1 r FIR -&MMp IM TTMF . . I - I - - : ; , A. THOMAS Editor' and Pioprietp With Malice toward none; V iih .Charity for all. i.io rr.it axstj, imjjr. VOL. XIX. LOUISBURG, N. C , JUNE 27, 1890. NO. THE McKlJJLEY PllLOES. MAP OUT YOUR COUKSE, A WOMAN'S VOUKETBOOK. THE POLITIC a. I SITUATION, j HU3IOUOU3 PAltAGUAPIIS. I'ATIIONlZi: iiodii: TOUCH 'KM LI Q I IT. ..j . r . .. . : -- ..v . .. .. '-- tf NPOPUIiA-RITT CF THE MCKINIiEY - BILL I?i PARIS. " 1 - -v The McKinley liill is tot popular among Americans in Paris, it seems. They see what their . countrymeu at home see, - that McKinley rprices are fro':n to he a enstt deal " higher than present prices. Ope American bus! nnss man writes m the Fans tleiaid:- YOUNG MANV BEFORE YOTT START - PURSUIT OF FORTUNE. , IN , , The man who starts in pursuit of for tune without .-carefully-purveying the ground and - laying down , h's i line : of march beforehand ':s a reckless Absa lom, who is pretty sure to be caught by the "wait-a-bit" thorns of . speculation, aud left hopelessly- strumous in thti. If the McKiulev sbi'l passes, beware, 1 midst, a redkulous tpectacle to all right- ye husbands who help to elec$ the party tbinkinsc men. fa power. You have . prepared a hot yj vour c n.nnnn hcia rrroa!pnm7rtn'AnsiJ'-'tr..:V"ftii 't-'tO YOU 6et ' lOft course, young man, be- forth -oa your business canit fool her as to th or immense bene-J journey. Wuile you are yet out of the tits the people at large . are to derive t tumultand turmoil of the bu-v ; world worn inat mw u u cco , Fiiy..i.0 admi, - 8fit f nrino!niPS: , t fif thpm vanced fromiweaib-five to 3a ; cents -aW w jour conscience ana your com- THE NUMEROUS ARTICLES JT GENEE- - ALLY CONTAINS. - A MARKED DIFFERENCE RETVEEN .7HAT TlfE Y.TTTY WRITERS OF THE I read In -to-day's that a var.i. o -viuto tlH McKinley Tariff bill; i mou sense approve. , Thea Ikslnnn jet butlous tfdtanced from ten to thirty j code of laws for your future ceutsa aozen owing 10 uie juciMiuev niPfl.rni nf .nndn.-r. on tJifirln- Tarm uui: velvets advanceq to nve uoi- . , . lar vnrdwin In th M-Kinlfiv I'ar-J w .wu, wjuui ub5uuw ?! -V T-' . '. T 1J -iff iti bill, auu t-oall tiloug the line china,- MU. jourseu. las8ware and evfervlhius. ' Shoukeei-1 Don't wait until vou are assailed bv f- - I v i . & . w - , v ers ought to adopt universally all . over f tpmntaiinn w-Wt -nrfA ''dintoiiitfafl in ti,e United States this plan of . advertis- n. , t -7 in-r the rise in pricb to Uf customer wrtfc -I"".1 uu i:' clulCf with the reaS6u Fob it the viicJtiuley 4'lemma. Determine m advance what bill. If .hat-is dole the ladies will it6t" ought to -be done under ueh !circum . i - it. J;x c O t i go norae m me easiest irawe oi , uuuu. stances, and when they occur do it. 1 and it at the next KtiD-pooai- l0a'avtter quaKfied to judge right frauds who waat'-U:jotect.UAmeHt-..,.,-..- - , . J. ican people by making everything clrar " V wat l Jst and prudent m auy con are not swept out of sight it will not be tingency before the co itingeucy is up the fault of the American women. on you, tlian you caa be in tho moment A bdsiness y. an. 0f difficulty. In ; your trouble, don't This American business man is right trusl to the impulse of a moment. Im The Senate is understood to be making pUlse is a blind guide in serious raattere fow chauges in thd McKinley bill, and Refer back to. vour charL This has been the practice of wiss aau good m- n from time immemorial. 