinl loit'.r. and able to tt ee Iba wock on my farm. It la tl.a L. est medlci&t ever n.ade.M Jce il !.r.cart, Deeatcr. 01.b : -Had It not been t r Dr. Kia;s ew Dsroverv iy Uwocmpt:OQ I woaM Lava died t.f lunj twoUea. 1 Was sivtn op by ikxtora. Ae new Ui f, bet 01 btaltlu Try lu Sm pleboittee free at W. II. Futjuui Jr'a Lrc5toTe For eak la.kC cict ilctt and Li. J. II. M Lean's oo0crful lite lui f '.as.e . Tie IUe. Ce." If.TfctTtr, af IWarbea fbL.at; t"Mlk jJf m4 .feaer Iiee te iLiMi'e Cew9apua care. r ale ly Ftrrnii . HuMeU taa Is 75 Je o'L If yea c2er (ro.o any affretka tastl by la j tire b.od, ich aa xrvlula, alt itun, a rtt, Ici'i.pm- yicr, ut:tr. iluwnrra. Ukc Dr. J. U. a:cl abaivar arllbj. Sttlket toctince tbrouxxit Ha rope. FnrQCt jttxt KCc'tbU txnu la tha tcucl.bIJ bk!t isue lm.i, f eta, tpralca actl brult; cat la aoch uiM-a Dr. J 11. SULcau a ub.aO'C OJ Lit. ecu. WLen too are contipc.lel, have ItcaOscbe, or h ( aniite. lake Lr. J. II. XlcLrii.' Lltna.itJ KJocy 1J- let; tlsey cx plcaaautlo Uie a&4 U1 to e ycu. To Hay pafnt. t.bcele&ix&atcat bral fvtil avrva eoa &U-ia t! cuor. prvuipi ar.J aatifciory teaultt ate oUamnl by u'.i ; Ujii elJ reliable reacdy. Dr. J. 1J. U.Ieao velcaxW Vd JJ0.1utUL TV.e Ha.laai'fl lcrW Ktnr u U tf errl ae4i ciae. It brea It kaa rr fsUrd i aaj la lUate.ae tattt r aat Ike It Lir Soar la Ike eiaf Wet liaM kaewa t Ua aewaa ijila. 1 5t ktoUlt taeaaf lo-UcUl. J rie lk at trtry !.e U C.U3r.O 11Y icnonEs, BAOAM'S MICROBE KILLER rfr!aa'. tk SXlciatca as4 itirtt iLtta eel of Ihe jtw- aaj kritkallt iamt yea cat aare aa ache er ea. i.rliti tae u !, wactaer a eiasple re t Xaiarla etr r a cwal aauoe ef lie, at rare ila all at Ihe aeate Utar, tt Ucal a4 leaea I eo&AluallaaaUj. JLtiima. Cvrriom. Cz!arr t, f '.i.'ll, HktmwitLtia, k'iJjtrf C.l LitT Liii Cl.i and I crrr, I rmtalt TrxmJ- Itt, im tU i!$ faf. ohJ, im fart, ex try xw aa-r 19 ii Jijmam .na. I , Fee tkat ear TrJiIe Uark (m aiabeee) appsra ca jor. Nature's Underground SUtuary. A rsngilT.ee r. 0 talactltcgrctto baa ben found to CaJxlolA, ooax tbe tamoua Adela berg Cavea. Tbe new grotto coctalna bw nuroerable cavea fl . 14 with atony forma- Uocs rcarabUng arJmalf . tree, bird. pbuta. draportoe, etc., tb Urgeet bail. or ball room, bclaita.loni-i wltb myrtada fm4 "llUiory ef U,c ykrebe Th- I -wr (.tea aea Dr. J B CLIFTON Dnjz-rUt.ist LonsBczc.y. c. U.S. FUR MAN, Agent,- IBArKUXTOX.K.C. of italacUte curtal&a aai flaa. Tbe etalactltee are pure wbJV, axul rery lrampareDt, not bavtng yet booorna yeb lonUb er blackooed by tba bvtcp ttneka of rsany vlattora. aa at tha Cbedar CliT. AJclsberg. or tha II an Grotto la Del- fciura. Io CectnU Fraace, alao, two ax plorera bAve Just Jleovef4 a aertca ef grottoea near Miera. at tbe Caue de Gramat. where a aubterraalaa atreaai pMea for mU-a throogh the eavea. ap- ireotlT to lota tha DorOotrno. So far aa It baa yet been traced. tbl c&Jerprouai rlTer baa formed acevn bvkea and about thirty-three eaacadca. A largo moking tobacco factory ia to'be built and operated at Dur ham by tho Farmers' Allunce and tbe Knights of Labor. BANK. OF L0U1SBDRG D3:ia'G!:3:lBali2zBii:a IWeWrf my oti .: 01 U bay ao-l ertla J .xtlware, A evU u tuU pUi.a and i-cuili t.ear I.e.-. Business Solicited. W. l IVIIDlt, rrxaUItat. l .

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