1 Experience is i : capital teaclier, but her lesions are bitter; if you be gin life with a cool bead.an honest pur pose, a dauntless spirit and hxcu pnnci- pk'8 and rules of conduct of the right kind, you will be all the inore likely to escape the lash of that hard task mis tress. Lay your course straight iathe beginning, and stick to it as closely as y.ni cau in storm and sunshiue. Provi dence is the underwriter fr those who the rich. : ' t sail in thia . of '. trnnbWV V fv . thft iJcKinley prices; are going lo cot a chart of honor and the co npas of pru- bi fnre v.ithe- fcill campaign.' The dence. and iven if 'l,Wn' nn tfi rocks tariH rt fbrurmgnfliz uious are pri-par they are not feely to perish 'there for 1113 beii&iUieii oi .uciviiiiey pri.es 10 ne laek of bel Xewberue Journal, s.nt tos; opkeepers, r utrmer34 niKl nie- c .auks alt over the country as soon as : Cancer of the 14 p Cured. tie McKinley bill!, slightly changed and I suffered from Cancer; on ray not improved by tlie Senate, becomes a lip that dP-Sed tho skill of the law. Then the p. ople in all the States best physicians of the State. I Is will be hown in bad 'i t burned -out, but the opera- poeketbook had been left hjire by some one who had tound , it, and Icalled to ask about tt. have lost mine," said a New York woman In a . newspaper offl$e the other day. ' - J i" Yes, ma'am,", replied the clerk In attendance. ." Will you pleasq describe the contents ol th poeketbook you lost T "Well, now let mo soo. I think I can "name everything that ;za . in my purse.' .There was a dollar bill, two ten cent pieces, one or two nkkls, two or Hhree copporn, some postage"6tattrps, some silk ' samples, a small sample of yellow floss, a pearl-handied glove but-' toner, a little . poem entitled 4 Baby's Bath, a rocipe for sweet pickles, a lock of baby's ha?r, a car ticket, a sample of torchon lace, a memorandum of things wanted to get, a row of pins, a funny little joke cut from a newspaper, a small pearl button, a Tbrass tag, several ad. dresses, a tiny lead pencil, a Canadian dime with a hole in it, a small rubber eraser, a railroad timo card, an adver-' tisement of.a; bargain salo in handker chiefs, a pressed yiolet in a bit of tissue paper, a sample of dress braid, and Ave or six other little thlnga' that I can't- Ob, thank you 1 that's ray poeketbook. The poeketbook ho handed her was Just three and a half Inches long by two and a half wide, and half aa inch, thick when that bill becomes a law it will be found that Ameri Rn women are: the greatest sufferers Ijy it. They will have to pay McKinley price for all they; buy themselves and their the less money j they higher " prices I they to dress and cover children with, and 1 avelo spei.d the must pay. ... For it is a peculianty of the McKin ley bill thatit raisjes the present : h'gh t tr.ff taxes more ob the goods used and worn by the waewirkers and j their fain lies than on those used and worn by NATIONAL AND STATE AFFAIRS. INDUSTRY, AND TIIEllEBY 11 CI LI) VT YofKSELP ANI KtlQUEORA. a id in all vocation plain terms ai;d f5rur how prices coniiare wUh present blaukets and flannels. on McKinley prices on trouser1 and over-onts, on coals and ' Stockings, on : v omenls woolen -and cotton dress goods,, o.i carpets, dishest; glassware, on lime a id cement 6r houses and window glass causing tion only made it worse, it to spread over more surface and ! eat deeper in. I finally had it burned off again, and used Swift's opecinc i. &. fc. d.j to neai it un and drive the poison out of my blood. The eftect of the Specific for light, on tabid and pocket knives, Cancer entirelv Avithout leavine a nzors and matches, on- tin cans, on all gear as a remainder. This was kinds of paints and paint materials used over four years ago, and since tor pamtmg houses and barns; on ev then there has been f ' A Kaby' Memory. . A curious instance of dormant memory In Infancy took place in our family. My. mother went on a visit to my grand, father, who lived In London. She took with her a little brother of uiino who was eleven months old, and his nurse, who waited on her as a maid. . One day this nurse brought tho baby into my mother's room and put him on the -floor, which was carpeted all over. There he crept about and amused himself according to bis likes,; When my mother was dress ed, a certain ring that she generally wore was not to bo found. Great search was made, but it was never produced, and, the visit over, they all went away, ahd it was almost forgotten, i Exactly a year after they again went to visit the grandfather. This baby was now a year and eleven months old. Tho same nurse took him into the samo room, and my mother saw him after looking about him, delitorate!y walk up to a -certain corneiVturn - a bit of tho carpet back and produce the ring, llo never gavo any account of tha matter, nor did ho, tbo far as I know, remember it afterward. ' It seems most likely that he found the ring on the floor and hid it, as in a safe plaeo. under a comer of tho Brussels carpet where it was not nailed." He probably forgot all about it till ho saw the place again, and ho was far too infantile at the time it was missed to unaerscanu wmi me tain wit went on was about, or to know what tho search, which perhaps he did not notice, was for. e:ty thing, in facl,! which a mechanic . or no siff-i of a return of the Cancer. I will cheerfully answer any inquiries in regard to my case. i ' Lnos Youxt, : r r -: -7' Bradford, 0. A PROMINENT , DRUGGIST CUBED. "Fllpvfln vpatfl rf T was' nf- whole of this great sum is swept ;away, fering from an attack of White and ihey talk of stopping payment on C5weliitiff, A ffreflt manv r.rnmi. the sinking fund and usihg trust; funds henTphysicians attended me but besiles to - pr.v bt a deceit. So, to failed to effect a cure. I corn make up for the rppubhean waste and mehced using Swift's Specific (S. jobbery the peopl must tuffer McKin- S. S.)r and after using in'- for a ley prices. The duty on wool, unreason- few months I was entirely cured, ably high at present, ':. is heavily in- and since then have had nasymp farmer uses and must use. - . "j - ; There is a surpius this year, left over from the Cleveland approprjations, of ii inety-lwd millions. But the ; republi cans have made such 'extravagant - ap- propria lions for bext year.; that r the ! cr ased; the tiuty I feel F - m m i oa woolen Tarns is tums wi .no leiummg. doubled, and the duty on blankets and thatthe cure is - entirely, due to woolen stuffs is doubled, and on some of Ine curauve properties contained in o. o. rj. x can cneenuuy rec ommend it as a medicine to all the cheaper quali!, s, those ; mot I used by the poor, is nearly, trebled. On some of the goods in universal use the duty is run up to one liundrat ' and titty, per cent. McKinley prices on houses will be made by the increased duty on lime and cement double the preseut rates and by increased putie3 on brick and tiles and by . higher duties on glass. McKinley. prices! on ; . the poor man's kitchen wUl be .hihe'r by the increased duues on rxtterynid onglassware, ihat on common glasskare'Xeing increased in some cases by jmore than a hundred Ier cent;Mt'Kinley prices on the -poor man's clothing and bedding will be made higher by heavilyj increased duties on I TVatchlns Bayers of Jewelry. ! incse pear is uo not suit ; can I seo t some others ? Don't take tneia awav. however; Lhave net fully decided wheth- - er to purchase or not," 6ays a fashion ably attired lady, smiling engagingly at the attendant behind tho counter, who ; tells her to examine them at her leisure, then says in a oisunct voice, " James. did Mr. Jones call for Ms watch this f morning ?" James bob3 up from some Other part of the store and replies, " Not yet, sir ; but I am expecting him in 60on." The jewelry salesman goes to the safe to secure a new tray of pearls for the inspection of . his well-dressed patron, and James busies himself with various, duties at tho counter. Tha salesman comes back and remarks, " I think, James, you had better send thoso unset stones- back ; It is not policy to wait any longer. Now, madam, here aro some very choice specimens that I think will suit you,". She doesn't know it, but the worn n nas been under survoll. lance, and the order was given right before her face by the polite, and smll mg attenuanc . wno so- owsequieusly re ceived hor commands. : Vv hen the sales. man asked, Did Mr. Jones call for his watch ?" the word "watch was the only one m tne sentence oi, value or meaning 1 f we look at national affairs we find the government -approaching consolida tion under . republican dmsnistratl.n. There have been moro vi daUou 'of or ganic law, moro disregard for the. rlht of the Slates and the libertes 'oT the peop'e, during the exisience of t' e pres ent U ogres?, Uiaa there have bcej hi- any similar period in tho lustory of the country. , " - r Y , If wo inrn our eyes lo the State, kWje see a virtuous aud industilou? peo ple rising superior ; to adverse fortune and go'njj on to prosperity and happi n ss under the ben'ign iuauencea of De mocracy, . The problem of statesmanship, in North Carolina is, MIIov tan the cur rent of uauona! a lairs be cluined no m to restore the landmarks establi-ihetl by the fathers of the republic, and Democ racy be perpetuated in the Old Korth Stale?" The present condition of aCars iat Wasbiugton is Ihe result of successful personal ambition. It is the individual triumpliing ov r the ma ses. It is the republic dragged at the chariot wheels of the .despot. ' ' The remedy is in the election of a nev Congress, oue possessing a loftier manhood an purer patriotism. Tlie present Congress was purchased by Quay and his confederates, aud hand ed over to Reed branded aud marked. That anything uoblo should be ex pected of it would be a violation of the teachings of history and the lessons of philosophy. T ie wbolo country is in revolt against th'.s condition of affal s, aud pa triots everywhere are awaiting the op portunity to sweep tho party, Uut has wrought such dirt ful ev.l from the face of the earth. It will be done, and North Carolina must participate in the glory of the achievement. In the State he skies are bright and briglitcnhij. Democratic to the ore no power U superior to the will of the people. All things seem propitious, the husbandman rejoices ia tlie fruits of his labor?, aud anticipates the return of days of prosperity, social enjoyment and domestic liappinets. To cout'nne this toaditioo of aflairs the Siate must not only remain Demo cratic, but It must be administered by wiso men jealous of the lienor of the Stale and devoted to tlie best iiitcrefct? of the people. The nominating conventions that arc son to be assemble I have grave re sponsibililics resting upon them which may not be avoided. Givo us judges who aro learned in the law, wise in its ad minis tratb'U, and who are unchalenged and honorable in all the relatious of life. Give us Con gressmen skilled in the most diflKult of all sciences, the science of govern ment, and whose lives present them to the world as exemplars of every manly virtue Let every candidate be a worthy rer resentative of his people, possessing iutecrity of character, puri ty of person and adaptability to the po sition fcr which ho. is named, and tlie future alone can reveal the blcsVinss thai are in store for us and our children. Xewberne Journal. jiovr we tfve a i:nte.i etuXcnal aa apput from the pea of tho abie editor AXDLXTT1IC TXf COMMA XCMT-XTS SqearaUh pecpU d-ml Uilnk It li at tU co oil tent with di-nlly of - WOULD Allft SAYI.Vd. Hiii-aroB to Try t rN TUtin. Jinks I eny, Jcnks, twin you toll mo how to nike a dolkr or tna Jenks Yes, but it would to d.inysr eas to try to pans them. i The Walter 1! It 1I. ' . Train RobborYou foiluws ar tha all-firdeHt poorest lot lever com tTvas. "Wliere's your nmny f Passengers (In chorus 11 fty miles back with the waiter In the dining car. , " A Ileclp. a barrel of haeh left over from brtatfast. self Jastke Vy pntrotrxlj,? hotuo luduv I Pre'T to t.lt inor for jean nxl b What shall I do with it? Proprietor Uralet me se snppos you mix In a lot of raisins aud bake up seme mlace pies for dinner. ! of the Wilmii!?ton Meseucr. and It 1 mtnUtry fcr reopl lo tell men and equally applies to our section of tbJ men of their vsing tibia laajm.p j Stn'e. Ye hor our readers will be c-1 to 1 so. Grmt iti eu U lal upon the pechHj moteil to U.luk ou Uia tna of j aaicrtloo UM Frun Jooes ti Vu'v, by llnie manuCctares Cjt workloz oor I Ur who doot IJlo Lira: but SiatV products into manuiicinrH gooiU, and j ruUsvity fonUu t-rat4 la calliaj prevent njtKh needless expense and J tLiujt by tbfr bible ruucea, ul ter.'o:; lverty araoti or icople: 1 the tlsoer Le wUl to bdl If he da't -Wa beUero tb tt if vou can do mar 1 lt moantiew. 8mimb rolcUtm caw tries and home people, it shoukl be al-1 ,ti:ow w met wlth ibera. Tbxre ways dot e. Why ga North to get u to U, aal Uie a-nwer wlca a Somethlns th Bj ndlcat cauk Kat. Cumso I see that our .Enjcllsa nyiHli cata is after tho American springy Sara toga and the rest or them, Vangle After the American springs? I wish some English syudlcate would gobble th American "Wlntera. . -t 8b XVmm Jjnat leemplc - Student (to servant) I thought you had finished sweeping my room. Boston Servant Oirl lUsg pardon, elrf out 1 was Jut u-jcoaiiKXilDg. . Student What ? . - iSoston Servant Glrl I was retonv- IngtodusL Sb aitla't ULm tb lara, - "Massy me, what tartarous things the brokers lal" quoth Mrs. Sprigslaa. What's the matter now r" " It says here that they was pluckln the lambs for all they wa worth yester day. Lord knows It's bad enough to shear tho pore thinja P A Iperat Out nee. M Will you givo me your namofaskod the census taker - " I had much rnther yon would let roe take yours, answered tlie aiwlent maid en, with a courage born of despair. But the Goverment minion was a mar ried man, and the doal vtL - ffiu't r7lnK for rD. 3fuslc Teacher (to pupll Uerft, Miss Fanny, yon must mako a pause ouo, two, three, four, flvo, six. Father of pupil None of that. I don't pay for no pauses. I'm paying for teaching, I am, not for loafbig. She can do her pausiug after the leaaOo. . DelloO IleslUa. . "Now. Charley." saU yotinj Mrs. Tocker, you know your health UdlU cats, and you must be careful about whit you eat. As long as you can't gvt your oatmeal or cracked wheat while you'ro down town, you might aa well try nm of the old rro that I aeo advertised In the store windows " co.orea aexiaa made to a nrw f&tlor, who aked Lira wh.it tort U aerxnoca wooVl beat tnlt the conjitioa, rja. trttea the klod trrouling tLey Co He aaki: Well, aab, yer kin prrath to dj yer con'puhua any Urat aerrooot dal la re- piy urjrc uiat you pairouoe nome yeo-1 rht on da Tea Cotum4drnta, pie in preference to pccple in other communities wham you do not know. They are not interested or concerned ia wliat you can" fi oil a tyonrrioor at reason able rates or prU-es 1 Wo do not t ay you thonld Ksice to te tiiancd by ex tortioners who would make you ray twenty or forty per cent, moro than the samo article tan be bought in Balti more or. New York at retail. We ehn- Tbal'a the ilea. If a. preacher es to be popular wlUa bia pco,:!e anJ get his pay, and a jouodLij bow ard " V thelen,tlabuUJingnpyourcommuCi- uUruuHtrmch -Umt cnnur.U !y They only wl. jour rAtrooase tbat tie a Uule IncUaeJ to be rti: 6b Wn Only rrmrtldnr. Mistress Bridget, have you had a party of friends to supper? Or wbat Is it that m-ikes the kitchen tn such a shocking mens as this 1 Bridget rieaso, ma'am, It was Mls Alloa. Bhe 'd boi.-n lctamln at cooking, school how to bile au gg, ma'aiu, an she wanted to practice t, Utnz Kir oa Fir. i Bobby Mr. Bagley,jrou wouldn't set tho North ltlver on Rro, would you ? Mr. Bagley Why, no, Bobby, of course not. I couldnt do that. Why? Bobby Well, they wro . discussing smart people at the house last night and that's what sister Sarah eid about you. I guess sister's got you down pretty lino. because they want your money. They do not esre the tcap of tbeir fingers for you iodirUa lly, but for jour cash they have a very 'jih tvcsklera-tion. Jf you can find In Wilmington what yon require at homo or for your pertoo, do not send North, unless you hare good reason for believing th(t tlw prices here are ccreaaocably high. IJre ai.d let lire. Help thoe who are coo tnbutin" to build u j WUminctuu and North i "afoluia. That Is fair, neighbor ly and just. Act upou It. A lUleighptintingcstablishrnentaayt iu a letter to us: WUcn we learn to patronize our home icop'.c and keep oar m.ney at home, a new era will dawu upon our Southtaotl, and the new South that we Lave red to much about will be a reali ty and not a mere theory. We have seen a copy of the tncmori- aPvolume of tbo lasers led apostle of the New Sou ili, and wo w e. e pAluod to see lLat tb032 who were puV.ih:ng the vol ume to perpetuate his memory went North to liave the work doe! iV I elievo Uxat if his wis lies cookl have Ucn cooscltcl he woi'l hre aakl i:o. We a;rcc with this opinWi. Mr. Cindy wns e:nieotly a Souihrjo, ol North Carol'na father and moiUex. He tout. but, be must :ear clear of the Tea Com mmndtuenu, and be rure not to rueo tion any tthe popular aod grosser U-s of the a e. Spirit A j. When tu are coiitiiiuiod, ttave headache, or 1m of apatite, lake lr. J. il. McLean's Llverand Kufuey Ill lets; tLey are pleaaintto tal e and will cure you. A tortoise baa been known to to live to tbe age of 107. To allay pa tos tuUlao IsCaAnutcnt heal f.m1 S'troe ant n!ra L'mi moi, prompt and tatUfACtory reu:tt are obtainel by ohig that oUl r'Ub!e reme-ly. Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil IialmenU Tbo crown and glory of ltf is character. It carries with it an influenco which tells. nEMAUKABLE UEyjUE. Mr. Michael Curtain. Ralofleto, I1L. trakea. the statement tht tl caught cold, which ett!e4 ou hrr luni; she was treated fnr a month by her family irauisa. but grew worse, lie told hr she wn a hope'e tlctrm oi couaumpuon, sna no mcliclua could cure her. tier tira'jt xestetl Dr. Kmi'e New Dscovery for comnmpuon; bought a bolUs aol to her delight founJ leneif beoeCf.e.1 frwn first dose. SNe coni!uol lis tue and afUr takln (iti bottle, fjuud beraelf tfund an wel. no d x her own boue work, and is as well a she jvsr wa. Free '.mi boU'.es of this was none the lcaloyal to Lis people be- "feat Discovery at Furauns Jrug causj he was IroruKy patriotk. Tie loveJ the South with all Lis great heart. and there is no doubt, we nny believe, ii he c uVl luve tpokeo, tliat the vol ume celebrating bis own virtues and gifts wculJ bare been pubUhel la the South. We are surprised that Atlanta or Savannah werc'uuelixl to tbe pro duction of such a work. We aro all too ruuch in the habit cf running North lor ererjth'ns. Until el re, XkTZ bottles SOr. sbd IL York is the liTin principle that carries men and nation onward. HAtlY- HO'J3IUitS Wm. TlmmonsJ rostmaater of Ua ville, Ind,, wnl-s: -.fclectnc 11: tier tuts uooe more for me all ether toedi does combined, for that bad fcebnz suffering Bumanity.'li .f . Paul W. Kiiikpatkick, of Kirkpatrick & Vaff6fd, Drug- .. . . .. j0nilS0n ijity, Tenn. -. Treatise on blood and skin dis eases mailed free. . " - , Swift Specific Co.- .-T . , - Atlanta, Ga. Idleness is the-curse of man. - , Houston, Texa?, - -" ' ' OcfmhlSSSV Messrs. Wal ace O'Leary & Co., ' - Aerenta William Rarlfl?mfMVfi. blankets, coatinga in fact, all that he crobe Killer: . : -and his wife and family wear or need . to" Gentlemen I bave-been using keep theua warm in winter or ? cool in the Microbe Killer for - malarial summer. "-. - : '' '.' " J" " fever and eeneral debilitv: and McKinley prices will :ut a big figure write.you to certify 1 that I am in the fall eampaign-4iV. F. Herald. Mrs. Latira-E; Ganbate, Market; Street, San Francisco, v-al.; writes that she had been sick for fifteen years with acom- lication of diseases peculiar to er sex, and. nothing ever did her any good Until she took Re dam's again strong and healthy, and am satisfied the Microbe Killer is a sure remedy for those diseases: ' - . R. E. Lewis, ' - - - Prop Capitol Stables. For sale by Dr. J B. Clifton. I ny gooa untu sne iook itE aam s .Th het. in mrix fa', i'uuuuo iviucj;, uuw-Buo ib f per-i muises, sores, uicers, nsaic rneum, BUCKLINSAUNICA 8ALYE fectly well. For sale bv Dr. ' J. fever, sores, tetter, chapped I baud , B. Clifton. I . - j ehilhlains, corns and all skin eruj lions ana positively cure piles, or. uo p i will von Buffer wi:h dyspepsia and liv- j required; it is guaranteed to give r r complaint? -tShiloh's vitalizer U periect satistaclion, guaranteed to cure you. man's orup; store. ' F t tale at Fur or money refund ed. ,rnce cents per box. For sale by J. B. Clifton. , - The mystery has been solved at last! All scientific men : claim microbes are the cause of all dis ease, and it has been their work and study to get a medicine that would kill the microbes in the to James. : It was an ordr from one. j human system without injury to man uw ouier 10 &ep an eye on the I ine patient, inisnas oeen ac complished by Radam's Microbe killer, which is a scientific won der in the medical world. ' For sale by Dr. J. B. Clifton. customer. When the salesman returned and said, " It Is not policy' to wait any longer," be intimated to hisTcompanion that ho eould proceed with his other duties. Probably there Is no large jew. dry establishment In tho country where catch words of thla nature aro not em ployed, and where the visitor Is not the object of olose observation from the mo.. oaent he enters until he departs. The Thrift or Fnnch Women. . - ) .t". The source of French happiness is to bo found in tho thrift of the women from the besmiddle class to the peasantry, says Mas O'Rell. This thrift Is also the source of French; wealth. We have no railway ' kings, no oil kings, o sliver kings, but we havo. ho tenement houses, no unions, no workhousos.: Our lower classes do not ape in ridiculous attires .the upper class, elthor in their habit or dress. The wife of a peasant or of a mechanic wears a simple, siiowy eap and a serge or cotton dress. Tho wife of a shopkeeper does not wear any jewelry, because she caanot afford to buy real stones, and her taste Is too good to cl low Of her wearing any false ones. She is not ashamed of her husband's occupation.- ' She does Rot play the fine lady while her husband Is at work ; she saves him the expenses of a cashier or of an extra clerk by helping him- In his busl .Mess... w hen tho eh utters aro up she enjoys life with biin, and is the com panion of his pleasures as well. as his hardships. Club lifo Is " unknown - in France, except among the very upper claspog. Man and wlfo are constantly togcuer, and France is a nation of . Darby and J oaaa. . i You cannot accomplish an work cr buii ess unless you feel well.- - If you feel used up tired out take Dr. J. II. McLean's. , Sarsararilla. It will give you health, strength . aud vitality. . , ; , Duty embraces man's whole ex istence. - -. "t . ' S iIoh' Vitilijer U what Voa need for coasupatioa, loss of appetite, dizziness aud all bv nip torn j of drpepia. - Price tl and 73 ceut per bottl. For tale at Fur- man a drug store. Qreat is the power of goodness to charm and to command. . Shiloh's Catarrh BemedT a' ioaitire cure for cntnrrh, dipth?ria snd canker .tnuuth. Sold by Fuiman " Lay down a good plan and ad here to it. . Shiloh's consumption care is sold by ns on a guarantee It cures consumption. k or sole at t urmau s uruj store, t Conscience is the moral gov ernor of the heart. ". Cararrh cured," health ard sweet breath secured, by Shdolt's Catarrh Ueint-dy. Price-p'J cents. iaul jDjoctor free, i or sale at Furuian's drug store. Labor mav bo a nurden, yet an honor and glory.' - That hacklncoush can be so quietly cured by Shiloh's cure. We guarantee it. For sale at Furuiau's di uji store. H Wanted On About Forty. Mr. Lazarus Goldstein I lovo yonr daughter, acd would like to marry her. Mr. Isidore 0 old f ogle You may have her, my poy. Mlt Jlrboca, who Is eighteen years old, I give $ 3,000 j ,ralt Sarah, who Is twenty-four, 10,000 j mlt Lowcza who is thirty, I glre t23,. 000. Yich one do you vant r Goldstein Haven't yon vua about forty years old ? r Amy What do you think of the young cornetlst, Mabel 7 Mabel Oh, be is just utterly toot-too. ; j i Many a man who objects to carrying a bundle home from the provision store goes home from the barroom loaded. Mr. Crlascroes-Pass me the butter, it you please. ; ! .... , Misa Featherbone With all my heart. 1 Mr. Crisscross. --Only the butter. Young Sprlngley (audaciously) Uow old are you, Miss Ereety r She (faweetly) I was born on a Thurs ' day. - You can calculate as well as L Painter I assure you, my dear sir. the portrait of your wife will turn out a speaking likeness. Customer-Speaking? Great heavens ! Can't that be altered f . "These are my. household gods," be said to her as he entered his bachelor apartment. " But you lack something," Bhe remarked. - ''What 7" "A goddess!" 44 Would yon If I were called from you, dear, place a monument over my grave?" 44 1 should be dellghtod to do ko, dar. ling," he said, sympathetically, and they were only a week married. V Algernon Bah I Jove, old boy that girl's a teaso ! . Maurice (who has been there) Yes ; and If you are not careful how you cross your teaso, she may dot your eyes. Mr. Barnes You are charming to-day. Miss Peachblow Indeed f What nice things you men say Mr. Brown told roe that as I was leaving the house. Mr. Barnes (anxious to depreciate his rival) of course you don't believe bo meant it? - Miss Jones Professor Griddle, do you dare to look mo In. tho facj and then say that I originally sprang from a monkey t ' Professor GrldJle (a little taken aback but eo.ual to the occc on.) Well, really, It must have been a very chared ng moo. arislnr lrom kilnct and liver trotiS! John Leslie, tirruer anJ stock man. of we learn lo rely nroa ourselves and pro- - P'. "JK Find Electric ii:t- du.xrluvtwpnerd we are not frteind kWVw nJ irdependent, and nev er will be. Lei us ttaod by tho South.' Let cs - stand by our States. Let us be sure b itaad by our commanltles. Let us ttaaJ by home peuple. Let as be sclf-rtlunt&r.d I - S m- M mwiciD, imio me uei like a new mau." J. W. Gardner, hardware njcrxhant, same t-wu. y: Kxtiic. Blteis Is Juit Urs thinif far a mau w bo Is all run down, and Jou't care wh fi re he lives or tte. ho found nav strto.h. good appetite, aod tell Jjt axTurMtneuc ana n lu'ui one lo anolner. I lik h ltii n. t.. .. i rm n ,i. That is the way to develop and prosper. 1 50c. a bottle at rurmau's dru store. La Grange Spectator. I Cheerfulness is tho bright weather cf tho heart. Tersons advanced to years feel yonnser and stronger, as' wtll as freer Ironi the infirmities of age by Ukliijj Dr. J. IL McLean's blrtipa- tilla. Example teaches without ml tongue. , Ifiotirare a palnfn! sense of fa- tUne. find your duties irksome, cke Dr. J. II. McLean's Kirsnp .ril!a. It will brace you v niake you strong and. vigorous. - Golden words live through alii time. Tor weak ltck, chest pains, and a In. J. II. McLean's Wonderful Ilea lua iste:. Yellow is tho mourning color of Egypt. The Her. (Jeo. II. Thayer, of Doarbiu Ind.. say: lWub ni) eif awd tfepr lire to SMloh's Cooiotupiioa cure. For sals by Furtuao. . Florida has a coast line of 1S00 milea. ( If you-aofler from any afT.-ction cauHl by Impure blood, a-ich as acrorul.i, salt rluum, erea, boi s, pim ple, tetter, tiiiworm, take Dr. J. II. Mclan'a i5ars.np.inlU. Homo i3 tho first and most im portant school of character. FcRQ,ri?:xTX.T acxuJenU oour In the hoti chold which enn e burna, i-cts. sprninn and bruise; for u-e in such ca?es Dr.J U. McLeau's V'uUaulo OQ Lin. men. , Always endeavor to ho Trhat you nisu to appear. leevlea b i ! C, tra J luUeralle by that UrrilJe rouli. binloh'a carets th Tine reasAs Eadam's Uicnb KUItr U the Mwal woadrrfal ae4i else, U Unu it has atvtr fU4 1 say is auste.Boaaitier vbat ta dUesM. Item Lxr. aaaT t Ut aiiwpleat dtaesM ksowa la Lbs Imtaas syta. Th4 ciri2 nuesf ts-dsy elalai aJ irer laat jevery disrate is ' CAUSED ny ICROBES, RAOAf.VS MICROBE KILLER EiUratlstUi tk UicroUs ai drive thtaa Ml 4 tb ajsuw. ad -wltm Ihat U doat Jm cum hsv mat seh or pU. Ns BOAtter what lum Uat wbtlhtr m simple of AiarU k'evcr or a eowbi auua of diarsacs, sura Uum ail al u sum time, as trcX all 4. euniLniitfttiUj. rttnidy fr it. stare. dutU, I&eumatis Aidw ai Lirtr LhMfut, LkiLt om4 1'crcr. rtmuiU Trum' Uy im uU it furmu. iuU, U ft, etery llemrccf rramJmL't,! LmmiiafL - that oar TraJc-Uaxk (ujm at shore) een4 lor beak -u ulor of ihm Viierob-e KiUr,M (iv stay toy , Dr. J B CLIFTON Druht, JlSL . LoujsBunG.s. c. : II.S.FURMAK, AKcnt, !

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